By wallaceb Wade: So Ron missed cheer practice and Bueno Nacho? Kim: On Nacho Night! Wade: Wow, this is heavy. Kim: I even got him his standard Nacho Night order. He usually shows up right after I pay. Wade: This can only mean one thing. Kim: You mean? Wade: Yea Kim, I mean… Kim: Only one thing to do, let’s go mission mode. Wade: Target confirmed, he’s in there. Kim: Check, I’m goin’ in. Wade: Kim, you’re sure about this? Hard to say what your gonna find in there. It may not be pretty. Kim: He’d do the same for me. Ron: Hey! TV:The scamp-a-thon continues after this. Kim: Oh Ron, the adventures of Scamper and Bittey? Ron: Yea, it’s a classic I never knew existed until now. Kim: What channel is the junk even on? Ron: 152 I think, I lost count. Kim: Wait…. You have cable? Your dad finally gave in? Ron: I thought it was just a fad? So many channels Kim: So little life. TV:tonight on the simian channel. The Running of the Monkeys. Ron: Channel block! Channel block! Kim: Hey Wade, what’s the sitch? Wade: There’s been a break in at a… Kim: Top secret lab? Wade: You got it. Kim: Time to go. Ron… no more TV. Ron: No problem, I can quit any time I want. Wait, hold up, cooking with cactus is on next. Rufus: Hmmm. Scientist: The item they took was our highest priority project, the fate of the world rests on its safe return. Kim: So what is it? Scientist: Um… we cannot tell you. Ron: Oh come on, I can keep a secret. Kim: Since when? Ron: Ah, okay, she can keep a secret. Scientist: No, in the wrong hands this device can create a black hole the size of Nevada. Kim and Ron: The Pan-dimensional-vortex-inducer? Scientist: H-how did you know? Kim: Last year… Ron: Professor Demontor… Kim: Las Vegas… Ron: Almost went black hole…. Kim and Ron: Saved the world. Scientist: Well, it’s been stolen…again. Ron: Ah man a re-run. Kim: Too much TV Ron, real life here. Rufus: Ooo, Shego! Kim: Could she be any more obvious? Ron: Maybe too obvious. KP it’s a trap! Unless Drakken wants us to think it’s a trap. See if he knows we know it’s a trap, he must think we won’t fall for it. So, so if we do fall for it, he’ll be the one caught off guard. Kim: In a weird way, that sorta makes sense. Shego: Uh, how much longer is this gonna take? TV Installer: Installation takes between 20 and 30 minutes. Shego: Dr. D, I can’t believe you’re just now getting cable. Eh! Ah. Drakken: I thought it was just a fad. Shego: And what about broadband? Drakken: Whoa Shego, first we walk. Shego: Yea, by the way, why did I boost this pan can thing again? Drakken: Now that my particle cannon is powered by the Pan-dimensional-vortex-inducer, I have the ability to open a vortex of doom where ever I wish! And the where ever will be there. When Kim Possible arrives of course, I mean that goes without saying right? Right? Shego? Shego: Trap for them is perfect, got it. Ooo, look, Evil Eye for the Bad Guy: is on later. Drakken: A little sidekick enthusiasm wouldn’t hurt you know? Shego: Woo, Hoo, extra “Hoo” happy? Drakken: Ahhh! Hmmm. By making it obvious I wanted Kim Possible to follow me, she thinks that I know she knows it’s a trap, so she is not expecting a trap, what she doesn’t know is that it really is a trap! Shego: Yea, you lost me there. Drakken: It’s a trap trap. No one ever expects a trap trap. Ehg-hmm. Uh, can you pick up the pace? I’ve got a lot of evil on my plate toady. TV Installer: Pretend I’m not here. Drakken: Hmmm. Your you could actually not be here. TV Installer: I can only work so fast. Drakken: Oh really? Ooo! That’s what I’m talking about, subtle motivation. Shego: Yea, believe me Doc, you scare me just the way you are. Drakken: Are you being sweet or sarcastic? I never can tell. Kim: We’re collecting Pan-dimensional-vortex-inducers, got any? Drakken: Ha! Ha! You fell for my trap. Kim: You said this wasn’t a trap. Ron: How can it be a trap if we knew it was a trap? Drakken: Hmm, it was a trap trap. Ron: Ah, yea…okay. Drakken:[b/] Go ahead, answer it.
