By wallaceb Wade: Next up, thermal imaging sunglasses. Wear 'em after dark. Night vision. Kim: Practical and flossy. Ron: Can this technology be used instead of a night light? Not that I sleep with one! Wade: Every single night... Kim: Since you were four. Ron: There were monsters in my toy box! Kim: Moving along! Wade: I saved the best for last. Kim: Class ring! Cool! I can go undercover as a senior. Ron: Really? Gimme some of that! Agh! Kim: Oops! Laser ring. Wade: More than just laser function. Kim: Maybe you better tell me now. Ron: Before I'm bald! Rufus: Hey! Ron: Not there's anything wrong with bald. On you it's good. Wade: The ring is also a backup micro-mini communicator, electro decode?. Kim: Wade, you're breaking up. Wade: Got some tech glitches. Let me get back to you. Wade out. Barkin: OK, Talent Show sign-ups are now open. Due to the litigious nature of last year's show, flaming chain saw juggling will not be permitted. Bonnie: Step aside, people. This is all just a formality. My older sibs have won this contest last four years straight. I'm not about to break a Rockwaller family tradition. Kim: Oh, please, Bonnie, I just ate. Bonnie: Just trying to save my fellow students from utter humiliation. Kim: And your talent is what? Singing... your own praises? Acting... obnoxious? Bonnie: Try ballet. 12 years intensive training. Kim: Can you believe her? Someone really needs to put Bonnie in her place! Ron: One slice of humble pie coming right up. Kim: I'm impressed, Ron. That took a lot of guts. Ron: No guts, no glory! Kim: I didn't even know you had a talent. Ron: Oh, no, no. I don't. That's why I signed you up. Kim: You did what?! Ron, I can not believe you signed me up for the talent show
without even asking me! Do you not comprehend how critically wrong that is? Ron: Let's stick to the facts. Fact one; you are signed up. Fact two; you won't give Bonnie the satisfaction of backing out now. Kim: Fact three; I know 16 styles of kung fu. Ron: You really need to take this unproductive anger you're feeling toward me and channel it into your act. Don't you think? Kim: You are so flawed! Wade: Kim, you there? Kim: What's the sitch, Wade? Wade: Trouble. Professor Dementor has stolen a top-secret experimental teleportation module. Kim: Teleportation? As in the ability to transport stuff through the air? Ron: Through the telephone! That's the teleport. Kim: Yeah. Wade: I think I've got a lead on Dementor's hideout. Check out these satellites scans. Kim: On our way. Thanks for the lift, MC Honey. MC Honey: Ain't no thing, K. If you hadn't been there when my demo tape got jacked, I would never blown up like I did. Kim: No big. Ron: Agh! Whoa! Guy: Check that girl's moves are way phat. MC Honey: Phat?! They're obese, yo! Ron: So, how exactly are you planning to spank Bonnie in the talent show? You know, a dramatic monologue is always classy, though, it lacks in the razzle dazzle factor. Kim: Game time. Ron: You know what's a real crowd pleaser? Balloon animals. Rufus: Balloons! Ron: You could be Kimbo the Clown! Kim: Look, Ron, I'm not sure I even have a talent. OK? Ron: Uh, hello! Are you forgetting? Kim Possible... She can do anything. Just pick something. And blow Bonnie off the stage. Kim: Well, I did do some singing, you know, back in the day. Kim: Silent night Holy night... Ron: Perfect! A show-stopping original song! OK, I'll get to work on producing the track. Rufus will handle lyrics and choreography. Rufus: A-oh! A-oh! Kim: Sensors the floor. Extra sensitive. Even Rufus' weight would set these off. Rufus: Oh! Ron: Hey, I told you not to grande size the chimerito! Kim: Guess we'll do this old school. The teleportation module. Ron: Ugh! I was just looking for the dressing room. Kim: Oh! Dementor: I'll take my invention back if you don't mind! Kim: Your invention? As if! Dementor: What's that supposed to mean? You come into my lair and accuse! I invented it. I named it... the transportulator. Ron: My legs are cold. Dementor: Can we get the boy a towel or something? I think this is a little uncomfortable... for everyone! What?! Ooh! Kim: Ron? Rufus? Here. Dementor: The transportulator! Ron: Wait up! Almost there! Kim: One teleportation module recovered. Wade: Great work, guys. Kim: Yeah, but why did Dementor say it was his invention? Ron: So? He lied. No shocker there. Kim: I know, but he even named it. It just seems, I don't know, strange. Ron: Kim, villains and lying go