Show notes: This episode gives us some background on Shego. It was originally titled as �Family Reunion.� This confused many KP fans, confusing them into thinking there was an unaired episode.
First appearance of Go City. Go City was originally supposed to be Chicago. This was later changed.
Ron says, �If you can make it here, well then, you�ve made it here.� This is a play on the popular phrase, �If you can make it here, then you can make it anywhere.�
Kim indicates she cashed in a favor to go to Go City. Kim is apprehensive about this. Ron reassures her that it is worth it. Cars passing along the street in the background include a police car, a small hatchback car, a truck, a van, a sports car, and a suv.
Kim checks the kimmunicator to make sure they are going the right way. The kimmunicator now doubles as a GPS unit. Kim indicates that whatever it is they�re going to, it�s on the next block.
Ron has an anxiety attack.
Rufus comes out and helps Ron breath so he doesn�t hyperventilate.
Kim is annoyed and indicates that Ron is getting worked up over another Bueno Nacho. Ron indicates that it is the first Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho.
Kim is not impressed with the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho. Ron tries to convince Kim that it could represent Bueno Nacho of the future.
Seeing the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho leaves Ron and Rufus breathless.
Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho is three to four stories high, not counting the hat. The hat is another one or two stories high.
Ron is really impressed with the salsa parade, which is bowls of salsa on conveyor belts.
Ron sees that the orders are now automated. There is nobody to work the counters. The items ordered are displayed on large monitors overhead. Also seating booths are on large tiers allowing hundreds to dine in and see the view. There don�t appear to be any barriers to the side of the booths to keep people from falling.
Ron no longer will feel judged about how much food he orders now.
First appearance of Hego. He sees Ron and indicates that the Bueno Nacho corporation sent a memo stating that certain procedures are to be done in Ron�s case. Hego�s hair and glasses may be a reference to comic book super hero Superman.
Kim states that Ron is harmless, therefore certain procedures aren�t necessary. The manager decides not to take any kind of action, in honor of the grand day opening. Ron tries to order off the automated menu. It is revealed later in the episode that the naco was removed from the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho menu. Ron may be having trouble finding the naco. Also the corporate memo may also have pertained to this event.
First appearance of Aviarius. Aviarius comes in through the double automatic sliding doors and promises revenge.
Kim and Ron don�t know who Aviarius is. They believe he is a villain who has come for revenge against them.
Aviarius calls for a condor to attack.
Rufus hides deep in Ron�s pocket.
Kim and Ron dodge the giant condor�s attack.
Kim flips to the counter, then flips again and grabs the condor�s leg.
The condor squaks when Kim grabs his leg. Condors don�t have vocal cords, so they wouldn�t necessarily squak. A minor mistake.
Kim climbs on the condor�s back. Kim says, �I hope you�re not one of the endangered ones.� This is a reference to the California condor, which has been on the endangered species list since 1967.
The condor crashes into the salsa parade, and is stuck.
Ron whines about the loss of the salsa parade while the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho manager runs away.
The manager jumps behind the counter. A flash of blue light is seen.
Ron picks up a flag from the salsa parade and waves it.
The manager reappears as a super hero. He grabs the condor and throws it away. There is some speculation that Team Go�s costume inspired the costumes for the Pixar super hero movie The Incredibles.
He then tries to help Kim who might be trapped. But Kim is safe.
Aviarius says, �Feel the wrath of Aviarius!� This might be a play on a line from the video game Mortal Kombat 2. Shoa Khan says, �Feel the wrath of Shao Khan!�
Aviarius uses a staff with a diamond or crystal at the end. It glows as it powers up.
Aviarius hits the super hero with a beam from his staff.
Kim jumps down, but lands in between the beam from the staff, and the super hero.
Though she doesn�t know it yet, Kim gains Hego�s power. The staff suddenly stops. Kim falls to the ground.
Aviarius sees that a mistake has been made.
Having lost his super power, Hego can�t hold the platform up. It finally drops on him.
Aviarius stops to rant for a few seconds. Meanwhile the salsa parade is still working in the background, indicating that it wasn�t completely destroyed.
Aviarius escapes on his condor promising revenge.
Kim and Ron wonder what happened to the super hero. Kim and Ron don�t realize that the super hero and the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho manager are the same person.
The manager comes out and is straitening his tie.
The Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho manager asks what happened. Ron points to the direction Aviarius just left and says, �That bird guy---�
The manager says the bird guy�s name: Aviarius.
Kim asks the manager if he knows Aviarius.
The manager looks worried and indicates that Aviarius said his name a lot.
When asked by Kim, the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho manager indicates he doesn�t know what Aviarius wanted, or who the super hero was.
Ron then asks how the manager knows that the super hero was indeed a super hero. The manager indicates that he had glowing body parts. Kim seems annoyed at Ron�s question to the manager.
This answer satisfies Ron, who is ready to go back inside the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho for a naco.
Rufus is ready for a naco too.
The Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho manager indicates they don�t serve nacos.
This statement shocks Ron. He is immediately ready to go back home now.
Ron sees that Kim isn�t feeling well. Ron says, �We�ve got to get you back to Middleton, and get some nacos in you, stat!� �Stat!� is a medical term in which something is needed immediately.
MHS sign
Kim indicates that ever since the trip to Go City, she has been feeling different. Ron then complains about the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho not having the naco.
Kim opens her locker by turning it once to the left.
Kim�s hand begins to glow blue when she grabs the handle to her locker.
Kim rips the locker door off of it�s hinges.
Kim plays basketball with Monique, Tara, Hope, Crystal, and Liz. They are most likely playing three against three. It�s impossible to tell who has teamed up to play.
Monique has the ball and passes it over to Kim.
Kim�s feet begin to glow blue as she prepares to make a jump shot.
Kim jumps high into the air. Then her hands glow blue as she slam dunks the basketball into the hoop.
The other girls are shocked and annoyed at Kim�s new ability.
Kim is embarrassed at her lack of self control with her new powers.
Kim, Bonnie, Brick Flagg, and background students stand in line for the cafeteria.
The shadow behind Kim resembles Ron. Whether or not this is actually Ron is not confirmed.
Pizza is quickly snatched up.
Bonnie is about to grab the last slice.
Realizing she has super strength, Kim lifts the table with the pizza.
The pizza slice slides into Kim�s tray.
Kim walks by Bonnie smirking. One of Kim�s worst qualities was her need to always beat Bonnie at everything.
Kim uses her super strength to hold up Tara, Hope, Marcella, Liz, and Crystal for a cheerleader super pose. Crystal�s cheerleader underpants, also known as bloomers, can be seen as she does a handstand.
Ron and Rufus are at Bueno Nacho. Rufus is about to eat his nachos.
Ron pulls the nachos away and indicates that they should wait for Kim. It was analyzed that Ron is not seeing Bueno Nacho as the place where he and Kim are hanging out anymore; it has become their unofficial dating place.
Kim arrives. She notices a car parked in front of a fire hydrant. She uses her super strength to push it away. It is against the law to park in front of a fire hydrant. In case of a fire, the fire department needs access to fire hydrants for water.
Ron is about to state that which Kim already knows: She has super strength.
The manager of Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho shows up. He is looking for Kim. Being world famous, he would have an easy time finding out Kim lived in Middleton. Finding her at Bueno Nacho would have been done by following her there. Ron annoys the manager by asking if he got transferred to the Middleton store, or fired because of the Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho doesn�t have the naco.
The manager indicates Kim has his super strength.
First appearance of the Go Tower. It stands on the outside of Go City on a small rock island in the ocean.
The manager indicates that only a member of Team Go can open the door. Since Kim has his super power, she has to open the door.
Kim charges her power, then places her hand on the scanner. When this is done, the wheel overhead turns allowing the sliding door to open.
The door opens and bings like an elevator. The manager welcomes Kim and Ron to the Go Tower.
The manager begins telling Kim and Ron that he is not an ordinary fast food manager. Ron begins blaming the manager for trying to kill the naco.
Kim has realized that the manager is really a super hero. But she somehow got his super strength.
The manager rips his Bueno Nacho manager uniform and reveals himself as the super hero earlier in the episode. He announces himself as Hego. The ripping of his shirt is similar to the way Superman takes off his clothes to reveal his super costume.
Ron is about to bring up the naco again, but Kim won�t let him.
Kim hears the name Hego, then sees a green chair. Kim asks if Hego knows Shego.
Hego indicates that Shego is his sister.
Ron wonders what Shego�s last name is. It has been theorized, but never confirmed, that Team Go were all given aliases when they became super heroes.
