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This episode opens at the Possible residence. Kim is sitting it the living room, looking through Club Banana designs, while commenting that someone at Club banana is in major style denial. She then sees a green jacket, which she decides that she want to buy. But just as she is going to order it, Wade beeps in and says that he has bad news. Kim replies by answering that she can’t afford the jacket she was looking in. Wade says that he knows, because he has been checking her bank account, but says that the empty bank account is not the bad news. Kim then gets angry because Wade has hacked into her account. Kim then suspects Wade of looking in her diary. Wade then tells Kin that Drakken has broken out of prison. Wade then accidentally reveals that he has been reading Kim’s diary, and beeps out when Kim gets angry. Opening credits start Somewhere in a snowy area we see a pipeline with the text “Warning: Flammable” on it. We then see further along the pipeline, and a tall structure reveals itself. Inside the control room of the structure, a man with dark skin is operating something that seems like a big laser drill. He says that he has to take it very easy. Suddenly a black-gloved hand wipes off the dew at the window, and a face reveals itself. It is Drakken, and he scares the man, almost making him lose control. The man then gets angry at Drakken, before a pair of hands grabs his shoulders. The hands belong to two of Drakken’s henchmen. We then see a dog sleigh running through the snowy wasteland. On it are Kim and Ron, and a man “driving” the sleigh. Rufus pops out of Ron’s pocket, only to get his face covered in snow, and he then gets down in the pocket again. Kim then thanks the man for the ride, which she got because she saved his life, from an “itty, bitty” iceberg. Ron then screams out, believing that he is snow-blind, but he has just a lot of snow on his goggles. Kim then says that Ron is supposed to be looking for signs of Drakken. They then see the tall structure we saw earlier, with three helicopters surrounding it. Ron then says that it looks suspicious. Kim then says thank you in a sarcastic way. Shego then drives past them in a snow scooter. She is wearing the exact same jacket that Kim wanted earlier. Ron then names her as “The mad scientist’s mad assistant”. Shego throws some dog food in front of them, before saying “bye-bye”. The dogs then take a sudden halt, and begin to eat the doggie food. Kim then grabs her snowboard, and jumps off the sleigh and starts riding downhill after Shego. Ron also has a snowboard, but he isn’t able to control it, and he just falls. Rufus then eats some dog food, and Ron does it as well. Kim is riding after Shego, and they begin with fashion talk; discussing Shego’s black jacket and Kim’s “last year” red fleece. Kim then gets angry, and she continues to ride down the hill after Shego, who is laughing. Meanwhile, at the big structure, three hooks grab onto the structure. The hooks are part of three long metal chains, one for each helicopter. They then start to drive off, with the entire structure. Shego then attaches explosives to her snow scooter, and setting its course straight towards the pipeline, while she jumps off it and onto one of the helicopters. Drakken then thanks Shego, saying that phase one is complete. Kim then jumps onto Shego’s snow scooter, and manages to drive onto a hill so that the snow scooter jumps into the air instead of driving into the pipeline, and it explodes in the air, while Kim jumped down to the ground. Ron then comes driving down the hill, and he slams right into the pipeline, and falls down on the ground, while Kim stares at Drakken’s helicopters flying away with the giant structure. At the Possible house, Mr. Dr. Possible is sitting in the kitchen designing rockets. Kim then comes into the kitchen with a magazine and a bowl of cereals. Mr. Dr. Possible then asks Kim how she is, to which she answers that she feels moderately bummed, and she tells him that Drakken got away. He then complains about the launch vectors on the rocket he is designing. Kim then asks him what he thinks of the jacket Kim wants. He then asks why she need a new jacket when she already has a functional one. She then says that it is a good thing fashion sense isn’t genetic, as the jacket she already has is “last year”. The twins then come in, and ask their dad what the combustion temperature of the J200 fuel he developed is, and they look very nervous. We then hear an explosion, and the twins then run of. Kim’s dad then begins to talk nonsense about him wanting a new propulsion system, and how money doesn’t grow on