By wallaceb Kim: Hey, Ron. Ron: Oh hey, Kim. Kim: I'm so ready for Friday night. What's the plan? Ron: Um, actually, I... Kim: Anything but Bueno Nacho. We go there every Friday. This week, let's nix it. Hey, what's that movie you wanna see? About the guy, you know, with the fingers? Ron: You mean The Finger Guy? Kim: That's the one. Ron: KP, I sort of made plans already. Kim: Plans? On a Friday? You? Ron: Well, Felix and I are all set for a fun diggity night of zombie mayhem. Kim: You'd rather spend Friday night mindlessly slaughtering video zombies than with me? Ron: It's for charity. Kim: Explain. Ron: Zombalooza is coming. We gotta practice up! 24-hours of non-stop gaming to raise money for research. Kim: Research what? Ron: Repetitive stress injuries. Kim: Right. Ron: With my new wireless game control, it's gonna be sweet! Kim: No big. I've got plenty of Friday night options. Ron: Oh, well, I-I mean, you can come with. Kim: No thanks. Video games? Not my thing. Ron: You sure you're OK with this? Kim: So not the drama. I mean, it's not like Friday night's my official Ron night, right? Ron: All right. Coolness. Later, KP. Mrs. Dr P: Kimmie, you're still home? I thought Friday nights were your Ron night. Kim: Not officially. Drakken: Behold the genius of my latest diabolical creation. The ultimate off-road destruction vehicle, the Doom-V! Shego: It looks more like the Dumb-V. Drakken: It is a work in progress! Aah! Shego! Shego: Glad I'm not you. Door? Drakken: Activate security measures! Shego: Probably one of those pixie girls pushing their cookies. Drakken: This time, we're ready. Oh, no! We've got to hide! Ms. Lipsky: Surprise! Shego: Mama Lipsky? Ms. Lipsky: Where's my little Drewby? Is that any way to greet your mother? Come, honey. Give your mama a great big hug. Drakken: Mother, I... Ungh! Ms. Lipsky: So, we you going to leave me out there knocking all day? Drakken: Mother, I'm just busy with my, uh, r-radio show. Shego: Oh, that's right. Your mama thinks you're a radio talk-show doctor. Drakken: And not an evil megalomaniac. Ms. Lipsky: Why would I think that of my little Drewby? Anyway, we have a problem in the Lipsky family. It's your cousin Eddie. Drakken: Eddie? Shego: Who's Eddie? Drakken: The family black sheep. Shego: Ok, now you're scaring me. Drakken: Shush. What about Eddie, mother? Ms. Lipsky: He's here. Eddie! Ed: Whoo! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Motor Ed is in the building. Seriously, dude. I'm right here. Drakken: But, mother, I'm very busy! Ms. Lipsky: Eddie needs a positive role model. He's had some trouble with the law. Shego: Positive role model? Ha! Ms. Lipsky: You remember your cousin Drew. Ed: Drew? Dude, you're so blue! You need to catch some rays. Ms. Lipsky: Now, Drewby, honey. Mamas gotta catch the bingo bus. Now, you take good care of your cousin Eddie. You will, won't ya? Drakken: Oh, I'll take care of him. Ed: Green babe! Heh heh! So, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk
by again? Ha! 'cause I'll totally walk by again if I have to. Seriously. Shego: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, walk and keep walking. Ed: Aah! Man, do I dig a woman who can scrap! I think I'm in love! Ha! Yeah! Ron: No. No, no. No! No! No, no, no! Felix: Ha! Who's the zombie man now? Ron: Stupid wireless. I said kick-jump, but it went kick-jump-spin. Felix: Always the controller's fault, isn't it? Pizza? Rufus: Yummy! Ron: Maybe it'd help if I just switch it to a different frequency. There we go. Jump. Jump. Felix: Ron? Ron, man? Ron: Spin. Kick. Kick. Felix: Ron? Uh, Ron? Ron: Hey, now the game's not responding at all. Felix: Ron, man, I think we crossed frequencies. Ron: Oh. Ha ha ha! Sorry. Felix: It's cool. So what's the story with Kim? Is she coming over? Ron: No, KP's not into the video-gameage, but I'm sure she has big plans for kicking off her weekend. Monique: Sorry, Kim. I have O.T. at club banana tonight. Did you try Tara? Kim: Date. Monique: Hope? Kim: Grounded. Monique: Bonnie? Kim: Get real. Monique: You could hang with the family. Kim: Parents are going out. Monique: Baby-sitting? Kim: Tweebs have a sleep-over. Monique: I'm out of ideas, Kim. Kim: I can handle some me time. Please, how pathetic do you think I am? I am so pathetic. I'm gonna have to make the call. Cousin Larry. Larry?s Voice: Greetings, this is Larry. Kim: Larry, how's my favorite cousin? Larry?s Voice: I'm not in the castle right now; I'm with the other 10th level wizards battling a chaotic evil bog beast. Wait for the magical beep. Kim: No! It's Friday night, and even my nerdy cousin has plans. This calls for extreme measures. Bonnie: Kim, the game isn't until next Friday. Kim: Right, and we'll be ready if we practice, practice, practice. Bonnie: This is so lame. I can't believe you called us out here, and this is your big emergency. Tara: Uh, we were on a date. Hope: Grounded. Hello? Kim: Ok, maybe it's not an emergency emergency. As long as everyone's here, how about frozen yogurt? Uh, my treat. Bonnie: Have a life. Ed: Nah. Hmm. Nah. Aw. Dude! Drakken: What?! What is it? Ed: Your ride's totally bogus. Charred injectors, lame cooling system. She'll blow the second you start her up. Seriously. Drakken: Yeah? We'll see about that! Ed: Don't wanna say I told you so, but, dude, seriously. Ha! So! Look, just reroute the coolant line, cap the plugs. Check it! Is that a beautiful noise or what? Seriously, man! Ha! Drakken: Ok, here's the deal. I'm the evil genius, and you're the mechanical genius. Ed: Sweet! Dude, I say we ferociously trick this baby out! Seriously. Drakken: You hear that, Shego? We're tricking out the Doom-V. Shego: Uh-huh. Bonding. Cute. Ed: Ha! All right, first things first. We need to go get some tools that aren't so bogus. Drakken: I don't see what's so special about these tools. Ed: Dude, planet tool has the most awesome tool kits on the planet. In fact, I don't know why they just don't name it... Drakken: Planet tool? Ed: Ha ha ha! That is so awesome! 'Cause that's its name. Seriously. Kim: Go, Wade. Wade: I just got word that there's been a break-in at planet tool. Ed: Whoa. Here it is, dude. The supernova of all kits. The total auto body experience. Seriously. Drakken: Must you say seriously all the time? Ed: Seriously? Drakken: Seriously. Ed: Yeah, I do. Seriously. Kim: Motor Ed. Ed: Red! Drakken: Red?! Kim: Drakken? Drakken: Kim Possible! Kim: How do my foes find each other? Ed: We're related. Kim: Seriously?
Ed and Drakken: Seriously. Drakken: Don't you have anything better to do with your Friday nights? Kim: Actually, no. Unh! Ed: Later, red! Kim: Worst... Friday... ever. Grrr. Drakken: You're telling me that you know Kim Possible? Shego: So much for boys' night out. Ed: I could've handled her, too, if it weren't for her friend in the wheelchair. Drakken: A wheelchair? Ed: Dude, no. This chair is cyber-robotic. Majorly tricked out. Drakken: But compared to the Doom-V, it's... Ed: No, no. The Doom-V's, like. Niner, niner, niner. But this kid's chair is, like... The things it can do... Seriously. Drakken: Seriously? Shego: Oh, n-n-no. You're not gonna jack some kid's wheelchair? Drakken: News flash, Shego. I'm a bad man. Ron: Heard there was a little party at planet tool. Sorry to miss. Kim: Oh, yeah. I painted the town red. You have a good time with Felix? Ron: Two words. Boo-yah! We spent the whole weekend kicking zombie butt and taking zombie names! Kim: I'm sure you'll tell me all about it at lunch. Ron: No can do, KP. Me and the wheelman are gonna shoot some hoops. Good for the old hand-eye coordination. Zombapalooza tonight. Gotta stay frosty. Kim: Gotta stay frosty! Oh. Monique: So, jealous of Ron's N.B.F.? Kim: N.B.F.? Monique: New best friend. Kim: D.B.S. don?t be silly. They just have a lot to do. Zombies don't bash themselves, you know. Monique: Uh-huh. And Ron doesn't need your help bashing 'em either. It's OK to feel a little jealous. Kim: Jealous? Please. Ron's