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This episode begins with a school bus driving through the woods. Inside the whole Middleton High cheer squad, including Ron, shout out “Go, Mad Dogs!” Barkin, who is the driver of the bus, is really annoyed. Ron then puts on his Mad Dog foam mask, and shakes it out through the whole bus. Kim then proceeds to stop Ron, saying that he should hold up for the competition, and they have a discussion. Ron then says that the road looks familiar. He beeps in to Wade, to get a GPS lock on the area, and he finds out that they’re heading for Camp Wannaweep, and he panics. Opening credits begin. Ron then proceeds to talk about his horrible summer at Wannaweep. The bus then drives on some spikes, and the tires gets flat. They then stop, right outside Camp Wannaweep. The cheerleaders all try to call for help with their cell phones, but they have no coverage. Ron must then, on Barkin’s orders, lead the cheer group to the pay phone, which brings back some horrible memories, like calling his mom every three minutes, and she eventually stopped taking his calls. Of course, when Ron gets to lead the way, he doesn’t hesitate; even tough it is into Camp Wannaweep. He then gives the cheer squad some advice, in a Ronnish way. They then head out of the bus, and Ron explains that there are many dangers at Camp Wannaweep, to try and convince them. He first points out a poison oak plant, explaining how he ended up lying in his cabin, getting itchy all over his body due to a rash he got from touching the plant. He warns them that they’ll have to stay close to stay alive. As they head into the forest, lighted up only by the full moon, they try to call someone from the pay phone, not far from cabin thirteen, where Ron spent his days at Camp Wannaweep. The phone is out of order. Tara then says that it’s like those movies, where some teens are in a deep forest, and some creepy person starts to pick them off, one after one. Bonnie then mocks Ron, but Tara actually feels pity for him, because the other camp kids called him names. They hear something move, but it’s only a squirrel. It runs away, and Ron then states that it is not “Just a squirrel”, but they were evil, rabid squirrels, trying to attack Ron when he was at the Camp. Later, they are sitting around a camp fire, while Ron is telling “scary” stories. OF course, everyone else is bored to death. Bonnie says that he is acting more freaky than usual. Tara on the other hand, believes Ron, to some degree, when he says that Camp Wannaweep is cursed. Ron hears something in some nearby bushes, but Kim tells him that it is nothing to worry about. In the bushes, a strange creature looks at them, with anger in his red eyes. We then see a owl sitting on a branch, making a cracking sound as it turns its head around. Ron then tells about how it was staying at Wannaweep, sharing cabin with a tick-infested chimp, and saying that all of some, no, all of his memories from Wannaweep is bad. Tara is the only one that seems interested in listening to Ron. Kim then says that she is going to get some more firewood, but Ron then reminds her that no one should go alone, because of the Camp Wannaweep rule number one; to use the buddy system. Barkin then proceeds to go with her. Both Kim and Barkin says that they went to get more firewood because they couldn’t take any more of Ron’s camp stories. While Kim and Barkin are walking through the dark forest, a creature is following them, whit out them knowing. This creature is the same that looked at them through the bushes earlier. He makes some gushy sounds as he walks. Back at the camp fire, Tara says that she thinks it is nice at Wannaweep, because of the lake and the woods. Ron then tells about the lake, which is apparently toxic, seeing how it has a acid-green colour. Ron makes some sparks in the campfire, and begins to tell another story, this time about how he handled the lake when he stayed there, much to the dismay of the other cheerleaders, except Tara. Camp Ron looks at the lake, saying that he is not going into that water, because it is acid-green. The other kids jump out in the water. Gil, who is one of Ron’s camp-“mates”, mocks him about being scared of the water. Ron on the other hand, is quick to take advantage of the fact that Gil is skipping arts and crafts, and takes that course himself, instead of swimming. Back in present time, around the campfire, Ron says that it was the last time he ever saw Gil. Bonnie then says that he’s been a loser for, like, forever. Back in the woods, Kim and Barkin is collecting wood for the campfire, and Kim then hear some gushy sounds, like the ones the strange creature made. Barkin says that it is nothing to worry about, but then he gets grabbed by the foot by a slimy arm, but he isn’t able to say anything before the arm covers his mouth. Kim then notices that Barkin is gone, and she tries to shout for him, but she doesn’t get an answer. Back at the campfire, Kim rushes in and asks if they have seen Barkin, to which they replies that he went with her. She explains that there were some weird sounds, and then Barkin was gone. She asks where two of the cheerleaders is, to which she gets the answer that they’re gone to the toilets. They suddenly hear two screams, and Kim and Ron runs over, only to find that the cheerleaders is gone. On the ground, they discover a weird footprint. Ron then says that there is only one place to go; and that is Cabin thirteen. At cabin thirteen, Ron tells how he was able to survive every horror that Camp Wannaweep could throw at him, like the other kids shooting at him with bows and arrows. Ron then says that Cabin thirteen will be their base of operations. Ron then finds some old snacks hidden under a plank in the floor, and gives some to Tara. Bonnie only wants to go to the competition, but they have other worries, like how they are going to survive the night. They then hear Barkin screaming, and they head out, only to find him ensnared in sticky, acid-green goo. They then hear crashing sounds and screams, and head back to Cabin thirteen, only to find the whole squad trapped by the goo, and the acid-green that followed them before. The mutant thing then asks if Ron remembers him, and Ron then remembers that it is Gil, but he says that he is no longer Gil, but Gill, (this makes no difference when pronounced, making for some confusion). He then traps Kim to a tree with the sticky goo, and does so with Barkin as well. He then says than the Camp was shut down because the lake was toxic, like Ron believed. Gill then reveals (rather Kim) that he did make it so that they got there; it was all a fake, even the competition, which was part of his plan to get revenge on Ron Stoppable. He also reveals that contact with his goo (or muck, as Gill calls it) will turn them into mutants. Gill then proceeds to take Ron, but he manages to escape, while Gill fires at him with goo. Bonnie then says that Ron is ditching them. Barkin is starting to mutate and grow gills. Ron then appears in the Arts and Crafts hut, where he picks up some things, before Gill appears, and begins to barrage Ron with goo. But Ron manages to escape, and Gill looks out but can’t see him. Ron is sitting in the hut down by the water, and is making a net, while Rufus is fixing a motor. He then sets the boat on the water, and starts it. The other cheerleaders hear a motorboat, and so does Gill, and he heads down to the water, which he implies is his element. Ron is speeding over the lake, with Gill following him close behind. The boat suddenly stops, and Ron notices that they’re out of gas. Gill appears, and Ron jumps out into the water. They then start to fight, but then a rope gets a grip on Gill’s foot, and as they head up to the water surface, Rufus starts the motor to the boat, and drives away with Gill hooked to the rope, which implies that they weren’t out of gas; they just tricked Gill into believing it. The boat is now driving without control, and heads straight into the hut next to the water, which severely hurts Gill. The next day, police cars and a large van which reads Bio-hazard is standing outside of the Camp. Gill is trapped in a net, and Barkin gets de-mutated. Gill gets dropped into what looks like a over sized goldfish bowl. They then learn that Gill will also be de-mutated. Officer Hobble from the police believes that Kim was today’s hero, and doesn’t quite believe her when she says that Ron is the hero. The whole cheer squad is congratulating Ron, and Tara gives him a kiss on his cheek. He also gets Bonnie to admit that he rocks. Ron then looks back at the camp, and Kim says that he did great, and then the episode ends. |