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So The Drama (Part 1)

The movie opens in Japan during the Nakasumi-toys parade. Nakasumi and Miss Kiyoto are on a float waving to everyone. Just then, Shego, in a large green jet, appears and launches smokescreen missles covering the entire area. Then she ordered a group of waiting ninjas to attack. The ninjas surround Nakasumi and are about to seize him when Kim bursts out of the float Nakasumi was riding and does battle with the ninjas. While she is doing this, Ron is having a difficult time getting out of the float. When he does get out (with the aid of Nakasumi) he encounters a sumo ninja. Kim and Ron take care of the ninja squad no sweat (Ron also gave the sumo ninja a super atomic wedgie). Shego dives out of the sky and using a mechanical hook, grabs Nakasumi and carries him off. Kim activates her rocket skates and gives chase. Ron tries to follow suite but unfortunately he put on his blaster briefs instead of his rocket skates, which propel him all over town. Kim manages to grab onto Nakasumi and holds on for dear life, Shego does all she can to shake her loose. Wade calls Kim saying Monique would like to talk, she has the latest info on Bonnie and Brick's relationship (right now the relationship is on). When Kim asks how many times can they do this, Monique replies that Bonnie loves the drama. The conversation is cut short when Shego tries to swing Kim into a jumbotron. Ron's briefs run out of fuel, he falls and grabs ahold of Kim. The extra weight frees Nakasumi from the hook and the three fall to earth. With Ron still holding onto her, Kim grabs Nakasumi and whips out her hairdryer grappling hook. She fires it at a sign which it wraps around. While Kim, Ron and Nakasumi try to swing to safety, Shego makes one final attempt to nab the toymaker, but the only thing she ends up getting is his jacket. Kim and the others land safely back on the float with all the parade viewers cheering. As she flies away, Shego says "You know, one day we really need to take that hairdryer from her."

A grateful Nakasumi flies Kim and her friends back to Middleton. Wade is still trying to figure out why Drakken wanted to kidnap Nakasumi, Kim is working on her homework, while Ron and Rufus are playing with some of the toys Nakasumi developed (a couple of Nakasumi copperation executives are working on Ron's homework for his efforts in Nakasumi's rescue). Kim and her friends are surprised that the creations of Nakasumi toys all started as doodles drawn by Nakasumi himself and that every child in the world found them irresitable. The jet plans to land but Kim decides that she and her friends will land on their own. They jump out of the plane and open their parachutes (all the homework the executives did for Ron goes flying when his chute opens).

At the Possible house, Kim's mother is making breakfast while her father is working on his biggest project: The Hephaestus Project, a new advanced technology that took over three years and three billion dollars to develop. Kim's brothers Jim and Tim are working on their own project. Kim lands in the yard and enters the house. Just as her parents are about to chew her out for being out so late, Kim turns on the t.v as the reporter tells about Kim's latest deed. Just then, Jim and Tim's new project: a couple of miniture rockets come flying into the kitchen. Kim strikes the rockets out of the air with a frying pan, much to the displeasure of her brothers.

Shego returns to Drakken's lair only to get a very cold welcome. Disappointed with Shego's failure, Drakken has his Synthodrones: humanoid-like goons that run on sythoplasm, attack her. The drones give Shego a tough fight, until she uses her powers to penetrate one, draining it of it's sythogoo. Drakken immedeately called off the rest of the drones. When Shego asks why he was so edgy, he tells her it was time to advance his methods and that failure was no longer an option. Drakken shows Shego his new projects: mutant sea-monster, new anhilator ray, new torture methods, and to Shego's suprise, studying the teenage mind. Drakken vows to discover Kim's fatal flaw and utilize it to ensure his victory. One of Drakken's scientist come up to him and says the brain-tap machine he was going to use on Nakasumi was useless without a brain. In his rage, Drakken tore apart the jacket Shego stole from Nakasumi. A small piece of paper falls out of the pocket. On it is the design for Li'l Diablo, Nakasumi's newest toy. Shego doesn't understand why Drakken is so giddy about a doodle.

Back in Middleton, Cheerleading practice is interrupted by Brick's call to Bonnie. This gets Kim riled. But then Bonnie points out that Kim is the only one on the squad who isn't dating a jock. With the prom coming up, it looked like Kim's options were captain of the chess team or a certain blonde haired boy Kim knew.

