By wallaceb Ron: No, no problem. No, thank you. My life is so over. Kim: Ron, turn down the drama and eat. Ron: Not hungry. What am I gonna do, KP? Kim: Well, let's see. The guidance counselor told you that you
need an extra-curricular activity. Ron: Cause it'll look good on my college applications. That's years away! Kim: There's plenty of teams and clubs out there. You could join the mathletes. Ron: Yeah, right! I can't get in that kind of shape! Kim: How about the debate team? Ron: Look, I'm not gonna argue with you, Kim! Kim: After school activities are great... like cheer squad for me. Ron: Cheer squad! Kim: For me. Not you. Ron: That's it! I'm upbeat. I can do that. Kim: Do what? Ron: Cheerleader! Yeah! Go Mad Dogs! Whoo-hoo! Rufus: Hi! Uh... Kim: My life is so over! Mrs. Dr P: I think it's cute that Ron wants to be a cheerleader. Kim: Mother, boy bands are cute. Brown bear backpacks are
cute. Ron as a cheerleader... not cute. Mrs. Dr P: He'll wear a different outfit, won't he? Kim: Knowing Ron... Mrs. Dr P: Hi, hon. Pizza for dinner. What do you want on yours? Mr. Dr P: Hmm...toppings. Well, you know I love bacon on pretty
much everything. OK. See you in 30 minutes or less. Ooh. Gotta go. Hello? Chen: Hey, Possible. Bob Chen. Listen, did you launch something over there? Mr. Dr P: On the Q.T., Bob, prototype G-6 rocket. Went up like a
dream. Too bad it wasn't supposed to launch until next week, though. Chen: Lean on a button again? Mr. Dr P: Roger on that, Bob. Chen: So, we'll see you at the class reunion this weekend? Mr. Dr P: Wouldn't miss it. Ouch! Looks like the military is
scrambling around my rocket. Better hop off, Bob. Chen: See you at the reunion, buddy. Chen: Ha ha! Same old Possible. Bonnie: You cannot allow this, Kim. Kim: Bonnie, I'm as freaked out about this as you are, but there
is no rule that says that Ron can't try out. Bonnie: Check your calendar! This is not Befriend-A-Loser Week! Kim: Ron is not a loser. He's just... different. Ron: Hey, ladies, let's boogie! Rufus: Oh, yeah! Unh! Ron: Ladies? Rufus: Aah! Oof! Ron: They take a long time to get dressed. Kim: Hey. Ron: Where's the squad? I'm pumped! Kim: They, um, they take a long time to get dressed. Are you
totally sure you want to be a cheerleader, Ron? Ron: Oh, I'm not gonna be a cheerleader, KP. Kim: You're not? Great! I mean, why not? Ron: Because I'm going to be the mascot! Middleton Mad Dogs!
Fight! Ruff! Ruff! Kim: Where did you get that mask? Ron: I made it with my Movie Makeup Magic kit. Rufus: What's the sitch? Kim: I'm impressed... and disturbed. Ron: Does it not rock hard? Check this out! Mad Dog foams at the mouth! Bonnie: Kim! Kim: Ron! Ron: The crowd will eat it up! Taste it. It's banana cream. Kim: Yum. Rufus: Banana! Hey! Bonnie: This idea is idiotic. The entire student body will laugh at you. Ron: But... Bonnie: Not with, at. Rufus: Oof! Ron: Look... Bonnie: Loudly and cruelly, they will laugh. Ron: You don't deserve to be kissed by a naked mole rat. Rufus: Yeah! Kim: Ron... Ron: I know, Kim. I know. You believe in me and you'll work on them. Kim: Um, I... I kind of agree with Bonnie. Ron: Oh. Oh, I see. Kim: Dad, I have a problem. Mr. Dr P: Frankly, your mother has the good advice vis-a-vis boy trouble. Kim: This isn't about a boy. It's about Ron. Mr. Dr P: Oh. Gotcha. Kim: Everyone got down on Ron, and I don't know, maybe I should have stuck up for him. Mr. Dr P: But you didn't... Kim: He was foaming at the mouth. I'm only human. Mr. Dr P: Well, you know, Kimmie, back when I was in college,
I had a group of friends, my posse, if you will. It was the night of the big science department mixer. In those days, I wasn't exactly a ladies man. Where's Drew? He was supposed to be here a half hour ago. Chen: I knew he wouldn't come through with dates for us. Ramesh: Hmph. What did you expect? He cannot even come through with a date for himself. Chen: This was folly. Mr. Dr P: It was a nice dream, though. Drew: The dream is real. Chen: Drew! You found girls! Drew: Found, ha! Gentlemen, tonight we make history. I give you the future! Bebe: My name is Bebe. Drew: Bebe, would you like to dance? Bebe: Affirmative. Bebe will dance. Drew: Aaggh! Heh. As gentle as a summer shower, no? All: No. Ha ha ha! Drew: Ohh! All right. Go on, laugh away, but one day my genius