together like burritos and hot sauce. Wade: It is what they do. Kim: I guess so. Wade: Here are the coordinate for the rendezvous point. The rightful owners of the transportu... er, teleportation module will meet you there. Ron: I'm thinking you do a melody of Brittina's greatest hits! O! O! With special lyrics about saving the world! Let's see Bonnie ballerina top that. Kim: Er, Ron, about my singing, there's something you should know. Kim: Silent night Holy night (Voice cracks) All i-is c-calm A-all i-is b-bright... Ron: This is bad, Kim. You're gonna risk our reputation from entire school and you can't even hit the high notes? Kim: Fact one; it's my reputation on the line here. Fact two; you're the one who got me into this. And fact three; I can and will hit the high notes! I can do anything. Ron: That's exactly what I wanted to hear you say, KP. We start rehearsals tomorrow. Voice: Place the item on the floor and exit the hangar. Kim: Something's not right here. Voice: Place the item on the floor and exit the hangar. Kim: Wade, come in. Wade: What up, Kim? Kim: We're at the rendezvous point. But somebody woke up on the weird side of the bed today. Wade: It's cool. I forgot to warn you. The teleportation team members are super security freaks. No personal contact allowed. Ron: Let's leave it and bail. You need to rest those vocal chords. Kim: You're sure this is legit, Wade? Wade: Chill, Kim. I just ran a bio DNA scan on the hangar. It's them. Voice: Place the item on the floor and exit the hangar. Thank you, Miss Possible. Shego: Thank you for falling for it hook, line and sinker. Wade: I told you, Shego. Drakken: It's my greatest plan yet! Shego: Yeah, like the bar was set so high. Drakken: Now that I've created a cyber clone of Kim Possible's trusted techno buddy, I shall trick her into doing all my evil bidding for me! You know what; I'm going to save some for later. Kim: Ron, I think we're lost. Ron: Sssh! You're gonna give away our position. Rufus: Hmn... Ron: You sure, buddy? Rufus: A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! Ron: We have T-minus three minutes and counting. Kim: Is it really necessary to spy on Bonnie's rehearsal like this? Ron: We have to gather some intel on your competition. Kim: I just can't see Bonnie doing twelve hard years of ballet lessons. Ron: Hour after hour staring at herself in a giant mirror? Yeah. Believe it! Rufus: Uh-oh! Kim: How great could her act be? She probably... Ooh! Ron: She's got fog. Bonnie: Did I mention the finale where I fly out over the audience, Kim? Kim: Mmnnn! Drakken: With this teleportation module, I shall be able to instantly transport myself into any high security area I please! Imagine it, Shego, the skies the limit. Fort Knox, the Louvre... Shego: Or into the 10 items or less line with 11 items. Huh?! Drakken: Exactly! Wait, was that a serious suggestion or are you mocking me? Shego: I'd say about 30 percent serious, 70 percent mock. Drakken: Agh! Plug it in. Long-distance charges are separate of course, but with this capability, we can afford it. Shego! Shego: Yea this is not going to work. Drakken: No! Where's the universal teleportation adaptor? Shego: I'm guessing... not here. Drakken: Blast! You send a hero to do a villain's work and this is what you get. Shego: Alright, I'll infiltrate Dementor's fortress and get it. Don't wait up. Drakken: Not necessary, Shego. We'll simply have Kim Possible finish the job for us. Rufus: Agh! Kim: Bonnie, do you mind? We're rehearsing here. Bonnie: Oh, I know, Kim. I just came by to inspire you. Kim: (voice cracks on TV) ...night all is gone, all is? Bonnie: Those high notes are little nasty for you, huh, Kim? Kim: That was a long time ago! Hit it, Rufus! F you find your world is caving in... Ron: That's right. You can do it. Kim: You can bet you're gonna need a friend Someone to take those fears away, away, ( voice cracks ) away... Say the word... Bonnie: See you at the show tomorrow night, if you even have the guts to come. Kim: Mmmm! Ron: Maybe we could rewrite the song, you know, just stay away from the high... Kim: What's the sitch, Wade? Wade/Drakken: Kim, you've got to go back to the Dementor's lab and get the universal teleportation adaptor you forgot! Kim: An adaptor? Wade/Drakken: Now! It's quite urgent! Kim: I don't get it. The important thing is that we got the tranporto thingy away from the bad guys, right? What's the big about the adaptor? Wade/Drakken: The big is... Drakken: That I need, or rather you... it's... look, just do it, OK? Kim: Fine, Wade. Chill already. Ron: There, still plugged in the wall into the phone line. Kim: Ron, teleporting has nothing to do with telephoning. Ron: It's all fiber optics, Kim. Dementor: Returning to the scene of the crime, hero thief? Ron: Aahhhh! Dementor: Bring me back my adaptor! Kim: Where are they? The talent show starts in a couple of hours. Ron: And I have to finish mixing your track! Kim: Why you and Rufus head back now, finish the prep work? Ron: OK, sounds like a plan. We?ll see you at the show. Wade/Drakken: Kim, they're here. Kim: About time! Wade/Drakken: Same procedure. No contact. Kim: Uh, whatever! Voice: Place the item on the floor and exit the hangar. Wade: Hey, Kim. Sorry I've been out of contact for the last few days. Kim: What?! Wade: Somebody whacked out my whole system with a virus. Wade/Drakken: You! What are you doing here? Wade: Kim, this guy's a fake! Wade/Drakken: Takes one to know one. Fraud! Wade: I'm tracking you. Wade/Drakken: Yeah? Well, then I'm tracking you as well! Voice: Kim Possible, place the item on the floor and exit the hangar. Kim: Doubt it. Wade: Kim, I've got the source of the hack. Drakken: No you don't. Well, you're the fake! Wade: It's... Kim: Drakken! Shego: Ever hear of knocking? Drakken: So, Kim Possible, I'll bet you're wondering what horrible fate I've devised for you this time. Kim: Surprise me. Drakken: Ooh! You teenagers and your sass. I just wanna... Wow. OK. First, you'll be sealed in a reinforced titanium box. Next, you will be dropped into this bottomless chasm. Then, the chasm will be filled with water. Then, man-eating sharks and a giant squid will then be released into the water! Shego: Huh? Well wait. If the chasm is bottomless, how can you fill it with water? Drakken: It's very, very deep, alright?! Lastly, I shall freeze over the top of the water with a six-foot layer of solid glacial ice. Any questions? Shego: Not if you're gonna get all snippy. Kim: Beats humiliation at the talent show, I guess. Drakken: Ha! Now that really ought to do it. Ron: Where can she be? Kim: My ring is ringing?! Wade: Kim, you there? Kim: Wade, you don't know how happy I am to see you. It is really you, right? Wade: The one and only. I've already pinpointed your location. The authorities are on the way. Kim: OK. Next crisis... I'm supposed to be on stage at the talent show in ten minutes. Wade: I'll tell Ron to stall. Kim: Please and thank you. Now remind me, what else does this ring do? Wade: Ron, it's Wade. Kim got a little... tied up. Drakken: Federal Mint, here we come! Operator: We're sorry; your call cannot be completed as dialed. Drakken: Ah! What do you have to do, dial 9? Ron: Kim's up next. We need to buy her some time. Rufus: Uhm-hmn. Bonnie: I don't see Kim around. Ron: Oh, she'll be here... I hope. Rufus: Oh! Barkin: I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming tonight, particularly after last year's unfortunate lion-taming melee. Our next performer is a last minute entry, Ron Stoppable! Ron: But? but what am I supposed to do? Rufus: Wing it! Ron: Er, hi! OK, I didn't really prepare any... Ron?s [b]Voice:[/b] How's everybody doing tonight? Having a good time? Barkin: Ron Stoppable, everyone. And now our final contestant of the evening, Kim Possible. Possible?! Is she here? Shego: You'd better answer it. Drakken: It never fails. I hate call waiting! Hello? Mother, not now, I'm very busy! Kim: He'll call you back. Drakken: But... how did...? I mean... The titanium, then the shark and, then squid and, the ice wall... I thought... for sure this time? Kim: Which part of she can do anything do you not comprehend? It really does work like a phone. Barkin: Last call for Kim Possible. OK, then I... Kim: ( Singing )
I'm on it
I got it
I can do anything
What you need
Got your back
Just say the word, I'm there
If you find your world is caving in
You can bet you're gonna need a friend
Someone to take those fears away
Away, away
Say the word
Make a call and I'll be there
Any time, anywhere
Have you heard
That I'm all about saving your world?
All you have to do is
Say the word Barkin: And the winner of the Middleton High Annual Talent Show is... Ron Stoppable. Bonnie: What?! Barkin: Proving that quantity is indeed better than quality. Bonnie: No way! Ron: What? Huh? Kim: So much for the Rockwaller family tradition, huh, Bonnie?!