Show notes: This episode introduces Frugal Lucre. This episode emphasis Kim's obsession with Club Banana, as well as Ron's obsession with Smarty Mart.
The episode starts out with Kim and Ron on a boat in a swamp.
This stranger's name is Jerry. He is helping Kim with her marine biology paper. He is repaying Kim for her help in saving manatees.
Rufus spots a manatee coming out of the water.
Ron mistakenly calls the manatee a giant amphibious naked mole rat and points it out to Kim. Kim corrects Ron.
The manatee's name is Punjab. Jerry indicates that he is harmless.
Two rednecks in a swamp boat come out of nowhere and almost hit Punjab. Many manatees are hurt or killed by speed boats.
Kim flips up to the top of the boat, then jumps on the fan area of the swamp boat.
The two rednecks are based on Kim Possible creators Bob and Mark.
Kim indicates that the area they are in is actually a wildlife reserve.
The rednecks don't listen. They insist they are the real wildlife.
Kim pulls out her compact. It was last seen in Crush.
The redneck thinks that Kim is fixing her make up.
The other redneck thinks it is because they are so good looking. This is practically a pedophile act.
Kim attaches the compact to the fan area of the swamp boat.
The mirror part separates and a grappling hook comes out.
The redneck with the yellow shirt is named, ''Earl.''
There are three buttons on the compact. Kim pushes the button on the far left to activate the grappling hook. It attaches itself to a tree.
Kim jumps off and the swamp boat is ripped in two.
One of the rednecks panics and claims he can't swim. Kim doesn't bother rescuing him. The water must be shallow enough for them to stand up.
An alligator goes into the water and heads for Kim; not the two rednecks.
Ron warns Kim by shouting, ''Not a sea cow!'' Manatees are also called sea cows.
Ron tries to save Kim by throwing a life preserver to her. The alligator gets it instead.
Sarcastically, Ron indicates that doughnuts always fill him up.
Kim comes out of the water flipping her hair back. This is a possible reference to Disney's The Little Mermaid.
Kim and Jerry pull Kim onto the boat while the alligator approaches. Kim will face alligators again in The Golden Years.
Kim is safe. Kim's pants were ripped to shreds by the alligator. How this happened can only be explained by cartoon physics. There was a debate on the message boards on whether or not Ron saw Kim's underwear because of the alligator attack. Ron uses the acronym D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival, a medical term used to describe a patient who died on the way to the hospital) to describe Kim's pants.
Kim in a manatee nightgown. Kim indicates her pants were brand new Club Banana pants.
Kim asks where the closest Club Banana store is. Jerry answers Miami. This indicates Kim and Ron are in Florida. Kim and Ron must have felt that this was more of a school project than a mission. They don't have their mission clothes with them.
Jerry suggests that there is one store in town with everything Kim needs.
First appearance of Smarty Mart and the Smarty Mart mascot. Ron knows the tagline, ''Where smart shoppers shop smart.'' This is inspired by the Walmart super centers that have swept the United States.
Kim complains that Smarty Mart is ''soooo discounty.'' Ron is excited. He takes her by the wrist and drags her in.
Like Walmart, there is a greeter at the front of every store. The store is so big, the greeter offers Kim and Ron a map.
Kim stammers as she tries to explain that she needs temporary pants, and doesn't like to shop Smarty Mart.
Pants are located in aisle ten. We assume that the greeter is referring to women's pants, and not a mixture of men's and women's clothing.
Ron indicates Smarty Mart is where Ron bought Rufus. He got Rufus from aisle sixteen. Some of the animals for sale in the pets department are a gorilla, a fish, a hamster, an armadillo, and a bull. Animals heard in the background are an elephant, a monkey, a seal, and a pig. Bulls are on sale. The fish is half off.
Kim claims that Smarty Mart clothing is not fashionable. Ron indicates that he buys clothes at Smarty Mart.
Kim doesn't like Ron shopping for clothes at Smarty Mart.
The cashier counter uses a scanner much like a copy machine. Most scanners use lasers. Kim's Capri pants are identical to what she is wearing now.
