MHS sign. First time we see Middleton covered in snow.
The episode begins with the Middleton students boarding the bus for a class field trip.
First episode where Mr. Barkin has dark hair.
Ron doesn't pay attention and almost hits a student with his skis.
Ron almost hits Kim too.
Ron indicates he's not paying attention because he's, ''totally psyched!''
Kim is looking forward to skiing with out a crazed henchman after her.
Rufus wearing a scarf and hat. He psyched too.
One of the few MHS students mentioned here is Alan Platt.
Kim and Ron indicate that this field trip is the biggest one of the year. They also indicate that Alan Platt's parents are the chaperones. Ron calls it, ''humiliation nation.'' Kim then ends her sympathy by yelling, ''But better him than me!''
Mrs. Possible suddenly shows up. She indicates that Alan Platt's parents came down with the flu at the last minute. Mr. and Mrs. Possible call Kim by her childhood name, ''Kimmy'' for most of this episode.
Mrs. Possible says to Kim that, ''Your friend Bonnie called us.'' This indicates that Mrs. Possible didn't know that Kim and Bonnie are actually rivals.
Alan Platt isn't worried about his parents being sick. He and the nameless girl in blue act as though they have unmentionable plans.
Mr. Possible then shows up carrying his special snowboard. He indicates that they dropped the twins off at Kim's grandmother's house before coming. We don't know if this was Mrs. Possible's mother, or Nana Possible. If it is Nana Possible, then she is still living in Middleton before moving to Florida in The Golden Years. Mr. and Mrs. Possible are wearing basically the same clothes.
Although Kim has figured it out, Bonnie indicates that Kim's parents are the chaperones.
First time Bonnie uses a camera.
Kim is not happy with the sudden turn of events.
Bonnie taunts Kim, then indicates pictures of Kim and her parents could end up in the yearbook. This indicates that Bonnie is taking pictures for the yearbook.
Kim knows that Bonnie called her parents on purpose. Bonnie calls Kim paranoid. Bonnie then calls Kim's parents, ''cute.''
Mr. Possible shows off his home made snowboard to Ron. Mr. Possible then says, ''I'm ready for shreddy.'' Ron doesn't know what Mr. Possible is talking about.
Kim worries about her father trying to act cool.
Mrs. Possible suggests a travel game that Kim used to love to play. Mr. Possible then indicates that Kim needed to use the restroom a lot. Everyone has a laugh at Kim's expense.
Kim indicates that Bonnie will pay for embarrassing Kim.
Ron hands Kim a tabloid newspaper. The headline reads, ''The snow beast of Mount Middleton makes tracks.''
Kim indicates that this story is from the same reporter who did a story on a frog boy.
Ron indicates he was touched by the frog boy story. It showed his struggle to fit into a world that could never really accept him. Ron also indicates the newspaper's name is ''The Wonder.'' The Wonder is offering five thousand dollars for a clear picture of the snow beast.
Ron realizes that everyone is staring at him as he talks about the snow beast.
Mr. Barkin asks Ron if he really believes the story about the snow beast. Ron pretends he isn't sure.
Ron indicates that Kim's parents are about to do a sing-a-long.
Mr. Possible wants Kim to help sing. He also indicates that Kim has a beautiful singing voice. This becomes more than obvious in Hidden Talent.
Mr. and Mrs. Possible begin singing, ''Ninety-nine bottle of pop on the wall.''
Ron helps with the sing-a-long. Ron will do this again in a later episode.
Despite having a bus load of students, the bus is on treacherous roads next to sheer cliff that are covered with ice.
First appearance of the ski Mount Middleton lodge.
Mr. Barkin approaches Ron and asks him if he's ready to find the snow beast. Not only does Mr. Barkin believe in the story about the snow beast, Mr. Barkin wants the five thousand dollars in cash for the clear picture of it.
Mr. Barkin offers Ron two percent of the five thousand dollars. Ron is so horrible at math, he accepts the offer.
