The following Quotes were supplied by YamiDymlos
Drakken: Shego! At last! The Nanotronium is mine! The smallest, most powerful energy source known to...
Shego: Are you for real? I was WITH YOU. I know what it is, Dr. Exposition.
Drakken: FINE! I was just enjoying the moment... -nabusan |
Ron: I DO NOT always lose my pants! It was just a little grapple trouble... -nabusan |
Ron: One tube of Nanotronium. A-booyah!
Kim: Nice moves!
Ron: And best of all, I didn't lose my... *notices his pants have dropped*
Rufus: Uh oh...
Ron: Aw, man! What IS THE DEAL?! -nabusan |
Monique: Come on, girl - you don't think it's a big?
Kim: Of course not! We've only been dating for six months.
Monique: Kim! It's your half-a-versary!
Kim: Well...I did get Ron a little something. What do you think? *holds up a belt*
Monique: The pant thing?
Kim: The pant thing. Wade whipped it up. Reinforced with flexible Titanium. -nabusan |
Kim: We visit the kids in my mom's hospital. I guess I'm sort of famous now? And Ron's sort of...infamous.
Ron: *tries to make a balloon animal which subsequently deflates* Okay, you know what - any clown can do balloon animals. What I do defies the stretches! -nabusan |
Kim: Before we go, I got you a little somethin'.
Ron: For what?
Kim: Well, today's our half-a-versary!
Ron: That's great! *laughs weakly* What's a half-a-versary?
Kim: Dating for six months. Half a year?
Ron: *sees present* Oh, cool look at that! It's a belt!
Kim: I figured it would help you with your pant problem.
Ron: KP, I do not have a...*pants drop* -nabusan |
Drakken: Shego! Where have you been?
Shego: Er, day off, remember? What's going on? Why are you still in your jammies?
Drakken: I fell asleep on the couch last night watching that dance show I like.
Shego: 'Ballroom With The[?] Actors'? And you fell asleep?! Go figure(!)
Drakken: *ignores* I awoke having dreamt my best take-over-the-world plan EVER!
Shego: *sighs* That, again?
Drakken: Now now now, this plan is FOOLPROOF!
Shego: Does it begin with you clearing up the lair?
Drakken: No, I wrote it on the back of a magazine so I wouldn't forget. And now I can't find it! -nabusan |
Interviewer: *on TV* Dr. Langford - this sounds like quite a breakthrough in memory research?
Dr. Langford: I've spent five years working with the Middleton Hospital to develop the MRM; the Memory Recovery Machine, if you will. People suffering from amnesia haven't really lost their memories, precisely, they've lost access to them. The MRM restablishes the mental link.
Drakken: *turns away from TV* Shego! With that machine, I could remember my foolproof plan! And just to be safe, from now on I'm going to write down all my ideas on three by five cards! *writes*, steal...machine, remember....foolproof...plan.
Shego: Oh You are NOT going to become one of those 'List' guys! That is SO lame!
Drakken: *writes* it. -nabusan |
Kim: *arrives at hospital with Ron* Okay, we're here to cheer. But not too much cheer.
Ron: Kim, laughter is the best medicine! Unless, y'know, you have an acute case of the giggles. Then the cure is worse than the condition. -nabusan |
Drakken: *goes over his cards* Now, we break into the lab, steal the MRM, and remember my foolproof plan and THEN we bowl with the Henchmen! No, bowling's tomorrow! These cards are OUT OF ORDER!
Shego: *frustrated* Forget the cards! -nabusan |
Shego: Okay, I got the MRM.
Drakken: *consults cards*...erm...
Shego: Now we steal it! Use it! Make sure it wasn't a total waste of our time.
Drakken: *mumbles* Use it! In a moment, I will recall my most evil, most insidious FOOLPROOF plan! The world WILL BE MINE! *evil laugh*
Dr. Langford: *walks in on them* What are you doing? Who are you?
Drakken: An interested party who's about to take your research to a new level!
Dr. Langford: *picks up phone* Hello, security? *Shego plasma-blasts phone*
Drakken: Had another card for that... -nabusan |
Drakken: *is confronted by Team Possible* You're too late! *reads off a card* domination...will my grasp...once I use...the help me...remember my plan.
Ron: Er, why is he reading off a card? -nabusan |
Shego: You need a reminder to lose your pants?
Kim: *smugly* That problem has been taken care of. -nabusan |
Ron: *looks at disabled MRM* I didn't do it! He broke it!
Drakken: It's not broken, the battery came out.
