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Show notes: Viewing this episode right after Royal Pain, we see the Kim/Ron relationship on edge. This episode introduces Ron as the mad dog mascot. It also gives some background on Mr. Possible and Drakken. Shego is missing from this episode. Steve Loter said that Shego was at a wedding.

The episode starts out with Ron coming out of a school office and sad. The reason is quickly revealed.

Ron is so depressed, he doesn't even want Bueno Nacho food.

Ron's problem is revealed. He needs an extracurricular activity because it will look good on his college applications.

Kim suggests the mathletes, and the debate team. Ron isn't enthusiastic about either one.

Kim tells Ron that after school activities are great, like cheerleading for her. This gives Ron the idea to become a cheerleader.

Ron gets his appetite back, only to discover Rufus in his burrito.

Kim doesn't like the idea of Ron as a cheerleader. Mrs. Possible thinks that the idea is cute.

Kim tells her mom that boy bands and brown bear back packs are cute. Ron as a cheerleader is not cute. We will find out more about Kim and boy bands in a later episode.

Mrs. Possible wonders if Ron will wear a different cheerleading outfit. Kim isn't sure. This is later referenced in October 31st, when in the Halloween flashback to their childhood, Ron dressed as a ballerina.

First time we see the space propulsion lab. Mrs. Possible calls and asks what kind of pizza Mr. Possible would like. First indication that Mr. Possible likes bacon on his pizza. He also leans back on the console and launches the test rocket. This is an indication that Mr. Possible is a little bit absent minded like Ron.

Mr. Possible says, ''See you in thirty minutes or less.'' This indicates that the Possible home is not far away from the space propulsion lab.

First appearance of Bob Chen. Indication that Bob Chen is an astronomer.

First appearance of the bebes. Bebes have red eyes in the dark. This is a reference to movie The Terminator.

Mr. Possible indicates the rocket that just went up was the prototype G-6. It wasn't supposed to be launched until next week.

Bob figures that Mr. Possible leaned on the button ''again.'' This indicates that Mr. Possible has accidentally shot off a rocket more than once.

Bob asks Mr. Possible if he is going to class reunion this weekend.. Meanwhile, the bebes scan him. This is another reference to The Terminator.

The military has scrambled around Mr. Possible's rocket. They do this to shoot it down if the rocket is armed for mass destruction.

Tara is missing from this scene. The cheerleaders are upset about Ron wanting to join their group. It seems they have elected Bonnie as their spokesperson.

Kim expresses her displeasure in Ron wanting to join the cheer squad. But they have to allow Ron to try out.

Bonnie calls Ron a ''loser.'' First time Bonnie calls Ron a loser.

Kim defends Ron, saying that he is not a loser. ''He's just different.'' But Kim has to think about this statement.

Ron comes in with his eyes covered. First time Ron covers his eyes so he doesn't see ladies undressed.

The cheerleaders are not happy with Ron's presence.

Bonnie, Liz, and Crystal slam the door on Ron.

They slam the door so hard, Ron goes flying backwards. He lands in a pile of pom poms.

Not knowing they're spending extra time talking about him, Ron thinks the cheerleaders are taking extra time getting dressed.

Ron asks where the other cheerleaders are. Kim confirms they take a long time to get dressed.

Kim asks Ron if he really wants to be a cheerleader. Ron tells her no.

Kim is elated with this answer.

Ron isn't going to be a cheerleader, because he wants to be the mascot. First appearance of the Middleton mad dog.

Ron indicates he made the mask from his movie make up magic kit.

Ron made a Kim mask. Rufus is inside and asks, ''What's the sitch?''

Kim is impressed, and slightly disturbed. The other mask is from Disney's Beauty And The Beast.

Ron demonstrates the mad dog foam, which comes out when Ron squeezes a hand pump.

Ron sprays Kim and Bonnie with mad dog foam.

Ron indicates the mad dog foam is actually banana cream.

Rufus jumps on Bonnie and licks the cream off her arm. She grabs Rufus by the tail and pulls him off of her. Indication that Bonnie is not afraid of Rufus.

Bonnie thinks the entire school will laugh at Ron. ''Loudly and cruelly.''

Ron thinks that Kim will support him.

Unfortunately, Kim agrees with Bonnie.

Ron picks up his mad dog mask and walks off. He leaves everything else behind.

Kim wonders how this will effect Ron.

Kim sits on a floor cushion. The ads on the back suggests that she is reading a magazine.

Kim asks her father about a problem. Mr. Possible passes off the boy problems onto Mrs. Possible.

