Kim sits in her beanbag in her room and talks to Ron on the kimmunicator. Ron apologizes for thinking that Kim was going to �zig� instead of �zag.� Apparently Kim and Ron have a well practiced routine for keeping something away from bad guys.
Kim indicates that she always �zags� in that kind of situation. Being away from each other, Kim and Ron are losing their routine.
Ron suggests that they are out of sync, and perhaps Kim should try saving the world on her own from now on. Kim agrees.
Kim confirms with Ron that they are still friends.
Ron begins crying. He blames it on having something in his eye. Ron quickly ends the conversation.
Kim doesn�t cry. She does throw herself onto her bed though.
Kim sits up after noticing her Latin book she was studying. It indicates that �tempus� is Latin for �time.�
Kim quickly finds the word �simia� and finds it means �monkey.�
Kim remembers Drakken�s bad pun that �they would meet again---in time.�
Kim�s room is illuminated by a bright light. Wind suddenly blows her hair forward.
Kim turns around to look into a portal.
First appearance of Rufus 3000. A muscled naked mole rat comes out of the portal, and tells Kim that he is from the future.
Rufus 3000 says, �Hickabickaboo!�
Kim contacts Wade and complains about Rufus in her bedroom and talking like the tweebs.
Wade reminds Kim that Rufus is in Norway with Ron. He then wonders if he heard Kim right when she told him that Rufus was talking.
Kim shows Wade what Rufus 3000 looks like.
A flexible, fiber-optic camera comes out of the top of the kimmunicator.
Wade does a scan on Rufus 3000. A screen on the bottom right consistently changes with the scan. It ranges from negative numbers to positive numbers. The numbers are at least 1000, but no more than 99,999. It also contains two decimals numbers. Wade doesn�t think that this is Rufus.
Kim believes it is Rufus, but can�t explain how he can talk.
Rufus 3000 once again introduces himself, and indicates he comes from the future.
Kim asks Rufus 3000 if he is from the year 3000. Rufus 3000 explains that he is one of three thousand hyper evolved descendants of Rufus Prime.
Kim asks Wade for his opinion on the matter. Wade begins typing and indicates he is picking up time cooties. He then indicates that time cooties aren�t real, and he is joking around.
Rufus 3000 indicates time cooties are real, and really itch.
Rufus 3000 opens a portal and tells Kim to step through.
Kim is so shocked, she drops the kimmunicator.
Kim steps through the portal.
Time travel is not instantaneous. It takes a few second to get through the portal.
Kim comes out of the portal and lands on her back.
Kim walks around and sees a dark, bleak future for Middleton.
Kim automatically assumes that Drakken has taken over, because everyone is dressed as Shego. Kim gets this idea from The Twin Factor, when Drakken made her wear Shego�s outfit after taking control of her mind. Also the same three people have been cloned over and over again. Drakken tried cloning Kim, Ron, Rufus, and Bonnie in the episode Kimitation Nation.
The portal opens and Kim is sucked through it. Since she didn�t have a time travel device, Rufus 3000 most likely had a way to track her and pull her back after she saw the future.
Kim comes out of the portal and does a tumbling roll instead of falling on her back this time.
Rufus 3000 mentions �The Supreme One� taking over and that the theory is that time travel was involved.
Rufus 3000 demands Kim�s help because she is was the only person to defeat The Supreme One.
Thinking about how to defeat someone with time travel abilities confuses Kim.
Rufus 3000 straps a crono manipulator onto Kim�s wrist. It is just like the one he is wearing. How he got a crono manipulator is never explained.
Kim complains about the size of the crono manipulator. The crono manipulator doesn�t have any dials or buttons. How it works also remains a mystery. It is polished enough for Kim to see her own reflection though. It is also similar to the new kimmunicator Kim has in Season 4.
Wade wants to scan the crono manipulator. Rufus refuses him to do so.
Rufus 3000 indicates he needs to return back to his time before he corrupts his past any more. He also indicates he is making cookies.
