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Grudge Match

By wallaceb
Ron: Come on! Come on! Come on! Ugh! Could this line move any slower?
Kim: Relax, Ron, we'll make it.
Ron: Doubtful, KP. There are snacks to buy, seats to pick, it's a multifaceted operation. I just hope we're not dealing with Lamar.
Rufus: Lamar!
Monique: Who's Lamar?
Kim: The guy in the ticket booth. He's fine.
Ron: Except for his freakishly moist hands.
Rufus: Ew!
Monique: Gross!
Ron: Gross and slow, a potent combination. Pick up the pace, Lamar! Oh! That is very much not Lamar.
Zita: Can help you?
Ron: Er...
Zita: I'm sorry, could you speak up?
Ron: Me is ticket. Er...
Monique: Mr. Smooth makes his move.
Ron: Kim, truth, I totally choked, didn't I?
Kim: I wouldn't call it choking... exactly.
Monique: More like a slight case
Ron: What kind of chance do I have a girl like that anyway?
Kim: Honest opinion or best-friend fudge?
Monique: Fudge it, girl!
Kim: It doesn't hurt to ask.
Ron: You know, don't play me, Kim. There are rules about these kind of things.
Kim: Rules?
Ron: You know, "the rules".
Kim: And, exactly where do you find these "rules"?
Ron: They're unwritten.
Monique: Oh, like, "Don't call a guy the same day you get his phone number."
Ron: That's one. And "I don't stand a chance with that girl." Yes that's another.
Kim: Ron! Are you going to live in fear because some rules that exist only in your head?
Ron: Yeah!
Rufus: Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Kim: Wade, what's the sitch?
Wade: You've got an urgent message from your dad.
Kim: Dad? What about?
Wade: Trouble at the space centre.
Mr. Dr P: Easy now. Steady.
Kim: Hey, Dad!
Mr. Dr P: Oh, Kimmie, Ronald.
Ron: Hey, Dr. P! What's the new toy?
Mr. Dr P: Not a toy, Ronald, the most powerful electromagnet in North America. Full spectrum, synchrotronic flux-dense. Isn't it cool?
Ron: Maybe science has gone too far.
Kim: So, Dad, what's up?
Mr. Dr P: Shhh! Top secret.
Computer: Place palm on biometric scanner. Confirmed.
Mr. Dr P: We've been working on a robotics surfaces explore for an unmanned Jupiter mission.
Ron: What Jupiter mission?
Kim: The top secret one.
Mr. Dr P: How did you know?
Kim: Lucky guess.
Computer: Retina scan. Confirmed. Retina scan. Who are you?
Mr. Dr P: Because it'll be too far away for real-time communication, we need a robot that can think itself.
Kim: Artificial intelligence?
Mr. Dr P: Are you sure you haven't been briefed on this?
Kim: I'll stop.
Computer: Prepare for full-body scan.
Ron: Ooh!
Mr. Dr P: We've got a robotics whiz working on a thinking prototype. The prototype that was stolen last night. Huh?
Ron: Boo-yah!
Kim: How could an outsider break in here?
Finn: Good question. Be right down.
Mr. Dr P: Ah, Kimmie, this is doctor...
Finn: Agh! Agh! Agh! Agh! Please, call me Finn. Nice to meet you, Kim.
Kim: Same here, Doctor...
Finn: Agh!..
Kim: Finn.
Finn: AghhHHH! AghhHHH! AghhHHH! I'm OK.
Ron: I know how it is; I'm terrible with machines, too.
Finn: What do you mean by that? I'm a robotics expert.
Mr. Dr P: Speaking of which, Kimmie is going to help recover the project.
Finn: Quietly, please.
Mr. Dr P: If the theft gets out, it doesn?t' look good for the space centre.
Ron: Ahh! Looking clue-ish.
Kim: Wade, I'm scanning something that looks like...
Wade: Hair. Human, blonde, female.
Ron: Who is this?
Finn: Vivien, my ex-lab partner.
Kim: Why ex?
Finn: She couldn't keep up. I had to let her go.
Mr. Dr P: Didn't I hear that she quit?
