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Show notes: This episode shows Kim getting the grappling gun for the first time, putting this episode before Crush. It also shows Ron inventing the naco.

First time we see the Possible home in the middle the day.

Indication that the kimmunicator can do web browsing. First mention of Club Banana.

A close up of the jacket Kim wants.

Kim tells Wade she can't afford the jacket.

Wade knows. He pulled up her bank account by hacking into it. First time we see Wade snacking while talking to Kim.

Kim asks Wade if he looked at her diary. Apparently, she must keep one on her computer.

Wade denies looking at Kim's diary. Wade indicates that Drakken escaped from prison. Drakken's number is 83072.

Wade indicates he has been reading Kim's diary by mentioning Kim using the boy's bathroom at school by accident last week. Fortunately, nobody saw it.

An indication that this is the Alaskan pipe line, which supplies oil from Alaskan drilling. This mission takes Kim to the far north.

The first look at the giant laser drill.

First appearance of the laser drill operator. He is drilling at one thousand feet.

Drakken frightens the laser drill operator.

First appearance of Drakken's henchmen.

Kim and Ron arrive at this mission by dogsled.

Rufus is currently in Ron's shoulder pocket. He get hits with snow when he pops out for a second.

First appearance of Ikut. Kim saved his life. It was endangered by an iceberg. Kim and Ron in snow fit outfits wearing helmets. First time Kim says, ''So not the drama.''

Ron is blinded by snow. This annoys Kim, because Ron is supposed be on the lookout for Drakken.

First appearance of the black helicopters used throughout the series.

Kim calls Ron, ''Captain Obvious'' after he spots Drakken.

Shego suddenly shows up on a snowmobile. She is wearing a black Club Banana jacket and green helmet. Shego's jumpsuit must be made of a special material that can help her regulate her body temperature in all climates.

Ron calls Shego, ''The mad scientist's mad assistant.''

First time Shego says, ''Bye Bye!'' Shego throws six dog bones, which slows down the dogsled.

Kim continues on her way on a snowboard.

Ron can't do a snowboard very well.

Rufus sticks a dog bone in Ron's mouth after Ron advises him not to eat it. It's flavor is bacon. This is the first non-kosher food we see Ron eat.

Shego is wearing the same jacket Kim wants from Club Banana. But Shego's jacket is black.

Kim advises Shego that green is the new black.

Shego calls Kim, ''a fashion don't in fleece.''

The helicopters and chains must be super strong to lift the giant laser drill. It only takes three to hoist it up. Or the giant laser drill is made out of lightweight materials.

Shego's plan: Blow up the pipeline as a diversion, and hopefully Kim as well. Kim has only twenty-three seconds to get rid of the bomb. Shego also makes fun of Kim's skin problems.

Shego attaches the bomb to the snowmobile, then jumps off the snowmobile as it goes off a cliff and towards the pipeline. Shego grabs Drakken's hand and they fly off. Drakken has enough strength to grab Shego with one hand while holding the giant laser drill with the other.

Kim makes it onto the snowmobile by jumping onto it.

The speedometer can be seen moving as Kim revs the engine up She takes it up an embankment.

The snowmobile goes up in the and does a flip. Kim simply drops off while it is upside down. The snowmobile blows up.

Kim lands safely on the pipeline.

Ron eventually comes to help Kim.

Rufus is now in Ron's front shirt pocket.

Ron hit's the pipeline with a thud. He must have really high resilience. Kim doesn't even check to see if he is okay.

A close up of Dr. Possible's rocket blueprints.

It appears Kim is eating cereal for breakfast. Mr. Possible calls Kim, ''my teen hero.''

Dr. Possible is having trouble with the launch vectors in his blueprints.

Kim tries to persuade her father to buy her a new jacket.

Kim now has a Club Banana catalog. First time Mr. Possible calls Kim, ''Kimmy.''

Kim indicates her jacket was from last season, and it is red.

Red was the new black. Red is now dead. Green is the new black.

First time Jim and Tim say anything.

First indication Kim and the twins are at odds.

First mention of the J200 rocket fuel. Jim and Tim want to know what the combustion temperature is. This is an indication that Jim and Tim have been experimenting with it. They also indicate that Mr. Possible developed the J200 rocket fuel.

The combustion temperature is forty-seven degrees Celsius. Scientists often use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit to measure temperature.

A small explosion rocks the house. First time Jim and Tim say, ''Um, gotta go.'' Then they both leave.

