By wallaceb Ron: KP, You're a Syntho-Drone? Ahhh! Rufus: Ahh! Ron: Ahhhhhh! Rufus: Ahhhhhh! Ron: Ahhhhhh! Ron: I don't care what time it is, this is an emergency. Ron: Kim, Pick-up Pick-up Pick-up! Kim: Ron? Ron: Are you a Syntho-Drone, KP? Be honest, I can take it. Kim: Ron, you had a nightmare, Goodnight. Ron: Wait, before that part where you melted we were at the dance and... Kim: We kissed. Ron: Yeah, did you have the same dream? Kim: No, that part really happened, Ron. Ron: Ha, yeah. Kim: Yeah, but it won't happen again if you keep calling me in the middle of the night! Ron: Man, love is complicated. Dementor: Ha! No secret underground research facility can hide from Professor Dementor! Kim: And no smug villain can hide from... Dementor: Kim Possible!? Ron: And boyfriend. Dementor: Ah, I seriously doubt that. Ron: No, dude, it's true, really. Dementor: Sorry, just can't believe it. I am impressed Fräulein Possible, how did you know I was would be here? Kim: Uh, you’re to do list helped. Dementor: Doh, I dropped that when I was stealing the Ultrasonic Drill, yes? Kim: Yeah, uh-huh you did and thanks for making our job that much easier. Ron: Steal Ultrasonic Drill, break into top secret lab, call mother, conquer world. Dementor: Ah, I knew I was forgot something. Mama gets so crossed when I don't jingle. Kim: You can call her from prison. Dementor: Or, we could add one more item to my list, Eliminate Kim Possible! Ron: Nicely bubbled, KP! Kim: Just getting started. Dementor: Whoa, whoa, Hey hold on, time out! You have a battle suit? When did you get this suit with power? Ron: It's relatively new. Kim: And indestructible. So, if you wanna just give up now... Dementor: Oh, it's most impressive, but we will take the springing out of you stepping shoe! Ron: Ah, Right. Running! Dementor: Oh, look at that, for Peter sake. Maybe someone might take a minute to fill me in next time on a little detail like my school girl enemy becoming suddenly over! Ron: Ahh. Dementor: This is no fair, you've never had the springy jump, self-healing Super suit before. Kim: I'm full of surprises. Dementor: Yes, well you are not the only one, Fräulein! Kim: Uh. Dementor: Oh now with the hand? You get a hand thing too? Ron: Say Kim, Little help ow. Dementor: Yes, you help your so call boyfriend, why I help myself to escape! Kim: Uhh. Ron: Ahh! Kim: You okay, so called boyfriend? Ron: Uh huh. Monique: Can you believe it? The day is here, we're actually seniors. Ron: We're older, where wiser, we rule the school! Kim: Yeah, I guess so. Monique: What's your problem, girl? Where's your senior spirit? Kim: No big. It's just that we had your first run in of senior year and the bad guy got away. Monique: No one bats a thousand, Kim. Ron: Besides, you still kicked major battle suit butt. And your main man's mad running away skill, top shelf! Bonnie: So are you two like still together? Kim: Yes, Bonnie. Bonnie: I mean I know things got noxious at the Junior Prom, but you've had all summer to come to your senses. Kim: So have you. Bonnie: But you're a cheerleader, a senior cheerleader, you know what that means? Ron: New uniforms. Bonnie: Well, yes, and they're so cute, but it also means you must date a jock. It’s… It's non optional. It's like a rule. Kim: Ron's the exception to the rule. Bonnie: He's the reason for the rule. If he can't step-up, trade-up. Kim: Not everyone has to date the quarterback, B. Bonnie: Not everyone can, K. Monique: Awww... That girl's sweet as ever. Kim: Gotta run. Promise me you won't obsess over Bonnie's little whatever, okay? Ron: What little whatever? Kim: The whole must date a jock rule. Ron: Oh yeah, you know, whatever. Some girls do like to date jocks. Heh, big deal, who cares? It's not