Rufus thinks that there is something fishy about only getting the two percent that Mr. Barkin offered.
Ron leaves Kim just when she needs him the most.
Kim overhears her mother telling about how on their first ski trip, Kim took all her clothes off in the middle of the lodge. She was only two years old at the time.
Kim drags her mother to the side and scolds her for telling that story. Mrs. Possible assures her that two year olds tend to strut around naked once in a while.
Mr. Barkin has Ron carry all the gear and supplies. Ron complains that when he snow hikes with Kim, they usually get sherpas. This indicates that Kim and Ron have missions on occasion in the Tibet or Nepal regions. Sherpas are mountain guides.
Mr. Barkin asks Ron if he heard a sound. Ron says, ''Teeth chattering, knees knocking, bladder sloshing, that's me!'' This indicates Ron is cold and needs to use the bathroom.
The snow beast growls. It's loud enough to shake the earth and trees.
Ron and Mr. Barkin are now convinced beyond any doubt that there is a snow beast.
Ron and Mr. Barkin quickly try to track and find the snow beast. All they get is a dark shadow over them.
The snow beast growls again. It causes a small avalanche.
Ron and Mr. Barkin slide down a hill.
They then fall off a cliff.
Rufus lands safely in the snow. Ron lands safely on Mr. Barkin. Mr. Barkin lifts Ron up with one hand and throws him to the side.
The snow beast growls again. The trees shake.
Mr. Barkin stays calm and gets the camera ready to take a picture of the snow beast. Ron hides behind Mr. Barkin. Rufus grabs onto Ron's face.
The snow beast turns out to be a woman. First appearance of DNAmy.
Ron has trouble pulling Rufus off of his face.
Ron reveals they were looking for the snow beast. Amy chastises them for believing a fairy tale.
Ron and Mr. Barkin deny believing the story about the snow beast.
The woman introduces herself as Amy Hall. This might be a play on the movie ''Annie Hall.''
After Mr. Barkin introduces himself, Amy begins calling him, ''Stevie.'' Mr. Barkin doesn't like this. Mr. Barkin is the first guy DNAmy crushes on in the series.
Amy explains that she got lost in the mountains. She wants an escort from Mr. Barkin to the lodge. Mr. Barkin begins turning her down.
Ron steps in and offers to help. It's been theorized on the message boards that Ron feels the need to help a woman in distress.
Amy indicates pink is her favorite color. She hits Mr. Barkin on the arm while telling him this.
Mr. Barkin drags Ron to the side. He would rather get the pictures of the snow beast. Ron indicates they have to help a lady on the line.
Ron seems to be trying to set Mr. Barkin up with Amy. He calls Mr. Barkin, ''babe magnet.'' This annoys Mr. Barkin.
Ron and Mr. Barkin lead Amy back to the lodge.
The snow beast shows up shortly afterwards.
The nameless girl in blue hangs out with more guys than any other girl in the series.
Mr. Possible talks to Bonnie. He indicates he build his snow board from ''odds and ends'' he found at the space lab.
Kim suddenly shows up. She's worried that Bonnie is using her father and his snow board to embarrass her again.
Kim tricks her father into believing that his snow board is cooler than anyone else's. So he shouldn't show it off. Mr. Possible agrees.
Kim goes back to Bonnie to discuss what she is doing.
They are distracted by Ron, who comes down a hill on a snow board and stops clumsily. This sprays snow all over Bonnie. Ron didn't bring a snowboard; he brought skies. This has to be Kim's snowboard. She uses it later in this episode.
Bonnie doesn't believe that what Ron did was an accident.
Bonnie leaves. Ron spraying Bonnie with snow wasn't an accident. But Ron still has trouble keeping his balance.
Amy hangs onto Mr. Barkin. She indicates she plans on the two of them having hot cocoa with mini marshmallows at the lodge. Mr. Barkin tries to decline.
Kim notices the ''otterfly'' that Amy has on.
