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Number One

After rescuing an ambassador in Abu Dhabi, Kim gives her cheerleading squad 120% during practice. Fellow cheerleader Bonnie Rockwaller, however, thinks she can do a better job than Kim (only as squad-captain). Elsewhere, Ron is upset because Bueno Nacho is cutting back on the beans in their burritos.

Suddenly, Kim is "abducted" by Doctor Betty Director, the blue-clad head of GJN (the Global Justice Network). Their number-one agent, Will Du (he is Chinese), needs a new partner. Du's latest mission is to find the recently-disappeared Professor Sylvan Green, developer of the Sirenita guided-missile tracking/defense system. Du, a highly-trained professional (who speaks fourteen languages and thirty-two regional dialects) is insulted by the prospect of working with an "amateur" like Kim (who is tutoring Ron through French). So of course Kim jumps at this new challenge.

After school the next day, Will Du shows up to collect Kim so she can "assist me with my investigation." Ron falls victim to Du's watch, which turns out to be a combination taser/voice-recorder. Bonnie has launched a new fund-raiser, selling chocolates, without informing Kim. Ron tries to help Kim sell some chocolates, although Rufus proves to be a better salesman than Ron is!

Later that afternoon, Will Du goes over to Kim's house with her to discuss their mission. He sucks up to Kim's mom, which she loves. Using a holographic simulation of the missing professor's home, they see a large hole has been blasted in the wall...with a golf ball! Professor Green shows up in various online discussion groups: gardening, botany, experimental fertilizers; and his lawn won the blue-grass ribbon three years in a row. Du can't figure out what Green would be captured for, other than his weapon-systems expertise. Kim, however, insists that Green was a weapons-expert in the 1960s; everything he knows could be looked up in the library. Moreover, Kim detects another trace element at the crime scene: hyperactic acid, an experimental fertilizer available only on the black market.

Will Du and Kim visit the world headquarters for black-market gardening supplies: the Cloak-and-Dagger Cafe. Ron tags along, still trying to sell chocolate bars however (and to whomever) he can. They confront Big Daddy Brotherson, a huge and sweaty man whom Du foolishly attempts to shake down for answers. Big Daddy sics a huge bouncer on him. Kim attempts to find out who's in the market for hyperactic acid. Alas, Big Daddy has a rule in this establishment: client confidentiality. That is, until Kim offers him her fund-raiser candy bars. He buys them all, in exchange for a client's name: Duff Killigan. Will pulls out his standard-issue GJN mobile database (a handheld computer) to tell them all about Duff Killigan; Kim pulls out her customized palm-pilot for the same purpose. Ron alone notices Killigan himself smacking an explosive golf ball straight toward them. Then Kim notices same...just after Ron pulls her and Will into an alley, and the ball explodes. (This marks the fifth or sixth time Ron has upstaged Kim during the series' run; here, he also upstages Will. However do Kim and Will take all that in stride, when most people in their position would cringe with embarrassment?)

Kim goes back to Middleton. Bonnie has sold all of her chocolate as well; she's also composed a new cheer for the squad. Moreover, she's bought Kim and the other cheerleaders "badical" new uniforms! (These ones are gold instead of purple, with long sleeves, but still without midriffs.) After Kim gets a location on Duff Killigan, Will transports her and Ron there in his sleek standard-issue GJN hoverjet.

Arriving at Duff Killigan's Island, Kim and Company head for the villain's lair: a huge old castle. They enter the castle hall, at the far end of which is a dungeon...where everything is covered in grass. Kim puts it all together: Killigan captured Professor Green; then he bought a ton of hyperactic acid, which Green had been experimenting with, to improve on the professor's award-winning lawn. Killigan has invented a new superfast-growing grass! Kim finds Professor Green, trapped in a man-sized clump of grass, whom Ron frees with Rufus's teeth. (Upstaged again, it looks like, for the second time in one episode!) Killigan appears behind them; he plans on covering the world in grass to create a giant golf course. He locks them all in the dungeon, but Kim picks the lock with a "lipstick laser." (Whatever happened to using her guts and wits and physical prowess, like the initial concept dictates or at least implied, as opposed to a space-age arsenal?) Will is downed by the club-swiping, ball-whacking Killigan...whom Kim disarms by twirling an iron wall ornament. Killigan escapes via a trick fireplace, and a huge plaid blimp. Kim and Company run back to Will's hoverjet but fall into a sand-trap actually filled with quicksand.

Kim--up to her neck in the quicksand--sends Rufus to retrieve the hoverjet. She then lifts herself out of the quicksand using only her teeth (because both her arms were trapped by her sides). Back in the hoverjet, Will keeps turning all the way around to question Professor Green about Killigan; Kim has to grab the controls and prevent them from crashing. They estimate that Killigan intends to strike at the first country which banned him from professional golf, that country being Japan...

...They are correct. Duff Killigan is tossing Professor Green's fast-growing seeds everywhere. A couple of sprinkles from his watering can of black-market fertilizer, and the grass erupts from the ground like a green volcano...spewing a veritable tidal wave of grass through the streets. Will's hoverjet arrives but is completely covered by a huge surge of turf. Only Kim evades the seeds and supergrow liquid; while Killigan drives exploding golf balls at her, Will ejects himself and Ron from the trapped hoverjet. Will tries to zap Killigan with his taser-stopwatch, but it breaks. Another explosive golf ball sends Kim flying. But then she plucks a stray dandelion and blows on it. As the seeds form a cloud around Killigan, Kim splashes him with his own watering can. Duff Killigan turns into Fluff Killigan as weeds grow over him and pop out; he's now a big cottony ball of seeds.

As Kim tries to decide whether to have Killigan arrested or mowed, he suddenly defoliates himself (Don't ask how) and leaps toward her. Luckily, Will tasers the villain with his suddenly-functional-again (Again, don't ask) stopwatch. Just before heading back to GJN headquarters, Will credits Kim with...being of much assistance to him! Kim is insulted by said remark, but decides that selling the rest of her fund-raiser candy bars takes precedence over ranting. Back at Middleton High, Bonnie tries to get Kim's recall as cheerleader-captain on in her absence. Just then, Kim shows up in her new uniform, having sold the rest of her chocolates. She proceeds to astonish everyone by resigning as captain in favor of Bonnie! Kim praises Bonnie for the fund-raiser, the awesome uniforms, the new cheers...Bonnie has really worked hard for this. A second after being voted in as captain, however, Bonnie discovers that she must keep up the hard work...having set new standards for herself and the squad. Suddenly, Kim couldn't be happier for "Captain Bonnie"...who winds up passing said mantle back to Kim within two grueling weeks.

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