Show notes: This episode continues from A Sitch In Time: Past. We see a bleak future for the world after Shego took over it.
After finding out Shego is The Supreme One, Kim chastises Rufus 3000 for not telling her about Shego.
Rufus 3000 thought that Shego as The Supreme One was obvious.
Ron passes off the ignorance he has for the situation onto Kim by asking Rufus 3000 to explain it to Kim. This annoys her.
Rufus 3000 indicates that only Shego was smart enough to take over the world.
Kim figured that taking over the world was more of a guy thing.
Ron figures that if Shego has the time monkey, and is all powerful twenty years in the future, then everything must be okay for now. Ron uses the word, �Hakuna.� This is a reference to Disney�s The Lion King, which mean no worries. Rufus 3000 indicates that the time stream is still corrupted.
Tired of fighting in the past to stop Shego, Kim decides to go to the future to fight her. Kim begins pressing on the crono manipulator�s head to activate it.
Ron cracks his knuckles and decides they will fight Shego together.
Rufus 3000 believes that there is too much danger to the time stream with Kim going to the future. Kim reminds Rufus 3000 that she is a Possible. This is another indication of Kim�s overconfidence that her father has put onto her.
Rufus 3000 reluctantly agrees to let Kim fight Shego in the future.
Kim opens the time portal.
Kim is about to go through the portal. Ron steps forward first.
Ron jokes that he has one foot in the future. This is play on the popular phrase: Put your best foot forward into your future.
Kim pushes Ron into the portal.
Kim says, �Let�s warp.� This is a play on her own words, �Let�s jet.�
Kim and Rufus 3000 go through the portal. Pre-teen Kim and Ron watch the portal close and are confused about what has been happening.
Middleton of the future under Shego�s rule.
Kim, Ron, Rufus, and Rufus 3000 come out of the time portal frightening everyone. They are all wearing an outfit similar to what Shego wears.
People on the street run away. Rufus 3000 indicates that Middleton is now called Shegoton.
Despite being dark, Ron admires what Shego has done to Middleton. A giant television with The Supreme One displayed is available for viewing on the side of the skyscraper.
Kim calls Shego�s style, �Bleak chic.�
Rufus 3000 wants to get away from the crowded streets before they are noticed. Kim set the crono manipulator. If Rufus 3000 had set it, they�ve probably would have warped into their resistant base of operations instead.
They are approached by a man who demands they should be toiling for The Supreme One. He is most likely a security agent. He is also one of the many clones that Kim saw in ASIT: Past.
Ron jokes that he is tired of toiling.
The man has a communications device attached to his wrist. He pushes a button on the side. He talks into it and indicates a code 5. The man mistakes Ron for a Norwegian since he is wearing Norwegian clothes. He also mistakes Rufus and Rufus 3000 for gerbils. He omits Kim.
Rufus and Rufus 3000 get annoyed about being called gerbils.
The man demands security drones. He uses the codeword, �Tag and bag.� This is a reference to natural game hunters for scientific study. Bagging is capturing an animal alive. Tagging is putting an electronic device on them so they can monitor their movements.
Everyone looks up as they hear the security drones approaching from the air.
Rufus 3000 is armed with a futuristic laser gun.
Four security drones appear. The security drones are green and black, just like Shego�s clothes.
Rufus 3000 stays to fight the security drones while Kim and Ron run away.
Rufus 3000 fires a laser that is blue with a whitish hue. The security drones fire a laser that is red with yellow energy rings emitting from around it. The laser comes out of the attenna looking component from the top. Rufus 3000 takes out at least one security drone.
Kim and Ron are being chased by two security drones. They blast Ron�s hat. Ron shouts in dismay about the loss of his hat, and not so much the near miss to his head. Ron also says this with a Norwegian accent, which again shows his ability to learn languages rather quickly.
Kim grabs a flagpole, swings around it, and then kicks a security drone. The flag is again green and black, like Shego�s outfit.
One security drone flies backwards into another. They collide and explode.
Ron picks up his hat, which turns to dust in his hand. Ron wonders if the outfit works without the hat. Kim replies that the outfit didn�t work even with the hat.
Kim sees that her favorite store, Club Banana, is now Club Shego. Kim comments that it should be called, �Club ego.�
Kim decides they need to go shopping to blend in. Kim says, �When in Shegoton.� This is a play on the popular phrase, �When in Rome, do as the Romans do.�
Club Shego has shirts hanging from the ceiling. Slacks are on racks on the floor. Shoes are in spaces of the wall. There doesn�t appear to be any cashiers indicating that the clothes are free. This would explain why everyone wears Club Shego. Ron wonders which side is for the guys; as all the clothes look the same.
Kim dressed in Club Shego. Kim doesn�t like the look.
Ron believes he picked from the girl�s side, because his clothes are riding up.
Rufus laughs at Ron and his clothes. This annoys Ron.
Ron wonders what they are going to do next. Kim indicates they�ll find Shego.
Kim and Ron see a statue in The Supreme One�s image. Kim believes that Shego has been eaten up with her own love for herself. Rufus agrees.
