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Kimberly Ann Possible
[image]Kim Possible is just a basic high school Cheerleader who saves the world. Her motto is "I can do anything" and so she is right. Kim has battled countless villains trying to take over the world with the help of her clumsy but loyal best friend, partner and now boyfriend Ron Stoppable. Even with all the world saving, Kim still manages to keep good grades and have a mile long list of extra curricular activities,like cheerleading.bonnie rockwaller wants to be at the top of the pyramid but kp always manages to make it up there. No matter how hard a mission is ron remindes her anything is possible for a possible.
Last Modified by wallaceb
Ron Stoppable
[image]Ronald Adrian Stoppable, a member of the Jewish religion and Kim Possible's best friend, partner and boyfriend; always with his trusty naked mole rat Rufus in his pocket goes with Kim just about everywhere. Ron may be dating a cheerleader, but he is not as extremely high in the "food chain". Ron has a very laid back, easy going attitude and as a result, is not so hot in school, but still gets by. Ron loves Bueno Nacho and eats there every day to soothe his soul with the Naco he created while working there being his favorite item on the menu. Even when times are tough Kim and Ron make it through and Ron is always reminding her when there in a bad situation that anything is possible for a Possible.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
[image]Rufus the naked mole rat. First purchased at the Middleton Smarty Mart. This is no ordinary naked mole rat. Rufus is quite skilled at mechanics and is quite intelligent in other areas as well. This little guy spends all his time in Ron's pocket unless he is chilling at Bueno Nacho, eating a naco, or helping Kim and Ron out of a sticky situation during a mission. According to Ron, he was the only the second best friend to the young man. He is not just a pet but an integral part of Team Possible.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
[image]Don't let this kid's age fool you. This 10 year old super genius aced High School and College in 8 months. Wade is the supreme master of all that is technology. He has the world wired and can access anything from his room. Even though he never leaves his room, he is a vital part of Team Possible. He keeps Kim's website running, and invents all kinds of gadgets to help out Kim and Ron. Just Don't make him angry, or he might just leave his room.
Last Modified by J
Dr. James Timothy Possible
[image]As man of science, Mr. Dr. Possible is always working on something for Middleton Space Center's Propulsion Lab. But he is always there with his family; telling stories from his childhood about making batches of rocket fuel, and making sure his Kimmie-cub does not hang out with boys (Ron is the exception).
Last Modified by wallaceb
Mrs. Possible
[image]Full time brain surgeon and mother, Mrs. Dr. Anne Possible is a model of the modern career minded woman. She is married to James T. Possible and has three children (Kim, Jim, and Tim). Despite her busy schedule, Mrs. Possible still makes time for the family. Whether it is cooking a meatloaf, or scolding the twins for launching rockets in the house, or helping Kim with a boy problem, Mrs. Possible's warm personality is the voice of reason in the Possible household. Even if she has to do it by speakerphone during an operation.
Last Modified by Rahne
Mr. Barkin
[image]Mr. Steve Barkin is the Vice-Principal and permanent substitute at Middleton. He is also in charge of detention and the football coach. He is known for his gruff and military like personality. Mr. Barkin started his career in the army. Now he seems to substitute every class with Kim and Ron. Unfortunately for Ron, he gave Mr. Barkin an funny look in the nineth grade, and constantly rewarded with extra homework. Don't think this guy has a hidden heart of gold either. Even at home or away from school, Mr. Barkin doesn't let up on his drill sargeant identity.
Last Modified by meandkp
[image]Bonnie is a Middleton High cheerleader and Kim's high school rival. Her mother still treats her like a child. Her two older twin sisters treat her with disrespect. This makes Bonnie want to achieve the ultimate goal of being the best. Unfortunately for Bonnie, Kim often stands in her way. Best known for her nasty attitude, Bonnie tries to remain high on the list of everything; whether it be fashion, sitting at the senior table, or boys on the food chain. All the while, Bonnie knows that Kim is right behind her, ready to knock her down to second place.
Last Modified by lilcocobabii
[image]Monique is Kim's best friend, next to Ron. The two met at Club Banana, Kim's favorite place to shop. Monique works there. When not at work or at school, Monique enjoys hanging out with Kim. And sometimes a girl who can do anything needs best friend advice. Monique is there, always willing to help in that time of need.
Last Modified by J
[image]Felix Renton is Ron's best human friend, next to Kim of course. Felix moved to Middleton recently. His mother does advanced cyber robotics and works at the space propulsion lab. Felix is confined to a wheelchair, but the cyber robotics modifications his mother added to it help the situation. Felix doesn't let his handicap stop him from playing sports or seeking adventure, and has even served as a substitute back-up once or twice. When Felix and Ron are together, both share enjoyment for the video game Zombie Mayhem and sports.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Jim & Tim Possible
[image]Jim and Tim (a.k.a. The Tweebs) are Kim's younger twin brothers. These two energetic kids are armed with knowledge of rockets and computers. And they are always ready to make Kim's life miserable. Kim has often tried to understand her brothers. Unfortunately for Kim, she wanted a baby sister; and got two baby brothers. Kim often finds herself babysitting the twins while her parents are away. Jim and Tim get along with Ron and may consider him a big brother. As of Season 4, they had been skipped ahead to high school as freshmen, and were also responsible for upgrading Kim's car with several high-tech gadgets.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Brick Flagg
[image]Brick Flagg is the high school quarterback at Middleton High. He is also the most popular guy in school. Brick is also known for being linked romantically to Amelia and Bonnie; having on again/off again relationships with each. He also had a short term crush on Kim for a little while. Brick finally graduated high school after seven years.
