By wallaceb Ron: Rufus? Rufus? Here, boy! Kim: Hey Ron! Ron: Ssh, Rufus has gone missing. Kim: Maybe he's hibernating. Ron: Not likely, Kim. It's Spirit Week. If the little guy missed it, he'd be crushed. Rufus! Ho-hey-hey! Ho-ho! Rufus! Kim: A naked mole rat. Ron, ever think about getting a normal pet? Ron: Like what? Kim: Something not naked. Ron: Never Be Normal! That's the Ron Stoppable motto. Kim? KP? Kim Possible? Ron: Oh, Josh Mankey. Rufus: Mankey! Ron: Amp down, Kim. Someone might think you're crushing on Mankey. Rufus: Paha, Mankey! Ron: Huh? Kim? Josh: What does this say to you? Kim: Oh, it's, it's, err you know. I mean, yeah, Josh: Hey, you're Kim Possible. You were on the news last night, saved some ambassador or something? Kim: Um, yeah, I...I...Ah Josh: that was cool. Kim: Yeah, thanks. Bye! Kim: I can't even form a sentence around Josh. How am I gonna ask him to Friday's dance? Ron: Ask Mankey? I don't know, Kim, don't you think he might feel awkward... with us? Kim: Us? Ron: Well, we always go together. Kim: Yeah, but that's as, you know, friends. And this time, I was thinking about lining up a, you know. Ron: An enemy? Kim: A date! Ron: A date, right. Date, like, uh... dating. Date in a date- like kind of way. Uh-huh, I can do that. The date thing. Kim: Great. So, who are you going to ask? Ron: For me to get a date? Who am I not gonna ask? Kim: Hey, Wade, what up? Wade: Meet me at your locker. Wade: You will not believe how many hits we're getting on this site. Everyone wants your help. Ron: Mrs. Giltmore needs someone to feed her cats. For a week. Kim: Eurgh! Seven days, eight cats. Ron: One litter box. I know your website says you can do anything, but you have to draw the line. Hey, long distance.
Tokyo! I love the French. Wade: That one's an emergency. I'll stream the security cam. Drakken: Ha-ha! Kim: Whoa, rewind and freeze, Wade. Kim: Dr. Drakken. Ron: Our arch enemy. Well, your arch enemy. Yea, I don't think he knows my name. Kim: Come on, Ron, let's jet. Ron: Oh, yeah! Going to Tokyo on a school night. How are we gonna get there? Kim: I'll phone a friend. Ron: Ooh-yoo-hoo, sweet ride. Kim: Thanks for the lift, Britina. Britina: Kim, duh, it's the least I could do after you saved my Chicago show. Kim: Oh, the backstage fire was no big. Britina: For you, maybe. Must be so awesome not to be afraid of anything. Kim: Hm, Fearless, I am not. Ron: Oh, come on! I've seen you wrestle a shark with your bare hands. Britina: Yeah, what could scare you? Kim: His name's Josh Mankey. Britina: Ooh! Crush story. Kim: I feel so ridiculous around him. Britina: Just go for it. What's the worst thing that could happen? Ron: So, Britina as a pop superstar, I'll bet you miss out on stuff like school dances with, you know, normal, average guys? Britina: True. Ron: Friday. Dance. You. Me. Average guy. Britina: No. Ron: See? Was that so hard? Kim: Only to watch. Yoshiko: Thank you for coming, Kim Possible. I am Yoshiko, translator for Nakasumi san. Ron: you know, I'm looking for a lucky someone to go to a dance with me. Yoshiko: Er, Nakasumi san says he's very flattered, but given the current crisis, he feels it'd be inappropriate to go to the dance. Ron: No! Ew, no! I meant... Kim: So, what's the sitch? Yoshiko: They have taken over our entire factory. The workers are trapped inside. Kim: How many? Yoshiko: Two. Ron: Hundred? Yoshiko: No, just two. This is the most automated factory in the world. Ron: Wait up! Ron: Bhaaa! Kim: Ron, stop playing around! Ron: OK, I'm going. Ron: Ohh! Are you kidding me?! Kim: Very