like Kim would ever dump me to trade-up. Huh, would she? I mean just cause she's a cheerleader who likes to cheer… jocks... go jocks. Wait, I'm a cheerleader. I'm the Mad Dog! That must count for something. Trunk Driver: Hey, clown boy, get out of the road! Ron: Don't count for nothing does it? Rufus: Uh-hu. Ron: Okay, Chill. Kim is not Bonnie. Me and KP live in a trade-up free zone. Monique: Whoa, Kim are you serious, trading-up? Kim: I hate to admit it, but in this one case though, I actually agree with Bonnie. Monique: Never thought I'd hear those words from you, Kim. It's a little scary. Kim: I know Monique, but a girl has to have standards, especially now that we're Seniors. It's time that you traded-up. Monique: But my little cellie has been with me since Freshman Year. Kim: You have to admit, Bonnie's new cell phone is ultimate. Ron: You heard it, Rufus. Now that we're Seniors, I'm not good enough for Kim. If only she wasn't a cheerleader. Or... Rufus: Uh-oh Ron: Time for Ron Stoppable to step-up and become Ron Stepupable. Barkin: As you all know, after 7 years, Brick Flagg graduated last June, leaving the Mad Dogs without a quarterback. Which you realize these tryouts aren't for towel boy. That position has been already filled. Rufus: Uh-huh. Ron: Actually, Mr. Barkin, you looking at the new Middleton quarterback. Barkin: You think you're quarterback material with your name? Ron: Ron? Barkin: Stoppable, sends the wrong message to the opposition. Ron: But I can do this, Mr. B. I've got hustle, buckets of hustle. Barkin: Playing the hustle card, eh? Alright let’s see how you dance! Ron: OK, Woah, Oh, Why would you park there? Ow.. uh. Ron: Book the hall we have a reception. Barkin: Ok, let’s see you pass. Ron: Oh man! Barkin: Take a lap. I didn't say run the lap. Ron: Sup, Ladies. Kim: And you are doing what? Ron: I'm just relishing the exquisite torment that is the crab walk. Monique: Fun. Ron: Ah, it's a Jock thing, you wouldn't understand. Kim: Jock thing.. eh you? Ron: Are you kidding? Ron Stoppable has always been about the sportage. Kim: Ok, even if that was true, football? Ron: Oh who doesn’t like to toss around the old pig puck? Kim: You mean pig skin. Ron: Whoa, KP! One sport at a time. Kim: Ron, this wouldn't have anything to do with that trash Bonnie was talking? Ron: What? Uh no. I'm just flushing out the resume for college. Kim: Well, I guess football reads better the flooding the school cafeteria. Monique: Huh? Oh right, the chess club incident. Ron: The first rule of chess club is you do not talk about chess club. Wade: What up, seniors? Kim: Hey Wade, new sitch? Wade: Yeah, but no telling what. Just a mysterious hit on your site. Kim: Mysterious how? Wade: All we got were GPS coordinates. Woman: It's my Princess. Ron: Princess, eh? Let me guess, kidnapped foreign royalty? Woman: Oh dear no, she, she just won't come down out of the tree. Ron: KP, allow me to step-up and handle this one. Ron: Nice kitty, your such a nice oww oh man now with the cutting ow Hey, you know as long as you're suited up... Kim: Come on, Princess. Aw, nice kitty. No big, here you go. Woman: Oh no, you must let me give you a proper thank you. I'll be right back with the cookies. Ron: And maybe some bandages you got em? Antiseptic, you know, maybe. Ron: Nice lady. Kim: Yeah. Ron: A Little off. Kim: Kinda creepy. Ron: These to go? Kim: So to go. Ron: Ah quite a collection, you know, these things. Kim: Oh hey. Ron: I knew that cat was evil. Kim: We've been played.
