Shego: Urgh! Be ready to move on my signal. Drakken: Shego, wait up! Henchman: Oh! Dementor: Victory is mine! Drakken: Professor Dementor? Dementor: Dr. Drakken. Hello. What brings you here? Drakken: I plan to steal the Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer with which I will wreak much havoc. Dementor: This Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer? Drakken: You can't steal it! I want to steal it! Dementor: Too bad. Come, my loyal henchmen! To the sky! Drakken: I really wanted that Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer. Hm! Barkin: Alright, listen up. I regret to inform you that Ms. Jenkins made a mistake many first-year teachers make. She ate the cafeteria meatloaf. Now, until she's out of intensive care, I'll be covering her class. So, let's begin with a pop quiz. Kim: Er, Mr. Barkin, we were supposed to present our personal history projects today. Barkin: Personal history project? Monique: It's great. We each did a project that explores who we are. Ron: There was only one rule, have fun! Barkin: Have fun? No wonder the meatloaf got her. She's weak. Alright, bring on the projects. Ron: We all know Ron Stoppable is the man, but can we prove it? I believe we can with this collage. Barkin: Collage? That's a French word, isn't it? Points off for that. Ron: It's all here, Mr. B. From birth to Bar Mitzvah and beyond. Barkin: I'm not so sure about this. Ron: Don't feel bad. Many people are unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. The Bar Mitzvah occurs when a boy is 13 years old. It's ferociously cool. You go to temple; you read
from the Torah and boom, you're a man. My rabbi even printed out a signed souvenir certificate which he signed. Barkin: Correction. Which he did not sign. Ron: No way! Rabbi Katz definitely... did not sign it. Barkin: Some would say that you're reading from the Torah before the assembled, that's what's important. Ron: Yeah? You think so? Barkin: I said some, not me! I'm a stickler for detail. You got a certificate here you parading around that's not signed. Ron: Oh, no. I can't believe it. I've been living a lie all these years. Ron’s Mom: Oh, Ronnie, you have not living a lie. Ron: Have so! Rufus: Aw, aw, aw! Ron’s Dad: If it makes you feel better, drop by temple tomorrow and get Rabbi Katz to sign it. Ron’s Mom: Well, no, honey it'll have to wait till next week. Rabbi Katz is at that rabbinical conference in Vegas, remember? Ron’s Dad: Oh, right. Ron: Oh! So I've got to wait a whole another week to be a man? Ron’s Dad: That stuff is not what makes you a man. Ron: It's the only proof I've got. Ron’s Dad: What's important now is what kind of man are you. Ron: I don't know. Rufus, what do you think? Drakken: Inadequate. It's the only word for it. Let's review, shall we? Henchman: Grrrrr! Ugh! Ugh, ugh, ugh! Drakken: I stand corrected. It's not only inadequate, it is embarrassing. Shego: So, do what Professor Dementor does? Drakken: And what is that? Shego: Visit Jack Hench. Drakken: Grrrrrr! Oh, please. Every villain on the planet uses Hench. Not me. I paddle my own canoe, thank you very much. Shego: Pfft! You're just too cheap. Drakken: The man's prices are outrageous. Shego: Alright, alright, I'll infiltrate his research facility and, you know, maybe I can find some free samples. Drakken: Please, Hench never gives free anything. He... Oh, you mean stealing, don't you? Shego: Doy! Drakken: Very good then. Steal something wonderful. Ron: Oh, hey, sorry, Mr. B. Barkin: I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for your current funk. Ron: Actually, I'm on to a new funk. My dad said the question isn't am I a man, it's what kind of man. And I gotta tell you, I'm just not sure. Barkin: It's easy. You're small and weak. Ron: Excuse me? Barkin: Stoppable, the ideal man is big and or strong. You are neither. Ron: I get by. Barkin: You get rescued by a girl. Ron: Sometimes. Barkin: Frequently. Kim: Been looking everywhere for you, Ron. Hey, Mr. Barkin. Barkin: Possible. Ron: Kim, how often would you say you rescue me? Kim: Er, I don't know. Sometimes? Hm, frequently? Ron: Frequently? Kim: OK, Wade, we're here. What's the sitch? Wade: We got a hit on the site from a Jack Hench. Kim: Who? Wade: This guy is a total mystery. Nobody knows what he does, whatever it is he makes some serious cash. Wait till you see his private jet. Guy: Why, you must be Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. I'll let Mr. Hench know you're he Please, please, take a seat. Kim: Thanks. Guy: Hench Co., hold, please. Kim: I don't like this. Ron: Me either. These questions they're asking. Manliness quiz? Ha! Kim: I meant the whole Hench Co. vibe. Guy: I'm sorry, sir, Mr. Hench is booked solid all morning. Can he ring you back? Super. Kim: Excuse me, could you please get bottled water? Guy: You bet. Kim: Senor Senior Senior? Professor Dementor? This guy Hench deals with every villain bent on global conquest. Ron: OK, my manly score could