Show notes: This episode shows Kim taking driver�s ed. Kim doesn�t actually start driving until Season 4.
MHS sign
Tara seems to wait to talk to a background student. It has been theorized that Tara is most �social� character in the show. Tara wears her cheerleader uniform while Kim does not.
Kim indicates that they are taking driver�s ed. Ron believes driver�s ed is a big deal, while Kim does not. Ron calls it, �a right of passage.� Students who take driver�s ed believe it is their first step to freedom from their parents and a path to their own way of life.
Ron says, �Today we get behind the wheel of Detroit steel.� Most American cars are manufactured in Detroit Michigan.
Ron tells Kim about Russell Needlemeyer. Russell flunked driver�s ed, now lives in his parent�s basement, and takes the bus to work everyday as a taxidermist. A taxidermist stuffs and mounts animals for display. This may be a subtle reference to the movie Psycho. The bad guy in that movie was also a taxidermist. Ron is noting how failing driver�s ed could mean an end to a social life as he knows it.
Rufus shivers at the mention of taxidermy.
No surprise, Mr. Barkin is teaching driver�s ed. Mr. Barkin also mentions that driver�s ed is a right of passage into adulthood. Mr. Barkin seems to be drinking hot coffee.
Everyone is excited about driving. Bonnie on the other hand, appears bored and is reading a magazine. There are nine students in this shot. This number, and the background students changes as the episode progresses. Like Tara, Bonnie has her cheerleading uniform on while Kim does not.
Mr. Barkin begins the class by showing a movie first. Mr. Barkin asks for the lights to be turned off for the movie.
The movie is black and white and stereotypical of the style of the 1950�s and early 1960�s. The movie�s character is named Judy. It also mentions going to sock hops and soda parlors.
Kim and Ron have never heard of sock hops and soda parlors. Meanwhile, Bonnie is still interested in her magazine than class.
The title of the driver�s ed movie is revealed as �The Ghost Car.�
The Ghost Car sickens everybody. Driver�s ed movies are often parodied as being distgusting in nature to scare people into being better drivers.
Meanwhile, Bonnie talks on her cell phone about cute boys.
The movie ends. Rufus passes out in disgust.
Dr. Freeman lives in a normal house in a normal neighborhood. He most likely lives in Middleton. The house he lives in is typical for Middleton�s neighborhood.
First appearance of Dr. Freeman. Dr. Freeman appears to be talking to somebody about circuitry problems.
Dr. Freeman is actually talking to his toaster.
The toaster talks back. It has two light on the front that blink as it talks. This seems to indicate in the alternate future version of A Sitch In Time, Dr. Freeman may have been responsible for the programming of The Supreme One�s security drones. They also had lights on the front that blinked when they talked. They could also answer questions when asked.
The refrigerator and the dishwasher open their doors. This indicates that they have the intellect like the other appliances in this episode; however they are never seen talking. Perhaps they were Dr. Freeman�s earlier prototypes on artificial programming.
Dr. Freeman has a little celebration. For what is uncertain. Dr. Freeman begins by asking the blender to create a banana smoothie. The blender also talks and complies.
Dr. Freeman then asks the stereo to play some party mix music. The radio also talks and complies with this request. The radio�s voice is similar to singer Barry White.
Dr. Freeman begins dancing to the music.
The microwave indicates that he will warm up a pita pocket. The food is a reference to Hot Pockets, a microwavable food product. The microwave does this on it�s own, without Dr. Freeman�s request.
Drakken and Shego show up. The curtains move as though they came in through the double door.
Drakken grabs Dr. Freeman.
The radio begins playing dance music. Dr. Freeman begins dancing with Drakken.
Drakken enjoys dancing with Dr. Freeman; and vice versa. This, and the fact that Dr. Freeman doesn�t seem to have a wife or children, could be an indication that Dr. Freeman is gay. This is never confirmed though.
Drakken realizes what he is doing. He pushes himself away from Dr. Freeman and brushes off the cooties.
Drakken grabs Dr. Freeman in an attempt to kidnap him.
The microwave realizes Dr. Freeman is being kidnapped.
