Show notes: Kim switches bodies with Ron, and sees how unpopular he is. This will lead to Kim changing Ron in the near future into a capable sidekick. This movie was loosely inspired by the Disney movie Freaky Friday.
MHS sign
The cheerleaders practice their routine. An unknown mystery cheerleader is standing behind Hope on the far bottom right.
Kim bumps into Tara during the routine.
All the cheerleaders go down.
Bonnie complains about Kim�s failed routine, and calls it fussy.
Kim is confident her routine will win the regionals. She also indicates the regionals are tomorrow. The MHS sign indicates the cheer finals are on Friday, which would make this episode occur on a Thursday and a Friday.
Kim starts the routine again, despite being interrupted by Ron.
Ron interrupts Kim by spelling her name with a megaphone.
Kim drags Ron to the side to find out what is so important.
Ron shows Kim the kimmunicator and indicates that Drakken needs her help.
Drakken�s voice is different so that it doesn�t confuse the viewer. The man with Drakken�s body indicates his name is Cleotis Dobbs, and that he works for the U.S. Army. Dobbs also speaks with a Southern accent.
Ron thinks that it is actually Drakken�s evil twin on the kimmunicator. Kim reminds Ron that Drakken is already evil.
Dobbs indicates that Drakken used a big machine to switch bodies with him. He also calls Shego, �The pretty girl who hits.�
The screen goes blank. This indicates that Shego took out the camera that Dobbs was using to talk to Kim.
Wade tries unsuccessfully to get the image back.
Kim complains about the stress in her life. Ron reassures her that she can handle it. Kim disagrees. This will be the focus point of the later episode Queen Bebe.
Ron explains why Kim�s life is so peachy. �You�re smart, athletic, pretty, and popular.� Kim fails to realize Ron just gave her a compliment.
Kim runs down why Ron�s life is so peachy. �Playing video games, watching wrestling, and downing snackage.� First time the term �snackage� is used.
Ron throws in taking caring of Rufus, and maintaining his image.
Ron indicates he doesn�t have an image yet, but he�s working on one.
Wade indicates he couldn�t reestablish contact with Private Dobbs because the frequency is jammed. This indicates Private Dobbs� rank in the U.S. Army.
Wade tried to get a background check, but everything was classified. Wade indicates he only has a picture of Private Dobbs. It seems that Wade was able to access part of a security pass card. The visible numbers at the bottom of the card are 3938258.
Drakken in Private Dobbs� body has access to what appears to be an underground military facility.
The military facility has both a handprint identification and eye retina scan for security purposes. This shows why Drakken wanted Private Dobbs� body.
Kim runs down some of her workload: Tutoring, the swim team, and the yearbook committee.
Lunch appears to be beef stroganoff.
Ron jokes about wanting kosher food.
The cafeteria lady is not amused.
Ron slurps a noodle; much to Kim�s disgust.
Wade calls and indicates the call from Private Dobbs came from the Grand Canyon.
Kim and Ron get to this mission by donkey.
The Grand Canyon guide�s name is Baxter. He is repaying Kim back for helping his donkey named Buttercup. Kim helped Buttercup have an emergency delivery of a foal in the dark, in the rain, and in a landslide.
Ron�s donkey suddenly stalls. The donkeys don�t have saddles.
Ron is flipped off the donkey.
Baxter suggests trading donkeys. Ron accepts.
Buttercup throws Ron off too.
According to the kimmunicator, this little shack is Drakken�s lair.
The old shack appears to be an abandoned from the pioneer days. There is old wood burning stove, an anvil, and shovels hanging from the wall.
Ron thinks Rufus is climbing up his leg. Rufus appears out of Ron�s shirt pocket.
In a panic, Ron jumps onto the stove chimney pipe, and kicks out a scorpion that was crawling inside his pant leg.
Ron�s weight pulls down the chimney pipe, and reveals a secret elevator.
Kim calls Ron, �Mr. Dumb Luck.�
Ron indicates it�s not dumb luck, it�s dumb skills. This will later be known as �The Ron Factor.�
The elevator shaft was built next to dinosaur fossils.
Ron enjoys the elevator music as it goes down.
The elevator bings when they reach the bottom.
Ron wonders if they have been in this lair before. Kim assures him that all lairs start to look the same after awhile.
Ron deduces that the big machine is for switching brains.
Shego watches Kim and Ron enter the lair.
The henchmen do too.
Kim uses the kimmunicator as an x-ray scanner to see what is in the boxes. Besides Drakken�s body, there is also a rocket, some boxes, and electrical equipment.
Kim was so intent on rescuing Private Dobbs, she didn�t notice that she was being surrounded. Private Dobbs warns her.
Shego stands on top of some boxes with henchmen ready for attack.