Ron again notes how he likes what Shego has done to Middleton, even though she is evil.
Ron notes how Shego has motion detectors, laser cannons, and a pirahna filled moat. Ron indicates that the pirahna filled moat is his favorite. Ron mentioned he liked some of these ideas to Senior Senior Senior in the episode The New Ron.
A pirahna filled moat is too retro for Kim. Ron indicates he is a sucker for classic villainy.
Ron begins walking forward and trips over a pipe. Rufus goes rolling forward.
Rufus gets up, and screams.
Ron stands up. But he falls to his knees when he sees that Bueno Nacho is torn down.
Rufus cries as he carries an empty package of diablo suace to Ron.
Ron plans revenge against The Supreme One for destroying Bueno Nacho.
More security drones come from the sky. They have found Kim and Ron.
Kim and Ron begin running away.
The security drones fire nets at Kim and Ron. Both are hit and fall to the ground.
The security drones are super powerful for being so small. They can lift and carry a person with ease while still flying. Ron asks the security drone where they are being taken too. The security drone answers that they are being taken to the attitude adjustment center.
Kim sees the high school. The gym has been torn down. The American flag has been replaced with The Supreme One�s.
The security drone warns Kim and Ron that they will be drained of all individuality and spirit. A light on the front panel gets brighter and dimmer based on how it talks.
Ron agrees that high school steals individuality and spirit.
SHS sign
The woman at the attitude adjustment center cheerfully welcomes everyone. She asks everyone to fill in all the seats, and sit on the front row. Of course, everyone present looks unhappy and gloomy.
Like most students who would rather not be noticed, Kim and Ron take a seat in the back. Security drones watch everyone as they file in.
The woman in charge of the attitude adjustment center is Bonnie Rockwaller. Some have speculated that Bonnie is truly evil to want to work for The Supreme One. Others believe that Bonnie is just trying to make it through in a world taken over by a super villain. Bonnie�s last name is the same, indicating she never married.
Ron can�t believe Bonnie is working for The Supreme One. Kim, on the other hand, finds it totally believable.
Rufus wants to pound Bonnie for working with The Supreme One.
Ron notices Brick Flagg sitting in front of them. Both notice how he let himself go after The Supreme One took over.
Bonnie begins the class by asking everyone why they are here.
A man raises his hand to answer the question.
Bonnie indicates the man�s identification number as soulless worker drone 5 8 8 9.
The man says, �I think---� Then a trap door opens. He falls and the trap door closes. A splashing sound is heard in the background. The man may have fallen into the sewers, or a water filled pit of some sort.
Bonnie indicates everyone is here because they think. Instead, The Supreme One should be thinking for them.
Bonnie pushes the bottom middle button on her desk. Bonnie indicates that they will watch a short film.
A giant widescreen television comes down from the ceiling. Bonnie yells for the lights to be turned off. They are most likely voice activated. The name of the short film is, �The Supreme One And You.� The whole film is a parody of classroom films from the 1950�s and 1960�s.
The film begins with Drakken explaining that The Supreme One began with the simple dream of taking over the world. Drakken then comments that was originally his dream. Drakken now has grey streaks through his hair.
Drakken is given a shock after claiming that taking over the world was originally his idea.
The Supreme One demands the camera. She indicates that she originally was a sidekick helping others take over the world.
The Supreme One gives Drakken another shock off camera with a remote control when he tries to comment while The Supreme One is talking.
The Supreme One then indicates she took over the world with the help of a time traveling monkey.
The Supreme One indicates that it is her world, and that everyone has to live by her rules. She then demands that they all get back to work.
Ron comments that the short film was not the feel-good movie of the year. Rufus comments that the music was good. Ron agrees.
Some of the people in this scene are regular background characters, but they haven�t aged any even though twenty years have gone by. There are nineteen in this shot; twenty people all together if you count the man who went through the trap door. Bonnie demands to know who still questions The Supreme One and her policies.
Bonnie pushes the middle button on her desk and indicates a mind scan will be performed.
The security drones fly over everyone and shine a green light over them. This does the mind scan. It only takes a fraction of a second to do a mind scan on somebody who is willing to work for The Supreme One.
The mind scan takes much longer for Kim and Ron. Ron begins laughing as the mind scan tickles him.
Bonnie indicates that the scans have picked up two trouble makers on the back row.
Kim and Ron look innocent so they don�t appear as troublemakers. Ron wonders what happens to troublemakers.
Mechanical shackles suddenly go around Kim and Ron�s wrists and ankles.
Doors open from the back of the desk. Mechanical devices at the end of flexible rods come up over Kim and Ron.
Bonnie comes over and indicates they are obedience collars. These are the same mechanical devices that Drakken wore in the short film. Bonnie doesn�t recognize Kim or Ron. Ron indicates he wants to pass on the bling-bling, even though obedience collars are hardly fashionable.
An explosion occurs behind Kim and Ron. Bonnie is knocked to the ground.
Two mysterious twins are seen at the explosion entrance.
The first twin says, �Eat hot lead, The Supreme One stooges.� He is obviously firing a laser weapon, and not using lead bullets like regular guns.