not be that low. Kim, check my math. Aargh! Kim: Come on. Ron: Aargh! How we doing? Kim: Been better. Jack: People, people. Miss Possible is my guest. Ron: That's a good call, fellas, cos, you know, I was primed to make my move! Jack: The hero and the sidekick. Classic. Kim: So, this was a trap? Jack: Not at all. According to your website, you help people, and, Miss Possible, I need help. Ron: You're showing us a ring. Kim: It's no ordinary ring, Ron. It operates on a molecular level right? Jack: You are a smart one. That's exactly right. This is my molecular muscle enhancer. Ron: Hey! That rocks Jack: That's what I said when those crazy kids down in research and development came up with it. Kim: Instant muscles. Jack: Exactly. Does it get any better? I don't think so. Then that jerk Drakken had to send in Shego. Kim: Drakken? Ron: Shego? Jack: She stole the whole batch, except for this one. Kim: And we should care about this why? Jack: Miss Possible... Er, Kim... Kim: Miss Possible. Jack: OK, fine. Anyway, you fight a lot of villain, right? Kim: Yeah. Jack: And they usually have henchmen, right? Kim: Er, yeah. Jack: Where do you think the name came from? Here at Hench Co, we're building a better henchman I'd like to think that we're performing a service for the community. Kim: The evil community. Ron: Sure, this guy runs a shady business, but, I mean, come on, that technology in Drakken's hands? Kim: Good point. OK, we're on it. Jack: Great! Ron: And this will be crucial to our investigation. Ron’s Dad: Oh, great, you're home. I've been wanting to talk to you about your crisis. Ron: The crisis? Oh, oh, no, that's over. Ron’s Dad: Really? That fast? Ron: Let's just say I found an instant solution. Ron’s Dad: Oh, really? But I worked up some real good advice about manhood. Ron: Really? That's cool. Um, hey, you give Rufus the down-ow. He'll brief me later. Ron’s Dad: Er... OK. Rufus: Uh-huh. Ready? Barkin’s voice: That's easy. You're small and weak. Ron: Not for long. Drakken: Molecular muscle enhancement. I love it! Ha-ha-ha! Now you are manly men, we will steal the Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer which was ours to steal in the first place! Shego, have you located Professor Dementor's latest lair? Shego: Yeah, but it looks like nobody's home. Drakken: Argh, revenge was to be mine, but now Professor Dementor has vanished without a trace. Oh, cruel fate! Maybe I should call him. I've got him on speed dial. Dementor: Hello. Drakken: Where are you hiding, you cursed….? Dementor: I can't take your call right now. Drakken: Uh, the machine. Dementor: I've taken my entire staff and my newly-acquired Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer! And we're off to Las Vegas. Leave a message at the tone. Drakken: Dah! He's so brazen. Boy: Awesome! Girl: Look at his biceps! Ron: Man, can't see past my pecks. Ah, well. Monique: Ron, what happened? Kim: Molecular muscle enhancer. Monique: See, I never woulda guessed that. Kim: Take it off, Ron. Ron: No way! I finally feel like a man! Kim: Muscles do not make a man. Monique: Uh-uh. You gotta dig deeper than that. Kim: Way deeper. Brick: Stoppable? Ron: Yo, Brick. Brick: You seem... different. Ron: It's just me, you know, hanging. Being manly. All: Cool. Ron: Yeah, it is. Ho’s the man? Monique: OK, since when do you care what those other guys think? Ron: Since just now when they accepted me. Kim: Ron, look...Hey, Wade. Guess who decided to try out the molecular
muscle enhancer? Wade: Ron. Ron: How did you know? Wade: The enhancer gives off a weird energy signature. Ron: Oh, yeah! ...Hey, Kim, what's an energy signature? Wade: Ron, you are here. Monique: Hey, you're the dot. Ron: The manly dot. Kim: So Wade, if you scan for a bunch green dots... Wade: We'll find out where Drakken is. Already did it. He's in Vegas. Kim: He's where? Wade: At the Las Vegas, Las Vegas resort. Ron: The manly resort. Kim: Ugh! Drakken: Las Vegas, the place where vengeance will be mine. Shego: I spotted Professor Dementor and his boys. Drakken: Poised to threaten the free world with the Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer? Shego: Er, no, actually, they're chilling by the pool. Drakken: How does he find time to relax? How does he get to have it all? rrrrr! Ah, stupid gate. Employee: Er, sir, the pool area is for hotel guests only. You need a room key. Drakken: Aaarrgh, fine! We'll check into the hotel, then we will steal the stolen Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer and then vengeance will finally be mine! Jilly: Welcome to Las Vegas, Las Vegas, paly what can I do you for? Drakken: Yes... Jilly from Jersey. Hm. I need a room. Jilly: Sorry, baby, but we are booked with the cuckoo conventions. Drakken: Fine. Whatever. Just hand over a key so I can get into the pool. Jilly: Easy, clyde. The swim is for registered cats only. Drakken: That's what I'm trying to do, you annoying little poser! Jilly: Er, get the hands off the