Show notes: The events in The New Ron left Kim a bit freaked out. But Kim and Ron don�t pass up the opportunity to see who their perfects mate are in this episode. This episode also introduces Pop Pop Porter. We find out more about Shego�s favorite vacation spot, The Billionaire�s Club.
The episode starts out with a robot approaching a safe.
Tentacles come out of the robot. Each tentacle end has a red light beaming from it.
The tentacles get very close to the safe.
A television camera comes to the back of the robot. It appears the tentacles are actually sensors that are able to analyze how to open the safe.
Senior enjoys being a criminal. Junior would rather be disco dancing.
Senior indicates that an experiment prototype of some sort is inside the safe.
The robot opens the safe.
Junior indicates that the experimental prototype can be purchased online. Senior complains about Junior using the internet. First indication that Junior spends a lot of time online.
The robot has a tentacle claw arm that opens the safe.
The robot is almost as big as Senior.
The safe opens revealing Kim as a surprise. Safes are usually airtight. Kim would have ran out of air unless air is being pumped in somehow.
Senior calls Kim, �My feisty teen nemesis.�
Ron shows up behind Senior and Junior with Global Justice soldiers.
Senior remember Ron�s name, but Junior does not.
Kim demands Senior to surrender. She omits Junior, indicating that she knows that Junior doesn�t quite share his father�s evil tendencies.
Senior takes a remote from his jacket and pushes the button.
The remote is the same remote that Senior used in The New Ron to activate the spinning tops of doom.
The remote activates a jet pack on Junior.
Senior reaches into his jacket and grabs another remote. He doesn�t push the button yet. His jet pack is activated a few seconds after Junior�s. It may have been stuck or delayed to make sure he�s far enough away from Junior that they don�t hit each other.
Senior�s second remote is identical to his previous remote.
The second remote activates a small detonation that blows a hole in the roof.
Global Justice soldiers are unable to capture Senior or Junior.
Senior and Junior fly through the hole in the roof.
Ron compliments Senior on his polite manner, even though he a criminal.
The blond background student indicates that he is a green guppy.
The tall girl in red indicates she is a red ferret.
Amelia walks by and asks herself a question from a personality quiz. She reads, �At a fork in the road, you stop.�
Ron approaches Kim and asks her a question from a book entitled Animology. Despite being a personality quiz, Ron asks for advice anyways.
Kim complains that Ron is into the animology fad that is sweeping the school.
The cover on the book has an elephant and what appears to be a bear.
Kim complains that animology is just a cross between astrology and a personality quiz. Ron indicates that animology assigns both an animal and a color.
Kim isn�t interested in animology. Ron tries to entice her by indicating that it can find your perfect mate.
Kim acts like a monkey and says she doesn�t want her perfect mate as a blue baboon. Kim made up the blue baboon remark. Ron indicates that a blue baboon is disastrous for Kim anyways.
Kim tries to pep the cheer squad, but they are too interested in animology. Tara is missing from this scene. A new unknown cheerleader with a red ponytail is seen instead.
Junior is into animology too.
Senior indicates that the safe they were trying to get into was at a weapons research facility.
First appearance of Phillipe Bullion. Senior doesn�t like Phillipe. But he is polite to him anyways.
Senior and Phillipe embrace each other in old European fashion.
Senior invites Phillipe to have lunch with them.
Phillipe indicates that Senior rarely comes to the club anymore. Senior indicates it is because he has an active retirement.
In this shot, the lobster is facing Senior.
In the next shot, the lobster is facing Phillipe. The lobster is big enough to have an apple in it�s mouth.
Phillipe indicates that discretion and an extremely large personal fortune is needed to join The Billionaire�s Club. First indication that Phillipe likes caviar.
Senior indicates he has spent a lot of money to be a criminal, but still has billions of dollars to stay in the club.
Phillipe indicates he checked Senior�s account to make sure he had billions for club membership. He then eats a large spoonful of caviar in one gulp.
The lobster suddenly has grapes and caviar in front of it.
Senior and Kim are on the front cover of Euro Today. Phillipe indicates this reflects poorly on the club. He strips Senior and Junior of their club membership.
