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Return to Wannaweep

By wallaceb
Girls: Mad Dog's here, we came to play
Watch our moves and you will say
Go, Mad Dogs!
Go, go, Mad Dogs!
Go, Mad Dogs!
Go, go, Mad Dogs!
Rufus: Hey!
Kim: Um, Bonnie, you missed your cue to back flip herkie spring into the pyramid.
Bonnie: Er, Kim, if you don't jump first, how can I be on top?
Kim: For the millionth time, Bonnie, I'm the top of this pyramid.
Bonnie: Using the back flip herkie? No offence, but that move went out with the shade of lip gloss you're wearing.
Kim: I suppose you have a better move?
Bonnie: Er, yeah. The side-hurdler lift-up. A little more "this century".
Tara: Er, Bonnie...
Kim: Oh, that sounds great... in the magical world of Not Gonna Happen!
Ron: Mad Dog's in the house!
Kim: Ron, could you maybe not celebrate the collapse of our pyramid?
Ron: But Mad Dog is amped! He's got this positive vibe!
Rufus: Yeah!
Barkin: Ladies, and Stoppable, quit your yammering and pack your bags. The Middleton cheer squad's been picked to join the few, the proud, the peppy. We are going to Cheer Camp, ladies...
Girls: Whopee!
Barkin: ...and Stoppable.
Barkin’s Voice: Camp... Camp... Camp...
Ron: Did he say...
Barkin: Camp, that's right. Cheerleaders and mascots. You got questions, comments or concerns?
Ron: Yes, yes, and yes!
Kim: Come on, Ron. I know you have camp issues, but this will be fun.
Ron: Do not use the words "camp" and "fun" in the same sentence. Need I remind you of the horror of Camp Wannaweep?
Young Ron: What's this plant? Agh! Make the itching stop! Agh! Leave alone. Agh...!
Kim: I thought you conquered all your camp-related fears.
Ron: I thought so too. Didn't.
Kim: But, Ron, Cheer Camp isn't even technically at a camp. They hold it at Middleton Community College.
Ron: Really? No toxic lake?
Kim: No.
Ron: No spooky woods?
Kim: No.
Ron: No scary squirrels?
Kim: Ron.
Ron: What? Ugh!
Kim: Whoa.
Ron: OK, OK. I guess a camp at a college won't haunt me.
Kim: That's the spirit.
Ron: Look, there it is... There it goes.
Barkin: Change of plans, people. The campus is off-limits due to catastrophic plumbing problems.
Ron: So we're going home?
Barkin: Negative. We got lucky and landed an alternate venue.
Ron: Upperton University?
Barkin: Nope. The sunny shores of Lake Gottagrin.
Girl: Here we come!
Kim: Come on, Ron. What better way to erase the nightmares of Camp Wannaweep than with a happy visit to Camp Gottagrin?
Ron: Happy? I like happy. Maybe you're right. This could be good for me. I'm gonna be hap... Agh! This is the same lake! The same lake! Have I been put on this earth to suffer?!... Um, Could you cut the music? I'm stressing here!
Boy: Er, isn't this band camp?
Ron: No. That's band camp, right next to telecommunications camp, which is right next to clown camp right next to science camp, also known as the camp whose toxic run-off has polluted the lake and will turn everyone into amphibious mutants!
Kim: Ron, stop wigging. Let's get some download.
Wade: According to my toxicology scan, the water in Lake Gottagrin is uncontaminated.
Kim: See? The lake's totally de-toxed. Look. Busy little beavers, not a mutant in the bunch.
Ron: You can take the evil out of the lake but you can never take the lake out of the evil.
Kim: Ron, that so doesn't even make sense.
Ron: Doesn't it, Kim?! Doesn't it?!
Mascot: Hey, guys! It's the Middleton Mad Dog in the flesh!
Shark: Your moves are killer, dude!
Mascot: Give us a taste of that Mad Dog howl.
Kim: Ron, you can do this. Mad Dog can do this.
Ron: OK. For the squad.
Shark: Whoa! Whoa! Mad Dog, you're getting foam in my gill.
Shark’s Voice: Gill... Gill... Gill...
