Show notes: This is the first of three episodes that was shown as movie. It is often abbreviated as ASIT.
First appearance of the MHS high school band. They appear to be drum backup for the techno music playing for the cheerleaders.
Kim and the other cheerleaders practice their routine. This was inspired by the cheerleader movie Bring It On.
The opening credits are included with the opening scene of the movie, rather than cutting to the traditional opening sequence.
Ron comes out and does his mad dog routine complete with a flip and foam. Bonnie expresses displeasure to Marcella, about Ron still being on the cheer squad.
Ron takes off the mad dog head while Kim tells Bonnie that Ron is staying as a member of the squad.
Ron calls Bonnie by her childhood name, Bon Bon. Bonnie walks away in disgust.
Ron thinks that Bonnie might be warming up to him. This annoys Kim, who walks away in disgust. It has been analyzed that perhaps Ron says this to make Kim a bit jealous.
MHS sign. Some schools have a week to allow children to register for classes, try out for sports, and get familiar with the school and teachers. We saw in the previous episode, Two To Tutor, Kim and Ron registering for elective classes. ASIT most likely takes place a week later, with classes now in full swing.
Ron indicates that they just had their first cheerleader practice. He also feels good about the practice.
Rufus concurs with Ron by shouting, �Booya!� with a megaphone.
Kim in a red mini-skirt and black long sleeve shirt. Ron predicts it will be the best school year ever. Kim guesses it is off to a good start.
Ron indicates that the school year �hurricane rocks.� Ron indicates that they have all classes together. This is because Kim and Ron were the last students to enroll in classes in Two To Tutor.
Ron compares this year to pre-kindergarten when he and Kim were together all day long. Kim reminds Ron of nap time they had when in pre-kindergarten. Ron longs for nap time in the afternoons again.
Kim indicates they now have Latin class. Kim asks Ron why they have Latin class, indicating it was Ron�s idea.
Ron gets Latin, the ancient language, and Latin-American culture mixed up. Ron indicates he can�t wait for Latin class, because it has salsa dancing and salsa eating. Here is another indication that one of Ron�s talents is dancing. However, salsa dancing isn�t typically taught in schools, because it is considered a bit risqu�. Ron was most likely looking forward for Kim to be his dance partner for this. Salsa eating also seems natural for Ron, since Bueno Nacho is his favorite restaurant.
Rufus can�t wait for salsa eating either.
Ron puts his hand on Kim�s shoulder and indicates that his research project will be called, �The down low on J-Lo.� This indicates that plans on doing his project on real life celebrity Jennifer Lopez.
Kim corrects Ron by indicating they�re studying ancient Latin, not Spanish.
Ron is shocked for a moment as he realizes he�ll be missing out on salsa eating and salsa dancing.
Ron indicates it doesn�t matter because they�re together. Ron puts his arm around Kim as he mentions this.
Ron indicates that a fellow student by the name of Mary Garyano said �Hi!� to him. Ron may have mentioned to this to make Kim jealous again, or he is taking this as an indication for success with women in the coming year. First time Ron uses the phrase (at least a variation of it), �This bodes well.�
Ron indicates that all signs are good. Kim sees a different sign that says, �For sale.� Kim and Ron get to Ron�s house first from school. It is unknown how far Kim and Ron live from each other, but obviously Ron is closer to the school.
A real estate agent comes out and puts a sign over the first indicating that the house is sold.
The for sale sign is most likely metal; and the sold sign is most likely magnetized so the two will stick together.
Ron is horrified that he will be moving.
Later, Ron demands to know why his parents didn�t tell him that they were moving. Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable indicate that the sign was they�re way of telling Ron that they were moving; and it was easier for them than being straightforward. It has been debated whether or not Ron�s parents are good to him. It has been analyzed that they certainly don�t have enough input in Ron�s life.
Mrs. Stoppable indicates that she was offered a new job. Ron then questions what his father will do for a job. Mr. Stoppable indicates he is an actuary. An actuary calculates risks involved and try to find ways to prevent them. Mr. Stoppable may work for an insurance firm. In any case, Mr. Stoppable indicates he can find work anywhere.
Mrs. Stoppable indicates that her boss, Mrs. Ogehs, wants her at her home office. It is not completely revealed what job Mrs. Stoppable has. Mrs. Stoppable may be an administrative assistant. Also there is a subtle hint of things to come here. Mrs. Ogehs is Shego spelled backwards. Mr. Stoppable calls their moving, �an adventure.�
Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable reveal that the home office Mrs. Stoppable will be transferred to is in Norway.
