Kim opens her locker. Something prints out, even though her computer monitor is off.
Ron slides below Kim to push her away from her locker.
Ron grabs the paper that Kim has in her hands and puts in the middle of the folder. He�ll most likely put in order later. Ron complains that the paper is �sensitive material.� This also indicates that Ron keeps some files on Kim�s computer.
Kim and Rufus have trouble believing Ron�s comment that he has sensitive material. Ron indicates that he writing something for the school newspaper.
Kim indicates that Ron is not on the school newspaper because they keep turning him down.
Ron calls his story, �edgy.� He believes that it will convince the school newspaper to accept him.
First appearance of the school newspaper editor. She reads the title to Ron�s report: �Math, you�ll never actually use it in the real world.�
Ron indicates he is writing a follow up piece about semicolons.
The school newspaper editor shows how hard nosed she is by getting a call, and telling the caller that �no comment� is unacceptable. She then indicates the caller�s mother is principle of the school. This also indicates that the principle is a woman. It has been widely and incorrectly believed that Mr. Barkin was the school principle.
The editor throws Ron�s story back at him. She indicates that if he wants to be on the school newspaper, he�ll need something with an edge and an angle.
Ron if first confident in his abilities as a reporter. The he realizes he doesn�t have any ideas and hopes that Kim has one.
First appearance of the Middleton football stadium. Kim and the cheerleaders practice the cheer �Middleton is H.O.T.� Tara and Bonnie are missing from the cheer.
Kim gives the cheerleaders a five minute break.
Ron approaches Kim to see if she has any story ideas.
Kim says, �Why ask me? You�re the born reporter.� She then walks away. Kim may not have an ideas. On the other hand, she might have ideas, but is unwilling to share them with Ron.
Ron asks the football jocks which are failing classes, but are still playing in the weekend�s game. This is a reference to the problem in schools in which the athletes tend to get much better grades than they deserve, just because they play on a team. Athletes should have to maintain a certain grade point average before they can play, but this is often overlooked in favor of school spirit.
Kim watches as the jocks trash Ron by throwing him towards her. Ron lands on the ground while Kim ignores him. Ron decides to pass on the story about the jocks failing classes.
Brick approaches Kim and steps on Ron.
Brick compliments Kim on her outfit. Kim immediately knows that Brick is crushing on her. This annoys Kim. Brick�s football number is seven.
Kim watches Tara and a mystery cheerleader go by. This makes Brick�s remark about Kim�s outfit irrelevant.
Kim plays off Brick�s comment by indicating that it is her size.
Brick then compliments Kim on what she does. Kim thinks that Brick is talking about how she saves the world.
Brick is actually complimenting Kim on how she spells stuff during cheer practice.
Brick walks away and steps on Ron again. Ron gets up and indicates that he wants to do a story about Kim.
Instead of doing the interview, Ron, Jim, Tim, and Kim are watching television.
First appearance of Adrena Lynn. Lynn shouts her annoying line, �Freaky!� Lynn is doing an extreme stunt show in which she is supposed to survive without food or water in the wilderness, and chained to bear. This is most likely a parody of the MTV show Jackass, which featured extreme stunts. The announcer indicates that Lynn is a teenager. She is most likely in her late teens. Kim doesn�t like the show and jokes that at least the bear won�t go hungry.
The tagline for Lynn�s show is �What will she do next?�
Kim is annoyed that Ron is paying more attention to the televison than giving her an interview.
Ron wants to do the interview during the commercial. He then asks if Kim has any chips.
Ron, Jim, and Tim are excited to see Adrena Lynn go fishing with the bear. Kim turns off the television with the remote control.
Kim calls Adrena Lynn�s show, �A mind numbing waste of satellite frequencies.�
Ron agrees, but then indicates that he�s recording it at home.
Kim worries about a kid getting hurt while imitating Adrena Lynn�s stunts. This is another possible reference to Jackass, when several people were seriously hurt when they attempted to imitate the stunts that were portrayed on the televison show.
Jim and Tim decide to sneak into the bear cage at the zoo to imitate Adrena Lynn. They also tie steaks around their heads.
Ron is worried about Jim and Tim. Kim is not, and indicates that the zoo is locked at night.
Kim sits down and demands they start the interview. Ron uses a small cassette recorder to do so.