funny. Ron: The third time's the charm. Kim: What's Drakken doing in a video game factory? Ron: Duh! Do you know what this factory makes? Kim: Video games? Ron: The Z board. Only the fastest graphics system ever. Kim: So? Video games. Ron: It's not even coming out back home until Christmas. It's the must-have gift of the holiday season. Drakken's gonna steal Christmas. Kim: Ron, I know my arch foe. Drakken wants to take over the world. Ron: He wants to steal Christmas! Kim: Take over the world! Ron: Steal Christmas. Kim: Take over the world. Ron: Steal Christmas. Kim: Take over the world. Ron: Steal Christmas. Kim: Ssh! Fine, whatever. Ron: Kim, Drakken's in the house. Is this really the time to fix your make-up? Kim: I see the hostages. Gasp, Oh, no! Ron: What?! Kim: Thought I saw a zit. False alarm. OK, I'll free the hostages, you take this. Jack it into the video. Ron: You mean I'm...? Kim: The distraction. Ron: Oh, always the distraction. Factory: Konnichiwa. Konnichiwa. Konnichiwa. Drakken: Cartoons make my eyes itch. Can't you switch that thing off?! Guy: Mmmmm mmm. Drakken: Put some greasy elbow into it! Shego: Dr. Drakken? Drakken: Aaargh! Shego! Never sneak up on me like that. Shego: I wasn't sneaking. Drakken: Ninjas make more noise than you, Shego. Quit it! Ron: Whassup! Naked Mole Rat TV is on the air! Drakken: That voice. Shego: Its Kim Possible's dopey sidekick. Drakken: I can never remember his name. Ron: Its Ron Stoppable coming to you totally live. Broadcasting from... wouldn't you like to know? Yes, evil doers, it's the Rufus and Ron Show. Ahhhh! Drakken: You're cancelled. Kim: Ron! Shego: Kim Possible! Drakken: I remember. So, Kim Possible, you think to thwart my plan? Shego: Don't stop to tell her the plan. Drakken: I'll handle this, Shego. Shego: Yea, all I know is, every time you stop to blab about your big plan, she wins. Drakken: Oh, right. Shego: Let's go! Ron: Quick, where's our helicopter? Kim: We don't have one. Ron: Ooh, too bad. Mr. Dr P: I do not believe it. That Dr. Drakken fellow stole a factory. Seems two employees were rescued by world-famous teen hero... Hey, Kim Possible. Nice work, honey. Kim: Sure, until I let Drakken get away. I've gotta figure out his plan before he tries to take over the world. Oh, and then there's the Josh thing. Mr. Dr P: Josh? Another mad scientist bent on world conquest? Kim: So not. Josh is this guy I wanna take to the dance. Mr. Dr P: Oh. Don't you and your friend Ronald usually go to school functions together? Kim: Yeah, but Ron's a friend and Josh is a hottie. Mr. Dr P: I wouldn't just give up without a fight. With Drakken, I mean. Better get back on that case tout de suite. And Kimmie, let's not talk about hotties at breakfast any more. Mrs. Dr P: Who's a hottie? Mr. Dr P: We are not talking about it. Kim: Josh Mankey. Ah! Tweebs: Ooh. (Together) Kim's got a boyfriend Kim's got a boyfriend Kim: Don't make me hurt you. Mrs. Dr P: Eat your cereal, boys. So, this Josh is cute? Kim: He's golden, Mom. Mrs. Dr P: Golden? That's good, right? Mr. Dr P: Well, I prefer it over hottie. Kim: Josh is so cool and smart and really talented and kinda quiet. Kim: Excuse you! Jim: Wanna know what I think? Kim: No. Jim: Send an anonymous e-mail. Kim: I couldn't do that. Tim: Yes, you can. They, like, route it through Sweden or some place and it can't be traced. Mr. Dr P: Hmm. Your principal's been getting anonymous e-mails from Sweden. Tweebs: humm,... gotta go! Mrs. Dr P: Kimmie, telling a boy you like him is like getting into a really cold pool. Deep breath, then