First appearance of Elsa Cleeg. Elsa speaks some French to make herself look more exotic.
Kim belittles Monique for listening to Elsa Cleeg's fashion advise. This indicates that Elsa Cleeg is a fashion critic. Wendie Malick, who provided the voice for Elsa Cleeg, played a former fashion model in the television show Just Shoot Me.
Kim wonders why people can't have their own style.
Ron indicates that people listen to Elsa Cleeg because she's on television.
Elsa Cleeg shows off the next fashionable clothing: Poofy pink.
Rufus approves anything pink.
Kim takes back the kimmunicator because nobody would wear poofy pink.
Ron points out Bonnie wearing poofy pink.
Bonnie comes back to indicate she'll be at the senior table, and is entitled to fruits of the sea.
Bonnie is welcomed to the senior table.
This disgusts Kim.
The show opens back up with Kim and Ron on top of the roof of a skyscraper for a mission.
Kim complains about Bonnie sitting at the senior table for wearing a trendy outfit.
Kim brings up the unwritten rules that the senior table is for seniors only. This is the first mention of the unwritten rules. They'll be brought up again in a later episode.
First appearance of Dr. Fenster.
Dr. Fenster indicates that his company has built a sattelite laser powerful and accurate enough to destroy a small target.
Kim with safety goggles on. She and Dr. Fenster are wearing them.
Ron didn't get any.
The satellite laser is controlled with one button on a remote.
The satellite fires the laser. A satellite laser capable of destroying a target from space was the premise for the movie Real Genius.
Ron sees the laser coming out of the sky. He shuts his eyes and covers them with his arms.
The sattelite laser leaves nothing but a pile of ash. It's been theorized on the message boards that Dr. Fenster's company may have supplied The Knights Of Rodeghan with their sattelite laser in Royal Pain. There is no definite evidence for this.
Dr. Fenster indicates they believe somebody is planning to steal the technology.
A blimp comes up with Dr. Drakken on the monitor, indicating who is planning to steal the satellite laser.
Shego jumps from the blimp and steals the remote from Dr. Fenster. She then jumps back aboard the blimp to get away.
Rocket packs and wings come out of Kim and Ron's backpack. There is also a mechanical arm that puts on their helmets. First appearance of the rocket packs.
Kim flies up to Shego. Shego slices Kim's jet pack straps.
Kim begins falling.
Kim grabs the bottom of the blimp.
Kim then uses her grappling to swing up and over to Shego.
Kim makes one of Shego's hand go into the side of the blimp.
Kim grabs the remote control from Shego.
Shego swipes the grappling hook cord. She also gets her other hand stuck.
Kim falls again. But she is picked up by Ron.
Ron appears nervous after saving Kim.
Shego is worried about the situation she's in.
The blimp crashes into the ocean.
Ron is so psyched, he doesn't pay attention where he is flying till Rufus warns him just in time.
Ron busts a wing on the side of a building.
At the Downloaded Music Awards, two British rockers have the famous Metallica/Napster argument. Music is for the fans. But downloaded music is free and the bands don't get the money from illegal downloads. The first rocker then shouts, ''No money rocks!'' And the argument continues.
Kim and Ron fly out of control to the Downloaded Music Awards show. Kim uses her grappling hook and attaches it to the stage. She then unhooks from the jetpack.
The jetpack hit's a speaker and blows up.
Ron lands safely on Elsa Cleeg's lap. She is wearing the pink poof.
Kim lands on the stage and is strikes a pose.
Photographers begin taking Kim's picture.
At the senior table, everyone is wearing the pink poof.
Kim argues that sitting at the senior table isn't that great.
Ron indicates the senior table glows with ultimate popularity.
Kim indicates the senior table glows from Lenny from the stage crew.
Monique indicates that Kim is better than Bonnie because she saves the world.
Ron and Drakken say, ''It vexes me so.'' at the same exact moment.
First time Shego files the claws in her gloves.
Drakken suggests having an army of Shegos to fight Kim.
Knowing that Drakken is talking about cloning her, Shego shows Drakken her contract which states no cloning.
Drakken insists cloning Shego. Shego quits working for Drakken.
Drakken got a paper cut from Shego's contract.