Rufus 3000 indicates that fighting an evil overlord builds up an appetite.
Rufus 3000 opens the time portal and reminds Kim before leaving that the fate of the world rests within her hands.
Kim doesn�t like the pressure that Rufus 3000 has just given her.
Rufus 3000 says, �Hoosha!� before leaving.
Team Drakken is now hiding in Drakken�s Caribbean lair. Shego congratulates everyone on getting the time monkey, but then indicates they now need a smart plan.
Drakken complains that sidekicks shouldn�t suggest plans. We see the beginning as to why Shego would eventually betray her team later in the episode.
Drakken approaches Monkey Fist and Killigan and suggests they need a smart plan.
Monkey Fist and Killigan seemed annoyed by Drakken ignoring Shego as they wait for him to come up with a smart plan.
Drakken prints out a long sheet of paper. Drakken�s printer is most likely an older dot matrix printer, as the sheets of paper are connected together. Most printers now print the document on several sheets of paper separately. Drakken indicates he ran a computer analysis on Kim�s life, and has calculated when she is most vulnerable.
Shego believes that Drakken is thinking for once.
Drakken plan: They will go undercover and use the juvenator. The juvenator is based on a toy for young children in which plastic rings are placed onto a shaft. The rings should go from large to small.
The juvenator turns Drakken into a little kid. Killigan grabs Monkey Fist in horror.
Shego is dismayed that Drakken�s plan just got stupid.
Drakken changes Killigan and Monkey Fist into little kids. The rings of the juvenator light up as it prepares to turn it�s victims into children.
Monkey Fist grabs Drakken and demands to know why they are now children. Drakken indicates he plans on attacking Kim on her first day of preschool.
First appearance of the preschool. It doesn�t have a name; it just says, �Preschool.� There are three large building blocks with the letters A, B, and C as decoration.
Kim touches her mother�s tummy and indicates she felt a kick. Kim is hoping for a baby sister. Since Kim didn�t actually get a sister, it helps explain the long term rift between her and her brothers. In Season 1, we only saw young Kim in the episode October 31st. Here we see her for the first time in pigtails.
Mrs. Possible tells Kim she might have a brother. Mr. Possible indicates it might be twins. Mrs. Possible doesn�t fancy the idea of twins.
Kim appears slightly afraid and indicates she doesn�t want to go to school.
Little Kim tries her puppy dog pout, and is unsuccessful. Mr. Possible is calling Kim by her childhood name, �Kimmy-cub.�
Like all parents, Mr. and Mrs. Possible remind Kim that school won�t be so scary once she makes a friend.
Kim isn�t sure she will make a friend.
Mr. Possible indicates there is one thing he doesn�t want Kim to ever forget. Kim remembers that she is to always say, �Please and thank you.�
Mr. Possible wants Kim to remember that, �Anything is possible for a Possible.�
The Possible family watch as Drakken drags Killigan by the hair into the school, followed by Monkey Fist on his hands and feet.
Kim reluctantly agrees with her father. Mr. Possible takes Kim�s hand and leads her into the school.
Ron�s room has a fireplace. He still hasn�t unpacked everything.
Ron and Rufus look at pictures and reminisce.
Ron remembers when he first became the Middleton mad dog mascot. Ron remembers how all the cheerleaders thought it was stupid for him to join, including Kim. This is a reference to the Season 1 episode Attack Of The Killer Bebes. Ron thinks that Kim eventually accepted him as the Middleton mad dog mascot. This seems likely considering the beginning of ASIT Present, when Kim told Bonnie to accept Ron as a member of the cheer squad.
Ron then remembers the day Bueno Nacho opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony with a man dressed in Latin American style clothing. Ron calls it, �perhaps the greatest day in my life.� Young Ron is ready with a fork, knife, and bib. This is unusual since most food from Bueno Nacho is eaten with hands, not silverware.