The other twin says, �Viva la resistance.� in a French accent. This may be a reference to the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer, And Uncut. The second twin appears to be shooting randomly.
Ron mistakenly believes the second twin is speaking Norwegian.
Rufus 3000 commands the other naked mole rats to attack. It appears Rufus 3000 is the leader of the other naked mole rats. He also wears a different colored body armor.
Bonnie is tied up. Even though Bonnie is not afraid of Rufus in Attack Of The Killer Bebes in which she pulls him off of her, Bonnie now screams that naked mole rats are too gross for her. Everyone else runs away.
Rufus 3000 frees Kim and Ron by shooting the back of the chair. This is most likely the location of the circuits that control the mechanical shackles. The laser is set to low power. Otherwise, it would go right through Kim.
The two twins fight the security drones with their laser weapons.
Three security drones are shot down. The fourth tries a different maneuver.
It doesn�t work. One of the twins does a flip kick that destroys the security drone.
Ron comments how buff the twins are. Kim asks about them. Rufus 3000 is surprised that Kim doesn�t recognize them.
The two twins say, �Hickabickaboo!� and �Hoosha!�
Kim is shocked when she realizes it�s her brothers grown up.
Jim welcomes Kim to the future and calls her, �Big sis.� Tim jokes that they should call her �Little sis� because she is so short. Jim and Tim might have used the hidden tracking device on Ron to find their location.
Kim sees that her little brothers are now big brothers. Ron shows off his genius again by understanding time travel and it�s disturbing concepts. This was something that neither Kim or Shego could grasp; time travel left them confused.
Kim is about to ask some questions. Jim stops her and pushes a button on a device attached to his wrist.
The wall and widescreen television is destroyed. An aircraft comes flying in. It was obviously controlled by the device on Jim�s wrist. Jim indicates the name of the aircraft is the Kiminator Mark 12.
A ladder comes down. We don�t know if the Kiminator Mark 12 did this as part of it�s programming, or if somebody was in the Kiminator Mark 12 and lowered it down for them. Rufus 3000 demands everyone to hurry, before The Supreme One sends an even greater force for them to deal with. Rufus 3000 is the first to go up the ladder.
Jim and Tim demand everyone get strapped in and put on their seat belt.
The thrusters of the Kiminator Mark 12 are activated by pushing a lever on the console forward.
The Kiminator Mark 12 can do vertical takeoffs and landings with a rocket thruster located at the bottom of the craft. It can then go forward like normal aircraft when it reaches the desired height.
There are no seats available for Kim, Ron, or Rufus. They have been taken up by naked mole rat clones. Ron and Rufus go flying backwards as the Kiminator Mark 12 fires it�s thrusters. It�s also apparent that Jim and Tim are responsible for cloning Rufus into their army of naked mole rats.
Jim and Tim indicate they named their aircraft after her because they kept arguing over the name. This is a reference to ASIT: Present when Jim and Tim were arguing on whether to call their small rocket the Timinator or Jiminator. Kim then wonders where their parents are.
Jim and Tim indicate that their parents led the great lunar migration after The Supreme One took over, so they are now living on the moon. Mr. Possible has a flying car. This may be another reference to Back To The Future 2, and that everyone drove flying cars. Although it is different than the car he drove on earth, it is the same color. The Possible home looks the same as it did o earth, with the exception of radio and satellite antennae added.
Mr. Possible is wearing a spacesuit. He doesn�t need a helmet. However, gravity is still one sixth the amount of gravity on earth. Mr. Possible makes small leaps to get around.
Mr. and Mrs. Possible are now older with grey hair. Otherwise, life appears the same. Mrs. Possible asks about the sea of tranquility. Mr. Possible indicates that traffic was terrible. Mrs. Possible is cutting a red onion. Mr. and Mrs. Possible may have kept their big house to raise Jim and Tim. They might have lived on the moon preparing for the resistance against The Supreme One before returning to earth.
Kim wonders if her parents missed her. Jim indicates that Mr. Possible was okay with Kim being lost in the time stream, as long as some boy wasn�t with her. This is another indication that Mr. Possible trusts Ron, and doesn�t think of him as regular guy. Mr. Possible appears to be reading a digital version of the newspaper. The headline reads, �Lunar Post Crater Council Still Deadlocked.�
Ron wonders about his parents. Mr. Stoppable says, �I�m an actuary. I can work anywhere.� This is the same line he used in ASIT: Present when talking about his job security. Mr. Stoppable is working on the moon, and is walking on the moon�s surface with a spacesuit. Cities are protected using very large biodomes on the moon�s surface. It could be assumed that Mrs. Stoppable no longer works since she is not mentioned in this scene.
Tim flips three switches on the Kiminator Mark 12. What these three switches do is unknown, since nothing seems to happen. Lights above the switches turn on after they are flipped.
Tim indicates that they are going to someplace where nobody hardly ever goes. Ron correctly guesses that this place is Upperton. Apparently, Upperton is a very quiet city with little noise in the neighborhoods. Jim indicates that Upperton is now called North Shegoton. This indicates that Upperton is north of Middleton. Tim indicates Kim and Ron will meet their leader.
