Show notes: There are two episodes from Season 2 which chronologically fit better as Season 1 episodes. They are Job Unfair and The Golden Years. This is due to Ron meeting Nana Possible in The Golden Years, which takes place during spring break. In A Very Possible Christmas, Nana Possible has already knows Ron. The Golden Years makes a reference to Job Unfair, making it the episode before The Golden Years.
First appearance of Wacky Wally�s. The name and look is used to parody used car salesmen. Drakken warns Shego about buying anything from salesmen who persuade sales based on polished chrome and free doughnuts.
Wacky Wally�s doesn�t sell cars. He sells weather machines in all different styles.
Shego wants to talk to the salesman. Drakken won�t let her.
Despite what he just told Shego, Drakken is suddenly impressed with a weather machine with chrome.
First appearance the salesman. It is assumed it is Wacky Wally. It�s never confirmed since the salesman never introduces himself.
Wacky Wally offers Drakken a free doughnut. Drakken jokes that he is already convinced to buy the weather machine.
Shego is annoyed with Drakken and Wacky Wally.
Wally asks Drakken if it�s his first time buying a weather machine. Drakken indicates it is, but he has done his research. Drakken brushes the doughnut crumbs off his lab coat.
Wally wants to know what Drakken is going to use the weather machine for. Drakken proudly begins telling Wally that he is going to make an ice storm.
Drakken is interrupted by Shego from revealing any more about his plot.
Based on what Drakken has just said, Wally assumes correctly that Drakken is a super villain.
Drakken thinks that Wally knows that he is a super villain because he has blue skin.
Wally indicates that his weather machines are all legal. How they are used is up to the owner.
Wally offers Shego a free doughnut.
Wally shows off the weather machine Drakken is interested in. It is called the 3000LSX. It can make hurricane grade winds, has a water vapor compressor, and �makes the perfect storm even better.� The comment about the perfect storm may be a reference to the movie of the same name, about several fishermen caught in the storm of the century.
Drakken asks if it has heated seats. Wally indicates they are standard.
Drakken indicates they�ll take it.
Wally invites Drakken into his office to talk about financing packages.
Drakken indicates that he is going to steal the weather machine.
Shego begins starting the weather machine.
The weather machine flies away. Drakken thanks Wally for the free doughnuts.
MHS sign
An airline attendant tells Kim and Ron about career choices. He points the way much the same way that airline attendants point to the exits before the flights.
Kim is wearing a medieval tunic. Ron is wearing a bowling shirt. Season 2 gave the opportunity to dress Kim and Ron up much more than they did in Season 1. A bowl of packaged peanuts is in front of Ron.
The attendant works for Tri-City Air. He is about to show a short film called �Making Your Career Take Flight.�
Kim, Ron, and Rufus take a brochure, and then leave.
Ron goes back for another bag of peanuts.
Kim checks off the career of a airline attendant. It doesn�t have any appeal for her. Rufus eats the peanuts.
Rufus sees the career symbol for the veterinary hospital.
The veterinarian snaps her latex glove.
Rufus becomes frightened and jumps into Ron�s shirt.
Ron axes the idea for a career as a veterinarian. This is because Rufus has bad memories of the veterinarian with cold hands.
Ron indicates that they will have to hang out with a career mentor for a whole week. Kim believes it could be a good thing, and that a mentor could be a huge inspiration.
Ron isn�t so sure on the mentor thing. Then he sees a career for a doughnut jelly stuffer.
Mr. Barkin uses a megaphone to announce that it is time to pair up with a career mentor. Mr. Barkin reminds the students to choose carefully, because their entire futures could be determined on what they choose today.
Mr. Barkin gives everyone two minutes to choose a career.
Shocked, Kim indicates that they haven�t talked to all the career mentors yet.
Kim sees a table for international diplomacy. She decides that is for her. Based on Kim�s reputation for fighting, it is not believed that Kim would do good in a career for international diplomacy. This would be something more for Ron to do, since he has more negotiation skills. Kim most likely wanted the job so she could travel.
Kim pushes her way through the other students.
She then uses her gymnastic skills to get to the table.
Kim lands on a little machine. She is unable to keep her balance, and falls.
Kim falls in front of Joe the janitor.
