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Chasing Rufus

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Basic Information:

Description:Rufus gets separated from Ron while they are on a mission in Greece and is pursued by Camille\'s amorous cat. || Episode Recap || Episode Transcript
Director: Steve Loter | Writer: Kim Duran | Producer:
Studio: Starburst Animation Co., ltd | Executive Producer: Bob Schooley  Mark McCorkle
Air Date: August 12, 2007 | Season: Season 4 | Production Number: 4-21, 421
Regular Cast: Christy Carlson Romano  Will Friedle  Tahj Mowry

Guest Stars: Rob Paulson  Kath Soucie  Ashley Tisdale  Tara Strong

The following spoilers were supplied by YamiDymlos

The 11-minute episode involves Rufus and Debutante, who are accidentally abandoned by their respective owners. Unfortunately for Rufus, Debutante is still crushing on him! The two of them travel all over the world together trying to get back home. Their journey takes them from Antarctica, to Africa! They bond by the end of the episode.
Kim and Ron are on a plane, but Ron's seat breaks - so he gets bumped to First Class!
Wade goes on vacation with his folks to an island where no technology is allowed, so he can't help Kim and Ron.
When Ron realizes that Rufus is missing, he thinks he ate him instead of a Kebab during his flight!
This episode is paired with 'Nursery Crimes'.
The ending credits show the same Rufus/Debutante restaurant scene used at the end of 'Trading Faces'. Bob Schooley stated that "it was a budget thing".

End of spoilers supplied by YamiDymlos

Kim: Ah! I'm SO glad to be off that plane! How was First Class? Roonnnnnn?

Ron: Oh erm, First Class? Soooo overated! Y'know - the one-hour massage was like, only fifty minutes!
Ron: Man, I can't believe they wouldn't give me back my First Class seat! Do they know it's a twelve-hour flight back to Greece?!

Kim: Pretty sure of it, Ron...

Ron: *smiles* Well, y'know...there's always the chance my seat will...break again.

Kim: I doubt it, that would just... *Ron breaks his seat*

Ron: Don't forget KP, the Ron-man's speciality is breakin' things! Oh yeah!
Ron: Y'know KP, Camille is my favorite villain! Tracking her to a swank party in Greece beats a secret lab anyday! can get almost every one of their foods in Humus!

Rufus: Mmm, Humus!
Camille: *in disguise* Me? Camille? I think someone's had too much Humus!

Ron: *laughs weakly* that would be me...

Rufus: Me too!
Kim: Wade, we needs a ride.

Kimmunicator: Hi, this is an out-of-the-office auto-reply. Sorry I missed your emergency, but I'm currently vacationing with my family in a remote location...

Kim: He sure didn't waste any time going on vacation. Looks like we're on our own. *dials phone*

Ron: So, how're we getting home, then?

Kim: *on phone* Hi, we need information on flights to the United States....?

Ron: *shocked* We're going commercial?!?
Man: *looking at Rufus and Debutante* You're not on the chart. You must be two new species!

Woman: I must have them! I want to adopt a cute animal from every continent.
Camille: *sigh* Searching for Debutante is like, wayyyyy intense. I need a vacation!
Ron: We're comin', Rufus!
Cultural References:
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