Finn: Trust me. She was pushed.
Kim: Maybe she holds a grudge.
Ron: Girls are big on grudges.
Kim: Says who?
Ron: The rules.
Kim: Finn, do you know where we can find Vivien?
Finn: Last I heard, she was spending all her time at the robot rumble.
Kim: What is a robot rumble?
Larry: The robot rumble is a community. A gathering where enthusiasts exchange information and test their robots competitive capabilities. It's for members only.
Kim: So, a bunch of tech-geeks gets together to watch robots fight?
Larry: It's glorious!
Ron: Bon-diggity, sounds like the factory revolt in Beyond Omega VII.
Rufus: Ooh, yeah!
Larry: It's all that and more, my friends.
Rufus: Agh!
Larry: Tread lightly with Vivien. Her boyfriend, Albert, founded the rumble. He's wild, man!
Ron: Blonde with wild man... so by the rules!
Kim: Ron, enough rules!
Computer: Member identification.
Larry: Imperial Senator Burnaliss. My code name.
Kim: Hmmm!
Computer: Identification confirmed.
Larry: Now, stay close and don't embarrass me.
Kim: Thanks for getting us in, Larry.
Larry: That's what cousins are for, cousin.
Ron: Radical!
Vivien: Whoo! Buzz Saw! Go, go, Buzz Saw!
Kim: Vivien? My name is Kim Possible.
Vivien: Oh, there was a Dr. Possible at the space centre.
Kim: My dad.
Vivien: He's nice.
Kim: Yeah. He asked me to help Finn.
Vivien: Not nice. I don't wanna help Finn. Oliver!
Ron: That's her boyfriend? How against-the-rules is that?
Oliver: Are you here to talk... or are you prepared to rumble?
Ron: Don't hurt me, Robot.
Vivien: Don't cry, he's challenging your robot.
Ron: I knew that! I wasn't crying.
Vivien: Whimpering.
Ron: Well put.
Larry: Nice bot, Oliver! What are you runnin'?
Oliver: 4.2 zig MPU, for maximum self-preservation and the custom inclinometer. What have you got?
Kim: Could you excuse me for a sec?
Kim: Wade! We're at the robot rumble... place.
Wade: Lucky you!
Kim: So not. I don't have a robot with me.
Wade: That's where you're wrong.
Larry: I asked you not to embarrass me, cuz. I'm gonna be banned for the club for life.
Ron: Larry, you're forgetting that your cousin is The Kim Possible. We could run right now.
Kim: If we wanna find Finn's robot, we have to staying... rumble!
Ron: Run.
Kim: Rumble.
Computer: Begin. .
Kim: Come on, Wade!
Ron: Boo-ee-yah! The robot is learning as it goes.
Kim: Artificial intelligence.
Wade: It's not responding. I can't...
Kim: Your robot thinks for itself. Where did you get it?
Vivien: Not at the space centre if that's what you're insinuating, Miss Possible.
Oliver: You're calling Vivien a thief? Nobody insults my Vivien! Goodbye.
Crowd: Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!
Ron: One question. How do you explain being with a guy like Nerd- Dexter. It totally breaks the rules. Hey!
Kim: Gee, Ron, maybe it's cos THERE ARE NO RULES!
Ron: Hi, one for Teen Town Trauma... Annie.
Zita: My name's not Annie. They don't have my tag ready yet. Enjoy the show.
Ron: Hey! You are right, bud. I can do this. There are no rules to stop me. Change my mind. Thought I'd catch Meat And Cute instead. By the way, what is your name?
Zita: Zita. Enjoy the show.
Ron: Agh!
Ron: Zita, it's a nice name?
Guy: You gonna buy a ticket or what?
Ron: My Little Puppy II, Puppies Pride.
Zita: Have you bought a ticket for, like, every movie?
Ron: Kinda.
Zita: Enjoy the show.
Ron: It's no use, Rufus. Kim's wrong, the rules rule.
Rufus: Ho!
Ron: Look, you seem really nice. I know that I'm just a guy like me, but I can be OK It'd be cool if I could get to know you better, maybe....