Ron then remembers that Kim gave him a ride to the Bueno Nacho opening on her bicycle. In the picture, Kim doesn�t look too happy to be doing this. Ron indicates he couldn�t ride a bicycle yet, and he didn�t want to take his tricycle to a restaurant opening. Rufus agrees with this.
Ron then looks at a picture made on their first day of preschool. Ron indicates that he met Kim shortly after nap time.
Suddenly everything gets distorted.
Ron and Rufus both realize something has changed by looking at the picture. It has been analyzed that Ron and Rufus notice the time shift because they both have mystical monkey power, which is the same power that the tempus simia uses.
Ron now sees the picture with three children teasing and picking on Kim.
After the school picture is taken, Kim runs away in tears.
First appearance of the pre-kindergarten teacher. She indicates that Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Killigan are misbehaving.
The pre-kindergarten teacher double checks to make sure Killigan is a boy. It�s difficult for her since he is wearing a kilt; and it is mistaken for a dress.
The pre-kindergarten teacher demands to know where Monkey Fist�s shoes are. Monkey Fist indicates he lost them.
Drakken nudges Monkey Fist and tells him he should check the monkey bars. This annoys Monkey Fist.
Nap time in pre-school. Everyone is asleep except Kim, Drakken, and Monkey Fist.
Monkey Fist and Drakken discuss how they spent the morning pulling Kim�s pigtails and stealing her dolls.
Monkey Fist wakes Killigan up by tapping him with his foot.
The pre-kindergarten teacher comes over and asks the three if they need a time out. A time out is often a disciplinary measure used by teachers to bring misbehaving children under control.
Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Killigan act cute to avoid the time out.
Drakken plans to crush Kim�s spirit when they get onto the playground.
Kim hears this and is very worried.
A shopping center is beside the pre-school.
Shego uses the same kind of electronic binoculars that Kim used in Downhill. Shego�s binoculars are green instead of blue. Shego complains about how long it is taking to crush the fighting spirit of a four year old.
Kim comes through the time portal. She complains about Shego and her devious her plan is. Kim most likely set the crono manipulator to find Shego first.
Shego indicates that it wasn�t her plan; her plan would have been much more devious.
Kim jumps forward and kicks the binoculars out of Shego�s hand.
Kim and Shego begin fighting. Shego does not charge her plasma.
Young Kim chases a ball. A chained link fence separates the pre-kindergarten school from the shopping center.
The ball rolls to a tree and stops. Kim grabs the ball and is prepared to throw it when it is grabbed by Monkey Fist. Kim is most likely playing by herself.
Kim finds herself surrounded. Despite this, Kim demands to have her ball back.
Kim tries her puppy dog pout on Drakken, but it doesn�t work. Despite a lack of athletic skill, young Drakken knows how to spin a basketball on one finger. Drakken refuses to give Kim the ball.
Killigan, Monkey Fist, and Drakken all prepare to gang up on Kim.
Young Ron steps forward and demands the three to leave Kim alone and give her back the ball. Ron�s shirt has an image of Eugene the Jeep from Popeye.
Young Ron uses his negotiation skills to reinforce the idea about taking turns because pre-schoolers have structure and rules. Ron also mentions �the jungle law of day care.� This helps reinforce the idea that Ron went to day care because both of his parents were working, and didn�t spend enough time with him growing up. Ron�s speech shows that he is far advanced than most children his age, and unstructured genius at work.
Annoyed by Ron, the three decide to beat up Ron instead. Killigan pushes Kim to the ground.
Kim gets up and begins to walk away. She suddenly gets angry as Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Killigan approach Ron.
Ron warns the three that he is protected by his tall, imaginary friend named Rufus. Children with advanced mental abilities will sometimes make up an imaginary friend to help them cope with their intellectual world.
Even at such a young age, Kim already knew gymnastics. Young Kim attacks Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist.
The shot changes to present day Kim doing the same gymnastic move on Shego.
Shego moves out of the way in time before Kim stomps on her.
Shego charges her plasma for the fight.
Shego attacks Kim. Kim dodges Shego�s attack. Shego slices a light pole in half.
