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Show notes: Most episodes of Kim Possible can be viewed individually, without losing too much storyline. This is not the case when it comes to Ron and his mystical monkey powers. These episodes have to be viewed in a certain order. These are Monkey Fist Strikes, Monkey Ninjas In Space, Exchange, and Gorilla Fist. This episode introduces Monkey Fist and Cousin Larry.

Kim is mountain climbing and has the kimmunicator attached to her wrist. Kim complains that the signal on the kimmunicator is annoying.

Ron is climbing the mountain too. Ron warns Rufus not to look down. Rufus looks down anyways.

Kim finds where the signal is coming from. It's a baby eagle with an electronic tag attached.

Ron loses his pants.

Kim puts the baby eagle in a side pouch, and indicates that the baby eagle's wing is messed up. Kim has moved the kimmunicator from her wrist to her pocket.

The hook holding Kim's climbing rope comes loose from the rock.

Kim falls.

Kim opens up a parachute.

First appearance of the game warden. She arrives on the scene in a truck.

Kim lands in front of the game warden.

Kim gives the baby eagle to the game warden.

We don't know how Ron got from the mountain to the tree.

The kimmunicator beeps. Kim is surprised to see her father on the kimmunicator and not Wade.

Kim indicates that she is in a different time zone than Middleton.

Mr. Possible indicates that it is family game night, but Kim is missing the game. He also indicates that Cousin Larry will be disappointed that she is going to miss out.

Kim explains that she had to rescue a baby eagle. The game warden grabs the kimmunicator and tells Mr. Possible that he should be proud of Kim.

Kim indicates she feels bad for missing the game. Mr. Possible indicates he's the one who has to break the bad news to Cousin Larry.

Kim is suddenly elated that she dodged Cousin Larry.

Kim calls Cousin Larry, ''Totally creepy.'' The name Cousin Larry may be a reference to the 1980's sitcom comedy Perfect Strangers.

Ron falls from the tree to the truck. He gets out and pulls his pants up.

Ron wants to know about why Kim is uncomfortable around Cousin Larry. Kim puts her arm around Ron and begins the story. Kim indicates it all began when they were three years old. Kim indicates that her Aunt June brought Cousin Larry over for a play date. It's unknown whether Aunt June and Cousin Larry comes from Mr. Possible's side of the family, or Mrs. Possible's side of the family. Aunt June has failed to ever make an appearance.

Kim continues her story onboard a commercial jet.

Kim in pajamas. She is reading a magazine.

Kim is still telling her story, even late at night while Ron is trying to sleep. Kim indicates that Cousin Larry comes over once a month. Kim has been complaining about Cousin Larry for approximately three to six hours.

MHS sign

Kim is still complaining about Cousin Larry the next day. Kim indicates he goes to conventions, does cosplay, and plays video games.

Somebody throws a book at Ron.

Ron becomes excited when Kim mentions Cousin Larry plays Fortress. Ron indicates he spent six hours playing Fortress the other night.

Kim and Ron freak out when Wade makes an appearance at Middleton.

Ron gives Wade a high five, but his hand goes right through.

Ron thinks that Wade is a ghost. Ron jumps on Kim's back.

Kim drops Ron and waves her hand through Wade. She assumes correctly that Wade is a hologram.

Ron indicates he was only almost fooled by Wade's hologram. Wade indicates the technology is incredible. It allows him to be in two places at once. But there's still a few bugs that have to be worked out.

Wade moves to the computer and indicates they have a hit from a Lord Monte Fiske. Monte is short for Montgomery.

Kim assumes correctly that Lord Monte Fiske is an archeologist who she saw on a documentary on The Knowing Channel.

Wade indicates that Lord Monte Fiske found an artifact, but needs Kim's help. He prints out the location as Cambodia.

Kim and Ron get to this mission by military jet.

First appearance of a military man called, ''Colonel.'' He is repaying Kim after she tipped them off to an assault.

Ron is squished between two military soldiers. He annoys them by asking if they have gum.

Kim has her hair pulled back for this mission.

Kim sees a monkey temple.

First appearance of Lord Monte Fiske and his valet Bates.

Bates and Monte Fiske notice Ron looking troubled.

Kim explains why Ron is scared. It all goes back to Camp Wannaweep when Ron had to share the cabin with the camp's mascot, Bobo the chimp.

Kim brings Ron back to reality with a snap of her fingers.

Monte Fiske reminds Ron that chimpanzees are not monkeys; they're part of the ape family.

Ron doesn't care. He gets in Monte Fiske's face and calls them, ''freaks of nature.''

Ron has come to the conclusion that Lord Monte Fiske is a bad guy.