Kim is annoyed by Ron�s first question: �What�s it like to be you?�
Lynn uses a news van to broadcast her show. Her camera man is driving now.
A bear costume lies in the back of the van. This indicates that Lynn�s extreme wilderness stunt was faked. Someone was obviously posing as the bear. Who that person was is unknown.
The camera man was previously seen in Royal Pain. This time he has a speaking role. Lynn indicates that she is getting higher rating and good merchandise sales. The camera man indicates that people imitating her stunts are up too.
Lynn refuses to take responsibility for people getting hurt while imitating her stunts. Her attitude annoys her camera man, who seems worried.
Lynn indicates she wants her next stunt to be even more bigger. She hints her plan for a bungie jump.
First appearance of the Stoppable home. First time we see it at night.
Ron and Rufus listen to Kim�s interview and they are bored. Kim affirms she�s just an average girl and teenager. Ron indicates that after watching Adrena Lynn wrestle a bear, Kim is lame in comparison. This also indicates that Ron watched Adrena Lynn�s show before sitting down to go through Kim�s interview.
Ron fast forwards the tape and hears Kim say, �We have an awesome team this year. Brick Flagg was totally hot in last week�s game.�
Ron decides to manipulate Kim�s quote to use as an angle. Rufus disapproves.
Ron sharpens his pencil and accidently knocks Rufus off the desk.
MHS sign
Bonnie is wearing her cheerleader uniform while Kim is not. Bonnie brings Kim a newspaper and indicates that she will be embarrassed and rejected. Kim doesn�t know what Bonnie is talking about.
Kim reads the headline, �Cheer Leader Kim Possible thinks quarterback Brick Flagg is H.O.T.� The article was written by Ron. This indicates that Ron is finally on the school newspaper.
Bonnie is convinced that Brick won�t have anything to do with Kim.
Brick shows up. Contrary to what Bonnie said, Brick is totally crushing on Kim.
Kim tries to explain what really she said. Brick doesn�t pay any attention and asks her out Friday.
Kim tries to say no, but Brick immediately then asks if he can pick her up at 8:00 p.m. This indicates that Brick knows where Kim lives.
Brick brags that Kim is crushing on him to two MHS background students.
Kim approaches Ron in the cafeteria and yells, �So I think Brick Flagg is hot?!�
The nameless girl in blue hears Kim and thinks it is a confession to how she feels about Brick. She immediately tells the background student next to her continuing the rumor.
Ron is happy he finally got onto the school newspaper. Kim changes the subject by complaining that Ron misquoted her.
Ron admits to bending the truth. He then indicates that he did it because a crime fighting cheerleader should have given a more interesting story.
Ron teases the lunch lady by asking for an omellete made with the white only. He gets a spoonful of the noodles instead.
Ron says, �She must not know who I am.� This is a reference to super stars, and how they always get special treatment from people because of their celebrity.
Ron indicates he wants to cover the story on Kim�s date with Brick. Brick most likely approached Ron earlier and indicated he was going to ask Kim out.
Bonnie and Amelia approach Ron. They want Ron to sit with them. Amelia indicates she�s having a party tonight with fifty of her closest friends. She wants Ron to do a story on it. To have that size of a party, Amelia must be well off and rich.
Bonnie indicates that Ron writing a story on the party will let all the other social outcasts know what they�ve missed. This indicates that Bonnie is going to the party too.
Ron suggests inviting all the other social outcasts. Bonnie and Amelia laugh at this idea.
Ron leaves Kim behind so he can be with Bonnie and Amelia.
Kim sits down at a table by herself. Brick sits beside her and compliments her on her lunch.
Kim desperately wants to talk to Brick and says, �I�m glad you�re here.� Brick thinks Kim is actually happy to see him.
Brick�s original date idea was the classic dinner and a movie. He then he has another idea: Hot dogs at the theater.
The kimmunicator beeps. First time Kim uses Wade to get away from school and be on a mission instead.
Brick calls Wade, �Kim�s computer dude.�
Wade calls Brick, �Kim thinks you�re hot dude.� This indicates that Wade has read Ron�s article.
Kim leaves Brick and goes to her locker to talk to Wade.
Wade indicates that Pop Pop Porter needs her help because he was robbed.