Last Modified by J
Josh Mankey
[image]Josh Mankey was Kim's biggest crush. Josh is an artist; sometimes displaying his talent around school and the community. Kim always got nervous around Josh, and they went out on several dates. This caused a major rift in the Kim/Ron friendship and relationship. This also caused a lot of fans to hate Josh and think of him as a jerk.
Last Modified by J
[image]Tara is a Middleton High cheerleader. This blond bombshell is usually seen with either Bonnie and/or Hope; but how strong their friendship is remains unconfirmed. Tara had a secret crush on Ron, which was revealed to Ron (and viewers as well) only after Tara had moved on and began dating other people, including Josh Mankey (in episode "emotion sickness") and Jason Morgan in So The Drama
Last Modified by KPprincess
Nana Possible
[image]Nana Possible is Kim's grandmother. She is retired and living in Florida. She is a bit old fashioned, and hopes Kim will become more lady-like. Kim found it difficult to get along with her grandmother, until she found out about her past. Nana Possible was an aviatrix, trained with Shaolin monks to learn kung fu, and was the first woman to complete the navy's underwater demolition training program. Still, Nana Possible wants Kim to get over her tomboy phase; yet knows Kim would rather have a lesson on how to take somebody out.
Last Modified by J
[image]Yori is from the secret ninja school Yamanouchi in Japan. A skilled martial artist, Yori helped Ron retrieve the mystical Lotus Blade from Monkey Fist while he was an exchange student. Yori quickly developed a crush on Ron; and she considers him a warrior hero. Yori returned one year later to get Ron's help in rescuing the Yamanouchi master Sensei. This led to a confrontation of sorts between Kim and Yori, who Kim had never met before.
Last Modified by J
[image]Francois is a hairstyle artist. He is French, lives in Paris, and owns a salon. He also has a show dog named Gigi. Francois specializes in le' goop (the secret is the sea urchin), and his biggest client is perhaps Senior Senior Junior. After Kim rescued Gigi from a kidnapping, Francois is ready to help Kim in return. He made a personal trip to Middleton to give Ron a new haircut, and loaned Gigi so Kim could enter a dog show.
Last Modified by J
[image]Amelia was Ron's crush for awhile in Season 1. She was a senior, but obviously failed and returned for Season 2. Ron impressed Amelia with a new haircut, and the two flirted for awhile. Ron also learned that Amelia was perfectly compatible with him using animology. Amelia has been linked romatically to Brick Flagg. Amelia and Brick seemed to have an on again/off again relationship. Amelia failed to make an appearance in Season 3, so it may have been that she finally graduated.
Last Modified by J
Nakasumi the toy maker
[image]Nakasumi-San is the head of a company that makes toys and the fastest video game system on the market, the Z-board. Nakasumi designs the toys himself, most notably the Z-boy mascot. Nakasumi is known for speaking in whispers, and always has a translater by his side to aid him. Kim helped Nakasumi after Drakken stole his video game factory to build a giant robot. Kim would help him a second time in So The Drama when Shego attempted to kidnap him.
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Miss Kyoko - Nakasumi's aid
[image]Kyoko Yoshiko is Nakasumi's translator. She is always by his side and knows a lot about his operations. Kim first met Yoshiko when Drakken stole a video game factory from Nakasumi to build a giant robot. Yoshiko and Nakasumi helped Kim the second time by providing transportation to England for a mission to find Ron. Kim met Yoshiko the third time to foil Nakasumi's kidnapping. It was at this meeting that it was revealed that Nakasumi could speak English fluently; but needed an aid because he was a bit "wacky."
Last Modified by J
Joss Possible
[image]Joss Possible is Kim's cousin. Bored with living on a ranch in Montana, Joss adopted Kim's lifestyle, including mission clothes and a home made grappling hook, in hopes for excitement. Joss idolizes Kim and knows everything about her missions and foes. However, she knew surprisingly little about Ron's contributions beyond his losing his pants. Joss over hears Kim talking to Wade about her and gets sad, but then after Kim comforts her she appears to be ok again. After a confrontation with Drakken and Shego, Joss seems to have developed a fascination with Ron, and now idolizes him instead of her cousin.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Slim Possible
[image]Slim Possible is Kim's uncle and Joss' father. He lives on a ranch in Montana named the Lazy C. Despite being in the country, Slim is still technical. He has built mechanical horses, and sent up a satellite to oversee his ranch. Slim Possible is also known for his five alarm chili, and has a habit of calling his younger brother James "Squirt".
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Cousin Larry
[image]Cousin Larry is Kim's cousin. An annoyance to Kim, Larry likes to immerse himself in a variety of science fiction related shows and movies. He also collects action figures, writes fan fiction, enjoys watching battle robots, and plays the game Fortress. Larry is partly responsible for Ron getting mystical monkey powers. Larry made a Fortress reference to Ron to save his life, which convinced Ron to activate the four jade monkey statues upon himself. Since then, Ron and Larry remain good friends. It is also suspected that his last name is not Possible, since there is only one Possible family in the Middleton phone book.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Pop Pop Porter
[image]Pop Pop Porter is head of a foodservice company and is known as the frozen food king. Pop Pop Porter is best known for his mini corn dogs and quirky animated commercial for it. But he also does other snacks such as pizza bagels and pop popcorn shrimp. He uses state of the art flash freezing technology to capture freshness. Kim helped Pop Pop twice. The first time was to help find the flash freezing machine. The second was to find Shrimp Force 1, Pop Pop's blimp. It was recently revealed that Pop Pop Porter is one of the five richest people in the world.
