By wallaceb Monkey Fist: You are ready... my monkey Ninjas. And so am I. The Monkey Prophesy states that a team of monkey ninjas stands ready and the Golden Banana has been returned to its golden stand. The Ultimate Monkey Master will receive a sign. I shall await that sign. Ahh! Monk: Good day, disciple. Thanks to your efforts. It is time to anoint the Ultimate Monkey Master. Monkey Fist: Yes! Monk: You must search out the brightest monkey. Follow him to the stars. There the Ultimate Monkey Master will be...unstoppable! Monk: May your journey be a smooth one. Monkey Fist: You heard him. I will be unstoppable! I, the Ultimate Monkey Master will rule the world! Woooyah! Mrs. Dr P: What's the matter Kimmie, school or villains? Kim: It's Dad. He's making me go to the rocket booster's open house at the space centre today. Mrs. Dr P: Honey, I'm sure if you talked to him... Kim: I can't. The slightest mention of me growing up and he gets all goofy. Mr. Dr P: Look what I found Kimbo, our matching rocket booster sweatshirts. Kim: Dad, you got this for me when I was eight! Mr. Dr P: Our very first Rocket Booster Day. Slip it on! Kim: Help me! Mrs. Dr P: Dear, do you think maybe Kim's getting too old for the little Rocket Boosters? Mr. Dr P: There's rocket-shaped cookies! Ron: Fellow Rocket Booster, are you ready? Kim: So not. I'm actually trying to bail. Ron: And miss the rocket-shaped cookies? Rufus: Ummm! Monkey Fist: Even if we must search the entire globe we will find the brightest monkey. The one who is smarter than any other. Oooh, this looks promising... the Blandsfield Zoo, home of the notorious Digger McDirt. Hmmm, seventeen escape attempts. Most impressive. Captured by the authorities every time. Not so smart at all really. Ah, a most intelligent fellow. Guy: ( On TV ) Mr. Jiggy, you just gotta wear the dress. I told my boss I'd fix him up with my sister, only I don't have a sister. Narrator: Life with Mr. Jiggy. We'll be right back! Monkey Fist: Ah, to waste such simian talent on a sitcom. It sickens me. What is this? My search is over. The monkey who will lead us to the stars is him! Frank: Morning, Dr. Possible, hiya, Kim. What brings you out our way? Mr. Dr P: Today's the annual Rocket Booster's open house, Frank. Frank: Isn't that just for the, er ...little kids? Kim: Thank you. Mr. Dr P: Frank, Kimmie-Cub is my little girl. Frank: Look's like someone's got letting-go issues. Girl#1: Are you the teacher? Kim: No. Girl#2: I think she's my baby-sitter. Girl#1: Are you going to baby-sit us? Kim: No, I'm just a big girl who really has no business being here. Mr. Dr P: That's my Kimmie. Good morning, Rocket Boosters, I'm Dr. Possible.
All kids: Good Morning, Dr. Possible! Mr. Dr P: I started the Rocket Boosters as a way to show Kim that we do some pretty exciting work here at the space centre. Kim: When I was eight. Ron: Booster rocket ...check. Retro rocket, check. Command module, check. Mr. Dr P: Once a year since then, we've had Rocket Booster open house to show just how cool science can be, plus it's still a great way to spend the day with my Kimmie-Cub. So, why don't we start with a tour of the space centre? You can meet our new astronaut? I'd like you all to meet the special new addition to our space crew, Frederick. Frederick: (Computerized voice) Welcome, friends. Girl#1: Hey, how come he uses that box thingy to talk? Mr. Dr P: I think you'll like this, boys and girls. You see, Frederick isn't a human astronaut. He's a... Ron: Monkey! Ahhhhhhhh! Frederick: Come play. Ron: No monkey touch, no monkey touch! no monkey touch! Girl#1: What's his problem? Kim: Long story short, Ron had a bad summer-camp experience. He didn't get along with the monkey mascot. Ron: Hmmmm. Frederick: Frederick. Friend. Ron: Ahhhhhh All kids: Ah! Ron: Rufus! Rufus: Hmm. Oh-oh. Kim: I think he likes you. Ron: Well, I don't like him back. I'm out of here. Are you coming? Kim: Hey, hang on. I'm gonna tell my dad straight up that I'm too old for this. Dad. Mr. Dr P: There's my girl. You know, it doesn't get any better than this. Me, you, a deep connection. So, what's up? Kim: Um, I, I have to... show Ron something. Mr. Dr P: This spacecraft is being prepared for a special mission. Frederick is going to spend a year at our space station monitoring experiments from elementary school students around the country. What's going on here? Monkey Fist: A prophesy... is being fulfilled. Kim: I really should have said something to Dad, just flaking on him is so flawed. Ron: Some things are better left unsaid, KP. Especially when there's a monkey in the vicinity. Kim: Forget about the monkey. Ron: I'm trying but it's hard to do as long as we stay here. Kim: Look, I've got to go back. I'll suck it up and tell him I'm too old for the Rocket Boosters. Ron: Or, you could write him a letter. Everybody loves to get mail. Kim: C'mon, Ron. Frank: Mmmm! Mmmmmm! Mmm! Kim: That's weird. Rufus: Locked. Ron: It's a sign! Someone's trying to tell us to stick with my plan. Put distance between us and the monkey. Kim: Interesting theory, but doubt it. Let's try the side door. Where is everybody? Something's definite not right. Wade, we're outside the space centre and the doors are locked. Can you see if anything is going on? Wade: I'm on it. Monkey Fist: There is no need for alarm. I have come for Frederick. Mr. Dr P: But he can't leave. Frederick is a highly trained astronaut. He's due for a mission! Monkey Fist: Oh, I know, Doctor, and I shall accompany him. Wade: The space centre's computer system is being jammed, Kim. I think something's up. Kim: C'mon, Ron. We've gotta get look inside. Boy#1: Whoa! Monkey Fist: Take a picture, it'll last longer. Boy#1: You've got hairy hands! Monkey Fist: And the feet to match.