not too busy for me; I'm too busy for Ron. Monique: I don't know. It sounds like you're M.I.D. majorly in denial. Kim: Right. Me in denial? So not. Felix: Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Kid?s: Yahoo! Kim: Ok, you're right. I'm so M.I.D. Monique: T.M.E. Tell me everything. Kim: Ron's having so much fun with Felix; I guess I feel lost in the shuffle. Monique: I'm sure he doesn't even know your feelings are hurt. Why don't you just T.J.I? Kim: T.J.I.? Um... can we drop the acronyms? Monique: Try joining in. Kim: Hey, guys! Felix: Whoa, Kim. New look? Kim: Well, you know, just something comfortable to hang in. Hey, who's up for some cage bats? Felix: Cage what?! Kim: You know. The place with the bats, the cage. Ron: You mean the batting cages? Kim: Yeah, yeah. That place. Felix: Yeah, I could go for some swings. Ron: Wait, I thought you said the batting cages were boring. Kim: Boring? What could possibly be boring about cage bats? And then another pitch, another swing, another hit, and then another pitch... But fun! Oh, boy, was it fun! Ron: Well, Felix sure was hittin' 'em out of the park today. Felix: I had a stellar coach. Kim: Hey, guys, watch this. Felix: You ate all my nacos. Kim: But I thought like today at lunch. Ron: That was sub-edible cafeteria grub. These are nacos. Never to eaten in haste. Unless, you know, you're in a hurry. Rufus: Mm-hmm. That's right. Felix: Ooh! Hey, guys, we gotta go. Zombapalooza time. Kim, ya in? Ron: Come on, it'll be fun. Kim: Oh, yeah. The video game thing. Ok, I'll do it. Let's mash some mummies.
Ron and Felix: Zombies! Ed: Whoa, dude! Watch how you're handling my baby. Drakken: Your baby? I'm the evil genius who designed the Doom-V. Ed: Yeah, and I'm the mechaniacal genius who brought it to life. Drakken: Let go of the... Ed: No, you let go! Drakken: No, let go! Shego: That's it! I'm driving. Ed: Whoa. Dude, babes don't drive, dudes dive. Seriously. Man, I love that woman. She's got the green magic! Hey-yeah! Felix: Must... bash... zombies. Ron: Rufus, watch our back. Rufus: Huh! Hyah! Wha! Kim: Stupid controller. Ron: It's simple, KP. Press "X" left twice, then "O" once, then the right option button to kick. Kim: There's an option button? Hey, I did it. I just went up 2 levels. Huh. These sound effects are so realistic. Drakken: We will never have trouble finding a parking space ever again. Ed: Whoa, dude! There's the wheels. Next to red! Drakken: I see it, just stop cramping me. Personal space here. Ron: Uh, KP? Kim: No. Wait, look. I can make my little guy do a jump kick. Jump, kick. Jump, kick. Ron: Earth to Kim! Real life calling! Kim: Game over. Whoa! Felix: Hang on! Ed: This is where my magnetic personality takes over. Seriously. Kim: Gotcha. Felix: Thanks, Kim. Ed: A-a-a... A-ah! Good night, Middleton! Kim: This is low. Even for those two. Ron: News flash, Kim. They're bad men. Shego: You actually stole a wheelchair. What's next, candy from a baby? Drakken: Been there, done that. What? What?! Ed: Dude, I just noticed, man. You got a little baby mullet back there. Set it free, cousin. Set it free. Dude, that is so righteous. Shego: Oh, please. Ed: Ok, time to go repo on this bad boy. Ha ha! Whoa, dude! This chair rocks heavy. Seriously. Drakken: Cyber-robotic defense system. Aah! What? Shego: You want some of this? Ow! Get off! Hey! Ed: This wild beast needs tamin'. Whoo-hoo! Whoo! Whoa! Whoa! Drakken: Amazing! I have to know that chair's secret! Shego: Secret? It's smarter than you. Ed: Whoa! Whoa! Not the hair! Aah! Nobody messes with the mullet! That's it, wheelie. You're going to the body shop. Seriously. Drakken: Wait! There's an easier way. Ed: Easier than a crowbar? Drakken: This crypto-scanner will tell us all we need to know about our little friend here. Ed: Oh, man. You're so lucky! Ow! Seriously. Kim: You getting this, Wade? Wade: The tracks are still fresh. I should be able to follow the trail by hooking into ultra-telescopic cameras from