The light pole falls through one of the stores.
The store sells mattresses. The light pole hits the mattress and springs back the other way.
Shego sees the light pole about to fall on her.
Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist run away. Drakken activates the juvenator turning them back into adults.
Drakken calls to Shego for help. Killigan indicates that they were getting beat up by young Kim. This indicates that at this young of an age, Kim knew how to fight.
Drakken suddenly stops. Killigan runs into Drakken. Monkey Fist runs into Killigan.
They see Shego on the ground rubbing her head. Shego appears unhurt, despite having a light pole fall on her. Although not confirmed, it is theorized that Shego can use her plasma power to create body armor to protect herself. Shego seems to have done this to avoid injury from the falling light pole.
Monkey Fist knows that present day Kim is here and defeated Shego.
Kim stands on top of the shopping center sign. Kim says, �Free swim in the time stream is over.� This is a pun.
Shego gets up and chides the other for not breaking little Kim�s fighting spirit. Killigan indicates he did like having the nap though.
Monkey Fist activates the tempus simia. He says, �Time is on our side.� This is a reference to the Rolling Stones song, �Time Is My Side.�
Kim jumps from the top of the shopping center sign to stop Team Drakken.
Team Drakken jumps through the portal.
The portal closes. Kim lands with her face on the concrete.
Rufus 3000 comes out of a time portal and asks Kim if she stopped The Supreme One. Kim indicates she hasn�t, and Team Drakken escaped with the time monkey.
Rufus 3000 offers Kim a peanut butter cookie. Rufus 3000 indicated earlier that he was making cookies.
Rufus indicates he will go back to the future to scan where The Supreme One will strike next.
Rufus 3000 offers to drop Kim off at her present time. Kim declines the offer to spend time in the past.
Young Ron gives young Kim back the ball. Once again, Ron shows how advanced he his by commenting on Monkey Fist�s opposable toes. Kim indicates she likes Ron because he�s weird. It has been theorized that Kim was drawn to Ron because his advanced genius resembles her father�s. Also, Ron commented earlier that he and Kim met right after naptime. Later, when time corrects itself, young Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist would not have any involvement in Kim meeting Ron. The two would meet naturally and become friends.
Kim watches as the friendship between her and Ron blossoms.
Team Drakken comes out of the time portal.
Monkey Fist wonders where they are. Killigan smells the air and somehow know that they are in Middleton. He also doesn�t like the way Middleton smells.
Drakken indicates that they the not so distant past. Shego begins yawning.
Drakken indicates that they arrived on the day KIMPOSSIBLE.COM went online. They also arrived in front of the Possible home.
Killigan says, �Back before the bubble burst.� Killigan is referring to the dot com crash in 2000. It was in which companies saw their stocks soar due to their use of the internet, then crashed causing many of them to go bankrupt.
First appearance of pre-teen Kim. Kim keeps her hair in a ponytail at this point. She also has braces. Kim�s room has changed quite a bit. Her current bed is black instead of white. Her computer desk is completely different, and in front of the window. She has more plushies; although Pandaroo is still missing. The telescope, nightstand, and beanbag are now present. The poster has been changed. There is a small hanging lamp from the ceiling in the present time. And Kim no longer has the small bookshelf. Kim talks to Ron via cordless telephone. Kim indicates her and Ron both got new computers. This indicates they got new computers at the same time. Kim is wearing a purple shirt, dark purple shorts, and a black choker.
Ron�s room is completely different except for the color and the toy robots. Ron is dismayed he didn�t get a new computer; he got his dad�s old computer. Ron is wearing a red t-shirt, a dark blue shirt underneath it, and light blue shorts.
Kim asks Ron if he can get online. Ron indicates he can, and he is researching hairless pets. Kim knows he is doing this because Ron�s father is allergic to animal hair. Ron indicates that his parents �finally� allowed him to have a pet indicating he�s been wanting a pet for a while now. Ron�s parents were most likely hoping Ron would get a fish or a reptile of some sort.