The toaster demands an attack. It begins by popping hot toast at Drakken. The toaster has a lever on it�s bottom that allows it to tilt upwards. Why Dr. Freeman gave the toaster this ability is not known.
Drakken is then hit by a banana smoothie from the blender.
Drakken is hit by a hot pita pocket from the microwave.
Shego turns off the power by flipping the circuit breaker that cuts off the electricity.
All the electrical appliances turn off. Drakken wonders what happened. Shego complains that Drakken is supposed to be a mad genius, but she doesn�t see him as much of a genius.
Drakken complains that Shego�s sarcasm is definitely making him mad.
Drakken�s intimidation has no effect on Shego.
Dr. Freeman hides behind a chair and wonders what Drakken and Shego want.
Drakken indicates Dr. Freeman will help him with something, and pay for his dry cleaning to his lab coat.
Kim, Bonnie, Ron, and other background students watch the driver�s ed course being done.
Everybody runs away as the car on the course goes out of control.
The student driver�s car spins and takes out the cones by the curb. The student driver�s car was originally seen in Tick Tick Tick.
Mr. Barkin comes out dizzy and gives his grade: F.
The next student hits the cones and has trouble braking. This student receives an F too.
The next student doesn�t even bother to dodge the cones. He is obviously a high school jock and most likely believes he is entitled to passing without trying because he is a high school athlete.
A crashing sound is heard. A tire rim cover rolls to the curb.
Mr. Barkin walks back to the students in a huff. It is revealed that Ron was driving when it crashed. Ron hopes the school�s insurance will pay for any damages. Ron appears to be covered in oil too. Ron is also rewarded with a failing grade.
Rufus is wearing a small crash helmet for Ron�s driving.
Mr. Barkin indicates that his current students will be spending time with Russell Needlemeyer at the bus stop. This comment makes Ron and Rufus cringe.
Mr. Barkin hopes Bonnie can do better than the previous students. Bonnie is still uninterested in driver�s ed and is still talking about cute boys to someone.
Mr. Barkin screams at Bonnie to get her attention.
Bonnie finally hangs up her cell phone and prepares to drive.
Bonnie shows herself as a capable driver. She checks her mirror and uses her turning signal before starting. The license plate has been changed since Tick Tick Tick. It originally had some oddly shaped letters. It now reads �DRVR 1.�
Mr. Barkin smiles as Bonnie is able to dodge cones, parallel park, and pull in and back up.
Mr. Barkin gives Bonnie an A for her driving.
Kim and Ron are shocked that Bonnie did so well.
Kim is the next driver up. Mr. Barkin waits in the car for her. Bonnie and Kim taunt each other as they pass each other.
Mr. Barkin has faith that Kim is capable of driving. Kim is nervous and not so sure.
Kim takes hold of the gear shift lever. The car is an automatic.
Mr. Barkin demands to know what Kim is doing. Kim states that she is starting the car. Kim is so nervous, she grabs the gear shift lever instead of the car keys. Mr. Barkin demands she put on her seat belt first.
Kim puts on her seat belt. She does this with only one hand. Her other hand remains on the steering wheel.
Kim starts the car and is about to put it into gear. Mr. Barkin demands she check her mirrors first.
Kim watches as Mr. Barkin takes marks off of her driving test. This makes Kim very nervous.
Kim goes into a trance and hears quotes previously heard in this episode.
Kim comes out of her trance when she hears Mr. Barkin telling her to put the car into gear.
Kim takes off giving the car way too much gas. This freaks Mr. Barkin out. Kim then pays more attention to Mr. Barkin than the road.
Kim fails to see the squirrel in the road that Mr. Barkin is pointing out.
Kim slams on the brake and turns the wheel. She misses the squirrel but does several doughnuts as she spins out of control.
The car stops right in front of the other students. Nobody ran away this time.
Kim fails her driving test.
Dr. Freeman watches as robots are assembled on an assembly line.
Drakken and Shego come in. Drakken indicates that the factory they are in once manufactured family station wagons.
Dr. Freeman indicates he parents used to own a station wagon. He then states he used to go to soda parlors and sock hops in it.