take the plunge. Kim: Before this day is over, I am going to ask Josh to the dance. Ron: And I'm gonna ask... somebody. Kim: Your standards are so high. Ron: Flexibility is key, Kim. Kim: Good luck. Ron: Don't need it. Mrs. Dr P: Deep breath, then take the plunge. Kim: Sigh Ron: Hi, I'm Ron Stop... Ow! Kim: Josh will come through that door any minute and I'll just spit it out. Ron: This arm is going to the dance on Friday. Who wants to be on it? Ron: How about this arm? Kim: Deep breath, then take the plunge. Here goes. Bonnie: Hi, Kim. Kim: Bonnie. Bonnie: Don't mind if I watch, do you? Kim: Watch what? Bonnie: You. Josh. It's so obvious that you're crushing on him. Kim: It is not. Bonnie: Oh, yeah? Gonna ask him to the dance? Kim: Why? Bonnie: I think it's great. Kim: Really? Bonnie: Totally. I get to see you crash and burn. Kim: Maybe he'll say yes. Bonnie: Maybe, but he said no to girls much higher on the food chain than you. Kim: Well, I'm gonna ask him anyway. Bonnie: Go for it. Kim: I will. After practice. Ron: Attention, ladies! It is I, Ron Stoppable. Contrary to popular belief, am not dating Kim Possible, which is good news for you, Josh Mankey. Josh: Hey. Kim: Oh, no. Ron: There is a rare hole in my social calendar for this Friday. Please note. I am a bon-diggidy dancer. Thank you. Kim: OK, everybody, doghouse pyramid. Ron: Kim, it's for you! Kim: Ohh! Ohh! Whoaaaaa! Girls: Kim! Wade: Hot tip from the Nakasumi heist. Can you cut practice? Kim: I'd rather be anywhere but here. Ron: I told you to bring a jacket, Rufus. Naked and snow just don't mix. Kim: OK, let's recap what we know. Ron: Check. Subject... Joshua Wendell Mankey. Kim: I meant about Drakken's alpine lair. Ron: Oh, yeah, I got nothin?. Kim: Wait, his middle name is Wendell? Ron: Well it could be. Kim: You've obviously done your research. Ron: I will show you the rest of report is completely factual. Kim: Gossip you've heard around school? Ron: Moving on. Mankey has rejected invitations to the Spirit Week dance from the following: Courtney Luke, Maria Rodriguez, Natasha Putin, Julia Roberts, no relation, and of course, Bonnie Rockwaller. No current photo was available. Kim: Josh spiked Bonnie? Ron: And Bonnie spiked me, as did Courtney, Maria, Natasha and Julia. High Schoolers Heinrich: OK, kids, we're here. Kim: Thanks for the lift, Heinrich. Heinrich: Oh, Kim, you silly. It's the least I could do after you saved our village from that avalanche last year. Kim: No big. Ron: So, Heinrich, got any teenage daughters who might wanna go to a big American dance party? Heinrich: Nein! Ron: Nine? One's plenty. Or maybe two. Heinrich: Nein means no! Ron: Hey, wait a minute! I helped with that avalanche! Kim: You started it. Come on. Ron: Right behind ya! Argh! Argh! Hey Ron: Not a word. Kim: Talk to me, Wade. Wade: This is unquestionably Drakken's latest lair. I've hacked into the security system, but it's tight. (Sigh), can't shut down the sensor beams. But I could boost the frequency so you can see 'em. Kim: Please and thank you. Ron: Hey, this isn't so hard. Whoaaaaa! Kim: So, Ron, we can't touch the red beams. Ron? Ron: Hey, hey! Whoaaaa! Hey, hey! Whoaaa! Ooh! Rufus: Ooh! Uh-oh! Ron: Ahhhh! Kim: I have never been captured that fast. This was almost as embarrassing as cheerleading practice, Ron. Ron: Embarrassing? Perhaps, but it did get us inside the bad man's lair. Shego: Don't mind me, I just wanna watch. Ron: Um, can one of you guys give us a boost? Ron and Rufus: Kim! Ron: Badical, Back off. Back off, goons, cos I'm packing! Henchman: Lip gloss? Ron: Er, yes, lip gloss. Kim: Ron, open it and hold your breath! Ron: What is this stuff?