Two fashion critics desperately look to the Downoaded Music Awards for the next fashion statement.
Elsa Cleeg takes the remote and indicates that Kim's look is the next fashion statement.
It's been theorized the drawing on the left looks like Shego wearing Kim's mission outfit. One of the unlockable costumes in the PS2 game Kim Possible: What's The Switch is Shego in a mission outfit.
Monique shows off the latest fashion at Club Banana. Kimstyle!
Kim sees her style is being bought by other people. This freaks her out a bit.
MHS sign
Ron has trouble finding Kim with so many women wearing Kimstyle.
Kim wears her cheerleader uniform so she can stand out a little from the rest of the crowd wearing her style.
First appearance of the Billionaire's Club. First time Shego isn't seen wearing her usual jumpsuit.
Shego is hit by a beach ball.
Shego's fingernails are sharp enough to pop the beach ball.
A hunky waiter indicates there is a telephone call for Shego.
Knowing who the phone call is from and what it's about, Shego tells Drakken, ''Forget it.''
Drakken tries to butter Shego up by calling her, ''Dumpling.'' The waiter offers Shego some strawberries, which Shego can peirce with her pinky nail. First time Shego eats strawberries.
After Drakken admits that he called her to ask about cloning, Shego throws the phone away and reads a magazine with Kimstyle on the cover. This magazine will appear again in a later episode.
MHS sign
Ron and Monique drag Kim to the senior table because her look is now trendy. The other students encourage her. The tall girl with the red shirt is standing her, and she's sitting at the senior table.
Kim is encouraged to go for it.
Bonnie is dressed in Kimstyle too.
Bonnie tells Kim that she can't pull the look off.
Students who are not seniors are sitting at the senior table. They all laugh at Kim.
Kim is saddened because it's her look that is trendy.
Drakken claims he doesn't need Shego because he has henchmen.
One henchman is playing with a ball and paddle. The other is scratching himself.
Drakken realizes his henchmen aren't worth cloning.
Drakken activates a remote control which brings down a television monitor.
Despite having a mowhawk, Drakken tells the rocker from the Downloaded Music Awards to get a haircut.
Drakken changes the channel to see Elsa Cleeg wearing Kimstyle.
Drakken watches and hopes that blue skin has become trendy.
Three of the models wearing Kimstyle strike a Charley's Angels pose.
Elsa Cleeg mentions the lastest fashion is inspired by Kim Possible. Drakken is dismayed and shouts, ''An army of Kim Possibles.''
Drakken realizes the best way to beat Kim Possible is to have a cloned army of Kim Possibles.
During cheer practice, Bonnie hits Kim in the face with a pom pom.
Kim hits Bonnie with a hip bump.
A small robot goes through the ventilation shaft of the school.
The robot belongs to Drakken's. And he's having a hard time controlling it.
The robot is heading to the girl's gym locker room.
The robot secures itself to the wall of the ventilation shaft.
A circular door opens up on the bottom of the robot. A small laser gun comes out and fires a beam.
The robot also has a camera and scanner.
Drakken scans the shirt and compares it to Kim. It's the same size. It's revealed later that it's actually Bonnie's shirt indicating that Kim and Bonnie wear the same size shirt.
The camera and scanner has an additional arm and claw to grabs the shirt.
Drakken roams around Middleton in a truck with a picture of Drakkan sitting on a toilet and the words Mr. Potty over him. It is most likely disguised as a septic tank truck.
Inside the truck is a full lab.
Drakken pulls a hair off the shirt with hopes of cloning Kim Possible.
Drakken activates his cloning machine with a push of a single button on a control stick.
The henchmen realize that they can't handle an army of Kim Possibles. One henchman breaks down and cries while the other consoles him.
Drakken explains that the Kim Possible clone will have DNA from a cobra for fast reflexes.
Drakken taunts the cobra with his finger. The cobra still has it's fangs. If it bit him, Drakken could have been poisoned. It's unknown whether or not Drakken's glove is tough enough to resist a snake bite.
The clones will have the strength of an elephant.
And the killer instinct of Commodore Puddles. First appearance of Commodore Puddles. Commodore Puddles is kept in a cage many times his size. But he still can't get through the bars.