Dr. Langford: It's not a battery, it's a Para-Pulser Power Cell.
Drakken: Tomayto, Tomahto! -nabusan |
Ron: *after Kim has been hit with a blast from the MRM* Kim, you alright?
Kim: Kim? Kim who?
Ron: Possible. Wait, you are.
Kim: Kim what?
Ron: Kim Possible!
Kim: That doesn't even sound like a name.
Dr. Langford: Oh no...her memory's been erased!
Ron: What?! HOW?!
Dr. Langford: With the Para-Pulser Power Cell in backwards, the MRM reversed the process.
Drakken: Easy to place blame when you weren't the one having to fix it!
Shego: Sooooo, Kimmie's forgotten EVERTHING? Like, how to fight crime? I'd say it's a good day...
Drakken: So long, Kim Possible! You used to think you were all that! But you don't remember the all that you used to be...that you are...then...but you're not now...
Shego: Yeah, just...yeah, just stop...
Drakken: *whines* *escapes with Shego*
Ron: *turns to Dr. Langford* You mean, she doesn't remember ANYTHING?
Dr. Langford: Not a thing. She has COMPLETE Amnesia. -nabusan |
Mr. Dr. Possible: I'm sure that between the two of us, we'll be able to get Kimmie-cub's memory back. Right, hun?
Mrs. Dr. Possible: *coming off the phone* That was Dr. Langford, rebuilding the MRM could take months...
Mr. Dr. Possible: Oh...well, anything is possible for a Possible!
Kim: That's my name!
Mr. Dr. Possible: That's the spirit!
Mrs. Dr. Possible: Well, at least she remembers how to speak...
Kim: *stares at light* Oooh, light! Bright...!
Ron: Well, that's progress - right? Her memory is gonna come back, isn't it?
Mr. Dr. Possible: We have the will, we have the skill! Er, don't we, hun?
Mrs. Dr. Possible: Well, the good news is that all of Kim's memories are intact. She just can't access them. -nabusan |
Mrs. Dr. Possible: If Kim re-experiences things, that might help her memory return.
Tweeb: Wow, total neural re-train!
Mr. Dr. Possible: I'll round up all the family photos, movies and educational media I can find.
*Mrs. and Mrs. Dr Possible turn to see the Tweebs have made Kim wear a ridiculous outfit consisting of, among other things, a pink apron and a teapot for a hat*
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. P: BOYS!
Kim: We're playing dress-up!
Mrs. Dr. Possible: And after that, we'll play grounded. -nabusan |
Mr. Dr. Possible: I've compressed a life-time of video for high-speed viewing. This 'should' jump-start things.
*soundless scenes from seasons one to three play to some sombre music for ten seconds, and then the video suddenly switches to a sci-fi show*
Ron: Hey, isn't that...?
Mr. Dr. Possible: 'Captain Constellation'! Rocket's are GO! Best show, ever.
Mrs. Dr. Possible: But, didn't Kimmie hate it?
Mr. Dr. Possible: Ahem, first time around... -nabusan |
Drakken: *awoken to repeated knocks on his door* Enough with the door! HELLO?! What, what, what?
Shego: Sleeping? Wha...are you just giving up because your Brain-toy got broken?
Drakken: Dr. Drakken surrenders... *mumbles half-asleep*
Shego: Well, I've been taking advantage of the fact that Miss Kimmie[?] lost her memory.
Drakken: Well, I used an ancient Tibetan meditation ritual to redream my foolproof plan!
Shego: *skeptical* Tibetan? Really?
Drakken: *whines* Okay, so I fell asleep again... -nabusan |
Shego: Sandwiches, trains and mind-control? THIS is your plan?! -nabusan |
Shego: Now, I say something sarcastic. I got a few options, do I pick, or..?
Drakken: Argh!!! -nabusan |
Ron: *rings doorbell to Kim's house* Morning, Mr. Dr. P, Mrs. Dr. P. So, Any progress?
Mrs. Dr. Possible: Good news! Most of Kim's basic memory has been restored.
Mr. Dr. Possible: But, there was a little mix-up with the dishwasher and bathtub this morning...
Mrs. Dr. Possible: Worked out fine! Kimmie and the dishes all got clean! -nabusan |
Kim: Hi, Ralph!
Ron: Ron...
Kim: Oh! Right, right... Ron.
Ron: Y'know, it's okay, it's okay - it'll come back. So, you know who I am?
Kim: Of course I do! You're my best friend! We do everything together.
