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The Ron Factor

Kim: Noisy for a ninja, aren't ya?
Ron: Got it, KP! Right behind you Kim! Whoa! Nah! Whoa!
Kim: Hi, I'm Kim, and you are? A ninja-bot? Dr Director?
Dr Director: Kimberly, welcome back to Global Justice.
Kim: Oh, man, this was all a test?
Dr Director: In a sense.
Ron: I got you! G.J. needs Kim for some top-secret, save-the-world action.
Dr Director: Actually, G.J. needs you, Ron Stoppable.
Kim: For what?
*in the middle of opening sequence*
Kim: No, no, seriously, you need Ron?
* In the middle of opening sequence*
Kim: You need Ron, why?
Dr Director: Global Justice scientists have been conducting an exhaustive analysis of you’re, shall we say, adventures.
Ron: Oooh, shiny.
Dr Director: An exciting theory has emerged to explain your fantastic success right.
Kim: My mom's a brain surgeon and my dad's a rocket scientist. I guess my genetics rock.
Dr Director: That was what I said, but no. Our scientists believe something else is at work here... something less logic-based.
Ron: Ah ha! Oh!
Dr Director: Him.
Kim: G.J. thinks Ron is the key to my success?
Dr Director: Quite. We call the intangibles you bring to Kim's endeavors, the Ron Factor.
Ron: Right on!
Kim: I'm sorry. Did you say Ron Factor?
Dr Director: Precisely.
Kim: As in… Ron?
Ron: A-booya!
Dr Director: This vecto-graphic image breaks down the walk, the talk, the Ronatude.
Kim: How many scientists did you say working on this?
Dr Director: Our entire staff.
Kim: Really? Hmm… and they double-checked their finding?
Ron: KP, science don't lie.
Dr Director: We want to harness the Ron Factor for our agents. In fact, we're making it our top priority.
Gemini: Report, Agent Beta.
Beta: It's Global Justice, sir.
Gemini: Hush, puppy. Agent Beta said those most hated words.
Beta: Global Justice?
Gemini: Agent Beta, show some judgment around the dog! Oh, pretty little Pepe. Agent Beta doesn't know what upsets you... or me. Well, go on, man!
Beta: Well, sir, Glo... the enemy has a new secret project, code name "Ron Factor".
Gemini: Explain this Ron Factor.
Beta: Unfortunately our fly-on-the-wall cam was destroyed before I could find out more.
Gemini: Destroyed?
Beta: Swatted. People see a fly, they swat. Fly-on-the-wall cam is a kind of dumb idea when you think about it?
Gemini: My dumb idea.
Beta: Oh.
Gemini: Agent Beta, have a seat.
Gemini: You've failed me for the last time.
Beta: But I just started on Tuesday!
Gemini: Silence! Agent Gamma, a word, please.
Scientist: Raise arms and lower arms. Good. Now, reflexes.
Ron: Oww!
Dr Director: Micro monitoring instruments wired into your clothing will help us for the analyze the Ron Factor. This could be a historic turning point in the cause for Global
Kim: They could study me, too. Might help.
Dr Director: No thanks.
Kim: Ron, what are you doing?
Ron: Giving G.J. the essence of Ron.
Kim: Ugh! I'm having a naco-flashback.
Ron: KP, my naco idea was grand-slam.
Kim: And your head got so big you could have worn that!
Ron: Kimala, face it. Without the Ron Factor, you're just another freak-fighting cheerleader with a web site… no offence.
Kim: See?! That's what I mean. You are so prone to big-headiness.
Ron: Eh, Ron Factor.
Gamma: Subject, Ron Stoppable. This so-called high school student is, in fact, the source of the Ron Factor.
Gemini: Well done, Agent Gamma.
Gamma: Thank you, sir.
Gemini: So, where is he?
Gamma: He who?
Gemini: Ron Stoppable. You did capture him, didn't you?
Gamma: Um, my assignment was intelligence gathering, sir.
Gemini: Agent Gamma, have a seat.
Gamma: That's OK.
Gemini: Come on, come on. Take a load off.
Gamma: No, really, I've been sitting all day.
Gemini: Do you think they're sitting at Global Justice? Sorry, Pepe. Daddy will put a quarter in the G.J. jar. Agent Gamma! If we are to beat them at their own game, it will take some get-up-and-go.
Gamma: I'll go, sir!
Gemini: Well put. Agent Delta, bring me Ron Stoppable. Hoochie-coochie, Pepe, Pepe.
