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Back To Trivia || Act 2 || Act 3

Show notes: This episode emphasizes Kim�s need to be the best at everything.

The first thing we see are animatronic animals playing musical instruments. This is similar to Chuck E. Cheese�s, which features video games, animatronic shows, and pizza.

The music stops when the bear is hit with a soccer ball. His eyes roll around.

Mr. Possible catches the ball. He begins scolding the twins.

First indication the twins are playing soccer. They excuse their bad behavior by indicating Mr. Possible told them to practice, and that they couldn�t touch the ball with their hands.

Jim kicks the ball from Mr. Possible�s hands. The waiter ducks just in time. First appearance of the waiter. The sound of breaking glass is heard in the background.

The waiter assumes correctly that Mr. Possible is the coach and it is his first year doing so. The waiter knows this because Mr. Possible isn�t wearing any protective gear.

Mr. Possible is hit with a soccer ball. His eyes roll around too.

First appearance of JP Bearymore�s Pizza Party-Torium. First appearance of Mrs. Possible�s mini-van.

Mrs. Possible asks Kim to go in and get her father and brothers.

Kim doesn�t want to go in. Mrs. Possible affirms that she hates the pizza place. She then offers Kim five dollars to go in for her. First time Mrs. Possible offers Kim money to do something she doesn�t.

Kim indicates that the place smells like burnt pizza.

Mrs. Possible does the puppy dog pout on Kim.

Kim claims that the puppy dog pout is hers.

Kim is powerless against her mother�s puppy dog pout.

Kim goes in. But she wants her mother to keep the engine running so they can make a quick getaway.

Kim goes in to get her brothers and father. The video game sounds are from the arcade game Galaga.

Ron calls Kim over.

Ron indicates he there only to play the games. He also likes the smell of burnt pizza.

Ron was playing against Rufus. Rufus wins when Ron was distracted talking to Kim.

Ron begins playing a rematch against Rufus. The video game sounds are from the Nintendo game Super Mario Brothers. Kim asks Ron if he has seen her father and brothers. Ron points the way and continues playing.

Mr. Possible is having the hardest time trying to get Jim and Tim under control.

Mr. Possible crawls under a table to get to the twins. He demands they stop because he is both their father and coach.

Mr. Possible comes up from under the table. A napkin get onto his head. The background character grabs it.

Tim kicks the soccer ball up into the air. Then they both jump into the pool of balls.

Mr. Possible catches the soccer ball. But he slips on a ball.

Mr. Possible trips and goes flying into the air. He comes down with a crash.

Mr. Possible has a broken leg from the fall. Mrs. Possible fluffs his pillow while he sits in his favorite chair. Mr. Possible tries to convince Kim to coach soccer for the twins until he gets better. Kim indicates she doesn�t know anything about soccer.

Mrs. Possible tells Kim there�s nothing to know since she�s wonderful with children.

Jim and Tim burst into the room fighting.

The twins knock over a fruit bowl, two vases, a lamp, and a book from the coffee table.

Kim affirms that the twins are not children; or even human.

Wade contacts Kim. Wade indicates that there was some problem at JP Bearymore�s Pizza Party-Torium.

Kim refers to the fact her father fell down there and broke his leg.

Wade indicates that after Kim and her family left, JP Bearymore�s was robbed. Ron most likely left too before the robbery occurred. Kim didn�t mention that they were at JP Bearymore�s Pizza Party-Torium earlier. Wade somehow knew they were there earlier that night.

The waiter indicates that somebody stole JP Bearymore.

Ron indicates the rest of the animatronic band members are still present.

The waiter indicates the bear was the best player in the band. Without the bear, the band is nothing.

Ron finds two wires and plugs them in together.

The waiter indicates that JP Bearymore was a state of the art animatronic musician.

The wires that Ron plugged in started the hippopotamus. It begins drumming on the waiter�s head.

Kim points to a hole in the ceiling that the thieves used to steal JP Bearymore.

A black helicopter flies over Middleton.

First indication Junior knows how to pilot a helicopter. First time Junior does his evil laugh. JP Bearymore is in the helicopter with Senior and Junior. This indicates who stole him.