Dr. Freeman�s interruption causes Drakken to forget what he was talking about. He has to consult with Shego to remember what he was saying.
Drakken begins ranting about his new devious plan. Shego suddenly interrupts him with the short version of what he is doing. This annoys Drakken. Shego indicates Drakken is building a robot army.
Drakken admits to enjoying ranting about evil plots. Shego considers them boring.
Drakken calls for his �destructobots.� They come in through a large, sliding door. They walk in formation, and then stand at attention.
Dr. Freeman wonders what Drakken needs him for. Drakken has trouble finding the words to tell Dr. Freeman his problem.
Shego takes over by ordering the destructobots to attack.
The destructobots attack each other, and themselves. Drakken has bad luck when it comes to building robots. This was first indicated in Attack Of The Killer Bebes.
Drakken is nearly hit by laser fire from the destructobots.
Shego finally tells the destructobots to turn themselves off.
Drakken used the newly created hole in the floor from the destructobots as a foxhole. Drakken comes out and admits his robots are stupid.
Drakken wants Dr. Freeman�s help to make smart robots.
Dr. Freeman comments about how smart and witty his toaster is.
Dr. Freeman refuses to help Drakken make smart destructobots.
Drakken plans to test his brain shifter on Dr. Freeman. This indicates that Drakken�s brain shifter is fairly new and has yet to be used.
Rufus drives a little remote car on a Bueno Nacho table.
Ron is in control of the remote car. Ron indicates that his driving was good, but the school gym was too close to the parking lot. This indicates that is what Ron wrecked into. The student driver�s car is okay, indicating Ron didn�t totally wreck it. Either that, or there is a second car on hand if something happens to the first car. Steve Loter indicated later that Ron was scared of big cars. This is why Ron is more comfortable driving his scooter.
Ron wrecks the little remote car into a creamer container. The container is marked with a small piece of paper with the words, �gym� on it. Ron does this to demonstrate his own wreck.
Kim believes she should have been able to pass the driver�s test because she can do anything. This is another indication of Kim overconfidence in herself, and how she has to be able to perform every task given to her. Ron reminds her that even she can be prone to failures.
Bonnie comes over to Kim to make fun of Kim for not passing the driving test. Tara and Hope seem to be hanging out with Bonnie, and don�t comment. They are all wearing their cheerleader uniforms, while Kim is not.
Ron gets enough nerve to talk back to Bonnie for making fun of Kim. His thumb begins hitting the controls for the remote car. Ron indicates Bonnie was the only one to pass Mr. Barkin�s test.
Rufus goes out the door, much to the surprise of a background student. Ron drops whatever he was saying to Bonnie to chase Rufus.
Ron overreacts to Rufus leaving him in the romote controlled car.
Kim picks up the control and brings Rufus back; much to the delight of Ron.
Kim indicates she is over cars because there is nothing wrong with walking. Kim and Ron pass a car parked. First appearance of SADI.
The car in the parking lot does a scan on Kim and confirms it is her. This is done when a electronic dish scanner comes up out of the hood of the car.
Ron agrees with Kim, and points out Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the Wright Brothers as famous figures who didn�t drive cars.
The car in the parking lot starts up by itself and begins following Kim and Ron. This may be inspired by the television show Knight Rider, which was about a talking car that could drive itself and solved crimes.
Kim realizes that they are being followed.
Kim and Ron begin running. The car stays close behind.
Kim and Ron escape the car by going down a narrow alley.
Kim and Ron think they have gotten away. But the car finds them again on the open street.
The car chases them to a fence.
Kim uses her gymnastic skills to get over the fence. Ron slowly climbs over it. Ron lands in some trash and disturbs a cat while doing so.
Kim continues running through back yards. Ron borrows a small children�s bike to help get away. Ron rings the bell as he rides. He also did this previously in the episode Attack Of The Killer Bebes.
After getting over a second fence, Ron pauses to comment that he went over two fences and still hasn�t ripped his pants.
Kim demands they keep moving.
Ron takes a step forward and rips his pants. They most likely got hung on the fence.