[b[Boy#1:[/b] Cool! Mr. Dr P: There's nothing cool about stealing a spacecraft. Monkey Fist: Oh, really? Mr. Dr P: That's right, in fact I'd say it's quite whack... Monkey Fist: Doctor, I am guided by the ancient prophecy of the mystical Monkey Monk. I am not whack. Monkey Fist: My dear, Frederick, it has been foretold that you would lead us to the stars. Destiny awaits us. Frederick: Frederick stay. Monkey Fist: Frederick, you cannot fight destiny. It's just not done. Otherwise things here could get very ugly. Understand? Frederick: Frederick go, friends stay. Monkey Fist: Well done. Kim: It's Monkey Fist. What's he doing in Middleton? Ron: He's working with that traitor Frederick. I told you, KP, never trust a monkey. Kim: Wade, Monkey Fist is inside mission control. We need a way in and fast. Can you access blueprints? Wade: You're talking highly classified information, Kim. There's layers upon layers of encryption, and... I'm in! Looks like your best bet is through an air vent on the roof. Kim: Isn't it always? Monkey Fist: Any attempt to follow us will be dealt with severely. From the space station we will rule the world. Oh, the weapons there must be incredible. Mr. Dr P: There are no weapons on the space station. It's dedicated to peaceful research. Monkey Fist: Now, that is whack. Oh, well, no matter. The prophesy clearly states Frederick must lead us there. So it was foretold, so it shall be. Ron: Some tools would be nice. Kim: Well, I've got smoke pellets, lip gloss and today's history homework. Ron: Ooh, I wouldn't mind a look at that! Kim: Ron! Ron: OK, OK. Ron: Rufus, you're on. Rufus: Boo-yah! Ron: Which way? Monkey Fist: ...I just can't wait to become the Ultimate Monkey Master. Kim Possible and her monkey-phobic friend. What are you doing here? Ron: It's the Rocket Boosters open house. They have these rocket shaped cookies... Kim: We came to stop you, Monkey Fist. Monkey Fist: I'm afraid not, Monkey Ninjas, attack! After him! Kim: You'll never make it out of the space centre. Monkey Fist: On the contrary, my transportation is arranged. Now, if you'll excuse me. Farewell, Kim Possible. Come. Ron: Ahhhhhh! Monkeys! Monkeys! Ahhhhhhh! Monkeys! Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide! Safe for now. Must be some kind of science lab. Rufus: Whoa-o! Ron: What was that? Why is the room moving? Computer: Initiation sequence complete. Monkey Fist: Strap yourselves in. Frederick, you take the pilot's seat. Computer: Launch in T minus 60 seconds. Lab worker#1: We locked out. Lab worker#2: That Monkey Man's overridden the main control system. Mr. Dr P: We can't halt the launch. Computer: Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Monkey Fist: At last our time is at hand. Monkey Fist: Frederick? Frederick! No! Come back! Computer: Ignition. Monkey Fist: This is not following the prophecy! Ron: Man, that's loud! We must be close to the rocket. Whoa! Mr. Dr P: Poor, Frederick. Kim: Dot worry, Dad, he's right here. Mr. Dr P: Kimmie! What happened? Thank goodness you're alright. Kim: Dad. Well, I was on my way to talk to you, when we ran into Monkey Fist. Lab worker#2: Dr. Possible. We're getting something on the spider-cam. Kim: The what? Lab worker#2: The camera in the space centre monitoring the spider habitat. Ron: Ahhhhh! Spiders, get 'em off me, get 'em off me! Kim: Ron? Dad, you have to turn that rocket around. Lab worker#2: It's OK, the spiders are harmless Kim: Hello, Ron's hurtling into space with Lord Monkey Fist! That's Harm City. Lab worker#2: Ah, yes, well, we can't turn it around. Kim: This is mission control, right? Mr. Dr P: It was. That monkey man changed all systems to manual control. Kim: Then we have to go and get him. Lab worker#2: Impossible! Even if there were a trained crew, we don't have a spacecraft available. Mr. Dr P: Well, that's not completely accurate. Kim: Sweet! Dad, you