Shego flips off the box. Before she even lands, she tries to attack Kim. The two start fighting.
Private Dobbs indicates his mother always told him to be polite to a lady, except when she locks him in a crate. Private Dobbs then tackles Shego.
Kim shouts Ron�s name. Ron knows what to do. He begins to help Private Dobbs escape. Kim deals with the henchmen.
Shego commands the henchmen not to let Drakken�s body get away. The henchmen turn their attention from Kim to Ron and Private Dobbs.
Shego flips in front of Ron and Private Dobbs too.
Kim dodges two henchmen attacking her, then uses her grappling hook.
Kim swings over and tries to kick Shego.
Shego is ready for the attack. She catches Kim and they fight while swinging.
Shego slices Kim grappling hook line.
Kim falls. Her head hits the brain switch machine. The brain switch cap goes onto her head.
Ron tries a martial art move. This stance is the same used by Ralph Macchio in movie The Karate Kid.
A henchman hits Ron. Ron goes flying backwards.
Ron hit�s the brain switch machine. The other brain switch cap goes onto his head.
Rufus lands on the brain switch control button.
Kim and Ron switch brains. The switching is very much like the movie Freaky Friday.
Kim and Ron realize they�ve changed bodies. The brain switch machine frizzed Kim�s hair. Things like changing clothes, bathing, or going to the bathroom weren�t covered in this episode. It been speculated on the message boards what Kim and Ron did as one of the opposite genders.
Ron complains that he told Kim not to go near the brain switch machine. Kim corrects him of this, saying he didn�t mention it. Ron then says he was thinking about saying it.
Private Dobbs gets away from the henchmen and tackles Shego again.
Kim wants to change back.
Ron grabs Kim�s hand and drags her away from the charging henchmen.
Ron grabs Rufus while trying to escape, right before it is partially destroyed by the henchmen. Drakken will have to modify the machine a bit because of this.
Ron is more likely stronger than Kim. Kim uses Ron�s body to pick up Drakken�s body with one arm and keep running.
Kim finds it easier to knock down henchmen with Ron�s body, while still maintaining the same amount of agility.
The bottom of Ron�s shoe says Made In Hollywood U.S.A.
Shego leapfrogs from one glass cylander to another to get ahead of Kim, Ron, and Private Dobbs.
Kim, Ron, and Private Dobbs are surrounded by Shego and henchmen.
Shego taunts Kim and Ron.
Kim talks back to Shego, in Ron�s body.
Shego realizes Kim and Ron switch bodies, and laughs.
Ron kicks Shego in the shin. This is the only time Ron hurts Shego.
Kim jumps on the henchmen�s heads to get away.
Kim opens a steam valve to distract Shego and the henchmen.
When the elevator bings, Shego knows that Kim, Ron, and Private Dobbs escaped.
Kim�s family is freaked out at the dinner table.
Kim eats dinner with a spoon. Ron uses his hands. It seems that Ron staying at the Possible house for dinner is a normal thing.
Private Dobbs compliments Mrs. Possible on the dinner.
Mr. Possible finds it difficult to eat with Drakken in front of him.
Kim reminds her father that it�s not Drakken, just his body.
As a brain surgeon, Mrs. Possible doesn�t believe it possible to switch brains.
Ron seems to like wearing Kim�s clothes, which disgusts Kim.
Jim indicates he would like to switch brains with Tim, because nobody would know the difference. Tim likes this idea.
The kimmunicator beeps. Ron answers it, and tries to fool Wade into thinking that he�s Kim.
Wade knows who he is talking to. He calls Ron, �Brain switch boy.�
Kim grabbs the kimmunicator from Ron.
Wade indicates that there was a security breach at Private Dobbs� post. Wade indicates it was big, and top secret.
Private Dobbs calls the top secret project, �The neutronilizer.� He also indicates that civilians aren�t supposed to know anything about it.
Mr. Possible says, �This isn�t one of those I�d tell you, but then I�d have to kill you deals, is it?� This is a reference to top secret information in which the government can go to extremes to protect their secrets. Also, Mr. Possible�s supper disappears. A minor mistake.
Wade indicates that Drakken has moved.
Kim is discouraged that she can�t get her body back. Ron believes he will know what it�s like to be popular.
Drakken has moved all his stuff to a fenced-off storage building.
Despite some boxes indicating which position they are to be stored while moving, one box is laying down; another is turned on it�s side.
The neutronilizer is behind Drakken and Shego. Drakken uses movers to move his stuff; not his regular henchmen.
A crashing sound is heard. Drakken complains that the equipment was marked fragile.
Drakken complains about having to move his lair, thanks to Kim. Shego indicates that there is nothing wrong with a time share. This seems to indicate that Shego encouraged Drakken to get a time share.