Naked mole rats help with running the majority of the resistance base. However, at least one other person has decided to help too.
Kim and Ron meet the leader of the resistance; and it turns out to be Wade. Ron comments that this is the first time they�ve ever met Wade.
Wade indicates he had a growth spurt, making him super tall. Wade bends down to hug Kim and Ron, but squeezes them tightly instead. Ron demands to know why the future has made everyone so buffed. Wade answers it is because they are fighting an evil dictator. Some wonder whether Wade will still have this growth spurt in the normal future, or if this was only brought on by Shego taking over the world.
Ron tries to show how strong he is by doing some kung fu moves.
Wade doesn�t take Ron seriously. He gives Ron a smal hit on the arm, causing Ron to wince in pain.
Kim gets to ask Wade personally what the sitch is. Wade seems to have missed hearing that phrase.
Wade shows a 3D hologram image of the tempus simia idol. Wade once again relates that Shego used this to disrupt the time stream. Wade used the same 3D hologram image maker in Number One to show Professor Green�s house.
Ron suggests destroying the tempus simia. Jim indicates that breaking the tempus simia might set time right, or it could destroy the universe. Tim doesn�t think about the universe being destroyed. He�s more worried about Mr. and Mrs. Possible being destroyed by the chaotic unraveling of time itself.
Kim wants a way to get the tempus simia away from Shego. Wade indicates that all attempts to enter Shego�s fortress ended badly. Kim again shows off her overconfidence and is ready to attack.
Wade admires Kim for constant bravery. Meanwhile, Ron wonders where Rufus is.
Rufus is now being called Rufus Prime. Rufus sits in an auditorium surrounded by his genetically coded descendants. Rufus 3000 asks Rufus Prime what the meaning of life is. This may be a reference to the book, �The Hitchhiker�s Guide To The Galaxy.� In the book, an alien race creates a supercomputer to find out what the meaning of life is.
Rufus answers the meaning of life is cheese. The other naked mole rats clap and cheer in agreement.
Two naked mole rats had a bet going on what Rufus was going to say. One can�t believe that cheese is the meaning of life. The other naked mole rat demands a dollar for losing the wager. This also indicates that money is still in effect in Shego�s future.
Tim pushes buttons on the 3D hologram imager. He indicates that they have run the scenarios. The scenarios about to be played were most likely pre-programmed. Tim is now setting up the program to run.
The first is an air assault, in which the planes get shot down by a laser on top of The Supreme One�s tower. The planes look like the Kiminator Mark 12.
The next scenario shows a ground assault. It too is vaporized by the laser on top of The Supreme One�s tower. The two figures running toward the tower look like Jim and Tim.
Kim indicates they need to go even lower.
Wade�s resistance is now in the sewers. An iguana walks along the slime covered pipes. Kim and Ron have ditched Club Shego wear in favor more commando raid style clothing.
Ron and Rufus complain about the smell as they walk in ankle deep sewer water.
Kim lifts up the sewer grate inside The Supreme One�s tower, and doesn�t see any guards. Kim is the first one out of the sewer.
Ron is second to come out of the sewer. He complains about the slime on his shoe.
Wade lifts Ron up with one hand. Naked mole rats begin pouring out of the sewer hole.
Wade uses a futuristic kimmunicator. Wade indicates that his readings show the monkey idol in the middle of the palace. The idol is indicated with a blinking red dot.
Tim is the last out of the sewer hole.
Monkey Fist suddenly shows up. He hangs from the pipes and swings forward to the ground. Monkey Fist is not at all surprised that Kim and Ron from the past are here. Monkey Fist seems disgruntled as he complains he has to work for The Supreme One for free. Like Drakken, Monkey Fist wears an obedience collar. Monkey Fist is the only one not to have aged. Steve Loter indicated this is because of the genetic altering that was done to his body.
Monkey Fist considers beating people up a free benefit to his job.
Ron warns Monkey Fist that he is outnumbered. Monkey Fist�s army of monkey ninjas appear out of nowhere. They also wear Club Shego. There are thirteen monkeys all together. There are still much more naked mole rats than monkey ninjas.
Rufus 3000 asks for Rufus Prime�s help with leading them into battle. Rufus bravely leaps forward to fight.
Naked mole rats verses monkey ninjas. The naked mole rats seem to know kung fu.
Monkey Fist fights Rufus 3000.
Kim and Ron watch the battle. Kim can�t look away. Ron thinks that the battle between naked mole rats and monkey ninjas is strange looking.
Jim yells at Kim and Ron to remind them to keep moving.
Wade continues using the futuristic kimmunicator. He indicates they are close, and that the idol is at the end of the hall.
Duff Killigan suddenly stands in their way. Kim recognizes his voice, but not his appearance in the shadows.
Killigan comes out of the shadows and his body is now robotic. Killigan indicates he is now called, �Roboduff: The world�s deadliest golfing cyborg.� Roboduff�s name may be a play on the movie Robocop.