The cashier speaks with a Southern accent and tells Kim the pants cost $5.99. Ron indicates that this is ten times less than the price at Club Banana.
Kim gives the cashier a five and a one dollar bill. She gets a penny back in change.
Ron calls Kim, ''a retail snob.'' Kim denies this.
Kim wants to get back to Middleton before the mall closes. This indicates that the Club Banana store is located at the mall. Ron indicates that Smarty Mart never closes. Again, Walmart super centers are open twenty four hours a day.
Kim tries to use stealth to avoid being seen going into Club Banana with Smarty Mart pants on. It must be near closing time. Kim could have went home to change her pants first. First appearance of Steel Toe and Pain King. Their match is broadcasting on the televisions behind Kim.
First outside view of Club Banana.
The store on the other side of Club Banana is Victoria's Circuits. This is a play on the popular lingerie store Victoria's Secret. Ron is watching wrestling. We will see more of Ron's obsession with wrestling in Pain King vs. Cleopatra.
Kim claims that what they are doing is an important mission. Ron thinks otherwise, and reminds her that buying pants is not a mission.
Kim tries to convince Ron that Smarty Mart pants and Club Banana pants are not the same.
Kim's fear of being seen with Smarty Mart pants on is realized when Bonnie spots her. This indicates that Bonnie shops at Club Banana too.
Club Banana puts all their sold merchandise in a bag that is doesn't have handles. Instead it is tossed over the shoulder. The logo is on the back.
Kim tries to play it off by saying, ''Discount is the new vintage.''
Bonnie wasn't convinced. She can't wait to tell the rest of the cheer squad that Kim shopped at Smarty Mart.
Ron says, ''Don't let Bonnie Rockwaller get your cheap pants in a bunch. This is a play on the phrase, ''Don't get your panties in a bunch.''
The televisions lose their signals and Frugal Lucre appears worldwide. First appearance of Frugal Lucre.
Frugal tries to speak with a fake foreign accent. He claims that he doesn't have a laser gun or robot army, but he does have computer skills. He also has the skills to take over television broadcasts.
Frugal's disguise begins to fall off in front of everybody.
Frugal claims the internet will crash unless everyone in the world sends him one dollar. To prove he means business, he sent everyone with a computer an email.
Frugal's disguise fall off again.
First clear view of Steel Toe and Pain King.
Kim tries to contact Wade. Frugal's email was really powerful. It even knocked out the kimmunicator.
Ron wonders if Frugal took out the kimmunicator. Kim doesn't think so. Ron then believes the kimmunicator needs new batteries.
Despite being in a clothing store and an electronic store on the other side of the hall, Ron wants Kim to ask for batteries.
Kim can't have her pants rung up. The computers were shut down after they received numerous e-cards.
The cashier indicates that the computers at Smarty Mart were shut down too. She then indicates that Smarty Mart and Club Banana are both owned by the same company. This is why Kim and Ron's mission shirts are both exactly the same.
This patch is the only thing that separates Smarty Mart clothes from Club Banana clothes.
Ron waits while Kim changes her pants. First indication that Kim's bedroom is upstairs from the rest of the house.
Kim gives her Smarty Mart pants to her mother to give to charity.
Mrs. Possible tries to convince Kim that labels don't mean anything. The magazine Mr. Possible is reading is called, ''Rocket Report.''
Mr. Possible tells Kim about how he uses discount heat shields instead of brand name heat shields. This is another indication that Mr. Possible is a little bit like Ron.
Kim and Ron are contacted by Wade.
Wade claims that Frugal Lucre crashed his computer, and that the e-card broadcast came from three thousand places at once. Wade crushes his drink in anger. We will see in a later episode how angry Wade gets when somebody crashes his computer.
Wade tweaks with the sound on the playback video with Frugal Lucre and picks up an unusual sound.
Kim asks Wade to take out Frugal's voice. It only takes Wade two seconds to do it.
Kim asks Wade to add more bass to the funny noise. Ron asks Wade to scratch in a chanting monk because it would be cool. This annoys Kim.