At Bueno Nacho, Kim relays what happened to Monique and said, to her own displeasure, that Bonnie might have a point. Ron is a great guy, but he is just a friend and Kim doesn't see them going to the prom together. Ron is having difficulties of his own. Naco Night has been cancelled due to new management of the company. Ron doesn't like the sound of this. Monique tries to convince Kim not to let Bonnie get to her. Just then, Wade interrupts Kim and Ron's plights, saying he has found Drakken at the Bermuda Triangle, a hotel/Casino out in the middle of the ocean.

Drakken needs information and the best source for information is Big Daddy Brotherson. Of course getting to him will prove difficult as Drakken doesn't play by Brotherson's rules. Kim, Ron and Rufus get a lift to the hotel from Mr. Bailey, a man Kim helped when he was caught in a storm. The trio then swim threw the defenses surrounding the island: underwater fence, imobolizng buoys and laster turret clams. After reaching land, Ron askes if the people in the hotel were trying to keep them out. The trio then change into their disguises. Ron is wearing a very ridiculous tux that belonged to his father. The trio then slip through the air vent and into the air ducts. Kim gets into the ladies' room while Ron and Rufus search for their own exit. The two fall out of the shaft right into a poker game where Ron is mistaken for a guy called "The Kid". Kim's disguise obviously didn't fool Shego cause she attacked and the two went into another fight. While Kim fought for her life, Ron got tangled into the card game. Ron bet all of the chips he was given. One of the poker players, a cowboy, said that was bold and asked if he was good for it. The cowboy knew all the signs for when someone wasn't truthful: No eye contact, touching the face, shallow breath. Ron had all the symptoms and he lost the game. Ron tried to get away but the cowboy wouldn't let Ron leave until he paid up. Just then, Kim and Shego busted into the room fighting, giving Ron the chance to escape as The real Kid arrived. Meanwhile, Drakken finally got through to Brotherson and learned that the scientist who had developed the cybertronic technology he needed was his old college pal James Timothy Possible. With Ron's help, Kim captured Shego. But before Kim could get any information out of her, Drakken appeared and the two villians escaped.

Back in Middleton, Kim was having trouble with the fact that she didn't have a date for the prom. Ron wasn't about to take Bueno Nacho's changes lying down. He made a petiton to get Naco Night back. He was surprised to hear Kim just wanted to go home, beliving it was because Drakken and Shego got away again, but Kim assured him she was use to it. After signing Ron's petiton, Kim headed home. She asked her dad for help, but in this case, he felt she should talk to her mother. After a talk on phone with her mother and the other doctors (it was on speaker cause "Hands free is really the only way to go"), Kim began to realize the prom was a nonissue.

The next day, Ron was on his way to school on his scooter, which wasn't very speedy. Just as he was about to park, a guy on a motorcycle took the space. Ron got pretty upset, but calmed down when it seemed he had alot in common with the new guy, Erik. Ron began to give Erik a tour of the school which ended in the cafeteria. There Erik spotted Kim and became fascinated with her. When he asked Ron if he and Kim were hooked up and Ron said no, this gave Erik the okay to move in on Kim, which he did. Kim began to spend more time with Erik than with Ron who was back to disliking Erik. Erik was even invited over for dinner at the Possible house one night.

That night, Dr. Possible was putting the finishing touches on the Hephaestus Project when Drakken came in with the sumo ninja demanding the project. To protect the project, Dr. Possible erased the files but still had all the information in his head. This was good for Drakken. Looks like he'll get to use his brain-tap machine after all.

Back at the Possible house, Ron was still having difficulties handling the fact that Kim had a boyfriend, and surprisingly, it was stirring something up inside him. Ron left in a huff, Rufus followed, and the two headed for Bueno Nacho. Kim figured Ron was okay while her mother was wondering where her father could be.

At Bueno Nacho, Ron was trying to figure out what was happening between him and Kim. His friend Ned had his own problems. He had been replaced as assitant manager by Lars who was sent by the new CEO. There were alot of changes in store for Bueno Nacho including Kiddie Meals wirh toys. Just then, Ron's beeper went off. Ir was Kim with a 9-1-1, she had learned Drakken had her father.