Monte Fiske overhears Ron, and indicates he'll only talk to Kim now.

Monte Fiske has a map showing the location of a jade monkey statue.

Monte Fiske indicates that putting four jade statues in precise alignment will generate a mystical monkey power. Monte Fiske indicates that he doesn't believe it though.

Kim desperately tries to get Ron to come into the monkey temple.

Kim walks in. A secret trap door opens. This entire sequence may have been inspired by the Indiana Jones movies.

Kim falls down a long shaft.

Kim lands in a large room where three monkey statues are moving their mouths.

The walls start moving towards each other.

Kim manages to climb out before it walls seal themselves.

Kim finds herself in a corridor with monkey statues the shoot out fire from the mouth and eyes.

Kim uses her gymnastic skills to dodge the fire.

Kim then sees an open door.

As Kim approaches the door, the sound of monkeys chanting becomes deafening.

Kim is distracted and nearly falls into a pit.

Kim sees the jade monkey statue. It's eyes glow with magic power. It is surrounded by spikes.

Kim is greeted by some snakes. One of them attacks her.

Kim falls. She pulls the rubber band from her hair and hooks it onto a spike.

Kim stops just a few feet from the ground.

Kim lets go of the rubber band and approaches the jade monkey.

When Kim grabs the jade monkey statue, the spikes go down.

The floor turns upward. Kim slides to a small opening.

The opening leads back to the trap door at the temple's beginning.

Lord Monte Fiske indicates that he will make sure the national museum will celebrate Kim's efforts to recover the jade monkey statue.

Kim and Ron stay in Cambodia the whole night by using sleeping bags.

Ron assures Kim that Monte Fiske is a bad guy. Kim disagrees because he has a title. Ron tells Kim that you can buy a title on the internet.

Kim wants Ron to go to sleep.

Ron sees a shadowy figure in the trees. Ron thinks it's a monkey.

The shadowy figure goes into a tent and takes the monkey statue. Ron is relieved that it's a ninja instead of a monkey.

Kim wakes up.

Kim fights the ninja.

Kim kicks the monkey statue out of the ninja's hand, and makes it go over to Ron.

The ninja makes a mark in the sand with his foot. This may be reference to the kung fu movie Iron Monkey.

The ninja stops Kim by trapping her under a tent flap for a few seconds.

The ninja captures Ron.

The ninja uses Ron as a shield. He is nearly hit by Kim.

The ninja throws Ron to Kim, and takes the statue.

The ninja uses smoke bombs to disappear and escape.

Lord Monte Fiske and Bates come out of the tent just a few seconds later. Kim tells them that someone stole the jade monkey.

Monte Fiske assumes that someone must have heard about their discovery and stolen it.

Kim is back home the next morning. She tells her father about the ninja stealing the jade monkey.

Mr. Possible indicates that Aunt June invited the Possible family to dinner on Saturday, because Cousin Larry felt bad that Kim missed the game night. Kim spits out her orange juice.

Mr. Possible indicates that Cousin Larry never has friends over to his house.

Jim indicates Cousin Larry doesn't have friends over because he's a dweeb. Mr. Possible warns them not to make fun of family.

Tim theorizes that Cousin Larry is actually an alien from a planet of dweebs.

Mr. Possible admits that Cousin Larry is not the coolest kid around. He indicates that Kim is a role model because she doesn't judge a book by it's cover. Kim gets nervous when he says this.

Kim and Ron talk at Bueno Nacho. Kim is not looking forward to Saturday. Ron thinks that Cousin Larry is starting to sound like a cool guy.

Wade calls and indicates he has more information on the jade idol.

Ron doesn't want to hear anything about monkeys.

Kim hushes Ron by covering his mouth.

Wade indicates that the temple was one of four built by followers of monkey kung fu. Each temple had a jade monkey.

Kim wants to know what monkey kung fu is. Ron indicates that it is sick and wrong.

Wade indicates that according to legend, when the four monkey statues were brought together, they gave a person mystical monkey power. Kim recognizes the symbol because it's the same as from the temple.

Kim asks why the four jade monkey statues were separated. Wade indicates the legend says the warriors didn't want anybody else to have the power.

Kim indicates that whoever stole the jade monkey must have believed the legend.

First appearance of Lord Monte Fiske's castle home.

Monte Fiske calls for Bates, who is bringing a tea set. This seems to indicate that Lord Monte Fiske lives in England.

Bates wonders if it was a mistake for Monte Fiske to call Kim Possible to retrieve the jade monkey statue.

Monkey Fist indicates his plan worked perfectly. He planned for Kim to retrieve the jade monkey.

Bates indicates that his lord could have handles the booby traps in the temple.