Kim indicates that Shego now works for Dr. Drakken. Hego has never heard of Drakken. Kim indicates she�s never heard of Aviarius.
Ron wants to talk about Shego some more.
Hego pushes a circular button on the table. This causes a holographic picture of Team go to appear over the table displayed by a projector in the center. Hego indicates that they all fought evil as a family. But Shego enjoyed being evil, so she left. Team Go was never the same, and they broke up. It is revealed in Season 4 that Shego kept everyone focused and the team together.
Ron wants to know how Team Go got their powers. Hego pushes two rectangle buttons on the table in front of him. There are six buttons total. Hego pushes number 2 and number 4.
The display changes. Hego indicates that a rainbow colored meteorite gave them special powers when they were children. The display shows the rainbow colored meteorite destroying the clubhouse. They were most likely inside when it was destroyed. The display is most likely a recreation of the events. It is highly unlikely that a camera was set up to watch a meteorite destroy a clubhouse with children inside when it crashed to the earth. Although not confirmed, it has been theorized that Team Go�s parents were killed when the meteorite crashed, and the government took over their lives to turn them into super heroes.
Kim didn�t get a good look at the multicolored meteorite. Hego backs the video up by pushing button number 4.
Hego offers Kim his seat since he lost his super strength and it now belongs to Kim.
Ron takes Hego�s seat and begins to relax.
Rufus relaxes in the purple chair. This really annoys Hego.
Kim suggests they find Aviarius, get his power draining staff, and get the power switched so Hego can have his super strength back.
At Ron�s request, Kim lifts the table using her super strength with only one hand.
Ron wants Kim to keep the super strength. Hego says, �Those powers are a great responsibility.� This is a play on the famous line from Spiderman, �With great power comes great responsibility.�
First appearance of Mego. The monitor shows Mego outside knocking on the door.
Hego pushes a small red button to let Mego in.
Hego chastises Mego for not using his Go Team glow to get in.
Mego argues that he doesn�t have the Team Go glow anymore.
Kim assumes that Aviarius stole Mego�s super power. Mego indicates this is correct, then wonders who he is talking to.
Ron wonders what Mego�s super power was, and asks if he did fire. Mego indicates he didn�t do fire.
Ron tries to connect the color purple to a super power. Ron then assumes that Mego did some sort of bruising. Mego indicates this is incorrect too.
Hego indicates that Mego can shrink his size.
Ron sarcastically makes fun of Mego�s super power.
Mego indicates that his shrinking super power is very useful.
Mego sits down in his chair; currently occupied by Rufus.
Mego tells Rufus to get out of his chair.
Rufus does so, but complains about it. Mego tells Rufus to be quiet.
Mego indicates he feels empty without his powers. Hego tries to console him by telling him he lost his super powers too.
Mego doesn�t care that Hego lost his powers.
Kim suggests they focus on where Aviarius will strike next.
Hego and Mego realize at the same time that Aviarius will try to get their twin brothers to drain their powers next.
Aviarius suddenly shows up on the monitor.
First appearance of Wego and Wego. Like Kim, Shego has twin brothers. Aviarius drains their powers. Wego and Wego say the classic line from nearly all super hero comic books and movies, �You�ll never get away with this!�
Wego and Wego are suddenly distracted by seeing the Go Tower, Hego, and Mego. This indicates that Aviarius has a camera somewhere in the Go Tower, and uses a monitor to display what is happening.
Aviarius demands they surrender Kim or else the twins will be harmed.
FADE TO BLACK -- COMMERCIAL BREAK Kim asks where Aviarius� lair is. Aviarius� lair is displayed on a monitor.
Ron assumes correctly that Aviarius calls his lair, �The Nest.� Ron begins seeing Aviarius as a lame super villain.
Kim asks if The Nest is in the Himalayas. Hego indicates that The Nest is on top of Go Mountain at the edge of Go City. Hego indicates he doesn�t like long distance relationships with his foes. This is a play on relationships regarding love, which are complicated when two people in love live so far away from each other.
Kim asks how they defeated Aviarius in the past. Hego indicates they did it with teamwork.
Hego calls this teamwork, �Go-Operation.�
Ron begins seeing Team Go as lame super heroes, and now sees why Shego left. Kim seems to agree with this statement. Kim indicates they need Shego�s help.