Ron comes forward and is ready to do a story on their mission. Kim pushes Ron away.
Pop Pop indicates that popcorn shrimp was stolen. Pop Pop has a large collection of blimps. He houses them in a large warehouse.
Pop Pop shows Kim and Ron where his missing blimp should be. He also indicates that he called his blimp Shrimp Force 1. This is most likely a play on the plane used by the president of the United States called Air Force 1. Pop Pop also indicates that Shrimp Force 1 was his favorite blimp.
Kim contacts Wade and asks him to look for reports about UFO sightings. Kim then narrows it down to reports of Earth being invaded by sea creatures.
Wade gets three reports. The first is about a giant pig in Belize. The second is about a pterodactyle in Pittsburg. The third is about a giant shrimp that is attacking New York City.
Shrimp Force 1 flies over Times Square in New York City. It�s unknown who is actually flying Shrimp Force 1. Lynn is performing her stunt; and her camera man is filming it.
The thief of the blimp is revealed as Adrena Lynn by her shadow and the her announcer having people ask, �What will she do next?�
Kim complains about Adrena Lynn stealing the blimp. Ron defends Lynn by saying what she does is art.
Adrena Lynn indicates she will bungie jump from the blimp blindfolded. A Club Banana store is nearby.
Lynn jumps. The line snaps.
Everyone gasps and screams as they watch Lynn fall to her death. Rufus covers his eyes.
Kim activates her jet pack.
Kim zooms past a sign for the Z-boy mascot.
Kim catches Adrena Lynn. The blindfold and hair flies off revealing it is actually a mannequin.
Lynn suddenly appears on the giant television to a cheering crowd. Apparently, nobody saw Kim with the mannequin. Because the spotlights had trouble keeping up with her descent.
Ron takes a picture of Lynn and believes he has a front page photo for the school newspaper.
Lynn does a little dance for the cheering crowd.
Ron suddenly sees Kim with the mannequin. Ron realizes what happened and his hero worship for Lynn is crushed.
MHS sign
Kim complains that Ron is having trouble overcoming the idea that Adrena Lynn is a fake. Ron confesses to not wanting to overcome the idea that Adrena Lynn is a fake. Kim then complains that Ron is a wrestling fan, and she believes it to be fake also. Ron doesn�t get the connection.
Wade indicates that Pop Pop Porter got so much publicity from Lynn�s stunt, that he is not pressing charges for her stealing his blimp. Ron doesn�t want Adrena Lynn to get away with it.
Wade highlights some key areas from the photo file. This is most likely Ron�s photo file. Wade prints it out on Kim�s computer by pressing one button on his keyboard.
Kim chastises Adrena Lynn for lying to the public just to advance her reputation. Kim also tries to get Ron to see he did the same thing just to advance his reputation as a news writer. Ron doesn�t get the connection.
Ron�s next column for the school newspaper is titled �Adrena Lynn a fake.�
Kim watches Tricia Lebowski on her computer doing a news story about Ron uncovering the fact that Adrena Lynn is a fake.
Ron proudly shows Kim how he made national headlines in the newspapers.
Kim reads the story, then hands the newspaper back to Ron. She complains that it is getting annoying.
Wade contacts Kim. He only mentions her brothers.
Tim has a broken leg. Jim has a broken arm. Jim tells Kim that they were bungie jumping off of a blimp like Adrena Lynn. They then change their story that they actually jumped off the roof and used yarn instead of a bungie cord.
Mr. Possible complains about Adrena Lynn. Mrs. Possible chastises the twins for not watching the news and knowing that Adrena Lynn is a fake.
Jim indicates the only show they watch is Adrena Lynn, although they have been seen watching wrestling before.
Jim realizes that Adrena Lynn is on. He uses a remote to turn on the television.
The television announcer indicates that since Adrena Lynn was exposed as a fake, and the copycat stunts---
Jim and Tim give each a high five when the copycat stunts are mentioned. Jim forgot that he has a broken arm.
The television announcer continues on to say that Adrena Lynn was cancelled by the network in favor of more responsible programming. An extra hour of �Stuff On Fire� will be shown instead.
Kim now has the remote control. She turns off the television and hopes to concentrate on the fake story about her and Brick.