Ron: Yes! Okay! We are BACK ON TRACK! Oh! Talk about a relief.
Mrs. Dr. Possible: Oh, Ron. One thing...
Ron: Not to worry, I'll have KP back in time for dinner. After school, I'll give her a refresher around Middleton. It'll be like a second first date.
Kim: *pauses* Are you...hitting on me?
Ron: Erm, Kim - we're dating. I'm your boyfriend.
Kim: BOYFRIEND?! *laughs*
Ron: Oh ho, that wasn't painful at all(! -nabusan |
Ron: *Ron gives Kim a bouquet of flowers* See...what I did then? Boyfriend stuff. So, do you remember now?
Kim: No...but thanks for the salad. *eats flowers* -nabusan |
Kim: *at school* I don't know if I can do this...
Ron: Just take it slow, Kim. Nothin' to worry about. You're among friends.
Bonnie: *bumps into Kim* Just learn to walk, K?
Ron: Except for Bonnie.
Kim: Bonnie? Oh, Bonnie! We're on the same cheer squad, right? So, we'd be friends...?
Ron: Yeah, y'know - you'd think, but it's a complicated girl-thing. -nabusan |
Monique: *comes up to Ron* How's she doing?
Ron: A little sketchy in some areas, particularly relationships. She needs to remember things on her own. So don't expect Kim to just...
Kim: Monique? MONIQUE! I remember you! First time I met you was in Club Banana! We're like, BEST friends!
Monique: *gasp* Friends forever, girl! *both scream*
Ron: Whoa, hold up - Monique, you tell her - Kim and I are dating, right?
Monique: Oh, maybe she should remember things on her own?
Ron: Okay, yeah, I mean - I said that, but...
Kim: ...and we shop together ALL the time!
Monique: That's right! *squeals* But did you remember how to use that credit card?! *both scream again*
Ron: Meh, must be another complicated girl-thing... -nabusan |
Shego: Are you gloating to yourself?!
Drakken: *nervously* No...?
Shego: Ugh, you totally were! -nabusan |
Ron: Now, you can't tell me that you don't remember Bueno Nacho!
Kim: How could I forget? The center of the cheese and chip universe, home of the Naco, managed by Ned!
Ron: How is it you remember everything but the fact that we're a couple?
Kim: Couple of what?
Ron: People who are dating.
Kim: Are you sure that we were dating? I mean, sometimes people read a little more into things than they should, right? -nabusan |
Kim: Why is my watch beeping?
Ron: Wade.
Kim: *talks to Kimmunicator* Hi, uh, Wade?
Ron: How did you remember his name?!
Kim: You just said it.
Ron: Oh, right...
Wade: How're you doing, Kim?
Kim: Wade? Oh, Wade! Better. I'm starting to remember stuff.
Ron: Not the important stuff... *gets a look* I'm just sayin'! -nabusan |
Wade: I dunno if this is a good time, but Shego's been on a crime spree! Robbing banks, jewellry, spy tanks...anything she can get a hold of.
Kim: *gasp* We should call someone!
Ron: *pause* We ARE the someone. Okay, you save the world using your mad cheerleading skills to fight bad guys!
Kim: *smirks* No way! That's silly! Who'd ever believe that a cheerleader could do THAT? -nabusan |
Kim: So, you're serious about this whole saving the world thing?
Ron: Yep.
Kim: I remember lots of travel, but I thought they were just vacations!
Ron: Yeah, vacations with bad guys and plasma lasers. -nabusan |
Shego: Oh look, doofus boy and Miss Forget-Me-Not.
Ron: Well, get her.
Kim: Are you sure that I know her?
Shego: Sure sure, I'm the Senior and you're a Freshman. Oh, and you owe me ten bucks.
Kim: Oh, I'm sorry! Here... *takes out some money*
Ron: Wha...uh...n...don't give her MONEY! And she's older than THAT, a LOT older! -nabusan |
Ron: Wait wait wait, Shego, you tell her - Kim and I are dating, right?
Shego: What? For real? Oh, come on! That never made any sense to me.
Ron: See? *looks at Kim* That wasn't a no! *gets plasma blasted by Shego* -nabusan |
Shego: Still remember how to fight?
Kim: Oh, yeah...! Bring it! I think...
Ron: No, no! Don't bring it! She doesn't remember how to fight! KP, you're not ready! *fights Shego* -nabusan |
Caitlin: Kim Possible?
Kim: Hi! Do I know you?
Caitlin: I'm your biggest fan!
