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Show notes: This episode introduces Zita. Kim sees she has competition from someone else as Ron�s girlfriend.

The episode begins with Kim, Ron, and Monique in line for the movies. Ron jumps up and down to see what is taking so long. Kim and Monique look at a newspaper; most likely for movie start times. This is another hint that Kim and Ron have been dating unofficially for some time now.

Ron complains that he want to get in so he can pick up some snackage and get a good seat.

Ron uses Rufus to scout out the line ahead. Ron indicates he hope he doesn�t have to deal with Lamar.

Rufus also has a problem with Lamar. Monique doesn�t know who Lamar is. Kim doesn�t have a problem with Lamar. This seems to indicate that Monique doesn�t go to the movies very often, while Ron and Kim do.

Ron indicates that Lamar has moist hands.

Monique and Rufus also don�t like Lamar for his moist hands. Ron puts Rufus in his pocket while complaining that Lamar is also slow.

The line finally moves. Ron sees the girl in the ticket booth. First appearance of Zita Flores. The name Zita is Greek in origin while Flores is Spanish in origin. Most fans believe that Zita is Latin-American.

Ron is speechless for a few seconds at the site of the new girl.

Ron has trouble finding the words to ask for a ticket. Ron did this previously in The New Ron when he first saw Amelia. He also rubs his neck out of nervousness.

Kim seems a bit surprised that Ron is suddenly crushing on another girl. Monique takes the opportunity to make fun of Ron�s nervousness.

Kim changes her mood to agree with Monique.

Later at Bueno Nacho, Ron complains that he got so nervous, he choked while trying to talk to the girl in the ticket booth. Kim and Monique try to be supportive of Ron, and find other words besides choking. In Crush, Ron was supportive of Kim and her relationship with Josh Mankey, even though he was a bit jealous. Here we see Kim doing the same with Ron, even though she is a bit jealous too. The three all have drinks but not food. They either didn�t eat. Or they have already eaten, and are now enjoying talking.

Rufus is more realistic with Ron, impersonating someone choking.

Ron doesn�t think he has a chance with the ticket girl anyways, and throws his head down in frustration. Ron did this previously with his algebra homework in Naked Genius. Kim whispers to Monique whether they should be honest to Ron, or lie to him. Monique suggests lying to him.

Kim suggests Ron asking her out.

Ron gets annoyed with Kim�s suggestion because she doesn�t seem to understand the rules of dating. Ron uses air quotes to describe �The Rules.� Ron also indicates the rules are unwritten.

Monique knows of one of the rules: Don�t call a boy the same day you get his phone number.

Ron believes another rule is that he doesn�t have a chance with the girl in the ticket booth.

Kim accuses Ron of living in fear for unwritten rules and that he shouldn�t. Ron and Rufus both agree that he should.

Wade contacts Kim and indicates there is an urgent message from her father. He indicates that there is trouble at the space lab.

Mr. Possible works with a machine that is controlled by a lever on the computer console. There is a display of the machine on the monitor at the top of the computer.

Kim distracts her father when she comes into the lab. Ron asks Mr. Possible what he is working on. Mr. Possible indicates it is the strongest electromagnet in North America.

It has been analyzed that Kim likes Ron because he acts a bit like her father. Mr. Possible shows he is a bit absent minded like Ron here, by leaning back on the control lever and activating it. Mr. Possible indicates the electromagnet is full spectrum, synchrotron, and flux dense. Kim and Ron most likely don�t know what Mr. Possible is talking about though.

Mr. Possible electromagnet pulls Ron�s belt off, causing his pants to fall down. Ron wears yellow boxer shorts with purple dots underneath.

Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket. He grabs Ron�s shirt to hold his pants up.

When Kim asks what is wrong, Mr. Possible looks around and indicates that whatever it is, is top secret. This is another indication that Kim has access to top secret material as first indicated in Naked Genius.

Mr. Possible must place his hand on the biometric scanner before entering the door, as indicated by the computer. The computer must have a scanner that allows it to know when someone is approaching it. The door opens by sliding both left and right into the wall. The door has an unusual curve to the opening. It also has a doorbell sound to indicate the confirmation of Dr. Possible.

The door does not have a biometric scanner on the other side. It appears to be a different scanner altogether. The door nearly closes on Ron. Meanwhile, Mr. Possible talks about a project to send a robotic unmanned surface explorer to Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet made of gases. It doesn�t have a hard surface for a surface explorer to investigate.