Kim and Ron arrived at Drakken's lair only to find it deserted. Suddenly, Kim and Ron fell through a trap door into a secret room. There, a hologram of Drakken showed them the sitiuation: Kim's father was dangling over a mutant sea-monster, but they also had to deal with Drakken's Synthodrones and his new motion-detecting deathray. While Kim did battle with the synthodrones, Ron tried to rescue Dr. Possible, but to no avail. After using the laser to get rid of the synthodrones and reflecting the beam back at itself, Kim saved her father from the sea-beast, who had no memory of what Drakken did to him.

At the mall, Kim and Monique were trying out dresses for the prom. Kim had no idea what Drakken's plan was. Erik came in and was about to ask Kim about the prom, when Bonnie interrupted saying how close Kim and Ron were. Monique managed to trick Bonnie into leaving, while she was still wearing the dress she hadn't paid for. Kim and Erik left the store, Ron watching from his booth with a frown on his face.

Kim wasn't the only one wondering what Drakken was cooking up. Shego tried to figure it out but couldn't see the connection between a toy design, cybertronic technology, synthodrone upgrades, and teenage wasteland. Shego tried to get Drakken to tell her, but he refused, saying if she can't figure out his plan, than never can Kim, meaning there was a chance he might win. Drakken left the still-confused Shego for a board meeting at a company he recently got control of.

In Japan, Nakasumi discovered Bueno Nacho had his new character Li'l Diablo and he wasn't very happy about it. Bueno Nachos all over the globe were giving out the little devil-like toy which was a big hit with children everywhere. Unfortunately, Ron, who couldn't handle all the kids, broke down on live t.v news. Upon seeing this, Kim decide to talk to Ron, who was in the old treehouse.

At the treehouse, Kim and Ron reminicised about old times such as when Kim saved Ron from a bully he pelted with his slingshot when they were six (Ron claims it was him who saved Kim, but the details were sketchy). They also talked about Ron's time at Camp Wannaweep, where Ron admitted that of all the terrible things that happened to him (including dealing with bullies, rabid squirrels, bugs, poison ivy, a mad monkey, a polluted lake and the fact that his mother wouldn't come get him), the worse thing was spending a whole summer away from Kim. When Kim asked if there was more bothering him than Bueno Nacho, Ron immedately said he had no problem with Erik, while giving off the same bluffing signs he did at his card game. Kim assured Ron that they would always be friends, but it was time to grow up a little. Erik arrived but Ron wouldn't let him come up ("This treehouse has a weight limit, and while I'm holding this slingshot, we're already pushing it"), so Kim left with him. As she did, Ron muttered to Rufus that he wasn't jealous. While walking her back home, Erik told Kim he thought the stuff she did was cool and asked her to the prom. Kim instantly accepted.

The night of the prom came. As Rufus helped Ron get ready, Ron told him how he couldn't understand what was happening to him. He wasn't bothered with Kim being with other guys before, but for some reason it was different this time. It was then Ron began to realize what was up with him: he had feelings for Kim, feelings that had probably been there since they first met. Ron figured it was time to tell Kim the truth about his feelings, but after some second thought, he decided against it, not wanting to take the risk if Kim chose Erik over him, especially if it had negative consequences on their friendship. At the Possible house, Erik arrived to pick up Kim. Erik even won Kim's dad over, saying he would have her back by ten. Kim looked more attractive than ever, however her graceful desecendant down the steps was interrupted by the twins on their rockets. Strangely enough, Erik had fast enough reflexes to dodge them. As Kim left for the prom with Erik, her mother looked at an old picture of Kim and Ron and wondered if her daughter was making the right choice. At the prom, Kim and Erik were the center of attention. Off the side at a table was Brick and a scowling Bonnie.

Ron, who decided not to go to the dance, went to Bueno Nacho. At first, he was getting an order to go, but an anxious Rufus begged have it now. While Lars was preparing Ron's order, Ned tried to tell Ron that something weird was happening, but Ron didn't pay attention. As a last attempt, Ned wrote the word "EVIL" on Ron's tray with Diablo sauce. As Rufus began scarfing nachos, he discoverd the message and tried to get Ron to look at it, but Ron was too down about losing Kim to give it a glance. In fact, the only thing he did notice was that the bendy straws had been taken away. Fed up with all these changes, Ron decided to complain to the new CEO of Bueno Nacho. He contacted Wade and had him patch him through. Ron was surprised that the CEO was...... Drakken. It seems Drakken used his new torture methods to get control of the company. Realizing Ron had learned too much, Lars had Ron attacked..... with the Li'l Diablos. Ron and Rufus managed to escape the attacking miniture robots on Ron's scooter (despite how slow it was) and headed for the prom, with the Diablos in hot pursuit.