Phillipe snaps his fingers summoning waiters to clear the Senior�s table. Two of the waiters are twins, but one has dyed his hair a different color. Also, the lobster is changed to a light shade of pink.
Phillipe even takes the lobster claw that Junior was eating.
Kim and Ron sit at a table by themselves. Kim is not wearing a cheerleading uniform.
The other cheerleaders are wearing uniforms. Bonnie is sitting with two unknown cheerleaders. The cheerleader on the left has appeared periodically throughout the series, but we don�t know her name. The second could be Hope or Marcella with a ponytail, but this seems unlikely. Unknown cheerleaders were common in the first season. Bonnie invites Amelia to sit with them. Amelia indicates she heard Bonnie was a lavender mouse. She also indicates that she is a red otter, and there would be conflict.
Amelia walks away. The dark haired cheerleader with the ponytail is suddenly a blond.
Ron indicates that he finished the test. Kim jokes that he is a blue baboon. Ron indicates he is a pink sloth, and worst than a blue baboon.
Ron reads, �The pink sloth is an outcast, a follower,socially inept, and smells of overripe fruit.� Ron whines that he does not smell of overripe fruit.
Rufus pulls a banana peel out of Ron�s pocket. This indicates that Ron really does smell of overripe fruit.
Ron catches the banana peel. He then wonders if animology has a pink naked mole rat.
Ron leaves the animology book behind. Kim gets interested in it.
The question Kim reads is, �You arrive at the multiplex to find that the movie you�ve come to see is sold out.�
Junior reads the question, �If you were a tree, what tree do you think you would be.�
Senior whines about being banned from The Billionaire�s Club and promises revenge. Junior points out there are other clubs that they could join.
Senior plots a way that he could crash the markets and freeze the accounts of The Billionaire�s Club members. He also prepares himself a glass of water with ice.
Junior jokes they would need a large freezer to do that.
Senior is first annoyed at Junior�s remark. Then he gets a plan.
Kim is missing supper. She told her father that she was working on a big test.
Kim is having trouble with the personality quiz. On one hand, she doesn�t want to appear weak. On the other hand, she doesn�t want to appear stubborn.
Kim doesn�t want to tell her mom what she is doing. Then she confesses she doing animology.
Mrs. Possible demands Kim go to bed when it�s getting to late.
Kim continues the test by flashlight. Kim reads the question, �A mysterious stranger calls your name. You most likely to---�
Kim tells her father that she�s a blue fox. She grabs an apple, then leaves. This freaks Mr. Possible out a bit. Like all personality quizzes, Kim could have changed the answers over and over again until she got the results she wanted. This is particularly suspicious since she spent most of the afternoon on one question.
Mr. Possible reads that the blue fox is a born leader, can�t resist a challenge, driven to excel, and a perfectionist. The soul mate for the blue fox is the yellow trout.
Mr. Possible doesn�t want Kim to be looking for a soul mate.
Mrs. Possible comforts Mr. Possible by indicating that animology is just a temporary teen fad.
Mrs. Possible is a teal cat. Mr. Possible is a beige raccoon. They are soul mates.
Kim listens intently on who might be a yellow trout. The background student in red indicates he is a yellow bear.
Kim overhears Amelia talking to Liz about a student who sits next to her in English is a yellow rabbit.
Kim opens her locker by turning the knob left, right, then left again.
Ron surprises Kim and proclaims that animology is bogus. He refuses to believe he is a pink sloth.
Wade contacts Kim and indicates he has some information she requested.
Kim wants the information later. She tries to cover up the fact that she�s now into animology and took the test from Ron.
Kim told Wade that the information was the highest priority, and utmost rush.
Ron wants to hear the information. He most likely believes it to be about an upcoming mission. Ron indicates that it would give them a break from all the talk about animology.
Wade indicates he checked the school databases. But there is no way to tell who is a yellow trout.
Ron is annoyed that Kim is now into animology.
Ron can�t believe that Kim is into animology. Kim indicates she only took the quiz for laughs.
The kimmunicator beeps. Kim immediately demands to know who the yellow trout is. Ron now knows how seriously Kim is taking animology.
