By wallaceb Knight: Ethelred's high manor. Right on! I shall claim this manor as my own. Total score. Tis dark magic most foul. Wraithmaster: I am the Wraithmaster. And you? You are my prisoner. Spread the word, the Wraithmaster is destined to rule Everlot. Knight: No way, dude. A champion will come. And you will be defeated. Wraithmaster: Who could be so powerful? Rufus: Hey? Ron: Oh, yeah? Monique: I thought you said you had dinner with the family tonight. Kim: I do. Thus the pre-dinner dinner is crucial. Monique: Say what? Kim: My dad's bringing home experimental astronaut food. Monique: Oh, that's nasty. Kim: Oh, yeah. But this time, I'm wearing safety goggles. Ron: It is time. Monique: What's with Ron? Kim: Zita Flores. Ron: Time for my next move. Monique: Ron, what move? You and Zita are in the game. Ron: We gotta take it to the next level. Kim: Really? What ya gonna do? Ron: Just be my totally excellent self. Oh, yeah. Girl: So who is this Wraithmaster guy? Jake: No one knows, but he's sticking up Everlot. Ron: Everlot? Online... sword and sorcery... game. Right on, I'm all about the virtual worlds! Zita: At least, you got to see some action. I'm trapped in the Magnosian Thorn Bog. Girl: How can you be trapped? You're a she-warrior, of the ice mountain. Jake: And you've got the Sword of Elsinor. Zita: I know, I'd slam the Wraithmaster, if I could just get out of the bog. Malcolm: Is that a damsel in distress? All: Malcolm. Zita: Oh, hey. Have you been zapped by Wraithmaster yet? Malcolm: I have not, but what a player. Some say the best ever. Jake: He's creep just out to ruin everybody's game. Malcolm: Perhaps, Jake, or perhaps he is destined to rule Everlot. They say he is both a mighty warrior and a powerful sorcerer. Ron: Zita's a she-thing from whatever with the sword of whosy whats it, she could take on the Wraithsist. Malcolm: Wraithmaster. Ron: Is that what she's calling herself now? Zita: If I just had that aspen wand of New Forest... Ron: Which is so much better than the aspen wand of Old Forest. Zita: You actually have one? Ron: Well, you know, virtually speaking. Zita: That rocks! You can meet me on the bog tonight. Ron: Yes, I could. I can meet you in the bog with my... what was that again? Malcolm: Do you even play Everlot? Ron: I dabble. Kim: How's the game? Ron: Ferociously tough. How was the astronaut food? Kim: Same. I thought you were the king of video games. Ron: When it's blasting something or racing something. Everlot is like this whole complicated world. Kim: Which Rufus is in. Ron: Thanks buddy. I'll take it from here. Buckle up, Everlot! Ron Stoppable has arrived. Kim: Peasant chic. Stylee. Ron: I'm a knave. It's where you start. I just need some magic stuff. You see that chest? Watch. Ron: Just a glitch. Wade: Hey, Kim. What's up? Kim: Know anything about Everlot? Wade: Currently the fastest-growing online multi-player game around! Uses a fuzzy-logic, hierarchy-modeled after... Kim: Nerd alert! Let's try that again. Do you know how to play it? Wade: Affirmative. Kim: Ron said he'd meet Zita in Everlot but he's having trouble... surviving. Wade: Don't open it, trade it with dwarf. Ron: For the fireball? Wade: No, he's got a watering can! That, my friend, is the aspen power wand of New Forest. Ron: Boo-yah! Hmm? hmm. Whoa! Oof! Hey, Z! Zita: Hey! Ron: Wait, what do I do now? Wade: Cross the sword of Elsinor with the aspen power wand of... Ron: ...New Forrest, and say the magic words. Zita: And what are the magic words? Ron: Treguna macoides! Zita: We did it! Ron: Coolio. Zita: The Wraithmaster. Ron: Sorry, dude. Gotta go. Wraithmaster: Wait. How did you escape? Ron: Maybe I haven't heard, but Zita and me, we're sort of a team. Wraithmaster: Knave, you'll pay for your impudence! Ron: Wait! Wait! Wade! Wade: Hit the ground with the power wand, saying, "bog open"! Ron: Bog open! Open, open, open! Wraithmaster: Noooo! Ron: Wraithmaster, no big. Zita: A knave can't do that. Ron: I'm no ordinary knave. Wraithmaster: Thou shalt pay for thy treachery, knave! Zita: So tonight meet me in the Glade