Back at the prom, Wade tried to contact Kim to tell about Ron's discovery, but she was too distracted by Erik to pay attention. Ron busted in saying the Diablo toys were evil, causing everything to stop. When Ron pointed outside to the Diablos who had chased him, they had gone into hiding. Erik thought Ron was making it up, but Ron didn't care, all that mattered was that Kim believed him. At first she didn't, until he mentioned Drakken was in control of Bueno Nacho. Kim called Wade who confirmed everything Ron said. The Diablos were made of a technology more advanced than Wade every saw. Kim decided to show the designs to her father and she left with Ron, leaving behind a not so thrilled Erik.

It turns out the Diablos were made from the Hephaestus Project which Drakken extracted from Dr. Possible's brain. While Kim and Ron tried to figure out the meaning of this maddness, Drakken ordered Shego to give him a status report on the plan. Good news for him: There were enough Diablos scattered across the earth to implement the final phase at the stroke of midnight. The bad news: Kim was on to it. Determined not to lose this time, Drakken ordered his men to activate the Diablos in Middleton immedately and told Shego to pick up something for him while he was holding a picture of Kim and Erik. Back at the Possible house, Kim's dad revealed that the Hephaestus Project was a living metal capable modifying itself and growing. Seeing the shocked looks on everyones faces, he assured them it was useless without a command signal.

Just then, the taco sign at the Middleton Bueno Nacho turned into a signal attenna and began broadcasting a signal across the town. Jim and Tim's Diablos instantly transformed into giant killer robots. Kim's family heads for the garage while Kim and Ron deal with the Diablos. Things don't look good, the Diablos are unlike any of Drakken's other creations they've faced. Kim's family decides to help by upgrading Ron's scooter with Jim and Tim's rockets. Kim contacts Wade for help, but he is also having robot trouble. Wade says the only way to stop the Diablos is to take out the command signal but he is unable to track it at the moment. Ron figures the signal is coming from were the Diablos originated: Bueno Nacho. Kim and Ron jump on Ron's rocket boosted scooter and head to Bueno Nacho with one of the Diablos giving chase. Dodging the robot's laser blasts they arrive at Bueno Nacho and get the robot to knock over the transmitter. With the signal gone, all the Diablos in Middleton turn back into harmless toys. A safe and sound Wade contacts Kim and Ron, saying there's a hit on the site. It was Drakken congraduating Kim for surviving the attack, but she must surrender if she cares about the safety of Erik, who it seems Shego kidnapped from the prom.

Angrily, Kim rushes home and puts on the experimental battle suit Wade developed for her then raced to Bueno Nacho headquarters, Shego and Drakken watching her approach on the monitor. Shego is surprised, but Drakken is expecting her. Kim and Ron arrive at Drakken's lair and discover among they gadgets Wade gave them was a toy gun modified into an electromagnetic scrambler that could take down Drakken's system. Inside, Kim and Ron are attacked by the sumo ninja, who now has a high voice thanks to the atomic wedgie Ron gave him. Just as the sumo ninja is about to crush Ron, Kim tosses Rufus her lip gloss/knock-out gas. Rufus opens the container and the sumo ninja is out cold. Kim dodges an energy blast from Shego and the two once again fight. It seems Kim has the edge with the battle suit. Down below, Ron is cheering Kim on. The sumo ninja who recovered from the knockout gas sneaks up behind him, but Ron accidentaly knocks him out again. After a few well place punches and the right motivation, it seem's Kim has won the fight. Erik comes down the escalator and embraces Kim, only to reveal he is really Synthodrone #901. Kim tries to get away from him, but 901 sends an electric shock through her, shorting out her suit and knocking her out as he reverts to his true sythodrone form. Ron angrily charges at the sythodrone but is knocked out by Shego who got her second wind. Kim and Ron wake to find they are tied to Bueno Nacho props. Kim is down that she didn't realize Erik wasn't human and that Drakken played her so easily. She feels it's all over and Drakken has defeated her. But Ron gives her a peptalk and says it is not too late to stop Drakken and also says she'll find the right guy as he says "there is bound to be one out there or... in here". Kim begins to realize what Ron is trying to say. Just then, Rufus appears and, using Kim's laser, cuts his friends down. Kim grabs the electromagneticb scrambler, pockets it and the trio head for the final battle.

