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Ron The Man

The episode starts by showing Drakken and his henchmen attempting to climb up a snow-capped mountain. Shego seems to have no problems, but Drakken and his henchmen are huffing and puffing when they get to the top due to their physical strength. As soon as they have caught their breath, they make to go into a metal door at the top to steal something top secret. However, the door is blown out and a man, who Dr. Drakken names Professor Dementor, comes out holding what he calls the Pan-Dimensional Vortex Inducer. Dr. Drakken is upset since they got there first, stole the Pan-Dimensional Vortex Inducer before he could, and Prof. Dementor has henchmen that are more fit than his are. Prof. Dementor and his men fly off on jetpacks with the PDVI.
Meanwhile, Kim and Ron go to one of their classes, which is being subbed by Mr. Barken. Ron presents his class assignment that was due and shows the class his bar mitzvah pictures and a certificate that shows that he is a man. Mr. Barken says that it isn't signed and insinuates that Ron is weak and, therefore, not a man. Ron is put off by these comments.
Back at Drakken's lair, he is yelling at his henchmen and showing them embarrassing clips of their attempts to climb up the mountain and how incompetent they are. Shego suggests that he should visit Hench Co. and get new henchmen but he doesn't want to pay the high prices. Shego says that she will go to the company and see if she can steal some of his technology and dive it to Drakken.
Kim gets a hit on her site from a Jack Hench and she goes to check it out. She discovers that Jack Hench provides all of the major villains with their henchmen. She meets with Jack Hench who tells her that Shego came and stole his Molecular Muscle Enhancer Rings, which make the wearer very muscular. Ron decides to take the last ring for what he claims are "investigational purposes". He puts to ring on and his classmates, with the exception of Kim and Monique, are all very impressed at the new Ron. Wade uses the unique molecular signatures that the rings give off to track Drakken and his team to the Las Vegas, Las Vegas Hotel. They go there and lay low, trying to figure out what both Drakken and Dementor are up to. Ron later gets into a fight with the other Muscle-Enhanced henchmen and gets thrown into a room filled with Jewish rabbis, among who is Rabbi Kats, Ron's own rabbi who forgot to sign the certificate. He is also not impressed by the muscular Ron. Ron re-joins the fight. Kim is trying to get to the PDVI but Drakken gets it first. He unknowingly activates it but throws it in an air vent to get rid of it. Kim and Shego try to get it at the same time, but Ron shows up and pulls them out of the vent saying that he will get it. He cannot however, because his muscles are too big for the vent. He eventually decides to take off the ring and gets the PDVI and whacks it on the vent a couple of time, which shuts it off. Rabbi Kats signs the certificate when they get back to Middleton and everything goes to back to normal.

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