Wade indicates that Kim got a hit on her site from Pop Pop Porter. Kim doesn�t know who Pop Pop Porter is. Ron explains that Pop Pop Porter revolutionized the frozen food industry.
Wade and Ron love Pop Pop Porter�s mini corn dogs. Ron calls them, �Nature�s perfect food.�
Kim indicates she avoids fried foods.
Ron indicates that Pop Pop Porter�s food is not fried, it is flash frozen.
First appearance of Pop Pop Porter. Wade uploads the streaming video of Pop Pop Porter indicating someone stole his state of the art flash freezing cryovator.
Wade streams Kim a commercial for flash frozen mini corn dogs. This is the same commercial seen previously in Pain King vs. Cleopatra. Ron indicates that the mascot for the mini corn dogs is named �Little corn doggie.�
Pop Pop Porter gives Kim and Ron a ride. He has a blimp in the shape of a corn dog.
Pop Pop Porter shows where the cryovator was stolen. Kim and Ron might have changed clothes in the blimp, or when they got into the factory.
Ron and Rufus start crying over the loss of the corn dogs.
Kim smells something familiar. She uses the kimmmunicator�s air analyzer.
Ron hugs Pop Pop. This freaks him out a bit. Then Pop Pop gives Ron permission to eat the mini corn dogs so they don�t spoil.
Ron and Rufus eat a numerous amout of mini corn dogs.
Wade contacts Kim and indicates that the familiar smell is expensive cologne for an exclusive clients. Wade has a drink of some sort.
Kim assumes correctly that the cologne belongs to Senior Senior Junior.
Wade is disappointed that Kim figured it out. Wade turns off the kimmunicator signal in frustration.
Kim and Ron scale the Senior�s private island with suction cups on their hands and feet. They argue about whether or not the Seniors want corn dogs or something much more. Kim and Ron had a similar argument in the episode Crush.
Kim and Ron find the cryovator.
Kim and Ron are attacked by a large robot.
Kim and Ron are captures by the robot�s tentacles.
Senior finally corrects Ron he has a bigger plan than just mini corn dogs.
Kim becomes smug. Ron says, �You blue foxes think you know everything.�
Junior gets excited that Kim and Ron studied animology. Senior gets frustrated.
Senior reveals the first part of his plan: Flash freeze Kim and Ron.
Senior uses the same remote as from the beginning of the episode. This activates the tentacles on the robot.
Kim and Ron are laid down on a conveyer belt. Metal clamps go around their hands, feet, and chest.
Senior then reveals the second part of his plan: Freeze The Billionaire�s Club.
Senior displays his new cryovator. This one is bigger than Pop Pop�s and big enough to freeze the entire island The Billionaire�s Club is on.
Ron wonders how big of a mini corn dog can be flash frozen with Senior�s new cryovator. Ron is silenced when Kim kicks him in the face with her shoe.
Senior activates the conveyor belt with a push of a large red button.
Junior announces he�s a yellow trout. This freaks Kim out. It has been analyzed that Shego and Kim have many of the same characteristics. This might make Shego a blue fox as well. Shego and Junior will crush on each other in a later episode. They might have been soul mates and not realized it.
Ron reminds Kim that they�re about to be flash frozen.
Senior and Junior use a black helicopter to lift and carry their cryovator. First indication that Senior knows how to fly a helicopter.
Kim whines about Junior being her perfect match.
Kim commands Rufus to push the red button. But he is too light.
Ron saved nine mini corn dogs in his pocket. He commands Rufus to eat them.
Afterwards, Rufus is almost too heavy to move.
Rufus has trouble getting up to the button. Once he does, he sits on it and makes it go down.
The conveyor belt stops. Kim calls Rufus, �Good little hairless rodent.�
Rufus goes to sleep.
Ron�s feet are frozen.
Ron tries to stand up, but slides instead. He crashes into something off camera.
Kim drags Ron by his shirt while he tries to keep his balance.
Kim looks for a way to get to The Billionaire�s Club. Senior has two sailboats and a regular boat.
Senior also has two surfboards, some scuba gear, and a jet ski. Kim settles for the jet ski. If Kim can reach The Billionaire�s Club by jet ski, then Senior doesn�t live very far away from it.