Ron has not heard of Jupiter mission. Kim reminds Ron that the Jupiter mission is top secret. Mr. Possible forgets that he just told Kim that the Jupiter mission was top secret and wonders how Kim knew about it. This is another indication that Ron and Mr. Possible are smart, absent-minded, and very much alike. Not wanting to embarrass her father and his absent-mindedness, she lies and indicates it was a lucky guess.

Mr. Possible must pass a retinal scan to get through the next curved door. The door opens and has a sound effect of a small bell hanging over it ringing.

Mr. Possible and Kim go through the door. Ron tries the retinal scan next. The computer fails to recognize Ron and asks, �Who are you?� before closing quickly. Kim gets annoyed with Ron and pulls him through the door before it closes.

Mr. Possible indicates that Jupiter will be too far away for real time communication, a robot that can think for itself is required.

Kim knows her father is talking about a robot with artificial intelligence. Mr. Possible wonders if Kim has already been briefed about the top secret mission to Jupiter. Kim promises not to guess anymore about the upcoming mission.

Kim, Ron, and Mr. Possible walk through a machine announcing they will all go through a full body scan. The machine appears to be an X-ray machine. However, consistent use of this machine on a daily basis would be harmful. It most likely has another way of providing the scan without radiation. This is encouraged by the fact that metal objects like the kimmunicator, belts, or zippers do not appear on the scan. Also their noses can be seen; which is made of cartilage, not bone. The scanner was most likely inspired by a similar machine in the movie Total Recall.

Ron takes a moment to fool with the scanning machine.

Mr. Possible indicates that a robotics whiz who was working on a prototype, but the prototype was stolen last night.

Mr. Possible must enter a keypad number to open the next door. Unlike the past two which had curves, this door is jagged. If we assign numbers to the keypad with one at the top left and twelve at the bottom right, then Mr. Possible pushes the buttons 1 5 10 7 9 7 to open the door. Mr. Possible pushes the numbers quickly. Either he doesn�t want Kim to see the numbers, or he is used to pushing them in sequence. Since Kim has access to top secret material, it is more likely that he pushes the numbers everyday.

Mr. Possible and Kim see that Ron is having fun looking at his own skeleton move. It fails to pick up any sign of Rufus. Rufus was most likely overlooked in this sequence.

Kim and Ron look for clues on who stole the prototype robot. It appears the prototype was being held in a glass coffin that could be easily shattered.

A man surprises Kim when he comes down from the ceiling being held by his lab coat. He is holding a remote control in his hand with two levers on it. Kim drops the piece of glass she was holding in fright. First appearance of Dr. Fen.

Mr. Possible is about to introduce the man. Mr. Possible indicates he is a doctor.

The man is shown being thrown back and forth by a mechanical arm attached to the ceiling.

A crashing sound is heard. The robotic arm settles down for a second. The doctor introduces himself as Dr. Fen. Dr. Fen no longer has the remote in his hand. Dr. Fen tries to shake hands with Kim.

The robotic arm suddenly begins spinning Dr. Fen around in circles.

The robotic arm throws Dr. Fen to the ground. Despite this, Dr. Fen gets up okay and not dizzy. Dr. Fen begins dusting himself off. Apparently, Dr. Fen is used to abuse from his robots.

Ron offends Dr. Fen by indicating he is not good around machines either. This could help explain as to why Ron may know how to build and work machines, but doesn�t necessarily want to as shown in Naked Genius. Dr. Fen reminds Ron that he is a robotics expert.

Rufus blows a raspberry at Dr. Fen. Mr. Possible may have seen a rift develop between Ron and Dr. Fen and leads Dr. Fen away.

Dr. Possible takes Dr. Fen over to Kim and indicates Kim will help find whoever took the prototype.

Dr. Fen and Dr. Possible do not want word of the theft going around. It could mean trouble for the space center. Dr. Possible rubs his neck with nervousness. This is another indication that Ron and Dr. Possible tend to act the same.

Rufus whistles to get everyone�s attention. Then he holds up a clue he has found.

Ron takes the clue from Rufus. Kim takes the clue from Ron. Kim puts the clue onto a scanner from the kimmunicator. The scanner appears much wider than the kimmunicator itself; however it could slide into several smaller compartments.

Wade scans the clue. He indicates it is a hair from a blond female.

First appearance of Vivian. Dr. Fen has a picture of her. Vivian has been voted one of the hottest females on the series by fans on the message boards.

Ron seems to agree with the fans as he stares at her picture.

Dr. Fen snatches the picture from Ron and indicates that the picture is of his ex-lab partner. He also indicates that he let her go because she was too slow. It is unknown if Vivian left the picture by accident, or if she and Dr. Fen were actually close at one time and she gave him the picture.

Dr. Possible is confused. He had heard that Vivian quit; not got fired.