First time Mr. Possible tells one of his boring life stories to help Kim build character.

Mrs. Possible agrees the jacket is cute. Kim sticks her tongue out at her father. Mrs. Possible is holding a trade magazine. It's too small to be a newspaper, but too thin to be a magazine.

Mrs. Possible's solution to Kim getting the jacket. Bueno Nacho must need people really badly to take out a full page color advertisement in the trade magazine.

Kim's reaction to getting a job.

Mr. Possible approves Kim getting a job. Mrs. Possible argues that Kim spends a lot of time there anyways.

Kim tries to convince Ron to apply for a job at Bueno Nacho by arguing that they spend a lot of time there anyways.

Ron's rule: Never work where you food.

Ron asks if Kim tried her puppy dog pout on her parents to get the jacket. It didn't work!

Ron invents the naco. To make one yourself, get a burrito and nachos with cheese. Put the nachos and cheese inside the burrito and wrap it up. They're messy, but delicious! Kim calls it, ''gross beyond reason.''

Ron doesn't think of Rufus as a pet. He thinks of him as family.

Kim figures that she will have to work for two weeks before she can get the jacket. She also indicates that it is green leather.

First time we hear Ned talk. Ned indicates that he is the assistant manager of Bueno Nacho store number 582.

Kim tries to speak Spanish here.

Ron makes fun of Ned while Ned indicates he doesn't like suck ups.

Ron knows Ned's name.

Ned indicates that he wears a clip on tie in case of emergency grease fires.

Kim indicates that she was born ready to start work at Bueno Nacho.

Ned seems to know Ron, but has to look to see what his last name is.

Ron is surprised to hear that he has an application turned in. Kim must know everything about Ron, including his name, address, telephone number, and social security number.

Kim nails Ron with the puppy dog pout, and that it will be more fun if they work together.

Ned hands Kim and Ron Bueno Nacho S.O.P. It stands for Standard Operating Procedure. Restaurant handbooks are almost always thin paperbacks. In any restaurant, hats worn by employees cannot be worn backwards. They have to face forward to help keep hair away from the food.

Oddly, managers rarely wear hats. It's usually not required. Indication that Ned takes his job as assistant manager seriously.

Ron really did not want to start work at Bueno Nacho.

Kim had trouble working at Bueno Nacho. Ron excelled there. We will see more of Ron's cooking talent in Two To Tutor. Ron sculpts the frijoles in the image of a Mayan temple.

Kim gets the easiest and probably the lowest job in Bueno Nacho: cheese duty.

Kim gives herself encouragement. Two weeks to jacket.

Wade scanned all recent satellite photos but couldn't find the laser drill. Kim concludes it must be hidden.

Ned thinks Kim is playing a video game. It is not S.O.P. He docks one hour of time off Kim's check.

Ron is multitasking. He is separating beef burritos from the chicken burritos.

Kim and Ron argue about how he likes his job. First indication that Kim can't handle seeing someone do well in something that she can't. In most restaurants, the choice of pants is almost always khakis; not Capri or cargo pants.

Ron explains to Kim about he is now a part of Bueno Nacho.

Ron speaks a Spanish phrase. First indication that Ron has an understanding of foreign languages.

Rufus speaks a little Spanish too.

Ron really enjoys working at Bueno Nacho.

Wade calls on the kimmunicator. Ron turns it off. Kim knows that saving the world is more important than the job. Ron thinks otherwise. Ron also speaks a little pig-latin here.

Ron indicates that Bueno Nacho has an employee of the month contest.

Kim doesn't even want employee of the month status. Ron is too far ahead anyways.

After major disagreement, Ron simply walks off.

First indication that cheese is Rufus' favorite food. Kim puts Rufus on cheese duty. To get more cheese, all he has to do is push a button. Having a naked mole rat on the counter of a restaurant would be a major health violation.

Wade indicates that minor earthquakes are accruing in the Midwest. They are coming specifically from the world biggest cheese wheel.

Kim checks a police report from the cheese wheel mall. Somebody broke into a Club Banana store and stole a green leather jacket. Kim concludes that it was Shego. Kim has found where Dr. Drakken and the giant laser drill are located.

Kim tells Ned that she has to start another shift somewhere else. Apparently, she didn't want him to know that she was really leaving to save the world from Drakken. Ned has been bumped down to a regular employee. Ron is now the assistant manager. Ron indicates that the Bueno Nacho corporation loved the idea for the naco, and it becomes a major food item on the menu.