Kim says that it's not a boy problem. It's about Ron.

Mr. Possible can handle a Ron problem. First indication that Mr. Possible doesn't consider Ron an average boy.

Mr. Possible uses the street term ''posse'' to describe his old college friends.

Mr. Possible in his younger days in the 1980's. Computers had oversized green screen monitors back then. The computer is using basic programming, which meant you had to input all commands in the computer before it did anything. Gary Cole almost got the role of Sonny Crocket in Miami Vice before it was given to Don Johnson.

The flashback occurs on the night of the big science department mixer. Mr. Possible indicates that in those days, he wasn't much of a ladies man. This flashback occurs before Mr. and Mrs. Possible were married or even dating. Kim Possible premiered in 2001. If Kim is sixteen years old in 2001, then this flashback occurs before 1985.

First appearance of Ramesh. Possible and his friends are waiting on somebody named Drew. He was supposed to be there half an hour ago. He was also supposed to bring dates.

Drew Lipski in his younger days, before he went evil.

Drew didn't bring girls. He brought robotic females who call themselves, ''Bebe.''

Possible, Chen, and Ramesh are not impressed.

After a quick dance, Drew proposes the idea that his bebes are ''gentle as a spring shower.''

Drew's posse disagree. The idea of robots as a substitute for real women make Possible, Chen, and Ramesh laugh.

Getting laughed at by his closest college friends is what makes Drew decide to make the world pay for taunting him. Drew promises one day his bebes will be perfect.

Drew can't build a good robot. The head springs off.

Mr. Possible indicates Drew dropped out of college and they never saw him again. Mr. Possible shows regret for laughing at Drew.

Mr. Possible indicates they laughed for days because of Drew and his robot bebes.

Despite her father's request, Kim refuses to rethink about Ron's dream of becoming the mad dog mascot.

Ron and Kim feud over how stupid the mad dog routine is.

Ron puts on the Kim mask and makes fun of her.

Wade calls. They got a hit from a Professor Ramesh from the Mount Middleton Observatory. Ramesh's partner, Professor Chen is missing. Ramesh's first name is never given. Kim remembers Ramesh from her father's story.

Kim says, ''I'll bring the man of a thousand faces.'' This is a reference to Hollywood actor Lon Chaney, who became famous in early silent filmmaking due to his make up and masks effects.

Ron refuses a ride with Kim. He plans to get to the mission his own way.

Kim gets to this mission by helicopter.

First appearance of Dallas, the helicopter pilot. Dallas does The Eye Over Middleton, and reports on traffic. He is repaying Kim after she stopped a high speed police pursuit.

Ron with a bicycle helmet on. Ron gets to this mission by bicycle.

Kim and Ron hiss to fake bad reception. We don't know how Kim is communicating with Ron. Ron doesn't have his own kimmunicator. He could be using a walkie-talkie, or a cell phone. Ron has a cell phone in a later episode.

First clear appearance of the bebes. First indication that the bebes operate from a central hive mind.

We later find out the bebes can move faster than time. They go blurry when doing so.

After surrounding Professor Ramesh, all three robots announce their names are Bebe.

The bebes scan Kim and conclude the threat is minimal.

The bebes seems to know all of Kim's attack styles. One of the bebes catches and Kim and throws her across the room. This also indicates the bebes have super strength.

First time the bebes use the phrase, ''Bebe is perfect.''

The bebes have arms that can elongate themselves and even bend a little.

Kim rescues Professor Ramesh by hitting him with an office chair and rolling out of harms way.

Being robots, the bebes can turn their heads completely around.

The bebes can also walk on the walls. They block the exit and surround Kim and Professor Ramesh.

Ron shows up, ringing the bell on the bicycle. He's exhausted from peddling uphill all the way.

The bebes can elongate their necks as well. Ron sees a bebe and passes out.

The bebes capture Professor Ramesh.

Kim blames Ron for Professor Ramesh's capture.

Ron accidentally steps on a picture of Possible, Chen, and Ramesh from their college days.

Rufus figured out that Mr. Possible was going to be kidnapped next by the bebes.

Ron didn't get what Rufus was telling him. Instead, he complained of Mr. Possible's 1980's fashion sense.

After figuring out that Mr. Possible is the next target, Ron squishes Rufus between himself and the picture. Ron decides that he doesn't need Kim, and goes off alone.

Ron leaves, ringing the bicycle bell again and taking the photo with him.

First appearance of Mr. Possible's car. It has a car alarm.

