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Show notes: This episode introduces Josh Mankey. Also many KP fans consider this the first episode, since it's production number is 101, and was the first episode to premier. This is really the first episode to show the first hints of shippiness between Kim and Ron.

MHS sign

First indication that Ron keeps a messy locker.

First indication that Ron smells of overripe fruit, as indicated in the later episode Animal Attraction, in which Ron finds out he is a pink sloth.

Some of the things Ron has in his locker: Books, folders, empty cans, pencils, a soccer ball, a bowling ball, and an umbrella.

Rufus crawls out of Ron's pocket, goes up his shirt, and then goes back into Ron's pocket again.

Kim wonders why Ron never gets a normal pet; something not naked. We later find out in A Sitch In Time that Ron's father has severe allergies to animal hair.

Ron's motto: Never be normal!

Kim's reaction to seeing Josh Mankey.

Kim suddenly ignores Ron. Ron calls Kim, ''Kim Possible,'' saying the word Possible in French. Nicole Sullivan sometimes did this with the reoccurring character Antonia on Mad TV when she said, ''It is possible.''

Josh Mankey's first appearance. As an artist, Josh most likely designed the posters for the school dance himself.

Ron announces Josh's name, as though he is jealous that Kim is crushing on Josh. Rufus doesn't like Mankey either.

First time we hear the phrase, ''Amp down.''

Kim goes over to talk to Josh, but finds herself too nervous to say anything.

Josh saw Kim on the news last week, and that she saved an ambassador. This is a reference to Number One, when Kim tells Bonnie she was in Abu Dhabi saving an ambassador. Josh then walks off.

Kim wants to ask Josh to the dance.

Ron indicates that Kim and Ron have always gone to the dances together. This also indicates that Kim and Ron have been unofficially dating for some time now.

Kim doesn't want to go to this dance as friends. She wants a real date.

First time Kim puts her hand on Ron's shoulder.

Ron turns away from Kim, too shy to ask her for a real date. First time Ron fails to pick up Kim's signals that she's interested in him.

Wade calls Kim on the kimmunicator, just to tell her to meet him at her locker.

Kim opens her locker by turning the knob four times to the right, then three times to the left.

First time the wanted pictures of Drakken and Shego are on Kim's locker door. The picture of Drakken is a police mug shot. The picture of Shego appears to have come from a newspaper or magazine. Wade prints out a number of hits from Kim's website from people who want her help.

Ron reads a hit from Mrs. Guiltmore, who needs someone to help her feed her cats for a week. Mrs. Guiltmore has eight cats and only one litter box.

Another hit is from Tokyo. First indication that Ron is lousy at geography. Ron thinks that Tokyo is in France.

Drakken is in Tokyo. Drakken does have some athletic ability, as he is shown here swinging on a rope with only one hand.

First indication that Ron is upset that Drakken doesn't know Ron's name.

Kim gets to this mission by private commercial jet.

Ron and Rufus wearing stylish sunglasses. The cocktail drinks are obviously non-alcoholic.

First appearance of Britina. Her name comes from a combination of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Britina is reading her own magazine. Britina indicates that Kim saved her Chicago show from a backstage fire.

Britina and Kim talk about how fearless she is. Ron reminds Kim of the time she fought a shark with her bare hands. This is a reference to Tick Tick Tick.

Kim's only fear is Josh Mankey.

Ron asks Britina to the dance, and is quickly rejected.

Kim became jealous when Ron asked Britina out.

First appearance of Yoshiko and Nakasumi-san. Yoshiko indicates that she is Nakasumi-san's translator.

Ron slicks his hair back before trying to ask Yoshiko to the dance.

Kim became jealous when Ron asked Yoshiko to the dance too.

Yoshiko and Nakasumi-san speak to each other only through whispering.

Yoshiko says that Nakasumi-san can't go to the dance, obviously unnerving Ron.

Yoshiko indicates that someone took over the factory. There are two hostages inside. It only needs two because it is the most automated factory in the world.

One of the few times that Kim actually uses her belt for something.

Only time Ron uses the grappling gun.

First time Ron loses his pants.

Ron losing his pants doesn't even bother Kim, it annoys her. This indicates that Ron must have lost his pants many times before.

After losing his shirt, Ron never uses the grappling gun again.

Kim and Ron get into the factory by infiltrating a skylight. Kim cuts the window by using her laser pen.