Kim indicates she is starting her new website for babysitting jobs and helping people out.
Ron asks Kim�s opinion on having a hairless cat. It is also known as a sphynx. Fourth Season bad girl Camille Leon has a hairless cat. Kim thinks a hairless cat is freaky.
Kim asks Ron to type in KIMPOSSIBLE.COM. Ron�s computer makes the old dialup tone that computers were notorious for at the time. Ron smacks the computer on side to get it to connect. Ron reads the tagline: Kim Possible: She can do anything. Ron thinks that this is a bit braggy.
Kim is so busy with her website and Ron, she fails to notice Shego looking through her window.
Kim�s window is easily accessable from the ground to the small roof over the living room.
Shego returns and indicates that Kim just set up her website. Monkey Fist demands to know Drakken�s plan.
Drakken plans to make sure Kim fails when she goes on her first mission.
Killigan is unimpressed with Drakken�s plan. He suggests crushing Kim instead. Monkey Fist likes this idea.
Drakken uses the juvenator to turn himself into a pre-teen. His plan is to infiltrate Kim�s life.
Shego takes the juvenator from Drakken, turns him back into an adult, and throws the juvenator away. This angers Drakken.
Shego is with Killigan�s plan. Destroying Kim is better than trying to destroy her fighting spirit.
Monkey Fist suggests a legend that will supply them with a being for destroying Kim.
Monkey Fist opens a time portal and indicates he will be in the third century of the Satsuma Province. This would put Monkey Fist at the southern tip of Japan.
Drakken wonders if this relates to a monkey temple. Monkey Fist indicates it is actually for a gorilla. Monkey Fist then enters the time portal.
Killigan asks Drakken what Kim�s first mission was about. Drakken indicates it was something about an eccentric billionaire.
First appearance of Mr. Paisley�s mansion.
First appearance of Mr. Paisley and Mr. McHenry. Mr. Paisley has a P on his sweater; much like Lavern had a L on her shirts from Lavern And Shirley.
Mr. McHenry uses a labtop to show Mr. Paisley how no theif can penetrate the laser web security system.
Mr. Paisley hopes that the laser security web will keep his flamingoat safe.
Mr. McHenry is annoyed that Mr. Paisley is having a security system put in for a plushie.
Mr. Paisley indicates that only ten flamingoats were made, and it is the rarest of all cuddle buddies. Mr. McHenry has heard this over and over again, as he says what Mr. Paisley is saying with exact timing.
Mr. McHenry has the remote control in his coat jacket.
Mr. Paisley grabs the remote and wants to push the red button.
Mr. McHenry drops his labtop and tries to stop Mr. Paisley from pushing the red button. The red button is accidently pushed anyways.
Mr. Paisley and Mr. McHenry find themselves surrounded by deadly lasers.
The remote control lands on the floor on the other side of the room.
Mr. McHenry reminds Mr. Paisley that the laser is deadly, and not to move.
Mr. Paisley�s leg get tired. His toe touches the laser and begins burning.
Mr. McHenry grabs Mr. Paisley�s leg and holds it up for him. Mr. Paisley asks Mr. McHenry how they can turn off the laser. Mr. McHenry indicates they need the remote.
Mr. McHenry thinks for a second and then indicates he will contact Team Impossible, a super secret commando squad. This will become a major plot for the Season 3 episode Team Impossible.
Mr. McHenry carefully takes his shoe off. It is disintegrated by the lasers.
Mr. McHenry uses his toe to raise his laptop and type on it. Mr. McHenry�s labtop is wireless. Mr. McHenry types in www.KIMPOSSIBLE.COM instead of www.TEAMIMPOSSIBLE.COM.
First appearance of pre-teen Bonnie, Tara, and Hope. Bonnie indicates she hates doing team tryouts. Hope indicates that Kim is the next to tryout for the team. Bonnie is the only cheerleader not currently wearing a uniform.