Scientist: Ron Factor surveillance project, day four. Aural.
Ron: No monkey touch, no.
Scientist: Thermal. Note naked mole rat.
Dr Director: We are on the naked mole rat acquisition?
Scientist: Our team in Africa is on it. Snooze button, repeated use. Two-way mirror cam.
Dr Director: What's that?
Scientist: Possibly whisker possibly blackhead.
Dr Director: Magnify.
Scientist: Inconclusive.
Ron: Goatee!
Kim: Hey, Wade! What's the sitch?
Wade: Kim, it's about the Ron Factor.
Kim: I know. Is it the most ridiculous thing in history ever or what?
Wade: Actually, I think the Global Justice might be onto something.
Kim: Wade, you're supposed to be a super-genius.
Wade: No, no, no. It all hooks into chaos theory. This is next-level stuff.
Kim: Swell, keep me posted.
Ron: Rufus, everything I do is part of the Ron Factor. Isn't that cool or what?
Rufus: That's cool!
Dr Director: Where are we?
Scientist: Middleton Mall. We've tapped into security cameras.
Ron: This is the Ron Factor. Ron Factor. Ron Factor. Ron Factor. Put that right there. Ron Factor.
Dr Director: Hold it! What's in that plant? Is he one of ours?
Scientist: Negative.
Ron: X-ray glasses! Me like! Rufus, you look naked.
Ron: Uh-huh! Finger cuff, eh? Not a problem. Oh! No, no, no! Help! The snakes are jumping!
Girl: Hey!
Ron: I'm on it! It's alright! Sorry! Ron Factor!
Ron: Dude, any damage?
Delta: No, fine.
Ron: Is that a Greek letter?
Delta: You know of...
Ron: Fraternity, boy, huh? Toga! Toga! Toga!
Scientist: Classic Ron Factor scenario. It's almost is it the whole things was an accident.
Dr Director: There are no accidents in our business.
Gemini: Major Delta! Which aspect of stealth eludes you?
Delta: Sorry, sir. I'll switch to brute-force approach.
Gemini: Why don't you have a seat instead?
Delta: Yea I will sit down on that bench over there.
Scientist: Holy... Did you see that?
Dr Director: Gemini! Time to take over this operation personally.
Gemini: Oh, yes, Pepe... time to take over this operation personally.
Kim: I don't know, Monique, Ron's my best, best friend. I wouldn't freak fight without him. But is that make him the secret to my success?
Monique: What do you think?
Kim: I don't know what to think anymore.
Monique: The top!
Kim: Oh, it's really cute on you.
Monique: Kim, you got it all going on. OK, if Factor Boy gets little confidence from this, no foul, right?
Ron: Kimbo! The Ron Factor's moving on to Bueno Nacho. Girlfriend! Nice top! For my grandma!
Rufus: Ba-dum, bum!
Monique: Kim, do what you gotta do, girl.
Ron: Chim-a-rito combo, Ned. Grande size.
Dr Director: Seventeen chim-a-rito combos, please. Grande size. What Ron eats, G.J. eats.
Ron: Dig it!
Gemini: I'll take him, to go!
Ron: Hey! Hands off the merchandise.
Dr Director: Gemini, hah, it's been so long.
Gemini: Not long enough.
Ron: You two know each other?
Gemini: Oh... we go way back.
Rufus: Hmm?
Ron: Nice try, buddy.
Dr Director: You're surrounded, Gemini!
Gemini: Talk to the hand.
Ron: Let me go!
Kim: Ron? Borrowing! This, too, sorry!
Gemini: That will deactivate the tracking sensors.
Ron: You obviously don't know who you dealing with, pal!
Rufus: Yeah.
Gemini: Ron Stoppable...
Ron: OK, one for you.
Gemini: ...aka, the Ron Factor, the latest top-secret project of Global Justice. Sorry, Pepe. Who is that?!
Ron: Kim Possible. This is where she saves me, and we beat you bad. It's a Ron-Factor thing. Kim!
Gemini: That's a bad-guy thing.
Kim: Ahhhhh! Ewww!
Dr Director: Grande sized hmmm.
Kim: You grande sized?
Dr Director: Well, I didn't foresee this, obviously.
Kim: Right. Sorry.
Kim: They're gone.
Dr Director: On their way to WEE Headquarters no doubt.
Kim: WEE?
Gemini: The Worldwide Evil Empire. Also known as WEE. It's an acronym.
Ron: Acronym... Yeah, that's a school word. I should know this.
Gemini: I am Gemini!