It seems Drakken trained Commodore Puddles to attack Kim on sight.
The henchmen are afraid of Commodore Puddles.
Commodore Puddles took off Drakken's glove and part of his sleeve.
Drakken's cloning machine has a small oven bell that tells when it is done.
Drakken knows something isn't right. But he isn't sure what. Somehow the clones come out completely dressed.
Despite making the mistake himself, Drakken blames his henchmen for bringing him the wrong DNA.
The Bonnie clone begins chewing up Kim's picture.
Drakken decides to use the Bonnie clone after all.
Kim, Monique, Ron, and Rufus all share some nachos. Kim spots a Club Banana bag behind Ron.
Kim reaches for the bag. Ron tries to take it away from her.
Monique looks nervous. She most likely sold the merchandise to Ron.
Ron indicates that it's ''Kim for him.'' Ron is so preoccupied with the idea to fit in fashionably, he forgets that he already owns mission clothes; and that he can get them cheaper at Smarty Mart.
Kim complains her look is now boys clothes.
Monique jokes that the next line of Kimstyle will be for pets.
Rufus somehow gets dressed really fast and shows off Kimstyle for pets.
Kim tells Rufus, ''I liked you better naked.''
Kim indicates she's going home. Ron apologizes and indicates that he's just riding the cultural wave.
Kim explains why she is upset. She started the Kimstyle trend, but doesn't feel like she's a part of it.
Kim bumps into Bonnie.
Bonnie begins growling, indicating it's actually the clone.
The Bonnie clone picks Kim up over her head and throws her. Kim lands safely on her feet.
All the customers and Ned run away in terror.
Kim, Ron, and Monique go out the back door where the dumpster is.
They run into Bonnie. Both are surprised. First indication that Bonnie likes to eat at Bueno Nacho too.
Bonnie gets her composure back. She calls Kim a loser and complains that she wears the same outfit everyday.
Kim hugs Bonnie after realizing it's the real Bonnie and not a clone.
Bonnie throws Kim off of her.
Kim apologizes. Then the back door to Bueno Nacho is smashed to pieces.
Bonnie clones come out of the back door.
Kim, Ron, Monique get away from the Bonnie clones by hiding in the dumpster.
Ron indicates they are standing in soda.
Bonnie had to hide away from the Bonnie clones as well. She complains about being sticky.
Monique takes the real Bonnie home.
Ron is almost out. Then he falls back in again.
Ron complains that the dumpster is both sticky and slippery at the same time.
A Bonnie clone comes back. Kim pulls Ron out of the dumpster before the clone leaps at him. More clones attack Ron than Kim in this episode.
Kim does a flip onto the dumpster, and shuts the lid.
Kim peeks into the dumpster to see what happened to the clone.
The clone melted into goo. Ron uses the phrase, ''Sick and wrong.'' Ron got this phrase from Mr. Barkin in Downhill.
Ron complains that Kim had to touch the goo to get a sample. Kim puts the sample into the kimmunicator.
Kim contacts Wade who analyzes the goo and gets a printout. Wade indicates that the goo is from a clone, but not a true clone. It is actually more chemicals than anything else.
Kim assumes that Drakken is involved. DNAmy could have been involved, but she's most likely still in jail from the events in Downhill.
Wade indicates he picked up an energy signal, much like Drakken's big lairs, but it is moving. This indicates how Wade can track Drakken.
Drakken drives by Bueno Nacho and complains he can't find where Kim Possible is hiding, even though he just passed where she is.
Drakken is trying to drive from the passenger's side while his henchman is looking at the map.
Drakken indicates he misses Shego, and wonders where she is. Even though there are no definite plans for a real Drakken/Shego relationship, this scene is pointed out as definite evidence that there is something going on between them.
The island background is the same for this episode as the background for the later episode Animal Attraction. This confirms that Shego is indeed staying at the Billionaire's Club. However, the land backgrounds are different. Shego is most likely having fun on the backside of the island, which explains the difference. This also confirms that Shego is a billionaire; in which the prime requisite for staying at the Billionaire's Club is to be a billionaire.
Shego is having fun water skiing with the hunky waiter.
Drakken is most likely daydreaming of Shego. But whatever fantasies he has remain unknown.