Gill: Remember me?
Ron: Not really. I gotta tell you, I think I'd remember.
Gill: Oh, come on, Ronnie, think.
Ron: Gill?
Gill: I'm no longer Gil. Now I am Gill!
Ron: Er… what's the difference?
Gill: I added an "L". You know, as in "gill", as in these things that grew when I mutated! You can't win, Ronnie! This is my element!
Kim: Sorry to bother you, Dr. Lurkin. I just wanted to check on a patient. Gil?
Ron: Gill. You know, G, I, double L! The mutant spelling.
Lurkin: Oh, gollie, no. It's one "L" again. He's a quite success story. 100 percent human. Even made the honor role.
Ron: Where? At Mutant High?
Lurkin: It's a public school. He's adjusted quite well. Busy with extra-curricular activities.
Ron: Inter-mutant swim team?
Lurkin: No, I believe he's on the football team. He's... well, what do they call it? Mascot.
Gil: Hey, Ronnie. Remember me?
Ron: Ahh! Kim! Rufus! He's got me!
Gil: You bet I do. Noogie...!
Ron: Ugh!
Gil: Hi, Kim. Can you believe it? Ronnie and I will be roommates, just like old times.
Ron: Am I mutating? Do you see any webbing? Scales? Funky lips?
Kim: Try to keep an open mind. People can change.
Ron: That's what I'm afraid of. Oh! I think I feel a fork in my tongue!
Bonnie: Oh, you have got to be kidding!
Kim: We're... roommates?
Bonnie: No way. Cabin 9?
Kim: Cabin 9. OK, we have to deal.
Bonnie: Good. While you're dealing I'm claiming the top bunk.
Kim: I wanted the top bunk!
Bonnie: Knew you would. It's like the top of the pyramid, K. My... rightful place.
Kim: Say what?!
Ron: KP, try to keep an open mind.
Kim: Hmm, ghrr, hmmm, Huh! Hmmm.
Host: Hello... Gottagrin! Welcome, welcome, welcome to camp kickoff!
Bonnie: You know, Kim. I have some cover-up to conceal the monstrous bags under your eyes.
Kim: Wouldn't have the bags under my eyes if not for your ferociously loud snoring!
Bonnie: Me? Snore? Must have been the crickets.
Kim: Only if you inhaled them!
Host: Before we bring the Middleton High Cheer squad on stage, I've got a way fantastic announcement! This year, the cheerleader with the most super-duper attitude and mad cheer skills will be awarded the Gottagrin Spirit Stick! Let me hear you say, Yey!
Bonnie: Might as well give it to me now.
Kim: Yeah, if it's for mad snore skills.
Gil: Ronnie?
Ron: What are you doing?!
Gil: You looked like you needed help.
Ron: Oh, yeah. Thanks, Gil. Hey, where's your outfit?
Gil: Oh, I want it to be a surprise.
Ron: Note: Suspicious thing number 5, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean Gil isn't out to get me.
Bonnie: Aw... you're tired. Maybe I should take the top spot of the pyramid.
Kim: That's sweet. But I've got a spirit stick to win.
Girls: Mad dog's here, we came to play
Watch our moves and you will say
Go, Mad Dogs
Go, go, Mad Dogs!
Go, Mad Dogs!
Go, go, Mad Dogs!
Kim: Wah! Ugh!
Bonnie: Are you OK, Kim?
Host: Super spirit, cheerleader! Aw, hang in there, camper.
Ron: That stick's not really made of gold, is it?
Kim: Gold plastic. But it's not what the spirit stick is made of, Ron, it's what it represents.
Ron: What's that?
Kim: That Bonnie can't have it!
Ron: At least you can prove your roommate is up to no good.
Gil: Yo, Ronnie! We're making smores outside. Try one. I added a special ingredient.
Ron: Hey, thanks, roomie. You rock!
Rufus: Smore!
Rufus: Hey!
Kim: What are you doing?
Ron: "Special ingredient"? Special mutating ingredient!
Kim: So wrong. I'm the one with the evil roomie here.
