The following quotes were supplied by YamiDymlos
Kim: You called us for a missing Pacifier?!
Ron: Can't you just buy a new one? -nabusan |
Ron: Okayyyyyy, creepy-factor is in serious over-creepier...!
Kim: It's just an old house, it's not haunted.
Ron: *sees an old woman* Argh!!!! It's a Zombie!
Nanny Nane: May I help you?
Kim: *whispers to Ron in an annoyed tone* Not a Zombie! *turns to Nanny Nane* Hi! We're looking for Nanny Nane.
Nanny Nane: I am she.
Kim: I'm Kim Possible, and this is Ron Stoppable.
Ron: Hey.
Nanny Nane: *sternly* 'Hey' is for authors[?], young man. And do stand up straight! Your posture is atrocious!
Ron: *guiltily* Yes, ma'am. -nabusan |
Kim: Let's see if the other locals are friendlier.
Ron: I'd settle for not as bone-chillingly eerie. -nabusan |
Man: ...first the Baby Powder Plant closed, then people stopped hiring Nannies.
Ron: And that's when they went into the Zombie business, right?! -nabusan |
Man: *talking about Nanny Nane* They don't make 'em like her anymore!
Ron: Why would they want to?! -nabusan |
Kim: They are way weird here...
Ron: Yeah! Pistachio is supposed to be Green! -nabusan |
Kim: Captured by babies, this is a new personal low!
Ron: You gotta admit they were cute, until they kicked our butts. -nabusan |
Nanny Nane: Apparantly, during your last visit, I did not make myself clear.
Kim: Oh, it's very clear. You're creating an army of super-babies and using them to steal pacifiers!
Ron: Okay, now - see, I was thinking that. But when you said it out loud it sounded silly.
Kim: I know.
Nanny Nane: Your impertinence must be punished........after tea. Shan't be a moment! -nabusan |
Nanny Nane: Oooh, very naughty - trying to muck up Nanny Nane's plans like this.
Kim: You could...tell us what this is all about. That's sort of traditional in situations like this...
Nanny Nane: Well, dearie. Back in the day, I trained the sternest nannies the world had ever seen. But times changed. The stern Nanny was no longer a fashion. Fewer and fewer of my graduates were required, and finally - Nanny had to close her lovely Academy for good.
Kim: So, this is about revenge?
Nanny Nane: Do not interupt! That is quite rude! Nanny Nane realized she could make more money making children unhappy than she could making them happy!
Ron: Hey, what's more traditional than Greed[?]?
Kim: And the hench-babies?
Nanny Nane: These little dears? This is what a traditional Nanny and firm discipline can accomplish! Also, feeding full-time henchmen gets a bit pricey.
Ron: See? That's traditional, too!
Kim: The good guys getting free while the bad guys say[?] their plan - also traditional.
Nanny: American's have some very strange traditions! One to which I don't much care. *to babies* Get them! -nabusan |
Ron: Ron Stoppable is more than a match for any baby! I've got a little sis myself - so BRING IT ON! -nabusan |
Kim: *refering to super-babies* How do I fight these?!
Ron: How do you not fight them?! -nabusan |
Nanny Nane: These aren't like the babies you're used to. They're as strong as two grown men!
Kim: Well, the baby I'm used to... *pause* I've got it! This isn't a 'Save the World''s a babysitting thing! -nabusan |
Ron: I'm glad that's over.
Kim: Erm, it's not quite over. How many times did you go through that machine?
Ron: Well, I've lost count - why? *pause* Y'know - I find the giant Diaper a delightful change of pace...
End of Quotes supplied by YamiDymlos -nabusan |