After tweaking with the sound some more, the only thing recognizable is the word, ''shippers.'' Wade thinks it might be a shipping yard.
Ron thinks he's heard the voice before. He asks Wade to slow down the voice a bit.
The voice is from the Smarty Mart intercom saying, ''Attention Smarty Mart shoppers!'' Ron knows that Frugal is broadcasting from a Smarty Mart store.
Kim wonders what kind of villain threatens the world from a Smarty Mart.
Frugal practices being evil and looking sinister. He is using a computer and webcam at a Smarty Mart.
Frugal tries ''the eyebrow thing.'' First mention of a bad guy trying to do the eyebrow thing to look more sinister.
Frugal's boss comes in and announces his real last name, ''Lerman.'' He tells Frugal that his fifteen minute break is over. This indicates that Frugal was using the computer in the break room.
Frugal takes off his phony disguise before going back to work.
Frugal finds the sinister look he likes.
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Bonnie still makes fun of Kim for wearing discount.
Kim sticks her tongue out at Bonnie.
Ron suggests that everyone could send Frugal a dollar. Kim disagrees.
Wade indicates that Frugal could have broadcast the e-cards from any Smarty Mart in the country.
Ron indicates that there are three thousand Smarty Marts nationwide with a new store opening every week. The newest one is in Poughkeepsie. Kim wonders why Ron knows that.
Wade seems to be eating a brownie while working on the computer.
Wade takes a freeze frame from Frugal's broadcast and digitalizes out the beard.
Kim prints out the picture so she can cross reference it with Smart Mart personal files.
Smarty Mart's security is so tight, even Wade can't get through. He indicates that cross referencing Frugal picture will have to be an inside job. Wade tells Kim and Ron that they need to plug the kimmunicator directly into a Smarty Mart personal computer, located in any Smarty Mart store.
Kim can't believe she has to go back into a Smarty Mart store. Ron is excited and indicates he needs shampoo and underwear.
Kim tries to make the best of it by indicating she can at least return the pants.
Kim with a baseball cap and sunglasses. Kim disguises herself so nobody will recognize her at Smarty Mart.
The Middleton Smarty Mart greeter knows Ron and calls him, ''Ronnie.'' The greeter's name is Oscar, and it is his first appearance.
Oscar gives Ron the Smarty Mart Circular. It is the next months advanced copy showing sales and reduced items.
Smarty Mart is having a sale: Five pounds of marshmallows for one dollar.
When Ron asks how Smarty Mart can have such low prices, Oscar explains that it is because of two words: ''Volume and volume.''
Kim drags Ron to the side to remind him that they're on a mission. Not a bargain hunt for lower prices.
Kim decides to find the personal office. She demands Ron return the pants.
Ron is distracted by the intercom announcing a ''brain storm'' sale in aisle eight. For the next ten minutes, Pop Pop Porter's pizza bagels are two for a dollar. First mention of Pop Pop Porter and his food products.
Kim uses stealth to avoid the Smarty Mart workers, but then runs directly into the Smarty Mart mascot.
The mascot thinks Kim might be lost. Kim plays it off that she was just browsing.
After the Smarty Mart mascot walks off, Kim calls him, ''Dumb brain.''
Kim tries to break into the personal office by sliding her Club Banana card between the lock and door. The card could be for discounts only. However, it appears to be a credit card. It also has her name on the card. Visible numbers on the card are 7 6774 253.
First appearance of the Smarty Mart personal manager. It appears that she is going to lunch.
Kim hides behind a wall banner to avoid being seen.
Kim goes into the personal manager's office and closes the door.
Kim pulls a cord out of the kimmunicator and plugs it into the computer. It is most likely a USB port drive.
Wade most likely programmed the kimmunicator to seek out the personal files once it was connected to the computer. Kim doesn't have to look for them.
The personal manager returns. She is suspicious that the office door was closed.
The personal manager picks up a canned drink, which seems to set off the Z-boy toy. It complains about being hungry while jumping around. It eventually falls off the desk.