Joe reaches down and picks up the machine. Kim thought he was going to help her up first. Joe tells her that the little machines can be dangerous.
Joe then helps Kim up to her feet.
Joe introduces himself, then asks Kim if she�s ready to begin training. Joe seems intent on being Kim�s mentor.
Kim tries to back away, but runs into Mr. Barkin.
Mr. Barkin begins writing Joe as Kim�s mentor. Mr. Barkin indicates that Joe is the new janitor.
Kim tries to tell Mr. Barkin she doesn�t want Joe to be her mentor. Mr. Barkin ignores her and talks about how the job of a custodian is essential for every workplace.
Mr. Barkin says, �I look forward to your report.� This shows Mr. Barkin�s background in the military, which is a common expression. It also means that Kim is stuck with Joe as her career mentor.
Later, Kim complains to Ron about getting a janitor as a mentor. She then mentions that maybe she can trade with someone else. Kim looks at Ron as though he can switch his mentor with hers.
Ron indicates he passed on having a mentor. Kim asks about the doughnut jelly stuffer mentor. Ron indicates there was too much math involved.
Mrs. Possible suddenly shows up. Mrs. Possible indicates that at the last minute, the school asked her to help with career week.
Kim hopes that her mother will also be her career mentor, just so she can get out of having a janitor as a mentor. We�ll see in a later episode that Kim has a weak stomach for open surgery.
Mrs. Possible has already been teamed up with Bonnie as her mentor. Bonnie makes fun of Kim for having the janitor as a mentor.
Mrs. Possible�s pager goes off. She tells Bonnie they have to go.
Bonnie makes fun of Kim again by asking her to do something about the streaks on the mirrors of the girl�s bathroom.
Ron tries to comfort Kim as he opens his locker.
When Ron opens his locker, a laptop computer gives him a bio-scan.
The computer prints out a paper for Ron.
Ron gets excited and indicates that he has a mentor in the espianoge business. The mentor indicates that communication will be through non-tracable means, and that devices will be provided.
Kim gets jealous and reminds Ron that he wasn�t into the whole mentor thing. Ron indicates that a spy is much cooler than a janitor. This only angers Kim.
Ron reads, �This letter will self-destruct in ten seconds.� This is a take on the televison show Mission Impossible.
Ron gets excited and forgets about the letter self-destructing. Kim tries to warn Ron, who indicates that he�s willing to share his mentor�s wisdom with her.
Rufus jumps out of Ron�s pocket, wads the letter up, takes it to a nearby locker, and throws it in. Rufus then jumps back into Ron�s pocket.
The letter detonates with a small explosion. It still could have hurt Kim and Ron.
Rufus pops up and wipes the sweat off his forehead.
Ron impersonates Sean Connery, who played the original James Bond 007. This annoys Kim.
The weather machine flies over a beautiful lake. Shego indicates she is looking for the owner�s manual. Drakken thinks he can figure out the weather machine on his own.
Drakken pushes a button on the console. He indicates that it will deploy the water collection hose.
The water collection hose does come down from the weather machine.
The hose begins sucking the water from the lake. Drakken indicates that the weather machine can hold all the water from a lake, by super compressing all the water molecules. It can then be released in tempest form, whenever he chooses.
Shego indicates that Drakken only knows this because he read it in the brochure.
Drakken indicates he wants to take over Canada. Shego asks why he wants to take over Canada, Drakken indicates that it has high literacy rate, good health care, and sparkly clean cities.
Drakken plans to rename Canada as Drakkanada. He also plans to replace the maple leaf on the national flag with his own face.
Drakken begins pushing a button on the console. Nothing happens. In frustration, he begins banging on it.
Shego tries looking for the owner�s manual again.
Drakken wants Shego to forget about the owner�s manual, citing that the controls should be easy to figure out.
The weather machine begins making a new sound as though it is powering up. Drakken begins to gloat.
It begins to rain inside the weather machine.
And lightning too.
Drakken grabs onto Shego and holds on for dear life. Both are struck by lightning. It illuminates their bones, and they shine right through their clothing.
The weather machine is flooded with water. Drakken panics and wants Shego to shut down the machine somehow.
Shego pulls a rope. A flushing sound is heard. The water drains. Much older toilets also had a rope or chain that had to be pulled down to flush.