designed this ship yourself? Mr. Dr P: I had some free time. Lab worker#2: Of course, you realize it's completely experimental. Mr. Dr P: Trust me, this baby will move. Kim: That's good enough for me. Mr. Dr P: Thanks honey. I... Wait, good enough for what? Kim: I'm going. Mr. Dr P: Absolutely not. An unproven ship is no place for my Kimmie-Cub. Kim: Look, Dad. I've been up the Amazon, down a volcano. I dog-sledded through the Arctic, swam the English Channel, scaled Mount Everest. Not to mentioned acing the cheerleading regionals. Mr. Dr P: But you don't have the training to pilot the spacecraft. Kim: He does. Frederick: Frederick go, Frederick help. Mr. Dr P: But we haven't even begun to calculate the launch vectors! Lab worker#2: Not to mention all the other variables on the docking mission. Kim: Did you get that, Wade? Wade: Yeah. By the time you revved up, I'll have all relevant vectors and flight trajectory downloading to the space centre computers. Kim: Ah, you continue to rock, Wade. Dad, I haven't had the heart to tell you but news flash! I'm a big girl! Just because I'm growing up, doesn't mean you'll stop being my dad. Mr. Dr P: Prepare for launch! All settled in there. Kim: Roger, Dad. Frederick: Systems go. Kim: We're nearing the space station. Mr. Dr P: Frederick, reduce booster jets to match speed. Frederick: Roger. Kim: Docking complete. Ron: C'mon, stupid door. Alright, Rufus, you cracked the code! Monkey Fist: Well, if it isn't the boy who detests monkeys. Ron: Get your stinking paws off me, you filthy monkey. Monkey Fist: Owww! Now what? Ron: Kim! Why did you bring him? He's gotta be working with Monty Freak! Kim: Ron, Frederick risked his life to come. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. Ron: Really? Frederick: Hello Ron. Ron: You came to help me?! Frederick: Frederick friend. Monkey Fist: Ooh-hoo! Frederick has come back. Ooh, yes! The prophesy is back on track. I will be the Ultimate Monkey Master. Kim: Monkey Fist, get a life. Ron: Hee-yah! Yah! Hoo! Frederick: Bring it on. Monkey Fist: Monkey Ninjas, attack! Rufus: Whoa! Monkey Fist: What is happening? Frederick: Artificial gravity off. Ron: Frederick, you are the man! Frederick, now! Frederick: Roger. Kim: Nice work, boys. Ron: Let's go home, buddy. Frederick: Ron go, Frederick stay. Ron: What do you mean? Frederick: Frederick have job. Kim: He's been training for this mission for long time, Ron. It?s only right that he sees it through. Ron: But that means he'll stay up here for a year. Frederick: Frederick miss Ron. Ron: I'll e-mail you every day. Ron: Since when do you know how to fly a spacecraft? Kim: It's no big. I watched Frederick on the way up. All kids:[b] Yeah! Woo-hoo!
[b]Mr. Dr P: Welcome back, Kimmie. You were great! Girl#1: Oh, Kim, I want to be just like you when I grow up. Mr. Dr P: OK, I admit it, she's grown up. Kim: Not completely, Dad. Mr. Dr P: True, which means we've got some new rules to cover. Number one, no boys, ever. Number two, driving, huh, forget it! Number three... Monkey Fist: But I was to be the Ultimate Monkey Master! I was to be unstoppable! Ron: Dude, it's not happening, get used to it. Monkey Fist: Monkey Ninjas, attack! Frank: Monkey what? Ron: His legion of monkey ninjas. We captured them too. Frank: Sorry, pal. There are no monkey ninjas on board. Monkey Fist: I taught them the way of the ninja and now they abandon me. NO! Ron: So, the monkey ninjas just vanished? Rufus: Coo-coo. Monk: Um, hello, this is a little embarrassing, but I must correct one thing in my last message. Apparently some of us don't write very clearly. Anyway, when I said the leader of the Monkey Ninjas would be unstoppable what I should have said was that the leader will be Ron Stoppable. My bad. Hope that didn't cause too much confusion. Kim: OK. This is starting to get weird. Ron: I know, but I can't get rid of them.