Ron: Dude, I am Virgo, but what's your name?
Gemini: Gemini.
Ron: Oh, it's an acronym. OK.
Gemini: You are fascinating.
Ron: Guilty as charged, G. so, um, what's the deal with you and Dr Director?
Gemini: I am her evil twin.
Ron: But-But... But she's a she.
Gemini: Fraternal twins.
Ron: School word.
Gemini: I am her dark reflection, her evil opposite in every way.
Ron: So, if she wants the Ron Factor, you must be totally not into it.
Gemini: Oh, you're good.
Ron: That's why G.J.'s in the Ron business.
Gemini: Ah, but it is I who have you.
Ron: Maybe that's part of my plan.
Gemini: Really? Is this also part of your plan?
Ron: Um... yes.
Gemini: Know this. I will stop at nothing to possess the Ron Factor.
Ron: Nothing?
Gemini: Nothing.
Dr Director: Status report?!
Scientist: No sign. Our satellite network is searching the entire planet.
Kim: Who are these people?
Dr Director: The Worldwide Evil Empire is a shadow organization working to foment chaos and lawlessness around the globe. This is their leader, Gemini, my evil twin.
Kim: Get out! Fraternal?
Dr Director: Exactly. Gemini's always resented the fact that I didn't treat him like an older brother.
Kim: But you're twins.
Dr Director: He's older, by four minutes.
Gemini: Four minutes, four years, the point is, I am the older brother and she never respected that.
Ron: Don't know that I agree, but I admire your passion.
Scientist: Dr. Director, we found this on the floor.
Dr Director: A fly-on-the-wall cam. That is so Gemini.
Kim: Wade, is it still sending any kind of signal?
Wade: Let me see it.
Kim: Anything?
Wade: I'm getting something. It's faint. Got it! The North Atlantic.
Gemini: I want to know exactly what the Factor is, and I want to know now!
Ron: Amp down! It ain't no secret. The Ron Factor is me. It's all about the intangibles.
Gemini: Hmm. Then you must join me. That will show my little sister. I've been saving Alpha for someone special.
Ron: And I feel special right now, but I, I...
Gemini: Join me, or be obliterated. That is your choice. Pepe! Watchdog! I will return with something that I think you will find quite persuasive.
Kim: According to Wade's coordinates, WEE headquarters should be right here.
Dr Director: Good co-ordinates!
Tau: Chim-a-rito combo!
Delta: Grande?
Gemini: Choose evil, Ron Stoppable, and can have all the chim-a-ritos you like... grande sized.
Ron: You'd put that in writing, of course?
Gemini: Plus you won't be obliterated.
Ron: It's Kim!
Gemini: And my little sister. Let me give you a hand.
Kim: How many times have you used that line?
Gemini: And it's still fresh.
Dr Director: You get Ron. I'll deal with him. You just can't let me be, can you, Sheldon?
Ron: Sheldon?!
Gemini: The name is Gemini, and this has nothing to do with you... Betty.
Kim: Betty?
Dr Director: Oh, yeah, right. Don't give me that. Why do you want the Ron Factor so badly?
Gemini: Because... because It's none of your bee's wax.
Dr Director: You want it because I have it. You always wanted my stuff!
Gemini: Oh, right! You got better toys than I did.
Dr Director: Oh! Liar, liar! What about baby curly-locks? Huh? What about that? You cut off all her hair! Remember that?!
Gemini: Well, baby sister, let's see what Mom recalls.
Dr Director: You're the baby dragging Mom into this.
Gemini: Fine! Fine! We'll settle this like grown-ups.
Kim: Oh, that's mature.
Ron: KP!
Delta: The place is gonna blow!
Gemini: Pepe! Come with me, Ron Stoppable. You will be my Agent Alpha. Together we will crush Global Justice. Oops. Sorry, Pepe. Pepe? Where is my Pepe?
Ron: Finger-cuff attack! Let's see you get out of that, big bra.
Gemini: You think you can stop Gemini?
Ron: Booya!
Dr Director: The Ron Factor... amazing.
Ron: Correction, Dr D, the Kim Factor with just a little splash of Ron
Kim: Oh, Ron, that's so sweet.
Dr Director: Let's move!
Kim: Right, going.
Dr Director: Status report?
Scientist: Project analysis is complete. The Ron Factor is a non-factor.
Dr Director: Well, there's a whole bunch of research doll down the drain.
Scientist: Not exactly. The data revealed a powerful untapped force. We call it the Rufus Factor.
Rufus: Haiya!
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