Drakken doesn't notice a hole is cut in the roof of his truck.
Kim and Ron drop in on Drakken
Drakken orders his henchmen to get Kim's DNA.
Kim and Ron dodge the henchmen. They run into the Bonnie clones.
Kim tells Ron to get the cloning machine.
A Bonnie clone suddenly gets in Ron's way.
Ron dodges the Bonnie clone by tumbling forward.
Kim fights the Bonnie clones. Ron tries to find a self destruct button.
Rufus doesn't know where the self destruct is either.
Ron is distracted by a growling sound. Commodore Puddles has Kim!
Ron jumps back to save Kim.
DNA samples are taken from Ron, Kim, and Rufus. A whisker is taken from Rufus.
Kim kicks the tweezers into the ceiling.
Kim kicks the door open so they can escape. The door then closes back by itself.
Drakken forgets which beaker contains Kim's DNA.
The henchmen forget too.
Drakken gets a Rufus clone instead.
Drakken has Ron clones too.
Rufus is back to four whiskers again.
Ron complains about being cloned.
Kim tries to use the comparison that being cloned is much like having your look taken from you. Ron doesn't get it.
Kim wants Ron to be the distraction while she goes back for the DNA. Ron wants the Ron clones to be the distraction.
Kim does a flip over the clones. The clones still come after Ron though.
Kim meets a Kim clone at the door of Drakken's truck. The clone is wearing mission clothes, even though Kim's DNA was stolen with her wearing a green tank top and blue Capri pants.
The Kim clone can do acrobatic moves and flips as easily as Kim does.
Drakken snaps his fingers, summoning the other Kim clones to attack.
Kim climbs a nearby tree to escape the clones.
Wade contacts Kim. He indicates the clones are chemically unstable. He also indicates a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide will melt them.
Kim remembers what melted the clone at the Bueno Nacho dumpster. Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide make up soda.
A Kim clone comes up the tree to get Kim.
Kim fights her way down and takes off running back to Bueno Nacho.
Ned came back to resume service. Ron tries to hide from the clones.
The clones advance on Ron.
Service is once again disrupted when everyone flees.
Ron hides behind the counter.
A Rufus clone attacks Ron.
Bueno Nacho seems empty. But Kim is attacked by Bonnie clones before she can reach the soda machine.
Kim uses her grappling hook to pull the nozzle off the soda machine.
The Bonnie clones are drenched.
Nothing happens.
Kim tastes whatever is coming out of the nozzle. It's not carbonaded soda. It's lemonade.
The Kim clones are in Bueno Nacho too.
Kim pulls the soda nozzle off and begins spraying the clones.
The clones melt.
Ron clones are trying to pull Ron apart.
Kim sprays the Ron clones. They melt. Ron falls in a puddle of goo.
Drakken shows up and realizes he lost.
Shego drives up in a sports car. Somehow she knew where Drakken was. The hunky waiter is with her too.
Shego's car looks very much like a Mazda Miata.
Shego blows the horn. Drakken is more than happy to see her.
Drakken rushes to Shego. Drakken most likely realizes that he can't rely on his henchmen to help take over the world. Shego is much better at the job.
Shego doesn't have a suntan.
Shego helps Drakken escape. But only because he learned his lesson: No cloning. Many wonder why Shego stays with Drakken. Supporters of a Drakken/Shego relationship says it's because of a deep rooted love for each other, much like the Kim/Ron relationship. Steve Loter indicated that a Drakken/Shego relationship was very unlikely to happen. However, this episode and Emotion Sickness are provided as proof to the contrary.
Drakken wonders who the hunky guy sitting next to Shego is. His name is never revealed.
MHS sign.
At Kim's locker, Monique tells Kim that Kimstyle is red tagged for quick sale. It's seventy-five percent off. This makes Kim happy. Kim realizes she can get mission clothes very cheap. Also, her style is her own again.
Kim still expresses a desire to sit at the senior table, but knows she'll have to wait.
Monique indicates that Ron's style has now been adopted as trendy.
Elsa Cleeg introduces the latest fashion, but doesn't give it a name. Also, we don't know if the naked mole rat is Rufus or not.
The naked mole rat also wears a watch and sunglasses.