Amy asks if Kim collects cuddle buddies. Kim is afraid to answer. Cuddle buddies are a play on beanie babies; the toys that were vastly collected by soccer moms in the 1990's.
Mrs. Possible shows up and reveals the truth. Kim went wild for cuddle buddies.
Amy indicates she was the past president of the cuddle buddies collector's club. She also indicates that fans of cuddle buddies are called, ''coddlers.''
Amy indicates that otterfly is her favorite cuddle buddy.
Mrs. Possible indicates that Kim has a pandaroo that she would never let her mother wash. She also indicates that Kim still sleeps with him. Oddly, Kim's pandaroo has never been seen in the series.
Bonnie delights in knowing Kim's cuddle buddy secrets.
Ron sees Kim looking depressed. Kim indicates that Bonnie knows about pandaroo.
Ron doesn't pay much attention. He asks for the kimmunicator instead.
Kim hands Ron the kimmunicator. But she scolds him for not being more sympathetic.
Ron calls Wade. Wade indicates that there are no historical sightings or local legends pertaining to the snow beast of Middleton.
Kim can't believe that Ron got Wade involved.
Ron unintentionally reveals to Wade that The Wonder was offering a reward for the picture of the snow beast.
Wade indicates that Barkin is giving him ten percent of the reward. It's not known when Mr. Barkin talked to Wade. Ron must have contacted him by phone to ask Wade for help. Mr. Barkin must have talked to Wade afterwards.
Ron tries to give the kimmunicator back. Kim declines it.
Ron then asks Kim to come along and help find the snow beast. Kim declines that too.
Mr. Possible overhears Kim complain that her parents have her in ''humiliation nation.''
Mr. Barkin gets Ron to get back onto the slopes before Amy can give him any more hot cocoa.
Back on the slopes, Ron falls into a foot print of the snow beast.
Mr. Barkin begins taking pictures of the snow tracks.
Mr. Barkin is alerted when something moves in the tress. Ron says, ''It didn't sound beast sized.''
A dog comes out of the trees. This is what Ron heard.
The dog snaps at Mr. Barkin with crab like claws. First time Mr. Barkin says, ''Cheese and crackers!'' when surprised.
Mr. Barkin tries to get a picture of the crab dog.
The snow beast suddenly shows up. Ron and Mr. Barkin are too frightened to move. Ron drops the kimmunicator.
Amy suddenly shows up scolding the snow beast. It seems to obey her. Amy also has two others who are with her.
Ron thanks Amy for taming the beast and saving him.
Mr. Barkin figures it out. The snow beast belongs to Amy.
Amy demands her henchmen to grab the camera.
Mr. Barkin is grabbed. His camera is taken from him.
Ron thinks that Amy wants the reward for herself.
The henchman crushes the camera with one hand. Ron now knows that Amy is evil.
Mr. Barkin struggles with the henchman.
The henchman is a pig man.
Mr. Barkin is too shocked to fight anymore.
Ron pulls the mask off of the other henchman. It's really a bird man.
Mr. Barkin is knocked out by a snowball to the head.
Amy tells her henchmen to take Ron and Mr. Barkin to the lab.
Ron is lifted up with one hand by the bird henchman.
Amy gets back to the lab by riding her snow beast.
Mr. Barkin is carried over the shoulder by the pig henchman.
The kimmunicator can modify itself to have a periscope. Wade sees Ron and Mr. Barkin in trouble.
Wade modifies the kimmunicator into a rocket sled. Wade decides to get Kim.
Mr. Possible is building a snowman.
The nameless girl in blue talks to Mr. Possible about his outfit. Mr. Possible says, ''Groovy!'' The background characters laugh.
Kim doesn't say anything. Her actions say it all. Mr. Possible indicates he was trying to make small talk.
Mrs. Possible shows up. She indicates they overheard Kim talking about humiliation nation.
Mr. and Mrs. Possible leave Kim.
