By wallaceb Ron: Hmm. Kim: Incoming! Jim: Achoo! Kim: Jim, say it, don't spray it. Mrs. Dr P: You boys are burning up. Tim: Can we have some more chicken soup? Jim: Please? Kim: Ron, maybe we should bail from Sick Tweeb Central and pick up the study fest at your house. Ron: No fear here. I'm cold-proof. No germ has ever successfully breached the fortress that is the Stoppable immune system. Mrs. Dr P: Bless you. Kim: Well, at least he covered. I do not want to catch this. How did I catch this? Wade: We can go to the tape. Kim: What? Wade: I've enhanced the germ trail. Kim: Eww. Wade: Woop, there it is. Kim: I don't even want to know how you got that. Ron: Hey, KP, how we feeling today? Kim: I can't breathe through my nose. Ron: Okay, yeah, no idea what you just said. Wade: Hey, Kim, I'm patching through an elite scientific team for a satellite briefing. Kim: Please and thank you. Scientist#1: Kim, we've just put the finishing touches on our new invention. We call it... Scientist#2: Ray-X. Ron: Ray-X? Kim: What's it do? Scientist#1: Well, uh, it's a secret. Scientist#2: Hence, the "X." Scientist#1: "X" as in the unknown. Scientist#2: Of course, we know. Scientist#1: Right. Uh, but no one else does, so it's unknown to everyone else. The point is, we could use some extra help with security around here. Scientist#2: Just for today, until we have moved Ray-X to a secret location. Scientist#1: We're calling it Location X. Kim: Say no more. I'm on it. Oh, I got up too fast. Ron: Uh, you really think you're up to this? Rufus: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Kim: It's just a cold. All I have to do is sit there and guard some little ray thingy. Kim: Choo! Choo! Choo! Choo! Ron: I just heard a way freaky security alarm go off. It sounded like, "Choo, choo, choo!" Kim: That was me. I was sneezing. Stay alert and keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. Drakken: Shego, in mere moments Ray-X will be ours. Shego: What does this Ray-X do? Drakken: It's need-to-know. Shego: Uh-huh, uh-huh. So you don't know? Drakken: I need to know. That's why we're here. Shego: Kim Possible. Drakken: Not to worry, I have just the plan to get past her. Kim: Choo! Choo! Choo! Shego: Aw, somebody's sick. This will be cake. Drakken: We can't just walk in there. What about the plan? I drew it myself. Shego: Everyone knows it's impossible to keep your eyes open while you're sneezing. So if we time it right, she won't see a thing. Drakken: Okay, fine. Kim: Choo! Choo! Choo! Choo! Choo! Choo! Kim: I'm sorry. Visiting hours are over. Ron, meet me at the main entrance. I got
Drakken. Ron: "Drag Kid"? Who's he? Kim: No! Drak-ken! Ron: Drag can? Drag it where? Drakken: I have no idea what this is going to do to you, but I'm banking it's very, very bad! Kim: Drakken! Whoa! I have to sneeze. Shego: What? Kim: I need to cover my nose. Shego: Nice try, Kimmie. Aah! Aw! That was a low blow. Computer: Fire escape routes activated. Security doors opening. Drakken: You should have stayed in bed, Kim Possible. Ron: Where is he?! Where's the dragon?! Drakken: Wo-ho! I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it. Ha! What do you suppose this thing does, Shego? ...Shego? Hello? Shego: Hey, I'm calling in sick. Kim Possible gave me her stupid cold. Drakken: What?! You can't call in sick! Shego: I have to go, I... I... Ugh! That's disgusting. Drakken: I need a new temporary cohort in evil ASAP. But who? Who? Ew! Never again. Killigan. He works cheap. Ron: Ron's crib. Hello? Who dis? Kim: Hey, Ron. It's me. Ron: Grandma? Kim: Kim. Listen, my mom is way cranked that I went out sick. Mrs. Dr P: Cranked is putting it mildly! Ron: Worry not, KP, Rufus and I can totally handle Drakken. Kim: Mom? Can I have some soup? Ron: Behold, Rufus. I give you Operation Ray-X. Ron: OK, scuba to point A. Suction cup to point B. We'll bungee jump to point C. Rufus: Whoa! Ghrrr! Whoa! Ron: Ahh! Whoa! Killigan: Sidekick?! I'll nay be a sidekick! You said equal partnership. 