Last Modified by J
Will Du
[image]Will Du is Global Justice's top agent. He is known for his arrogant attitude and hates working with amateurs. Will Du can speak fourteen languages and thirty-two regional dialects. He has a personal hoverjet, provided to him by Global Justice. He also knows some martial arts, but isn't nearly as good as Kim. Kim helped agent Will Du find a retired weapons scientist. Afterwards, Will Du refused to admit Kim as anything but an amateaur. Will Du hasn't come back since then.
Last Modified by J
Professor Green
[image]Professor Sylvan Green was a weapons specialist known for developing rockets in the 1960's. The name of the project he worked on was called the serenita guided missile tracking system. Since then, he has retired and moved to Florida. Sylvan Green now tinkers with experimental fertilizers, and has won the blue-grass ribbon three years in a row. Green was rescued by Kim after he was kidnapped in a plot to cover the world with grass.
Last Modified by J
[image]Ned is the assistant manager for Bueno Nacho store #582. Ned is ferociously loyal to his job, and carries it out with strict passion. Ron took his job for a little while, and Ned was bumped down to a regular employee till Ron quit to save Kim. Ned and Ron are now friends. Ned warned Ron about the strange going-ons at Bueno Nacho on the night of the junior prom. In his spare time, Ned likes to watch battle robots.
Last Modified by J
[image]Britina is a teen pop singing sensation. Britina is very popular with young girls who enjoy her music. Britina also has a line of merchandise such as her own magazine and dolls. Britina had a love affair with O Boyz! singer Nikki Nick, but are broken up now. Kim helped Britina when her show in Chicago caught on fire. Kim would help Britina again when she was arrested for a charge against her due to mistaken identity. Britina now helps Kim with rides.
Last Modified by J
Nameless girl in blue
[image]She doesn't have a name. But this Middleton High background student is in the show so much that she began to have a fan base and personality of her own. She is seen quite often; at Middleton High, at the movies, at the fair, the Fearless Ferret convention, and the X-games. And she has no problems having a boy or two at her side.
Last Modified by wallaceb
Prince Wally
[image]Prince Wally is the spoiled brat prince of a small European nation run by his father. Prince Wally lived a care-free lifestyle, and often has a nasty attitude in which he feels superior to everyone else. Prince Wally ran against Kim for class president, and found democracy to his liking. Prince Wallace III gave up the crown in favor of elections once his father retires.
Last Modified by J
King Wallace
[image]King Wallace is ruler of a small European nation and Prince Wally's father. King Wallace contacted Kim after he believed his son was in danger from the Knights Of Rodeghan. King Wallace convinced Kim to take Prince Wally to America where he would be safe; and was a bit surprised when Prince Wally's run for class president did him a lot of good.
Last Modified by J
Bob Chen
[image]Bob Chen is Mr. Possible's old college buddy. Bob Chen majored in astronomy, and enjoys reminding Mr. Possible that he accidently blasted off another rocket before it's schedule. Bob Chen is also friends with Professor Ramesh. The two were kidnapped in a plot by Dr. Drakken to show off his "perfect" bebe robots.
Last Modified by J
Professor Ramesh
[image]Professor Ramesh is Mr. Possible's old college buddy. And like his other friend, Bob Chen, Professor Ramesh majored in astronomy. They both work at the Mount Middleton Observatory. Professor Ramesh has crossed paths twice with Dr. Drakken. The first was in a kidnapping. The second involved a plot to turn the world's top scientists into idiots by use of a brain control hat.
Last Modified by J
Junior, Vinny, Big Mike
[image]Junior, Vinny, and Big Mike are three Middleton High students who shared detention with Kim. Kim faced a personal crisis when dealing with the three; she felt her social status was threatened. Junior and Vinny warned Kim that an explosive device was attached to her nose. Big Mike, although afraid of Rufus, had no problem attacking Shego by sitting on her. Kim found detention with "her boys" much more tolerable afterwards.
Last Modified by J
Mrs. Load (Wade's mother)
[image]Mrs. Load appears to be a housewife, but this remains to be confirmed. Mrs. Load enjoys the gadgets her son creates, such as the holocube and a facial gizmo. She also understands why her son never leaves his room. But don't think that she's too lacking in her motherly duties. She did ground Wade for hacking into her recipes and taking out all references to brocolli.
Last Modified by J
Steel Toe and Pain King
[image]Steel Toe and Pain King are two wrestlers from the GWA (Global Wrestling Association). In the ring, the two are bitter enemies. Out of the ring, the two are good friends. Both helped Kim defeat The Jackal, the spirit of Anubis in possession of a human form. Steel Toe is Ron's favorite wrestler, while Monique prefers Pain King.
Last Modified by J
Professor Icari
[image]Professor Icari is an entomologist, and studies insects. He lives in the Amazon rainforest, but did do some study research in China. Professor Icari is fascinated with bugs and insects. His house is completely infested with them, yet he doesn't mind. He keeps a centipede as a pet, and eats chips made from grasshoppers. Kim has helped Professor Icari twice. The first was to recover blueprints for a robot tick. The second was to recover the roflex, which caused insects to grow bigger.
Last Modified by J
Jackie Oakes
[image]Jackie Oakes is founder of the GWA. Short in size, Jackie hoped for a chance to get in the ring; but he was way too small. To make up for it, he cast a magic spell that would allow himself to become possessed by the spirit of Anubis and become The Jackal. Kim and Ron came to the rescue, and defeated The Jackal with the help of Steel Toe and Pain King by turning him back into Jackie. He was then tossed into the crowd by Steel Toe and Pain King. What happened to Jackie Oakes after that remains a mystery.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Elsa Cleeg
[image]Elsa Cleeg is a famous fashion critic on television. Elsa knows what's hot and what is not . . . what's here today, and gone tomorrow. Elsa is the authority on fashion, and even influences Club Banana. Elsa would use Kim's mission clothes to create "Kimstyle." This upset Kim, who couldn't wait for the fad to end.
