By wallaceb Kim: Mom, you’ve seen my cheer sweater? Mrs. Dr P: In the drier honey. Kim: Huh?! Arg! Tweebs: You didn’t open the drier did you? Jim: Our Experiments! Tim: You ruined it! Tweebs: Mom! Kim: Arg! Tweebs! Mrs. Dr. P: Boys what did I tell you? No modifying the major appliances. Tim: I wouldn’t do that. Jim: Not without these. Mr. Dr P: What’s wrong with Kimmie cub? She just raced off like is it the end of the world. Jim: She must’ve heard the big news. Mrs. Dr P: No not yet… I… I didn’t get the chance to tell her. Kim: Late! Eh sorry! The tweebs…this morning…. My clothes… total drama romma. Monique: Wow girl, chillax. Forget the what and the when, focus on the here and the now. Ron: Right KP, we seniors don’t sweat the little things. Kim: Because they are all little things? Ron: No because we’re big things baby! Hey, Hi, scuse me, seniors. Monique: I wonder what the senior table special is today? Rufus: Hu-ha! Ron: oh-oh la-la! It is bistro day, a soup diseur stuffed by stuff I can’t pronounce and oh! Assorted cheeses! Rufus: Yay! Kim: You guys are right, seniors, it’s all good. Tim: Which way to home room? Kim: Huh? Home room? What do you mean home room? Jim: That room you go to before you go to your other classes. Tim: You’d think a senior would know the basics. Ron: Try middle school. About 4 miles that way. Jim: We’re not in middle school anymore. Tim: We’ve been skipped ahead. Jim: We’re freshman! Tim: We’re here! Kim: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! There is no way you two are freshmen! Hey Amanda, see you in science. It must be a mistake! And I am going to get to the bottom of it! Eh… are we being followed? Miss Guide: Yes, its okay, I’m with the district. Middleton unified. My card. Kim: Miss Guide? Miss Guide: Gid-day dear. Kim: Eh good day to you. Miss Guide: Eh let me jot that. Kim: Jot what?! What is the stinking sitch here? Tim: Miss Guide is our skip counselor. Kim: And skip is? Miss Guide: Superior-Knowledge-and-Intelligence-Placement pilot program. Your brothers tested at high school levels, so they are being enrolled as freshman. I will be observing the transition. Kim: So this is… really happening? Miss Guide: Exiting isn’t it!? Kim: Oh, I can’t begin to describe my feelings. Miss Guide: hmm-himm. Kim: It’s bad enough I have to live with them, now I have to learn with them too?! Ron: Yea… forget my little things advice, start sweating KP! Kim: Gee, thanks. Wade: Hey Kim, Ron. Ron: Wade my could use a sitch. Whatcha got? Wade: Hit on your website from Britina. Kim: Britina? Ron: Super star in need! Boo-yaa! So where do we meet her? Ha? Concert? Club? Private yacht? Wade: Jail. Ron: Oh. Britina: I’m so innocent it’s not funny. Kim: Britina what are the charges? Britina: They said I stole change from a safe at the rap party for that reality show “Born to Shop” Ron: Oh! Born to Shop staring Camille León, arise to a large cat food fortune, social light, quick service restaurant spokes person. Kim: You’re reading the weekly wonder again aren’t you? Ron: She’s a news maker, I’m a news taker. Kim: She’s like the most shallow person on earth. Ron: Kim, shallow is the new black. Britina: Like I need to steal? My CD “Hail Britina” went double platinum. Camille: In yourg way. Britina: Camille? Camille: Brit, I came as soon as I heard. Britina: I called you three days ago. Camille: Silly, my call back list was epic this week; it’s so hard to be me. Ron: Oh KP, Camille León! Kim: And freaky purse pal. Ron: That would be her at Debutante. Kim: Oh yea, she goes every where with that hairless thing. Rufus: Hey! Ho-ho. Kim: Oh, up… not that I’m judging. Debutante: *purrs* Rufus: Ew! Camille: Oh this place is so depressing. How do you stand? They wanted me to walk through some gruesome x-ray thingy. I said, “Don’t you know who I am?” A yummy guard guy let me in, get me his digits ok? Britina: Camille, these are BFF’s from way back. Kim Possible and em... this guy who’s usually with her. Camille: Kim Possible! I wore your look once for like 5 minutes. Kim: Nice to meet you too Camille. Camille: Oh I know. Kim: What up Wade? Wade: I’ve uploaded security footage from the crime scene, but it’s fuzzy. Britina: That’s not me. Camille: Though that is what you were wearing. Kim: Britina said she didn’t do it, good enough for me. Camille: Me too. Of course I have so many friends, they can’t all be good, it’s just math. Wade: I’ll enhance the footage and get back to you. Kim: Please and thank you. Camille: Between you and me Ron: And this guy. Camille: With the spot light on me 24/7 some of our circle might be… you know… attention deficit. Kim: I’m not sure I know what you mean. Ron: I’m sure I don’t Camille: Uh, suspects? There’s Starlet, her last three movies thanked. Holstein Twins, they dropped to number three on the world’s richest kids list, they may be desperate. And MC Honey things must be bad I heard she flew commercial. Kim: Hey, we know MC Honey. Camille: Whatevs. I’m just saying, they’ll all be at the reality show awards tonight if you want to come and do that thing you do. Britina: I can’t believe I’m missing it. They have the best goodie bags. Ron: ah, the goodie bag, you know once I scored dinosaur stickers and a ring that’s also a whistle! Camille: Try $30,000 of designer bling. Kim: We’ll be there. Camille: Popin. Announcer: And the winner for the craziest reality show is… Job Swap. Guy: 34. 