Dr. Fen affirms that he pushed Vivian to quit.

Kim believes that Vivian could have stolen the robot prototype to get back at the lab.

Ron annoys Kim by stating that �The Rules� indicate that women tend to hold grudges.

Kim asks Dr. Fen where Vivian can be found. Dr. Fen indicates that Vivian likes to hang out at the robot rumble. Kim has never heard of the robot rumble and asks what it is.

Kim enlists the aid of Cousin Larry to find out about the robot rumble. Larry pushes three buttons on a light pole.

The three buttons activates an elevator shaft to come up from the sidewalk. Larry explains that the robot rumble allows members to test their robot�s capabilities. Larry refers to the robot wars, which were briefly popular in the late 1990�s and early 2000�s. It showcased remote controlled robots destroying each other till one robot could no longer function; or time ran out and a point system based on robot driving abilities determined the winner. The elevator is near the surface, but is still a safety factor. Somebody could still fall in and get hurt; especially at night.

Nobody realizes that the sidewalk elevator was built next to fossilized dinosaur bones.

Kim doesn�t seem to like the idea of robots fighting each other. Larry, on the other hand, seems exhilarated by it.

Ron indicates that it sounds just like the factory revolt in Beyond Omega 7. We don�t know if Ron is referring to a movie or television show. If it is a television show, the title could be a play on Babylon 5. Rufus comes out of Ron�s pocket to agree with Ron. The ornament on the front of the track wheeler appears to be the Star Trek insignia, but is turned sideways.

Larry waits for Ron to put his seat belt on before leaving. Larry says, �It�s all that, and more, my friend.� This seems to indicates Larry knows what movie or television show Ron is referring to.

Larry�s train track wheeler may be falling apart. Screws and bolts come off as Larry takes off.

Larry�s train track wheeler uses the city�s electricity as a power source. This is indicated by the long rod coming from the back of the wheeler to the wire overhead. The train tracks appear to be abandoned now, or they could have been built by the robot rumble members themselves. If so, then someone high up in power gave permission to the members to build the tracks. Larry warns Kim and Ron to be careful of Vivian because her boyfriend, Oliver, founded the robot rumble.

Larry seems to control the speed of the track wheeler with the two levers. Most likely, one operates the brake while the other operates the accelerator. Larry indicates that Oliver is a wild man.

Ron annoys Kim again by mentioning �The Rules.� In this case, blonds like wild men.

Larry stops the track wheeler in front of a dimly lit door with a scanner overhead. The scanner has a cover over it to protect it, apparently from falling debris or dripping water. Kim is the first one off the wheeler, followed by Ron.

Kim seems annoyed about the high level of security involved in the robot rumble. The scanner overhead, which looks like an eye, shines a blue light on them and asks for identification. Larry indicates his member identification is Imperial Senator Bernalus. In Monkey Fist Strikes, Larry had an action figure of Senator Bernalus. It seems that the senator has moved up in the series Return To Ios as he is now an imperial senator.

Larry asks Kim to stay close to him and not embarrass him. Larry puts on a strange looking hat. Kim and Ron feel that Larry is embarrassing himself.

Kim thanks Larry for getting her in to see the robot rumble. Larry reminds Kim and the audience that they�re cousins. Apparently family and guests of members are allowed into the robot rumble.

First appearance of Justine Flanner, who make a more obvious showing in a future episode. Ned is also at the robot rumble. It is revealed in the Season 4 episode Larry�s Birthday, that Ned likes to hang out with Larry at the comic book shop and roleplay. Larry may have introduced Ned to the robot rumble. Ned may have just got off work, as he is still wearing his Bueno Nacho uniform.

The small crowd watches as the two robots fight each other in a deep pit. The white robot has ten wheels that roll on treads and is equipped with a spiked mace. The blue robot only has four wheels that roll on treads and is equipped with a jagged axe.

The nameless girl in blue is also a member to the robot rumble. The blue robot tries to hit the white robot. The white robot climbs the wall to miss the attack, then counter-attacks knocking the blue robot on it�s back.

Ron likes watching the robot rumble.

Kim, not so much.

Kim recognizes Vivian cheering for a robot called Buzzsaw. Buzzsaw is more likely to be the robot with the spiked mace since it is winning.

Kim approaches Vivian and introduces herself. Vivian remembers that there was a Dr. Possible at the space lab. Kim indicates that Dr. Possible is her father. Vivian indicates that Kim�s father is nice.

Kim indicates that her father sent her to help Dr. Fen. Vivian indicates that Dr. Fen is not nice, and then shouts out to her boyfriend, Oliver.