Shego reads the magazine �Villain�s Digest.� It is an older issue of the magazine. The same picture from Two To Tutor is on the cover. This is the magazine that had a help wanted ad leading Shego to be hired by Senior Senior Senior to tutor Junior.
Shego pretends to listen while Drakken indicates that Shego stole a mutation agent.
Drakken�s lair rumbles like an earthquake just hit it. Drakken drops the mutation agent. Whatever plans he had for it are ruined.
The rumbling is revealed to be done by Kim and her super strength as she busted a wall down.
Drakken realizes Kim is glowing. Shego realizes that Kim is glowing like Hego.
Hego and Mego appear behind Kim with greetings to their sister. Hego complains that Shego never contacts them anymore.
Drakken doesn�t know Hego or Mego. Drakken asks for an introduction.
Ron runs up to Drakken, shakes his hand, and introduces himself. Ron then complains about Drakken not remembering his name. This is a continous running gag throughout the series.
Shego grabs Ron and pulls him to the side. Some crashing sound is heard. Kim doesn�t do anything about this.
Shego ignores Drakken�s need for an introduction.
Drakken steps in front of Shego and demands that no secrets be kept from him as long as she is living under his roof. This is the same thing parents often say to their children when they are misbehaving.
Shego threatens Drakken by charging her plasma claw.
Drakken says, �Later gator.� This is often used by children when leaving. Drakken runs and hides behind a sliding metal door. Drakken peeks out and mentions that he feels he and Shego are like family. Drakken and Shego shippers point this line out as a good moment of shipping between the two of them. Drakken offers Shego any assistance if she needs it.
Shego blasts the door. Drakken closes the door to hide.
Shego demands to know why her brothers and Kim have joined up. Kim answers this with one word: Aviarius.
A hanger door opens on top of the G of Go Tower.
A platform raises a fighter type jet with multiple colors to the open hanger door. The jet is blue, purple, green, red, and white. With the exception of white, these are the colors of Team Go. The other Team Go power is black, not white.
The platform goes much higher than the G on top of Go Tower.
A ramp extends from the platform.
Shego is seen powering up the jet by pushin a series of button in front of her on the console. We also see how Shego learned to fly jet aircraft. She learned it while in Team Go.
Shego activates the blast shields by pushing button to her left.
Shego activates the jet thrusters by flipping a switch up.
The Team Go jet doesn�t have any missiles or cannons. It is most likely weaponless.
The Team Go jet may have been inspired by the super sonic SR-71 Blackbird. It was also weaponless.
Hego believes Shego has teamed up again with Team Go. This is true, temporarily. Shego tells Hego to be quiet.
Mego begins complaining about Hego pretending he is the leader. Shego tells Mego to be quiet too.
Shego reviews that only she and Kim still have super powers. Ron suggests they have the power of imagination.
Hego indicates he likes Ron because he is a positive thinker.
Shego indicates it was that kind of thinking that made her quit in the first place.
The Team Go jet is parked in front of the Possible home. It must be able to do vertical takeoffs and landings, and not always require a runway.
Kim is in big trouble. Mr. Possible uses her middle name. Mr. Possible complains about having circus people in the house. First indication Mr. Possible has trouble with �show folk.� Kim tells her father that their guests are actually super heroes.
This may be a pun. Rufus and Hego appear to be eating hero sandwiches.
Ron suddenly bursts in and reassures Mr. Possible they�ll get them back to the circus as soon as possible. Mr. Possible displays complete trust and faith in Ron to do this.
Shego asks what they are all doing here in Kim�s house. Kim indicates that they are safe here. Hego indicates that they usually use the Go Tower as the base of all their operations.
Kim points out that Aviarius can spy on them anytime he wants. A fact proven by the time he appeared on the monitor.
Hego is shocked that he never realized this, and nobody told him.
Shego bonks her head on the table in frustration over her dense super hero brother.
Kim begins formulating a plan.
Mego complains that Kim got Hego�s bossiness, as well as his super strength.
Shego watches in disgust as Hego stuffs his face with the sandwich.
Shego is about to walk out when Kim stops her and assures her that her brothers are annoying too.
Kim then indicates if Shego doesn�t help, she�ll tell the world via her website that Shego used to be a super hero.
Shego sees her evil reputation at stake. She knows she has to help.
Kim pulls out her kimmunicator and asks Wade for a top to bottom tech scan of Go Mountain.