Bates trips on a rug on the floor.

Monte Fiske catches the tea set with his hands and feet. He also indicates that he didn't want to risk them on booby traps in the temple. Monte Fisk pours himself some tea and indicates that he was dressed up as the ninja to throw suspicion off of him.

Monte Fiske throws the tea set against the wall.

Bates pulls down a candlestick on the wall.

A secret entrance behind the chimney is revealed.

The secret entrance leads to hidden lair. Monte Fiske indicates he has all four jade monkey statues.

Monte Fiske indicates that mystical monkey power will soon be his; indicating that he believes the legend.

Bates doesn't believe the legend.

Monte Fiske indicates that he spent his family fortune on genetic experimentation and surgery to change himself to have monkey hands and feet.

Monte Fiske tells Bates to move the jade monkeys into place.

Wade indicates that the expert on all things monkey related is Lord Monte Fiske. Kim believes that she helped him, he will help her. She plans on talking to him on the weekend.

Ron is not looking forward to a weekend where all they talk about is monkeys.

Kim forgot that she has to see Cousin Larry on Saturday.

Another Kim shows up and suggests sending her.

Ron doesn't know which is the real Kim. Kim already figured it was a hologram, and puts her hand through it.

Wade wants to field test his holographic simulator.

Kim gets a demonstration. The holo-Kim acts impressed to Cousin Larry.

Although intriguing, Kim indicates she promised her father to see Cousin Larry.

It's now Saturday. Kim and Ron are at Monte Fiske's castle home. Kim indicates she's here because Wade really wanted to test the holo-Kim.

Kim steps back to allow Ron to ring the doorbell, instead of ringing it herself.

Ron seems a bit suspicious of Kim.

Bates answers the door and is shocked to see Kim. Kim indicates she has a few questions for Lord Monte Fiske.

Bates invites them in and indicates he will announce their presence.

First appearance of Cousin Larry. The action figure he is holding looks like the Marvel character Colossus. Cousin Larry indicates it is Oalthar from Return To Ios. Ios is moon around Jupiter indicating that Cousin Larry is talking about a sci-fi show or movie. Brian Posehn, who provides the voice for Cousin Larry, played a similar character on the television show Just Shoot Me.

Kim greets Cousin Larry. Cousin Larry indicates that he is Othar, not Cousin Larry. He then belittles Kim for getting into the spirit of role playing.

Cousin Larry shows off his Return To Ios collection. Cousin Larry then indicates that the Barnacles Senator figure is wrong because it has a silver cape instead of purple.

Cousin Larry offers Kim the chance to play Fortress. He indicates that he has a cheat code to get to level 9. Cousin Larry's computer is adorned with a castle overhead.

Ron stops to look at a picture of a monkey on the wall.

Monte Fiske has all the movements of a monkey. Kim and Ron don't see this, because he is hidden in the shadows.

Kim cheerfully begins to ask Monte Fiske a question.

She is interrupted by Monte Fiske. He pulls the handle to his lair.

Monte Fiske indicates that he has an obsession with tai sheng pek kwar.

Kim and Ron don't have any idea what he is talking about.

Monte Fiske indicates that tai sheng pek kwar is monkey kung fu.

Lord Monte Fiske goes down his lair on his hands and feet.

Ron notices that Monte Fiske is walking funny.

Monte Fiske takes off his gloves to show Kim and Ron his genetically altered hands. He tells them he spent his family's fortune to get them. He then shows his feet too.

Ron is shocked to see Monte Fiske with monkey hands.

Ron affirms that Lord Monte Fiske is a bad guy.

The monkey statues are activated and lift Monte Fiske up in the air. They give him mystical monkey power.

Monte Fiske gives himself a name change. He calls himself Monkey Fist. Tom Kane, who provides the voice for Monkey Fist, also provided the voice for Professor Utonium in the television show The Powerpuff Girls. The Powerpuff Girls' arch enemy was Mojo Jojo, and super intelligent monkey.

Rufus runs into Ron's pocket to hide.

Monkey Fist indicates that they will take his secret to their grave.

Ron doesn't understand what Monkey Fist is talking about. He says a lot could happen in sixty or seventy years.

Monkey Fist moves closer. Ron understands now.

Kim gets into a fighting position. Monkey Fist leaps to attack.

Monkey Fist goes right through Kim.

Monkey Fist lands against the wall. Monkey Fist affirms how good Kim really is.

Ron puts his hand through Kim and realizes he's all alone with Monkey Fist.

Kim is watching a documentary about Lord Monte Fiske from The Knowing Channel.

Cousin Larry gets interested in the kimmunicator. He's amazed it can do real time streaming video.