Wade's Mom: Wade, I'd wish you'd stop taking your father's dirty socks. Wade: Mom, I need those! Wade's Mom: For what? Wade: They're integral to my top-secret stink formula! Kim: Gasp Shego: Ooh, sorry, no prize for second place. Kim: Ron! Lip gloss me! Shego: Eurgh that stinks! Ron: Boo-yah! Kim: Nice work, boys. Now, where's...? Drakken: Ah, my teenaged foe and the buffoon. Ron: Well, this buffoon knows your secret plan. You wanna steal Christmas! Drakken: Not even close. Kim: So, this is a take-over-the-world thing, Ron! Drakken: Watch, as this state-of-the-art assembly line becomes the ultimate robot-warrior! Robot: Konnichiwa. Ron: That'd be so cool if it wasn't gonna hurt us. Don't freak out, Kim! Kim: I'm not. Ron: Well, that makes one of us. Kim: Wade, we're up against a giant robot warrior. Wade: Which used to be a robot assembly line. According to this schematics, Nakasumi san installed an override module. Rufus: Huh? Robot: Konnichiwa. Konnichiwa. Drakken: Why did she have to be a cheerleader? If she was on the debate team, I'd have vaporized her by now! Robot: Konnichiwa. Drakken: She's gone. It's impossible! Ron: Actually, it's possible. Kim Possible. But that's a common mistake. Robot: Konnichiwa. Ron: Hey, hey, I'm only the distraction! Kim: Where is that override thingy? Ron: Get off my back! Kim: Yes! Good luck, Wade. Wade: I'm in! Computer: Password required. Wade: Huh? Oh, great. Er, Nakasumi? Computer: Access denied. Ron: Flying kick now! Robot: Konnichiwa. Ron: And now I'm upside down. Drakken: Ooh, the buffoon! Ron: Rufus! Rufus: Oh! Drakken: What? You should've stuck to baby-sitting! What made you think an ordinary teenager could possibly defeat me? Wade: Er, Z-Boy? Computer: Access denied. Wade: I do not have time for this. Robot: Konnichiwa. Wade: Konnichiwa! Score! Kim: Wade. Drakken and Ron: What? Drakken: No! Ron: Busted. Drakken: Indeed. Drakken and Ron: Ahhhhhh! Ron: Eurgh! Drakken: Ahhhhhh! Ron: Oh! waaaaaa! Shego: Bye-bye, Kimmie! Ha! Drakken: Aaargh! Kim: Ron! Ron: Faster, faster! Drakken: You think you're all that, but you're not! Ron: Kim, Drakken's in jail, Christmas was saved. What's the big? Kim: OK, first of all, he was not trying to steal Christmas. And I gotta tell you, Drakken was easy compared to this. Ron: Reality check, Kim. If you can defeat an international super freak, you can handle Josh Mankey. Wade: Kim, he just left third period and he's headed your way. Kim: What? Wade: Subject, Mankey. I triangulated his position on the GPS satellite. He's passing the gym. Ron: OK, I think you've crossed a line here. Kim: I can't do it. Wade: Target is on the move. Closing in. Four, three, two... He's on top of you! Kim: Maybe I just give up. Ron: I repeat, you can handle this! Josh: Hey. Kim: Hey. Um, oh, um, I'm sorry about the banner, you know, the one I tore down? Josh: It was weak anyway. Kim: Oh, great! I mean, too bad. New one's better? Josh: Much. Don't tear it down. Kim: Definitely not. Er, guess I'll see it at the dance, huh? Maybe I'll see you there. Josh: At the dance? Kim: Sure. Maybe you'll be there? Maybe with me? Josh: Are you, what, asking me to the dance? Kim: I know, I know, I sound so random, but yes, yes, I am. Josh: Cool. Kim: Very. Josh: So, I'll come by around seven. Ron: I need a ride, too! You could swing by around 7:15! Actually, you know, my mom's gonna be hanging my pants, so maybe, like, 7:30? Ron: Help! Somebody let me out! Come on, I'm a bon-diggidy dancer!