Kim tells Ron that Drakken is in Wisconsin.

After another argument with Ron over the importance of saving the world vs. working for Bueno Nacho, Kim quits. Ron stays behind, and tells Kim to get a new sidekick.

Kim throws things out of her closet They are: a boot, two baseballs, a purse, a lid for a container, snow goggles, a towel, a shirt, a right angled ruler, a scarf, a house slipper, and an empty can. First time we see Kim's room. First time Kim talks to her mother while she is at work.

Kim is not thinking right. She considers taking a good shirt and a jacket on the mission instead of her black mission shirt.

First time Mrs. Possible has Kim on speakerphone during an operation. Her patient is sixty-two year old male, and she is working on his temporal load.

This most likely isn't the first time Kim has been put on speakerphone while discussing something personal with her mom. And it wouldn't be the last. We'll see this again in So The Drama. Mrs. Possible indicates that her father will be picking up nacos for dinner. This is the first indication of how popular the naco is to become.

Kim arrives at this mission by crop-dusting airplane.

First appearance of Mr. Parker. Kim helped save his crop-dusting business by suggesting an organic business instead.

Kim also gets to this mission by parachuting.

Kim lands on the cheese wheel. It is a building made entirely of cheese.

The cheese covered building has a monorail.

First appearance of the monorail tour guide. She indicates that is not a cheese covered building, but that it is actually one hundred percent pure Wisconsin swiss. She then jokes, ''Who cut the cheese?''

Many of these people are regular background characters.

Kim gets into Drakken's lair by a hole in the cheese.

First time we see Drakken's henchmen with electrical polearms.

Wade knows the cheese covered building is really one hundred percent pure Wisconsin swiss cheese.

Kim indicates that Drakken likes high ceilings in his lair.

Wade tells Kim to look in her pack. Kim gets a hair dryer, and indicates that she's more of the towel off type of person. It's actually a grappling hook.

A push of a button on the side brings the hook out.

First time we see Kim on Wade's computer

Kim is a natural with the grappling hook. She attaches it to the cheese wall and climbs down.

The cheese wheel is loaded with lots of crates. We don't know if these belong to Drakken, or the cheese wheel people.

Kim finds herself surrounded. Shego's Club Banana jacket is now green; thanks to Kim's advise.

Kim does some flips, fights several bad guys, then finds herself surrounded even more.

Shego gloats for being more fashionable than Kim.

We don't know if the number of Drakken's henchmen made Kim give up and surrender, or if she was overpowered.

It takes three men to hold Kim down. Even then she struggles to get free.

Shego pushes a blue button on the wall that lock Kim's wrists and ankles so she can't escape.

Drakken uses a trap door to make a grand entrance.

Now that Kim is helpless, Drakken wants to tell her his plan.

Kim lays it out for Drakken: He's using the giant laser to drill into the earth's crust to tap into the molten lava.

Kim only knows phase one of Drakken's plan. In phase two, Drakken's magma machine will melt all of Wisconsin so he can rebuild and rename it Drakkenville.

Kim tells Drakken, ''You're so conceited.''

Drakken takes that insult as a compliment.

Shego is now in the control booth of the laser drill. She indicates an alarm will go off when they reach magma.

Shego indicates that it will be a half hour before they reach magma; not a few seconds as Drakken has planned.

Drakken makes Kim mouth the word, ''Drakkenville.''

Ron and Ned are working the drive thru. Ron is worried about speed of service. Every fast food place wants their speed of service no later than thirty seconds for an order.

First time Ned says, ''Have a muy bueno day.'' Apparently, Bueno Nacho wants their employees to say this to all customers after service.

In restaurant work, any free time you have will be used cleaning the store. In this case, Ned has to mop.

Wade contacts Ron through his headset. But he's not in the drive thru. Wade was able to infiltrate the radio signal. He tells Ron that Kim is in trouble.

Ned, also wearing a headset, hears Kim is in trouble too. He knows there are two choices for Ron. He either has to save Kim, or remain an assistant manager. This indicates that Ned knows Kim and Ron save the world on occasion.

It's a showdown between Ron and Ned. This scene was inspired by cowboy movies. Ron and Ned look like they're ready to draw guns.

Ron decides to quit Bueno Nacho. He leaves, but still helps Bueno Nacho as an outside consultant throughout the series. Ron and Ned become friends throughout the series too.

Drakken is getting impatient about how long the drill is taking.

Shego snaps at Drakken. It's going to be a few more minutes.