Last Modified by J
Private Dobbs
[image]Private Cleotis Dobbs was a guard for the U.S. Army. He was supposed to protect a top secret military piece of equipment called the neutronilizer. However, Drakken used a machine to switch his brain with Private Dobbs'. Drakken stole the neutronilizer, and threatened the world with it. Drakken then managed to capture Private Dobbs, and both were happy to get their old bodies back.
Last Modified by J
[image]Hirotaka was the foreign exchange student from Yamanouchi Japan. Cool and slick in every way, Hirotaka quickly gained admiration of every girl in Middleton including Jessica, Maracella, Bonnie, Kim, and Monique. Brick Flagg on the other hand, tried to fight him. Hirotaka displayed his martial art skills and easily defeated him. Hirotaka went back to Japan at the end of the episode, and has not been seen since.
Last Modified by J
Master Sensei
[image]Master Sensei is head of the Yamanouchi ninja school in Japan. Elderly and wise, Sensei helps the students of Yamanouchi become warriors. This includes Ron, who went to Yamanouchi as an exchange student. Sensei encouraged Ron to find the stolen Lotus Blade and rescue Yori. One year later, Sensei was kinapped by an unknown assailant in a demented plot to find Monkey Fist. Sensei displayed some of his ninja powers during this encounter, which included communication in spirit form, and the ability to fly. In Season 4, he created the Yamanouchi Adoption Agency to place Hana with Ron and his family.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Doctor Betty Director
[image]Doctor Director is head of GJ or Global Justice. Kim met Dr. Director while helping find a retired weapons specialist. Since then, GJ has helped Kim with rides and by arresting evildoers after Kim has defeated them. Dr. Director has a twin brother, who revealed her name as Betty. The two have a rivalry that goes back to their childhood.
Last Modified by J
Phillipe Bullion
[image]Phillipe Bullion is a billionaire who runs The Billionaire's Club. He has expensive taste, especially for the taste of caviar. Bullion made the mistake of banning Senior Senior Senior from his club. Senior tried to get revenge by freezing the tropical island that The Billionaire's Club is on with a machine called the cryovator. Kim rescued Bullion and destroyed the cryovator before Senior Senior Senior did much damage.
Last Modified by J
Joe the janitor
[image]Joe first met Kim Possible on career day as a janitor in "Job Unfair". Since, he was the only choice left, Kim had no choice but to study the custodian career from him. Joe seemed like the kind of guy who took his job way too seriously and had Kim studying his special vaccuum cleaner every minute, from inside out. Eventually, Joe was revealed to be an undercover Canadian agent sent to recruit Kim to foil Drakken's attempts to take over Canada. It was also revealed that Drakken's weather machine was an enlarged version of Joe's vaccuum, which gave Kim the knowledge to shut it down! After Drakken was defeated, Joe returned home knowing his mission had been acomplished with Kim's help.
Last Modified by DanMat6288
Frederick the space monkey
[image]Frederick is a super intelligent monkey who was trained for a mission to the space station. He can fly a rocket, and even communicate using a device attached to his wrist. Unfortunately, Monkey Fist thought that Frederick was part of an ancient prophecy. He stormed the Middleton jet propulsion laboratory with his army of monkey ninjas and tried to kidnap Frederick to make the prophecy come true. Frederick escaped, but Ron was accidently taken onto the space station instead. Frederick helped Kim rescue Ron and defeat Monkey Fist. Frederick stayed on the space station to complete his mission. Ron and Frederick stayed in touch via e-mail after that.
Last Modified by DanMat6288
Rabbi Katz
[image]Rabbi Katz is Ron's spiritual adviser in the Jewish tradition. Unfortunately, Rabbi Katz forgot to sign Ron's bar mitzvah certificate which led Ron to question how much of a man he was. This led to Ron using a ring that granted him instant muscles. Ron accidently ran into Rabbi Katz while on a mission in Las Vegas while he was at a rabbinical conference. Rabbi Katz set Ron straight by making him realize that muscles are not important for manhood; it's understanding what kind of man Ron was.
Last Modified by J
Zita Flores
[image]Zita had just started working at the movie theater when Ron first saw her. He consistently bought movie tickets to talk to her, and he eventually won her over. By this, it could be assumed that Zita was Ron's first actual girlfriend. She is a regular player of the online game Everlot, and Ron told her that he was a regular player too, even though he wasn't. Unfortunately, Ron and Zita were trapped inside a virtual version of Everlot by another player, Malcom Nevious. This is when Zita found that Ron had lied to her, and supposedly this where their relationship ended. In the finale, "Graduation", it was revealed that she had started dating Felix Renton.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Dr. Freeman
[image]Dr. Freeman is a scientist known for perfecting artificial intelligence. Dr. Freeman set his whole house with appliances and a car that could think, talk, and perform on their own. Dr. Freeman was kidnapped by Drakken and convinced by Shego to help create an army of robots with advanced artificial intelligence. Dr. Freeman did so, only to realize his mistake afterwards. Kim defeated the robots, and rescued Dr. Freeman.