[b]Kim: Wade? Wade: Kim, it’s a trap trap! Shego: Moving on. Ron: Ehg! Drakken: Ha-ha-ha! Hey, wha.. Wait… where’s the doom? Ron: Ooh, there go the pants. All: Ahhh! Ron: Um, hello? Is it over? Any one there? Hey, something smells like… bananas! Oh, man, Rufus, I think some serious physics just happened. Rufus? Rufus? Rufus!? TV:Welcome to Ape Island. Ron: It can’t be. No, not the… TV:for the annual running of the monkeys. Ron: Ahhhh! Ahh, it’s my ultimate nightmare! Shego: Hey, what is going on? Girl: Oh honey are you okay? Shego: Um, no, no, why are you hugging me? Girl: Maybe because you broke up with Billy? Shego: Who’s Billy? Girl 2: That’s the spirit. Pretend you forgot all about him. Oh, um, unless you’ve really forgotten him already, that would be like a reason to see tour doctor. Shego: Okay, that’s gotta stop. Guy:: Could this day get any weirder? Shego: Finally, someone else notices. Girl 2: Yea it is kinda moopy. Girl: Moopy? Did you just make that up? Girl 2: No I made it up when I was 7, 7 was a moopy year. Shego: Gah, I need to get out of this place. Guy:: Oh, hey, now that Billy dumped you, maybe we should give it a go again. You know what they say? Seventh time’s the charm. Let’s call that a maybe. Shego: Cut that out! Drakken: Umm… hello? Seem to be lost here. Shego? Anyone? Red: High kids. Today we are looking for something blue. Green: Here? Pink: There? Green: Where? Red: Have you seen something blue? Drakken: Eh-hum, uh, hello? All: Happy blue day! Drakken: Eh, put a ham in it you little jabber mittens. Red: You’re a Meany. Drakken: Am I? Well get used to it. Red: And you know visits meanies? All: Mr. sit down. Drakken: Mr. who down? Oh snap. TV:Now back to more cartoon corner fun with The Adventures of Scamper and Bitey. Kim: Whoa. Captain:: Lost ensign? Kim: Um, no. Yes. Eh, not sure really. Captain:: You must be the new transferee from the Zigalon sector. Kim: Okay, playing along. Captain:: Well ensign, you’re aboard the XMS Revenge. A punisher class cruiser. Our mission, to brazenly go where ever we want. Kim: I’m in space? Captain:: Battle stations. Kim: Battle stations? Captain:: All hands brace for impact. Kim: Um, am I missing something here? Captain:: We’re under attack by the Corpulons. Kim: Wade, he’ll know what’s going on. Wade: Kim? Come in Kim. Kim: Talk to me. Wade: Good thing we were linked when that vortex opened, it gave me a signal to trace. Kim: You’ll never guess where I am. Wade: Trapped in a TV show? Kim: No. I’m I outer… wait… this is a TV show? Wade: My theory is that the Pan-dimensional-vortex-inducer got crossed with the signal from the TV cable. Kim: I’ve been pulled into a TV show? Is that possible? Wade: Apparently yes. Kim: So, um, if I’m here, where’s Ron? Ron: Ahhhhh! Monkeys! Wade: I don’t know. I’ll work on tracking him down. Captain:: Ensign, is that standard issue? Kim: um… yea, yea, it’s, it’s new. Captain:: Nice, they come in yellow? Guy:: Commander, more fighters in coming sir. Wade: Kim that was commander Kane. You’re on an episode of Space Passage. Can you get me an autograph? Kim: Scaring me. Captain:: I need pod pilots. Lets bee, Dr. Nilock, Major Knacker, Mr. Fufafifii. Kim: Wade, 411. Wade: This is the part of the show where they pick series regulars to go on a mission. Just make sure you’re the one wearing… Kim: A red shirt. Captain:: And you, you’re expendable. Kim: So, um, the person in the red shirt never makes it back from a mission? Wade: Relax, I’ll talk you through it. Kim: I’m so, not into this Sci-Fi stuff. Wade: Kim, don’t call it Sci-Fi, it denigrates the genre, and it sickens me. Kim: Okay, um, moving on? Wade: Well, first take the controls. Not that one. Careful! Or you’ll deploy aqua Lander and gedison your escape pod. Kim: Told you I wasn’t getting it. Wade: Maybe I can get you out of there. Kim: You can do that? Wade: It all depends, the whole vortex dimension thing is… Kim: Unstable? Wade: To say the least. Guy:: I’m sorry, you’ve been voted out of the igloo. Hand in your fish. Kim: Ewww. That was gross. Wade: I’ve picked up some bio energy signatures. Kim: Which I’m guessing are people? Wade: Yea, one of them gotta be Ron. I’ll try to move you two into the same dimension. Get ready. Shego: Oh, what fresh torment is this? Wade: Kim, did I match you up? Kim: Kind of. Shego: Not. Kim: There’s been a cross over between Drakken’s vortex inducer and the cable signal. Shego: Doy, I figured that out three channels ago. Rufus: Hi. Kim: Rufus. Doctor: Nurse, the patient has turned into a naked mole rat. I need a tox screening and a hemo work up stat! Shego: Yea right, like I’ gonna help. Doctor: You can’t walk away, this is medicine. Shego: Hm-Hmm, and this is ouch. You always gotta be the hero? Kim: Always gotta be the pain? Ron: Ah! My pancreas. Drakken: It’s you! That, that… Guy:. Ron: Kim Possible’s sidekick. Drakken: Hmm, um, it, it’s still not helping. Ron: Ron, Ron Stoppable. Drakken: Yes! That’s exactly who you are. I… what is that? Ron: The Fearless Ferret them song. Wade: Rufus, where’s Kim? Rufus: Shego! Kim: Go Wade, I’m listening. I found Ron, I’ll try to move you Guy:s into the same dimension. Shego: Oh great, dweeb to the rescue. Kim: And what makes you think you’re coming with? Shego: Because this is way too moopy for me. Kim: Moopy? Oh you were on Pal’s, I love that show. Shego: Figures. Drakken: My lair. I’m back. Shego: Well, well, the geek got us home. Ron: Rufus, buddy! Drakken: And now…. Guy:: You need to take a time out. Drakken: Eh? Guy:: I mean seriously please. Larson: you call this a villain’s lair. Drakken: Well yes. Guy:: Talk about a work in progress. Drakken: And just who are you? TV:It’s Guy:, Larson, and Scorn. The traitorous Trio. And you’re on Evil Eye for the Bad Guy:. Kim: We are still trapped in the cable vortex. Drakken: Fine, I have something here that will fix this. Yes, my dimensional compiler. Guy:: Fellas look, style criminal. Drakken: Hey, I was using that. Scorn: Where did you get that outfit? No why did you get that outfit? Larson: Mad scientist, Franken-stop it already please. Guy:: Scary scar says I’m a tough boy. All: Not! Drakken: Stop it! What about them? Guy:: Oh, they’ve got style. Love the crop top, and the cargo pants. Kim: So not the big! Off the rack. Drakken: Ha-Ha! Welcome my friends, to my villainous feast. Guy:, He’s so bad! Scorn: Thanks to the evil eye. Drakken: Evil Pate? Shego: Ok, need to focus here. Fancy food and frilly frocks don’t help our situation. Drakken: Ah, quite right Shego. Time for us to escape and seal the path way leaving Kim Possible and company trapped for ever. Ron: Oh man, come on, I’m not done with my soup. Wade: Kim, I’m picking up the compiler’s power signature, Drakken’s using the wrong protocol, that thing will… Kim: Unravel the very fabric of reality? Snack times over Ron. Ron: Oh, come one, look at all the noodles at the bottom. Ah! Wade: Kim, you can still get to the machine and reset the switch. Drakken: Ah, this wasn’t supposed to happen. Reality is collapsing. Must have done something wrong. Shego: Yea, seventh time’s the charm. Gah! Why am I talking like this? Kim: Gotta plan B Wade? Wade: Working on it. Other dimensions are going to be pulled through yours towards the vortex. Kim: You mean instead of us going through the dimensions, the dimensions will come… Wade: To you. Ron: Put me in a piñata and call me candy, I’m in heaven. A Bueno Nacho commercial. TV:New at Bueno Nacho, the Mucho Guacamaco! Girl: Hola, may I help you? Ron: Yes, Si, two orders of nachos extra cheese por favor. Kim: Ron, so not the time. Drakken: No, no, Ha! A quantum reverser, this will make everything right. Ron: The perfect nacho, this will make everything right.