Rufus passes out at the thought of moving to Norway.
Kim tries to cheer Ron up at Bueno Nacho. Meanwhile, it must be busy. The napkin holder on the woman�s table is empty, indicating that nobody has had time to fill it up.
Ron complains about how the perfect school year is now ruined. Kim complains that Ron is exaggerating. Kim and Ron�s napkin holder on their table is also empty.
Ron then complains that the Possible/Stoppable team is also ruined. Rufus makes a flushing sound. Ron likes the flushing sound.
Kim demands to know what Ron is talking about. Ron indicates that Rufus just sounded like a toilet. Kim then goes back to what Ron just said about how the Possible/Stoppable team was now at an end. This is something that Kim has not considered.
Ron doesn�t believe the Possible/Stoppable team can work from two different continents. Kim is certain it can, even though it will be a bit tricky.
Kim says, �Ron, I couldn�t save the world without you.� This is considered to be one of the best moments of shipping. This line may have been encouraged by the events in The Ron Factor, in which Kim realizes that a part of Ron helps with her success in missions.
Rufus makes another flushing sound and turns in circles imitating a toilet. Ron believes Rufus is overdoing it.
Moving trucks often have company logos on the side. The name of this moving company is simply called, �Moving.� Mr. Stoppable demands that they have to leave. This is another event that questions whether or not Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable are good parents as they disregard Ron�s feelings as he is about to leave his childhood friend.
Kim and Ron find it difficult to say good-bye to each other.
Rufus is crying, and uses Ron�s shirt to blow his nose.
Kim gives Ron a kimmunicator. She indicates she had Wade make one for Ron.
Kim calls it, �Ronnunicator.� She then indicates that Ron can use it to, �Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.� This of course, is the line from the opening theme song.
Ron turns away and indicates that he is not going to cry.
Rufus cries in Ron�s place.
Mr. Stoppable wants Ron to hurry up because they have to get there at least four hours early for an international flight. Apparently, they are using the moving truck to get to the airport.
Kim and Ron hug each other. This too is considered one of the biggest shippy moments in the series.
Ron wipes away a tear, sniffs, and is chocked up indicating he is crying. He reminds Kim to have fun in Latin class.
Ron and Rufus get into the truck, and waves good-bye to Kim.
The truck has a gear shift. This indicates it is a manual drive and not automatic. The blue shirt and watch indicates Mr. Stoppable is driving the truck.
Kim finally says good-bye to Ron. This is done cinematically to indicate that they will never see each other again. This is not the case as revealed later in the episode.
Mrs. Possible is surprised that Kim is taking Latin class. Kim becomes annoyed and indicates that it was Ron�s idea.
Kim wishes that Ron were here, so that he would have to study with her. Mrs. Possible sits down and comforts Kim by indicating it is okay to miss him.
Kim reminds her mother that they have been friends for a very long time.
Mr. Possible walks by and sarcastically asks Kim how can she miss Ron, when he calls every five minutes?
The kimmunicator beeps. Mr. Possible indicates that Ron�s five minute calling schedule is right on time.
Kim asks Ron how the flight is going. Ron indicates that he is nine hours from Norway. Meanwhile, a man is snoring beside him. A baby is crying and needs to be wiped clean. A fellow passenger leans her chair into Ron�s lap.
Kim advises Ron to focus on the in-flight movie.
Mrs. Possible advises Kim that distance shouldn�t matter for her and Ron. Jim and Tim come into the kitchen bringing in their latest rocket.
Kim tells Jim and Tim that Ron moved. Jim and Tim are shocked and dismayed that Ron has moved. They wanted Rufus to test their rocket.
Jim and Tim begin arguing on whether to call their rocket the Jiminator, or the Timinator.
Mrs. Possible reminds Jim and Tim about not having rocket fuel in the house.
Jim indicates that the rocket is safe. It immediately launches on it�s own.
The rocket crashes through the roof, and does some circles before flying off.
Jim and Tim run away. Mrs. Possible gets up very angry and slowly follows them. Meanwhile, Ron contacts Kim again.