will be recognized! Bebe will be perfect ...and I will be the one laughing. Bebe: I am Bebe. Mr. Dr P: Drew dropped out and we never saw him again. I don't think he ever forgave us, and in some small way, maybe we never forgave ourselves. Kim: For just a giggle fit? Mr. Dr P: No, no, Kimmie. We laughed for days. Long and loud, with youthful abandon. Kim: Oh. That was bad. Mr. Dr P: So, you'll reconsider Ronald's dream? Kim: I don't think so. His mad dog routine is way stupid. Ron: Well, that's one person's opinion. Kim: One entire cheerleading squad's opinion. Ron: Well, maybe you and your squad just don't get it. Kim: You don't get it! Ron: Oh, "I'm Kim Possible. I can do anything." Except believe in my best friend! Kim: Go, Wade. Wade: I've got a weird one. Kim: Me, too. Wade: Professor Ramesh from the Mount Middleton Observatory wants your help. Kim: That name sounds familiar. I think my dad knows him. Wade: Ramesh's partner, Professor Chen, is missing. Kim: Ok, Wade. Set up a ride. I'll bring the Man of a Thousand Faces. Ron: No, thanks. I'll fly solo. Well, I won't be flying, but I'll get there somehow. Kim: Nice going, Possible. Dallas: And that's the traffic update from your "Eye Over Middleton." Kim: Thanks for the lift, Dallas. Dallas: Well, it's the least I could do after you brought that interstate police chase to a happy end. Kim: No big. The guy didn't even know he needed a new brake light. Kim: Better check on the Mad Dog. Ron? Come in, Ron. Ron! Ron: Sorry! Csshk! Can't hear you! Csshk! Bad--csshk--reception!
Heh heh heh! Cshhk! Kim: Come off it, Ron. I know you're doing that yourself. Ron: What? Cshk! I'm--only--hearing--every--other--word! Kim: Ron! Don't be a--cssshkk--baby. Ramesh: Stay back! Bebe: Professor Ramesh... we have come for you. Ramesh: Who... who are you? Bebe #1: I am Bebe. Bebe #2: I am Bebe. Bebe #3: I am Bebe. Kim: Is there an echo in here? Bebe: Analysis subject... Kim Possible. Threat... minimal. Kim: That hurts. Unh... aah! Ahh! Hm! Not bad. Bebe: Bebe is perfect. Kim: What are they? Ron: Kim, don't think I didn't hear that baby comment. I heard it. Oof. Kim: Ron? Ramesh: Aah! Kim: Thanks a lot. Ron: What did I do? Rufus: Yeah! Kim: Those robots took Professor Ramesh. Are you happy now? Ron: Yes. Rufus: Mm-hmm. Ron: I mean, no! Rufus: Uh-uh! Kim: Whatever. All I know is that now we've got two missing scientists and three killer Bebes. Ron: Huh? Ron: Professor Ramesh. Back in the old college days. Check it out, huh? Rufus: Hmm. Ron: Oh, yeah. That guy must be Professor Chen. What? No way, that is not... wow, it is! It's Kim's dad! Oh, this is terrible. Rufus: Mm-hmm. Duh. Ron: I mean, can you believe he actually wore his jacket that way
with the sleeves pushed up? Totally eighties. Rufus: Rrr! Ron: Kim's dad could be the next target. Rufus: Whew. Ron: Gotta tell Kim! Rufus: Oof! Ron: No, wait. We don't need Kim. Rufus: Huh? Ohh... Ron: I know exactly what to do! Bebe: Subject... Dr. Possible. Directive... capture. Bebe: Doctor... We have come for you. Music: Check it out. Check it out. Ch-ch-check it out Mr. Dr P: Kimberly Ann Possible! Kim: Dad? Here? Bonnie: Oh, great. Kim found another new recruit for the squad. Kim: Daddy, hi! What are you doing here? Mr. Dr P: Where's Ronald? Kim: Not here. Mr. Dr P: Well, that hole in the roof of my car really grinds my beans. Kim: I'll be sure that Ron gets the message... Wait a second. He put a hole in your car roof? Mr. Dr P: He came over to the house, said something about a mission. Kim: What mission? Ramesh: Who is behind this? Chen: It's obvious. Some villain needs our genius to help take over the world. What else could it be? Drakken: Gentlemen, don't flatter yourselves. There is only one genius in this room and it is I, Dr. Drakken! Chen: Drew? Ramesh: Drew Lipsky? Is that you? Ron: No! He's Dr. Drakken, and he's in for a world of hurt! Drakken: So, Kim Possible is near. Ron: Oh, yes! ...Actually, no. Kim: Wade, Ron's missing. Can you find him? Wade: Do you think I have him micro-chipped or something? Kim: Well, do you? Wade: Yeah. Hang on. Kim: And, um, could you maybe go a little faster? Mr. Dr P: Kim! It's a school zone! Drakken: You know, I purposely programmed you with a pinch of human emotion just so you would be ashamed of failures like this. It's slipshod is what it is! Bebe: Slipshod? Drakken: That's right, missy! And I demand better from my lackeys!