Last Modified by J
[image]SADI stands for Systemized Auto Driving Intelligence. Developed by Dr. Freeman, SADI has enough artificial intelligence to think and perform on it's own. When Dr. Freeman was kidnapped, SADI enlisted Kim's help to find him. SADI comes with an array of abilities including self-driving, an ejector seat, disintegrator ray, and a cupholder that can hold a King-sized Slurpster. SADI can also change it's form, shape, size, and color to match another vehicle. SADI helped Kim pass her driving test, as well as rescue Dr. Freeman from Drakken. However, due to SADI's interference, Kim felt obligated to retake her driving test since she felt she had cheated.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Team Go
[image]Team Go is a group of superheroes from Go City. They consist of Shego's four brothers. Hego is the oldest with super strength. Mego is the second oldest, and can shrink. Then there is Shego, who left Team Go to pursue a life as a villain. And finally, there are Wego and Wego; twin brothers who can clone themselves. Team Go was granted their superpowers from a multi-colored comet. They now live in the Go Tower, using their powers for good and fighting crime. Aviarius is their arch enemy, who tried to steal their powers. Kim convinced Shego to rejoin Team Go temporarily to get their powers back. When not a superhero, Hego is a manager at the world's first Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho.
Last Modified by J
Cyrus Bortel
[image]Cyrus Bortel is a scientist who specializes in mind control devices. Kim first met Bortel after Drakken and Shego had busted into his lab and stole the neural compliance chip, a device that allowed total mind control. Cyrus Bortel would return two years later, when Drakken stole his electron magneto accelerator. Unfortunately, Bortel's other project, the infamous moodulators, would effect Kim and Shego. This in turn, freaked Ron and Drakken out when the moodulators were set onto the love position. When not unintensionally damaging people's persona, Cyrus Bortel sells his inventions via online auction to government agencies. He also watches The Fearless Ferret.
Last Modified by J
[image]Pepe is Gemini's pet chihuahua. This timid little creature who barks everytime he hears the name Global Justice is fiercely devoted to his owner. Pepe hardly ever leaves Gemini's side, and is ready for guard dog duty whenever asked. He travels in a pet cage so that he is never far from Gemini. Gemini often babies his little dog, treating Pepe better than he treats his own henchmen.
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JP Bearymore's Animatronic Band
[image]JP Bearymore's Pizza Party-Torium hosts an animatronic band that plays for their customer's entertainment. They consist of JP Bearymore on banjo, and Pizzapotamus on drums. No names were given to the otter on saxaphone, or the beaver on guitar. JP Bearymore is made from some of the most advanced robotics and computer programming on the market. Unfortunately, Junior and Senior stole the band. Senior modified them in a plot to become king of Europe. Kim and Ron foiled this plot, and the animatronic band was shut down.
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Timothy North
[image]Timothy North is an aging actor who played the original Fearless Ferret. Over time, he began to lose focus on reality, and began to believe that he really was The Fearless Ferret. He made his home to look like it did on the television, complete with secret underground lair. Ron accidentally found his secret lair, and was allowed to become The Fearless Ferret 2.0. Kim helped Mr. North realize that the television show wasn't real, and that there were plenty of fans who still loved him.
Last Modified by J
Vivian Porter
[image]Vivian Francis Porter worked as a lab partner to Dr. Phen at the Middleton Space Propulsion Center. That is until she quit. Vivian then began hanging around the robot rumble arena with her nerdy boyfriend Oliver. It was later revealed that Vivian was a robotics expert and the authority on self preservation programming. Vivian was then put in charge of the robotic lab at the propulsion center.
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Malcolm Nivius
[image]Malcolm Nivius is an Everlot player whose want for power in the gaming world led him to create the annonymous character "The Wraithmaster." Malcolm tried to take over Everlot by imprisoning all the other players; all for the hope of making Zita Flores his queen. Malcolm's father worked on a virtual immersion cap, which Malcolm used to trap Ron and Zita. Kim, Ron, Zita, Wade, Rufus, and other Everlot players banded their powers together to defeat Malcolm. Ron then convinced Malcolm to try for the drama club.
Last Modified by J
Hana Stoppable
[image]Hana is Ron's adopted sister. When the Stoppable's adopted Hana, they moved Ron up into the attic, and Hana into Ron's old bedroom--after they turned it into a nursery--without Ron's prior knowledge or input, leading Ron to view her as "an Intruder". It is seen that she has incredible strength, as she was able to pick up Monkey Fist with only one hand. Hana, like her brother, has mystical monkey powers. Later on, she would use these powers to defeat Yono the Destoyer when the being attacked Yamanouchi, mainly due to the influence of her big brother and his obsession with teaching her with the Flippies DVD. It is implied that Hana may be Yori's little sister.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Miss Guide
[image]Miss Guide is the S.K.I.P. counselor for Kim Possible's brothers, and most definitely doesn't work for free: in fact, the S.K.I.P. program funding and her salary caused the "Senior Table Lunch Program" to be cancelled. After following Kim and her brothers around for a few weeks, she made the recommendation that Jim and Tim be enrolled as freshmen at another school. However, Kim disagreed, paving the way for Jim and Tim to become freshmen at Middleton.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Mr. Mrs. Stoppable
[image]Mrs.Stoppable is a heart warming mom to Ron.As Mr. Stoppable is a heart warming dad. They are Jewish. Mr.Stoppable is an actuary of the year, and can work anywhere people attach a value to human life. Mrs.Stoppable (according to info from "Sitch in Time") works in a bank. Also in "Sitch in Time", Mrs. Stoppable gets transferred to Norway, and the family has to move there. This was hard for Ron because he had to leave Kim. Their way of telling Ron about something normally involves doing it first and then saying "This is our way of telling you."