Oliver is so big, his large frame and weight size casts a looming shadow over Kim, which frightens her.

First appearance of Oliver. Oliver looks and is dressed as the typical nerd.

Ron can�t believe that a nerd like Oliver is dating a hottie like Vivian. Once again, Ron annoys Kim be stating that this is against �The Rules.�

Oliver lays his three wheeled robot on the ground, and pushes a button on the back.

The small robot modifies itself in size and shape. This may have been inspired by the 1980�s animated television show The Transformers. The robot can easily carried around in one hand. It must be made of super lightweight yet strong metal alloys.

The enlarged robot approaches Kim and Ron. Kim runs away in terror, leaving Ron to fend for himself.

Although frightened, Ron stands his ground. The robot brings a whirling saw blade out of the top of it�s head and stands over him.

Rufus hides in Ron�s pocket.

Vivian approaches Ron and tells him not to cry. She then indicates that Oliver is challenging Ron�s robot, not actually expecting Ron to fight a robot himself. Oliver�s robot puts the saw blade back into it�s head.

Ron indicates he wasn�t crying. Vivian indicates he was whimpering. Ron does agree with this statement, but is annoyed about the whole thing.

Larry is impressed with Oliver�s robot. Larry asks what Oliver kind of hardware he is running. Oliver answers that he is running a 4.2 zig MPU for maximum self preservation and a custom inclinometer.

Oliver suddenly demands to know what kind of robot Kim has.

Ron doesn�t admit to actually having a robot. Kim, on the other hand, contacts Wade in a desperate attempt to somehow have a robot. This is a subtle hint at Kim�s overconfidence, as she now feels the need to have a better robot than Oliver.

Wade appears to be drinking canned soda while talking to Kim. Wade indicates Kim does have a robot.

Kim�s robot gets laughed at and jeered. There are no chairs at the robot rumble. If you want to sit, you have to sit on the side of the robot pit.

Kim�s robot is the kimmunicator. Currently, it is just lying there.

The characters in this shot, with the exception of Justine Flanner, have been redrawn and have different colored clothing.

Larry is embarrassed and worried that his membership will be revoked. Always trying to support Kim, Ron reminds Larry that his cousin is Kim Possible.

Ron immediately goes over to Kim and states they could run away, recanting his previous faith and support in Kim. Kim decides to stay and put the kimmunicator in the robot rumble, but only to find Dr. Fen�s robot. Not because of an egotistical need to win at everything.

The kimmunicator changes into car mode, just as it had done previously in the episode The Golden Years. The laughing and jeering gets even louder.

A traffic light starts and stops the robot rumble. It is accompanied by an automated voice that says, �Begin.� There is no yellow light. Oliver controls his robot with Vivian by his side. Vivian may be the oldest person at the robot rumble.

Wade controls the kimmunicator by using a joystick and pressing either the directional keys on his keyboard. However, to save space, the number keys may also be directional keys.

Oliver�s robot chases the kimmunicator. Oliver�s robot tries stomping on it, but the kimmunicator is too fast.

The kimmunicator takes off under Oliver�s robot, surprising it. Oliver�s robot bends over to watch the kimmunicator speed away. This shows how advanced Oliver�s robot is. Oliver is above the robot pit controlling the robot. The robot acts on it�s own free will to watch the kimmunicator. There is no need for Oliver to command his robot to simply bend over. Oliver�s robot does a complete turn to chase after the kimmunicator.

Oliver�s robot brings out the whirling saw blade from it�s head.

Oliver�s robot chases the kimmunicator. The kimmunicator does a quick turn around on the wall.

Oliver�s robot runs into the same wall. It�s saw blade is smashed to pieces.

Ron and Rufus do a high-five.

Wade tries the same maneuver again on the other side of the robot pit. This time, Oliver�s robot grabs the wall, flips itself around, and continues chasing the kimmunicator.

Ron displays some of his mechanical genius by stating that Oliver�s robot is learning as it continues to fight. Kim knows that Oliver�s robot has artificial intelligence.

Oliver�s robot pulls back the left arm, then replaces it with a hockey stick.

Oliver�s robot hits the kimmunicator with the hockey stick. This kimmunicator is not heavily damaged from the hit. It is damaged from crashing into the wall.

Wade indicates that the kimmunicator is not responding. Wade desperately tries to get the kimmunicator to do move by furiously pressing directional buttons. The screen goes to static indicating the kimmunicator is dead.

Oliver�s robot picks up what is left of the kimmunicator.

Kim demands to know where Vivian got the robot. Vivian denies stealing the artificial intelligence robot from the space center.