trees, or actually does, as money is made of paper, and paper comes from trees. Kim then sighs, and asks how that relates to her, to which her dad answers that he doesn’t know. He then says that she can’t get money for the new jacket. Her mom then comes in, and she says that the jacket looks cool, and Kim then says that she has to explain it to her dad, which “incorrectly believes that she doesn’t need a new jacket”. Her mom then says that she has to go to the hospital, and don’t have the time to do it. But, she then proposes that Kim can work at Bueno Nacho. They then argues that she practically live there anyway, so why not start there? At Bueno Nacho, Kim asks Ron to work there with her, and uses the same argument as her mother to Ron, but he says that you should never work where you food. She tells Ron that it is the only way to afford that jacket, because her parents said no. Ron asks if she tried the puppy dog pout, to which she answers that it had no effect. If she wants the jacket, she’ll have to earn it. Ron says that that is harsh. Ron then pours his Nachos onto a Taco, and starts eating it. Kim then looks slightly disgusted, and asks what he is eating. He then says that a taco meets a nacho, and that it is called a Naco. Kim on the other hand, calls it gross beyond reason. Ron then takes a big bite and asks Kim if she want some, while Rufus pops out of Ron’s pocket and starts eating it. Kim then says that restaurants doesn’t welcome pet, but Ron says that Rufus is family rather than a pet. Kim then says that Rufus is from the rodent family. Kim then says that she have to do two weeks of work before she can afford the jacket. Ned then comes over, and Kim gives him the application paper, and says “Hola, amigo”, which he doesn’t get too happy for. Ron is making faces behind Ned’s back, but stops as he turns around. Ron then asks if Ned is wearing a clip-on tie, which he is, in the event of a grease fire. He then asks when they can start. Kim says that she is ready to start, but Ron isn’t quite with him on the question. He then realises that Kim wrote an application for Ron, which he gets angry at. Kim tries the puppy dog pout, and she convinces Ron. Later, behind the Bueno Nacho counter, Kim and Ron are wearing Bueno Nacho uniforms while getting the Bueno Nacho SOP by Ned, which stands for Standard Operation Procedures, and they must “learn them, know them, and live them!” Ron then says that he will get Kim for this, while Kim sings “two weeks to jacket, two weeks to jacket”. Ned is driving Kim hard. He complains about too little lettuce, too much salsa, and wrong amount of beans in the Taco Kim is making. He then points at Ron, who does the job excellently, even building a Mayan Temple of food. Ned then gives them the task of folding burritos, something Ron handles excellently, while Kim isn’t. Ned then puts Kim on “cheese duty”, in which she is going to pour cheese on nachos. She is very bored, but she manages to cope (barely) when she thinks of the jacket. Wade then beeps in, and Kim answers. Wade then says that he has scanned all recent satellite photos, but he hasn’t seen any signs of Drakken. Ned then sees Kim, and believes that she is playing video games, and docks her payment one hour. Ron on the other hand, is arranging food to look better, something Ned praises him for. Kim then gets angry at Ron, because he is doing so well even though he didn’t want the job. Ron then begins to hold a speech, and says that he has found where he really belong: At Bueno Nacho. He then slides on his knees out the front door and says “I love this place” in Spanish or Mexican. Late, back inside, Ron is wiping off a plate, as to make it look more delicious, and when he says up the order numbers over the speakers, he speaks like a true poet, like “fifty-eight, you’re order is great, fifty-nine, looking fine!” And “sixty… you’re food is ready.” Kim is angry, but then Wade beeps in, but Ron switches ff the Kimmunicator before Wade gets to tell Kim about the current sitch. He then tells her that the nachos needs cheese, but she gets angry at him, because they may have gotten a lead on Drakken, and she then tells him that her priorities are to stop Drakken, not nacho cheese duty. Kim and Ron then argues, and Ron walks off. Kim coaxes Rufus with a nacho, and tells him to do the nacho cheese duty, which he gladly does. Kim then beeps in, and talks badly about Ron. Wade gives Kim the sitch. There has been seismic activity in Wisconsin, and the epicentre is the world’s largest Cheese Wheel. Kim then finds out that thee was a break in at the Cheese Wheel Mall, and that one thing was stolen: a leather jacket. This makes Kim suspect