50/50! Drakken: Killigan, be reasonable. Some were born to lead and some... Killigan: And some were born to yap, yap, yap. Drakken: How about co-villain? Killigan: No! Ron: Shego! Wow, you look green. I mean, you know, greener. Aw... Ew! Total grossness. Like taking candy from a baby. A sick, sneezy baby who sprayed her germy illin' all over me. Thank goodness for the Stoppable fortress of immunity. Kim: Fortress of immunity, huh? Killigan: Ah, you drive a hard bargain, Dr. Drakken. But I'm in. Drakken: With the two of us working together, nothing shall stop us! Nothing! Ah... ah... Choo! Killigan: Need I remind you of the contract? Should one signee become incapacitated the other party shall assume all head super villain duties. Drakken: But you can't do it alone. To get that Ray-X back, you'll need a temporary lackey. Killigan: One step ahead of you. Hank: Hi. I'm Hank Perkins from the temp agency. Ready to get to work, sir. Killigan: So tell me, laddie, have you any previous evil experience? Hank: No, but I'm a self-starter, and I have a law degree. Killigan: Eh, close enough. Ron: I so don't get this soap opera. Kim: What's not to get? Fecia's archenemy created a machine that swapped her brain with Brock's. Ron: Let me see if there's any mo soup. Now, if I were soup, where would I... Ray-X! Killigan: Gun it, Perkins! Hank: Actually, I was wondering if you could sign my time card. Killigan: Ay! Just go, man! Go! Ron: With us sick, and the Ray-X in the hands of Killigan and Drakken, we're doomed. Kim: We're what? Ron: Doomed! Doomed! Tim: Check it out. I found these plans in Ron's stuff. Jim: Hoo-sha! Drakken: Yes? Killigan: Ay, can you believe Felicia and Brock switched brains? Drakken: I know! So does that mean the wedding's off? Jim: Check it, Rufus. We've modified Ron's Operation Ray-X. Tim: We parachute to point A, drop and roll to point B. Hank: Gotcha, Shego. I've reorganized Dr. Drakken's filing system. From A to Evil over here. Tim: Or we can just do this. Hank: Oh, no extra trouble. I really want to get in on the ground floor of this whole super villainy thing. You see, I think it could be the growth industry of the next ten years. In fact, I just caught my first prisoners just now. What's that? Oh, no biggie. That's what I'm here for. Ron: Rufus? Buddy? Where'd you go? Kim: Missing tweebs, too. Ron: Along with my Operation Ray-X schematics. Kim: Wade, I need a ride. Hank: God, I hate to do this, but I do need to score some points with the boss, so... Kim: Who are you? Hank: Hank Perkins. Hello! Kim: Do you work here? Hank: Well, I am a temp, but a little birdie told me I might be kept on. Kim: Sorry, Hank. Shego: Wow, looks like somebody's been drinking lots of fluids and retaining every ounce. Kim: So not in the mood, Shego. Gesundheit. Shego: Thanks. Drakken: Come on, Shego! Show her whose boss! Uppercut! Uppercut! Kim: Snug as a flu bug in a rug. Hank: OK, I am officially resigning, uh, so if someone could just write me a quick letter...
Tweebs: Wrong chandelier! Hank: ...I'll just, uh... run! Tweebs: Yes! Drakken: No! Killigan: Are you daft, man?! Just 'cause you have her brain in your head, it doesn't mean you can't love her. Kim: Okay, good news, bad news. We managed to keep Ray-X out of the clutches of evil. Scientist#1: Excellent! And, uh, uh, the bad news? Kim: It sort of got a little crushed on the way out of the clutches of evil. Kim: I got to know. What was this X thing designed to do, anyway? Both: Cure the common cold. Ron: I hate irony.