Oliver gets angry that Kim is implying that Vivian may have stolen the robot.

Kim is startled by Oliver�s robot behind her. It hands what is left of the kimmunicator back to her.

Oliver throws Kim out. Kim doesn�t argue, as it appears she is afraid of Oliver�s robot.

Everyone angrily helps Oliver throw Kim, Ron, and Larry out.

Kim, Ron, and Larry don�t like the sight of angry robot rumble members. They back themselves against the exit door as the mob approaches.

Kim and Larry exit out the door. Ron stops for a second to ask Vivian what she is doing with �nerd Dexter.� He also states that this is against �The Rules.� This line may be a subtle reference to Dexter�s Lab, which was an animated television show about a nerdy boy genius. The name Dexter is also often referred to as a nerdy.

Ron is thrown out and lands on his bottom. Kim once again states that there are no rules. Larry seems to agree with this statement.

Ron tries talking to the girl at the movie ticket booth. Ron orders a ticket for Teen Town Trauma. Ron reads her nametag, then tries calling her the name on the badge, �Annie.�

Ron tries to look relaxed as he talks to the girl. She indicates that her name is not Annie. Her nametag hasn�t been made yet. The girl pushes a button in front of her.

The ticket is dispensed automatically rather than given by the person in the ticket booth. Ron has to move his arm as the ticket comes out. Ron is not shown paying for the movie. Zita may have given him a free pass to get rid of him.

Ron is grabbed and moved out of the way by the next patron.

Many of the MHS background students attend the movie today.

Ron is back in the movie line, rubbing his neck again with nervousness. He is encouraged by Rufus to go for it.

Ron tries disbelieving �The Rules.�

Ron indicates he changed his mind, and will see Meet And Cute instead. �Meet Cute� is actually a movie term in which two people with romantic potential meet each other for the first time. Ron then asks the girl what her name is. The girl replies her name is Zita.

Ron is given a ticket, and then pushed away. Ron does not pay for this ticket at all.

There is a theory by some that the nameless girl in red may be a lesbian. This has never been officially proven though. But here we see her with the nameless girl in pink.

Ron tries to talk to Zita again.

The patron behind Ron demands he buy his ticket.

Ron asks for a ticket for My Little Puppy 2: Puppy�s Pride. This is a play on two toys from the 1980�s. My Little Pony and Pound Puppies. Ron pays for this movie by placing his money in the ticket dispenser. This is done for security reasons.

Zita asks Ron if he has bought a ticket to every movie. Ron answers, �Kinda.� This seems to encourage the idea that Ron got a few free passes and didn�t pay for all the movies. It could also mean that Ron is just too nervous to give a direct answer. Ron�s determination to talk to Zita may have led her to consider him worth dating later on.

Ron stands in line again. Ron indicates that he can�t get anywhere with Zita because of �The Rules.� Rufus encourages Ron to do it anyways.

Ron gains enough courage to tell Zita that he thinks she is cool and he would like to get to know her better.

Zita pushes a button in front of her and indicates she couldn�t hear Ron because the microphone wasn�t on.

Ron turns around, looks at the audience, and does the puppy dog pout.

Ron walks away in disgust.

Kim goes on this mission without Ron. Kim sees Dr. Fen is being chased by robotic legs.

Kim uses her new kimmunicator to display Vivian, Oliver, and Oliver�s robot with a 3D hologram. Kim did this previously in the episode Number One.

Dr. Fen indicates he�s never seen Oliver before. He then indicates that Oliver�s robot is actually his. Dr. Fen accuses Vivian and Oliver of stealing his robot. Dr. Fen sees the robotic legs coming for him, and begins running again.

Wade contacts Kim. He indicates that he checked every robotic database, but there is no mention of Oliver. There is also no previous history of Oliver anywhere. Wade has a drink.

Dr. Fen stops long enough to ask Kim to get his robot back, and indicates that time is running out. Either the top secret mission to Jupiter is approaching, or Dr. Fen is afraid he�ll have to tell his boss that his robot is stolen, or both. Dr. Fen is suddenly kicked in the butt by the robotic legs.

Dr. Fen crashes into some items on the other side of the room. He immediately gets up and indicates he is okay.

Apparently, Ron settled on watching the movie Teen Town Trauma. The two characters onscreen bump into each other at a coffee shop. The two characters realize they have the same drink, Decaf-ole�.

Ron is annoyed because what is happening onscreen doesn�t happen in real life. Meanwhile, he and Rufus share a large popcorn. Rufus jumps in to continue eating.

Ron sees that he is the only one without a date in what apparently is a date movie. Rufus comes out and thinks that it is sweet how the couples around Ron are together for a date movie.

