(1)Dr. McCoy would be proud: In this episode right at the beginning Mrs Possible (Kim's Mom) states perhaps one of the best known and well recognized Star Trek lines of all time. And in fact this particular Phrase is perhaps well known as the 'Dr. McCoy Line.' There are a number of Variations of the line which starts off this way:
(Sometimes the word, 'Dammit' Starts the phrase off)Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a (insert other Occupation here).
And believe me in the Original Star Trek Series McCoy stated this line on no less then 7 occassions. So therefore it's the most recognizable phrase of all time when it comes to Star Trek. -Tucsoncoyote | | (2)Ron meets Baretta:In this closing line during the End Teaser, Ron makes this quote, which is actually reversed but the actual line comes from the Theme song from the 1970's show, Baretta. Interestingly enough the actual line is Don't do the Crime, if you can't do the time,(Don't do it).
Also further interesting is that Baretta had a pet white cockateel named Fred, which answered the phone for Baretta. Ron on the other hand, has a Naked Mole Rat Named Rufus, who does a lot of things, including fixing mechanical items. Coincidence? I think not! -Tucsoncoyote | |