Computer voice: Analyzing battle suit. Ron: Ow! Bad granny, Bad granny. Kim: I recognize that laugh. Dementor: Oh dear me, it is appearing that we are out of the cookies. Ron: Kim, this granny is demented. Kim: Ron, you mean Dementor. Dementor: Peeking zee Boo! Kim: Cute little trap, Professor. Dementor: Why thank you. Yes, I rather like it. It's the details that really sell it, don't you think? I pick out the curtains myself! Ron: Dude, you're totally wearing a dress. Dementor: It's a house coat. Ron: Yeah, uh-huh dress! Dementor: Enough with the chat! Collectibles, attack! Ron: Ahh! Kim: Eh uh. Ron: Ah hard candy. Kim! Dementor: Danka Kitty. Uh oh, it is looking lime I’m in the hot water, yes? Ha ha ha, NO. There is no hot water for me. Not this time, Fräulein Possible, not ever! Kim: Oh, I have been foiled by a man in a dress? Dementor: It's a house coat! Ron: See, this is why I'm not a cat person. Kim: Oh, come on. It was a trap, Wade. Wade: Professor Dementor? Ron: In a dress. Wade: Sounds ugly. But you had the battle suit. Kim: And he had the home field advantage. Ron: Home field, home field, home field, home field, home field. Monique: Ummm... How much longer is he going to be that way? Kim: I'm not sure, but its kinda weirding me out. Ron: Oh hey, guys. Kim: Zoning out, why? Ron: Ummm, nothing. You know, say we better get rolling so you can babysitting tonight cause tonight you'll be out babysitting and you won't be home cause you'll be out babysitting away from home, right? Kim: You're still not right, are you? Ron: Me? Oh yeah, I'm feeling just super. Hmmm it’s not stealing, it's secret borrowing. Barkin: Ha ha Stoppable, are you still wasting my time? There's no way you're going to make the quarterback cut. Ron: Just one more chance, Mr. B. Barkin: Ahhh what's gonna hurt, beside from his skin and bones? Fine I'll get the nurse to warm up the crash cart. Ron: Alright, now check it. Oh... You ok there, Coach? Barkin: Ok, I'm stoked! That pass was impossible! Ron: Heh, yeah, something like that. Barkin: You're the field General, the signal caller, the man! Middleton, we have a quarterback. Announcer: It's a beautiful night here for some football here in Middleton. There's the snap, the new Mad Dog quarterback has all kinds of time, He's moving in the pocket and, that's a 30 yard completion. Kim: Wow. Ummm Uh Go, Mad Dogs! Announcer: First and 10 in Lowerton territory, Oh call the crash cart. Good night, nurse, he's ok. Ladies and Gentlemen, Stoppable is unstoppable! Cheer Leaders: Go Unstoppable! Announcer: Here we go folks, this could be the play of the game, The Lowerton defense dog piles on the rookie, but no, the kid is on the move touchdown Catch. Announcer: Middleton has a new hero! Kim: He did it! Monique: I know, unbelievable. Bonnie: Yeah, a little too unbelievable, if you ask me. Kim: So Ron stepped-up, jealous much? It is kinda weird, though, isn't it? Monique: Maybe all that running from bad guys has finally paid off. Ron: What did you think KP? Kim: I'm so proud of you Ron. I never knew you had this in you. Never. Ron: Heh... like you, I'm full of surprises. Huh, yea. Rufus: Huh? Oh. Ron: Earthquake! Kim: Unlikely. Dementor: Oh, You-ho, Is it a bad time for the knocking? Eyes here, I am making an entrance. Kim: You know some of us are trying to have a social life. Dementor: Soon, the only life you will be having will be will be the life of bowing down to me, Professor Dementor, conqueror of everybody. Kim: Yeah, that's going to happen like never. Dementor: Oh and you intend to stop me once again by using your fancy battle suit? Kim: Well, uh actually... Dementor: Too bad! You see during our last encounter, I secretly analyzed its abilities and cleverly devised this Magnetic Controller. Your fancy pants will become your very undoing! Why even now you feel your arm and legs locking up fusing you into immobile helplessness as I, Professor Dementor, take full control. All your battle suit now belongs