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This episode starts outside Middleton High, with the sign reading: "Sopirit week! Dance friday". We then proceed in to see Ron searching through his locker for Rufus, believing that he's gone missing. Ron tells Kim that Rufus will be crushed if he misses Spirit Week. Then everything in Ron's locker falls out, while Ron believes that Rufus is crushed under everything he has in his locker. He then starts to itch all over his body, and he finds a tired Rufus in his pocket. Kim is grossed out by it, and they discuss him a bit. Ron then says the Ron Stoppable motto: "Never be normal!", while Kim is apparently hypnotized. Ron wonders what is wrong, and finds out that she is staring at Josh Mankey, whom Ron dislikes, Rufus as well. We then head into the opening credits. Ron then thinks that someone might believe that she is crushing on Mankey because of the way she stares at him. But he finds that she has walked over to him, trying to talk to him. Kim and Mankey discuss the poster that he made. He then notices who she is, stating that she saved some ambassador last week. Kim is very nervous. We then skip forwards through the school day a bit, where Kim tells Ron how hard it is to talk to Mankey. Kim then says that she wants to ask him to the dance, but Ron wants them to go together, as they always do it, but Kim want a real date, not just a "friend-date". Kim then asks who Ron's gonna ask, but he states that he will ask every girl at school to the dance. Wade then beeps in on the Kimmunicator, saying that she must meet him at his locker. Back at her locker, Wade says that they are getting countless hits on the site, including feeding eight cats for one week, with one litterbox. Ron then says that she might want to change her motte, "I can do anything". he then discovers something going on in Tokyo. Wade says that it is an emergency, and shows them the security cams. They show some helicopters around a building, and then Dr. Drakken suddenly hits the cam with his fist, knocking it out. Ron then states taht he is "their" arch-enemy. They then fixes a trip with someone Kim helped, and are on their way. A plane flies over the sky. Inside, Ron enjoys his life with a drink and sunglasses, while Kim thanks Brittina, a superstar, for the ride. She then says that's the least she can do after Kim saved her Chicago show. Kim then, as always, brags about it, and states that the backstagefire was no big. Brittina states that it must be awesome to not be afraid of anything. She do admit that she is "scared" of Josh Mankey. Brittina then gives her some advice, while Ron asks her to the Spirit Week Dance, and he do, of course, get rejected. Back at Japan, thwe helicopters still flies around the orange building. We then zoom in at the entrance, where Miss Kyoko thanks Kim and Ron for coming. She then says that she is the translator for Nakasumi-san. Ron then proceeds to ask her to the Spirit Week Dance, Miss Kyoko, believing that Ron asked Nakasumi, translates it for him, but he rejects, giving the current crisis. Ron then proceeds to correct it, as he was going to ask Miss Kyoko, but Kim interrupts, asking what the sitch (situation) is. Kyoko then says that they have taken their entire factory with all the workers, which is only two, as it is the most automated factory in the world.Kim and Ron then grapple their way to the roof, but Ron manages to shoot his sweater and pants before he finally grapples himself up. They then looks down at the factory from a large roof window, wondering what Drakken does here. Ron then says that it make the Z-Boy, the fastest graphics system ever. Kim then begins to melt the glass with her laser lipåstick, while Ron continues to talk about the Z-Boy. He then come to the conclusion that Drakken's going to steal Christmas, by preventing the production of the most wanted Christmas gift, namely the Z-Boy. Kim, on the other hand, says that he is doing something bigger, like taking over the world. They then discuss this on their way into the factory. Kim then orders Ron to distract Drakken, while she frees the hostages. Drakken then annoys himself veery much for small things, but then Ron appears on the screens, with the "Naked Mole Rat TV" show. Drakken and Shego then understand that it is Ron, and proceeds to search for him, while Kim frees the hostages. Ron gets trapped by a fork truck. Kim gets noticed by Drakken and Shego, and Drakken wants to blabber about his plan, but Shego stops him. He then presses a button, and big hooks then drops down, and Drakken's henchmen attaches them to the whole factory structure, and flies off in a helicopter, leaving Kim behind with nothing. Back at Kim's house the next day, Mr. Dr. Possible reads the newpaper, and finds out that Drakken stole the whole factory, but notices that the two employees was rescured by Kim Possible, his daughter, which makes him very happy. Kim, on the other hand, is very aggravated about Drakken escaping, blaming herself for it. She is also