Kim and Ron reach an open field. Ron is reluctant to tell Kim he just ripped his pants again.
The car chasing Kim and Ron suddenly jumps over them and into the open field. Director Steve Loter indicated that Car Trouble is an episode he doesn�t like because they never could find a design for SADI that he liked. The Sloth in Season 4 was a way to make up for this mistake.
The car talks and talks to Kim. It opens the door and retracks the roof.
Ron begins yelling, �Ghost car!� A reference to the movie they watched in driver�s ed earlier in the episode.
Ron�s screaming annoys Rufus, Kim, and the talking car. The car talking with nobody driving it doesn�t phase Kim at all. The talking car speaks with a woman�s voice. Most men consider their cars to be female and give them feminine names.
Kim puts her arms around Ron to help calm him down. This could be considered a shippy moment. Kim assures Ron that the talking car is not possessed by spirits.
The talking car indicates that it is a �systemized automotive driving intelligence.� The acronym is SADI.
Ron has to reassured one more time that SADI doesn�t have any ghosts.
SADI shows some of it�s features including an ejector seat, disintegrating ray, and the ability to change skins and colors.
SADI even puts the Kim Possible logo on the side to see if she likes it. Kim approves.
Ron is more impressed with the cup holder. It might be able to hold a king size slurpster.
Kim wants to know what SADI wants with her. SADI indicates that someone kidnapped it�s inventor, Dr. Freeman. SADI then indicates that it found Kim�s website. This indicates that SADI also has the ability to get online, most likely with an onboard computer. Kim is impressed because she never got a hit from a car before on her website.
SADI�s has a display to show it talking. SADI asks Kim if she really can do anything.
Ron is usually Kim�s biggest supporter. Ron indicates that Kim can do anything, but is having trouble driving. This annoys Kim.
Kim pushes Ron away and changes the subject by asking SADI if it knows who kidnapped Dr. Freeman. SADI indicates it doesn�t know, but the blender might.
Ron isn�t sure what to think about the blender knowing something.
The blender is a bit nervous talking about the kidnapping. Kim asks the blender to tell them everything about who took Dr. Freeman.
Ron and Rufus are freaked out by a talking blender.
The blender is vague on describing who took Dr. Freeman, but does indicate two people took him. Ron demands more detail, like height and weight when describing the kidnappers. The blender indicates it doesn�t have eyes, so it couldn�t see who took Dr. Freeman.
SADI states Kim and Ron should ask the toaster for more information.
The toaster indicates it was busy trying to make perfect toast.
The microwave indicates that the kidnapper�s body temperature was 98.6 degrees. This is normal body temperature.
Ron gets sarcastic with all the vague descriptions they are receiving from the appliances.
The blender indicates that Ron shouldn�t get so annoyed. Ron indicates that he and Kim usually have more evidence like photographs or fingerprints. Since Drakken and Shego both wear gloves, they wouldn�t leave fingerprints.
Kim indicates another useful bit of evidence is a voice.
The radio indicates that it recorded the entire incident.
Ron now unleashes his sarcasm on the radio.
The radio ignores Ron and plays back the recording on tape. Kim and Ron recognize Drakken�s voice.
Drakken�s lair/factory is located in the desert.
Drakken is unable to probe Dr. Freeman�s mind. Drakken�s has three pieces of equipment; all of which are falling apart or about to fall apart. These are the mind shifter, the mind drill, and the cranial drain. Either Dr. Freema has a very strong mind, or Drakken�s mind probes are not any good.
Drakken gets all huffy when talking to Dr. Freeman. Dr. Freeman doesn�t look worried about Drakken threatening him.
Drakken tries a new tactic: Begging for help. Dr. Freeman still doesn�t want to help Drakken.
Shego steps in and indicates that Dr. Freeman won�t help them, because he doesn�t know how.
Drakken puts an arm around Dr. Freeman as though he is an old collegue. Drakken reminds Shego that Dr. Freeman is a genius. Dr. Freeman indicates that he is the world�s leading scientist when it comes to computerized automation.
