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Tick Tick Tick

This episode starts of outside Middleton High, where the sign reads: “Term Papers Due Today”. Kim is running into school and through the hallways, bumping into several people on her way. She stops at her locker, looking stressed. She opens it, and puts a disk into her computer, and starts to print, but only cheat codes for “Steel Toe Cyber Slam” comes out. Kim then gets angry at Ron who shows up. The printer then breaks, and Ron calls for Rufus, who starts fixing it, with the argument from Ron that he can program a VCR. Rufus picks out a lot of stuff, before the printer finally start working again. But Rufus falls down, and leaves a mark at one of the papers, and Kim has to print it again. When she runs to class as the bell rings, she bumps into Barkin, who gives her detention for not being in class, which shocks Kim. Opening credits start.

At Kim’s house the same night, Jim and Tim are fighting with peas from their dinner, to which their dad replies that they should use the launch pad in the yard if they want airborne vegetables. Kim then tells her parents that she has detention, and tells them what happened. Her parents then reply that Barkin is tough, but fair. Kim then says that cheerleaders don’t do detention. Kim’s communicator then beeps in, and says that they have a hit on their site from the Amazon. Wade then fixes her a ride with Gustavo. Kim’s parents don’t like the idea of Kim travelling to South America on a school night, but Kim persuades them with her puppy dog pout.

A red plane flies over the Amazon rainforest. Inside, Gustavo thanks Kim for saving his village from a flood last year, and Kim then replies that it is no big, and brags about it. Wade then beeps in, and gives her the security cam videos. On them, you see a girl in a green and black suit, she looks very athletic, and she kicks the camera. Ron is only busy with slurping in him as much soda as possible, because “every drop counts when you are a thousand miles away from free refills”.

Deep in the forest, Kim and Ron makes their way through the forest. Ron is having big time problems, while Kim has no problems at all when it comes to get through the thick underbrush of the rainforest. Ron is scared by Rufus, who crawls up his body, and he believes he is an insect. He then shakes Rufus away, and he gets trapped in a spider web, where some spiders stand ready to eat him. Kim comes in at the last moment and saves Rufus. They then arrive at Professor Akari’s lab, which is a tree house.

When they get into the house, Ron is very frightened because there are insects all over the house, another one of his phobias from Camp Wannaweep. The professor doesn’t know what is stolen, and they begin looking for it. Kim then sees on the security cams that something was getting uploaded from Akari’s computer.
Akari then realises that a very experimental robot tick, or the blueprints for it, got stolen. Kim then asks who will need it.

We then go to a dark island, with a building that can easily be identified as a villain’s lair on it. Inside, the lady we saw from the security cams is walking, and then a hole in the ground appears, and she falls down, and she falls down a tube, only to arrive at a red-lighted room. Inside, a man in a blue coat stands by a fireplace, and he gets the disc from her, and reveals that her name is Shego.

Back at Middleton High, the sign reads: “Detention: Room 12”. Kim then talks to Wade outside her locker, and she states that she has little time, because she is going to detention, to which Wade replies that cheerleaders don’t get detention, which angers Kim. Wade then tells about Shego, and that she is wanted in eleven countries, to which Ron replies: “make that twelve! *growl*”. Barkin then approaches, and tells Kim that it is time to go to detention. Ron then gives her some “advice”. At detention, Kim gets introduced to the “detention guys2, namely Big Mike, Winnie and Junior. Kim then looks at the clock, it is three, but then it goes faster, and hours passes by, but then Barkin hits hit, saying that it is busted, and he corrects it. All the other detention guys then stare at Kim. Rufus then suddenly shows up, and Barkin, believing it to be some kind of mutated creature, and ends up evacuating detention room.

At Bueno Nacho, Kim thanks Ron and Rufus. Wade then beeps in, and says that a small jet was flying over the Amazon, heading for a small private island in the Caribbean, which Kim states is so villain-like”. And a legend says it is haunted, ideal to hide a villain’s lair. Wade then tells Kim to check her backpack, but Ron is first in. He finds a “lipstick”, that is really a elastic constriction agent, which Ron gets all over his face, and can’t get off. They then head off to the lair.

