Ron: Man love is complicated... -ahwm |
Dementor: Oh now with the hand?! You got the hand thing too?? When did you get the suit with the powers? -ahwm |
Bonnie: Gee, Kim is that your boyfriend out there running around like a sick chicken?
Kim: Yeah. That's my guy. -ahwm |
:Dementor: Not that your teen relationship issues are not “Fascinating” -wallaceb |
Ron: (to Kim) I never meant to hurt you.
Dementor: Not yet... -wallaceb |
Monique: Oh right! The Chess Club incident!
Ron: The first rule of Chess Club is you do not talk about Chess Club.
-DrakkenFanboy |
Dementor: IT'S A HOUSECOAT! -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: And no smug villian can hide from...
Dementor: KIM POSSIBLE?!?
Ron: And boyfriend.
Dementor: Ha! I seriously doubt that.
Ron: No, dude, it's true, really.
Dementor: Sorry, just can't believe it. -DrakkenFanboy |
Dementor: Ah! I knew I was forgetting something. Mother gets so crossed when I don't jingle! -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: You okay, 'so called boyfriend?' -DrakkenFanboy |
Bonnie: But, you're a cheerleader! A senior cheerleader! Do you know what that means?
Ron: New uniforms?
Bonnie Well, yes, and they're so cute, but it also means you must date a jock. It's, it's non-optional, it's like a rule! -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: It's time you 'traded-up.'
Monique: But, my little celly has been with me since freshman year!
Kim: You have to admit, Bonnie's new cellphone is ultimate. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: It's time for Ron Stoppable to step up and become... Ron Stepuppable! -DrakkenFanboy |
*Ron runs off camera and into something*
Ron: Ah! Why would you park there!?! Ow! Ah! Uhhh!
*Runs back on camera*
Ron: Book the hall we have a reception! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Ah, who doesn't like to pass around the old pigpuck?
Kim: You mean 'pigskin.'
Ron: Woah, KP, one sport at a time. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Uh, KP, allow me to 'step up' and handle this one.
*Ron climbs up tree*
Ron: Nice kitty, such a nice..*shredding noises* Ow! Ow! Aw man! No with the cutting! Ow!
*Ron comes down with shredded clothing*
Ron: Hey, yeah, as long as your suited up. -DrakkenFanboy |
Dementor: *in disguise* I'll be right back with the cookies!
Ron: And mabye some bandages, if you got 'em. Some antiseptic, you know, mabye. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: I KNEW THAT CAT WAS EVIL! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: *trying to open door* Ow! Bad Granny! Bad Granny! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Dude, your totally wearing a dress!
Dementor: It's a housecoat!
Ron: Uh huh, yeah, DRESS!
-DrakkenFanboy |
Dementor: Ha, ha, it is looking like I am in the hot water, yes? NO! -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: Uh, I have been foiled by a man in a dress?!?
Dementor: IT'S A HOUSECOAT! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: *sees that cat has bomb in it* See, this is why I'm not a cat person. -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: It was a trap, Wade.
Wade: Professor Dementor?
Ron: In a dress!
Wade: Sounds ugly. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Oh, hey guys.
Kim Zoneing out, why?
Ron: Um, nothing, Say we better get rolling so you can get to babysitting, cuz tonight you'll be babysitting, so you won't be home, because you'll be out babysitting away from home, right?
Kim: You're still not right are you?
Ron: Me? Oh yeah, I'm feeling just 'super.' -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: It's not stealing, it's just secret borrowing. -DrakkenFanboy |
Barkin: Fine! I'll just have the nurse warm up the crash-cart. -DrakkenFanboy |
Dementor: Yoo hoo, is it too late for THE KNOCKING! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: *Ron's clothes tear off to reveal super suit* Oh, I so hate that!
Dementor: So, who's wearing the girly clothes now?
Kim: Ron! You, you stole my battlesuit!?!
Ron: Secret borrowing!
Kim: You were in my closet!
Ron: Look, let me explain. First off, this suit pinches! Not that it doesn't look good on you. -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: You cheated your way onto the football team!
Ron: Yeah, but that really was just a perk! I was really trying to cheat on you!
*Kim has an angry look*
Ron: For you! To win you! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Wait, its not what you think!
Kim: Oh, so your not a cheater, a liar, and a thief!?
Ron: ... Okay, it is what you think. -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: What? Oh, Ron, I was talking about Monique's cellphone.
Ron: Ohhhhhhh, she's got that new one like Bonnie's, that's a nice phone. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Oh, KP, our first fight! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: *in underwear* Aw man, even as a senior! -DrakkenFanboy |
Dementor: *in Kim's supersuit* Not as comfy as the house dress, but I'll learn to live! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Hey, stop hitting yourself.
Dementor: *keeps hitting himself* I cannot! -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: Okay, this is the big moment, I don't need a suit. I can do this.... I can... I.... I'm outta here! -DrakkenFanboy |
Kim: *hugging Ron* You do me proud, Ron Stoppable, by just being you. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron: So, you leaving me for Rufus?
Kim: Dream.
Ron Me being Middleton's quaterback, dream?
Kim: No, that actually happened. -DrakkenFanboy |
Ron (on Phone):Okay, how about you waterskiing over a shark?..
*Dial tone*..
Ron:Hello... Hello?... Kim? (1) -Tucsoncoyote |
Kim: Gotta Run (Kisses Ron)
-slicknickshady |
Ron: I couldnt risk losing you
Kim: What are you talking about? You werent going to lose me. -slicknickshady |
Ron: So you werent gonna..
Kim: Trade up my BF? Ron, I don't care about dating a jock. I care about dating you. Ron Stoppable no matter who he is. As long as he's honest. -slicknickshady |
Kim: (To Ron) How many times do i have to tell you. We kissed. We're Dating. -slicknickshady |
Bonnie: So are you two like still together
Kim: Yes Bonnie
Bonnie: I mean I know things got noxious at the jr prom but you had all summer to come to your senses.
Kim: So have you
-slicknickshady |