Shego gets annoyed when Drakken suggests they get the owner�s manual.
Kim knocks on the door to the janitor�s closet, opens the door, and goes in wondering if anybody is there.
The door closes leaving Kim in the dark.
Kim is surprised when Joe turns on the light.
Joe indicates he is ready to begin the training. Kim asks if he is going to give her any tips on mopping.
Joe indicates that all of his teaching will center on this little machine. Kim thinks it�s a vacuum cleaner.
Joe indicates it is called the vacrometer. He expects Kim to know it inside and out.
Joe begins by telling her about the output valve. Kim tries to look interested, but really isn�t.
The next morning, Kim eats cold cereal. She also hopes that Wade has a mission for her so she doesn�t have to learn any more about vacuum cleaners. This is another time when Kim uses Wade and a mission to avoid something she doesn�t want to do. Kim�s pajama pants are a different color. In The Twin Factor, they were black.
Wade has a drink and assumes correctly that Kim has a tough mentor. Kim indicates that Joe takes his job very seriously.
Wade does a search and tells Kim about the weather machine being stolen from Wacky Wally�s.
Mrs. Possible comes in with a cup of coffee and asks Kim how she is doing. Kim breaks down and hopes that her mother can be her mentor.
Mrs. Possible encourages Kim to learn something from everybody.
Mrs. Possible goes to answer the door after the doorbell begins ringing. Mrs. Possible thinks it is Bonnie. This irritates Kim.
Kim is surprised when Jim and Tim come riding through the hall on a vacuum cleaner.
Jim and Tim almost run over Kim. Kim pulls the vacuum to a halt.
Jim and Tim indicate they heard about Kim�s janitor job, and wanted to see what was so cool about it. Kim indicates it is not cool, and that she hates it.
Kim accidentally turns on the vacuum. The bag gets bigger.
Jim and Tim leave before the bag explodes.
Jim and Tim make fun of Kim for being a bad janitor.
Mrs. Possible comes back to tell Kim, Jim, and Tim that she is now leaving for work. She sees Kim and stops to ask what happened.
Bonnie suggests that maybe Kim is bringing work home. This annoys Kim even more.
Kim and Ron get to this mission by air balloon.
First appearance of Mr. Peevey. He is paying Kim back after she pulled him out of some sequoia branches. Kim indicates she only had to climb three hundred feet to get to him.
Mr. Peevey heard Kim was getting a job as a janitor, and asks if she knows any way to get some oil stains off of his balloon.
Kim denies that she is going to be a janitor.
Ron hangs onto the edge and shows off his new jumpsuit. Ron asks Kim if she knows where he got it. Kim indicates he got it from his mystery mentor. The fact that Kim guesses this correctly annoys Ron.
The balloon lands. Kim and Ron are greeted by Wacky Wally. Wally asks them if they would like to take a test drizzle. Apparently, you don�t need a license or age requirement to own or run a weather machine. Or Wally is assuming that Kim and Ron are old enough and already have a license for a weather machine.
When Wally mentions the test drizzle, Ron thinks that he is talking about using the bathroom.
Kim indicates they are here because of the robbery. Wally complains because he can�t trust super villains anymore. He also indicates that �the blue guy� seemed like such a sucker.
Kim and Ron know that �the blue guy� is Drakken. Ron asks if a girl in green was with him.
Wally makes a sexually aggressive growling sound when talking about Shego.
Kim wants Wally to tell her what Drakken plans on doing with a weather machine.
Wally indicates he never asks what the weather machine is used for, even though he really did, and Drakken told him he was going to create an ice storm. Then he tries to sell a weather machine to Ron.
Wally shows Ron the Cumulus 2000. Ron is impressed with how shiny it is, while Wally believes he has found another sucker. Here is another indicates that Ron and Drakken have similar tastes in their persona. Cumulus is a type of cloud.
A crash is heard and an alarm goes off. Kim begins rushing to the sounds. Kim calls Ron, �Agent Ron.� She tells him to come along.
Ron pulls out three items. The first is a ninja smoke bomb. The second is a krypto decoder. Ron doesn�t even know what the third item is. It has been analyzed on message boards that Ron is not very good with advanced gadgets. He does however excell with medieval weapons. Part of this may be due to his mystical monkey kung fu power. However, future episodes will show Ron getting very technical with gadgets once he puts his mind to it.