suit, creep. Drakken: You're... Di... I'm... Ch... Shego! Jilly: Welcome to Las Vegas, Las Vegas, chicky baby. Kim: Yeah, hi. Have you seen this guy Jilly: A-ring-a-ding-ding. Kim: OK, Rufus, you slip through and unlock the gate from the inside. Rufus: Check! Ron: Kim, I could just bend the bars. Kim: Save it for the circus, Ron. Rufus: Ta-da! Kim: Drakken. And look, more instant muscle men. All: Huh? Aaaaaaarrrgh! Dementor: Hm. Looking for... this, hm? Drakken: The Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer. Kim: The Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer? Ron: What do the rings have to do with the Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer? Dementor: Eh. Oh, oh. Drakken: Oh! Drakken: Use the power of the rings! Get that Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer! Kim and Ron: Ohh! Drakken: Comb this place from penthouse to pavement. Shego: Sure. I'll take the buffet. Drakken: Nice try. I'll take the buffet. Kim: Wade, what have you got on Professor Dementor? Wade: OK, several days ago, he stole a Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer from a research facility in the Rocky Mountains. Kim: Why am I just finding out about this now? Wade: Um, Local, federal and international law enforcement are on the case. They thought they didn't need you. Kim: Well, I guess they thought wrong. Come on, Ron. Let's move. Ron: Way ahead of you, KP. I'll check in here. My bad. Kim: Heh-heh-heh! Excuse us. Ron: Guess I don't know my own strength. Kim: Ron, look! Professor Dementor. Ron: Drakken! Drakken: It's Kim Possible! Get her! All: Aaaaarrrgh! Ron: Yaaaaaah! Jilly: Hey, oh! Ron: Aaaaaaarrrgh!! Ron: Rabbi Katz? Katz: Ronald? Ronald Stoppable? Ron: Yeah. What are you doing here? Katz: It's a rabbinical conference. Ronald, have you been working out or something? Ron: Nice, huh? By the way, did you know you forgot sign my Bar Mitzvah certificate. Katz: Really? Certainly I'll sign it as soon as get back to Middleton. Ron: No, no, it's not necessary. Katz: I would have to agree. The Bar Mitzvah ceremony itself is what counts, Ronald. Ron: What counts is this. Katz: What, your muscles? Ron: Let's face it. If I got any more manly, the world couldn't handle me. Katz: Ronald, I think you're confused. Henchmen: Grrrrrr! Ron: Better lay low, Rabbi K. I gotta take care of business, Ron style. Jilly: Hey, you! Dementor: What's next, boys? Should we hit the buffet or take in a show? Drakken: Hand over the Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer. Dementor: Never!! Drakken: Have it your way. My henchmen aren't afraid to play rough. Dementor: Drakken, you are always entertaining. Get him!! Shego: It's six against two. How many can you take? Drakken: Put me down for... none. Shego: Oh, good. Kim: Ron, are you in there? Ron: Yo. Henchman: Aagh! Kim: Ron, I gotta go. Can you and your muscles handle things down here? Ron: Yo. Shego: Ha-ha-ha! Drakken: Give it to me! Dementor: No! It's mine!
Both: No!! Kim: I'd say finders keepers applies here. Shego: Sounds fair to me. Drakken: Thank you, Kimberley. What's that beeping? Dementor: It's been activated. Drakken: Is that a bad thing? Kim and Shego: Ugh! Dementor: Don't you have any idea what the Pan-dimensional Vortex Inducer does? Drakken: Something very dangerous, I'm sure, or else it wouldn't be top secret. Kim: How dangerous? Dementor: The vortex it creates will be a contained disruption in the very fabric of reality!! Drakken: States? Time? Energy? Dementor: All will be twisted in a vortex of pure chaos! Drakken: Let's get out of here! Dementor: Did I mention that vortex will be the size of the state of Nevada? Drakken: Oh, we're in Nevada! How ironic. Kim and Shego: Ugh! Shego: Move and I can get it. Kim: I'll get it. Shego: It's gonna fall any second. Kim: No duh! Ron: Easy does it, ladies. Kim: Ron, We can't mess around here. That thing's gonna wipe out the entire state of Nevada. Ron: Sounds like this is man's work. Aargh! Uh-oh. Shego: So, he is as dumb as he looks. Barkin’s voice: Stoppable, the ideal man is big and or strong. Ron: Yeah, big and strong. This is not a problem for the new me. Katz: But Ronald, there was nothing wrong with the old you. Ron: OK, Rabbi, get out of my head. Kim: Ron, he's right. These instant muscles have got to go. It's not the real you. Ron: So many voices in my head! Kim: Ron, we're talking to you through a ventilation shaft. Katz: Ronald, the measure of a man is not about biceps or pecks. Ron: How about rock-hard abs? Kim: What he's saying is, take off the ring! Ron: Not till I save the day! Ron: It's gonna fall! Kim: You've got to take off the ring! Ron: I can't do it! Kim: Yes, you can. Ron: No, I really can't. Thanks, buddy. Ooh! Rufus: Hm. Ron: Argh! This beeping is so irritated. I shut it off! Is that OK? Drakken: Ha-ha! Peachy. Rufus: Grrrrrrr! Katz: There you go, Ronald. Now it's official. Ron’s Mom: My little boy is a man. Again. Ron’s Dad: Congratulations. Ron: Boo-yah!