Ron indicates the movie is in Norwegian. It may be in French; Ron isn�t sure which. Not only that, but a heavy guy is laying on Ron and drooling. The messy and crying baby smears baby food on Ron�s face.
Mrs. Possible comes back to let Kim know that keeping in touch with Ron shouldn�t be much of a problem.
Ron calls Kim up in the middle of the night. Ron asks Kim if he is nine hours ahead, or nine hours behind. Ron is actually nine hours ahead, and it would be morning in Norway. This also indicates that Kim Possible takes place on the west coast of the United States.
Kim is almost ready to go back to sleep while talking to Ron.
Ron asks if Mary Garyano has talked to anybody else yet. Ron�s stuff is packed into boxes. This includes his lava lamp, and toy robots that he often has on top of his shelf. Ron has a new bed. It�s ornament design seems to indicate it came with the house Ron is moving into.
Kim ignores Ron�s question by indicating she needs sleep. Ron gets off the ronnunicator to let Kim sleep.
Kim sleeps with the kimmunicator next to her ear so she can hear Ron when he contacts her.
Wade contacts Kim on the kimmunicator. Ron also got the beep on his ronnunicator and is shown on a split screen with Wade. Wade and Ron begin talking about Norway. Ron describes it as, �icy.�
Kim gets the focus of attention back onto her and hopes that whatever it is, it can wait till morning.
Wade indicates that a robbery at the try-city museum.
Kim gets up in the middle of the night. She is wearing fluffy bunny slippers.
Kim is shocked when she hears Ron indicate he�ll be there in no time. Kim reminds Ron that he is halfway around the world.
Ron indicates that they�re still a team, so he will be there.
Though it looks similar, this is not the same museum from Pain King vs. Cleopatra. First appearance of the tri cities museum. It may be located in Upperton. An advertisment for the tempus simia hangs on front of the building.
The tempus simia is illuminated by a bright light overhead. It is displayed alongside some dinosaur bones and some pottery featuring a monkey similar to those involved with mystical monkey power.
First appearance of the tempus simia. Only the body is shown so far.
The tempus simia is based on the musical jolly chimp, a battery operated toy from the 1960�s that banged cymbols together.
Monkey Fist is hanging upside down and ready to steal the tempus simia. But he interrupted by Kim.
Kim complains about Monkey Fist�s lack of human hands and feet. Monkey Fist mocks Kim by indicating he was hoping for a real challenging fight.
Monkey Fist attacks Kim.
Kim throws Monkey Fist towards a totem pole. Kim does a jump kick. Monkey Fist ducks. Kim uses the totem pole to swing around and land in front of Monkey Fist.
Monkey Fist jumps up to a higher level of the museum.
Monkey Fist jumps onto a pteranodan, climbs on it�s fossilized skeleton, then jumps onto what appears to be a tyrannosaurus rex.
Kim uses her grappling hook to pull a leg bone from the leg of the tyrannosaurus rex.
The fossil collapses. Monkey Fist is captured in between the teeth of the tyrannosaurus rex.
Kim says, �Say uncle, monkey! Or monkey�s uncle. I�ll accept either.� Kim is using a play on two different phrases. Yelling, �Uncle!� is a way to give up. Yelling, �I�ll be a monkey�s uncle!� means that you�re surprised about something.
Kim suddenly sees a golf ball that has been hit towards her. It is beeping and flashing. Kim jumps away in time before it explodes.
Kim lands behind a barrier of some sort. It is most likely used to place large exhibits on.
Kim peeks out from behind the barrier. Monkey Fist gets out of the dinosaur�s mouth by lifting up on it. Monkey Fist complains to a person he is working with that he missed Kim. This indicates that this was a trap and Monkey Fist used himself as bait. They also most likely contacted Wade through Kim�s web site to lure Kim with news of a robbery at the museum.
Duff Killigan comes out complaining about Kim�s athletic skill and revealing he had the exploding golf balls.
Kim realizes Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan are working together.
Kim sees that Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan have tried to surround her.
Kim jumps out of the way. Monkey Fist and Duff collide into each other.
Kim gets ready for attack. Behind her appear exhibitions for dodo birds, a saber toothed tiger, and a bactrian camel.
Duff attacks Kim first. Kim trips Duff Killigan. He goes flying into the exhibit of dodo birds.
Monkey Fist attacks next.
Duff has a dodo bird�s head on top of his head. He takes it off and replaces it with his hat. The dodo birds were most likely fake replicas of the real thing.