Kim indicates that Roboduff�s name is too long. And Ron adds that there shouldn�t be too many golfing cyborgs. Therefore, calling himself �the world�s deadliest� is a given.
A golf club comes out of Roboduff�s robotic hand.
A small hole opens up on the chest area. A golf ball comes out.
Roboduff tilts forward before hitting the ball, but still maintains his balance. Roboduff may have a mechanical way to keep balanced and upright.
The balls may catch on fire; or it could be plasma. Either way, the balls are dangerous when hit and explode upon contact with something.
One ball is hit. Another takes it�s place ready to be hit. Roboduff seems to be well stocked on golf balls to hit.
Ron says, �He�s more robot than golfer now.� This is a play on a line from Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi in which Obi-Wan says, �He�s more machine now than man.�
Kim and Ron hide behind the wall of a passage. Wade, Jim, and Tim are on the other side. Jim tells Kim to be ready to run. A golf ball explodes in front of Wade, Jim, and Tim. Tim calls Roboduff, �Robodoof.�
Roboduff gets angry at being called Robodoof.
Wade pulls out his laser gun and gets ready.
Wade, Jim, and Tim charge at Roboduff. They dodge an exploding golf ball.
Wade suddenly has his gun on his back instead of his hand. A minor mistake. Wade and Tim grab Roboduff by each arm. Jim shoulder tackles him. This causes Roboduff to spin around in circles distracting him.
Kim and Ron take off running to the end of the hall.
The center of The Supreme One�s palace has two double doors that slide back and forth. This leads to a large passageway.
The Supreme One�s lair is adorned with busts of The Supreme One on pedestals and the green and black flags.
The end of the passageway leads to two doors that slide back and forth automatically allowing Kim and Ron into The Supreme One�s lair.
The tempus simia is illuminated on a pedestal. Somehow the idol floats in midair.
Ron pushes Kim forward and cheers her on to take the tempus simia.
The Supreme One steps out from the shadows on top of the pedestal and stop Kim from taking the tempus simia. The Supreme One says, �I knew my past would come back to haunt me one day.� This is a pun.
Kim gets into a fighting position and challenges The Supreme One.
Shego indicates that as The Supreme One, she always delegates. She pushes a button on a remote and calls for Drakken. The Supreme One is not delegating at all. She simply doesn�t fight anymore and allows others to fight for her.
Kim and Ron scoff at the idea of Kim fighting Drakken.
Drakken comes out illuminated by a light and flexing his super muscles.
Kim is stunned by Drakken�s appearance. Ron, on the other hand, once again complains about everyone in the future being ripped.
Kim is for once afraid of Drakken and hides behind Ron. Drakken indicates he is the product of diet and exercise. The Supreme One adds that a little genetic mutating was also added.
The Supreme One insists she loves the future because of it�s scientific advances.
Drakken picks Ron up and throws him to the other side of the room.
Ron slides and hits a pedestal.
The bust falls and tears the flag attached to it.
The flag falls on top of Ron.
Drakken pounds the floor to kill Kim. Kim jumps over Drakken and then runs away.
Drakken takes several more swipes at Kim while Kim uses her gymnastics to dodge his attacks.
The Supreme One sits down to watch the battle between Kim and Drakken.
Kim and Drakken jump at each other ready to attack.
Kim lands a foot in Drakken�s stomach. This may be inspired by popular anime sequences in which two characters jump at each other in a duel, and only one remains standing. The other falls to the ground and dies.
Meanwhile, Monkey Fist and his monkey ninjas are losing to the naked mole rat army. Monkey Fist demands his monkey ninjas to advance. Two naked mole rats have a hold of Monkey Fist on each arm.
Monkey Fist finally gets the two naked mole rats off of his arms.
Monkey Fist sees Rufus 3000 beating up the majority of monkey ninjas.
Monkey Fist says, �Let me show what a true master of monkey kung fu can do.� We�re not sure if Monkey Fist makes this statement as an intention to win the battle, or if he sees Rufus 3000 doing monkey style kung fu. Jim and Tim might have taught the naked mole rats how to fight. However, they might be doing monkey kung fu. It has been debated on whether mystical monkey power can be passed down genetically or not. Since Rufus has mystical monkey power, there is a possibility that all genetically cloned naked mole rats also have this power. If this is true, then Kim and Ron have a lot to deal with when they have children.
As Rufus 3000 and Monkey Fist jump at each other, the screen slashes to show their expressions as they fight. This too is also done in anime, to show individual expressions.
Roboduff laughs maniacally as he hits a continuous barrage of exploding golf balls at Jim, Tim, and Wade.
Jim makes a pun about how well Roboduff can shoot a good game.
Wade pushes a button on his belt, creating a shield. Kim�s battle suit in So The Drama and Season 4 will have a similar shield.
Jim and Tim have the same shield, but activate them by pushing a button on the devices attached to their wrists.
Kim and Drakken attack each other in mid-air. Kim tries to kick Drakken while Drakken blocks.
Kim finally lands a solid kick into Drakken�s chest.
Drakken springs his chest forward, knocking Kim backwards.
Drakken indicates that his abs are too powerful for Kim. This dismays her.