Cousin Larry indicates he is interested in Lord Monte Fiske. He also indicates that Lord Monte Fiske is a master of tai sheng pek kwar.

Kim realizes that Lord Monte Fiske was the ninja who stole the statue. Cousin Larry takes the kimmunicator and wonders if it can play games. Then he says, ''Hello, away team.'' This is a reference to Star Trek.

Monkey Fist prepares to take out Ron. Three little bings are heard.

Monkey Fist goes into meditation mode.

Bates affirms that monkey kung fu is a mental process. Ron doesn't care. He escapes and knocks over Bates in the process.

Four bings are heard. Monkey Fist gets back and is ready to attack again. Bates indicates that Ron escaped.

Kim contacts Wade. Kim tells him that she knows who the ninja was. Wade indicates he already knows that. He also indicates that Lord Monte Fiske has mystical monkey power, and has changed his name to Monkey Fist. He then indicates that Ron is with Monkey Fist at his house alone.

Wade gets nervous as he tells Kim that Ron went with what he thought was Kim.

Kim knows that Ron went with the holo-Kim.

Ron runs away. Monkey Fist and Bates are not far behind.

Kim appears to Ron in holographic form.

Kim and Ron reach a dead end, with Monkey Fist getting closer.

Kim points out a window. Ron asks for a boost. Kim reminds him that she is just a hologram.
Ron jumps onto a candlestick to get to the window. He opens a secret passage instead. This is a Ron Factor moment.

Ron runs right into Monkey Fist hanging upside down.

Kim begins to panic. Cousin Larry indicates he has an idea.

A hologram of Cousin Larry shows up beside Ron. Ron asks, ''Who are you?'' Cousin Larry answers, ''Kim's Cousin Larry. But that's not important right now.'' This is a reference to the movie Airplane!

Monkey Fist prepares to attack.

Cousin Larry's advice: ''Remember level 9 of Fortress? To defeat the cloud guardian, you must drink from his enchanted well.''

Kim doesn't know how that will help Ron. Cousin Larry assures her it's a geek thing. This indicates that Kim must have told a lot about Ron to Cousin Larry.

Monkey Fist attacks. Ron slides underneath him. Ron heads for the exit.

Monkey Fist runs into what appears to be a chair with a monkey decoration. It is smashed.

Ron tells himself he has to become what he fears the most.

Ron stands in the middle of the four jade monkey statues and activates them.

Ron and Rufus are enchanted with mystical monkey power.

]Monkey Fist claims that mystical monkey power is only for him.

Ron gets into a fighting stance and makes monkey sounds.

Monkey Fist does too.

Monkey Fist attacks. Ron dodges with a series of flips.

Ron doesn't attack. He does manage to tickle Monkey Fist though.

Bates picks up a staff to help his master.

Rufus attacks Bates. He knocks him down with a kick. First indication that mystical monkey power also gives super human strength. Rufus then bites him.

Monkey Fist grabs Ron with his foot and holds him.

Monkey Fist knocks Ron down and prepares to finish him.

Ron tells Rufus to destroy the jade monkeys. Rufus begins knocking the jade monkeys off of their pedestals.

Monkey Fist manages to save the jade monkeys. He catches them in his left hand, right hand, right foot, and one in his mouth.

Ron calls Monkey Fist, ''Hairy Freak!'' Ron does a flip, then does a jump kick.

The jade statues fly up into the air after Ron hits Monkey Fist.

Ron appears shocked at what he has done. Ron will take great care not to hurt anybody else with his new power from now on.

Last appearance of Bates. It is not known if he quit, was fired, or just not seen in the series. However, in the PS2 game Kim Possible: What's The Switch, Bates makes an appearance in the loading screens.

Monkey Fist lies unconscious with the jade monkey statues broken. It's been theorized that if not for having mystical monkey power, Monkey Fist might have had his neck broken by Ron in the attack. Monkey Fist will consider Ron his arch enemy from this point forward since he is the only other one to have mystical monkey power.

The police come. Monkey Fist was most likely arrested.

Cousin Larry is still talking about Return To Ios. He mentions that it was a film, indicating is most likely a movie. Cousin Larry also indicates he wrote a fan fiction about it.

Cousin Larry is worried that he's boring Kim.

Ron shows up and wants to hear all about it.

Cousin Larry offers to watch outtakes from Moon Beyond Ios. This indicates the Return To Ios is most likely a sequel.

Ron wants to watch the deleted footage of the Shrieker Race. Cousin Larry indicates he got it at the 1999 Tulsa convention.

Kim is proud that Cousin Larry and Ron were able to come together for something when the chips were down.

Kim leaves knowing that Cousin Larry and Ron have much more in common.

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