Wade almost hits Kim's foot with the kimmunicator rocket sled. Kim raises her foot in time. Wade tells her that they have a situation.
Ron, Rufus, and Mr. Barkin are strapped down to lab tables.
Amy scolds her snow beast for getting lost in the mountains.
When asked by Mr. Barkin, Amy indicates that this place is her homemade genetics engineering lab.
DNAmy snaps her fingers and the lights come on. The lights are snap activated.
Amy shows off her collection of cuddle buddies. She indicates she has every cuddle buddy ever made.
Amy's lab also has an oven. She just baked some cookies.
When asked by Ron, Amy indicates that she wanted to make real life sized cuddle buddies.
Amy indicates that ''they'' call her DNAmy. The people she is referring to are those at the Cuddlecon. They also said DNAmy was mad. DNAmy offers a gingersnap cookie.
Mr. Barkin calls DNAmy, ''sick and wrong!'' First time this phrase is used in the series.
Mr. Barkin causes all of DNAmy's cookies to spill onto the floor.
Amy has a way to fix Mr. Barkin's ill temperament.
Kim gets to this mission by snowboarding.
Kim asks Wade to search the cuddle buddy website. They profile all major cuddle buddy collectors.
The web site has DNAmy's profile. It indicates that she is a geneticist. It also indicates that she was kicked out of her university for unorthodox splicing experiments.
Kim scolds herself for not listening to Ron talk about the snow beast. Kim then asks Wade to scan the mountain for geological anomalies.
First possible location of Middleton. The map shows the anomalies in West Virginia and Ohio.
Wade then finds artificial reinforcements in a large cavern to the north.
Kim snowboards towards the cavern. Then she uses her infrared binoculars to check things out. The binoculars were last seen in Crush.
Kim jumps to avoid the cameras leading to the cavern.
Kim leaves her helmet and snowboard just inside the cavern entrance.
Ron complains that Rufus is being punished for Mr. Barkin's mistake of getting DNAmy angry.
Mr. Barkin indicates he's not giving Ron the two percent of the reward money.
DNAmy indicates she plans on fusing Mr. Barkin and Rufus together.
Mr. Barkin says, ''You are one twisted sister!'' Twisted Sister was a rock band from the 1980's.
Mr. Barkin and Rufus are put into the cloning chamber. The tables are put in at a laying position. Then they prompt themselves up to a standing position.
Rufus tears up and waves good-bye to Ron.
Ron does the same to Rufus.
DNAmy activates the DNA sequencer machines.
Kim comes in and hides behind a computer terminal.
Kim is attacked by a cat with a snake's body.
It wraps itself around Kim. It's most likely half anaconda since it tries to squeeze Kim
Kim loses her balance. Everyone watches as Kim falls down the stairs.
Kim lands in DNAmy's collection of cuddle buddies. The cat-snake appears to be unconscious.
Kim demands DNAmy to let Ron, Rufus, and Mr. Barkin. She holds the cuddle buddies hostage. Then she realizes she's holding a pandaroo superstar edition, and there were only twelve made.
The bird man and pig man attack. Kim throws the pandaroo and seallion at them.
Kim moves out of the way. The henchmen fall, slide, and hit the shelf containing DNAmy's collection.
DNAmy whistles.
The whistling seems to be a command to get the rhino rabbit to attack. It grabs Kim.
DNAmy activates a lever which begins the DNA separation.
The DNA machine gets tremendously hot. It even catches on fire before cooling down.
Combining Mr. Barkin and Rufus get a naked mole man. This is the first mutation Mr. Barkin goes through. It will happen again in Sink Or Swim.
Naked mole man appears angry and ready to attack DNAmy at first.
After a hug from DNAmy, naked mole man isn't sure how to react. DNAmy calls naked mole man, ''My greatest splicing success yet!''
Kim convinces the rhino rabbit that he is just another collectible to DNAmy, and that she doesn't really care for him.
Rhino rabbit attacks naked mole man.
DNAmy tries to get the two to stop fighting.