Wade is surprised to see Shego in Kim�s kitchen.
Shego reminds Wade to do his computer thing.
Ron comes between Kim and Shego and asks if Shego has always been cranky.
Hego and Mego answer that Shego has always been cranky.
Aviarius stands before his throne and indicates that soon Team Go�s powers will soon be his, as well as control over Go City.
Wego and Wego complain that Aviarius sounds a lot like Mego.
Kim uses her super strength to do a spinning drill maneuver to break through the floor.
Kim is dizzy from the spinning drill maneuver, and advises against using it.
Aviarius sees that he has an opportunity to gain the super strength power.
Shego pops out of the hole with plasma claws ready.
Aviarius sees he may get Shego�s power too.
Aviarius uses the staff and gives himself Mego�s power.
Shego does a leaping attack. Aviarius shrinks. Shego goes flying over Aviarius and crashes.
Mego quietly tells Ron that there are benefits to the shrinking super power.
Hego pops up from the hole and reminds Mego that super strength is better.
Kim uses her super strength and kicks the wall. This cracks the wall and the shackles holding Wego and Wego allowing them to escape.
Kim�s kick to the wall allows Hego to remind Mego that super strength is better. Mego tells Hego to be quiet. Ron notices something flying overhead.
The giant condor attacks.
Before it attacks Ron, Hego, and Mego, Kim grabs the giant condor, swings it around in circles, and throws it against the wall.
Ron likes super strength more than shrinking. Ron will later gain his own super strength much greater than Hego thanks to his mystical monkey kung fu power.
Aviarius tries to zap Kim with his staff to steal her super strength. Kim dodges the attacks with her gymnastic skills.
Kim is zapped by a short shot of the beam.
Shego grabs Kim and pushes her down the hallway.
Kim and Shego tumble into a wall and small enclosure.
Aviarius summons his heat seaking hummingbirds.
A panel opens up on the wall. Mechanical hummingbirds come out of the holes in the wall.
Kim and Shego duck before the hummingbirds run and stick to the wall behind them.
The hummingbirds then blow up.
The hummingbirds fly around Aviarius, but don�t attack him. They have been programmed not to seek out his heat pattern.
Wego and Wego stand behind a wall to avoid the hummingbird attack.
Ron, Hego, and Mego duck to avoid the hummingbird attack.
Rufus goes up into the air, and lands on a hummingbird.
Rufus hangs on for dear life. The hummingbird goes up, then circles around.
Rufus lets go of the hummingbird. Ron ducks to avoid the hummingbird. Rufus lands on Ron�s face.
The hummingbird that Rufus had a hold on flies into the swarm of mechanical hummingbirds. Several collide and blow up.
Shego is being attacked by hummingbirds.
Shego does a flip against a nearby wall. Some hummingbirds collide with the wall and blow up.
Shego destroys the rest with her plasma claws.
Nearby, Kim uses her super strength to pound a large rock slab from the floor.
Kim uses the rock slab as a shield. The hummingbirds run and stick into the slab.
Kim throws the rock slab into the wall panel where the hummingbirds come out. The hummingbirds on the slab blow up destroying them both.
Aviarius summons the flamingo of doom.
A giant metal door goes up revealing a mechanical flamingo. The flamingo roars, most likely as a terror tactic.
Ron indictes that this is the second biggest flamingo he�s ever seen.
The flamingo tries to stomp Kim and Shego. Both jump out of the way in time.
Ron throws Kim her grappling hook. Why Ron has Kim�s grappling hook is anybody�s guess. However, Ron also had Kim�s grappling hook in the previous episode, Naked Genius.
Kim fires her grappling hook which goes around the flamingo.
Kim uses the grappling hook to wrap the flamingo�s legs. Kim did this previously against Drakken�s giant mech robot in Crush. And just like Crush, this scene is a reference to Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back with the AT-AT walkers.
However, unlike Star Wars, the flamingo bites the cord in halves.
Kim falls. She tries to tumble as she hits the floor. She hits the floor hard instead.
Kim is a bit surprised when Shego offers to help.
Shego indicates she doesn�t want to lose to a giant flamingo. Both realize how to beat the giant flamingo: Shego will hit it high, while Kim hits it low.
Kim gives Shego a super strength boost.
Shego charges her plasma and hits the flamingo on the side of the head.