that Drakken and Shego has their lair there. Kim then tells Ned that she has to go, but he doesn’t care, because he isn’t assistant manager anymore. That position Is now filled by Ron, who isn’t willing to go with Kim to fight Drakken, because he is tired of always being Kim’s sidekick. HE says that she can’t handle the fact that someone is better than her. Ron then asks Kim to mop the floor, but she leaves, and both of them are angry. Ron then gives Ned the mopping job. Back at the Possible house, Kim is looking through her closet while talking with her mom on the phone about her fight with Ron. She then tells her mom that she feels bad about the whole deal, but that she has to go stop Drakken, and not stay at work. Her mom then says something, and Kim realises that her mom has her on speakers, because she is in the middle of an operation. Her mom then hangs up the phone after saying that they are going to have Nacos for dinner. Up in the clouds a small crop dusting plane is driving, over endless fields. Kim then thanks the person who steers the plane; she apparently saved his crop dusting business. The plane then turns upside down, and Kim jumps out, down through the skies towards the endless fields, and ejects the parachute. She then spots the giant cheese wheel, and is heads towards it. She lands on top of the giant cheese wheel, and she then hear a tour guide speaking, and she says that the building is not mad out of cheese as many believes, but rather one hundred percent Wisconsin Swiss. The guide then makes a bad joke about cheese. Kim on the other hand, is already on her way into one of the holes in the cheese. Inside the cheese wheel is a big open room, where several of Drakken’s henchmen is standing, and a laser is drilling through the ground. Kim then arrives, and calls Wade, and he does also point out the whole “not a cheese-thing”. Kim then tells Wade that Drakken has the whole mad scientist lair in the building. Wade then tells Kim to look in her backpack, and she finds… a hairdryer? Wade then tells her that it is a grappling gun. She hooks the grappler to a wall, and rappels down the wall from the hole where she is standing. When she comes down, she runs around the base. Drakken then tells his henchmen to increase the drill’s power, because he wants to reach that magma. Kim then gets discovered by Drakken’s henchmen, as well as Shego. Shego starts her glowing powers, while Kim takes some flips and knocks out some of the henchmen, but then even more arrives, and she gets caught Drakken’s henchmen then tie her up to a wall, and Drakken then arrives. and says that it is nice to see Kim again, especially when she are helpless to stop him. He then begins to tell Kim his plan, but she tries to predict it and says that he is using the world’s most powerful laser drill to tap into the molten magma beneath the earth’s crust, and this annoys Drakken. But, that was only the first part of his plan, the second one he then begins to tell about. He will use the magmachine he has to melt the entire state of Wisconsin, and he will then take it for himself and rename to Drakkenville. Kim then says that Drakken is so conceded. Drakken then says that in any second now he will execute phase two of his plan. Shego then says that it will take more like half an hour. He then says that in roughly thirty minutes Wisconsin will surrender to Drakken. Back at Bueno Nacho, Ron is diving Ned harshly, and complains because some customers have been waiting for over thirty seconds in the drive-through. Ron then gives Ned mopping duty. Wade then beeps in on the headphones Ron are wearing, and says that Kim is in trouble, and that he has lost contact and needs Ron. Ned then confronts Ron and asks what is the most important: His job as assistant manager or his role as goofy sidekick. They look angry at each other, and circle around, before Ron says that it is not a choice at all. He then says it is time to say “Bueno Noches, Bueno Nacho!” and he runs off, together with Rufus. Back at Drakken’s lair, the drill is making progress. Drakken then says that the Midwest is about to receive a molten calling card from him. Drakken then asks Shego how long it is to they break through to the molten lava. Outside, Ron is sitting in the Guide train, and asks and gets an answer to the whole “Not a cheese-covered building concept”. Inside the lair, Drakken is complaining that they don’t drill fast enough, and scolds his henchman. Kim is still trapped, but she then sees Ron, and he is about to free Kim when Shego appears, and Ron gets trapped as well. While they are hanging on the wall, Ron apologises to Kim about him not saving her, and he apologizes