The two characters on screen are about to kiss.

Wade suddenly appears on the movie screen. The movie screen must be digital. This is encouraged by the fact that there is no projection light coming from the back of the theater to the screen. However, the picture quality is very grainy for being digital.

Movie patrons get angry that Wade is on the screen. The nameless girl in blue has another date for this episode.

Ron begins a short argument that real life is nothing like the movies.

Wade tells Ron that Kim is outside the theater, is waiting on him, and that she needs him.

Wade�s words are taken out of context and everyone thinks that Kim and Ron are dating.

The crowd cheers for Ron as he runs to Kim.

Kim waits patiently for Ron. Kim apparently had Wade contact him so she wouldn�t have to buy a ticket just to get Ron from inside the theater.

Kim appears jealous and somehow knows Ron bought a ticket to every show for a chance to talk to Zita. Ron denies doing this, even though he really did.

Kim knows Ron better, and Ron knows that Kim understands him better than anyone.

Kim indicates they need to go back to the robot rumble club. Ron thinks that they are going there to meet somebody, but states that nobody will be there. Kim, however, only plans to go there for Dr. Fen�s robot. This is something that Ron hasn�t considered yet.

Ron sees Zita. Zita sees Ron and Kim walking together as though they�ve been a couple for a long time. Ron freaks out and pulls Kim back. This may have led Zita to consider Ron worth dating.. Some women find men desirable if they are already with someone else.

Ron states that it would look bad to be coming out of a date movie and walking with a girl in front of another girl he�s crushing on. Kim claims there is nothing wrong with this. It could be analyzed that Kim may want Zita jealous of her and Ron.

Kim takes the direct approach by asking, �You and me---on a date?� It�s been analyzed that Kim has been crushing on Ron and wants him to step up and ask her out. It appears Kim tried giving Ron that chance here. Instead, Ron replies, �It could happen.� This implies that Ron isn�t quite ready to ask Kim out yet, even though they have been unofficially dating for some time now.

Kim blinks. The line representing her nose goes through her eye. A minor mistake.

Ron concludes that he and Kim are only best friends, and that other people may see them as a dating couple.

Jealous, Kim proclaims Ron is thinking too much. Shippers of the Kim/Ron relationship consider this scene to be one of the biggest hints of an upcoming relationship between the two.

Ron stops for a second to give Zita a nervous wave hello.

Kim angrily grabs Ron and calls him, �Casa-no-duh.� This is a play on the famous European lover Casanova.

Later, at the elevator shaft that leads to the robot rumble, Ron theorizes that Zita may see him more desirable since she saw him with someone else. Kim claims again that Ron is thinking too much.

At the bottom of the elevator shaft, Ron proclaims that �The Rules� state that Zita will crush on him because it appears he is dating someone else. Ron then tells Kim to look up �The Rules� even though they are unwritten. As Ron mentions this, the elevator doors nearly close on him. It has a �bing� sound as the doors close.

Kim and Ron get to the robot rumble club with a track wheeler that is almost the same as the one Larry used. However, the controls for this track wheeler are on the opposite side. Kim doesn�t know how to control the track wheeler correctly. She comes to a sudden stop instead of a gradual stop like Larry did.

Kim contracts Wade. She indicates that the front door has an alarm on it. The scanner over the door is not activated. Perhaps it is only functional during the robot rumble to allow members to come in. Otherwise a much stronger lock and alarm are necessary. Wade tells Kim to look in her backpack.

Kim pulls out a small container that says, �Kissy Girl� on the label. This is the same container that held knock out gas in the episode Crush. Ron asks if the container has acid that can melt the lock.

Kim indicates that the kissy girl container is actually lip balm, and that she has chapped lips. She puts some on, then does a �Mwua!� sound. It�s been heavily debated on whether Kim is trying to be flirtatious here, or just acting for fun. Most supporters of the Kim/Ron relationship indicate that this hints at a shippy moment between the two; especially if Kim really is jealous of Zita. Also, the product name �Kissy Girl� seems to imply that it while it may be lip balm, it may very well be lipstick, which is associated with increased sexuality. Oddly, most males believed Kim is being flirtatious while most females believed Kim is just acting for fun.

Kim then pulls out a comb. Wade demands she push the button at the bottom. The teeth of the comb begin to light up. Wade indicates that it is the latest in fiber optic technology, and can penetrate any alarm system. Folding combs were one of the toys that were part of the Kim Possible merchandise line.

Kim places the comb in between the door and the wall. It modifies itself to reveal a small display monitor and a keypad.