Drakken breaks a pedestal with one hit, grabs a bust of The Supreme One while it is in midair, and then hurls it at Kim. The bust is most likely stone, and would therefore weigh a ton or more. If it is made from clay, it is much lighter and more fragile.
Kim moves out of the way in time. The bust crashes through the window. The window is tinted light green.
Kim is distracted by the broken glass. Drakken hits Kim from behind.
Kim is nearly killed when she goes out the broken window. She manages to grab the ledge at the last second saving her life.
The Supreme One is anticipating Kim getting killed.
Drakken grabs Kim by the hand with one arm and lifts her up into the air. Drakken says, �Kim Possible, you think you�re all that! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.� This is play on his own phrase, �Kim Possible, you think you�re all that, but you�re not!�
The Supreme One claps and indicates that Drakken is good as a sidekick.
Drakken mutters under his breath that he doesn�t want to be a sidekick. Meanwhile, Kim wonders if Drakken is going to drop her.
The Supreme One threatens Drakken with the remote control that would give him a shock with the obedience collar.
Drakken acts innocent to avoid the shock from his obedience collar. Drakken then asks what they should do with Kim.
The Supreme One pulls out the remote that controls the obedience collar. The Supreme One complains that nothing is on tv. Apparently the obedience collar remote also controls her television. The Supreme One then indicates that she is the only thing on tv. This indicates that The Supreme One not only threw away all the television programs when she took over the world, she made only one show where everybody would see what she was doing. This would be similar to a reality tv show, but would most likely be shown in real time. This may be what is being shown on the giant television on the side of the skyscraper. The Supreme One then indicates she wants to see Kim suffer.
The Supreme One pushes a button on the floor with her foot.
A mechanical device used for torture comes out of the floor. It is unknown how often The Supreme One uses this.
Kim�s wrist and ankles are shackled. It also keeps Kim in an upright position. The device at the top lights up as powers up. It appears the device at the top effects the head mostly. However, it could have an extention bar to torture the rest of the body too.
Ron jumps down from the top of the fallen bust to rescue Kim, but gets caught on the sharp nose. Ron can�t go anywhere. An explosion occurs in the floor.
A hooded woman with a futuristic laser cannon shows up.
The hooded woman fires at Drakken and The Supreme One. Both run away.
The hooded woman then throws seven shurikens. They appear to be miniture saw blades.
The mechanical torture device is about to touch Kim�s forehead when it is sliced by the shurikens.
The hooded woman points her laser cannon at Kim. Kim closes her eyes fearing the worst. The hooded woman knows Kim�s name.
The hooded woman shoots off the shackles freeing Kim.
Monique takes off the hood revealing herself. Meanwhile, Ron appears angry in the background as everyone seems to have forgotten him. There�s no telling how Monique knew when to attack The Supreme One�s fortress. Jim, Tim, or Wade might have contacted her. Or she might be part of the same resistance, but arrived later.
Having only met Monique once, and only very briefly, The Supreme One can�t remember who Monique is.
Monique indicates she is an old friend of Kim�s.
Monique indicates she didn�t like the look from Club Shego after The Supreme One took over Club Banana. So she joined the rebellion.
Hearing someone complaining about Club Shego wear upsets The Supreme One.
The Supreme One pushes a button on her belt.
This activates The Supreme One�s throne. It turns into a plasma cannon. The amount of power it takes is tremendous, as two orbs on either side glow with electricity.
The Supreme One fires the plasma cannon. The plasma is the same color that Shego fires from her hands.
The plasma cannon destroys the torture device. Kim and Monique move out of the way in time.
Monique retorts by firing her own weapon. Small, miniature rockets come out.
Rockets destroy The Supreme One�s throne.
The Supreme One is unhurt. She falls. Drakken catches her. This is another clue to the shippiness between Drakken and Shego, despite the fact she made him wear an obedience collar.
Monique says, �Twenty years of practice does the body good.� This is a reference to ASIT: Present when Monique said she needed twenty years of training before she could fight. This is also a play on the milk commercials that used the tagline, �Milk does the body good.�
Drakken takes Monique�s gun away and crushes it. He then demands a fight from her.
Drakken begins chasing Kim and Monique. Ron tries struggling, but can�t get free.
Rufus 3000 continues to fight Monkey Fist.
Rufus 3000 spins around and hits Monkey Fist with his tail.
Monkey Fist is knocked down to his back on the floor.
Monkey Fist gets up to see his army of monkey ninjas running away. Monkey Fist says, �What do you mean we�re losing?!� This indicates that Monkey Fist has the ability to speak and communicate with monkeys. This is not a surprise since Monkey Fist is genetically altered with monkey DNA.
Monkey Fist calls the mole rats, �Horrid.�
Rufus 3000 gets Monkey Fist�s attention and reminds that that they�re naked, not horrid. Three monkey ninjas lie on the ground unconscious. Monkey Fist is shocked that he is now outnumbered forty-nine (including Rufus Prime) to one.
Rufus Prime demands a battle charge.
The naked mole rat begins rushing past Monkey Fist to pursue the monkey ninjas. Monkey Fist is eventually taken down.