Senior tells Junior that an evil laugh has to be deep and from the diaphragm.

Senior asks why Junior only took the bear. Junior indicates he has no use for the otter, and the beaver was off key.

Senior convinces Junior to go back for the otter.

Junior indicates that this was his crime to run. Senior agrees, but only if Junior can make sound decisions. Junior decides to go back for the otter. Senior then demands that they also get the beaver.

Wade is impressed with the state of the art animatronic bear.

While Kim is wondering who wants the bear, a claw comes down and grabs the beaver without her or Ron noticing.

Wade suggests industrial rivals might want the bear. Ron suggests rival animal bands.

Ron sees the claw grab Pizzapotamus. This is another indication that Ron likes hippos.

Ron grabs Pizzapotamus.

Kim grabs Ron.

Kim sees Senior and Junior and knows who is stealing the animatronic animals.

Junior remembers Kim but can�t remember Ron�s name.

Senior forgets Ron�s name too. He leans out of the helicopter window and asks Ron what his name is.

Junior tries to smash Kim and Ron into the Smarty Mart building.

Senior grabs the control and saves Kim and Ron. Senior indicates that they have to allow their foes the chance to climb up the cable and do something heroic.

Ron demands Kim shimmy up the cable. Kim tells Ron to do it because he�s closer. Ron affirms that he can�t shimmy.

Ron almost lets go.

Kim shoots her grappling hook.

It locks onto the Bueno Nacho sign.

Ron lets go. Kim and Ron swing around the sign to the ground.

Kim and Ron end up in some bushes.

Ron gets up and says, �Come on. We don�t have much time.� Kim reminds Ron that Senior and Junior are in a helicopter and they won�t catch them.

Ron indicates he wasn�t talking about Senior and Junior. He was talking about the fact that Bueno Nacho closes in three minutes. He wants to rush in and get something to eat.

Rufus indicates he is hungry too.

Ron rushes in while Kim watches Senior and Junior escape.

Ron complains about studying in study hall.

Rufus doesn�t like study hall either.

Ron looks over to see Kim is working on soccer.

Ron knows that the English call soccer �futball.� Most of the world calls it that.

Ron teaches Kim everything he knows about soccer. He tells her that soccer is the world�s most popular sport, and you can�t touch the ball with your hands.

Kim tells Ron that only the goalie can touch the ball. Ron didn�t know this. Ron then quits teaching Kim all he knows about soccer.

Ron throws Kim the ball while Kim kicks them into the goal. Kim in soccer shorts and a jersey.

Everyone is in awe of Kim�s soccer ability.

Kim had a natural talent for playing soccer.

Kim bounces the ball off her head and Tim catches it. Kim tells Tim that he can�t use his hands because he�s not a goalie. Tim indicates that Caitlin is the goalie.

Kim kicks Tim�s ball out of his hand with her knee. She then bounces the ball off her head. Tim then wants to try it.

Kim criticizes how Jim is playing. She then steals the ball from him.

First appearance of Caitlin. Caitlin kicks the ball to Tim.

Kim interrupts the play to show them a move called �give and go.� She kicks the ball back to Caitlin.

Tim complains that he could have performed the give and go himself.

Kim uses the phrase, �There�s no I in team.� Ironically, Kim is not a team player.

Jim and Tim are annoyed by Kim�s coaching skills as she hogs the ball.

Jim and Tim watch as Kim steals a ball just as a player is about to kick it, so she can show her how it�s really done.

Junior has a sign, floodlights, and a ballooned blimp on the Senior�s private island.

Senior complains that a lair should be secret, not advertising where they are.

Junior indicates he wants people to find him. Senior assumes that Junior is making some sort of trap.

Senior takes the blueprints from Junior to see if his plan is evil enough. Junior takes back the blueprints, and assures his father it will be the greatest achievement of his life. Senior reminds Junior that it will be the greatest evil achievement of his life.

Junior agrees, and does his lame evil laugh.

Kim is having the kids practice soccer on the Mad Dog soccer field. It�s most likely the football field, but modified for soccer.

Kim tells the young players to keep moving and use both sides of their feet.

Unhappy at how they are doing it, Kim steals a ball from Tim and shows them.