Zita: Sorry, mike wasn't on.
Finn: Hello, what news, Kim? Go ahead. I've just have a few adjustments to make.
Kim: His name's Oliver. He was with Vivien at the robot rumble.
Finn: I've never seen him before, but that's my robot. They stole it.
Kim: Go, Wade.
Wade: Kim, I checked every robotics lab database. No history on this Oliver guy. It's like he came out of thin air.
Kim: Thanks.
Finn: Please get my robot back, Kim. We're running out of time. Ow! I'm OK.
Boy: Agh!
Girl: Oh!
Boy: Sorry.
Girl: I'm so sorry.
Boy: My bad, sorry.
Girl: No, it's...
Boy: I thought I'd never see you again.
Girl: Same here. Now I spill my decaf au lait all over you.
Boy: Decaf au lait... That's what I drink.
Ron: Oh! This doesn't happen.
Boy: I feel like I've known you all my life.
Girl: That's exactly what I was going to say that.
Ron: Hmmm...
Rufus: Awww! Awww!
Boy: I can't take my eyes off you.
Girl: You'll never have to.
Ron: Awwww!
Wade: Ron.
Ron: Wade?!
Boy: Hey, get off the screen!
Girl: We wanna see the movie.
Ron: Oh come on, life isn't anything like that!
Boy: What do you know about life?
Wade: Ron, Kim is waiting for you outside the theatre.
Girl#2: She is? That is so sweet!
Wade: She needs you.
Both: Awww!
Boy#2: Hurry, dude!
Girl#2: Kim's waiting for you!
Kim: What did you do, buy ticket to every movie?
Ron: No, that would be stupid. So what's the urgency?
Kim: Gotta go back to the robot club.
Ron: There's not gonna be anybody there now.
Kim: What are you doing?
Ron: She almost saw us.
Kim: Who?
Ron: Zita.
Kim: So?
Ron: See it through her eyes, Kim. You, me... Boy, girl.
Kim: Yeah, so?
Ron: Seemingly coming out of a date movie together.
Kim: You and me... on a date?!
Ron: It could happen. I mean, you know, not that we would, you know. But if someone didn't know we were just best friends then, they saw us together at the feel-good film of the year, conclusions may be drawn.
Kim: Yeah, ah-huh, Ron, I?m going to say something I?ve never said this to you before.
Ron: What?
Kim: You're thinking too much!
Ron: Ooh!
Kim: Come on, Casano-duh!
Ron: Unless... If Zita saw us together, it would make me unavailable... unobtainable thus desirable.
Kim: Thinking too much!
Ron: It's all in the rules, KP. Look it up! Agh!
Kim: Wade, we're at the robot club. The door's got a major alarm lock.
Wade: Look in your pack.
Ron: Acid to melt the lock?
Kim: Chapped lips. You want me to comb it open?
Wade: Press the handle to activate. The latest of the fiber-optic security-breeching technology. It can penetrate any alarm configuration.
Ron: Neat!
Kim: Be careful, there might be...traps.
Ron: ROBOT ATTACK! Ahhh! Ahhhh! Oh!
Rufus: Hee!
Computer: Begin.
Robot: Attack! Attack!
Ron: Agh! Agh! Agh!
Kim: Come on, I've got it.
Robot: Attack!
Ron: Agh!
Robot: Attack!
Ron: Faster! I think we lost him.
Robot: Surprise attack!
Ron: Agh! Hey!
Robot: Attack!
Ron: Aghhh!
Kim: Wade!
Ron: Got it, KP! Agh!
Kim: Oh, Ron! Agh! This is getting so old. Ahhhh!
Robot: Retreat! Retreat!"
Kim: Self-preservation programming. How did you...?
Ron: Well, I analyzed the situation carefully and I...
Rufus: Hey!
Ron: Wade figured it out.
Kim: Come on, let's get this back to Finn.
Mr. Dr P: Good work, Kimmie. Thanks to you, the Jupiter project is back on track.
Kim: Hmmm? Oh, yeah, great.
Mr. Dr P: What's bothering you, hon?
Kim: Nothing, it's just that...