Bonnie believes that Kim can�t do any routine to make the squad.
Kim�s braces gleem as she prepares for her tryout.
Kim impresses Tara, Bonnie, and Hope with her amazing gymnastic and atlethic abilities. The song playing in the background is �E Is For Everybody� by the Cooler Kids available on the KP soundtrack.
Bonnie is so shocked by Kim�s tryout, she bites her pencil in half. Hope and Tara begin clapping for Kim.
Despite being overly impressed by Kim�s tryout, Bonnie indicates that she just barely made the squad.
Ron rushes into the gym to let Kim know she had a major hit on her website. This indicates that Ron kept a watch of hits on Kim�s website before Wade did. How Kim and Ron met Wade is complete mystery.
Kim is not thrilled that the hit on her website might be for babysitting the Turner twins again. Ron indicates that somebody is in danger and desperately needs her help.
Bonnie indicates Kim can�t leave because they are now starting cheeleader practice. Tara and Hope seem enthusiastic about cheerleading practice with Kim.
Kim promises never to ditch cheerleading practice again. We know otherwise that Kim will most often choose a mission than cheerleading practice. Kim leaves with Ron following close behind.
Kim thanks Mrs. Mahoney for giving her and Ron a lift to Upperton. Mrs. Mahoney is paying Kim back a favor for rescuing her cat Tabby from a tree. Kim and Ron get out. Mrs. Mahoney drives off.
Kim wonders if this is something for the police to handle. Ron supports Kim and reminds her that her website said, �She can do anything.� Kim now agrees that it the tagline does sound braggy.
Kim wonders how they�re going to get inside. Ron pulls young Rufus out of his pocket, and indicates that it might help. Ron indicates his name is Rufus and he is a naked mole rat. This freaks Kim out a little. According to Dungeons & Dragons, Rufus is Ron�s familiar. This is an animal friend in which the animal and owner are magically linked and can communicate with each other. Although a naked mole rat can live up to fifteen years, a familiar can live up to twice or even three times the normal age. It has also been suggested that familiar is immortal as long as it�s owner is alive.
Shego, Drakken, and Killigan hide behind a tree nearby. Killigan wonders where Monkey Fist is.
Shego can�t believe she�s working with someone named Monkey Fist.
Ron asks Rufus to open the gate. The instrumental version of �Naked Mole Rap� plays in the background. Ron calls naked mole rats, �Pets of the future.�
Rufus jumps through the gates, then crawls into the security panel to disable it. This is another instance of Rufus showing off his technical and mechanical skills, even at such young an age.
Despite being, �Gross but handy.� Kim refuses to hold Rufus.
Kim and Ron go into Paisley�s estate. Shego, Drakken, and Killigan follow.
Ron wonders what the red beams are. Kim indicates they are lasers. It is not sure when Ron lost the genius intellect that he displayed as a young child. It has been theorized that Camp Wannaweep was severely traumatic for him, and changed him to a more simplistic state. The other theory is that Ron is simply too lazy to use his intellect, and prefers Kim do it for him. Creators Bob and Mark admit that Ron represents the many people of the world who can do anything, but are unwilling to do so.
Mr. McHenry assures Mr. Paisley that Team Impossible is present to rescue them. He doesn�t realize that it is Kim Possible present to rescue them.
Ron likes the name Team Impossible.
Mr. McHenry tells Kim to get the remote, but avoid the laser beams.
Kim uses her gymnastic skills to avoid the lasers. The song in the background is �It�s Just You� by LMNT available on the KP soundtrack.
Kim turns off the lasers by pressing the red button with her toe at the end of her gymnastic routine.
Mr. McHenry and Mr. Paisley collaspe from exhaustion as soon as the lasers are gone.
Mr. McHenry is shocked to see that he was rescued by a cheerleader.
Ron once again becomes Kim�s biggest supporter and advises everyone to look her up online.
Shego and Killigan complain about Monkey Fist being late even though he has the power of time travel.