Ron: I gotta go. I'm keeping my friends close and my enemies closer... Hey, Gil! Wait up! The game's afoot, Rufus. Whoa! Ugh! "Frog Fancy"? Suspicious thing number 22. Hmm... Suspicious thing number 23. Oh, no. I think we lost 'em. He could be anywhere. Stay close, Rufus, Wannaweep is a dangerous and cursed place. It's a fresh mutant footprint and it's fresh!
Bonnie: Kim!
Kim: You know, Bonnie, the path to the Spirit Stick isn't paved with tardiness.
Bonnie: I'm tardy because you unplugged my alarm clock!
Kim: Is that what that plug was?
Ron: Kim! Gil's an evil mutant again! Look! I have evidence.
Kim: A magazine?
Ron: And I saw a footprint!
Bonnie: Er, freako.
Ron: Yes! A freaky footprint!
Kim: Look, Ron, I think before you accuse, you need actual proof.
Ron: You want proof?! You can't handle the proof! Attention, happy campers! Remain calm! But there is a mutant among us! Behold! The Muck Monster!
Gil: Dude, what the damage? I wanted to surprise with my mascot outfit.
Ron: Outfit? Wait, I...
Gil: Yeah. My school's team is the Brookdale Horn Toads.
Ron: But, but you snuck out last night.
Gil: Yeah, to pick up my costume. Did you follow me, or something?
Ron: Follow? I wouldn't say "Follow". 'Cuz it sounds, you know, paranoid and suspicious.
Shark: Loser...!
Mascot: Hey, Mad Dog, why don’t you roll over and play dead!
All: Loser! Loser! Loser! Loser!
Ron: Agh!
Kim: What is it?! What's happening?
Bonnie: Oh, I'm just evening out my tan. Hope I didn't wake you.
Kim: All yours, roomie.
Bonnie: Kim!
Kim: Oops! Did I use up all the hot water, again? Hey, better hurry up or you'll be late for cheer practice.
Bonnie: You are wasting your time, Kim! I'm not going to break.
Kim: Well, I'm not gonna break either.
Ron: So just because I'm a little paranoid the entire camp's out to get me. And you know, you'd think at some point they'd run out of rotten vegetables to pelt me with.
All: Loser! Loser! Loser! Loser!
Ron: The communicator? Hey, Wade. What's the sitch?
Wade: Wannaweep update. The lake is clean but I scanned wider and found a small grotto off the south shore.
Ron: Grotto. Always hated that word.
Wade: It's showing weird readings.
Ron: How weird?
Wade: Evil-mutant weird.
Ron: I knew it! We gotta find Kim. You she'll believe.
Wade: Hold on. I'm getting some static. Looks like it's coming from telecommunications camp. I think somebody's trying to...
Ron: Wade? Wade! Speak to me. Come on, Rufus. We're heading to the grotto. Ooh, I hate that word.
Rufus: Urgh!
Ron: Yep. Evil place.
Gil: At last! After searching night after night, I have found my magic mucka.
Ron: Magic mucka? Sounds worse than "grotto". Creature from the muck lagoon. Kim! Gill with two "L"s is back!
Kim: Ron got other things on my mind.
Host: And now, representing the Brookdale Horned Toads, let's show our fierce camp spirit for Gil Mos!
Girl#1: Now that's a costume!
Girl#2: Whoo!
Gill: Don't you creeps get it? This is my revenge! It starts by turning you all into my mutant minions.
Ron: Oh, sure! They don't throw fruit at him! Aw, man...
Kim: Run for it. I'll...
Bonnie: Oh, right! I step aside, you save the world and suddenly you're taking home the Spirit Stick?
Kim: Bonnie, this so isn't the time for... Look out!
Bonnie: Yuk!
Ron: Ahh!
Bonnie: Stoppable! Get back here and save us! Or more specifically, me!
Ron: Ahh...!
Kim: Chill, Bonnie. Ron knows exactly what he's doing... I hope.
Ron: Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Please don't be... Bingo! Dial tone! That makes the score, Ron one, Double "L" Gill zero!
Ron: OK. So now it's all tied up.
Gill: Hello, Squib. We meet again.
Ron: Whoa. Mutant camouflage! That would be so cool if... Never mind.