One of the few changes that Disney demanded was in this scene. It was originally supposed to be a car factory. It was changed to a video game factory. Ron indicates that the factory makes the Z-board, the fastest graphic system on the market. It won't hit the U.S. until Christmas. First indication that Kim does not like video games.

Ron says, ''Drakken's gonna steal Christmas.'' A reference to the Dr. Seuss book, ''How The Grinch Stole Christmas.''

Kim and Ron argue on whether Drakken wants to take over the world, or save Christmas. First appearance of the Z-boy mascot.

Ron scolds Kim for checking for blemishes during a hostage situation. Kim uses her compact to see the hostages. Then she checks for blemishes.

Kim gives Ron the kimmunicator. Her plan: Ron has to plug the kimmunicator into the video and be the distraction. Ron protests being the distraction.

Monitors throughout the plant loop a video of the Z-boy mascot saying, ''Konnichiwa!'' This annoys Drakken, who outbursts the comment cartoons make his eyes itch. Konnichiwa means hello in Japanese.

Drakken asks the hostages if the video can be turned off. It can't. The hostages understand, indicating that they speak some English.

Drakken takes his frustration out on his henchmen.

Shego sneaks up on Drakken and frightens him. First indication that Shego has some stealth ability.

Ron takes over the video monitors and broadcasts ''naked mole rat TV.''

Drakken seems to remember Ron's voice, but doesn't remember his name. Shego calls Ron, ''Kim Possible's dopey sidekick.''

Kim frees the hostages by cutting the ropes with her laser pen.

Drakken finds out where Ron is by following the video wire.

Ron is captured when is pinned by a lifting truck. There was no driver indicating that it was revved up to a high rate of speed, pointed at the right direction, then let go.

Shego's mouth disappears for a second in this scene. A minor mistake.

Drakken pushes a red button on the remote control, starting his plan to steal the video game factory. Large drills come down through the ceiling. They attach themselves to the factory. The henchmen secure chains around other parts of the factory. One black helicopter hoists it away through the ceiling, breaking it away from it's foundation.

Kim most likely didn't pursue Drakken, because there was no way for Ron to assist her.

The Possible family is eating cereal for breakfast. The story of Kim rescuing the hostages is in the morning paper. Mr. Possible knows the name Dr. Drakken, but doesn't know that it is his old college buddy Drew Lipski as we later find out in Attack Of The Killer Bebes.

Kim mentions wanting to take Josh to the dance. Mr. Possible mentions that it is usually Ron who takes Kim to school functions. This indicates that Mr. Possible trusts Ron more than any other boy. Mr. Possible calls Ron by his full first name, ''Ronald'' throughout the series.

Kim calls Ron, ''a friend'' while Josh is ''a hottie.'' This unnerves Mr. Possible, which is the first indication that talking about boys makes him uneasy.

Drakken's picture is in the paper.

Mrs. Possible helps Kim with her boyfriend trouble.

Jim and Tim make fun of her.

Kim indicates she likes Josh because he's cool, smart, really talented, and kind of quiet.

Jim and Tim advise Kim to send an anonymous e-mail and route it through Sweden so it can't be traced. First indication that Jim and Tim have high computer skills.

Jim and Tim's principle has been getting anonymous e-mails from Sweden. Oddly, Jim and Tim don't get in trouble for doing this.

Mrs. Possible advises Kim, ''Big breath, then take the plunge.''

MHS sign

Kim intends to ask Josh to the dance before the day is out. Ron isn't sure who he'll ask.

Some of the background students run back and forth several times in this scene.

Ron stalks the nameless girl in blue, the most popular background character in the show. First time we see the MHS library.

She might have been inspired by Kim's original character design.

First time we see the school cafeteria.

Josh walks by and says something but we can't hear it A minor mistake.

First indication that Josh is an artist.

Bonnie knows that Kim is crushing on Josh.

First time Bonnie mentions the food chain.

Ron shows up during cheer practice announcing that contrary to what the whole school thinks, he and Kim are not dating. Ron asks the cheerleaders for a date.

Ron tries to help Kim get a date with Josh.

First time Ron announces that he's a ''bon diggity dancah.''

Jessica, Liz, and Tara begin giggling. We don't know if it's because they think Ron is cute, or just funny.

