By wallaceb Ron: Good-bye, history, hello freedom! Barkin: The bell does not dismiss this class. I dismiss this class. Ron: But Mr. Barkin, the rest the class is... Barkin: Stoppable! Are you questioning my authority? Ron: Oh, no. Barkin: Oh, yes. And we know what that means. Ron: Extra homework? Barkin: Affirmative. I'll expect it on my desk tomorrow morning by 7 a.m. Ron: But they don't even unlock the school doors until 7:30! Extra homework? Barkin: Extra homework. Kim: Ugh! Bonnie: What's the matter, K? Too rough out there for you? Kim: Maybe, Bonnie, if you caught me like you were supposed to. Bonnie: Was I? I thought you liked flying and falling all over the place. Kim: What exactly is your problem with me? Bonnie: Oh, it's always about you, isn't it, Kim? Kim: Well, I am the one who hit the gym floor. Hard. Because my spotter had to take a call. Bonnie: It was an emergency. Kim:Brick:? Bonnie: Uh, yeah he wanted to know if I wanted to go to dinner. Or a movie. Or both. He's so cute when he can't think! Toodles, Kim. Kim: What makes someone like that? Ron: Like what? Kim: Like Bonnie. Wade: Kim! We've got a hot tip. Kim: Drakken? Wade: Dementor. Ron: Well, that's a change of pace. Wade: He's on the move, maybe headed to... Kim: A top-secret search facility? Ron: Been there. Saved that. At least we can get out of here before... Barkin: Extra homework! Ron: Aw, man! Kim: You're sure it's Professor Dementor, Wade? Wade: 100 percent Kim. And it looks like you were right! His target is a top-secret research facility. Kim: Ugh. Isn't it always? Wade: Later, Kim. Kim: Thanks for the ride, Mr. Magnifico.
Magnifico: Think nothing of it, Miss Possible. Lady: It's the least we can do. After all, you saved our circus. Kim: It's no big. When you twisted your ankle, somebody had to fill in on the high wire.
Magnifico: Oh, yes. Ahem. Lord Laffington is right. Your friend made a delightful addition to our cavalcade of clowns. Kim: Where is Ron? Ron: Ok, Rufus, I'm done with number 7. Let's have a little light on number 8. Kim: Ron? Ron: Over here, KP. Kim: What are you doing in here? Ron: I couldn't concentrate with Lord Laffington honking in my ear. I gotta get this homework done for Barkin's class. Kim: You still think Barkin's out to get you? Ron: I know, Kim. I looked at him funny once in the ninth grade, and he's dogged me ever since. Kim: A funny look? Ron: That's all it took. Some people are just born to battle, KP. Like you and Bonnie. It's the circle of life. Kim: Interesting choice of words. Ron: What? Guard: You there. Halt! Dementor: Gentlemen, meet my bondo ball! To the lab! Quickly! Guard: Hey! I'm stuck! Dementor: Stop! Don't you see the security beams? Am I the only one who notices these things? Kim: Unh! Hope you don't mind us dropping in, Professor Dementor. Dementor: Us? What? Ron: Unh! Ow! Go ahead. Start without me. Dementor: Fine. Just start with her. Ron: Coming, KP.! I'll be right there. Rufus: Hey! Ron: Ha! There! Ha ha! Huh? Aw, man! A little help! Yay! ...Uh-oh. Kim: Today's not your lucky... Unh! Rufus: Unh. Dementor: Correction. Today I feel very lucky. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good-bye! Ron: Ha! To Ronster is ready to go up side! ...Oh. Rufus: Hmm Ron: Oh, cool! Kim: Any idea what Dementor stole? Wade: No. I'm hitting hard resistance collecting data. Kim: And his location? Wade: Could be anywhere. It's like Dementor vanished when he... Ron: Got away. I know, I know. I got a rope wedgie, OK? Kim: What's that? Ron: Rockin' new crime fighting orb thingy Wade slipped in my pocket. Wade: I did? Ron: You didn't? Wade: No. Kim: Then what is it? Wade: I'll analyze it and get back to you. Ron: OK, um, until then, I'll keep it safe. Kim: Be careful. Just don't... Ron: Drop it? Come on, Kim! Give me a little credit here! I'm not a total... Kim: Klutz? Ron: Oh. Yeah. Heh heh. But look, you know, no harm done. We're not shrinking, changing colors, or turning into armadillos. Ha ha. Kim: I guess you're right. Ron: Up high! Psych! Ha! Math class! Kim: Cheer practice. Kim: Sorry, I... Ron: Hello! Ok. Barkin: Stoppable? I should have known. It's always the tardy who run. Ron: Sorry, Mr. Barkin. Barkin: Ah! Ron: Hey! Barkin: Explanation. Now! Ron: Did you lean in something sticky? Barkin: I never lean. Ron: OK, well, could it have been... That mysterious glowing ball! That weird smoke! Barkin: What? Ron: I have to warn Kim. To the gym! Barkin: Watch it! Ron: Kim! Whatever you do, don't... Kim: Touch anybody? Bonnie: Thanks for the loser update. Barkin: I knew you were trouble ever since the funny look incident. Ron: Yes! Knew I was right! Kim: Go, Wade. Wade: I finished analyzing the contents of that orb. It's a super-strong molecular adhesive, so be careful. Kim: We are so past careful. Wade: Whoa. Barkin: OK, Mr. Computer Guy, maybe you can offer up a solution here. Wade: Well, there's gotta be a solvent. Barkin: Check. Get on it. Wade: ...Right. Hey, I found out what was stolen from the lab. A prototype. High yield kinetic modulator. From what I can tell, it's very dangerous. Kim: Especially in Dementor's hands. Bonnie: Whoa. Don't care about this demental guy. Kim and Ron: Dementor. Bonnie: Whatever. Unlike you, I have a life, and things to do. Ron: Things to do! Oh, man! A math test! I'm missing my math test! Barkin: No running in the halls. Ron: No? Barkin: No. Carry the one, and then... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I am not cheating for you. Ron: Hey! Not for me, with me. Barkin: I don't think so. Ron: Whew. Man, that was touch-and-go for a while, but I pulled it out in the end. ...What? What? Barkin: You are planning to pursue a non-math-intensive field, correct? Mrs. Dr P: Interesting. There's a high density molecular process involved in this bonding agent. Mr. Dr P: It's a sticky situation. Mrs. Dr P: Ha! Good one! Mr. Dr P: Thanks. Kim: So not helping. Mrs. Dr P: Sorry, dear. We deal in science. Mr. Dr P: Not mad science. Ron: Oh, yeah! At the end of a hard week, nothing like Bueno Nacho to soothe the soul. Barkin: It can shave years off your life. Rufus: Huh? Ron: Hey, I'm trying to soothe my soul here. Barkin: I'll show you how to unwind. Ron: This is how you relax? Unh! Barkin: Ready to run? Barkin: Feels good. Feels right, doesn't it? Ron: I can taste my spleen. Bonnie: Everything she owns is so last week. And her room? Two words... Ugh! Kim: Bonnie, I can hear what you're saying. Bonnie: Hello? Private convo, Miss Nosy. Kim: Hello, stuck together. Bonnie: Now she's giving me attitude. Kim: I'm giving you... Mr. Dr P: Girls, girls. Don't make me separate you two. Separate you two. The old man's still got it. Bonnie: And her father is so funny. Ron's Mom: I'm sorry we don't have the guest room made up. But I hope you'll be comfortable out here. Barkin: Affirmatory and that, Mrs. Stoppable. Good night. Ron: Um... Can I get a littSe blanket, here? Barkin: No can do, Stoppable. Mr. Fuzzy will get cold. Kim:Brick:'s picking us up at 8:00? Bonnie: Not us. Me. Kim: Wade, tell me I about to lose 105 pounds. Wade: Sorry, not yet. But I thought you should know I've been registering power surges all over the globe. Kim: Dementor. Wade: He's here! Kim: Whoa! You've gotta be kidding. ...Whoa! He needs to get a side car. Bonnie: You need to run faster and learn to duck. Brick:: So who do you think did it? Kim: Oh, please! It's the guy in the clown mask with the hook for a hand who keeps saying "I did it." Brick:: Whoa! I never would have figured that out. She's good. Bonnie: I had a nice time, Brick:. All things considered. Brick:: Yeah, pizza was good. So, um, am I supped to kiss her good night, too? Kim and Bonnie: No! Barkin: Ah, Saturday. A day for self improvement and growth. Right, Stoppable? Ron: Well, um, I was actually kind of thinking about hanging at the mall for a while, you know, maybe catch a movie. Barkin: Perfect. The gym it is. Ron: Aah! You could have planned is a little better. Barkin: Don't be a water weenie, Stoppable. Only 50 more laps. Big breath. Let's go! Bonnie: You're gonna wear that color in public? Kim: Well, maybe. I don't know, why? Bonnie: I suppose it helps draw attention away from the rest of your face. Kim: Well, I am... Wade: I don't have an exact fix, but Dementor's location is somewhere in central Europe. Kim: On my way. Bonnie: Whoa! I can't leave for Europe right now. I've got a psychic reading with a kelp wrap at 3. Kim: You know, Dementor probably has the solvent that will get us unstuck. Bonnie: Yeah, and? Kim: And I've had enough togetherness. Bonnie: Fine. But I am not missing my reading and wrap. Barkin: All right, this is an important meeting, so don't embarrass me, Stoppable. They?re a tough bunch. You're gonna have to keep up. Ron: Just no more swimming and no more rugby. Barkin: Troops, attention! Ron: You're a pixie den mother! Barkin: Brigadier pixie. Wade: I traced Dementor to the Bavarian Alps. Kim: I'll leave in an hour. Wade: In an hour? Woman: I see... less dry skin and more romance in your future. Kim: Don't ask. Barkin: Ahem. Girls: Ooh! Barkin: Pixies, identify. Cindy: Knotted bull squirrel, sir! Barkin: Correct. Now you try. Good job, troopers. Stoppable? Ron: Uh, you know, I don't do squirrel. Barkin: What's the pixie motto, Cindy? Cindy: We stick tether! Ron: Ironic. Barkin: Now give it your best shot, Stoppable. Ron: Well, ok. Ahem. Kim: Bonnie, we don't have time for this. Bonnie: I'm not gonna be seen in countries like France or China or Cincinnati in sweats. Connie: Since when is Cincinnati a country? Lonnie: It's a city, like France. Bonnie: This is Connie and Lonnie. They're my older sisters. Way older. Kim: Hi, I'm...
Connie and Lonnie: So don't care. Connie: You see, Amy... Kim: Kim. Connie: Whatever. I got all the brains. Lonnie: I got all the looks. Connie: And Bonnie got the rest. Bonnie: What? Kim: Um, nothing. Barkin: Fellow pixies, the day we have long awaited has finally arrived. The pixie muffin drive! Ron: Muffins! I love pixie muffins! Barkin: We must leave no doorbell un-rung, no supermarket unblocked, no muffin unsold. We must... Ron: Sell every flavor, from pumpkin spice to the misunderstood bacon and chive. Pixie muffins forever! Ooh! Barkin: Glad to see you're on board, Stoppable. Ron: Like you said, pixies stick together. Barkin: Right. And recon has informed me that a rival pixie troop has infiltrated our muffin territory.
Pixies: No! Ron: We must defend what is rightfully ours!
Pixies: Yay! Ron: We must conquer every other troop! We must gemore muffins, 'cause we ate all of ours over here. Bonnie: This is not helping my new nails. Why didn't we use a rocket pack or something? Kim: A rocket pack wouldn't be able to life the extra weight. Ok, what's wrong now? Bonnie: Apologize. Kim: What? Oh, uh, sorry. Didn't mean it the way it came out. Bonnie: Whatever. Why didn't we just take that road over there? Kim: Um, we wanted to be sneaky? Go, Wade. Wade: Kim, you're almost... Kim: The electromagnetic waves have totally cut me off. We're close. Bonnie: We'd be closer if we took the road. Kim: I told you, we're being sneaky. Bonnie: Whatever. I'm just saying. Kim: Oh, one more thing, Bonnie. Quiet is a key part of being sneaky. Bonnie: Fine. Kim: Ugh. It's Dementor's lair, all right. Bonnie: How can you tell? A gift shop? Kim: I remember when it used to be about the villainy. Kim: Look out. Bonnie: Do you mind? I want to get a snow globe. Kim: Oh, great. Dementor: I see you fell for my gift shop trap. Kim: Well, one of us did. Bonnie: Ok, fine. Do your thing where you kick things and escape or whatever. Dementor: Too late. My men have already unleashed the dachshunds! Bonnie: We are supposed to be afraid of little wiener dogs? Kim: Weiner, yes. Little, no. Woman: Yes, may I help you? Cindy: Um, I was wondering if, um... Ron: Oh! What is that? "I was wondering..." You know something? You're never gonna sell muffins that way. Watch the Ron master and learn. Rufus? Beat, please. Ron: Yo, yo, grandma, check it out
Gonna make you scream and shout
When you savor the fancy flavors
From my oven, my pixie muffins
Break it down!
Oat bran.
No, he didn't, no, he didn't
Crunchy cherry, crunchy cherry.