A time portal opens up. Monkey Fist comes out and indicates he brought something with him from the past.
A dark shadow comes over Shego, Drakken, and Killigan as something big looms over them.
Kim knows a lot about Cuddle Buddies, even though in Downhill she wanted to deny this fact. Kim knows the flamingoat is the rarest cuddle buddy, and that only ten were made. Kim didn�t think she would ever see a flamingoat. Kim also mentions her Pandaroo. Kim feels her life is complete.
Team Drakken makes a bad joke that they now plan to end Kim�s life.
A giant stone goilla golem carrying a stone sword breaks through the wall. Monkey Fist either used some sort of magic to gain control of the golem, or he somehow convinced it to obey his every command. The first notion appears to be more likely.
Ron screams at the top of his lungs about the giant monkey. This indicates that this took place after the Camp Wannaweep incident.
The stone gorilla golem takes a swipe at Kim and Ron with the sword. Kim and Ron jump over the sword. Ron then runs away.
Mr. McHenry grabs Mr. Paisley by the arm and suggests they hide. Mr. McHenry then drags Mr. Paisley away.
Monkey Fist introduces Kim to the stone guardian of Satsuma.
Ron runs past screaming about the giant monkeys again.
The stone gorilla golem takes a swipe at Kim, damaging the floor. The golem�s sword is not sharp or pointy; it is wide and retangled shaped. Kim demands to know why people she has never met are attacking her.
Team Drakken explains that in time, Kim will defeat them all.
A time portal opens up. Kim does a jump flip out of the portal.
Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Killigan are shocked that teenage Kim is now here.
Ron runs past screaming about giant monkeys again. The stone gorilla golem takes a swipe at pre-teen Kim and teenage Kim. Both Kims do a jump flip backwards out of the way.
Pre-teen Kim demands to know what is happening. Teenage Kim explains that she is from the future. Preteen Kim finds this weird. Teenage Kim assures her that things will get weirder so she�ll get used to it.
Teenage Kim pushes pre-teen Kim backwards. The gorilla golem�s sword comes crashing down a second later.
Drakken and Killigan compliment Monkey Fist, even though they had their doubts on his ability to come through.
Shego believes that Monkey Fist�s gorrila golem will destroy Kim Possible too. Shego is suddenly grabbed by somebody from behind.
Shego is confronted by an older version of herself wearing a cape and white streaks through her hair. The white streaks are similar to the monster from The Bride Of Frankenstein. Shego believes that the older version of herself is actually a clone made by Drakken. This is a reference to Kimitation Nation, in which Shego reveals that she has a no cloning contract, and quit before Drakken could make one of her.
Shego indicates she is not a clone. She displays the tempus simia and indicates that she is from the future.
The stone gorilla golem takes more swipes at pre-teen Kim and teenage Kim.
Teenage Kim gives pre-teen Kim a slight push away. Pre-teen Kim continues running.
The gorilla golem does a stabbing motion, hitting the wall. Kim dodges this with a jump. She then backflips to the ground beside preteen Kim and continues running.
Ron continues to freak out over the giant monkey.
Future Shego demands younger Shego get the tempus simia. Like Kim, talking about time travel confuses Shego. Younger Shego finally gives up and decides to watch Kim�s demise instead. Future Shego indicates that the stone gorilla will lose.
Kim is nearly smashed when the gorilla golem uses his fist. Kim jumps out of the way.
Monkey Fist affirms that Kim has no way to win this battle.
Rufus 3000 arrives from the future and has brought Ron with him. Ron is dressed in a traditional Norwegian folk dancing outfit. Rufus 3000 tells Ron that Kim needs him. Rufus 3000 then leaves.
Drakken, Monkey Fist, and Killigan scoff at the idea of Ron being able to help Kim. Ron ignores the three and walks forward to help Kim.
Kim jumps completely over the gorilla golem to get to Ron.
Kim wants to know why Ron is dressed in the weird outfit. Ron indicates that his mother signed him up for a folk dancing class. They are approached by pre-teen Kim and Ron.