The personal manager finds Kim when she bends over to pick up the Z-boy toy.
Kim plays off being caught by pretending she lost a contact lens.
First indication that Rufus knows how to read.
Ron worries that Kim is taking too long. Then he distracted by a set of shop towels for only $3.99.
Kim is taking an application test. The test is timed.
The personal manager is impressed. Kim understood that light bulbs are considered both house ware and hardware.
The personal manager offers Kim a minimum wage job, with all the recently expired canned food she can carry.
Kim pretends to be elated about getting a job at Smarty Mart.
The kimmunicator beeps when it has found a match. The beeping sound is different than the normal beep.
The personal manager almost grabs the kimmunicator. Kim grabs it first, and then tells her it is her mp3 player.
The personal manager can't remember if mp3 players are sold in aisle seven or aisle eight. As mentioned earlier, Pop Pop Porter's pizza bagels were on sale in aisle eight. That would make aisle eight a frozen food aisle. MP3 players must be sold in aisle seven.
Kim doesn't know. She makes up the story that she got her mp3 player from Smarty Mart online.
Smarty Mart has free shipping on orders over twenty-five dollars.
Kim suddenly makes a fast getaway. The personal manager thinks that Kim is rushing off to start her job, and tells Kim she needs a nametag.
Ron doesn't have a car. But he's impressed with the price of tires anyways.
Kim catches up to Ron and identifies Frugal Lucre as Francis Lurman.
Ron thinks Frugal is messed up because of his real name Francis.
Kim indicates that Frugal is in Philidelphia. They also only have a few hours before the Frugal's deadline.
Kim didn't get the money back for the pants because she didn't have a receipt. But she did get a credit good at any Smarty Mart nationwide.
Kim and Ron get to this mission by street sweeper.
First appearance of Pauly, the streetsweeper. He is paying her back after Kim saved his job by campaigning for alternate side of the street parking awareness. Kim indicates she did it with ten thousand windshield flyers.
On the count of three, Kim pushes the doorbell. Ron jumps behind the door as it is opened.
First appearance of Mrs. Lerman, Frugal's mother.
Mrs. Lerman offers toaster tasties to Kim and Ron. Kim smacks Ron's hand when he reaches for one.
Mrs. Lerman thinks Kim and Ron are Frugal's friend, and indicates that Frugal is in the basement. Frugal most likely lives there. Mrs. Lurman tells Kim and Ron to go downstairs and make themselves at home. This also indicates that Frugal is a mama's boy.
Kim and Ron failed to notice Frugal in the basement for a few seconds.
Frugal threatens Kim and Ron with a toy water gun filled with beef bullion. Frugal indicates that you can't get the smell of beef bullion out.
Mrs. Lerman comes down to the basement to offer juice sips. She fails to notice that Frugal has them held up.
Mrs. Lerman also offers chips and pretzels before leaving.
Frugal tries talking with his fake European accent again.
Frugal gives Kim and Ron a Smarty Mart quote: Every dollar counts.
Kim explains to Frugal that he is not a real villain, he's a bargain bad guy.
Frugal debates that he is just as evil because he can deliver the same amount at a fraction of the cost without henchmen or lairs.
Frugal pulls a rope that captures Kim and Ron in a net. For some reason, they failed to notice that they had walked into the middle of one.
Kim allows Frugal the time to explain his plan. Frugal's plan: All Smarty Marts are connected by the internet. He plans to upload a virus using the barcode on an expired can of vienna sausages.
Frugal prevents Kim and Ron from escaping by placing a small inflatable pool and five snapping turtles under the net. Ron indicates that turtles can be found in aisle ten, next to the goldfish. Earlier in this episode, Kim and Ron got her emergency pants at aisle ten, but also had to walk past the pet department. This indicates that aisle ten sells both pets and clothing.
Frugal gives lettuce to Kim and Ron to make them more appealing to the hungry snapping turtles.
Frugal walks away with an evil laugh; and Ron takes note. First mention of the evil laugh.
Rufus helps Kim and Ron get free from the net by biting through the net. Kim asks him to pretend it's string cheese.