Kim goes over to rescue Ron while DNAmy is distracted. And keep him quiet too.
DNAmy proclaims, ''There's room in my heart for all of you!''
Naked mole man jumps on rhino rabbit's back.
Naked mole man is thrown off and hit's the wall. Rhino rabbit charges with his horn ready to attack. Naked mole man ducks just in time.
Naked mole man kicks rhino rabbit away. Rhino rabbit hit's the shelf full of cuddle buddies. He lands unconscious on top of DNAmy's henchmen.
Naked mole man begins tearing up the lab.
Ron grabs Kim and indicates they have to get Rufus back to normal. Kim reminds Ron they have to get Mr. Barkin back to normal too.
Naked mole man hurls a large piece of equipment at Kim and Ron. They dodge just in time.
DNAmy indicates the materials are very unstable.
Wade indicates that the whole place is going to blow.
Naked mole man grabs Ron.
Ron uses his negotiation skills to make naked mole man realize there's still a part of Rufus inside of him.
This only lasts for a second. Apparently, naked mole man has much more Mr. Barkin's personality than Rufus'.
Kim rescues Ron by hitting naked mole man with a wheeled cart.
The cart goes back to the DNA separator. The door closes.
Kim activates the DNA machine.
Rufus comes out perfectly okay. And he's wearing Mr. Barkin's clothes. It's been theorized on the message boards that Rufus might be slightly altered by having some of Mr. Barkin's DNA, and vice versa. This is unlikely since Mr. Barkin or Rufus don't appear out of the ordinary for the rest of the series.
Mr. Barkin comes out naked.
Mr. Barkin got a bathrobe from somewhere. It is most likely DNAmy's.
The cavern begins to crumble. Kim complains that she wished the bad guys lairs wouldn't blow up all the time.
DNAmy refuses to leave her cuddle buddies behind.
Kim, Ron, and Mr. Barkin escape. They leave DNAmy behind.
DNAmy's lab explodes.
Cuddle buddies fall from what is left of the lab.
Kim, Ron, and Mr. Barkin managed to grab and hold onto nearby trees.
The lab explosion causes an avalanche. Mr. Barkin, Kim, and Ron run for their lives.
Mr. Barkin says, ''We'll never outrun it.'' Many skiers on mountains are hurt or killed by avalanches when it overtakes them.
Mr. Possible suddenly shows up with his homemade snowboard. It can outrun an avalanche.
Mr. Possible manages to catch everyone and doesn't stop. He also uses the 1980's term, ''gnarly.''
Mr. Possible activates the rocket thrusters.
The sled easily jumps over a ravine. The avalanche goes off the cliff.
Ron compliments Mr. Possible on his rocket sled. Ron and Kim have switched sides. A minor mistake.
Mr. Barkin covers his eyes. Ron enjoys the ride just a bit too much.
After landing, the MHS students all cheer for Mr. Possible; even Bonnie.
Mr. Barkin now has his regular clothes on. A minor mistake.
Kim makes up with her father. Mr. Possible says, ''No big.''
DNAmy is arrested. How she survived the lab explosion is a mystery. Whatever happened to her genetically altered animals remains a mystery.
DNAmy wants Mr. Barkin to come see her while she's in jail.
Mr. Barkin cringes at the thought.
DNAmy gives Mr. Barkin a good-bye kiss. It leaves a kiss mark on the window of the squad car.
Kim apologizes to her mother.
Bonnie ruins the touching moment with a picture.
First appearance of Mrs. Rockwaller, Bonnie's mother.
First indication that Bonnie gets treated like a child. Mrs. Rockwaller indicates the students need more chaperones, so she came right over.
Mrs. Rockwaller calls Bonnie by her childhood name, ''Bon Bon.''
Mrs. Possible indicates that she was the one who called Bonnie's mother.
Kim and Mrs. Possible have another touching moment. Kim is satisfied that she got revenge against Bonnie. Act 1 || Act 2