52. clear! Ron: Camille’s circle is in the house. Kim: I don’t see MC Honey. Maybe she’s in the green room. Ron: Eh excuse me is this the green room? Kim: Hi MC. MC: Kim Possible! Long time GF. Ron: A nacho cheese fountain. Kim: I’m sorry this is more business than pleasure. Rufus: Wo-ho!! Cheese! Kim: For me at least. MC: Britina? Kim: You heard? MC: Hmm, first cover shot the girl racked up in a long long. Guy: Yo! The goodie bags have been jacked! MC: Uh-hu! Not the goodie bags! Kim: Come on Ron! Ron: Oh, I’m busy! Kim: Diggity Z, did you see who did it? Z: The world saw it. She ran across the stage. MC Honey straight up! MC: Say what!? Kim: But I was with her the whole time. Z: Yo! The goodie bags have been jacked! MC: This is messed up, I did not jack the goodie bags! Alite Wade: Um, it looks kinda bad. Kim: I know Wade, but I’m telling you MC Honey was with us. It couldn’t have been her. Wade: Then get ready for this. Ron: Um does Britina have a good lawyer? Eh you know like a really good one? Kim: This is so not adding Wade. Jim: Maybe you have a shape shifter on your hands. Tim: Yea just like Magma Mike in Creator Raiders. Jim: Mike fooled everyone by morphing into his half sister Piroclastic Flow. Kim: So sorry, you must be this tall to ride. Now don’t you have some freshman class calling you? Barkin: Possible. Kim and Jim and Tim: Here. Kim: Not my class. Barkin: Three possible in the same statistics class, what’s the probability? It’s not a joke people, it’s a pop quiz. Kim: I know this. The probability of any event A is… um let me see now… um. Tweebs: Got it Mr. Barkin. Barkin: Possible squared go. Jim: The probability of even A. Tim: Is determined by divining the number of ways A can occur. Jim: By the total number of ways anything can occur. Barkin: Correct, now give me an example. Tim: The probability of our sister taking less than 40 minutes in bathroom every morning… Jim: Zero. Tim: She sings in the shower. Kim: Tim! Jim: And finished her homework on the…. Kim: Jim! Miss Guide: They’re very bright aren’t they!? Kim: A couple of little geniuses. Monique: So the tweebs showed you up in class? What’s the big? Ron: Yea I get shown up on every mission we go on. You don’t hear me wining. I could wine more. A lot more. Kim: Can we forget about the tweebs? Let’s just enjoy lunch at the senior table. Ron: Ah the senior table. Kim: Hmm I think I’ll have the tuna Tar-Tar today. Monique: Rotisserie chicken for me. Ron: I’m going to try this Matricide thing, sounds delushilousy French. Kim: The senior table, it’s gone! Ron: Why?!!! Oh. Barkin: Suck it up people. The senior lunch budget has been reassigned to the skip program. Kim: The skip program? Miss Guide: I don’t work for free. Monique: We are so not friends with this. Ron: Oh, it’s not fair. Barkin: and is it fair that the polar ice caps are melting? You take life’s little ups and downs Stoppable! Ron: Oh, Rufus got fitted today. Rufus: ahh… Monique: But if there’s no senior table… Kim: That means its back to…. Ron: Mystery Meat! Noo! Barkin: Listen up cafeterians. In compliance with district guidelines we have been ordered to divulge the contents of mystery meat. Film: Mystery meat, from the slaughter house to your house. Ron: I knew there were snouts. Monique: I have never seen anything more horrible. Kim: I have. The tweebs… with Bonnie. Bonnie: You guys tell the funniest stories. Jim: And then when we were on your trip to Yosemite. Kim: Ah! No! Not the poison oak story! Miss Guide: Isn’t it wonderful that they are making friends so quickly. Bonnie: Ha-ha-ha. That is so modifying. You two should write a book. Jim: We would never do that. Tim: Eh… too old school…. We’ll put it on our blog! Miss Guide: Pretend I’m not even here. Kim: How about I pretend I’m not here instead. Wade: These thefts get weirder Kim. Looks like Britina was in two places at the same time. Kim: Twin sisters? Wade: Nope, I checked, only child. And get this. Kim: Hmm, both of them, two places at once. Freaky for sure. Jim: Wade, did you run a background on Camille? Tim: Since she is the common denominator. Kim: You have your own?! Jim: Jim and Tim unicators. Hey make your own! Ron: Wow, lighter, sleeker, and it plays toons! Rufus: Cool! Kim: Whatever, so did you dif up any dirt on Camille? Wade: Well, it hasn’t hit the check out lines yet, but the Weekly Wonder is about to run a story on Camille being disinherited. Ron: Really? No more daddies’ fundage. Tim: So Camille is the one who needs money. Kim: Shh! Height limit! Wade: Camille’s signing her autobiography at the world’s richest mall in Beverly Hills today. Sounds like a recon op. Jim: We’re on it! Kim: So not! There is no way you two are going to the mall with us. Mr. Dr P: Actually honey, taking Jim and Tim with you sounds like a swell idea. Mrs. Dr P: Sounds better than babysitting at home while your father and I are out. Kim: Babysitting? They’re old enough to be in high school, but not old enough to stay home by themselves? Mr. Dr P: Not without vaporizing the garage. Kim: Eh Wade, ETA on that ride to Beverly Hills. Wade: Typhoon grounded your ride. And I am having trouble making other arrangements, it’s a bank holiday. Kim: Hm, great. Tweebs: Hik-a-bick-a-boo? Jim: Thanks for the ride Mr. Sinclair. Sinclair: Oh it’s the least I could do after you tutored my Kenny in calculus. Tim: Derivatives of inverse functions. Jim: So not the drama. Kim: Can you not! Tim: You can use Hick-a-bic-a-boo. Kim: Ehch! Why would I? Jim: To be cool. Kim: I am cool! Ron: Ah, the world’s richiest mall. 35 floors of popin’ shoppin’ and did you know there is a diamond elevator sporting a 500 K light bulb? Eh… blew some cash here when I was a millionaire. Good times, good times. Hey, where are the tweebs? Kim: I gave them twenty bucks and dropped them off at the arcade. Ron: Kim, twenty bucks at this arcade gets you 5 minutes at some busted old pin ball machine. Kim: Um, well… where else would they go? Jim: Page 172, this summer Camille visited a Dr. Beaufox. Hick-a-bic-a-boo? Beaufox plastic surgeons… unlicensed… rouge! Tweebs: Hoo-sha! Kim: Keep and eye out for Camille, there’s still a couple of minutes before the book signing. Country Club Banana! The flag ship store! Ron: Hey go drop some bills KP, I’ll start the Leone hunt. Kim: Are you kidding? You have to pass a credit check just to get in the door. I don’t even have credit. Guy: Welcome to Country Club Banana. Kim: Game on. Camille? Camille: Kim Possible. And… Ron: This guy! Kim: Hey, I wonder if you could do me a favor? Camille: Oh, I don’t do make over’s, and I am kinda in a rush. Kim: Well that’s funny because there’s this pair of socks at CCB that I’ve saved up for and since I’m not a zillionaires like you, they won’t even let me in. but you I am sure could pass the credit check. Camille: Uh, yea, duh! But I can’t be seen buying socks, ew! Socks are gross! Ron: Socks are gross? Kim: Ron, she can’t go in, disinherited? Ron: I mean my socks are gross but what does that even mean? Security: The elevators been robbed! Ron: That is one empty diamond light bulb socket. It’s Starlet! Kim: Another friend of Camille’s? Ron: That girl is running with a bad crowd. But you have to admit, the camera loved them. Kim: I think you’re on to something. Ron: Oh, I know I am! What?! Kim: There’s a camera at every theft. Ron: Rookie mistake. I mean a smart thief wouldn’t get caught on tape. Kim: But a really smart thief would see to it that some one else gets caught. Britina, MC Honey, and now Starlet. Ron: All hanging in the hip new hot spot… prison. Kim: What about Camille Wade? Wade: Weird Kim, Camille is pretty much photographed every waking minute. But during these three crimes, it’s like she disappeared. Kim: What’s her next public appearance? Wade: A fashion show the afternoon. Kim: Something tells me there’s going to be another theft. Jim: Try someone. Tim: Or some two. Wade: Oh yea, forgot to tell you, your brothers have a theory. Kim: Gha! Tweebs! You don’t belong at my school or on my mission! Jim: But don’t you want to know what we uncovered reading Camille’s book? Kim: no! I cracked it! Almost. Tim: So how is she doing it? Kim: Height limit. Bonnie: A bit harsh big sis, don’t you think? Kim: You don’t want to know what I really think Bonnie. Bonnie: Come on Jim and Tim; tell me again about Yosemite, and… the rash. Kim: I’m so gonna… we’re cool! I mean I’m cool! I mean Hick-a-bic-a-boo? Any luck on a possible target Wade? Wade: Do you have any idea how much these designers charge for a dress? Kim: I know I can’t afford. You think she’ll steal clothes? Ron: We can rule out socks. Wade: How about a rare blue diamond necklace that’s being worn with the dress? Ron: Bo-ya! Kim: That’s the target. I’ll check the dressing room. Ron: Ok. Got your back KP. Kim: Dressing room Ron. Ron: Uh, yea, uh, I’ll just wait right here then. Kim: Wade, any idea where to find this necklace? Wade: Just look for a lot of security.