Shego makes a play to Dr. Freeman�s ego by stating that if he were so smart, he could program Drakken�s robots and then leave. Shego winks to Drakken to indicate she is conning him.
It takes Drakken a few seconds to realize what Shego is doing. Once he does realize this, he begins playing along to con Dr. Freeman.
Shego indicates they should have gotten somebody else. Drakken suggests someone from Lowerton Community College. This insults Dr. Freeman enough to make him outburst. Since Dr. Freeman is familiar with Lowerton, and his house is middle class but not a big estate like Upperton, this seems to indicate that Dr. Freeman lives in Middleton.
Shego tosses a face plate to Dr. Freeman, and tells him to prove how smart he is. The con works. Dr. Freeman gets to work programming the robots. Dr. Freeman has trouble carrying the face plate. This shows how much stronger Shego is compared to Dr. Freeman.
Drakken and Shego leave Dr. Freeman to his work. Drakken mentions that Dr. Freeman could also fix his death ray. Shego drags Drakken away so Dr. Freeman can work.
Kim talks to Wade. Wade comes to the conclusion that Drakken and a missing expert on computerized intelligence equals Drakken is building a robot army. Wade then begins searching for abandoned factories, plus shipments of robotic parts and microprocessors.
Wade has a drink. He also indicates that it will take some time to get the results. Kim indicates she�ll check back with Wade after school. This indicates that it is morning time.
Kim has her books on the table.
Mr. Possible takes a second from his newspaper to ask if Kim needs a ride to school. Kim indicates she already has a ride. Mr. Possible is suddenly worried that Kim is riding with a boy.
Jim and Tim suddenly stop eating to hear whether or not Kim is riding with a boy.
Kim assures her father that she isn�t with a boy, but a self driving suv.
Kim and Ron ride to school in SADI. Kim is on the driver�s side. Ron is on the passenger�s side.
Ron places a king size slurpster in SADI�s cupholder. He is impressed that it fits. SADI complains Ron might spill his slurpster.
Rufus takes a big drink from the slurpster. He is rewarded with brain freeze.
Ron notices something is bothering Kim. Ron points out that a cupholder is on her side too. Kim indicates she is more worried about the driver�s test.
SADI volunteers to help Kim and Ron pass the driver�s test.
Ron likes the idea of using SADI to pass the driver�s test. Kim does not because that would be cheating.
Ron asks Kim if using a calculator in algebra is cheating. Kim indicates she doesn�t use a calculator in algebra.
Ron then asks if cutting and pasting stuff from the internet and turning it in as a term paper is cheating. This question really annoys Kim to where Kim can�t even believe Ron asked that kind of question.
Kim is certain she can pass the driver�s test on her own.
MHS sign. This indicates how bad Ron wrecked into the gym.
Another crash is heard. Another tire rim cover is seen rolling past Kim.
Ron says, �You know what they say, Mr. B. Any crash you can walk away from---� This may be a reference to Disney�s Ducktails. Launchpad McQuack�s quote after crashing an airplane was, �Any crash you can walk away from is a good crash.� Mr. Barkin indicates Ron should look forward to public transportation.
Once again, Kim goes into a trance and hears quotes heard earlier in the episode.
Kim comes out of her trance when Mr. Barkin tells her to get into the car.
Kim hears Bonnie taunting her again to Tara. Bonnie and Tara carry what appears to be textbooks. Tara isn�t taking driver�s ed with Kim, Ron, and Bonnie. Where Bonnie is going with Tara is unknown. Unless Kim and Ron are trying to take a makeup exam after class or during lunch. Once again, Bonnie and Tara are wearing their cheerleading uniforms while Kim is not. It is not known whether or not Tara actually agrees with Bonnie.
SADI says, �I can�t just idle and watch this!� Cars that are sitting still with the engine running are said to be idling.
SADI fires it�s disintegrating ray. It comes out of an area above the driver�s side headlights. This is more inconspicuous than if SADI had fired the disintegrating ray from the cannon. The cannon would more likely be used for ariel attacks and attacks from behind. SADI has her headlights on. Many cars now have daytime driving lights. This has been proven to reduce car accidents.