Duff nearly hits Kim with a golf club. Kim jumps away in time again.
Kim seems to be enjoying the fight.
The museum is also exhibiting ancient Egyptian relics including a sarcophagus and a cat. Cats were worshipped in ancient Egypt.
Kim flips backwards and kicks what appears to be a large fishbowl on top of a pedestal.
The fishbowl lands on Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan. The glass causes their heads to appear much larger than they really are. Duff indicates that there is someone else helping them.
Drakken is right behind Kim and appears ready to grab her. Kim indicates she knows Drakken is behind her.
Drakken wonders how Kim knew he was behind her. Kim compares Drakken to not being a ninja. In other words, he is noisy and doesn�t use stealth.
Kim fails to see the shadow running past her as she talks to Drakken.
Kim sees Shego about to hit her, and she doesn�t have time to react. She does so with her plasma power ready and hits Kim with her fist closed. Kim may have been killed if Shego hit her with her plasma claws instead.
Kim is hit into the Egyptian sarcophagus. Shego obviously opened it up and planned to capture Kim inside of it.
The blow left Kim feeling lightheaded. Drakken comes over to close the sarcophagus. Drakken compares Shego to being much more like a ninja. The sarcophagus doesn�t appear to have any locks on it. How it kept Kim from escaping is a mystery.
Drakken closes the sarcophagus and then demands a high five from Shego. Shego doesn�t give him the satisfaction of this though.
Drakken tries speaking with urban slang, much like he did in The Golden Years. Meanwhile, Shego tries to pull the glass bowl off of Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan.
Shego claims she is the only one who looks competent at the moment. This annoys Drakken.
Shego suggests they get the tempus simia before Ron shows up. Monkey Fist grabs it and they go.
Drakken wonders where Ron is. Drakken once again calls Ron, �the baffoon.� The others don�t care where Ron is.
Ron rushes into the museum the next morning. He is wearing a heavy coat to keep warm in Norway, but doesn�t necessarily need it in Middleton. Behind him are two sculptures. One appears to have pointed jagged edges. The other is a pig.
Kim demands to be let out. Apparently, the villains knocked out security while breaking into the museum. It�s also why Kim had to wait for Ron before being rescued.
Rufus also has a heavy coat to keep warm in Norway. Kim talking to Ron through the sarcophagus freaks him out, and he thinks it is a mummy that is alive.
Kim calls Ron�s name. Ron believes he is now cursed and runs behind the pig sculpture.
Kim contacts Ron on the ronnunicator and demands he open the sarcophagus.
Kim complains about Ron being late. Kim�s hair is messed up. She most likely had to sleep in the sarcophagus as well.
A man from the musuem complains about the tempus simia being stolen.
The man from the museum indicates that the tempus simia was reported to have mystical powers. The head was hidden centuries ago in a dark corner of the globe. If the tempus simia were made whole again, it could be used for evil purposes.
Ron interrupts the man from the museum to say that the tempus simia could be used for monkey shines. This is most likely a reference to the 1988 horror movie of the same name.
Ron figured out on his own that Monkey Fist would steal the tempus simia. Kim reveals to Ron that Drakken and Duff Killigan are also involved.
Ron becomes upset that he missed all the villains teaming up together.
Kim still believes that she and Ron can still be a team. Kim indicates she�ll find out more about the tempus simia.
Ron slowly walks away to go back to Norway.
MHS sign Carpe diem is Latin for �live for the day.�
Kim, Wade, and Ron talk about what plans Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist have for the tempus simia. Off to the side, nameless girl in blue seems to have found another boyfriend for this episode. Kim must be getting books out of her locker. She already has Wade and Ron contacted on her kimmunicator, and is not using her locker computer.
Ron and Wade both agree that Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist want to rule the world. What we don�t see is Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist discussing which one of them would rule the world after taking over it.
Kim wonders what powers the tempus simia has. Ron indicates that everyone is afraid of monkey. Kim reminds Ron that he is the only one afraid of monkeys.
Kim believes that the villains will be looking for the head. She asks Wade if he can hack into the global spy satellites. Wade indicates he can. Kim then asks him to scan for Drakken. Apparently, Wade has gotten fairly proficient at scanning for Drakken and his whereabouts. Wade is able to talk to both Kim and Ron by using two monitors at the same time.