When asked where he wants his brain switch machine, Drakken indicates he wants it in the den. He also tells them to be careful with it. Another crash is heard. The movers are not being careful with Drakken�s equipment.
Drakken gets a call from someone trying to find Dr. Dementor. Drakken indicates that Dr. Dementor moved. First mention of Dr. Dementor.
Drakken has to sign for the movers.
Drakken indicates he didn�t see his body come in. He describes himself as scarred face, wide-eyed glare. The movers didn�t see. it They indicate the moving truck is empty.
Drakken yells to Shego to explain what happened to his body.
Shego gets nervous before explaining that Kim took Drakken�s body.
Shego butters Drakken up by telling him that he looks cute in Private Dobbs� body when he�s angry. Or it may be that Shego is crushing on Drakken with Private Dobbs� body. In either case, Drakken doesn�t buy it. He demands to have his own body back.
Wade indicates he�ll keep a lookout for Drakken. Meanwhile, Private Dobbs will stay at the Possible home. Kim and Ron will have to deal with living in different bodies.
Ron plays with Kim�s hair, because it�s flippy.
Kim shows Ron a diagram on how to do the cheerleader routine. Ron assures her that he can�t do it. Kim emphasises that this is the regionals, and that the whole thing relies on Kim.
Ron tries to practice basic movements, and is unsuccessful.
Kim has a much easier time moving.
Kim goes back to back with Ron, which Ron seems to enjoy.
Kim can do flips. The best Ron can do is a rolling tumble.
Ron enjoys wearing Kim�s cheerleading uniform, because the breeze feels good. Kim�s cheerleading shorts can be seen in this shot.
Kim changes the subject by suggesting lunchage. Ron corrects her and calls it snackage. Some jocks cut into the lunch line by throwing a smaller kid out.
Kim speaks out, and is threatened.
Kim is thrown out of the cafeteria. She is not covered in food. It�s dust. It�s unknown why Kim just didn�t fight back.
Kim is stopped by two students who indicate Ron doesn�t belong in this part of the school.
The smaller student indicates that they�re in D hall.
The bigger student demands money.
The smaller student indicates that Ron is sounding funny. Kim lowers her voice and blames puberty.
Kim is thrown into the girl�s bathroom.
Kim says, �Hi Bonnie!� Bonnie calls Kim, �Little freako!� Bonnie slaps Kim for being in the girl�s bathroom.
The nameless girl in blue says, �Hi Kim!� Ron thinks it�s great to be popular.
Ron is approached by students who want a font chosen for the yearbook.
Ron is approached by a woman who asks Kim if she�s ready for tutoring at Middleton Middle School next week.
Ron is then approached by a man reminding Kim about some banners she promised to paint, and that the deadline is Monday.
Ron is then approached by Bonnie and Tara. Bonnie demands Kim do something with her hair and makeup.
Ron feels trapped by the pressure. He runs away.
Ron runs to Kim. Ron denies that being popular is tough. Kim denies that being unpopular is any different.
Bonnie and Jessica grab Ron and drag him away for the cheer regionals. Tara says, �East Side is so history!� This might indicate who Middleton�s biggest rival is. Or it might pertain to either Lowerton or Upperton.
Kim worries her reputation will be forever damaged.
Rival cheerleader colors are green and blue, blue and white, and yellow and red. Two yellow and red cheerleaders with dark wavy hair are twins. So are two blue and white cheerleaders with pigtails.
Kim contacts Wade to find out anymore on Drakken. Wade indicats that Kim is calling him every one minute. Kim gives Ron a thumbs up to support him.
Ron has no idea what he is supposed to be doing. The crowd begins to boo.
Rufus is staying with Kim in Ron�s pants pocket. Rufus hides after seeing Ron�s bad performance.
Kim runs down and takes over by bumping Ron out of the way.
The crowd cheers at Kim�s routine. Nobody guess that Ron had such talent.
Drakken moves the neutronilizer into position.
Drakken plans to give the world an altermadum. Shego begins laughing because his body and voice don�t look or sound evil.
Drakken uses a puppet in his likeness to deliver his altermadum. Make him supreme ruler of earth, or he will use the neutronilizer every hour on a major city.
Shego asks what the neutronilizer does. Drakken doesn�t know; but assumes that since the military had it and it was top secret, it was good enough for him.
Kim finishes the routine to a cheering crowd.
Kim unknowingly helps Ron gain the admiration from the cheerleaders. Kim indicates in later episodes she won the regionals. Wade contacts Kim and tells her he knows where Drakken is.
Kim and Ron now have Private Dobbs with them. Wade indicates how he found Drakken. Drakken wanted his mail forwarded to his new location. Drakken�s location is suite 7B. This is one of the few times that Kim and Ron don�t have their mission clothes.
Drakken leaves the back door to his lair unlocked.