The disintegrating ray hits the student driver�s car. It simply vanishes into nothingness.
SADI then zooms in to take the student driver�s car�s place.
Kim asks SADI what it is doing. Mr. Barkin thinks Kim is talking to him and indicates he is filling out state mandated paperwork. Mr. Barkin was so busy with the paperwork he failed to notice the student driver�s car being evaporated.
SADI changes to disguise itself as the student driver�s car. Why nobody noticed the missing student driver�s ed car that SADI vaporized is never explained.
Mr. Barkin keeps a clickity type pen in his breast pocket.
Mr. Barkin gets in the car for the driver�s test. Kim knows this is cheating and isn�t sure she should do this. Mr. Barkin asks Kim if she intends to take the test or not. Kim gets into the car.
SADI talks to Kim and indicates she take care of everything. SADI then calls Kim, �Sweetie.�
Mr. Barkin thinks that Kim just called him, �Sweetie.�
Kim puts on her seatbelt and indicates she did call Mr. Barkin, �Sweetie.�
Mr. Barkin indicates he can�t be bribed with sweet talk for better grades.
Mr. Barkin demands Kim start the car. The keys to the car do not have a keychain.
The car takes off. Kim realizes that she doesn�t have her hands on the wheel, and that SADI is driving her. Kim quickly puts her hands to the steering wheel to give the illusion that she is actually driving.
Mr. Barkin sees Kim is driving good. Mr. Barkin then asks her to perform a K-turn. SADI does some more sweet talking. Once again Mr. Barkin thinks Kim is talking to him.
SADI does all the alphabet turns including the K-turn, the E-turn, the W-turn, the J-turn, and the Z-turn. Mr. Barkin indicates Kim dotted the I, indicating there was also an I-turn. An I is straight up and down and shouldn�t have any turns, unless it is a cursive I.
Mr. Barkin sheds tears of joy for Kim�s driving ability. Kim is awarded with an A++ grade.
Kim isn�t sure what to think. She knows she has cheated. SADI gives Kim two victory beeps with the horn.
MHS sign
Ron indicates he knew Kim could pass the driver�s test, even though previously in the episode he wasn�t sure if Kim could pass. Ron then asks for rides so he doesn�t turn out like Russell Needlemeyer. Kim, on the other hand, doesn�t even want to talk about her test or cars.
Bonnie comes up to Kim and indicates she is still a better driver than she is. Kim immediately fires back that she welcomes a challenge at anytime to prove it. Kim does this even though Kim saw Bonnie was a better driver and didn�t cheat. This is another indication of Kim�s need to beat Bonnie at everything.
Kim says, �as long as it�s before dark, and I have a licensed driver in the car.� This indicates that Kim only has a learner�s permit, not a driver�s license. A learner�s permit is required before one can take driver�s ed.
Bonnie walks away. Ron sees that Kim is frustrated about something. Instead she should be psyched about passing the driver�s test.
Kim indicates she cheated on the driver�s test. Kim then indicates that SADI cheated for her.
Ron becomes frustrated when he hears Kim cheated, but Kim wouldn�t let him cheat though.
Kim asks, �Is it cheating if I cheated but didn�t mean to cheat?� This question confuses Ron.
Wade contacts Kim. Wade indicates he located Drakken�s lair.
SADI jumps and crashes through the wall of Drakken�s lair. This might be another reference to Knight Rider, which often crashed through walls and other obstacles by jumping or driving through them.
SADI comes to a stop. Kim does a flip, then demands Drakken release Dr. Freeman.
Kim is shocked that Drakken and Dr. Freeman are having a party. They are celebrating Dr. Freeman programming the destructobots.
Dr. Freeman sees SADI. He rushes over and explains why Drakken kidnapped him.
Kim introduces herself. She talks to Dr. Freeman about how he fixed Drakken�s destructobots.
The destructobots suddenly stand at attention with laser cannons raised.
Dr. Freeman suddenly sees the folly of programming evil robots for a mad genius.
Rufus hides in Ron�s pocket.