Kim practices a cheer that will be used against East Side. Marcella is missing from the cheer.
Kim is distracted by Ron wearing sunglasses and hanging out with a new crowd.
Ron indicates that he will be covering the date between Kim and Brick.
Brick hears this and and assumes that a date between him and Kim is a sure thing.
Brick starts to walk away. Kim chases him and tells him �We need to talk.�
Brick indicates that Amelia said �We need to talk.� when she dumped him last year. Brick then softens what he just said by saying that he and Amelia broke up. This indicates Brick and Amelia once dated. Brick then indicates that he lost the football game against East Side because he was an emotional wreck.
For the sake of the team and game, Kim indicates she�ll go on a date with Brick on Friday. She then says, �I am sooo toast.�
Adrena Lynn drives along the countryside, stops her van to a sudden halt, and says, �She is sooo toast.�
Lynn demands her camera man to start recording. He reminds her that they�ve been cancelled. Lynn throws a tantrum. The camera man begins recording.
Lynn indicates that her next and biggest stunt yet will be revenge against Kim and Ron.
The recording only takes fourteen seconds. Lynn makes a slashing motion across her throat with her finger. This is traditional in television to stop filming.
The camera man reminds Lynn they don�t have an audience who will see the recording. Lynn assures him they will.
Lynn throws the van into gear and takes off. The van is an automatic.
MHS sign
Kim tries to check her kimmunicator, but there is nothing but static.
Wade contacts Kim with a nearby payphone. The button numbers five and eight are missing.
Wade indicates that there is a satellite for the kimmunicator and it is down. He also indicates that video signals all over the world are messed up.
Jim, Tim, and Mr. Possible complain about the lack of television reception.
Mrs. Possible comes in and suggest family quality time.
Jim and Tim are horrified at the thought of family quality time.
Tim suggests that Mr. Possible can fix the television because he is a rocket scientist. Mr. Possible jokes that he could send the television into orbit, but he�s not sure how that would help.
Kim comes in. Mrs. Possible tells Kim that Brick called. Only Mrs. Possible doesn�t use the name Brick, she calls him �your boyfriend.� Kim complains that Brick is not her boyfriend.
Mrs. Possible indicates that Ron said that Brick is Kim�s boyfriend on The Ron Report. This also indicates that Mrs. Possible read The Ron Report, most likely online. The story about Kim saying that Brick was H.O.T. was most likely reprinted online for readers. Kim groans. Mrs. Possible asks Kim if there is anything wrong.
Mr. Possible indicates that she has their attention, because the television is broke.
Kim tells everyone that Ron made up the story between her and Brick. She feels that she has to date him or else they could lose the game. Meanwhile, she�s wondering about the loss of satellites all over the world.
Mrs. Possible comforts Kim by telling her she has to be honest with Brick, and that if the team loses, it is not her fault. Mrs. Possible doesn�t how to help Kim with the satellite problem.
Brick suddenly shows up on channel 4 of the television. He is a bit confused and indicates that he thought Kim asked to meet him here.
Adrena Lynn shows up next and tells Brick, �She�ll be here.�
Jim and Tim are excited to see Adrena Lynn on television.
Mr. Possible tries different channels. Adrena Lynn is also on channels 4, 10, 12, and 16. Kim knows who has taken over the satellite transmissions. Who Lynn got with the technical expertise to take over the satellites is unknown. It�s unlikely her camera man was able to do so.
Kim tries to contact Wade, but Lynn has taken over the kimmunicator too. Lynn challenged Kim and Ron to extreme combat. To up the stakes, Lynn has Brick handcuffed. Lynn thinks that Brick is Kim�s boyfriend. This also indicates that Lynn has read The Ron Report.
Kim yells at the kimmunicator that Brick is not her boyfriend as though Lynn can hear her through the kimmunicator like Wade can.
Kim�s family isn�t sure how to respond to Kim�s outburst.
Kim leaves to stop Adrena Lynn.
Kim and Ron get to this mission by using Ron�s scooter. Ron indicates the road they�re on leads to the old Middleton fairgrounds. For some reason, the fair was never dismantled. Kim has her hair in a ponytail for the scooter ride.
Kim checks the kimmunicator. Adrena Lynn is still on doing stretch exercises. Ron believes the Middleton fairgrounds are haunted. He also indicates he lost ten dollars trying to get a stuffed hippo. First indication Ron has a thing for hippos.