Kim hits the flamingo on the side of the foot.
This off balances the flamingo. It falls and nearly lands on Kim and Shego.
Kim and Shego do tumbling rolls.
Before they can get back up, Kim and Shego are hit by Aviarius� staff. Their super powers are quickly drained. Kim is on the left, Shego is on the right.
Kim and Shego pass out after their powers are drained. In the next shot, Shego is on the left, Kim is on the right. A minor mistake.
Hego and Mego decide to attack. Wego and Wego also attack.
Ron goes back into the hole for cover.
Aviarius uses Wego�s power.
Ron sees that Wego�s power allows someone to make copies of themselves.
Aviarius uses both the shrinking and the copying super power against Hego. Hego can�t hit Aviarius. He eventually gets tired of swinging punches and kicking at nothing.
Aviarius taunts Hego while fighting him.
Aviarius uses super strength to grab Hego and kicks him away.
Aviarius uses a plasma attack against Mego.
Mego goes flying backwards and hits the wall.
Wego and Wego find themselves surrounded by Aviarius copies. It is not shown how they were defeated.
The jewell on Aviarius� staff glows with all the different colors of Team Go.
Everything looks grim. But Ron still holds on to the power of imagination.
Rufus disagrees with Ron. Ron admits that there�s nothing he can do.
Surrounded by six Aviarius copies, Team Go and Kim slowly get up. Shego comments that doesn�t like family reunions. This comment may be a play on stereotypical family reunions, in which something bad always happens.
Kim believes they can all take Avairius, even with all the super powers that he has. Shego agrees, but only if they have a distraction.
Ron, who is usually the distraction anyways, comes out and appears to be doing mystical monkey kung fu.
Aviarius goes back to one person and grabs Ron�s shirt.
Rufus comes out of Ron�s shirt, and bites Aviarius� hand. Aviarius activates his plasma power against Rufus.
Rufus goes flying backwards and hits the wall. He lands on the floor in a daze.
Kim sees that Ron has distracted Aviarius. Kim runs forward and kicks the staff out of his hands.
Shego does a jumping flip and catches the staff.
Hego, Wego, and Wego are proud of Shego for getting the staff back.
Mego demands to have his powers returned to him.
Shego decides to keep all of Team Go�s powers for herself.
Aviarius summons his giant condor to attack.
A wall panel opens. The giant condor comes out.
Shego gives herself super strength and does a back punch knocking out the condor before it attacks her.
Kim reminds Shego that they were all helping each other.
Shego reminds Kim that she should know her better than to trust her.
Ron agrees with Shego that she is only out for herself.
Hego can�t believe that Shego is evil. He believes that deep down, Shego is still a good super hero.
Shego indicates that after quitting Team Go, she went to work for an evil super genius bent on conquering the world.
Hego looks over to Kim for confimation of this. Kim indicates that this is true.
Hego can�t get over the idea that Shego is truly evil; till Shego nearly blasts him with her plasma power. Hego jumps out of the way just in time.
Shego tells Hego that she is evil.
Hego cowers on the floor in fear.
Mego, Wego, and Wego now have no problems believing Shego is evil.
Shego waves the staff around her. Multi colored dust sprinkles all around her.
All the super powers combined makes Shego float. She makes a circle in midair for a few seconds.
Shego lands and bursts with mult-colored goodness.
Aviarius complains he didn�t know he could use all the powers at the same time.
Shego picks up Aviarius� throne with her super strength, and throws it at Kim and Ron.
Kim and Ron split up to avoid the throne hitting them. Kim leaps to the ground at the last second.
The throne crumbles into large rocks from the force of Shego�s throw.
Kim barely gets back to her feet before Shego is attacking her.
Kim does a kick to Shego, but misses when Shego uses the shrinking super power.
Kim trips and falls.
Shego becomes normal size again, and charges her plasma.
Kim dodges the plasma attacks.
Kim sees that the plasma attack damaged a large stone pillar. Kim rolls out of it�s way before it falls on top of her.
Shego is annoyed by something kicking her leg. She sees Rufus is attacking her. Rufus seems to have tapped his mystical monkey power to attack Shego.
Shego tries to stomp Rufus. Rufus jumps out of the way.
Shego shrinks to Rufus� size, then attacks by grabbing him.
Rufus rolls and throws Shego off of him. Shego lands on her feet ready for the next attack.