Model: I forgot my powder. May I? Kim: Um, sure. Wade: I wouldn’t do that, that compact sprays a tracking powder. Kim: You don’t need it, you’re perfect.
Model: You’re right. Kim: Target in sight. Tim: Are you sure this is a good idea? You head Kim, she doesn’t want us involved. Jim: Reason enough to do it. Tim: Yea, I call bad cop. Jim: No way, I call bad cop. Good day Dr. Beaufox. Beaufox: Are you my 2:30 tummy tuck? Tim: We’ll ask the questions doctor. Jim: Camille Leon, ring a bell? Beaufox: I fully warned her of the dangers, all experimental surgery contains risk, it says so on my business card. Jim: This guy’s all talk. Tim: Radical techniques? As if. Beaufox: Oh really? Nano-morphing. Radical enough for you? Tim: Nano-morphing? Tweebs: Shape shifting. Kim: This time I’m not letting the target out of my sight till be catch a thief.
Woman: Anastasia has been dropped by her agency, she’s not coming! Guy: We don’t have a model to wear the gowned and the necklace? Ron: Yes you do! Right here! Kim: Oh Ron! I’m not a model. Ron: Well, why not, you’re beautiful. Kim: Well I guess it would a spankin’ way to keep tabs on the necklace. Guy: Hmm, uh-hu. Hmm Hu, you will do. Kim: Well, wow! Well, I guess if everyone thinks I am a model. Guy: Makeup, hair! Wardrobe! Green eyes bring them out! Hair bigger! Big is a back! Oh, we are going super glam! Kim: Uh, it’s kinda snug! Guy: Sow her in. Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the highlight of tonight’s show from Spreluchie. Ron: Whoa! Jim: Kim! Kim: I told you two to stay away. MC Honey? Jim: It’s not MC Honey Kim. Tim: It’s Camille. Jim: She’s a plastic surgery experiment. Tim: She’s a shape shifter. Camille: Oh like you’re a model. Kim: Grr, this dress is not working for me. Ron: Dude, the leisure suit, hot or not? Kim: Ron, find Britina, it’s really Camille, she’s a shape shifter. Ron: You mean like the tweebs said? Kim: Okay, they were right, let’s move on. I thought you went the other way. Ron: What other way. Ron2: She’s not in wardrobe. Hey, I’m already here. Ron: Kim, its Camille. Ron2: I’m not Camille, she is, ah, he is. Kim: Two Rons. But only one. Rufus! Ron2: Kim! Grab me! I mean her! Grab her! Guy: Oh! My gowned! I love it! Kim: Me too. Ron: I got me! You know, I’m surprisingly nimble for an arise. Kim: Tracking powder. Ron: Too much? Kim: Got a lock on the tracking powder. Ron: Here buddy! Freaky cat incoming! Kim: Oh no. Ron: Gha, Camille can be anyone. Camille: Do you know who I am? Ron: Lady, the question is, do you know who you are? Kim: You wanted to see me Miss Guide? Miss Guide: Miss Possible, I was just sharing my observations of the last week with your parents. Kim: Hm, super. Miss Guide: It is my recommendation that Jim and Tim be enrolled and freshmen… at another school. Kim: What? Mrs. Dr P: Honey, clearly this is having a negative effect on you. Mr. Dr P: It’s not all about the boys Kimmie, it’s about your best interests too. Kim: If the tweebs switch schools, then so do I. They have my back, now I have theirs. Tweebs: Hik-a-bic-a-boo. Kim: Ho-shaa. Miss Guide: um, how do you spell Ho-sha?