Drakken complains that nobody is giving any attention to his altermadum.
Shego sarcastically remarks it is because Drakken used a puppet to deliver his altermadum.
Places Drakken has marked for neutronalization: The United States, South America, Africa, and two places in Europe. Drakken plans to neutronilize Paris.
Kim�s plan: She and Ron will be the distraction while Private Dobbs disables the neutronilizer. Ron complains that even in Kim�s body, he�s still the distraction. Kim�s plan is thwarted when Private Dobbs indicates that he knows nothing about disarming the neutronilizer, he just guarded it.
The hiding place is blasted away by Drakken�s henchmen and their electrical pole arms.
Drakken points to Ron and tells Kim that she is finished.
Ron comes forward with a higher voice and claims that he�s Kim Possible. Shippers of the Kim/Ron relationship point this out as a major hint. Ron was willing to sacrifice his life to save Kim�s.
Drakken isn�t fooled. Drakken indicates he knows Kim and Ron switched bodies. Shego obviously told him.
Kim admits Ron�s life is difficult. Ron admits that Kim�s life is difficult too.
Drakken orders the henchmen to finish both Kim and Ron.
Kim and Ron run in different directions.
Kim jumps up to a higher platform.
Ron finds it difficult to run while wearing a skirt. Kim manages to catch up to him on the high platform. Drakken�s henchmen grab Private Dobbs. Drakken demands to have his body back. Private indicates he doesn�t want it because it�s ugly and itches.
Shego stops Kim.
Kim does a wall jump and a flip.
This unsettles the platform. They begin falling into each other like dominos.
Ron is nearly crushed by the falling platforms.
Kim and Ron are knocked out.
Drakken has altered his brain switch machine. Rufus activated the brain switch machine by hitting a large red button. Shego now activates the machine pulling a large lever.
Kim and Ron are now tied up to a pillar and have their eyes closed to avoid seeing the bright light. This may be a reference to the ending of Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Drakken says, �There�s no body like my body.� This is a play on the old song and phrase, �There�s no business like show business.�
Drakken and Private Dobbs switch back. Drakken�s henchmen take Private Dobbs away.
At Drakken�s demand, Shego activates the neutronilizer.
The neutronilizer lights up as it powers up.
The neutronilizer shuts down the circuits, then blows up.
Drakken blames the power failure on having a cheap rental lair.
The kimmunicator beeps. Drakken takes the kimmunicator out of Kim�s pants pocket and answers it.
Drakken asks Wade if he wants to leave a message to Kim. Wade indicates that the army is on the way.
Drakken throws the kimmunicator to Kim. It hits Kim, then falls to the floor. Outraged, Drakken demands Shego to activate the automatic self destruct mechanism.
Shego activates the self destruct mechanism by hitting a large red button clearly marked �Self Destruct.� The alarm is the same as the red alert from Star Trek.
The henchmen run out. Drakken and Shego calmly exit. The red glow comes from the lights on near the ceiling. A voice indicates that the self destruct has been initiated.
Drakken doesn�t mind losing the security deposit from blowing up his lair.
Ron is focused on the brain switch machine getting blown up. Kim indicates they�ll be blown up too.
Kim and Ron struggle to get free. The self destruct voice indicates that they have sixty seconds.
Private Dobbs sets Kim and Ron free.
Wade indicates that he designed a tri-lithium core for the kimmunicator.
Ron doesn�t believe that the kimmunicator can power the brain switch machine. Kim is willing to give it a chance.
The kimmunicator has a cord on the side that plugs in to act as a power source. It powers up the brain switch machine. The self destruct voice indicates that they have thirty seconds left.
Private Dobbs activates the brain switch machine.
Kim is put back into her body.
Unfortunately, Ron and Rufus are now in the wrong bodies.
Kim activates the brain switch machine this time. The self destruct voice indicates they now have ten seconds left, and continues the countdown.
Ron and Rufus are back to normal.
There is a clock on the self destruct mechanism that counts down.
The ground shakes as Kim, Ron, and Private Dobbs escape. Then the lair blows up.
Kim, Ron, and Private Dobbs manage to get cover behind a small pile of dirt.
Ron thinks the neutronilizer is blown up too. But it�s intact. Private Dobbs indicates the neutronilizer is almost indestructible.
Kim gives Ron a friendly bump with her elbow and calls him, �Brain switch boy� like Wade did earlier.
Kim and Ron pass the nameless girl in blue walking with a high school jock.
Ron hears his name called and is afraid that he�s in D hall.
The bigger student gives Ron a coin and claims that he�s giving Ron back the money he�s been holding for him since kindergarten. The coin is rather large and is most likely a silver dollar.
The smaller student gives Ron a video game.
Kim indicates that while still in Ron�s body, she went back to D hall and gave insensitivity training.