of Destiny? Ron: Or, you know, I know of this quaint little cafe. Zita: In Everlot? Ron: In reality. Zita: Bueno Nacho? Ron: A-boo-yah! Zita: Hi, Malcolm. Ron: Dude. Malcolm: Knave... Ron: That's cool when it's just us guys but, you know, clean up your act, we?re entertaining a lady! Kim: Hey, you don't tell him to cut that out the gross stuff when I'm around. Ron: What's your point? Kim: Never mind. Mr. Dr P: Ronald! Look! We got little sombreros! Kim: I'll never complain about space food again. Save me, please! Ron: Can't, meeting Zita. Kim: Excellent. For you. Mr. Dr P: Check it out! They grande-sized our beans. Jim: We're gonna make bean launchers. Tim: Out of sporks and bendy straws. Tweebs: Hoosha! Ron: Zita! Zita: Ron, I just got a text page. There's this Everlot thing downtown. All the local power players are gonna be there. Ron: Really? Yeah? Power players? Hey, what are we waiting for? Zita: You can learn a ton of things from other players. Well, not you. You already rock. Ron: I don't know if I go so far, you know... rock! Ron: Who sent you this page? Zita: Yeah, this is freaky. Ron: Good thing nobody else showed up. There's only two chairs. Zita: Er, what's that sound? Ron: NG. Zita: What's NG? Ron: Not good. Zita: Hey! Stop it! Ron: Hey, let go Zita: What happened? Ron: Let's see, we were downtown... Zita: Not any more. We're in Everlot. Wraithmaster: Welcome to the game. Fair Zita, she-warrior of the ice mountain! Be my
queen. We'll rule Everlot together. Ron: There you go. I hope you two'll be happy together. Zita: Very funny. Ron: Sure, yeah. I'm? I'm a funny, funny knave. Zita: Zephyrus escape! Wraithmaster: Curses! Kim: Wade, we've got a problem. Wade: Kim, you must be psychic. I was just going to call. We got a hit on the site. Kim: Tell him to take a number, something happen to Ron. Wade: How do you know? Kim: Rufus told me. Kim: At least I think that's what he's saying. Wade: OK, I'll call back that guy at Everlot Inc. Kim: Everlot Inc? Wait, isn't that... Wade: I think Rufus sees a connection. Kim: Apparently. Nevius: The missing project was next generation gaming technology, a way to plug the five senses directly into the game world. Kim: Ouch. Nevius: Not literally. The player would just wear what we call... an immersion cap. Slip it on, and zap! You're in Everlot! Kim: So it's like virtual reality? Nevius: More like actual reality, really. It's not quite as real as reality but we're really, really close. Kim: Really? Nevius: We'd be shipping them worldwide, if it weren't for the... problems. Kim: What kind of problems? Nevius: Well, it seems that once you're in the game, you can't get out till you win. Kim: Can't you slip the cap off? Nevius: We tried that with him. Kim: The little guy looks fine. OK. Thanks, Mr. Nevius. ...Nevius. Any relation to
Malcolm Nevius? Nevius: My son, and Everlot's number one fan. Kim: Wade? I know where to find Ron. OK, Wade. Ready? Wade: Ready. See you in cyberspace! Kim: Well, here we go. Wade? You're a giant! Wade: Actually, I'm normal size. Kim: Oh, great. Wade: You're a spritekin. You gotta start small. Kim: Stupid game. Ron: Wraith boy is taking prisoners. Zita: What's his damage? Ron: I think he's trying to impress you. Zita: By being good at Everlot? Like I'm that shallow? It's just a game. Can you imagine? Ron: No, I can't. Hey, Zita? Zita: Come on, we gotta free the other players. Ron: Are all girls like this, or just the ones I know? Jake: Finally. Tell me you're going to get us out of here. Zita: Jake? Is that you? Jake: What's with you guys be in normal clothes? Ron: Don't know. Would like to know. Don't. Zita: Let me guess, the Wraithmaster captured you. Jake: He won't let us out to relinquish our power. Boy: I'm not worried. We're gonna be saved by the Tunnel Lord. Ron: Tunnel Lord? Zita: I thought he was just a legend. Jake: He might as well be. That dude hasn't logged on for like forever. Boy: He'll show. He'll save us. Zita: Better idea. We'll save you. Ron: It's locked. Maybe I can pick it. Do you have a bobby pin? Zita: I don't know. Let me