Ron doesn�t like how Kim is becoming a control freak as coach. Ron is happy that he is only the equipment manager.

Kim throws a bunch of balls at Ron, then angrily demands that he load them up for her.

Kim becomes even more a tyrant as she teaches Tim how to be a goalie.

Tim asks for a do-over.

Kim reminds Tim that there are no do-overs in a real game.

Tim is no match for Kim�s kicking ability.

Wade contacts Kim and indicates that Senior has struck again. Wade calls Senior, �Triple S.�

Everyone cheers when Kim tells them she has to leave.

Kim tells the kids to keep practicing till she gets back.

Senior struck at a place called Neon Incorporated.

First appearance of the Neon Inc. scientist. She indicates that their company created a new gas that burn one hundred percent more brighter than neon. Kim and Ron are wearing goggles for bright lights.

Ron takes his goggles off insisting the light isn�t all that bright, right before the demonstration.

The bright neon is controlled by a lever on a console.

The scientist indicates that the light from the demonstration is still not as bright as the stolen prototypes.

Kim asks the scientist why she suspects Senior. The scientist indicates that this video camera was left here.

Kim opens the video camera and sees Junior.

Senior suddenly shows up and demands to know what Junior is doing. Junior indicates it is his video calling card, and it will be his villainous trade mark.

Senior grabs Junior by ear and drags him away. The video camera fell still recording. A door in the Senior�s home is in the background. Junior recorded the video at home, instead of recording it at the crime scene.

In the background, Ron is heard yelling, �My eyes!� This indicates he was temporaily blinded by the neon demonstration. Kim and the scientist don�t seem to have much concern though.

Mr. Possible asks �How�s it going, Kimmy?� Kim indicates she�s dealing with the usual villain stuff. Mr. Possible then indicates he was talking about the soccer practice.

Kim realizes she forgot about the kids at practice.

It is really late in the evening.

Kim arrives to find the kids so exhausted they can hardly walk.

Kim is embarrassed at herself for forgetting the kids at practice.

Despite being so late, Kim took the time to change into her soccer uniform.

The kids pass out from being tired. Despite this, Kim insists they be ready for tomorrow�s practice.

Jim and Tim relax on the couch with ice.

Kim annoys Jim and Tim by calling them, �my star players,� and getting all buddy with them.

Kim elbows Jim as she suggests they get a good night of sleep, because tomorrow she�s starting them on full contact soccer.

Jim reminds Kim that soccer is a no contact sport. Kim disagrees, because the other teams won�t be expecting it.

Ron comes up with a new theory at Bueno Nacho. He indicates if you buy one chimerito, you still get a dozen packs of Diablo sauce. Therefore, there should be a landfill somewhere with nothing but Diablo sauce. Ron then indicates someday he will find that landfill.

Meanwhile, Rufus opens a pack of Diablo sauce for his chimerito with his teeth.

Kim has a theory of her own. If she puts on a uniform, she can pass as a tall ten year old.

Kim bounces the ball off her head. It hit�s the decorative plant, then hit�s the table almost hitting Rufus. Ron catches the ball.

Ron complains about Kim�s competitive �Kimness.� This is one of the few times that Ron is irritated that Kim feels the need to excell all the time and be the best at everything.

Kim indicates the team needs an edge and that she�s a hands-on coach.

Ron ponders hands-on soccer while Rufus crawls out the bag he jumped into to escape the ball that nearly hit him.

Wade contacts Kim. Before he can say anything, Kim asks him if it is okay to help her team. Wade asks about fundraising. Ron indicates Kim wants to play for the team. Wade disagrees with Kim.

Wade streams Junior�s latest video calling card. Junior says, �Love the nightlife? Love to boogie?� This is play on the popular 70�s disco song I Love The Nightlife by Alicia Bridges.

Junior has opened a new disco nightclub called Club Lair.

Kim notes how much Junior likes being in front of the camera. Ron notes that Junior looks good in front of the camera.

Junior indicates that Club Lair is located in Europe. This map does not pinpoint exactly where Junior�s club is. But the precise coordinates may have been included.

Wade shakes his head at the thought of Junior telling everyone where he is located.