Kim enters the room carefully. A poster of a model in a bikini showing off a weather machine is on the wall.
A locker falls on Kim.
Kim isn�t hurt, but her leg is stuck.
Shego jumps on the locker that has Kim pinned. She indicates she came back for the owner�s manual, which is as thick as a regular book.
Shego easily slashes the glass with her plasma claws. It doesn�t crack or break the glass. It melts it.
Kim gets her foot free and chases Shego. Despite Shego slashing the glass sideways, it melted into an almost perfect circle.
Ron drops the gadgets on the ground trying to figure out what they do.
Shego runs past Ron.
Ron begins chasing Shego. Ron pulls a cord on his back. It inflates a rubber raft. Ron falls down.
Rufus pops out, and tries to move the raft. Unsuccessful, he finally bites into it.
The air escaping from the raft send Ron flying into the sky.
Ron runs into Kim.
Kim and Ron slam into the pile of gadgets that Ron dropped onto the ground.
Ron indicates he was trying to shoot a projectile net.
Kim contacts Wade. She tells him that Drakken has a weather machine, and the owner�s manual.
Wade indicates he�ll check the satellites to see any weird weather.
Ron gathers his gadgets in the raft and follows Kim.
Later, Kim is at cheer practice.
Kim thinks the routine is almost perfect. She still wants to clean up the last part though.
Bonnie points out that Joe has returned.
Joe is annoyed with Kim for missing their appointment.
Kim tries to avoid Joe by telling him that she is busy. She hopes he will reschedule.
Joe is intent on teaching Kim all about the vacometer, no matter how much she tries to avoid it.
Bonnie indicates she�ll take over the cheer squad while Kim is gone, and makes fun of her new job. All the cheerleaders laugh.
Kim tries to talk to Joe about her dislike of being a janitor. Joe doesn�t pay attention. He uses zen to describe how Kim must be able to field strip the vacometer in battle conditions. This freaks Kim out a little.
Joe begins teaching Kim, again starting with the main output valve.
Kim interrupts Joe after Wade contacts her.
Wade tells Kim that she is needed at BN headquarters.
Despite protests from Joe, Kim leaves.
The weather machine hangs over a mountainous lake.
Shego figures out how to work the weather machine by reading the manual. Drakken whines that he had almost figured it out on his own.
Shego tells Drakken to toggle the switch on the console. Drakken flips the switch up and down. Shego complains about this and tries to toggle the switch herself.
Drakken indicates he can toggle a switch. He then reminds Shego that he is a genius. Shego then asks if he has ever been tested for his genius ability. This annoys Drakken.
Drakken indicates that the hydro compression sequence has been activated.
A hose comes down and begins sucking all the water from the lake.
Drakken lays out his plan. Step 1: Drain the water from the lakes. Step 2: Create a powerful storm. Step 3: Conquer Canada.
Shego doesn�t pay any attention to Drakken. She goes through the owner�s manual trying to find out what happens to the fish.
Drakken doesn�t know what happens to the fish, nor does he care.
Drakken sings, �O Drakkanada!� This is a play on the Canadian national anthem, O Canada.
Shego worries about the fish, showing that she�s not completely evil as she thinks she is.
Kim compliments Wade on telling her about BN headquarters. BN stands for Bueno Nacho. Kim once again complains about having to learn about the vacuum cleaner.
Ron shows up in a tuxedo and again impersonates Sean Connery. Ron says, �The name�s Stoppable. Ron Stoppable.� This is a play on the famous movie line, �The name�s Bond. James Bond.�
Rufus has a matching tuxedo too.
Kim tells Ron that winter formal wear is months away. This is an indication that this episode is prior to one week before spring break and The Golden Years. Ron indicates that he got the tux from his mentor. Again, this annoys Kim.
Kim is so frustrated with her mentor, she doesn�t even want to hear the word mentor.
Despite what Kim has just said, Ron can�t help but proclaim his mentor as the coolest.
Ron shows off the bowtie. It shoots off a cloud of sneezing powder. It backfires causing Ron and Rufus to sneeze.
Ned comes over and delivers a plate of food.
