(1) We're definitely going to need a bigger boat!: This one reference at the opening of the episode where Ron mentions to Kim about the large puma, is in relation to a line in the 1975 hit Steven Spielberg movie Jaws. The scene where this same line is mentioned in Jaws, is where actor Roy Scheider is tossing fish parts (Known as chum) over the side of the boat, when (Bruce The Shark), pops up and Schneider sees how big the shark really is. It's here were he says, I think we're gonna need a bigger boat! Of course Ron adds (oh, and Water!) but still it's the exact same line, from the movie. And cue the Jaws Theme!(Duh Duh Duh Duh).... -Tucsoncoyote | | A "ELBD" or a 'Extremly Large Blaster Divice" is a play off gamers making acronyms for things such as project 'GOLEM' in Guild Wars, (GOLEM means 'Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation) or BotD (Battle of the Dragons) in Neverwinter Nights or Dungeons and Dragons (with acronyms 'NWN' and 'D&D' respectivly), similar to Gemini's 'WWEE' (World Wide Evil Empire) or GJ (Global Justice) -Luke Danger | | "Senario 19" is a reference to the very common element in games, theres a antagonist, who seems to be helping, then, at the last minute, he makes a dramatic double cross and turns the tide of the battle in the favor of the good guys. Either that, or he/she is undercover to give the villians a suprise. -Luke Danger | |