Senior has a cocktail drink. It is the same drink that Ron had on Britina�s plane in Crush.

Junior has the animals from JP Bearymore�s Pizza Party-Torium hanging in cages from the ceiling.

Senior and Junior debate about whether or not Senior approves of Junior�s evil disco club.

After pushing several buttons, Junior pushes a small red button.

Disco music starts. The animals, now in 70�s style clothes and hair, start dancing. The animals may have been inspired by the late sixties/early seventies television show The Banana Splits.

Senior asks Junior where the villainy is in his disco. Junior indicates he just wants to do this on his own.

Kim and Ron get to this mission in a hot air balloon.

Kim is getting a ride from a Mr. Blumberg. Mr. Blumberg indicates that he would have never gotten around the world the world in eighty days without Kim�s help in a hurricane. This is a reference to the Jules Verne book, Around The World In Eighty Days.

Kim indicates that Ron was used as a ballast in gail force winds.

Ron indicates he has no desire to go out of the basket this time. Rufus agrees.

Kim hopes to get back in time to do some power drills with the soccer team. Ron doesn�t like the idea of power drills. Kim then says, �No pain, no gain.�

Rufus encourages Ron to talk to Kim.

Ron indicates that the kids on the soccer team wanted him to talk to Kim about her coaching skills.

Ron indicates that the kids just want to have fun. Kim indicates that winning is fun. Ron then complains about Kim�s competitive nature.

Ron indicates that the children begin crying when they see Kim coming.

Kim decides to let the team decide when they get back whether or not she should remain coach.

Junior lays out his evil plan to his father: Everyone will dance along with the animals. Everyone will party all night long. Junior will charge extra for the drinks. Senior doesn�t like this idea of villainy.

Senior and Junior are interrupted by Kim and Ron. Ron is shocked as to what they did to Pizzapotamus and JP Bearymore.

Junior indicates that tonight is the opening night for his club. He then points out that he did �the eyebrow thing.�

Ron points out that other than dressing Pizzapotamus in polyester, Junior doesn�t seem evil. Senior agrees.

Junior makes a sly remark about Kim and Ron not being on the guest list for his club. Senior congratulates Junior on his clever threat. Senior then indicates that Junior must follow through with a display of violent anger.

Junior doesn�t want to because he�s not violent. Senior demands he throws something. Junior indicates that he just had his nails buffed for the disco opening.

Senior goes over to the console and pulls down the switches.

A disco ball comes out of the ceiling.

Senior puts sunglasses on Junior. Junior thinks they�re for style.

Kim and Ron are hypnotized by the disco ball.

Rufus is hypnotized too.

Senior indicates that Kim is now under his control.

Senior demands Junior do the villainous laugh.

Junior does so, even though he didn�t feel like laughing. Senior indicates he has heard worse evil laughs.

Senior indicates that the light from the intense neon that was stolen is refracted into a hypnotic pattern by a modified disco ball.

Junior doesn�t like the modified disco ball because it makes everyone stand still. He demands that everyone must dance. Kim and Ron start dancing the same exact way.

Senior indicates that the subject under hypnosis will do the first suggestion they are told to do.

Junior thinks Kim and Ron dance well for being hypnotized.

Senior takes over Junior�s plan for disco and partying so he can kidnap Europe�s elite.

Junior called his disco Club Lair. All the signs say Jr�s.

Club Lair has a valet service. Crowds line up to see the celebrities. The paparazzi are present too.

Junior no longer cares for the opening night of his club. Senior indicates that he can party all he wants once they control Europe.

Junior indicates he doesn�t want to control Europe. He just wants to dance. Senior cuts him off before he can say �the D word.�

Senior greets an ambassador who has come for the party.

Junior greets the ambassador too, even though he doesn�t want to.

Kim and Ron still dance, but are now in cages hanging from the ceiling too. They are still hypnotized even though the disco ball is not currently present.

Junior indicates the party is perking up. Senior activates the disco ball and hypnotizes everyone.

Senior makes a call.

The operator answered the call by pushing a button on the console. A light above it indicates which button to push.

First appearance of the operator. He appears to be drinking hot coffee. He answers the phone saying, �Hello. Europe.� He is most likely a representative for all European nations.