Back at the lair, the man in the blue lab coat is working with what that probably is the nano-tick. The intruder alert then goes off, but he doesn’t notice. Kim and Ron is swimming underwater, but then a hatch opens and sucks them in. Inside the lair, some sharks are swimming in a pool, and Kim and Ron are tied to a small platform over the pool. The man then comes down and says that he has heard of Kim and Ron, but they haven’t heard of him, which irritates him a lot. He then drops them down, but they comment his choice of comments, like “stay for lunch”, as he drops them down into the pool. Kim manages to fight the sharks with help of the elastic constriction agent. Drakken, as he had revealed himself to be, is still working on the nano-tick. He then reveals his plan, which is to combine the nano-tick with some nano explosives, to which Shego comment that nano is a funny word. While they are arguing, Kim and Ron sneak into the room without them noticing. Kim manages to get the disk from a computer, while Drakken reveals that he will use the nano-explosives to threaten people, either for gaining power, or for gaining money. Kim and Ron then classify Drakken as a Mad Scientist. They then get discovered, and Drakken sends out some self-activating lasers. Kim uses her compact mirror to reflect the lasers so that they destroy and blow up Drakken’s lab. Kim and Ron then barely manage to escape into the water as the whole island explodes.
Back at Middleton High, the sign reads: “Warning: Mutant Vermin on Campus”. Inside, Kim is preparing for cheerleader practice. As she enters the gym, Wade beeps in, and put her through to Akari, who thanks Kim. But behind her Barkin is standing, and has obviously found out that Rufus is a naked mole rat, and Kim has to go to detention, to which the other cheerleaders replies that cheerleaders don’t get detention. Kim then heads off to detention room, very sad.

Back at Drakken’s lair, everything is destroyed, and Drakken is crying, believing that the tick is destroyed, but it isn’t as Shego has tracked in on a radar or similar device, but it is at some high school, which Drakken is happy for, and he understands that the tick is stuck on Kim.

Back at detention room, all the guys are staring at Kim, stating that she has a zit, and that cheerleaders don’t get zits, and then one of them says: “Maybe it’s a tiny explosive device”, and Kim then realises that she has the tick stuck to her face, and she escapes detention, which makes Barkin, and he follows her like a prisoner that has escaped from jail. Kim then runs out of school and jumps on Ron’s bike, but Barkin and the detention gang is following close after. Drakken then arrives, and says he want his tick back. Ron is “speeding” of with the scooter, but you can easily walk faster than that.

Ron’s scooter has gained some speed, and is driving through the streets of Middleton. Drakken then starts his gravatonic ray, which sucks up everything in its path. They almost suck up Ron’s scooter, but they manage to escape the ray. Following close up is Barkin in the student driver car. He is talking like it is a police pursuit. The detention gang then gets caught in the ray, and Kim has to save them by dragging them down. This doesn’t work, but Kim gets the registration sign, and throws it at the gun making it go wild. Shego then says that Drakken doesn’t get to do a thing, and is very angry.

Kim and Ron then arrive at Bueno Nacho, because Ron wants some food. Drakken and Shego then suck up the roof on Bueno Nacho, causing panic. Shego then jumps down, and starts to fight Kim at Bueno Nacho. Kim throws Shego at Barkin, knocking both of them out. Drakken then accidentally pushes a button that activates the detonation sequence to the nano-tick. Ron then says that they need the most dangerous chemical known to modern man to let it go: Diablo sauce! Ned throws some to Ron, and he opens it, and slowly begins to drip it out, but Shego has come to her senses again, and is about to stop them when Big Mike sits down on her, knocking Shego out. Ron then drips the Diablo Sauce down on the tick, causing it to let go. Ron then sucks it up in a straw, and Kim takes it and shoots it at Drakken’s hover car, and it explodes, but Drakken jumped out, and is holding on to the Taco sign outside Bueno Nacho, and police arrives and surrounds him.

At detention, Barkin is very angry, because they are enjoying themselves there. Kim is polishing the guys nails, and teaches them to wait in line. End of episode

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