Jim: Stop, come back.
Mr. Dr P: What is this?
Tim: We built it, Dad.
Jim: To take to the robot rumble.
Tim: Watch this!
Mr. Dr P: Well, you're not going to any rumble... without me. Nice craftsmanship, boys!
Kim: What? Oh! Oh! Grrr! Keep it ay from me, you tweebs.
Jim: It responds to movement.
Tim: So don't move.
Kim: Right, look at the way it got that fast-moving chair
Jim: Hmmm, weird.
Tim: Whoa! Turn it off!
Jim: It won't go off!
Tim: It's unstoppable!
Both: Cool! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Mr. Dr P: Honestly, you boys are no better with robots than Finn.
Kim: What did you say?
Mr. Dr P: Well, I don?t mean to talk out of school, but the man's utterly clueless. Sometimes I wonder how he can be such an expert.
Kim: That's it, Dad! Go, Wade.
Wade: Kim, I did that search you ask for on Finn's scholarly publications.
Kim: But there are none.
Wade: Right. None. All the recent robotics articles are by Doctor...
Kim: Doctor V. F. Porter.
Wade: If you knew, why did you have me look it up?
Kim: I didn't figure it out till just now. Thanks, Dad.
Mr. Dr P: Glad to help. Boys, your mother won't be happy about this one.
Ron: I don't get it, KP. If Finn didn't build that robot, who did?
Oliver: I constructed that robot and you stole it!
Finn: That's a dangerous accusation.
Oliver: I'm all about danger. Watch!
Vivien: Oliver, calm down!
Finn: Hello, Vivien.
Vivien: Finn.
Finn: Ah! Kim Possible, thank goodness you're here! Call security.
Kim: I will and you'll give back the robot you stole. You staged the whole theft to hide the fact you never developed a thinking robot. You're not a good enough scientist.
Finn: So, what? I've got the reputation. I've got the robot. You stay away.
Kim: We can cut him off! There's nowhere to run, Finn. I'm not running.
Finn: You're gonna let me go. I've got the precious robot.
Kim: Wait, don't do anything drastic. Looks like your bargaining chip just flew away. Lockdown, Finn. Game over!
Ron: So, Oliver, you've sure got it going on with the femininous. What's your secret?
Oliver: Erm, I can't really... talk... right... now.
Ron: I don't get it, this guy's beyond weird and he still has babe appeal.
Oliver: Aghhh!
Ron: Ok, I'm confused.
Kim: A robot!
Ron: Ah-ha! I knew a guy like that had no chance with a girl like that. Wait, OK, I'm still confused. If Oliver's a robot, who built Oliver?
Kim: Dr. V. F. Porter.
Ron: Who's he?
Kim: She is right here... Dr. Vivien Frances Porter, noted robotics authority.
Vivien: How did you know?
Kim: A little digging. But why the secrecy?
Vivien: My colleagues wouldn't take someone who looks like me seriously.
Ron: OK. Wait. Time out. Time out. So, you're telling me she looks like that, and is a genius! The rules aren't gonna like this.
Finn: Back off or I'll destroy them both! No! Put me down!
Mr. Dr P: Kimmie! Is everything alright?
Kim: Fine. The robots programmed for self-preservation.
Mr. Dr P: You have to walk me through this one, honey.
Kim: Long story short. Vivien, genius. Finn, fraud. She built the robots.
Mr. Dr P: Well, Doctor, we seem to have a vacancy in our robotics lab. Would you be interested in the job?
Ron: This time I will talk to her, Rufus.
Rufus: Go!
Ron: No need to stress, just be myself
Ron: Hi!
Lamar: Can I help you?
Ron and Rufus: Ahhhhhhh! Lamar!
Lamar: What film would you like?
Ron: Whatever.
Lamar: Enjoy the show.
Girl: So, when did you first decide to kiss me?
Boy: Before I even saw you.
Ron: I was ready to dazzle her. I was so there!
Zita: So, where? Popcorn?
Ron: Love some. Thanks. Boo-e-yah!
Rufus: Yeah!
Ron: Ooh!
Rufus: Awww!
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