Gill: Man, I gotta thank you. Swapping swim time with arts and crafts so many years ago was the best thing ever happened to me!
Ron: I thought you hated being mutant, hence the whole "revenge business".
Gill: I did hate. But once I turned a human I missed the immense power of toxic genetic mutation.
Ron: I guess it's a "grass is always greener" kind of thing, huh?
Gill: Right. I wanted to be greener!
Ron: So you sabotaged the pipes of Community College, knowing we’d all would be relocated to Gottagrin.
Gill: And now, I'll slime all the camps round Lake Wannaweep. And guess what? You're first!
Ron: Whoa!
Gill: Dag! Fell for that one last time.
Kim: Bonnie, hand me your nail file. I can it to cut us out of here.
Bonnie: You? You're not getting all the credit. I'm cutting us out of here.
Barkin: For pity's sake, not again!
Bonnie: Fine. Take it, already.
Gill: Let's finish this so I can go blast the rest of the camps in peace. Ha-ha. Poor squib. He could run but he couldn't hide.
Ron: As of right now, Ron Stoppable is all done running.
Rufus: Yeah!
Ron: It's the only way.
Barkin: You know, no matter how many times you get slimed by a genetic mutant you never quite get used to it.
Kim: We gotta find Gill.
Bonnie: Looks like he already hit band camp.
Barkin: And science camp.
Kim: He's heading to clown camp.
Barkin: Those poor clowns.
Gill: Ha-ha-ha-ha.
Ron: Hey, Gill. Excuse you!
Gill: Ronnie. You are a... What is that? A chipmunk or something?
Ron: Actually, I think I'm a beaver. I guess when you plunge head first into a toxic pool you never exactly know what you'll get.
Gill: Eat muck, chipmunk!
Ron: Beaver!
Bonnie: It's Gill and Ron.
Barkin: And he's... a chipmunk?
Ron: Beaver! I'm a beaver!
Kim: Told you he knew what he was doing... I think.
Ron: Whaaa...! Huh?
Gill: Ha-ha-ha-ha.
Kim: Mr. Barkin, we're going to need a lift.
Barkin: Prepare to launch. Fire one.
Bonnie: Now hold up. I...
Barkin: Fire two.
Ron: Ahh!
Kim: Go!
Barkin: The back flip herkie spring. And the side-hurdler lift-up. That's little more this century!
Gill: Agh...
Kim: What better way to catch a huge fish than with a huge net? Way to go, beaver boy.
Ron: Boo-yah!
Ron: Wow. It's good to be human again. Although, I really wanted to build a dam, you know, just for the experience.
Lurkin: Mr. Stoppable, I owe you an apology. I really thought Gil had changed.
Ron: He did, in a more evil, take-over-the-world kind of way.
Lurkin: I can only blame myself. I just didn't set enough limits for him.
Gill: This isn't over, squeeb. This is far from over!
Lurkin: That's enough out of you, young man. No TV for a week.
Ron: Thanks for the help, KP. I seriously couldn't have done it without ya.
Kim: No big. As much as it pains me to say it, I couldn't have done it without Bonnie.
Bonnie: Shh! They are awarding Spirit Stick.
Host: OK, cheer people, we've all had a wild week. But it takes more than a rampaging muck monster to stop the Gottagrin spirit! So the spirit stick goes to... Shark Kid from West Whitewater High!
All: Go... Sharks!
Ron: Huh. After all that we got nothin'. I mean, what do we take away from this?
Bonnie: Who cares what we take from it?! I lost!
Kim: Bonnie, there's always something you can learn from any experience, even if you lose.
Ron: Normally I'd say we learned that suspicion and paranoia is bad, except that's what saved us.
Rufus: True!
Kim: Well, maybe we learned that... I don't know.
Bonnie: I didn't learn anything.
Ron: That's it! Looking at you two, it's so clear!
Kim and Bonnie: What is so clear?
Ron: If you two had set aside your differences earlier, one of you could have won that Spirit Stick. That's the lesson here.
Bonnie: How about, cheer camp stinks?
Kim: Yeah. Agreed.
Ron: Yeah, works for me.
Rufus: Oh-ho, yeah!
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