because he got too high from the power that assisting manager role gave him, and that Kim were right. She also reveals that she resented Ron because he were better than her at something. They then forgive each other. Drakken then arrives and says aaawwwww, that’s so sweet; the fact that they are friends again just in time to get fried in magma. on then asks, “remind me again why I rushed over?” Deep down, at the magma core of the Earth, the drill is breaking through, and Drakken then orders to activate the magmachine, which is a huge, giant hollow sphere with wheels. Ron then says that it would be so cool if it weren’t going to hurt them. The magmachine drives over the hole, and Drakken orders the activation of the magma pump. A giant tube now rises up, through the cheese buildings, and creates panic between the people there. The magmachine then starts to suck up all the magma. Rufus then suddenly pops out of Ron’s pocket, and Kim then realises that Rufus can save them (again), by pressing the button that will free Kim and Ron. Rufus then climbs upward Ron, and climbs over, but he can’t reach the button, so he has to jump. He hits the button, and Kim and Ron gets freed. Rufus lands on Ron’s head. They then sneak away, and Kim tells Ron to get to the laser drill, while Kim takes care of Shego. Kim then says that Ron has to get creative with the building, since it is made of cheese. Ron then says that it will be his masterpiece. They then say “be careful” to each other at the exact same time, and Kim is quick and says “Jinx, you owe me a soda”. Kim then tries to sneak past Drakken, but he discovers her and says that Shego has to stop her. He also says that the buffoon (Ron) is nothing, but he will be proven wrong. Kim is now fighting off henchman after henchman, and she ends up fighting with Shego atop the crates that is in Drakken’s lair. They both get into a fierce battle, and Shego punches and punches, but she can’t hit Kim, she is too fast. They continue to fight. Drakken is standing on his hover pad and hovers around the magmachine, and sees through ha window the molten magma hat begins to flow in, and he says “here comes the magma”, and laughs a long, evil laughter. Kim and Shego is still fighting, while Ron is sneaking up to the control room for the drill. When he comes in, he says to Rufus that it is a precision instrument, and extremely complex. HE then says that he’d better mess with everything, and begins with pressing buttons and flipping switches randomly. An alarm then begins to sound, and the whole machine is beginning to malfunction. Ron then presses the button to activate the drill, and he begins to steer it through Drakken’s lair. Drakken sends his henchmen after Ron, but he knocks them out with the laser drill. He then starts to melt the whole building, seeing how it is a cheese building. The magmachine is however, filled with magma, and Drakken is about to activate it, but nothing but melted cheese gets out of the tube, or a cannon as it is, that sticks out of the top of the building. The melted cheese then begins to pour down over Drakken’s whole lair. Drakken also makes the whole “ask-and-answer-about-the-cheese-covered-building-thing”, when the tour guide floats past. Ron then climbs up to the top of the drill, trying to avoid the cheese. Kim and Shego is still fighting atop the crates, but the laser is headed their way, and they fall down into the cheese. Kim manages, however, to grapple into the wall and avoid falling into the molten cheese. She also grabs Ron, and they barely make it out through one of the holes in the cheese building. Drakken, who is floating in the melted cheese, says that this is not over. Later, Kim and Ron stands outside the now deformed cheese building. Drakken is stuck in the cheese, and so is his henchmen and Shego. People standing around them are also taking pictures. Ron then calls “his masterpiece” for “Badguy concesso”. Back at Bueno Nacho, Kim and Ron is sitting outside eating. Ron says that Kim doesn’t seem very happy, and this is because she is no closer to owning the jacket, even after saving the world. Ron then says “maybe… maybe not”, and gives Kim a box with the Club Banana emblem on it. Kim opens it, and inside is the green jacket. Ron says that he bought it with his “way Bueno” Nacho bonus. Kim then says that she loves it, and hugs Ron. Ned then suddenly comes waling past, wearing the exact same jacket, he bought it because he saw the picture of it that Kim had left by the cheese dispenser, and he just had to have it then. He then says “Viva me!” and walks off. Ron then asks if Kim is going to exchange it, and she answers “oh yeah” End of episode. |