Ron parks his scooter away from the fairgrounds. Kim no longer has her hair in a ponytail. Kim and Ron slowly sneak towards them. Ron is frightened by a wolf howling in the background. He is about to walk away when Kim grabs his shoulder and drags him.
The wind blows hard through the fairgrounds.
The lights are suddenly turned on.
Lynn�s plan: She will activate the roller coaster while Brick is tied up and in the cart. The roller coaster is broken at some point in the ride. Kim has to save him.
The roller coaster has a large lever to start the ride.
Lynn pushes a button. This activates the walkway. Kim and Ron are dragged into the funhouse.
Kim and Ron land on soft cushions most likely filled with air.
Kim and Ron find themselves in the hall of mirrors.
Kim punches and kicks the mirrors of the funhouse. This is most likely a reference to the Bruce Lee movie Enter The Dragon.
Kim lunges herself at a mirror. It spins around. The revolving door catches Ron a second later.
Kim and Ron tumble down the walkway exit.
The next part of the exit is a tunnel that spins quickly.
The last part of the exit is a face with a tongue that bounces Kim and Ron onto the bumper car ride.
Kim suddenly sees Lynn ready to charge at Ron with a bumper car.
Kim picks Ron up and moves him just in time.
Kim and Ron watch as the cameraman go past them filming the whole thing from a bumper car. Perhaps he wanted revenge too for Lynn�s show cancellation.
Brick goes by on the roller coaster ride and screams. Lynn makes fun of Kim for being a bad girlfriend.
The Possibles watch Kim in action. Tim cheers for Adrena Lynn. Mr. Possible chastises both Jim and Tim for this. Jim lays on his arm. Tim has his feet crossed. Both should be in considerable pain.
Kim gets into a bumper car and smashes into Lynn�s bumper car.
Lynn is thrown off the ride and onto the ground.
Kim begins climbing the roller coaster to save Brick.
Ron yells. Kim sees Lynn tying Ron up.
Lynn activates this ride by pushing a button.
Ron doesn�t like this ride. He indicates it always makes him throw up. Ron previously got sick by Drakken�s giant robot going around in circles in Crush. Ron will get sick again by a similar fair ride in a later episode.
Kim can�t decide who she should save first. Ron or Brick.
The rope that is holding Ron begins to snap.
Kim grabs a decorative rope and swings down to save the one who will someday be her boyfriend.
Kim pushes the button to stop the ride. Ron makes sounds as though he is about to throw up, but he doesn�t.
Lynn swings from a rope and hits Kim from behind.
Lynn knocks Kim into a gondala ride. Lynn indicates that Kim is going the opposite way that Brick is.
Ron uses his negotiation skills to stop Lynn by confessing that he wrote the story and got her cancelled. He also confesses to writing the story about Kim liking Brick.
Brick hears Ron�s confession.
Ron almost convinces Lynn. Then she changes her mind at the last second.
Kim jumps from the gondala ride.
Kim activates her jet pack.
Brick�s cart goes off the railing of the roller coaster.
Kim grabs Brick and saves him.
Kim lands and unties Brick.
Kim then grabs Lynn and takes off again.
Kim flies high and does some loops.
Lynn is frightened. She confesses to not being extreme.
The police finally arrive.
Lynn and her camera man are arrested. The camera man will appear again in a later episode. He most likely gave evidence in exchange for immunity. Adrena Lynn has yet to appear in an episode again. Lynn may still be locked up behind bars.
Kim apologizes to Brick because he nearly got killed on live television.
Brick thinks that Kim got Ron to write the story exposing Adrena Lynn as a fake so that he could get kidnapped, Kim would save him, and that prove how much she was crushing on him. Brick calls Ron, �that skinny guy.�
Brick breaks up with Kim because she was trying too hard to impress him instead of just asking him out.
Kim doesn�t know how to react to what Brick just said. Ron begins plotting his new story entitled, �Quarterback sacs Kim Possible! She has a dislocated heart and will be out for the remainder of the season.�
]Rufus closes Ron�s mouth, much to Kim�s delight. Even though Ron being on the school newspaper is never mentioned again, The Ron Report can be read online at