Rufus: Hu-hu. TV: Bueno Nacho, where every bite is a fiesta on your tongue, cha-cha-cha. Ron: Ah! Nacho come back. Drakken: Stop! Ah nuts. Shego: It’s just not your day, or dimension. Kim: Okay, don’t know this show. Ron: Hey, forgot about the cable guide. That’s 1670’s show. Guy: My friends, I am in dire need of a courting match. Guy2: Though aren’t dreaming, no one would ever court thee. Girl: Why not ask that cow thou tipped a fortnight ago? Guy2: Well, doest thou journey with great frequency young made? Shego: Back off farm boy. All: A witch! Shego: A what? Guy: Get her! Girl: Tell me what I want to know. Kim: Are you for real? Nice wig Miss Try’s too hard. Girl: Where’s the device? Kim: Wild guess… you think maybe he’s guarding it? Girl: Good point, my bad. Drakken: Ah, hello, ah this device wouldn’t happen to be fore traveling through dimensions would it? No then, okay. Just asking. Pet Groomer: Stand back, emergency pet groomer. Oh no, over groomed victim, have you no mercy? Ron: Naked mole rat! Hello? Naked! Rufus? You’ve gotta comb over. Kim: Where are we this time? Shego: I’m gonna say, pro wrestling. Kim: Hmm, good call. Shego: Could this be any easier? Kim: I don’t think so. Chef: We are going to cook up a fabulous meal today using our secret ingredient, naked mole rat. Rufus: Ahhh! Chef: So, is this a family recipe? Drakken: Yes! Back home we like to fry them up good. Guy: We are 90 storied above a busy city street. Does that scare you? Shego: No. Kim: Not really. Shego: Should it? Guy: Well yea. Because we are talking about a bungee jump. Aren’t you scared? Kim: No. Shego: Are you? Guy: Why would I be…? Shego: Here we go pretty boy. Kim: Shego! Ron: And we are back. I am Ron, and we are talking to Dr. Drakken, who is… Drakken: Here to talk about… um, this book. Ron: Your book? Drakken: Apparently. Ron: Ooo, great, what’s it about? Drakken: Um, me, it’s about me. Ron: Yea, you’ve been threatening to write a book for a while, can you tell me more? Drakken: Well, I... I rather like me. Guy: Ok, now pick a triangle. Contestant: Can I pick Kim twice? Drakken: Why doesn’t any body pick me? Contestant: Because you’re the creepy blue guy. Guy: Blue is so lat season. Larson: This year it’s evil umber. Doctor: Blue skin? That means he’s not breathing, somebody get the Jaws of Life. Kim: Wade, things are getting seriously moopy here. Wade: I know. With every passing dimension, reality gets weaker. Only a few more shows and it will all be obliterated. Kim: What can we do? Wade: I think I know a way to zap you back. But there is too much interference from the vortex. If only there was a way to plug it up. Ron: Wait a minute, the shows are following the schedule, Wade, can you change the channel order? Make Ape Island next? Wade: Yea, but why? Ron: This began with monkeys, it’s gonna end with monkeys. Okay Wade, now! Rufus, banana me. Hold on this is gonna get hairy. Kim: Here they come. Drakken: What comes where? Shego: I blame you for this. Ron: Steady. Kim: Ron! Ron: Thanks KP. Kim: So not the drama. But that… is. Ron: Eww, gross, monkey plug! Shego: Okay. Ow Kim: How are we doing? Wade: Everything appears stable. Drakken: Come Shego. I made some repairs to the compiler. It’s time to leave this travesty. Shego: Um, that doesn’t look very… Drakken: Stop being panicnacy. Kim: Go Wade. I never thought I would be glad to be back in Drakken’s place. Ron: Cool, they’ve got cable! Um, actually, on second thought, I think I’ll stick to video games for a while. Kim: Let’s get this back, and hope they lock it up better this time. You’re the man Wade. Wade: Every thing’s back to normal. Mostly. Kim: So what happened to Drakken? Wade: Looks like he took a detour. Shego: This is so worse than moopy. Red: Today’s color is green. Do you see anything green? Shego: Yea, I got your green felt face. Drakken: Shego, you’re going to anger Mr. Sit Down. Shego: What? Oh.