Pre-teen Ron demands to know why Ron is wearing the weird hat. Ron lies and tells him it�s a future hat.
The gorilla golem bends down and growls fiercely at the Kims and Rons. Ron stands up to the monkey golem. This first surprises it, then angers it.
The gorilla golem tries to smash Ron with his fist. Kim pushes Ron out of the way.
Ron sees that his future self is not afraid of monkeys and that he gets brave. Ron is happy for this. Kim remarks that he would have to be brave to wear such an outfit. Ron will later find that no circumstance could humiliate him, no matter how odd.
Kim and Ron run away from the gorilla golem.
They get to a wall. The two separate and go different directions.
The gorilla golem tries to take Kim out. Monkey Fist most likely has set the gorilla golem to kill Kim, and therefore it does not attack Ron.
Kim runs up a wall, does a back flip, and flips over the gorilla golem.
Kim lands in front of Ron. She grabs his hand, and takes off running.
The two run down to the end of the hall. They are no longer holding hands.
Kim and Ron stop running. They are holding hands again. A minor mistake.
Kim tries to kick the golem, with little success.
The gorilla golem does another swipe. It damages the ceiling.
Kim pushes Ron backwards.
The gorilla golem misses Kim and Ron. Ron slides on the floor all the way to the remote.
Kim runs along the wall to avoid the sword slashes from the gorilla golem. It then tries to grab her.
Ron gets up with remote in hand, and wonders what the red button does.
Kim leaps out of the way of another swipe from the gorilla golem. She lands next to Ron.
Ron pushes the red button.
Pre-teen Kim and Ron know what the red button does, and close their eyes as they are prepared for the worst.
The power of The Ron Factor: The gorilla golem is obliterated by the lasers.
Monkey Fist, Drakken, and Killigan cover their heads as debris falls all around them.
Ron pushes the bottom button to turn off the lasers.
Pre-teen Ron comes over to tell teenage Ron that he rocks. Ron insists that his younger self rocks instead.
Older Rufus passes out when he sees his younger self. A similar thing happens to Elisabeth Shue when she meets her younger self in the movie Back To The Future 2.
The police have now arrived at the Paisley estate.
Pre-teen Kim is happy about having straight teeth in the future. Kim warns her younger self no to kiss Walter Nelson. Pre-teen Kim realizes she and Walter Nelson will have locked braces. This indicates Walter Nelson also has braces. Walter Nelson is the first guy for Kim to kiss.
Pre-teen Ron is asking Ron about �the future hat.� Ron finally admits it�s just a hat.
Ron changes the subject by telling pre-teen Ron that one day he will change his hair and become a babe magnet. Ron wants his younger self to keep that look. This is a reference to the Season 1 episode The New Ron.
Pre-teen Ron still wants to know about the hat. Teenage Ron wants pre-teen Ron to forget about the hat.
Killigan, Drakken, and Monkey Fist are arrested. Shego obviously hid away from the police. The three comment about being trapped in the past, and throwing the time stream into chaos.
The police officer indicates he�s heard this same excuse before.
Shego pops up from behind a police car with the tempus simia.
Shego opens a time portal. Drakken realizes that Shego is going to betray them. Kim realizes that Shego now has the tempus simia.
Teenage Kim jumps forward to get Shego. Not showing any fear, so does pre-teen Kim. Both miss the portal and land on the ground. Apparently, the how long the portals remain open is up to the holder of the tempus simia.
Rufus 3000 comes out of a time portal and indicates that The Supreme One has escaped through time.
Kim indicates that Shego escaped through the time stream. Still believing Drakken is The Supreme One, Kim points to Drakken and indicates he was captured.
Drakken picks his ears. He hardly looks like an evil genius or a supreme ruler of anything. Drakken is suddenly out of his handcuffs. A minor mistake.
Rufus 3000 indicates that The Supreme One is a her, or female.
Rufus 3000 opens a time portal to show what The Supreme One looks like.