Rufus Prime asks for a high five from Rufus 3000.
Rufus 3000 accidentally smacks Rufus Prime to the floor, and apologizes.
Roboduff continues to smack an endless supply of exploding golf balls at Jim, Tim, and Wade. He also fires one from the bottom of his mechanical body.
Using their shields, Jim, Tim, and Wade try to rush Roboduff.
The flap at the bottom opens again. Roboduff fires a special golf ball.
The golf ball enlarges at it hurls toward Jim, Tim, and Wade becoming twice their size.
Three blast rays go past Roboduff. This too is often shown in popular anime sequences to show nearby explosions.
The golf ball explodes. The shields dissipates.
Roboduff comes over to Tim and gloats. He calls Tim, �Sonny Jim.� He also says, �Game over.� This is a reference to video games and a catch phrase that somebody has been defeated.
Tim indicates that he is not �Sonny Jim.� He is �Sonny Tim.� �Sonny Jim� is standing behind Roboduff.
Jim punches Roboduff. Wade stands behind him ready to pound him too. Roboduff was too distracted with Tim to notice Jim and Wade behind him.
Roboduff hits the wall. Eleven balls goes flying up into the air. There are seven from the right side, and four from the left. Tim runs away.
Wade and Jim join Tim as he runs away. The exploding golf balls land back on Roboduff.
Wade, Jim, and Tim come back in and congratulate themselves.
The naked mole rat comes in to join Jim, Tim, and Wade.
Roboduff complains about his lower half being damaged, because the swing is all in the knees. This is false in Roboduff�s case as he doesn�t have knees anymore.
Roboduff opens the lower golf ball chute, and fires a golf ball again.
The golf ball gets bigger, and explodes right in front of everyone.
Roboduff pulls himself back together.
Roboduff sees everyone is unconscious.
Roboduff says, �Never count out the world deadliest golfing cyborg!� Roboduff then agrees with Kim that his name is too long.
Kim and Monique try to keep away from Drakken who is attacking them.
Kim jumps away before Drakken�s next strike. Drakken misses and smashes the floor instead.
Kim flips forward. Monique holds her hands out. Monique catches Kim. Kim flips again backwards beside her.
Monique explains that after The Supreme One took over shopping, Monique began training as a new hobby.
Kim anticipates Drakken�s next move. Monique holds her hands out again. Kim jumps into Monique�s hands.
Kim does a backflip over Drakken. Drakken hits Monique who goes flying backwards.
Monique is unhurt from Drakken�s hit. Both do handsprings and land on their feet.
Drakken increases his muscle mass and shreds his shirt. This may have been inspired by Marvel�s The Incredible Hulk.
Monique does a jump kick. Drakken grabs her before she lands the blow.
Drakken throws Monique into Kim, who was about to do a spinning jump kick.
Kim and Monique land on the floor nearby Ron. Both are stunned, but not hurt.
Drakken holds Kim and Monique up by the back of their shirts.
Roboduff comes in holding Jim, Tim, Wade, Rufus Prime, and Rufus 3000 in chains and shackles. The other forty-seven naked mole rats were most likely captured and taken away by the monkey ninjas.
Roboduff takes credit for all the captures. Monkey Fist is still freaked out by being outnumbered by the naked mole rat army.
Ron feels the need to do something since it looks like evil has won.
The Supreme One says, �Erase them from history.� This is a reference to a person�s written identity being completely erased in hopes that he or she will never be remembered.
Drakken drops Kim and Monique. He complains about to The Supreme One for her lack of gloating. Drakken claims that this is bad super villain form. This is another indication that Drakken follows the rules of villainy, as listed in The Book Of Evil first seen in The New Ron. Kim and Monique feel defeated and don�t even try to get back up to win the fight. Kim will do again later in So The Drama.
The Supreme One is about to gloat when she sees Ron�s shirt, but not Ron.
Ron has taken his shirt off and snuck over to get the tempus simia idol.
The Supreme One suddenly springs in and stops Ron. The Supreme One says, �No touchy my monkey!� �Touch my monkey.� is a phrase often used as a sexual euphemism.
The Supreme One lifts Ron up. She claims that since she rules the world, she can do anything.
Kim gets annoyed hearing The Supreme One use her phrase.
The Supreme One throws Ron over to Kim and Monique.
Drakken demands The Supreme One tell everyone how she took over the world.
The Supreme One begins telling everyone how she went back in time, and got big into dot com companies before the bubble burst. This is the same bubble burst that Duff Killigan was talking about in ASIT: Past. She then continues by indicating she opened a bank, opened an evil think tank, and sent Ron�s mother to Norway.
Ron gets angry when he hears The Supreme One mentioning sending his mother to Norway. The Supreme One begins explaining about her evil think tank which included mind control and ray guns. Ron demands The Supreme One explain about sending his mother to Norway.
The Supreme One indicates she sent Ron as far away as possible to break up Kim and Ron as a team. The Supreme One, like Global Justice in The Ron Factor, realized that Ron was the real reason for Kim�s success.