After Wade leaves, Kim talks to Ron for a moment about how he is doing.
Ron has the ronnunicator propped up on some schoolbooks. He also indicates he is adapting to the new culture and lifestyle. Ron and Rufus eat lamb and cabbage stew.
Ron indicates that lamb and cabbage stew is the second most popular food item in Norway; next to meat cakes.
Kim seems concerned for Ron eating lamb and cabbage stew and meat cakes. Especially since Ron is insistant on how much he likes them.
Ron says, �Ja.� which is Norwegian for yes. Ron then indicates it might be French. Ron most likely took French with Kim the previous year and now he has trouble with multiple languages.
Kim indicates she has to go to Latin class. She then apologizes for bringing it up knowing Ron wanted to take Latin too. Kim forgets the reason Ron wanted to take Latin was because he got it confused with Latin America.
Ron indicates everything is okay because he has lamb and cabbage stew.
As soon as Kim signs off, Ron and Rufus spit out the stew. Ron even scrapes his tongue with his spoon. Ron affirms he needs Bueno Nacho. This indicates that there isn�t a Bueno Nacho anywhere near Ron is in Norway.
Mrs. Stoppable appears to offer Ron some more meat cakes.
Ron and Rufus pass on the meat cakes. Ron�s house is decorated with medieval weapons. A broadsword, a shield, and a helmet all hang from the wall.
First appearance of the large black airplane. It is larger like a personal plane, and can carry several passengers comfortably, yet also appears to be supersonic.
Shego pilots the aircraft. Monkey Fist, Drakken, and Killigan all wait for something to happen. Nobody is wearing seatbelts.
Drakken finally gets impatient enough to begin an outburst.
Monkey Fist wants Drakken to be patient and indicates that when the tempus simia is near the head, the hands will clap. In this scene, Monkey Fist is seen walking over to the tempus simia, then sitting down during Drakken�s outburst, then standing up again in front of the idol. A minor mistake.
Drakken doesn�t believe in mystical monkey power. This indicates that the tempus simia is driven by that power.
Monkey Fist tells Drakken that he wouldn�t know mystical monkey power if he held it in his tiny hands.
Drakken looks at his hands to see how small they are. Killigan also notes how small they are.
Shego notices the monkey just clapped. The others did not.
Drakken says, �I�ll let my wee fingers do the talking!� This is a play on the advertisements for yellow pages, which used the tagline, �Let your fingers do the walking.�
The monkey claps again. Shego tries to get the other�s attention, but they are arguing.
Monkey Fist asks Drakken and Killigan to take their argument outside at thirty thousand feet.
Shego finally yells and gets the other�s attention. She finally tells them the monkey clapped.
Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist huddle in close to the monkey to watch it clap. Monkey Fist indicates that they are getting close.
Drakken now believes in mystical monkey power.
Kim opens her locker. She has taken down the mug shot of Shego and replaced it with a picture of her, Ron, and Rufus.
Kim is surprised by Monique slamming the locker shut and indicating that they are going to Bueno Nacho together and will grande size their meals.
Kim watches Monique eat but doesn�t eat anything herself.
Monique eats the nachos with horrible table manners.
Monique hopes that she was acting like Ron to cheer Kim up. This also indicates that Ron has horrible table manners too. Sadly, Kim is not impressed with Monique�s impersonation of Ron.
Wade contacts Kim on the kimmunicator.
Wade has given a name to the villains super group. He calls them, �Team Drakken.�
Wade indicates he has tracked Team Drakken to the Australian outback.
Wade contacts Ron at Kim�s request. He is both sleepy and freezing.
Ron whines that it is even colder at night than it is during the day. Rufus pops out with earmuffs on. Ron indicates it is 2:00 a.m. If it is 2:00 a.m. in Norway, then it is 5:00 p.m. in Middleton.
Ron perks up when Kim tells him the mission is in Australia. Ron immediately mistakes Australia for Austria. Ron tells Kim save him some strudel, a pastry that originated in Austria and Nacospeaky.
Knowing that Ron won�t make it in time, Kim thinks of a plan B.
Monique realizes she is plan B and refuses.
Kim does her puppy dog pout on Monique.
Apparently a prior victim of the puppy dog pout, Monique covers her eyes to shield herself from Kim.
Kim denies that she is doing the puppy dog pout. When Monique removes her hands from her eyes, she sees Kim, and once again becomes a victim.