Ron indicates he hasn�t ordered any food yet.
The chimerito prints out a message.
The note indicates that Ron�s skills as a spy will soon be tested. Also the chimerito will self destruct in ten seconds.
The chimerito explodes. Kim is unscathed.
Ron and Rufus are covered in cheese.
Kim has a cute giggle over Ron.
Wade contacts Kim again.
Wade indicates that Drakken�s weather machine is sucking The Great Lakes dry.
Wade then streams Kim video footage of the lakes becoming dry in a matter of seconds. Even Niagra Falls runs out of water.
Wade turns his computer screen to show Kim all of Drakken�s hits. There is only one lake he hasn�t hit yet.
Kim says, �Canada, eh?� Canadians are known for saying the word �eh� a lot in regular conversation.
Kim grabs Ron and drags him away. The outline of cheese from the exploding chimerato is in the shape of Ron on the seat.
Kim and Ron walk around the mountain and lake region that Drakken has struck. Ron is wearing his spy tuxedo.
Wade uses a weather satellite imaging system and indicates that Drakken should be a little north of Kim and Ron.
Kim stares at the brochure for the weather machine to see what it looks like.
Ron suddenly sees the weather machine and points it out. Kim was so intent at looking at the brochure, she missed seeing it.
Kim and Ron see the weather machine picking up the last bit of water from a large puddle.
Drakken gloats while Shego files the razors in her gloves.
Drakken has already indicated what his plans are. Drakken asks Shego what she thinks his next plan is. Shego tells him. This annoys Drakken, who was wanting to rant about what his next plan is going to be.
Shego gives Drakken a moment to rant about his plans, which includes calling mapmakers and telling them about Drakkanada.
Shego notices Kim and Ron walking around on the weather machine monitor. She calls it to Drakken�s attention.
Kim is hoping to find the controls. She wonders if they are on the other side of the weather machine.
Shego suggests looking on the roof of the weather machine for the controls. Shego jumps down from the roof to the ground in front of Kim and Ron.
Ron steps up in front of Kim and tries to use his immobilization ray on Shego.
The immobilization ray backfires. Kim and Ron are immobilized.
Ron falls down. He can�t talk; he only moans.
Kim remains standing. Kim can talk without any problems speaking. Shego makes fun of Kim for having bumbling Ron as a sidekick.
Shego ties Kim, Ron, and Rufus to a lightning rod. Shego indicates she would just do away with them, but Drakken is the one in charge. This also indicates that Drakken follows the villains code that Senior Senior Senior is so much in favor for. It states that a proper villain allows his foe to escape. Shego then climbs on a ladder of the weather machine and leaves.
Kim and Ron watch storm clouds brewing overhead.
Ron is getting his speech back now that the immobilization ray is wearing off.
Kim and Rufus struggle to get free. Lightning starts flashing.
Lightning strikes a tree in the background. It quickly vaporizes it into ashes.
Ron tries looking for a device given to him by his mentor to get them out of the situation they�re in.
It starts to rain. Kim gets annoyed at the fact that Ron�s mentor hasn�t really helped them any.
Joe suddenly shows up. Joe has a flying car much like Drakken�s, but it is designed differently.
Joe uses a laser pen to cut the ropes.
Kim and Ron get into Joe�s flying car and put on helmets. Kim�s hair immediately goes into a ponytail. Joe hopes that Kim has learned enough about the vacrometer to stop Drakken. Joe then indicates the vacrometer is a weather machine.
Drakken and Shego activate the storm sheild. The code for it is blue-blue-red-blue. Drakken has to push these buttons on the console to activate it.
Kim has trouble dealing with the fact the vacuum she was being taught to learn was actually a model of a weather machine.
Kim wants to know how Joe knows all about the vacrometer. Joe indicates that he is undercover, and is a spy for the top secret Canadian spy organization. His uniform is not for janitorial work, it an official Canadian spy uniform.
Proving he is a Canadian spy, Joe says, �Eh.�
Joe thought that he was being obvious when doing his spy work around Kim. But Kim didn�t pick up on that. Joe then indicates that he is Ron�s mentor. Ron is shocked to hear this too.
Drakken sees Joe�s flying car and Kim. He demands Shego make more lightning.
