By wallaceb Ron: That brings us to item 432 in my Care Of Rufus Guide. Singing. Kim: He sings? Ron: No, you sing. Kim: Sing what? Ron: Rock-a-bye baby. Well, actually, he prefers Rock-a-bye Rufus. Here, watch. ( singing ) Rock-a-bye Rufus In the tree top when the wind blows, the cradle will rock. Kim: Ron, I know we agreed to take care of Rufus while you and the family tour France but there is zero chance of me serenading a naked mole rat. Ron: But, Kim, lullabies are a cornerstone of mole rat care. It's the only thing guaranteed to put Rufus instantly to sleep. Ron: Monkey Fist! Duff Killigan! Shego! Alright, we're out of here. Let's move on to item 433, shall we? Kim: We can cross recovering one ultra-secret secret X14 microchip off our to-do list. Wade: I'll arrange for you to return it to Greetinex Corporation first thing tomorrow. Kim: Please and thank you. I... Ron: OK. All set here, Kim. I've left your itinerary and contact numbers. Oh, Rufus buddy, if it weren't for that zero-rodent policy you'd be coming with us. Rufus: Bye. Ron: I'll call to check up on him. Rufus: Hmm. Haa! Kim: Rufus, how am I supposed to get to my bed? Rufus: Uh-huh? Monkey Fist: The microchip, it's been located. Kim: More?! Rufus, you've already eaten through two months of my allowance! Rufus: More! Kim: Alright! Alright! Another Caso Serito Nacho platter coming right up. Wade: Kim, we got a problem. I'm picking up a signal from the microchip. Kim: The chip is in my room. Wade: Not anymore. Satellite thermo-enhancement shows the signal is coming from Bueno Nacho. Kim: Where? Wade: Inside Rufus. Kim: Rufus? Wade: You better get him to a secure location before... Monkey Fist: Monkey ninjas, attack! Hello, rodent! Come, my monkey minions. Kim: Wade, do you have a lock on the microchip signal? Wade: I'm running a flight projection based on current air speed and jet stream variations. Kim: Fine, but whatever you do, don't tell Ron that... Ron: Yo! Yo, Kim! Les Ron here. How's everything going? You know, according my schedule, Rufus should be on his way to aromatherapy. Kim: Um, actually, it's quiet time right now. Ron: Wake the little guy up! Kim: I can't do that, Ron. I can't do that because of item 297 in your Care Of Rufus Guide. "It is essential for mole rats to get at least 20 hours of sleep a day." Ron: That's exactly what I wanted to hear you say, KP. See, that was a test. Obviously I put my trust in the right person. Les Ron out. Kim: Wade, talk to me and please make it good news. Wade: Monkey Fist's plane is headed for a landing strip in the French Alps. If I call a favors, I can have you there half an hour after he lands. Monkey Fist: It appears you have bitten off more than you can chew... my little friend. Come on, say aagh... Kim: Aagh! Rufus: Ahhhh! Monkey Fist: Monkey ninjas, attack! Duff: Thank you, lassie. Fore! Welcome aboard! Sorry, missy, but this is where I get off. Enjoy your flight! It's only gonna last a wee 22 seconds. Kim: Huh?! Rufus: Ahhhhh! Ron: Hey, Kim, you there? Kim: Er... yeah. Hi, Ron. How's Paris? Ron: C'est est tres magnifiquie! How's everything there? Rufus giving you any trouble? Kim: Course not! Ron: Well, put the little guy on. Kim: Er, sure. Let me get him. Duff: What in the...? Mmmm... Kim: Here, Rufus, say hi to Ron. Ron: Heym Kim, is everything OK? He sounds kinda freaked. Kim: He misses you, that's all. OK, gotta go. Bye-bye. Woman: Say fromage. Ron's Dad: Merci, tres bien. Rufus: Ahhhhh! Shego: Gotcha! Oh! Duff: Fore! Shego: Oh! Oh! Ahhhh! Duff: Gotcha! Rufus: Aagh! Monkey Fist: Hiya! Shego: Thanks! Rufus: Ahhh! Shego: Ahhh! Monkey Fist: Find him! Ron's Mom: Paris is just so, so peaceful. Monkey Fist: Hiya! Kim: Rufus! Villains: Aaaggghhh! Kim: Rufus, jump down to me. Rufus: Nuh-uh! Kim: Rufus, jump now! Rufus: No way! Kim: ( Singing ) Rock-a-bye Rufus in the tree top When the wind blows, The cradle will rock When the bough breaks, The cradle will fall and down will come Rufus cradle and all Rufus: Ah! Ron's Dad: Who's up for the Louvres? Ron: Then we hit the Arc de Triumph and Notre Dame. Surprisingly, French fries and French toast are in short supply here. So, what's up with you guys? Kim: Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Rufus: Same old, same old. Kim: Oh. Gotta go, Ron. Ron: Yea later, KP. Lab worker: We can't thank you enough, Kim Possible. Our rivals in the greeting card industry would pay any price to acquire this chip. Kim: Oh, no big... Wait. Wait. I'm sorry; did you say the "greeting card industry"? Lab worker: Oh, yes. It's quite competitive. I'm sure the thief who acquire this chip would be paid a fortune. Rufus: Ah! Kim: "Congregations. It's a girl."