Mr. Possible's car is loosely based on the Jaguar.

The bebes capture Mr. Possible.

Mr. Possible opens the gym door during cheerleading practice and shouts Kim's full name in anger. It's Kimberly Anne Possible.

Mr. Possible demands to know where Ron is. Kim tells him that Ron isn't with her.

All the cheerleaders except Marcella are annoyed by the distraction.

Mr. Possible complains about the hole in the roof of his car. Kim wonders what he is talking about.

Mr. Possible explains that Ron came over and said something about a mission. Again, Kim doesn't know what he is talking about.

The bebes stand guard over Professor Chen, Professor Ramesh, and Mr. Possible. They are not in a cage. It appears to be a high electrical energy field.

Professor Chen thinks that they have been kidnapped for a plot to take over the world.

Both Professor Chen and Professor Ramesh recognize that Drew Lipski is actually Dr. Drakken. Since he dropped out of college, Drakken is not a real doctor of anything. The title was given to him by himself.

Ron in dress clothes and a tie. Ron pulls off a Mr. Possible revealing that he is the one who was actually kidnapped; not Mr. Possible.

Drakken recognizes Ron and thinks that Kim is near. Ron indicates that Kim didn't know his plan.

First view of Middleton's quiet neighborhood.

Kim contacts Wade who is eating a taco. Perhaps he went to Bueno Nacho.

Kim guesses that Wade has Ron micro-chipped. Wade indicates he does. When asked about this, Steve Loter said that it was like a mosquito bite, indicating the chip is just underneath Ron's skin.

Kim complains about how slow her father is driving. Mr. Possible indicates they are in a school zone. This wouldn't have mattered at night.

Drakken scolds his bebes. He indicates he programmed them with a little bit of human emotion so they would be ashamed of failures. If the bebes had scanned Ron thoroughly, they would not have mistaken him for Mr. Possible.

Programmed with human emotion, the bebes get annoyed and threatening after Drakken calls them, ''Lackeys.''

Ron asks why Drakken was after Kim's father. Drakken never realized that Mr. Possible was any relation to his arch foe.

Ron and Drakken argue about how popular the last name ''Possible'' is.

Drakken leaves to prove the popularity of the last name Possible, by finding a phone book.

First appearance of the Middleton Mountain Lodge. This is not the same building as in Downhill.

The mountain lodge has a valet service. But the valet is asleep.

Kim indicates that the valet is asleep because of knock out gas. We don't know if Kim can detect knock out gas by sight or smell, or if the kimmunicator told her.

Everyone in the lobby is asleep too.

Mr. Possible hopes they get it cleared up before the college reunion on the weekend. This indicates the college reunion was to occur at the motor lodge.

Kim and Mr. Possible have barely passed when Drakken pops up from behind the motor lodge counter after getting the phone book.

Kim turns the lights on. For some reason, Drakken has them turned off. The lodge room is set and ready for the college reunion.

Ron tells Kim that Drakken is behind the plot to kidnap Chen, Ramesh, and her father.

Drakken comes in past Kim and Mr. Possible. He has the Middleton phone book. He indicates there is only one Possible family living in Middleton.

First time the phrase, ''Doi!'' is used.

Drakken is so surprised, he forgets that Mr. Possible is Kim's father until Ron reminds him.

Mr. Possible and Kim both suddenly realize that Drakken is Mr. Possible's old college buddy, Drew Lipski.

Mr. Possible indicates that he didn't recognize Drew Lipski as Drakken because he now has blue skin. Mr. Possible may also have been thrown off by the scar.

Drakken indicates that he promised revenge after being scorned by his closest friends, ''his posse.''

Drakken chose the reunion to extract his revenge, after getting an invitation.

Mr. Possible takes the invitation from Drakken. Mr. Possible reminds Drakken that he dropped out and didn't graduate, and therefore is not entitled to the college reunion. This indicates that Drakken dropped out of college sometime (perhaps middle to late) in his senior year.

Drakken commands the bebes to return to him at once. The bebes come back in just a couple of seconds.

Drakken concludes that these bebes are perfect, and that they obey his every command.

The bebes ask themselves if they are perfect, then why do they take orders from somebody not perfect. They conclude that Drakken is unfit to command.

Drakken suddenly realizes his mistake in giving the bebes human emotion.

Professor Chen makes fun of Drakken for the inability to build a robot. Professor Ramesh suggests he try cloning instead. We will see Drakken try cloning in a later episode.

The bebes begin advancing towards Drakken.

Kim hands her father the kimmunicator and realizes she has to rescue Drakken.