Rufus hides in Kim's backpack

Kim wants to practice a move called, ''dog house pyramid.''

First time we see the mad dog pyramid fall and the cheerleaders are all piled on top of each other. This occurs after Ron distracts Kim with the kimmunicator.

Kim and Ron get to this mission by snow cat.

Ron wraps Rufus up with a scarf while reminding him that he was told to bring a jacket.

When Kim asks for the research on Drakken, Ron gives her the research he has on Josh instead.

Ron tells Kim that Josh's middle name is Wendell. He made it up to make Josh sound more unappealing.

Getting information he got from school gossip, Josh has turned down dance offers from Courtney Loup,

Maria Rodriguez,

Natasha Putin,

Julia Roberts, later known as Amelia.

And Bonnie. Ron didn't have a picture of Bonnie, so he drew one.

Ron asked the girls mentioned above to the dance. He was turned down.

First appearance of Heinrich.

Heinrich reminds Kim that she saved his village from an avalanche last year.

Ron asks Heinrich if he has any daughters who would like to go to the dance with him. Heinrich replies, ''Nein!'' which means no in Nacospeak. This mission most likely takes place in either Nacospeaky or Austria.

Kim indicates that Ron started the avalanche.

Kim leaves Ron behind. Ron still can't do a snowboard very well.

First appearance of Kim's electronic infrared binoculars.

Wade hacked into Drakken's security, but couldn't shut down the sensor beams. But he can enhance a frequency so that they can be seen.

The binoculars can also be used as a kimmunicator.

Wade either prays or meditates for a second before tackling Drakken's computer system.

Wade can type with each hand on two different keyboards with his eyes closed.

Laser sensor beams appear thanks to Wade's hacking job.

Ron doesn't realize he's in trouble when his snowboard goes backwards.

Kim catches Ron and they both go down the hill. She lets him go a few seconds later.

Kim's snowboarding skill prevents her from hitting the laser beams.

Ron misses the beams thanks to The Ron Factor.

Rufus hit's the laser beam.

Large mechanical devices come out of the snow.

They have cameras on them which positively identify Kim and Ron.

They then connect several mechanical walls together trapping Kim and Ron.

Kim indicates that she has never been captures that fast. She also equates the embarrassment of being captured is as bad as cheerleading practice that afternoon. Kim blames Ron, even though it was Rufus who set off the laser sensor.

Despite being captured, Ron tries to look on the bright side. He insists that at least they're now in Drakken's lair.

Shego shows up on the platform, ready for a fight.

Anxious to give her one, Kim jumps on the henchmen and makes it up to the platform where Shego is.

The henchmen advance ready to attack Ron.

One of the few things we see Kim pull out of her belt: Kissy girl lip gloss.

The lip gloss is actually knock out gas. It puts all the henchmen out in seconds.

The knock out gas is made from Wade's father dirty socks. First appearance of Wade's mother.

Ron throws the knock out gas to Kim, who uses it on Shego.

Drakken shows up. He calls Kim, ''My teenage foe.''

Ron still thinks Drakken wants to steal Christmas.

After being corrected by Drakken, Kim reminds Ron that she was right about Drakken's plan.

The automated factory becomes a giant robot.

The robot is strong enough to rip a tank in half.

It can also shoot lasers.

Kim remains calm, even against her toughest challenge yet. The robot shakes the ground with each step it takes.

Wade tells Kim that Nakasumi-san put in an override module after looking at the blueprints for the robot factory.

Kim and Ron were almost crushed when Drakken lifts a heavy crate and tries to throw it down on top of them. They were warned to get out of the way when the video Z-boy mascot said, ''Konnichiwa!''

The arms and upper body movement of the robot are controlled by the two levers on the console. An electronic telescope helps target the lasers from the robot's hands.

Drakken whines that if Kim were on the debate team instead of a cheerleader, he would have rid of her already.

irst time Ron supports Kim and promotes the idea that she can do anything.

After hearing that, Drakken tries to blast Ron away.

Ron reminds Drakken that he's only the distraction.

One of the more unusual items from the Kim Possible toy line was a Kim and Ron with magnets on their hands, similar to this scene.

A video camera comes out of the back. Kim destroys it with a punch.

Drakken tries to get Kim off the back of the robot. He reveals the override module instead.

A computer interface comes out of the bottom of the kimmunicator. Kim hooks Wade up to the giant robot.