orbiting satellites. Ron: You can do that? Wade: You bet. I can even see the zombie mayhem cheat codes in your back pocket. Ron: Uh, even a seasoned zombie basher, like myself, needs a little... help. Just don't tell Felix. Kim: OK, but you have to share. Ron: Hey, that's why we're friends. Kim: Yeah. And I'm sorry if I've been acting totally random. Ron: You mean the jealousy stuff with Felix. Kim: It's that obvious? Ron: Kim, you ate all his nacos. Kim: Oh, right. Ron: Hey, no damage. We're all buds. Kim: Go, Wade. Wade: I've located Drakken. He's holed up in an industrial park just outside of town. Drakken: It is done! Ed: Dude, seriously, this is a majorly sweet ride. Drakken: You've got that right, dude. Ed: Oh, man, you're so weak. But the mullet mojo's working for you. Seriously. Air guitar will come. Drakken: Shego! Shego: Goodie. More car fun. Drakken: I give you the Doom-V 2.0. Let's ride! Ed: I'm driving this time, seriously. Drakken: Wanna bet? Shego: Ahem. Drakken and Ed: She's driving. Kim: Going somewhere? Felix: You've got something that belongs to me. Ed: Dude, seriously. What type of secret hideout is this? Everyone knows you live here, man. Drakken: One magazine subscription, and suddenly, everyone's got your address. Shego! Shego: Yeah. Yeah, I'm on it. I so hate that. Kim: I don't think so. Shego: Aah! Kim: Aw, man! That's gonna stain! Felix: Oh, great. There's no way we'll be able to break these. Ron: No worries. The Rufinator's on the case. Drakken: Well, we've been waiting. Shego: Look, I was busy. Ok? So zip it! Ed: Dude, never get a babe angry when she's driving. You'll only make it worse. Her driving, I mean. Uh-oh. Ow! What'd I say?! Felix: Oh, it's good to be back. Kim: They're gonna bolt. Felix: No problem. I can keep them here! Kim: Whoa. Ron: Is that supposed to do that? 'Cause I don't think that's supposed to do that. Felix: Oh, no. Kim: Oh, no, what? Felix: They've adapted my mom's cyber-robotics. Ron: And this is bad because... Felix: Trust me, it's bad. Kim: Then we have to be badder. Ed: Aw, no way! She took my wheels! That is bogus! Drakken: As if that's any match for my Doom-V. Kim: Of course, laser fire. Ed: Whoa, chill, dude. You almost hit my bike. Seriously. Drakken: Um, dude? That's the idea! Kim: Well, this is bad. Ron: Boo-yah! One for the good guys! Oh. Boo-yah denied. Ron and Felix: Aah! Kim: Are you all right? Felix: A few scratches, but we're fine. Kim: Hit it! Ed: Dude, you totally cashed my bike. Drakken: Now watch as I cash Kim possible once and for all. Ed: No way! You smashed my bike, so I get to smash Red. Drakken: I've known her longer than you. Ed: Dude, come on. Seriously. Drakken: I'll give you, serious. Felix: Drakken adapted the cyber-robotics from my chair... Kim: We could link the two. Felix: Hey, great minds think alike. Ron: Yeah! What? Kim: Crunch time, Wade. Need a cyber link 10 minutes ago. Wade: I'm in. The robotic signature's the same. Easy hook-up, but you'll need some sort of... Ron: Controller? Wade: That'll do. Drakken: I'm the evil genius, I do the crushing. Ed: Bogus, dude, seriously. Shego: Ha! That's it. I'll do it. Drakken: What did you do? Shego: N-nothing. It just stopped working. Kim: How about a little mayhem of my own? This is fun. Ed: I think I'm gonna barf, man. Seriously. Ron: Boo-yah reinstated! Game over! Ms. Lipsky: Oh, no! My little Drewby would never hurt a fly. It's all Eddie's fault, officer. He's a bad seed. Just look at his hairdo. Drakken: Mother, it's a mullet. Seriously. Ed: Right on, dude. 'Cause you're ready. Air guitar. Drakken: Ya-a-a-a-ah! Felix: Well, Kim, you've got to come with us next week to the ultimate zombie fight tourney. You rule. Ron: And you said video games weren't your thing. Pshaw! Kim: Yeah. About that. Look, I won't tell Felix about your cheat codes, as long as you don't tell anyone that I had no idea what I was doing. I just kept hitting buttons. Ron: Wait, you beat the bad guys by accident? Kim: Seriously.