The operator asks Senior to speak up because the music is too loud. Senior asks to be made king in exchange for Europe�s VIPs. The operator indicates he�ll have someone get back to Senior, and cuts him off.

Wade contacts Kim. When she doesn�t answer, he modifies the kimmunicator to look around using a camera on a motorized flexible wire.

Wade controls the camera by using keystrokes on his computer.

Wade sees everyone is hypnotized by the disco ball. It doesn�t hypnotize Wade through his computer.

Wade modifies the kimmunicator again. This time a claw comes out.

The claw goes into Kim�s pouch on the side of her belt.

Wade controls the claw by using a joystick. Wade has one finger on the keyboard. This most likely controls claw gripping onto stuff.

Wade brings out sunglasses from Kim�s pouch.
Wade missed putting the sunglasses on Kim because she was dancing.

Fortunately, Wade caught the sunglasses before they fell.

Wade waits an extra second before managing to get the sunglasses on Kim. She�s no longer hypnotized.

The dancing cages are not locked. Kim opens hers by pushing on the door.

Junior wants the blackmailing to be done with so he can get back to the party. Senior tells him to be patient, and indicates they will be royalty in a few minutes. Junior indicates once again he just wants to dance. Senior stops him before he can say the word dance.

Kim, Ron, and Rufus in sunglasses. Senior and Junior see they are no longer hypnotized.

Senior complains at Kim�s resourcefulness, while hinting about how bad Junior is. Junior complains about his father insulting him, and never praising him.

Senior takes a remote from his coat. It is slightly different than the one he�ll show Kim in a few seconds.

Ron compares Kim to Senior, in that she is always criticizing and never giving any praise to her players.

Senior shows Kim and Ron a remote control. He indicates the disco ball wasn�t the only thing that was modified.

JP Bearymore�s eyes light up.

Kim and Ron move before getting hit by a laser from JP Bearymore.

JP Bearymore pulls the bars of the cage apart and walks forward.

JP Bearymore begins shooting eye lasers at Kim and Ron.

Senior demands his robot animals to attack. He most likely modified them to do voice recognition commands.

All the robot animals break out of their cages.

Pizzapotamus fires eye lasers too. Ron complains about Senior changing Pizzapotamus.
Kim indicates they can�t let innocent people get hurt.

Kim contacts Wade and asks him to hack into the system controlling the animals. Wade indicates it is the most sophisticated system he�s ever seen. Kim affirms he should be able to since it is only a banjo playing bear. Ron complains they took his banjo.

Wade indicates he can�t hack into the bear. He tries to hack the beaver instead.

Desperate to party, Junior demands everyone start dancing.

Junior finally begins to enjoy himself.

Senior angrily demands to know what Junior has done.

Wade hacks into the system.

Wade takes out the beaver and ther otter.

Ron is nearly smashed by JP Bearymore.

Ron freezes when he runs into a wall, then turns around to see JP Bearymore.

Kim saves Ron by jumping at him and moving him out of the way of the laser.

Kim then fires her grappling hook onto a cage.

Kim swings up and kicks the disco ball onto the floor.

Before Kim can come down and help, Ron affirms that he can do it.

Ron kicks the disco ball.

The disco ball ends up between JP Bearymore and Pizzapotamus as they shoot their lasers. The laser is refracted back and takes them out.

Pizzapotamus falls backwards onto a chair.

JP Bearymore and his wig falls onto Junior.

Senior indicates that this is the last time he lets Junior run the show. Junior indicates if he had let him do the way he wanted to, none of this would have happened. Senior would let Junior try again in a future episode.

Senior uses a remote to summon smoke and disappear.

Kim indicates she needs to get back for off hands coaching.

Jim, Tim, and the rest of the team seem to be having more fun now.

Mr. Possible made it onto the field and indicates the important thing is that the kids are having fun. Kim is dismayed at this idea.

Mr. Possible wants Kim to perk up because she�s the coach. Ron indicates that she is no longer the coach.

When Mr. Possible asks who the coach is, Kim points to JP Bearymore. He is now programmed to clap and cheer on the children.

Act 1 || Act 2

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