Wade gets in, but needs the password. Wade tries Nakasumi, but it doesn't work.

The Z-boy mascot mouths the word, ''Access Denied.''

Ron tries his special attack, ''Flying kick now!''

It doesn't work. Ron is captured and hung upside down.

Rufus falls out of Ron's pocket.

Kim saves him. Unfortunately, she reveals her secure location to Drakken.

Kim's grappling hook is purple in this scene. Usually, it's red.

Having rescued Rufus, Kim puts him in her pocket.

Seeing the laser charge up causes Kim to freeze in fear. Drakken tells Kim she should have stuck to babysitting. This indicates that Kim used to baby sit at one time instead of saving the world on a regular basis.

Wade tries Z-boy but that doesn't work either. Then the video monitor says, ''Konnichiwa!'' Wade realizes that the password is konnichiwa.

The laser powers down, Wade comes on the monitor, and the robot salutes. Wade is in control of the giant robot.

Drakken is quickly captured.

Shego regains consciousness before the henchmen and throws an electrical pole arm at the kimmunicator. It dislodges from the robot. Wade loses control of it.

Ron and Drakken fight girly style with silly little slaps.

Kim and Shego take their fight inside the robot console. It pushes the levers around.

The robot arms fling wildly out of control.

After twirling so fast, Ron feels like he going to hurl. Ron has a weak stomach throughout the series.

Kim kicks Shego into two levers.

The levers release Drakken and Ron. Ron falls to the ground. Drakken grabs the side of the robot. Following cartoon physics, Drakken hovers in mid air for a second before he manages to get to the robot.

Shego pulls a lever that tilts the robot. Kim loses her balance and falls out of the cockpit.

Kim shoots the grappling hook and wraps the wire around the robot's legs, causing it to fall. This part is a reference to the AT-AT walker scene in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

Unfortunately, it's going to fall on top of Ron.

Kim pushes a button on her glove. It activates rocket skates. First appearance of Kim's rocket skates. Unlike most rollerblades, Kim's skates have only two wheels instead of four.

Kim grabs Ron and they marginally miss getting crushed by the falling robot.

Drakken and Shego managed to get out of the falling robot. But what can they do now?

Ron senses that Kim is upset about something. He indicates that Drakken is in jail, and that Christmas was saved. Kim reminds Ron again that Drakken did not want to steal Christmas. She also indicates that facing Drakken was nothing compared to the fear she has of asking Josh Mankey to the dance.

Ron tries to encourage Kim to ask Josh out.

Wade calls Kim and tells her that Josh left third period and is heading their way. Wade must have found out about Kim's crush on Josh either by reading her diary, or Ron told him. Ron and Wade may have conspired to get Josh out of class early (the halls are lacking other students going to class) so that Kim could ask him out. On the other hand, Josh might be setting up decorations for the dance.

Wade finds Josh by triangulating his position on the G.P.S. satellite. Wade indicates that Josh just passed the gym.

Kim grabs Ron and hides in the janitor's closet.

Kim feels that she can't ask Josh out.

This scene is a reference to Aliens.

Ron encourages Kim to ask Josh out by being her biggest supporter.

Kim bursts out of the closet, and nervously apologizes for tearing down the banner. Josh said it was kinds weak anyways.

Unlike Ron, Josh actually picked up Kim's signals that she was interested in him. Kim finally asks Josh out. Josh tells her he'll pick her up at seven. We later see in Blush that Josh has his own car.

Ron announces he needs a ride too. Kim slams the door on him. This keeps Ron away from her and Josh. This also keeps Ron from getting any last minute dates. Ron continues to ask for a ride, and suggests picking him up at 7:15. Then he indicates that his mom will be hemming his pants, then asks to be picked up at 7:30.

The original song playing here was later replaced with Angela Michael's I'm Ready. It is available on the KP soundtrack. Fans have been desperate to find out what the original song was.

Bonnie couldn't get a date. This puts her lower on the food chain than Kim. For some reason, Crystal and Bonnie show up to the dance in their cheerleader uniforms.

The kimmunicator beeps, but Kim promptly turns it off. Wade most likely was trying to reach Kim for another mission. However, Wade might have been trying to get Kim to release Ron from the closet. In any case, Kim refuses to be bothered while she is having a good time.

It's unknown how long Ron was trapped in the closet.

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