Oh! Woman: Stop it! You're scaring my cats! Barkin: So sorry about that, ma'am. We, uh, just wanted to know if a lovely young lady such as yourself would be interested in buying some delicious pixie muffins? Woman: Will that get him off my stoop? Barkin: Right away, ma'am. Woman: Done. Barkin: You're heart's in the right place, Stoppable. But your rhymes are whack. Try it my way. Ron: Excuse me, ma'am. I was wondering if a lovely young lady such as yourself would be interested in purchasing some delicious pixie muffins? Ron: Wow. He bought 3 cases. Dementor: So Kim Possible... You thought you could sneak in he undetected. Well, your arrival will not deter me from my ultimate goal! Soon the world will tremble before the
awesome might of Professor Dementor! Behold! Kim: Cocoa? Bonnie: Hmm. No. How about a latte? Soy decaf? Kim: You stole the kinetic modulator just to make cocoa? Dementor: It is very good cocoa, but I also plan to bend the world to my will with my counter electrodynamic concentrator! Kim: Ah, that's more like it. Dementor: With this, I will absorb the power from all electronic devices. The world will have to pay me to use their cell phones, TVs, und video games. And there is nothing you
can do to stop me, Kim Possible! Nothing! Bonnie: Hold up, Mr. Bad Accent Guy. Why are you telling us all this? Why don't you just get on with it? Kim: That's how these things go. Bonnie: Well, it's dumb. And what's with the red light on his face? Dementor: What? You don't like my dramatic villain light? Kim: She's new to this. Ron: To a successful muffin drive. Barkin: What was ours is ours again. No one pushes my pixies out of their muffin territory. Retaliatory strike! Wade: Ron, I'm worried about Kim. She's somewhere in the Bavarian Alps. Ron: Bavaria? Barkin: Ah... the land of Sauerbraten and Schnitzel. Wade: She had just found Dementor's lair when I lost her signal. Ron: Come on! We gotta save Kim! And Bonnie, too, I guess. Barkin: Good thinking, Stoppable. Bavaria is completely untapped territory. Ron: Aw, but those were for travel snacks. Rufus: Oh. Dementor: You'll enjoy the show much better from this central operating collector. Think of it as a front-row seat. When the machine is activated, you will both be vaporized! Poof! Bonnie: Why are you going to such elaborate measures? Isn't there an easier way to do this? Kim and Dementor: It's how it's done. Ron: Um, think it was a good idea bringing the pixies along? Barkin: You know the drill, Stoppable. Ron: Pixies stick together I know. But still. Cindy: Aah! Unh. Girls: Unh! Unh! Cindy: Besides, we need one more field trip to earn our adventure badge. Ron: Awesome! We're getting badges! Barkin: Not this trip, tenderfoot. You gotta work your way up. Ron: That tanks. Barkin: I knew this day would come. Just me and the mutant wiener dogs. Ron: You knew this day would come? Muffins away! Barkin: Uh-oh. Ron: What? Barkin: What happens when those giant kielbasas finish off the muffins? Ha. That's amazing. The worst squirrel call I ever heard turns out to be a mutant wiener dog call. Cindy: Boo-yah! Dementor: Starting the charging sequence. Bonnie: Oh, great. Frizzies. Kim: The least of our worries. If I can get the communicator, I might be able to short out the coil. Dementor: Looking for this? See how my villain light works? Effective, no? Kim: So not what I wanted to hear. Bonnie, I'm sorry I got you into this. Bonnie: It's OK. It was almost like fun... until this last part. Kim: You know, Bonnie, I feel like I sort of understand you better now. Sort of. Bonnie: OK. We walked a mile in each other's shoes and all that. Let's not get all squishy about it. Ron: Boo-yah! That's it, Dementor! Dementor: Why did you have to break down the door? It wasn't locked, and I just had it painted! Get them! Ron: Yippity yap yap! Kim: Thanks. I was a pixie myself once. Cindy: We stick together, ma'am. Dementor: You're too late. My counter electrodynamic concentrator is already sucking up the world's energy! Barkin: We'll see about that, mister. Dementor: Whoa! What have you done? Ha. At least I still have my cocoa maker. Kim: Uh-uh. Bonnie: So not getting away. Dementor: Aah! Suddenly I have a craving for kibble schnitzel. Kim: Here's to being separated. Ron: Aah. Good thing we found the de-bondng formula. I don't think I could have taken another day as an appendage. Barkin: But you can spend the next one as an honorary pixie. You've earned it, Stoppable. Ron: Check me, girls. Ron man's a pixie! Ron: unh, unh
Ron man's a pixie, it's so true
We stick together just like glue, unh
Kim and Bonnie: This is too weird. Kim: Jinx! You owe me a soda. Bonnie: I don't think so.