irritated because of ehr behavior around Josh, whom her dad mistakes for being a mad scientist bent on world conquest. When Kim says he's a hottie, her dad takes the dialogue back to the Drakken thing, stating that they should not talk about hotties at breakfast anymore. Kim's mom then comes in, asking who's a hottie, and then Jim and TIm comes in and irritating her by saying "Kim's got a boyfriend! Kim's got a boyfriend!" They then proceed to eat their cereal. Kim and her parents then talks about it, while the twins shows an utter lack of manners. Back at school, the school sign reads: Need a Date? Call Ron". Kim implies that she will ask Mankey to the dance before that day is over. Ron, on the other hand, will ask... somebody. Kim then sees Mankey, and build up some bravery before heading over to him, but she is stopped by all the pupils that runs through the hall, and he has disappeared before she could even talk to him. At the library, Ron continues to ask girls to the dance, whituot any luck. At the cafeteria, Kim talks with some other girls, and she spits out some water when he walks by, leaving her utterly embarrased. Ron sits whit a couple of girls, trying to ask them, still whitout a result. At the gym, Kim is trying to ask Mankey, but Bonnie then interrupts her, trying to unnerve her. At cgheerleader practise, Ron interrupts, and tries to ask the cheerleaders to the dance, and embarrasing Kim in the proccess. As Kim continues, the Kimmunicator beeps, and Ron tells Kim, but interrupts her while she and the other cheerleaders are making a pyramid, causing her to fall, and at the same time tear up Mankey's banner, leaving him very sad. We then see a car with caterpillar tracks driving throug a snow-covered landscape, and heavy snowfall as well. Rufus is freezing to his bone. Kim then says that they should recap what they know. Ron believes that it is about the Mankey case, and begins to tell various facts about him, like that hes has rejected invitations to the dance bye several girls that is high on the "food chain", even Bonnie. They then stop, and a man with red beard says that they're here. Kim then talks for the lift, and do the usual brag business. (see the part with Brittina earlier in this recap for info about that). They then start to ride their snowboards down the mountains, but Ron, as always, is very goofy, and manages to push them over an edge, down towards the alarm beams, which Wade made visible. Kim just barely manages to ride through them, while Ron has his dumb luck there, allowing him to stop, right next to Kim. But Rufus slide a little bit too long, and triggers the alarm by touching one of the alarm beams. Kim and Ron then gets trapped. In Drakken's lair, a angry Kim surrounded by Drakken's hencmen states that she has never been captured that easy before, saying that it was almost as embarrasing as cheerleading practice. Kim then proceeds to fight Shego, leaving Ron with the henchmen. Kim then throws a box with "lipgloss" to Ron, but it is actually a sleeping gas, which Ron uses to knock out all of the henchmen. Kim continues to fight Shego, and she "lipglosses" Shego. Drakken the arrives, and Ron implies that Drakken is going to steal Christmas, but he says that it is not the plan. He then turns the whole toy factory into a giant Robot, with the Z-Boy in front, saying "Konnichiwa". They then proceeds to fight the robot, who first upon them with lasers. Kim asks Wade for help, and he says that they have to set the Kimmunicator into a override module, allowing Wade to control the robot. Drakken is very irritated that she is a cheerleader, as she would've been fried by the robot lasers if she wasn't. Ron manages to distract Drakken, giving Kim enough time to put the Kimmunicator into the override module. Wade then tries to hack himself into the robot, but isn't able to find the password. Ron is catched by the robot, hanging upside down, and then Rufus falls down, but Kim comes to his rescue at the last moment. Drakken then gets Kim cornered, and is just about to end her, but then Wade guesses the password, which is "Konnichiwa", and Kim is saved. Wade then grabs Drakken, but Shego plugs of the Kimmunicator, and then the arms start to spin around, with Drakken and Ron still hanging in them because Kim and Shego fights in the control room. Ron then falls down, and Kim does so too, but she fires her grappler on the robot, and spins around the robot, making the robot fall, almost crushing Ron, but he was saved at the last moment by Kim, using her rocket skates, and the day is saved, once more. Back at school, Kim is still worried about the whole Mankey thing, and hides in a closet when he comes nearby. Ron gives her the neccesary support, and she somewhat manages to ask him to the dance, and also apologizing about the banner that got destroyed. She also end up leaving Ron locked in the closet. At the end, Kim is dancing with Mankey at the Spirit Week Dance, while Bonnie is infuriated. Ron is still locked in the closet as we end this episode. |