Kim adopts one of Ron�s traits so she doesn�t forget him. Kim says, �Booya!�
Kim and Monique get to this mission by car. The car was most likely based on the Hummer.
An unknown man with an Austrailian accent and clothes drops Kim and Monique off.
Kim flips her hair before putting on a blue helmet with an orange stripe. Monique obviously got the mission outfit at Club Banana. She might have had some from when Kimstyle was hot in Kimitation Nation.
Kim grabs a tiny skateboard on the zipper of her backpack and indicates they�re from Wade. She picks it up with her right hand, then throws it to her left.
Kim drops the skateboard onto the ground. The skateboard enlarges and a sail comes out. It also matches the design on Kim�s helmet.
Monique drops her skateboard. She is a bit frightened of her enlarging skateboad. The sail doesn�t come out.
Monique complains about the missing sail. It suddenly pops out and sends her flying backwards.
Monique lands in a nearby bush. Kim complains that Monique is acting too much like Ron. Kim gives Monique a hand in getting out of the bush.
Kim skatesails with ease.
Monique isn�t so sure about it, but follows Kim anyways.
The black plane is parked on a large rock overlooking the landscape. It is revealed later in the episode that it can do verticle takeoffs explaining how it was able to land on such a small area.
The tempus simia claps faster as it gets closer to the head. Drakken points it in the various directions to get faster clapping action. Drakken uses the words, �hotter� and �colder� to describe how close they are getting. This is based off of a children�s game.
The clapping leads Team Drakken to a large rock with a stone door.
Killigan tries lifting the door up with no success.
Drakken and Monkey Fist don�t bother to help Killigan.
Monkey Fist sees a mystical monkey doorknob at the top of the rock.
Drakken rolls his sleeves up and demands Killigan hoist him up to the doorknob. Killigan refuses to do so because Drakken has tiny hands.
Drakken never considered how small his hands were until now.
Monkey Fist gets to the doorknob by swinging on vines growing on the rock.
Drakken calls Monkey Fist, �Mustant showoff.�
Monkey Fist turns the knob to the right. It glows once he does so.
The rock door opens by going up.
Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist begin fighting to see who will get the monkey head first.
Kim slams into Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist.
The three go flying up into the air and land on each other.
Drakken is surprised that Kim is there. Monkey Fist wonders why Drakken is always surprised that Kim is there.
Monique has trouble controlling her skatesail and hits a rock.
Monique flies into the air and lands right in front of Drakken.
Drakken wonders who Monique is, and why Ron isn�t there.
Monique takes off her helmet and introduces herself. She indicates she is filling in for Ron.
Shego jumps in with a series of flips and says, �Nice to beat you.� This is a play on the greeting, �Nice to meet you.� Monique stands up to Shego�s attitude. Shego obviously wants to see how Monique measures up to her.
Kim jumps in, does a flip, and grabs Monique by the back of the pants.
Kim and Monique land behind a rock. Kim indicates that she should handle Shego.
Killigan hits a golf ball to Monique.
Monique scoffs at Killigan for hitting golf balls. She also indicates her father plays golf.
Kim comes over and kicks the golf ball into the air.
Monique is shocked when the golf ball explodes. Kim assures Monique that it is an everyday thing for her.
Shego grabs Kim and demands that she focus on the fighting at hand.
Naturally, Kim and Shego begin fighting.
Monkey Fist tries to attack Kim too.
Kim jumps to a tree, followed by Monkey Fist. Kim swing around on the branch and kicks Monkey Fist from behind.
Monkey Fist grabs a tree limb with his feet, and fights Kim upside down.
Kim grabs a tree limb and uses it to get to the ground.
When she lets it go, it hits Monkey Fist. This may have been unintentional.
Kim and Shego continue the battle.
Monkey Fist suddenly drops onto Shego. Shego gets up and they both prepare to attack.
Kim has trouble fighting both Shego and Monkey Fist.
Monkey Fist flips over and grabs Kim from behind.
Monique watches helplessly as her best friend is in trouble.
Kim wraps her ankles around Shego and flips her.
Kim rolls on the ground with Monkey Fist still holding onto her.
Monique indicates she needs twenty years of training.
Kim manages to get away from Monkey Fist.
Monkey Fist watches as Kim kicks him while he is looking at her upside down.