Kim agrees with Ron that animology is bogus. The salnacoer from the ocean must have melted the ice on Ron�s feet. Also there is no tissue damage, showing how well the cryovator can preserve something.
Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket to enjoy the wind.
Rufus goes flying off the jet ski.
Ron throws Rufus a rope. Rufus catches it, then hits the water.
Rufus now enjoys water skiing instead.
This background was previously used in Kimitation Nation as Shego�s vacation spot. This helps prove that Shego is very wealthy
Phillipe Bullion talks to an unknown character about how Senior is not invited to The Billionaire�s Club.
Everyone becomes distracted by the winds from Senior�s helicopter.
Senior wants Junior to release the tether line.
Junior is distracted by his animology book. He reads that the yellow trout only cares for himself.
Senior releases the tether line himself by pushing a red button on the console.
The cryovator uses solar panels as an energy source.
The cryovator glows as it powers up.
A revolving gun comes out of the bottom.
The beam fired from the gun looks like a laser. It can create large sheets of ice in one second.
Phillipe gets his hand stuck when he tries to rescue his caviar.
Junior reads his perfect match is the blue fox.
Many of the club�s patrons escape by sailboat or swimming away. Many who are leaving in this scene are Middleton High cheerleaders, background students, and background adults.
Kim and Ron�s jet ski and life jackets are stolen as soon as they make land.
Wade contacts Kim. He tells her that since the cryovator is solar paneled, they can�t turn off the power source. He suggests destroying it instead.
Ron suggests leaving. Kim jacks his shirts and drags him away.
Junior watches Kim and Ron with electronic night vision binoculars, even though it is a clear day.
Junior questions the fact that they left Kim on the conveyor belt to die. Senior indicates that a proper villian always leaves his foe before they are about to expire. This is done for good form.
Senior takes the binoculars and sees Kim and Ron.
Kim uses her laser pen to heat up the metal and free Phillipe.
Kim gets annoyed when Phillipe asks Kim to rescue his caviar.
A high powered laser gun come out of the bottom of the helicopter and fires.
The laser hits a large icicle.
Kim grabs Ron and Phillipe. They jump out of the way before the icicle falls down on them. Phillipe runs away in terror.
Junior questions why Senior just didn�t shoot Kim with the laser. Senior indicates that Junior doesn�t understand the traditions of being a villain.
Senior pushes a switch down on the helicopter console. This activates two rockets that come down from the belly of the helicopter.
Senior has a missile lock on Kim.
Junior remembers Ron�s quote: �You blue foxes think that you know everything.� Junior suddenly realizes that Kim is a blue fox.
The missiles are launched by flipping up a cap on the steering column of the helicopter, then pushing a red button.
Junior takes hold of the helicopter�s steering column to save Kim.
The helicopter weeves to and fro, then fires the missles upward.
The missiles hit the cryovator, and blow it up.
Junior uses the helicopter intercom to speak to Kim. He announces that since she�s a blue fox and he is a yellow trout, they are meant to be together.
Senior takes the intercom and indicates that dating an arch foe is not villain tradition.
Senior turns around and flies home so he can begins his plans for traditional villain�s revenge.
Despite being bogus, Kim admits that animology just saved her life and therefore is not all bad.
Kim opens her locker by turning it left, right, left, then right again.
Kim is stunned to see flowers come pouring out of her locker. Hope and Marcella are stunned too.
Kim contacts Wade by pushing a single button on her computer. Wade asks Kim if she got the flowers. Wade most likely helped with the delivery since Kim�s locker is locked.
Wade streams the e-card video. Junior tries to be romantic and even blows Kim a kiss.
Wade jokes and laughs before signing off.
Ron doesn�t want to hear anything else about animology. He declares once again that he is not a pink sloth.
Amelia approaches Ron and announces that a pink sloth is her soul mate.
Ron suddenly believes in animology again. Ron confesses to being a textbook pink sloth.
Even though Kim knows there is nothing between her and Junior, Kim seems to enjoy the flowers that he sent her. Animology is never brought up again. The fad passes and Kim continues to pursue Ron, even though he doesn�t realize it. Act 1 || Act 2