Meanwhile, Ron is trying to eat all the lettuce because of the hungry snapping turtles.
Rufus bites through the net. Kim and Ron hit the floor. The turtles become scared and hide in their shells. Kim suggests next time Frugal should get piranha.
Frugal is outraged that the total amount sent to him is $17.28.
Frugal puts back on his disguise and interrupts another Steel Toe and Pain King match.
Frugal gives five more minutes to send him his money. Nobody wants to send him any money.
Frugal places the vienna sausage can in an unsuspecting customer's cart.
Kim and Ron get to Smarty Mart by running.
Despite running, Kim and Ron are not out of breath. They meet another greeter who gives them a map. By now, Kim is getting annoyed by the routine.
Kim tells Frugal to, ''Cough up the sausages.'' This unnerves Ron.
Kim and Ron find Frugal and demand he surrender the sausages. Instead, Frugal waits for the internet to be destroyed. It doesn't crash.
Except for skin and hair color, the Smarty Mart cashier and the Club Banana cashier are exactly the same.
Thinking that the customer put the can back, Kim and Ron run off to find it, leaving Frugal by himself.
Ron indicates that canned meat is in aisle twenty-two. Kim wonders why Ron knows this. Most canned meat is made from pork, and Ron is Jewish.
The Smarty Mascot carries a radio tuned into the intercom system. Frugal makes things difficult for Kim and Ron by grabbing the radio and announcing a sale on vienna sausages.
Everyone stampedes to get the vienna sausages, including the customer who put back the can and the Smarty Mart mascot.
The stampede left the shelves completely bare.
Kim's new plan: She will find Frugal while Ron finds the can of vienna sausages.
Kim is going through the toy department when the eyes of the dolls suddenly turn towards her. This creeps Kim out.
Kim sees Frugal escaping by using a battery operated kids car.
Frugal temporarily stops Kim by pulling the cover off of the bin-o-balls.
Frugal then heads into the patio and garden section.
Kim catches up using a kids battery operated scooter.
Frugal sideswipes at Kim, causing her to fly through the air and crash onto a patio table.
Frugal laughs at Kim, but then crashes himself after entering the cleaning supply and detergent department.
Ron collects the cans and thinks of numerous excuses for people not to buy them.
Rufus is able to look at the bar code and tells if it has a virus or not.
Kim follows the trail of soap powder into Missy's Fashion, the tween clothing department.
Kim finds a pair of pants she really likes.
Kim is hit from behind by a clothing rack with short skirts on it.
To help get Frugal, Kim borrows a staple gun that puts security staples on clothing.
Ron says, ''Sir, the future of the internet may be in your hands.'' This is a possible reference to the short lived 1980's science fiction show ''Photon.'' Based on a toy light zapper gun, it had the tagline, ''The freedom of earth is in your hands.'' Ron then says, ''Just give me the sausages, and nobody gets hurt.'' This line is often used by bad guys in movies and television.
Ron is able to identify the virus code by the numbers 1999.
The Club Banana cashier makes a return appearance.
Kim staples Frugal's shirt with a security staple.
Frugal is captured when the security staple goes off as Frugal tries to exit the door. The doors close. The Smarty Mart greeter grabs and secures Frugal from leaving.
Ron opens the can of vienna sausages and eats them. He also comments on the color. Vienna sausages are light pink, not dark red.
Kim admits that Frugal is as evil as other big budgeted masterminds.
Frugal does his fake European accent again and promises to return; if his mother bails him out of jail.
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The cafeteria is charging $1.50 for a soft pretzel.
Kim indicates that Smarty Mart is having a sale: Two prezels for one dollar.
Kim is looking at the Smarty Mart catalog inside a Club Banana catalog. Kim indicates the store manager was grateful, and gave her a one hundred dollar gift certificate.
Kim almost gets over her discount-a-phobia. She indicates that is silly to pay more. But she would rather have Club Banana boots than Smarty Mart boots. Smarty Mart boots are black. Club Banana boots are onyx.