If we assign the top four button as 1-4, assign the bottom four numbers as 5-8, and then assign the two bottom buttons as 9 and 0, then Kim pushes the following buttons: 5 9 9 0 8 7 9 5. How Kim knows which buttons to push for a brand new device is uncertain.

The display shows numbers at random. The first set go up, while the second set go down. It also displays the lock tumbler as it is being turned. Once the tumbler is in the correct position, a light beside the display turns on. The screen turns off. The comb folds itself back into position. The door opens. Ron is impressed with the power of the comb.

Kim and Ron sneak past the robots that are used in the robot rumble.

Kim is about to warn Ron about stepping on traps when he steps on a trap. The causes an alarm to go off, followed by flashing red lights.

The robots used in the robot rumble are also activated, indicating they also act as security bots.

Ron runs away. Kim uses her gymnastic skills to get the robots to destroy each other.

Ron loses his balance and falls into the robot pit. The alarms are suddenly off. Kim most likely found the alarm switch and turned it off. Ron and Rufus feel that it is safe.

Ron and Rufus are suddenly confronted by an attacking robot. This robot may have been somewhat inspired by Johnny 5 from the movie Short Circuit.

Ron tries to scale the smooth wall, but can�t escape from the pit.

Kim grabs Ron�s wrist. She pulls him out of the pit.

Kim has Dr. Fen�s robot in her arm. She takes Ron by the hand and they start running. Ron doesn�t seem to mind Kim holding his hand. Kim/Ron shippers consider this another hint of the upcoming relationship.

Kim and Ron jump into the track wheeler feet first. They put on their seatbelts. The track wheeler raises in the air and the wheels curve before taking off in a cloud of exhaust. This may be inspired by the artwork of Ed �Big Daddy� Roth who created Rat Fink.

Ron is sitting in the back seat, while Kim drives. Ron sees the robot from the robot rumble pit. He points it out to Kim.

The robot tries catching up to Kim and Ron. It suddenly brings out track wheels to help it go faster on the train tracks.

Ron demands they go faster to outrun the approaching robot. Kim pushes forward on the right lever. This operates the throttle of the track wheeler. The track wheeler lunges forward and crumples a little as it gains speed.

Ron thinks they�ve lost the robot after the increase in speed. It suddenly appears right behind them and grabs the track wheeler.

The robot is having trouble keeping a hold onto the track wheeler. When Kim and Ron go into a tunnel and come out the other side, the robot has disappeared.

Kim and Ron are horrified to see the robot right in front of them instead.

The rail road splits in two ways. The track wheeler goes straight ahead, while the robot goes down the other path. The track merges again, putting the robot behind them again. The sequence may have been inspired by the mining cart scene from Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom.

Kim tries to contact Wade. The robot knocks the kimmunicator out of her hands with a smack to the side of her arm.

The kimmunicator lands at the front of the track wheeler.

Kim tries to get her kimmunicator, till the robot takes a swipe at her.

Ron crawls over and gets the kimmunicator.

A sharp curve at high speed throws Ron off the track wheeler.

Kim gets a bit annoyed about Ron being thrown off the track wheeler. Kim then dodges a swipe from the robot. It then grabs her by the wrist.

Kim messed her hair up after freeing her hand from the robot.

Kim is suddenly horrified by the horn and light from an approaching train.

The robot grabs the track wheeler, then lets go.

Kim pulls back on the throttle to slow the track wheeler down so she can jump off safely.

The robot turns around and retreats.

Kim jumps off the track wheeler before it collides with the oncoming train.

The oncoming train is actually Ron on a hand cart. Rufus holds up the kimmunicator creating a bright spotlight. It is also modified as a bullhorn and sounding like a train whistle. How Ron was able to get ahead of Kim after being thrown off the track wheeler is anybody�s guess.

Kim knows the robot retreated because of the self preservation programming. She asks Ron how he figured it out to use the kimmunicator to simulate an oncoming train.

Ron starts lying and saying that he analyzed the situation carefully. Rufus complains about this. Ron then admits that Wade figure it out.

Later, Mr. Possible thanks Kim for getting Dr. Fen�s robot back. However, Kim doesn�t seem to pay any attention to him.

Mr. Possible asks Kim what is wrong. It appears that Kim was about to tell him that Ron has a new crush. Or Kim may be thinking about the mission with Vivian, Oliver, Dr. Fen, and Dr. Fen�s robot.

Kim is interrupted by Jim and Tim. They indicate they have a new robot for the robot rumble. It appears that Jim and Tim are now robot rumble members.

Jim and Tim activate the robot by pushing the right lever on the remote down. Pushing it up should deactivate it. The other lever may be for direction and throttle.