Monkey Fist lands at the cave entrance, and goes in to get the monkey head. Monkey Fist walks on his hands and feet like a real monkey.
Shego activates her plasma power.
Monique sees Shego�s power for the first time. Kim tells Monique to watch out for Shego�s plasma claws.
Monique is shocked some more when Shego attacks Kim, misses, and knocks a hole in the rock.
Monique is further shocked when an exploding golf ball is hit right next to her. Monique jumps out of the way just in time.
Killigan continues to hit exploding golf balls to Monique as she runs away.
Monique runs into Drakken.
Knowing she is freaked out by the current events, Drakken scares Monique by calmly saying, �Boo.�
Monique screams in terror.
Shego attacks Kim. Kim jumps. Shego passes under Kim.
Shego slashes a nearby tree. It falls on top of Kim. Fortunaely she is unhurt.
Kim watches as Shego runs back to the plane.
Kim then sees Monkey Fist with the head of the tempus simia.
Monkey Fist jumps to the top of a rock to await his flight.
Shego is the pilot, but may have other ways to navigate the aircraft. It could be done with a remote control or voice activation. As mentioned before, the aircraft is capable of verticle takeoffs and landings.
Once Monkey Fist is inside, the plane takes off going straight up.
Monique indicates she likes the land surfing part of the mission, but not the fighting.
Ron suddenly arrives by parachute, and does a perfect landing.
Ron sees the carnage and realizes that he is too late.
Kim is disappointed that Team Drakken have both the tempus simia and the missing head.
Ron�s lunchroom is decorated with a spear, shield, and a boat done almost in Viking style. Norway is one of the countries Vikings originated. The background students at this school are the same as the ones in Middleton, only with blond hair.
Ron tries speaking Norwegian by making up the words, �Guten tagy bergit.�
Ron asks the lunch lady if she knows about the naco. Ron uses air quotes while talking about it. Instead, Ron gets a bowl full of lamb and cabbage stew.
Rufus isn�t happy about lamb and cabbage stew either.
The ronnunicator beeps. Ron says, �Saved by the bell.� This term is used in boxing when an opponment is being counted out, and the bell rings allowing him to rest for a moment. Ron uses this phrase to give himself a minute from not eating lamb and cabbage stew. Ron also uses a phrase so he doesn�t forget about Kim. Ron says, �What the sitch?�
Kim indicates that Wade found out some information on the tempus simia. He doesn�t know what it does. He does know that there is a tempus simia temple in Central Africa. Kim also indicates it is where they have to put the head onto the monkey.
Ron calls Team Drakken, �Evil incorporated.� He also wonders why magic stuff is always so complicated.
Ron becomes annoyed when a girl comes over and seems interested in him. His attitude towards her drives her away. The girl looks similar to Jessica, but without freckles. It has been analyzed that Ron may be pushing other girls away so he stay focused on Kim.
Kim is surprised at Ron�s attitude to the interested girl.
Ron indicates that he is not interested in blonds, since everyone in Norway is a blond.
Ron promises Kim to meet her in Africa, and he won�t be late.
Ron does several methods to get to Africa. The first appears to be a zamboni machine. Rufus complains about how slow it is.
Ron in a heavy jacket and hat. Ron�s second method is faster and involves skiing.
Ron loses his balance and becomes a giant snowball as he goes down the mountain.
Ron crosses the desert with a slow camel. Ron says, �Giddy up, already!� Giddy up is often used for horses to make them go faster.
Ron�s final method is an even slower elephant.
Kim uses a machete to cut the limbs out of her way.
Ron lands face down right in front of Kim.
Ron gets up and blames the elephant for being late. Kim tells him he�s right on time.
Kim points to the tempus simia temple. They have to walk over a ridge to get to it.
A light at the top of the temple allows sunlight to come in and activate the tempus simia.
Monkey Fist watches as Killigan and Drakken play rock, paper, scissors to see who will put the head onto the tempus simia.
Drakken has rock. Killigan has paper. Drakken thinks he won because rock is stronger than paper. Actually, paper covers rock so Killigan wins. The two begin arguing over who actually won.
Meanwhile, Monkey Fist prepares to put the head onto the idol himself. Monkey Fist indicates that the head must be put on precisely at noon.
Another indicating of the similarities between Drakken and Ron: Drakken wonders why magic stuff is always so complicated.
Killigan wants to put the head on.