Shego does this by flipping down three switches on the console below the small monitor.
Large chunks of ice is falling as Kim, Ron, and Joe approach Drakken�s weather machine. Joe calls Kim, �The world�s most formost Drakken expert.� This indicates that Kim has gotten a well rounded reputation when it comes to dealing with Drakken. Kim complains that she doesn�t know anything about weather machines. Joe indicates he was sent to train Kim and teach her all about them. Kim now feels bad for not paying attention to the lessons involving the vacrometer.
Joe�s flying car is struck by lightning, just as they are about to land on the weather machine. Joe indicates the controls are now shot. His flying car is descending with little control. He demands Kim and Ron get to the weather machine and dismantle it. Kim wants a quick lesson to refreshen her memory, but there isn�t time for that.
Kim activates her jet pack.
Ron pushes a button on the side of his shoe for rocket power.
Ron flies way past Kim.
Kim lands on a ladder on the side of the weather machine.
Ron frantically tries patting his feet to stop his rocket shoes.
Ron flies through several flocks of Canadian geese migrating.
Water is being sprayed into the air. The water droplets freeze and turn into ice and snow.
Kim approaches the control panel on the roof, as suggested by Shego earlier.
After seeing all the buttons, switches, and controls, Kim really wished she had paid attention to the vacrometer lessons.
Shego slams the console door shut. She also makes a pun about the forecast.
Kim and Shego fight.
Rufus finally crawls down and pushes a button on the bottom of Ron�s shoe to turn off the rockets.
Ron is now so high, that he has flown past the storm clouds from the weather machine.
Ron now begins to fall.
Shego grabs Kim and flips her.
Kim grabs onto the shaft that holds the weather machine�s propellers.
Shego makes another pun about the bad weather.
Shego is about to kick Kim off the weather machine, when Ron falls on top of her.
Shego is knocked out cold. Kim makes a bad weather pun now.
Kim remembers to start with the output valve. She turns a lever.
Large chunks of ice begin to fall. Kim realizes that the lever she turned was definitely not the output valve.
Ron comes over and turns a knob.
The knob controls the wind. Kim tries hanging on to the console door with one hand, and Ron with the other. She unintentionally lets go of Ron.
Kim manages to turn the knob back. Kim falls when the wind dies down.
Ron managed to grab hold of the propeller shaft. He�s holding onto it so tightly, that he doesn�t move even after the winds die down for a few seconds. He then falls right onto his head.
Kim goes back to the console and remembers what Joe had taught her about the vacrometer.
Kim is distracted by Drakken coming out of the cockpit, who claims the storm is almost complete and unstoppable.
Ron impersonates Sean Connery again and says, �Actually it�s Stoppable. Ron Stoppable.�
Drakken doesn�t understand what Ron is talking about.
Ron holds his breath and blasts Drakken with sneezing power from his tie. Ron remembers to get on the other side of Drakken so that the wind doesn�t come back and hit him in the face.
Drakken sneezes. He sneezes so hard that he flies backwards and hits Shego, who is just getting up. They fall into the cockpit, and the door closes.
Kim gives Ron a thumbs up.
Kim goes back to work on the console. She shuts down the machine and makes the water go back into the lake. The sky clears from the storm clouds.
Kim activates her jet pack, grabs Ron, and they both fly off. Kim didn�t destroy the weather machine. She only stopped it, and only temporarily. It will return in a future episode.
Inside the cockpit, Drakken and Shego try to get to their feet.
A door opens up flooding the cockpit with water and fish.
MHS sign
Joe indicates he is going back to Canada.
Kim tells Joe that she wished she had been a better student. Joe compliments her and Ron, for coming through at the right moment.
Ron doesn�t want Joe to leave. Not because he�ll miss him. Ron indicates the boy�s bathroom by the cafeteria is a mess, and needs to be clean.
Joe indicates that he is not really a janitor. Then he leaves.
Kim and Ron indicate they�ll miss Joe.
The new janitor comes in. First appearance of Ludwig. Ludwig kinda looks and talks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Kim introduces herself.
Ludwig is happy he found Kim so fast, and indicates he is a Barvarian spy on a top secret mission. Kim would later have a mission in Barvaria involving Professor Dementor.
Kim realizes that she is about to become involved with another mission.