Jim and Tim�s robot is on three wheels. It�s arms are flexible and move independently. The headpiece does the same. The weapon is a pair of pruning shears. The body splits and a scanner comes up.

Mr. Possible won�t let Jim and Tim go to the robot rumble, unless he can go to.

Kim tries to leave the room. Jim and Tim�s robot blocks her way. Jim and Tim indicate that the robot responds to movement.

The robot suddenly picks up a chair and begins swinging it around.

Jim and Tim try to turn off their robot. It picks them both up and swings them around.

Mr. Possible states that Jim and Tim are no better with robots than Dr. Fen.

Kim suddenly realizes something about what her father just said.

Mr. Possible states that Dr. Fen is terrible with robots.

Tim is thrown by the robot. Mr. Possible ducks down just in time. Tim seems to be enjoying this though.

Wade contacts Kim. He states that he researched all of Dr. Fen�s scholarly publications, but there wasn�t any. All recent publications were by V.F. Porter. Kim had just figured this out.

Kim kisses her father, then leaves. Mr. Possible states that Mrs. Possible won�t be happy with the home wrecking robot.

At the space lab, Ron tries asking Kim if Dr. Fen didn�t construct the robot, then who did? Kim is reluctant to answer this though.

Oliver comes into the space lab where Dr. Fen is working and claims that he built the robot. He also claims Dr. Fen stole it. How Oliver was able to bypass the top secret security is revealed later.

Oliver is about to attack Dr. Fen when Vivian stops him.

Kim and Ron show up next.

Kim states that Dr. Fen didn�t build the robot, because he�s not good enough with robots. Therefore he staged the theft. Vivian and Oliver must have taken the robot from Dr. Fen later.

Dr. Fen tries running away, with the robot.

Kim sees Dr. Fen run to the end of the hall, and turn left. Kim takes a left shortcut to cut Dr. Fen off.

Dr. Fen�s skin color suddenly changes to green for some reason.

Dr. Fen stops when he sees Kim and Vivian standing in front of him.

Dr. Fen states that he will be let go, because he has the robot. Though he doesn�t actually say so, it is implied that he will damage it if not released.

Kim activates the powerful electromagnet.

The robot in Dr. Fen�s hands goes up to the electromagnet.

Dr. Fen tries to run away again. But the biometric scanner does not accept him. His top secret clearance has been deactivated.

The electromagnet is switched to the other direction. Kim most likely did this by pushing the lever thinking that this would turn it off.

Ron tries talking to Oliver about his relationship with Vivian. Oliver begins reacting as the magnet is shifted to his direction.
Oliver begins floating up into the air while holding on the a support beam. Ron complains to Rufus that Oliver looks and acts weird, but still manages to attract somebody like Vivian.

Oliver goes flying up to the magnet, and sticks.

Kim lowers the magnet, then turns it off. Oliver and the other robot fall to the ground.

Kim pulls the mask off Oliver revealing him as a robot. It is not known whether that high powered magnet or the fall deactivated him. This also explains how Oliver was able to get through the computerized top secret security.

Ron states that there was no realistic way for a guy like Oliver to be dating a girl as beautiful as Vivian.

Ron then wonders who built Oliver. Kim states that Oliver was built by V.F. Porter, which is Vivian Francis Porter. Ron is shocked to see someone so beautiful could be a robotics expert.

Vivian states that it is difficult to be taken seriously as a robotics expert because she is so beautiful.

Dr. Fen suddenly grabs a large hammer, and is about to destroy Oliver.

The robot that Oliver built picks up Dr. Fen and holds him in the air.

Dr. Possible rushes in with two security guards.

Kim explains to her father that Vivian is the robotics expert, Dr. Fen is a fraud.

Dr. Possible fires Dr. Fen and then offers the job of robotics expert to Vivian, which she gladly takes.

Later, in the movie ticket line, Ron states that he will talk to Zita. Rufus encourages him to do so.

Ron is freaked out to see Lamar is working the ticket booth. Lamar�s character design may have been inspired by Ed from Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

When asked, Ron states he doesn�t care what movie he sees. Ron is given a wet ticket, from Lamar�s moist hands. Once again, Ron is not shown actually paying for the movie.

Ron goes in to see Teen Town Trauma again.

Ron sits down and is shocked that he has a seat beside Zita. Zita offers Ron some popcorn.

Ron and Rufus do a high five for his good luck.

Ron and Zita reach for the popcorn at the same time. Their hands touch. It is an awkward moment for both of them.

Rufus is happy that Ron is on a date with the girl that he has been crushing on.

Act 1 || Act 2

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