Monkey Fist protests and indicates that using the tempus simia was his idea, and therefore he should have the honor of putting the head on the idol. As an archeologist, Monkey Fist most likely did the most research on the tempus simia. He also may have gotten Drakken�s and Killigan�s help to retrieve the items and deal with Kim too.
Drakken wants to put the head on too.
Shego quietly reads a magazine and suggests that they work as a team and put the head on together.
The three whine like children that they don�t want to share the glory of putting the head on the idol.
The three try to grab the tempus simia�s head.
Shego is disgusted with the team she�s working with.
As the sunlight approaches the idol, the three prepare to put the head on together. Monkey Fist indicates that they have one minute to go.
Kim suddenly appears. Ron appears confident and ready for a fight. Kim indicates she can�t wait a minute because she needs to take a test in Latin. She then sarcastically indicates she would hate to miss the Latin test. Drakken doesn�t think Kim can win because it is a battle of three against one.
Shego protests after Drakken leaves her out of the equation.
Drakken changest the equation to two against four; if you count the sidekicks. Drakken doesn�t ever fight, so it should be two against three.
Shego becomes increasingly annoyed by the team she is working with.
Shego charges her plasma and prepares to attack. The song, �Get Up On Ya Feet� by Aaron Carter begins playing in the background and is available on the KP soundtrack.
Shego charges at Kim. Kim runs up the side of a wall and does a flip. Shego misses Kim and hits the wall.
Drakken and Killigan approach Kim. Kim jumps off their backs and continues on.
Kim gets to the pedestal. Monkey Fist tries to keep the head away from Kim and fights her for it. Kim kicks it out of his hands.
Ron catches the head and runs for the entrance/exit.
Drakken and Shego suddenly block Ron from escaping.
Ron throws the head. Kim catches it.
Monkey Fist jumps right in front of Kim.
Kim throws the monkey head to Ron, who catches it before Killigan does. Ron throws it back to Kim.
Kim throws the head high into the air. Monkey Fist and Killigan both run and try to catch it. They slam into each other instead.
Ron catches the head. He lets it roll across his shoulders like he did the egg in Two To Tutor.
Ron sees Drakken standing in front of him. It appears Drakken is trying to intimidate Ron into giving him the head.
Ron kicks the head over Drakken�s head instead.
Rufus catches the head and spins it on his nose before kicking it away.
Drakken tries to catch the head. He misses and it rolls in between his legs.
Ron picks up the head. Shego tackles Ron. Ron lets go of the head.
Shego lands on top of Ron. Ron comments to Shego about how good she looks. This scene set off a lot of speculation about Ron having feelings for Shego. Many fan fiction writers often have stories involving Shego and Ron. This actually seems to be a remnant of Ron�s short lived crush on Shego from Tick Tick Tick. And although Shego has never actually hurt Ron, it�s very doubtful she shares those feelings.
Shego�s reaction to Ron�s comment. Shego gets up and tries to get the head.
The light is directly over the pedestal for the tempus simia. Monkey Fist gets to it and demands they get the head before the sunlight passes over.
Shego swipes at Kim with her plasma claws and misses. Though we didn�t see it, Kim now has the head to the tempus simia.
Drakken then makes a grab for the head. Kim throws it Ron.
Ron catches the head. He dodges an attack by Shego and throws the head to Kim.
The higher walls of the temple are revealed. It is adorned with stone carvings of monkeys similar to those involving mystical monkey kung fu.
Ron threw the head too far. Kim is about to catch the head when she sees Killigan preparing to swing. She ducks. Killigan hits the head instead.
Monkey Fist catches the head and places it on the idol. The tempus simia is made whole again. The eyes light up with the same colored magic power as the doorknob.
Kim, Ron, and Rufus are knocked backwards by a magical shockwave of energy. Monkey Fist, who is standing next to the idol, is unaffected.
A portal opens up. Monkey Fist goes right on through first. Shego goes through second. Killigan is not seen going through the portal. Where Team Drakken went after opening the portal is unknown.
Drakken takes a moment to gloat. He uses the pun, �We�ll see each other again---in time.� It is later revealed that the tempus simia�s magic allows time travel. Drakken takes the tempus simia and jumps through the portal.
Kim tries to jumps through the portal before it closes. It disappears and Kim lands on the ground.
Kim gets up and realizes that for the first time, they�ve really lost the battle.