ask my grandmother. Wraithmaster: Looking for this? Ron: You gotta get that thing checked. Zita: Fenestra dimensia! Wraithmaster: What? You are powerful. You would make a most fitting queen. Zita: I will be queen when I vanquish you. Wraithmaster: Enough! Ron: You should really stop doing that; this guy's a total... Malcolm. Zita: Malcolm? Wraithmaster: Ha ha ha ha ha! Ron: OK, well, now that I know it's him, I've got an idea. Zita: What? Ron: Run! Ron and Zita: Whoa! Ron: The bugs in Everlot are really annoying. Kim: Ron! Ron: What? Zita: What what? Ron: You said Ron. Zita: No, I didn't Ron: KP? You're a... Zita: A spritekin. Ron: Ah, that's so cute. Kim: Watch it, knave. Wade: There you are. Ron: Yo! Cyber Wade! Wade: Hey, Ron. Ron: So, guys, here's the deal. Zita and I are trapped in a warehouse downtown wearing some kind of... Kim: Immersion caps. Ron: OK, let's call them "immersion caps". Just get them off us and get us out of this game! Kim: We can't, Ron. The systems whacked. Ron: It is a game, right? I mean bytes and bits. I mean, if I don't wanna be here, I can just leave. Wade: The only way out is to win the game. Ron: And if we lose? Kim: So, the weather here, it's nice. Zita: So we win! You're the Everlot master. Feel up to it? Ron: Bring it on! Malcolm: Zita? Hi! What's going on? Me? Oh, nothing, really. You know, just hanging out, being Omni powerful. Jake: What a loser. Boy: It's the Tunnel Lord. He's here! All: It's...just them. Wade: You guys are popular. Malcolm: Huh? Ready to give up? Kim: I was about to ask you the same question! Malcolm: Be gone, Possible! Wade: Nice distraction, Kim. Kim: Ow! Right... distraction. Zita: Let's do it! Ron and Zita: Ahhhhhh! Malcolm: Prepare to... Ahhhh! Wade: Quit hitting yourself with your sword. Quit hitting yourself with your sword. Uh-oh! Malcolm: Enough! Wade: Hey! Malcolm: A wizard in chains and a caged spritekin. I'm invincible now. Ron: There's something you should know. Before last night I never played Everlot. Zita: But you had the power wand of aspen, you knew the magic words! Ron: I had help. Zita: What kind of help? Ron: The cheating kind of help. Zita: You're a neewb?! Kim: We need an amulet, or some spelly thing. Wade: I've tried every dungeon claim I know. We're stuck! Kim: Rufus! I know you wanna help, but we know what we're gonna do to
save them. Wade, what are we going to do to save them? Wade: I don't know. Jim: There's no way you can change the weather. Tim: Yeah-huh! Bet me! Jim: You're on. Jim: Hey! Hikka-bikka-boo. Tim: Hoo-sha. Zita: Hey! Ron: Let go of her, dude! Malcolm: Join me, and be Queen of Everlot. Zita: Never. Malcolm: How about gone with me to the Spring Fling Dance? Zita: Also a never, and in a million years Malcolm: Too tight? Zita: Yes. Malcolm: Good. Boy: Told ya he?d come!
[b]Jake: I can't believe it! The Tunnel Lord! Ron: No way! Rufus? Malcolm: Prepare to meet your doom, Tunnel Lord. Kim: Zita! Let me out! Zita: What are you gonna do? Kim: Get some help. Kim: Ron, help! Ron: I'm on it, KP. Whoa! Ahh! Ow! Ow! Hey, KP let me get that for ya. Kim: Thanks. Ron: Everybody! Everybody! Look the rule say you can pass your powers to another player. That's what we have to do! Jake: Should we give them to you? Ron: No, no way! I'm just a neewb knave. Give 'em to a real player, give 'em to Zita. Malcolm: Ahhhhhhhh! Zita: Game over, Malcolm. Malcolm: The Wraithmaster admits defeat. Crowd: Yea! Zita: Um, hi. Ron: Well, the goal was to impress her. Kim: It just turned out to be Rufus who did it. Ron: Yeah, Rufus. Not me. Kim: What now? Ron: What else? Bueno Nacho in ten. Kim: See you there. Hey, Zita! You hungry? Zita: Yeah, let's jet. Ron!? Malcolm: Sorry about the whole trapping you in cyber-reality. Ron: These things happen. To me. Malcolm: I was gonna be the Supreme Overlord of this magical realm. Now what do I do? Ron: Hey, try out for the drama club? Malcolm: Drama club? Ron: You've already got the shirts. Malcolm: You're so right, I do have the shirts! Thanks, knave. Zita: Ron! Are you coming out or what? Ron: In a minute. Boo-yah!