Especially the robotic ones! Bebes:[b] Lackeys?
[b]Drakken: Let's not get testy. I am a patient man. You will get
another chance. Go forth and find Dr. Possible! Ron: Why are you after Kim's dad and his friends anyway? Drakken: Payback! For you see... Wait, you mean Dr. Possible and Kim Possible are related? Ron: Duh. Drakken: Don't "duh" me. Possible is a very common last name. Ron: So not. Drakken: So... so, yes, it is. Ron: It's pretty unique. Drakken: Enough! I shall prove it! Where's the phone book? Mr. Dr P: Park it close. We shouldn't be long. Kim: Keep your keys, dad. This guy's been hit with knockout gas. This is bad. Mr. Dr P: I'll say. They'd better get this ironed out before our
big college reunion this weekend. Ron: Kim, it was Drakken! Kim: Drakken's behind this? Drakken: OK, fine, so in Middleton, there's only one Possible family. Kim: D'oy! Drakken: Kim Possible! And... and... Ron: Her father, Dr. Possible. Drakken: Yes, well, there's no way I can be expected to conclude that my arch-nemesis is the daughter of a guy I went to college with! Mr. Dr P: Drew? Drew Lipsky? Kim: Wait! He's the guy from college? My arch-foe? Mr. Dr P: Well, he didn't used to be blue, I can tell you that much. Drakken: Oh, but I was blue on the inside. Scorned by my so-called friends. My... my posse. But I vowed to prove my genius to all of you and when I got the reunion invite... Mr. Dr P: Since you dropped out, you're really not entitled to that. Drakken: Indeed! Exactly why I planned my own little reunion! Bebes, return to me at once! Ha ha! Who's the genius now? These robots are perfect! And their sole purpose is to obey me! Bebe: Question... If we are perfect, why do we obey one who is not perfect? Conclusion... Drakken is unfit to command. Chen: It's college all over again. That man cannot build a robot. Ramesh: He should take up cloning. Drakken: Bebes, no! Bad Bebes! Bad! Kim: This is just too weird. Ramesh: Where did your little Kimmie learn to kick bottom like that? Mr. Dr P: Cheerleading. Kim: Yes! Kim: Heh... Ahh! Mr. Dr P: Kim! Kim: Unh! Hunh!...Huh? Ahhh! Ron: We got a roomful of geniuses here! Can't somebody come up with something? Chen: Don't look at me. I'm an astronomer. Ramesh: Ditto. Ron: And you? Drakken: Let the ladies work this out amongst themselves. Mr. Dr P: Wade! Wade: Dr. Possible? Mr. Dr P: I need a sonic disturbance. Make it loud. Make it ultra-high frequency. Wade: Something that can jam a wireless network signal? Mr. Dr P: Please and thank you. Kim: Unh! Bebe: Analysis... subject... Dr. Possible's attack strategy. Threat... substantial. Destroy electronic device. Kim: Unh! Mr. Dr P: Huh? Ooh! Ron: Dr. P! I'm open! Mr. Dr P: Unh! Kim: Unh! Bebe: Hive mind command con-con-connection lo-lo-lost. Kim: I'll take that as good news. Mr. Dr P: Now, Kim, you know I don't approve of violence, but they are deadly robots. You go, girl! Kim: Unh! Mr. Dr P: Ooh! Ron: Way to go, Kim! You, too, Dr. P! Mr. Dr P: What was that, Ronald? Kim: Way to go, dad. Drakken: Ahh! Kim: What about your college reunion, Drew? Drakken: I'll come to the next one... when I'm even more
successful! Ha ha ha ha! Ow. A little help. Mrs. Dr P: I can't believe Drew Lipsky turned into a mad scientist. Mr. Dr P: Let alone our daughter's arch-nemesis. Chen: But my man knew what to do! Ramesh: Possible, you rock! Mr. Dr P: Oh, please. Drakken was so obvious. I mean, really. The whole Bebe B thing. The hive mind behavior was clearly the result of a cybertronic linkage through a
wireless control network. Both: Uh, sure. Mr. Dr P: Poor Drew. Maybe if we hadn't laughed at him back then,
there would be one less mad scientist running around. Kim: The fact that I was so rotten to you, that's not gonna drive
you to become some kind of mask wearing villain, is it? Ron: If I said yes, would you let me do my Mad Dog routine? Kim: That's not a good reason for me to say yes. Ron: I know. Kim: Because you're my best friend. That's a good reason. Ron: Boo-yah! Mad Dog lives! Ar-ar-aroo! Announcer: Please put your hands together for your Middleton Mad Dog! Ron: Ya-hoo-hoo! Bonnie: They like him?! Kim: Yeah. Kinda surprises me, too.