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Mrs. Lipsky (Drakken's Mother)
[image]Mrs. Lipski treats her son, Dr. Drakken, like he's still a child. In return, Drakken hasn't told his mother the truth about how evil he is. Instead, he told Mrs. Lipski that he is actually a radio talk show host who helps people with their problems. Mrs. Lipski would also like for her son to get married and settle down. So naturally she's on the lookout for a bride for him. Mrs. Lipski also thinks her son is a good boy and would never do anything to hurt someone.
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[image]Drew Lipski became tired of being tease, taunted, and laughed at throughout school and college. He decided to use his genius for evil and became Dr. Drakken. This blue skinned villain is Kim's arch foe, and will not stop in his plans for world domination. With Shego and an army of henchmen at his side, Drakken is a teen's hero worst nightmare.
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Professor Dementor
[image]His real name is Demends. This yellow skinned bad guy is often reclusive, a more laid back evil foe. Professor Dementor is seen mostly around his private island lair rather than taking over the world; even though Dementor has the scientific genius to create doomsday weaponry. He also has an army of well trained henchmen at his command. Dr. Drakken considers Professor Dementor his arch rival. Dementor may know this, but doesn't seem to care.
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[image]Once a superhero, Shego became Dr.Drakken's sidekick; helping in his conquest to take over the world. This long haired but short tempered beauty is ready with plasma claws, amazing agility, and martial art abilities that rival Kim's.She is Wanted in eleven countries, Shego is as dangerous as she is beautiful. When Dr.Drakken is around, watch out! Shego is most likely not far behind. At one point, Shego was know as Miss Go in the episode "Stop Team Go" when she turned good.
Last Modified by ShegoxDrakkenFan
Duff Killigan
[image]Duff Killigan is the world's most dangerous golfer. Killigan was a professional golfer. But he was banned from all golf courses in the world, including mini golf, for exessive violence. Killigan is more of an annoyance on Kim's list of arch foes. He prefers to play golf on his own personal Scottish castle than take over the world.
Last Modified by J
Monkey Fist
[image]Lord Monty Fiske is an English archeologist and an expert on all things monkey related. Unfortunately, he became so obsessed with tai shing pek kwar(monkey fung fu) that he had his hands and feet genetically altered into that of a monkey, and renamed himself Monkey Fist. Now Monkey Fist travels the world, seeking the magical artifacts that will give him the power to take over the world. He also trains an army of monkey ninjas to help in that goal. After being defeated after releasing a villain named Yono the destroyer, he was reduced to a stone statue and buried for eternity due to succumbing to the "Path of Yono". He is notable for being the first recurring character on the show to be "killed off".
Last Modified by vlad4
Adrena Lynn
[image]Adrena Lynn was a tv star with a reality based show in which she did extreme stunts. Kim and Ron accidentally uncovered Lynn's stunts were fake. Lynn's ratings dropped and the show was cancelled. Adrena Lynn promised revenge. The events that soon followed had her arrested, and she has failed to make an appearance since then. Adrena Lynn is best known for the annoying tag phrase, "Freaky!"
Last Modified by J
[image]Bates was Monkey Fist's butler. Desperately loyal, Bates did his job thoroughly to please his master. After gaining mystical monkey power, Monkey Fist began training an army of monkey ninja warriors. Bates has since then not returned; and whether or not he is still employed by Monkey Fist remains to be confirmed.
Last Modified by J
Motor Ed
[image]Original name Eddie Lipsky. Motor Ed is a mechanical genius always looking for a set of new wheels. Whether it be his motorcycle, or a monster truck, Ed is desperate for speed and power. Ed is known for several traits. These include his outdated hairstyle, air guitar, and the phrase, "Seriously!" Ed once worked for the government, but quit after refusing to cut his mullet. It was later revealed that he is also a cousin of Drew Lipsky, a.k.a. Dr. Drakken's.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
[image]Aviarius is Team Go's arch foe. Kim helped Team Go after Aviarius tried to steal their powers. Aviarius lives on the peak of Go Mountain, just outside of Go City. His lair is similar to a bird's nest. He also builds robot birds to help carry out his evil plans.
Last Modified by J
[image]Zorpox is Ron's evil alter ego. Inspired by a comic book, Ron engulfed the persona of Zorpox after a technical failure with a machine that caused Ron to absorb all of Drakken's evilness, while Drakken became good. Slightly insane, Zorpox created a plasma generator, a personal force shield, and a mega weather generator to take over the world's supply of nacos. Kim and Drakken managed to defeat Zorpox, and Ron was reverted back to normal.
Last Modified by J
[image]DNAmy is perhaps the world foremost geneticist. Amy Hall became obsessed with cuddle buddies. After collecting every single cuddle buddy, she began creating real life versions from spliced DNA. She is by no means the biggest threat on Kim's evil foe list. Amy is also known for several love interests, including Steve Barkin, Drakken, and others, although her biggest crush seemes to involve Monkey Fist. She is also the one who performed the surgery to give Monkey Fist his trademark hands and feet. In her last appearance, she had given herself gorilla arms and feet to match his monkey versions.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Frugal Lucre
[image]Frugal Lucre is considered to be the world's cheapest villain. His real name is Frances Lerman. He lives in the basement of his mother's home, and works at Smarty Mart. Frugal demanded everyone to send him one dollar or else he would destroy the internet. Kim foiled his plot, and Frugal was arrested. He has been most recently sharing a jail cell with Drakken.
Last Modified by J
Senior Senior Senior
[image]Senior Senior Senior is a billionaire who became bored with his ultra rich lifestyle. On an offhand remark from Ron, Senior decided to do villainy as a side hobby. Senior got The Book Of Evil and began practicing all things criminal, especially the evil laugh. Senior is always courteous and follows strictly to the villains code. Senior Senior Senior has a son, Senior Senior Junior, and wonders why he doesn't take villainy more seriously.