Ron: *fighting with Shego in the background* Argh, Kim! I need you to remember how to help me! HELP!
Caitlin: Can I have your autograph? For Caitlin?
Kim: Caitlin...Rockets are GO! Signed...Kim Possible...
Ron: *in the background* What are youuuu doinggggg?
Kim: ...and Ron. -nabusan |
Wade: Ron? Ron fought Shego...alone?!
Kim: Well, I don't know if 'fought' is the right word?
Ron: Sure it is, I fought. Fought for MY LIFE(!)
Wade: Well, hopefully this will help Kim remember her fighting skills.
Kim: Cheer practice?
Wade: So far all of your memories have been triggered by some events or meetings...
Bonnie: *interupts* Hello? Late for practice, much?
Ron: Okay, don't let Bonnie get to you and whatever you do, don't listen to anything she says. You'll be fine. -nabusan |
Bonnie: I don't know what your problem is, Kim! I KNEW this would happen when you started dating Naco-boy!
Ron: Aha! Kim, you see? Do you see?! I'm Naco-boy!
Kim: Yeah! I should have listened to what Bonnie said!
Ron: No...I mean...Ohhhhh...... -nabusan |
Drakken: Helicopter...a train...what am I missing? SHEGO!
Shego: Settle, settle - I'm here. So, this is the train from your dream?
Drakken: Yes! The Military Procurement and Distribution train!
Shego: Al' where are the Leprechauns? *smirk*
Drakken: Soldiers, SHEGO!
Shego: Oh, did you get past them, Mr. Foolproof plan? -nabusan |
Shego: Ugh, get OVER yourself(!) -nabusan |
Drakken: After adding my mind-control serum, by lunch tomorrow - the entire military will be under my control!
Kim: Don't count on it, Drakken!
Drakken: Kim Possible?! But you lost your memory!
Kim: We filled in the last piece when we[?] got alerted to you jumping the train.
Ron: Well...not the VERY last piece...
Kim: Ron! Not now with the dating!
Ron: Well, if not now, when?! -nabusan |
Ron: Erm, aren't there supposed to be soldiers on this train?
Drakken: I bypassed the cooling system which set off the engine-overload alarm. Ha, they all jumped off!
Shego: Overload? You mean this train's gonna explode?!
Drakken: Yes! If I actually bypassed the system.
Kim/Ron/Shego: Did you?!
Drakken: Erm, no, Of course...I, erm...*nervously* I forgot to write a card to fake the bypass.
Kim/Ron/Shego: So it IS going to explode?!
Drakken: *alarm starts to go off* Erm...apparantly so...
Shego: Foolproof, right? I'm outta here!
Drakken: Shego! You can't just....*moans and follows*
Kim: *looks at Ron* You and Rufus fix the bypass, I'll take care of Drakken. -nabusan |
Kim: Step away from the sandwiches!
Drakken: I have a change of plan. I was going to put this in the sandwiches, but one drop of this will turn you into a mindless Zombie! -nabusan |
Drakken: *defeated* It was supposed to be FOOOOOLLLLLLLPROOOOFFFFF! -nabusan |
Ron: *after KP inspired him to use his belt to save the day* Way da go, KP!
Kim: Just saving the world. *looks at Ron* Um...Ron?
Ron: *Ron has lost his pants* Oh man! That SO tanks!
Kim: Good plan, but that's not why I gave you the belt.
*Ten second flasback to all the times Ron's lost his pants*
Kim: I remember. I REMEMBER! I gave you the belt for our half-a-versary!
Ron: Yeah, I still don't get what exactly that is?
Kim: Ron, I remember're my boyfriend - and that...I think I love you?!
Ron: For real?
Kim: For real!
Ron: Now THIS is a memory. -nabusan |
Shego: Oddly enough, I have a card for this...DR. D. FAILS!
Drakken: *mumbles* -nabusan |
Mr. Dr. Possible: Watching a little 'Captain Constellation', I see?
Ron: Best show EVER! Right, Kim?
Kim: For some reason, I know all the episodes - but I can't stand the show! How can that be?!
Mr. Dr. Possible: Erm...must be a suppressed memory mixed with...a negative experience...causing confusion.
Ron: Yeah...what he said.
Mrs. Dr. Possible: Or your father compressed three seasons of episodes for you to watch while you were getting your memory back.
Kim: THAT would explain it!
Ron: Awwww, come on, Kim! Rockets are GO!
Kim: Not anymore, they're not(!) *switches off TV*
End of spoilers supplied by YamiDymlos -nabusan |