Kim knocks Drakken out of the way by doing a flip off of his shoulders.

Kim lands on the shoulders of two bebes. She is wearing matching shorts underneath her cheerleading skirt.

Kim smacks the bebes together.

Professor Ramesh asks Mr. Possible where Kim learned ''to kick bottom.'' Mr. Possible answers cheerleading.

Kim forgot about the third bebe, and jumps right into it's arms.

Kim is thrown across the room. She slides on the floor most of the way.

Kim is more frustrated than she is hurt.

A bebe picks up a nearby table and throws it at Kim. Kim dodges it in time.

The other two bebes get unstuck. All three bebes prepare to attack Kim.

Kim prepares to counterattack with the stage microphone. She displays her twirling skill before doing so.

The bebe blocks the attack, breaking the microphone pole in half.

The bebes surround Kim and capture her.

Ron tries his diplomatic skills to get everyone to work together to help Kim.

Professor Chen and Professor Ramesh remind Ron that they're both astronomers, and really can't do anything.

Ron even tries to get Drakken's help, who refuses to do so; even though Kim just saved his life.

Mr. Possible takes action by contacting Wade and asking for a sonic disturbance. He demands the sonic disturbance be loud and ultra high frequency. Wade understands it is for jamming a wireless network signal.

Mr. Possible says, ''Please and thank you.'' This indicates where Kim got her catch phrase from.

The sonic disturbance is so loud, everyone has to hold their ears and block it out.

The kimmunicator runs a television test pattern during the sonic disturbance.

The bebes begin malfunctioning. They analyze Mr. Possible and conclude the threat is substantial. They also conclude they need to destroy the kimmunicator.

The bebes drop Kim and begin advancing on Mr. Possible.

Mr. Possible tries running away. The bebes quickly surround him.

Ron demands the kimmunicator be thrown to him.

Mr. Possible throws the kimmunicator to Ron. A bebe catches it. All three bebes collide into each other, and drop the kimmunicator.

The kimmunicator lands at Drakken's feet. He about to smash it with his foot when Kim makes and dive and rescues it.

The floor must be made of smooth, slick tile. This is the second time Kim slides across the floor.

The bebes continue malfunctioning and indicate they've lost the hive mind connection.

Mr. Possible reminds Kim that he doesn't like violence, but the bebes are deadly robots, so it is okay to destroy them.

Kim dodges the attack of the bebe in the middle, causing it to destroy the other two.

Kim kicks the bebe on the far left into the other two, and they all explode into different pieces.

Mr. Possible is almost hit with bebe debris.

Drakken tries to sneak off unnoticed.

Mr. Possible forgot that the kimmunicator is still broadcasting the signal disturbance. Another indication that Mr. Possible is a bit absent minded like Ron. Kim turns off the kimmunicator.

Drakken stumbles over a bebe part lying on the ground while trying to escape.

Kim cuts Drakken off before he can get away.

Drakken pushes a button on his belt and two rockets and shoulder straps appear. First appearance of Drakken's rocket pack.

Drakken doesn't get away. He hits the ceiling and gets stuck.

Mrs. Possible brings in a pizza for Mr. Possible, Professor Ramesh, and Professor Chen. The pizza is pepperoni, even though Mr. Possible likes bacon. Mrs. Possible indicates that she remembers Drew, but also didn't recognize him as Drakken. Also, since Mr. and Mrs. Possible were not dating when Drew left college, Mrs. Possible most likely didn't know him very well.

Mr. Possible explains how he defeated the bebes: The hive behavior was clearly the result of cybertonic linkage through a wireless control network.

As astronomers, Chen and Ramesh have no idea was Mr. Possible is talking about.

Kim listens to her father reiterate about how if they hadn't laughed at Drew, would there be another mad scientist in the world?

Kim allows Ron to try out the mad dog routine. Mostly it due to their friendship, but partly Kim is afraid of Ron turning into a mask wearing super villain. This puts the events of Crush and Royal Pain behind Kim and Ron and they move on as friends again, but with less shippiness.

First basketball game seen at the Middleton gym. The Middleton basketball uniform is a yellow shirt and red shorts.

The game is won with two points scored at the last second for a win at thirty -two to thirty.

Ron gets a spotlight and does his mad dog routine for the first time. Ron grabs the basketball, and throws it on the ground. It hit's the referee and knocks him backwards. The crowd cheers.

Kim and Bonnie are both surprised that everyone loves Ron as the mad dog mascot. This helps Ron stay on the cheer squad.

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