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Car Alarm

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Basic Information:

Description:Kim\'s dad gives her an old car and the Tweebs trick it out; Motor Ed and Shego steal an experimental rocket. || Episode Recap || Episode Transcript
Director: Steve Loter | Writer: John Behnke  Rob Humphrey | Producer: Steve Loter
Studio: Hanho Heung Up Co | Executive Producer: Bob Schooley  Mark McCorkle
Air Date: February 17, 2007 | Season: Season 4 | Production Number: 4-2, 402
Regular Cast: Christy Carlson Romano  Will Friedle  Nancy Cartwright  Tahj Mowry

Guest Stars: Richard Kind  Kirsten Storms  Spencer Fox  Gary Cole  Jean Smart  Nicole Sullivan  John DiMaggio

Nearly the entirety of the 3rd season 4 trailer was from this episode.
when Kims dad is driving the song thats playing is the song that Junior sings inThe Cupid Effect, and Shego says "Thats not the way I roll.
Ron and Kim stare at each other when Wade gives Kim the magno rings.

Motor Ed: (to Shego) You know your chassis can use a little tricking out.
Shego: What's wrong with my chassis?
Wade: Wait, before you go...

(Two gold rings appear)

Rufus: Do do do do, do do do do (Wedding Music)

Ron: I... I had nothing to do with this!

Wade: Ron, they're magno-rings. They'll help Kim hang on to the side of the Kepler.

Ron: Ha, ha ha, ha, that's what I thought they were for... ha...
Kim: How long does it take to eat burnt pizza?

Ron: If you let Rufus and I go in, I'll show you!

Kim: No!

(Ron and Rufus give her the puppy dog pout)

Kim: Oh no, not the puppy dog pought! Oh okay, but just grab the Tweebs and run!
(Kim points at Bonnie's car)

Kim: Is that a door ding?

Bonnie: What? Where? I don't see any...

(Ron rides up on his scooter)

Ron: KP! Check out my rockin new horn!

Bonnie: Oh, now I see the ding, your boyfriend!
Ron: Are you kidding me? I know the basic boyfriend rules, Kim. Your new haircut is fabulous And those slacks are very flattering.

Kim: Thanks for the sensitivity.

Kim: Motor Ed and Shego? Why would they be working together?

Ron: Weirder things have happened, Look at us?

Kim: True, But theres a major diff between weird and wrong on all levels.
Cultural References:
Rufus eating A Bueno Nacho Foodstuff in Outer Space: In the episode Ron has Rufus eat a Burrito (or is it a nacho while they are in Zero G... this is a direct reference to a Nasa Experiment where an Astronaut ate a banana in Space on board the space shuttle (just go to and you just search for Space Banana, and you can see the actual reference.

But in our case, it's rufus and a Bueno Nacho Foodstuff.
Kim's car that her father gives her is what is known as a 'Sloth' and in fact this cultural reference about the recall could be one of two cars in automotive history. One of them is of course the 1957 Ford Edsel, and the other is the 1973 Ford Pinto (which had a recall due to it's badly designed fuel tank.) But since the 'Sloth' isn't really made by any company it could represent any vehicle.
Rocket Engines in the Trunk? (An Urban Legend!):
The scene where we see the Rocket engines emerge from the trunk of the Rock SL Coupe (2.0), is in fact part of a famous urban Legend that won at the time a "Darwin Award" that you can read about Here:

So this is the cultural reference. A Rocket Powered Car.
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