Throwing Shego off of him left Rufus doing a handstand.
Rufus attacks Shego.
Rufus jumps forward to grab Shego. Shego ducks and grabs Rufus� tail. Shego throws Rufus away.
Kim tries to grab Shego. Shego dodges Kim�s hand.
Shego returns to normal size, then makes five copies of herself to finish Kim off.
Kim uses her gymnastics skills to dodge multiple plasma attacks.
Shego uses her super strength to grab Kim, and slams her to the floor before flinging her away.
Kim slides on the floor to where Ron is.
Ron volunteers to be the distraction. Kim indicates it would have to be a big distraction.
Drakken bursts through the ceiling with a giant mech. The mech may have been inspired by Omega Supreme from The Transformers.
Drakken indicates that Wade contacted him and said Shego was in trouble. Drakken doesn�t know Wade�s name. He calls him, �Kim Possible�s computer kid.� Drakken then demands to know where Aviarius is.
Aviarius grabs Ron and indicates that Ron is Aviarius. Ron retorts that Drakken knows who is he.
Drakken indicates he can�t remember Ron�s name, but does remember him so that Ron can�t be Aviarius. This makes Ron happy.
Shego indicates she has everything under control.
Kim sees Shego is distracted, and kicks the staff out of her hands.
The staff hits the wall, and explodes into little pieces.
The super powers come out of the remnants of the staff, and fly in the air for a few seconds.
Everybody gets their super powers back.
Hego, Mego, Wego, and Wego come back together to form Team Go.
Shego climbs onto Drakken�s giant mech and demands they escape.
Drakken tells Shego she can thank him later, even though Shego would most likely hurt Drakken later for distracting her so that she lost the staff.
A compartment on the foot of the giant mech allows Shego or other personal to ride the giant robot without being hurt from the rockets.
Drakken�s giant mech escapes through the egg of The Nest.
Hego holds up Aviarius and makes a pun about Aviarius being ready for his cage. This annoys Aviarius because Hego always says this when Aviarius is captured.
Later, at Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho, Hego explains why the naco isn�t on the menu. Hego explains that the naco didn�t test well with ten randomly selected customers. The Mexi mushroom wrap was a big hit.
Ron decides that wraps are not going to be the future of Bueno Nacho. Ron indicates he is going to talk to someone about it. This indicates that Ron has connections with the Bueno Nacho corporation, which is understandable since he invented the naco and it was picked up by the Bueno Nacho corporation. This is the second time Ron would help Bueno Nacho, leading Ron to help make him a multi-millionaire in the future episode Ron Millionaire.
Meanwhile, Mego tells Wego and Wego that they should have never quit being superheroes.
Like Jim and Tim, Wego and Wego are psychically connected to finish each other�s sentences.
Mego indicates they should get a new team leader. Mego will most likely nominate himself for the role of leader.
Kim talks to Wade. Wade wonders if Shego would have used all of Team Go�s for evil. Kim reminds Wade that Shego is evil. But then she ponders this as she remembers how easy it was to get the staff away from Shego. Shego may have allowed the staff to be taken from her to give the super hero powers back to her brothers, and still show the intention of being evil. The Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho doesn�t appear to have any customers. It is most likely closed. Being a manager, Hego would have a key and access to Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho.
Drakken�s giant mech flies around Go City at night.
Drakken indicates that he believes Shego allowed the staff to be taken from her so she could give her brothers back their powers but still appear evil. Drakken calls Shego a softie.
Shego makes Drakken hang on to the rockets on the bottom of the robot�s feet as it flies. The rockets somehow have a propulsion, but do not get hot. Otherwise, Drakken would either have to let go, or would have been burned to a crisp. Drakken quickly changes his mind about Shego being a softie.
Final Thoughts: There are a lot of unanswered questions involving Shego and Team Go. What are Team Go�s real names? Is Go really their last name? How old was Shego when the meteorite hit? What is in Shego�s leg pouch? All of these questions have been purposely left unanswered to make Shego the mysterious woman that she is. What has been confirmed is the birth order of Team Go: First Hego, then Mego, then Shego, then Wego and Wego. Wego and Wego are the same age as Kim and Ron. Speculation suggests Shego�s real name is Sheila. When brought up on message boards, the topic of a spin off series involving the early years of Team Go was highly approved by fans. Act 1 || Act 2