Kim says, �You broke us up?� Many Kim/Ron shippers feel that this is another clue to the upcoming relationship between Kim and Ron.
The Supreme One continues on about having obedience collars.
Ron interrupts The Supreme One. He begins approaching The Supreme One and angrily blames her for making him move and having to eat meat cakes instead of Bueno Nacho.
Drakken stops Ron by putting his hand on his chest and demanding he settle down. Ron taps into his mystical monkey power and grabs Drakken�s wrist. Cracking sounds can be heard. Ron may have broken it.
Ron throws Drakken over his head with ease. The Supreme One is shocked at Ron�s sudden strength. It has been theorized that Ron can tap this power much easier when he becomes angry and highly emotional.
Drakken hits the fallen bust of The Supreme One. He hits it with such force that it begins rolling forward.
Monkey Fist is distracted by Ron�s strength. He is suddenly tripped; most likely by Rufus 3000.
Jim hits Roboduff, knocking him to the ground.
Jim, Tim, Wade, and Rufus 3000 break the shackles holding them. Apparently the shackles were either too small, or not sturdy.
Kim and Monique just stare in awe at Ron�s power. The Supreme One is too stunned to fight or react. Ron warns The Supreme One about knocking down Bueno Nacho in the past, present, or future.
The Supreme One begins running away in fear as Ron begins preparing kung fu moves.
Ron does a jump kick against one of the pedestals holding the busts of The Supreme One. This makes them all fall against each other like dominos.
Ron was most likely going to attack The Supreme One, till they both see the destruction happening all around them.
Ron and The Supreme One run away before debris from the busts and pedestals come crashing all around the tempus simia idol.
The tempus simia goes flying into the air, and crashes on the ground. The magic inside the idol is released.
The Supreme One begins blaming Ron for breaking the time monkey. Monkey Fist, who is more familiar with the magic of the tempus simia, knows that this could unravel time itself.
Ron begins trying to fix the tempus simia. Ron fails to realize that the idol only holds the magic. Fixing the idol wouldn�t matter if the magic is not present.
A time portal opens. Ron will open a similar wormhole (although not one of time) in the Season 4 episode Graduation Day when he learns to control his mystical monkey power.
Kim believes that Ron�s plan has worked. Ron forgets for a second that his original plan was to destroy the tempus simia.
The time portal begins lifting Kim and Ron up into the time stream as time begins fixing itself.
Jim releases Rufus Prime from the shackle holding him. He begins floating to the time portal too.
Jim, Tim, Wade, and Rufus 3000 give Kim a military style salute. Rufus 3000 gives credit to Kim, but not to Ron who really saved everyone.
The Supreme One climbs up the debris, and then jumps from her throne.
The Supreme One grabs a hold of Kim and appears ready to hit Ron; although it has been debated that she could be trying to hit both. If The Supreme One is trying to hit Ron, she may see Ron as the real threat to her future rather than Kim. Ron, with both hands on Rufus, can�t fight back.
Kim kicks The Supreme One away.
The Supreme One falls. When asked if The Supreme One was killed, Steve Loter indicated that Shego has enough ability and agility to land without being hurt.
Kim and Ron hold hands as they enter the time portal.
When the time portal closes, it creates the same shockwave as to when Monkey Fist first put the head onto the idol.
Images and sounds from all three episodes are seen and heard as time fixes itself, and Kim and Ron go through the portal.
The last thing Kim and Ron see are themselves hugging before Ron goes to the airport and Kim saying, �Ron, I couldn�t save the world without you.�
A bright light is at the end of the portal. This may be a reference to birth and death. Many spiritualists claim that a bright light is seen in both cases when they occur.
We are now back to present day Middleton, and the first day of school.
Like ASIT: Present, Ron indicates he was in the zone. Rufus yells, �Booya!� with a small bullhorn.
Time is distorted, just like it was in ASIT: Past. Time however, is now completely fixed.
Kim, Ron, and Rufus get headaches from the time ripple.
Kim and Ron suddenly feel much better. They continue walking home and forget what has just happened to them.
Ron suddenly blurts out that he hates meat cakes, but doesn�t know why he just said that. It is theorized that since he has mystical monkey power, and it uses the same power as the tempus simia, Ron will only have subconscious, resisdual memories of what happened. Everyone else will completely forget about it. At any rate, time travel and the tempus simia is never heard of again.
Final thoughts: The DVD of ASIT came with controversial game in which one can see Kim, Ron, and Rufus from the past and future. Steve Loter indicated that they decided to have some fun with the designs and were joking around with some of them. They didn�t expect fans to get so angry over them. Steve Loter mentioned discontent after Disney failed to include Kim and Ron in their thirties; and was not able to make them available legally. Kim�s look in her thirties was inspired by Jessica Alba from Dark Angel.
Kim as a little baby.
Ron as a baby, again with a t-shirt featuring Eugene the jeep from Popeye.
Kim in her sixties. She is now leader of Global Justice. Like Dr. Director, she was inspired by the comic Nick Fury which explains the eye patch.
Ron in his sixties, and a member of Global Justice. The joke here is that Ron never gets buff like everyone else did.