Midnight strikes, and Drakken and his men activate the main signal tower, which sends out the command signal to the entire world. Diablos everywhere transform into killer robots and begin attacking their resident areas. It appears Drakken has finally succeded. He begins boasting about how he was able to learn Kim's weakness: boys, when Kim comes in and gives Drakken a punch right in the jaw, then races up to the roof while Ron fights 901 which he learns maybe difficult as he watches 901 turn his head back around after Ron knocked it out of place. Up on the roof, it is storming and the sky is filled with Diablos. Kim tries to aim the scrambler at the signal tower, but it is knocked out of her hands by Shego. Ron runs up to the roof and attempts to grab the scrambler, but 901 busts through the roof and snatchs it, then he insults Rufus. Ron knocks 901 over and the scrambler goes flying. Rufus grabs the scrambler before it goes over the side. As Rufus attempts to pull the scrambler back up, Kim and Ron continue their fights with Shego and 901, Kim is holding her own against Shego, but it seems 901 is too strong for Ron. Rufus manages to get the scrambler back on the roof and passes to Ron who (while 901 is standing on top of him) in turn passes it to Kim. Kim knocks Shego out of the way, grabs the scrambler and fires it at the signal tower. But before the unit hits its target, 901 jumps onto the tower and grabs the unit. It seems all is lost. But a grudge-holding Rufus appears and bites 901's foot, causing his synthogoo to come pouring out. As 901 collapses into a puddle, he drops the scrambler unit and it makes contact with the tower. The tower shorts out, the computer system explodes, and Diablos all over the world turn back into harmless toys, some of which are picked up by happy children. Realizing his plan is ruined, Drakken tries to run for it, but is stopped by a miffed Ron who says he'll pay for what he did to Bueno Nacho. Drakken begs for mercy and finally says Ron's name. Shego also tried to escape, but is blocked by Kim who, like Ron, isn't in a happy mood and she gives Shego a kick into the base of the shorted out signal tower, causing it to collapse. Drakken, his henchmen, and Shego (who is sporting a new look after her electrifying encounter with the tower) are loaded into the paddy wagon, Drakken saying he can't believe he lost again. As he shuts the door to the paddy wagon, Ron says "Deal with it, dude." Having saved the day again, Kim and Ron have only one more thing to do. As Kim takes Ron's hand and they walk away, Ron asks "Where are we going?" Kim only smiles and says "You'll see".

Back at the prom, everyone is watching the news of Kim and Ron's latest victory over Drakken on the janitor's miniture t.v. Everyone gasps as two familar figures come through the door. Kim in her prom dress and Ron in his tux, both holding hands. Even an idiot could figure this out. Realizing that it has finally happened between Kim and Ron, Bonnie takes this as the ultimate opportunatey to insult them. She makes fun of the new couple and laughs, expecting everyone else to do the same. Instead, to her surprise (and Kim and Ron's as well), everyone cheers and applauds, like they were waiting for Kim and Ron to get together all along. The multicolor lights come on and the prom resumes. At first, Kim and Ron just stand in the doorway, too nervous to move. Rufus jumps out of Ron's pocket and pushes the two closer together. Taking the hint, Kim and Ron take each other's hands and start dancing. Christy Carlson Romano's song "Could It Be" matches the mood perfectly. Kim begins to realize the man of her dreams has been with her since Pre-K. From the look on Kim's face, we can tell Kim is having a better time with Ron than she had with Erik. On the side, Rufus and Monique happily watch their friends fall in love. On the other side, we once again see Brick and a scowling Bonnie. Kim and Ron stop in the middle of the song, look in each other's eyes, smile at each other, then summoning up more courage than ever before, they share their first kiss. Outside, the MHS board has the words "THE END" written on it.

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