Drakken then orders the destructobots to destroy Kim, Ron, and Dr. Freeman. He demands they destroy Kim first. The destructobots don�t know who Kim is. Drakken has to point her out first.
The destructobots begin fireing their lasers at Kim. Kim uses her gymnastics to avoid the laser fire.
Kim suddenly finds herself surrounded.
Shego is annoyed that Drakken has popcorn to watch Kim get destroyed by the destructobots. Shego doesn�t fight Kim at all in this episode.
SADI puts itself into gear. SADI is an automatic. There doesn�t appear to be a reverse on the gear indicator.
SADI takes out the robots that have Kim surrounded.
Ron is worried that SADI running into robots will scratch the paint. Dr. Freeman indicates SADI has scratch proof paint.
Four destructobots position themselves around Ron and Dr. Freeman. Ron grabs Dr. Freeman and jumps saving both their lives. Even though Drakken ordered the destructobots to destroy Kim first, they�re smart enough to go after other targets if it is permissible.
Meanwhile, Kim comes face to face with a laser cannon from a destructobots.
Kim tumbles forward to avoid and is missed by the destructobot.
Kim gets behind the destructobot. The destructobot swivels it�s entire body around and takes a swipe at Kim.
Kim finds the destructobot�s weak point by kicking off the face plate.
The destructobot nearly falls forward on Kim.
Two more destructobots fire at Kim.
Kim zig zags back and forth to avoid the laser fire. She then runs in between the two destructobots. They hit each other with laser fire.
Two more destructobots approach Kim from behind.
SADI saves Kim again by opening the hood and firing two rockets that hit the destructobots.
Kim ducks and covers to avoid debris from the destructobots that SADI fired rockets on.
SADI then takes another destructobot out.
Two destructobots approach Dr. Freeman.
Dr. Freeman is again rescued by Ron, who pours his king sized slurpster onto the destructobots. This shorts them out.
The destructobots nearly fall on Dr. Freeman.
Kim draws the fire from one destructobot causing it to hit another with laser fire.
Kim then goes to the destructobot that just fired at her, and kicks off it�s face plate.
SADI then takes out a large quantity of destructobots by running over them.
Drakken watches from the second floor of the factory as SADI and Kim take out his robot army.
Drakken whines to Shego about what Kim and SADI are doing to his robot army.
Shego pulls out a futuristic looking gun of some sort. Shego has trouble lifting it, indicating it weights a lot.
The cannon has a seems to have a guided scope sight.
Shego locks onto SADI as it takes out another destructobot. The display for the lock on has four digits. Shego fires the device somewhere between the numbers 2700 to 2800.
Unlike most gun triggers which are small and curved, the trigger on this gun is a red lever that is large and rectangle in shape.
If Shego�s cannon really does lock onto targets, then SADI must have started to move forward. Shego�s cannon suddenly pulls her to the right as she fires.
SADI is hit on the side. The ray appears to be either laser or plasma.
SADI does a flip, but manages to get back onto all four tires. SADI is then surrounded by a blue aura of electrical shortening.
Despite the horrible crash, SADI�s only structural damage is the passenger�s mirror falling off.
Everyone fears the worst for SADI.
Shego then locks onto and fires on a holding container for melted metal. The numbers that Shego fires are between 3200 to 3300.
Hot metal lands on destructobots. The metal is so hot, they instantly melt too.
Hot metal spills out onto the floor of the factory.
Ron and Rufus run away as hot metal oozes towards them.
Shego has the same remote as Ron had earlier in the episode.
Shego grabs Drakken and indicates they are leaving.
Shego jumps over the railing while still holding onto Drakken.
Shego and Drakken land on Drakken�s flying car. Shego�s remote was to activate it and bring it over towards them as they made the jump.
Shego flies the flying car. Kim is annoyed that Shego and Drakken will escape from this mission. Drakken indicates that there is no possibility of escape.
The factory has two large metal doors that slide open. The door on the left is blasted causing it to fall and block the exit.
Kim and Ron can�t see a way out. Meanwhile, the hot metal gets much closer.