Last Modified by J
Senior Senior Junior
[image]Senior Senior Junior is Senior Senior Senior's son. Unlike his father, Junior has no plots to take over the world. Instead, Junior has used evil tendencies to realize his dream of becoming a pop sensation. Junior uses his vast wealth on suntanning and Le' Goop hair care products with hopes of singing or acting. Personified by lack of interest in almost everything, Junior is often lazy, ignorant, and certainly not Kim's smartest foe. Senior Senior Junior did show some potential under Shego's teachings, and they developed a short term crush on each other. But Senior Senior Senior's interference made Shego realize that Junior would always be under his father's thumb.
Last Modified by J
Gil Moss (A.K.A. Gill)
[image]Gil spent a summer with Ron at Camp Wannaweep. Ron was afraid of the foul water, Gil wasn't, so they their schedules so Gil could swim more while Ron had another session of arts and crafts. Unfortunately the lake water was toxic thanks to runoff from Science Camp, and changed Gil into an amphibious mutant. Gil changed his name into Gill and promised revenge. Gill considers Ron his arch foe. He would later return once more as a human, but utilized a still toxic part of the lake to revert back to his amphibious form.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko
Sheldon "Gemini"
[image]Gemini is the leader of the WWEE or World Wide Evil Empire. He is also Dr. Director's older twin brother (by four minutes). With a mechanical hand, Gemini rules his empire with an iron fist. Gemini has no problem eliminating his henchmen for indiscriminate failures. Gemini also has a pet chihuahua named Pepe who remains by his side. Ron defeated Gemini after being kidnapped. Kim and Dr. Director came to save him. Dr. Director revealed Gemini's real name as Sheldon, and the two got into a arguement unmasking deep rooted sibling rivalry.
Last Modified by J
Jack Hench of Hench Co.
[image]Jack Hench is the head of HenchCo, a company dedicated to providing mechanical devices for evil bad guys. Jack is strictly a businessman, always looking for the right buyer at the right price; even if his clients include Senior Senior Senior and Professor Dementor. HenchCo is always trying to make a better henchman. And if it can be done by a miracle of science, Jack Hench is certain to want to profit from it.
Last Modified by J
Big Daddy Brotherson
[image]Big Daddy Brotherson is perhaps the biggest blackmarketer in the world. He also enjoys playing games with people; and has a loyal bodyguard to make sure they play with him. Big Daddy is overweight and prone to sweets. And he is willing to give up anybody for the right price. Big Daddy Brotherson currently does his business from the nightclub The Bermuda Triangle.
Last Modified by J
Drakken's henchmen
[image]Drakken has a personal army of henchmen. They wear red suits, goggles, and carry electrical polearms that shoot fireballs. Although mostly incompetent, they make that up in numbers. Drakken doesn't use henchmen as bodyguards, since Shego more than makes up for what they can't do. However, they can serve valuable purposes such as running machines, and test subjects for brain washing shampoo.
Last Modified by J
The Knights Of Rodeghan
[image]The Knights Of Rodeghan are a group who hope to bring down the reign of Wallace III according to prophecy. The story goes is that a king of a small European nation was cruel and unjust. His own knights plotted against him, but were defeated instead. The ancestors of those knights held their grudge for centuries waiting for Wallace III as prophecied in a tapestry. Kim managed to defeat The Knights Of Rodeghan; and Prince Wally volunteered to end his own reign anyways.
Last Modified by J
The Bebes
[image]Drakken failed in his first attempt to create artificial female companionship in robot form. His second attempt was more successful. Drakken has named his robot females "bebes" and proclaims them perfect. Drakken used his bebes to capture his old college friends. Kim's father found a way to defeat the bebes; but it was not their end. They came back a second time, more advanced than ever before. Kim defeated the bebes the second time, and they have yet to make another comeback.
Last Modified by J
Commodore Puddles
[image]Commodore Puddles belongs to Drakken. He is small poodle with a vicious spirit. Drakken taught him a number of tricks including how to take out Kim. Later, Drakken would use Commodore Puddle's DNA in a plot to clone Kim for his own personal army of Kim clones. Commodore Puddles would return again, the second time with pink fur, and was accidently enlarged to monsterous size. Drakken then used Commodore Puddles to attack Area 51, but was stopped by Rufus. Commodore Puddles was then captured by the army, and he has not been back since.
Last Modified by J
Camille Leon
[image]A highly skilled actress and heiress to a cat food fortune, Camille made headlines everywhere she went. However, Camille's father disinherited her from her fortune for reasons yet unknown. Having turned to a life of crime, Camille agreed to undergo an experimental plastic surgery proceedure dubbed "nanomorphing", allowing her to change her appearence at will. Using her powers, Camille went on a major crime spree, disguising herself as other famous celebrities and leaving the real celebrities with the blame. However, despite investigating the crimes, Kim never once suspected Camille. However, the Tweebs managed to reveal Camille's secret to Kim, which ultimately led to her arrest.
Last Modified by Camilleleon
[image]Warmonga is a super strong and practically invincible alien. She is a Lorbordian, which was the victor of the thirteen moons of Gigoes. She came to earth after recieving earth television transmissions (particularly Drakken's lather, rince, and obey commercial), and thought that Drakken was the prophicized "Great Blue" that said foretold of a man who would have reached out to the Lorbordians from beyond the stars. Warmonga busted Drakken out of jail, and gave him a new lair with advanced alien technology and weapons. She carries a big energy staff which can deflect plasma blasts, and a ray gun. She can also benchpress thirteen hundred qualocks.