to me. Kim: Sorry to harsh your scheme, Professor, but I'm not wearing it. Dementor: Do I look like am fooled by your mouth full of lies? No is the correct answer. Kim: Hello? Does it look like I'm wearing full body armor? Dementor: Well no, Now that you mention it and yet my instruments very clearly say that the suit is here... with that what is up? Ron: Oil Can! Kim: The Football game. Dementor: Remotely activating shield mode. Ron: Ah, so hate that. Dementor: So who's wearing the girly clothes now? Kim: Ron you... You stole my battle suit. Ron: Secret borrowing. Kim: You were in my closet. Ron: Look, let me explain, Ok first off this suit pinches, not that it doesn't look good on you… Dementor: Ahem... not that your teen relationship issues aren't fascinating, but I'd really like jump right into crushing Kim Possible with her own super suit! Ron: Hey, Hey, bad suit; Kim look out! Kim: You cheated your way onto the football team. Ron: Yeah, but that was just a perk, I was really trying to cheat on you. For you. To win you. Wait, wait, It's not what you think. Kim: Oh, so you're not a cheater, a liar and a thief? Ron: Ok, it is what you think. But Kim, I had to do it. I couldn't risk losing you. Kim: What are you talking about? You weren’t going to loose me. Ron: Kim, I heard you talking to Monique, you agreed with Bonnie about dating jocks. You said trading up was the only option. Kim: What? Oh, Ron, I was talking about Monique's cell phone. Ron: Oh yeah, she's got that new one like Bonnie's, that's a nice phone. Kim: Uh-huh. Ron: Oh wait, so you weren’t gonna... Kim: Trade-up my BF? Ron, I don't care about dating a Jock, I care about dating you, Ron Stoppable, no matter he is. Kim: As long as he's honest. Ron: I'm sorry Kim; I never meant to hurt you. Dementor: Not yet... Ron: No, no, it's not me; it's your battle suit... Oh KP, our first fight! Kim! Dementor: Did you say your battle suit? Ron: Oh man, even as a senior. Dementor: No, no, my battle suit! Dementor: Not as comfy as the house dress, but I'll learn to live. The final crushing blow delivered by my own super enhanced bad self! Oh? What? Ow. Ron: Hey, stop hitting yourself. Dementor: I cannot. No, I, Oh, this isn't fair, my battle suit. Announcer: Time is running out, Stoppable is off his game tonight. Ron: Ehh... Ok, this is the big moment, I don't need suit, I can do this I ca... I ... I'm outta here! Announcer: Where is he going? Barkin: What is he doing? Bonnie: Gee Kim; is that your boyfriend out there running like a sick chicken? Kim: Yeah, that's my guy. Announcer: Wait, he's turning around, Unstoppable Stoppable, Wow he's breaking the all Middleton rushing record. Where did he learn to run like that? Announcer: Mad Dogs Win! Mad Dogs Win! Ron: Booya! Kim: You do me proud Ron Stoppable, by just being you. Ron: Yeah, who knew my mad running away skill would have real world applications. Barkin: Too bad you had to go and cheat you way on to the team, cheater. Ron: Does this mean I don't get to be the quarterback anymore? Barkin: It's called disciplinary action, something we coaches do. Ron: Awe man. Barkin: That's right; I want you to think what you've done... when you're playing as the new Middleton running back. Ron: You mean I still get to be on the team? Barkin: Ha ha ha ohhh... talk to me after 20 laps. Ron: Thanks, Mr. B. Barkin: Save your running for game time. Kim: Hello? Ron: Ok, Kim, I know it's late but... Kim: How many times do I have to tell you? We kissed, we're dating. Ron: So you leaving me for Rufus was..? Kim: Dream. Ron: Me being Middleton's new running back? Dream? Kim: No, that's actually happened. Ron: Oh, I'm on a team, that's cool. Ok, how about you water skiing over a shark? Hello? Hello? Kim?