Everyone is delighted when SADI indicates it can get them out of the factory. However, it�s automated guidance systems were fried from Shego�s blast with the cannon. Somebody will have to drive SADI.
Ron suggests that Dr. Freeman drive. Dr. Freeman indicates that he can�t drive, which is why he created a self driving car to begin with.
Ron prepares to step up as the capable sidekick to help in times of desperate need. However, Ron is so nervous about driving, he forgets which is the brake pedal and which is the gas pedal.
Rufus can�t tell the difference either. However, Rufus will drive in a later episode indicating he did eventually learn how to drive a vehicle.
Even though Dr. Freeman has only just met Kim, he puts total faith in her to drive SADI. Kim is reluctant to do this.
SADI indicates that Kim passed her driver�s test without it�s help. SADI states that it was going to help Kim cheat, but Kim was a really good driver so she passed Barkin�s test on her own. This gives Kim enough confidence to driver SADI. Despite the perilous situation they are in, Kim takes the time to put on her seat belt and check her mirrors.
Ron begins to panic and demands Kim go as the hot metal gets close.
Kim drums her fingers on the gear shifter before putting it into gear. They then take off.
Rufus sees an obstacle about to happen.
A large metal pillar falls and blocks most of the path.
Kim slams on the brake avoiding the metal pillar.
Another metal pillar falls. Kim zooms past it before it blocks the path too.
Kim then goes up a narrow exit ramp.
Ron and Rufus were worried enough to close their eyes. Ron even covered his.
Ron then sees a dead end.
The entire ramp has become blocked with fallen debris.
Dr. Freeman indicates the passage is too narrow for a U-turn. Kim decides to do a K-turn instead.
Kim makes the K-turn just before more debris falls on top of them.
SADI has a display of the factory to show where they are located.
We don�t see SADI tell Kim about the rocket booster button located in the gear shift lever. But Kim seems to know about it anyways. Kim pushes the button.
Rocket boosters are ignited.
The increased speed causes Rufus to fly backwards into Dr. Freeman�s face.
Kim drives SADI through a wall to escape.
Kim drives around the outer rim that decorates the building. The rim is collapsing as the factory explodes on the inside.
Kim does a daring jump off the side of the rim.
The factory explodes. Kim jumps SADI from several hundred feet from the ground. But it lands safely anyways.
The factory splits into two different pieces. Both fall in different directions to the ground.
Ron and Dr. Freeman congratulate Kim on her driving ability.
SADI brings up a target sight with Drakken�s name on the bottom. SADI tells Kim to press the red button.
Drakken complains about the loss of his robot army, but then firmly believes Kim is dead and won�t mess up any more of his schemes. Shego says, �See? Always a silver lining.� This is a play on the popular phrase, �Every cloud has a silver lining.�
Drakken leans back to relax. Drakken hears something approaching, but isn�t sure what it is. Drakken�s flying car is hit with one of SADI�s rockets that is fired from under the hood.
Drakken says, �Kim Possible! You think your car is all that! But it�s not!� This is a play on his own phrase, �Kim Possible! You think you�re all that, but you�re not!� In the close up on Drakken, it appears that he has lost some hair. However, when he turns his head to the side, it looks normal.
These two police officers were originally seen arresting Drakken, Duff Killigan, and Monkey Fist at the end of A Sitch In Time: Past.
Kim takes to a second to reflect on capturing Drakken and passing her driver�s test.
SADI comes up and indicates that it did help Kim cheat on the driver�s test. SADI then indicates it lied again to give Kim the confidence she needed to drive them to safety while in the factory.
SADI says, �Cross my carburetor and hope to stall.� This is a play on the phrase, �Cross my heart and hope to die.�
Kim takes her driver�s test again. Mr. Barkin can�t understand why Kim would want to retake the test to get a grade that is lower than the A++ she originally received.
Kim gets a B minus; and is very happy about it. Kim�s grade point average has come up in discussion on message boards. Many point out Kim�s grade in driver�s ed as the reason Kim doesn�t become class valedictorian. Kim has proven herself with exceptional grades, but not a perfect A average.
Mr. Barkin indicates he�ll never understand teenagers.