Last Modified by J
Falsetto Jones
[image]Falsetto Jones is a very rich and famous breeder of Lithuanian wolf hounds. Jones has done several high profile crimes, but has never been charged with any of them. Kim was called in after the Kimber diamond had been stolen. She went to Jones' highly secured estate, and went undercover in his annual dog show entering Rufus as a showdog. Kim and Ron managed to retrieve the Kimber diamond. Falsetto Jones' high voice is due to a helium accident.
Last Modified by J
Rudolph Farnsworth The White Stripe
[image]Rudolph Farnsworth is an aging actor who played The White Stripe in the television show The Fearless Ferret. Over time, Farnsworth began to believe that he really was The White Stripe, and plotted revenge against The Fearless Ferret version 2.0. Farnsworth wears a costume resembling a skunk, and his specialty is a gas from his tail that can knock someone out. Farnsworth tried to stink up Ferret Fest, a convention dedicated to The Fearless Ferret. Ron foiled his plan. Farnsworth returned to normal after seeing Timothy North, who played the original Fearless Ferret.
Last Modified by J
[image]Fukushima is a student at the secret ninja school in Yamanouchi, Japan. Fukushima was at odds with Ron while he was an exchange student there. After Yori was kidnapped by Monkey Fist and The Lotus Blade was stolen, Fukushima led Ron into the mountains as a guide. It was then revealed that Fukushima was a traitor, and only led Ron to be captured. Ron rescued Yori and retrieved The Lotus Blade. Fukushima tried to stop Ron once more, and was easily defeated.
Last Modified by J
Summer Gale
[image]Summer Gale is a newsanchor who was getting less and less time on television due to her age. She managed to gain some temporary fame covering a blizzard that hit Middleton. Middleton was hit with a different threat: Zombie snowmen. The snowmen attacked Summer Gale while she was on the air. Kim managed to rescue her. It was later revealed that Summer Gale had used a weather machine to create the blizzard with hopes of more air time. She also used the toxic water from Lake Wannaweep, which caused the snowmen. Kim and Ron disabled the weather machine. It is unknown if Summer Gale is still on the air.
Last Modified by J
[image]Electronique is an electrical themed villian who uses electricity as her main weapon. She has a thick French accent and is one of Team Go's foes. Her personality comes off as very demanding and she is quite vengeful from the time that Team Go first put her in jail. She requires respect from her henchmen, and becomes highly annoyed when they do something wrong or act stupid, leading her to blast them with her electrical powers, keeping them in line.
Last Modified by vlad4
The Mathter
[image]The Mathter is one of the three known foes of Team Go, a 70's cartoon styled villain who's name is a combination of the words "math" and "master". According to Hego, he became bent on revenge against Go City after officials denied him funding for his twisted mathematical experiments. Most of his 'weapons' are based on mathematical terms such as Pi or the number 3, as well as the phrases he uses. During battle, when his weapons fail, he relies on his henchmen, called 'The Co-Efficients', to fight for him. He created an 'Infinity Dome' where he could use his Math prowess as a weapon so that he could battle Team Possible. He was eventually defeated by Ron's dad.
Last Modified by vlad4
Yono the Destroyer
[image]A villain released by Monkey Fist to help him find the "weapon", which was really Hana. After making a pact with Monkey Fist, Yono went to Yamanouchi where he easly took care of Kim, Rufus, and Master Sensei by turing them to stone. When Hana beat Monkey Fist, he returned everyone back to normal and returned to the earth with Monkey Fist, now a statute. His (the Yono that Monkey Fist unleashed) fate is unknown.
Last Modified by Luke Danger
Nanny Maim
[image]A former head of an English academy for Nannies, her school went out of business as the practice of using strict nannies to raise children became less fashionable. She developed a machine that turned people into super strong babies and began to steal pacifiers, holding them for ransom. Kim was able to defeat Nanny Nane by using her own babysitting skills to pacify her minions, then reverting them to their original age with her machine.
Last Modified by vlad4
[image]A leader in the Lowardian army and Wormanga's battlemate. He and Warmonga attack Earth during Kim Possible's Graduation as revenge for Drakken deceiving, and Kim defeating, Warmonga. Warhok abducts Drakken and Kim and launch an invasion of powerful alien robots to take over the Earth. Warhok's plan comes off the rails when Ron, Rufus and Shego manage to rescue Kim and Drakken before disabling his ship's power core, causing it to fall out of orbit and into the Earth's atmosphere After abandoning ship, Warhok battles with Drakken, Shego and Team Possible, who manage to overcome his robots using Drakken's new found mutant vine powers. Just as it appears that he has been defeated he breaks free of Drakken's vines and incapasitates Kim; planning to take her back to his home world and to mount her on his wall as a trophy. However, the thought of Kim being in mortal danger proves to be the catalyst that Ron needs to tap into his dormant Mystical Monkey Powers. With full control over his powers, Ron proceeds to engage both Warhok and Warmonga in close combat, defeating them easily. Warhok is last seen being thrown by Ron, into his spaceship and explodes. Although it was never explicitly stated what became of Warhok, the series ending indicates that he was either killed in the impact or by the ensuing explosion.
Last Modified by vlad4
The Fashionistas
[image]The Fashionistas make millions flooding the market with their counterfeit fashion. They run the fashion under ground by copying the brand name designer fashions and selling knock offs around the world. The Fashionistas are Espadrille, Hoodie and Chino. They are also the ones responsible for designing Kim's new mission outfit, although they got absolutely no credit for doing so since they were caught trying to bribe a guard.
Last Modified by AmericanGecko

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