Drakken's angry. He rolls up his sleeve and prepares to ''make a scene.''

Kim tries to struggle so she can escape. She can't.

Ron is riding the monorail.

Ron is on this mission without his mission clothes. He still in his Bueno Nacho uniform. Ron asks the tour guide if the building is a cheese covered building.

Despite getting snapped at by Shego, Drakken takes it out on his henchman. Drakken whines about how he once built an army of evil robots faster than the laser drill.

Ron shows up ready to save Kim.

Ron failed to notice Shego standing right in front of Kim. Kim was so happy to see Ron, she didn't warn him.

Ron stills has a crush on Shego.

Ron is now captured. Kim indicates that while assistant manager, Ron made a Bueno Nacho bathroom break chart.

Kim and Ron discuss things and forgive each other. Ron admits he was a goon as an assistant manager. Kim admits she didn't like to see Ron doing something she couldn't.

Drakken shows up and reminds them they're about to be roasted by magma.

Shego announces the drill finally gets through the earth's crust and hit's the magma.

The laser drill turns off and the magma machine lights up as it turns on. This may be a reference to the Disney movie Tron.

First time Ron says, ''That would be so cool, if it wasn't going to hurt us.''

The magma machine is similar to the technodrome from the animated version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And there is a fish design on the front.

Part of the magma machine is a tube where the magma comes out. The other part sucks the magma out of the earth's core.

On the monorail, people are frightened by cheese falling in large chunks.

Rufus wakes up and comes out of Ron's pocket. Kim tells Rufus to push the button to release them, much like the cheese button at Bueno Nacho. First time Rufus saves Kim and Ron.

An indication that Ron is ticklish.

Rufus can't reach the button. He flips over and hits the button with his whole body.

Kim and Ron are free. Rufus lands on Ron's head.

Kim's plan: Ron will get to the laser drill while she distracts Shego.

Kim and Ron say the same thing at the same time. First time Kim says, ''Jinx! You owe me a soda.''

Drakken sees Kim has escaped.

Shego noticed it too.

Drakken doesn't think Ron is important enough to stand in his way. His only concern is Kim Possible. First time Drakken calls Ron, ''the buffoon.''

Kim beats up three henchmen. The third henchman, she does a bicycle kick; the same moved used by Lui Kang in the video game Mortal Kombat.

First time Shego calls Kim, ''Princess.''

Shego's gloves has razor claws inside of them. When combined with her plasma power, they can cut through steel.

Drakken's current ride is a platform similar to his flying car, but on a much smaller scale.

Drakken watches the magma machine fill up through a window on the side.

Once in the control room of the giant drill, Ron pushes random buttons to turn it on.

Ron pushes a blue button that powers up the drill. He pushes a yellow button that fires the laser.

These two levers control the direction of the laser drill. An alarm can be heard in the background.

It was debated on the message board whether or not Ron killed these henchmen with the giant laser drill. In the end, Steve Loter says that nobody gets killed on Kim Possible.

First time Ron says, ''Booya!''

Ron melts the cheese covered building.

Drakken smacks a large red button to fire the magma.

The only thing that comes out is melted cheese.

The cheese covered building begins flooding itself with melted cheese. Drakken thought it was a cheese covered building.

The tour guide floats by and corrects Drakken.

Ron climbs a ladder to get away from the melted cheese.

Ron didn't turn the laser off. It's still going, and it's out of control.

Kim and Shego were nearly blasted by the giant laser.

Shego falls into the cheese.

Kim swings down with the grappling hook and grabs Ron. Ron is at the very top of the laser drill. Kim has enough strength to hold the grappling hook with one hand while holding Ron with the other.

Kim and Ron escape through a swiss cheese hole. It nearly collapses on them both.

Drakken, Shego, and Drakken's henchmen are trapped by liquid cheese and unable to move.

Ron calls his work of art, ''bad guy con queso.''

Despite saving the world, Kim is still miserable that she didn't get the Club Banana jacket.

Ron got the jacket for Kim. He says the bonus he got from inventing the naco was very good. And as an assistant manager, he would have made more money too than Kim. It is estimated that a green leather jacket from a fashion store probably cost anywhere between $200 to $400. It's no wonder Ron tries to get Kim to shop at Smarty Mart in Low Budget.

First time we see Kim hug Ron.

Ned shows up wearing the green leather jacket. He explains that someone left the flyer on the cheese machine, and he just had to have one himself.

Kim decides to exchange the jacket.

Act 1 || Act 2

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