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Monkey Ninjas In Space Trivia

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Back To Trivia || Act 2 || Act 3

Show notes: This is the second episode that deals with Ron�s mystical monkey power, and shows how he begins to get over his fear of monkeys. It also introduces Frederick.

First appearance of Monkey Fist�s monkey ninjas.

Monkey Fist wore this same outfit when he stole the mystical monkey idol in Monkey Fist Strikes.

The monkey ninjas display an amazing amount of strength and skill by destroying the martial art training posts.

Monkey Fist takes off the hood and indicates that he and his monkey ninjas are ready.

It is customary to bow to the master in martial arts as a sign of honor and respect. The monkeys to this to Monkey Fist.

Monkey Fist pushes a single button.

This causes the shade to rise up. It must be held by very thin wires, as they cannot be seen. The shade is very similar to the one Monkey Fist used in Monkey Fist Strikes. However, although the monkey symbol on the left is the same, the monkey symbol on the right is completely different.

Behind the shade was a shrine. It includes a stand, a monkey statue, incense, and a paper with symbols. The paper may be ancient, or it could be a copy.

Monkey Fist reveals the symbols on the paper. He indicates that a prophecy foretells that when a team of monkey ninjas stand ready, and the golden banana has been returned on it�s golden stand, the ultimate monkey master will receive a sign. Monkey Fist puts the banana on the small golden stand, and believes he is the ultimate monkey master.

Monkey Fist sits on the floor, which is customary in Japan.

The banana shakes, then peels like a real banana.

A ghostly appearance of a man appears. His clothes and lack of hair seems to indicate that he may be a disciple of Buddah, and may even be a Shaolin monk.

The ghostly image causes Monkey Fist to jump for a second.

The ghostly image has a monkey on his shoulder. He can also speak perfect English. He indicates it is time to anoint the ultimate monkey master.

Monkey Fist immediately assumes that he is the ultimate monkey master.

The ghostly image tells Monkey Fist that he has to seek the brightest monkey, follow him to the stars, and there the ultimate monkey master will be unstoppable.

When the ghostly image disappears, it turns the monkey statue and the paper it was holding into ash. The incense is no longer burning. The banana goes back to being unpeeled.

Monkey Fist immediately believes that he will be the ultimate monkey master, and still has plans to rule the world.

Monkey Fist jumps high in the air, lands, and strikes a pose with his monkey ninjas.

Mrs. Possible prepares breakfast. Kim comes into the kitchen mad, and sits down like something is bothering her.

Mrs. Possible puts a glass of water on the table, then asks which is bothering Kim: School or villains.

Kim complains that her father is making her go to the rocket booster�s open house at the space center.

Mrs. Possible suggests Kim talk to her father.

Kim indicates that talking to her father about her growing up makes him all goofy.

Kim didn�t realize her father was right behind her when she says this. Mr. Possible ignores her and indicates he found their matching rocket booster�s sweatshirts. Kim�s sweatshirt is tiny in comparison to how she is now.

Kim indicates Mr. Possible got the rocket booster sweatshirt when she was eight years old. Mr. Possible indicates that was when they had their very first rocket booster day.

Kim demands help from her mother in dealing with her father. Mrs. Possible suggests that Kim might be getting too old for the rocket boosters.

Mr. Possible tries to entice Kim by indicating there will be rocket shaped cookies. Despite it�s small size, Kim manages to put on the sweatshirt.

The doorbell rings. Kim�s sweatshirt reveals her belly, much like all her clothes do.

Ron is at the door, and is excited to attend the rocket booster�s open house. He too is wearing a rocket booster�s sweatshirt. This scene is a clear indication to Ron�s childlike nature, which will become a major issue in the future.

Kim indicates she doesn�t want to attend the rocket booster�s open house. Ron and Rufus don�t want to miss the rocket shaped cookies.

The monkey ninjas practice martial arts.

The monkey ninjas know how to use ancient weapons like staffs as well.

Monkey Fist uses a computer and the internet to find the brightest monkey. This scene indicates that Monkey Fist knows how to type.

Monkey Fist finds a streaming video from the Blandsfield Zoo, showing the escape attempt of Digger McDirt. This monkey is smart enough to use a shovel and tries to escape by digging.

Digger has tried seventeen times to escape, and has been captured every time. Monkey Fist becomes unimpressed with Digger after reading this.

Monkey Fist then finds a streaming video of a monkey wearing a robe, glasses, and reading The Examiner newspaper.

The background character calls the monkey, �Mr. Jiggy.� He is holding the same sundress that Nana Possible tried to give Kim in The Golden Years. The background character tries to get the monkey to wear the sundress and go out with his boss.

It is revealed that the monkey is on a television sitcom comedy show called �Life With Mr. Jiggy.� This also indicates that the background character is an actor. The inspiration for this may have been the televison show Mr. Smith, which was a short lived comedy in the early 1980�s about a talking orangutan who was super smart.

Monkey Fist loses interest in this monkey, because his talent should not be wasted doing sitcom television.

Monkey Fist then finds a picture of monkey in a space suit. Monkey Fist believes this is the monkey who will complete the prophecy by leading him to the stars.

We saw what the Middleton space center looks like on the inside in Attack Of The Killer Bebes. Here we see what it looks like from outside the gate.

First appearance of Frank, the security guard. He waves and says �Hi!� to Kim, but not to Ron. This is most likely because Frank has not seen or heard of Ron so much as he has Kim, since Mr. Possible works at the space lab. Excited, Ron is bouncing in the back seat. Mr. Possible indicates that they are all here for the annual rocket booster�s open house.

Frank suggests that the rocket booster�s open house is for little kids. Mr. Possible disagrees with Frank because Kim is his little girl. Mr. Possible calls Kim, �Kimmie Cub.�

Frank sees that Mr. Possible is having trouble seeing Kim growing up.

Ron is enjoying the cookies while Kim is annoyed with seeing all the young children around her. One of the children remarks that Kim might be her babysitter.

Mr. Possible comes in begins treating Kim like a little kid.

Mr. Possible introduces himself to the children. They all say, �Good morning, Dr. Possible.� in unison. This is typical for children when they are put into large groups.

Mr. Possible indicates he started the rocket booster�s club to show Kim the exciting things they do around the space lab.

Displaying some of his scientific knowledge, Ron names off a part of the rocket, then takes a bite of the rocket shaped cookie he is eating.

Dr. Possible indicates the rocket booster�s open house is an annual event, and a good way to spend time with Kim. Kim resents being hugged by her father.

Mr. Possible begins the tour, and wants to introduce the newest astronaut.

Mr. Possible introduces Frederick. Frederick is playing the same video game that Ron and Rufus played at the beginning of Coach Possible. The sound effects from the video game come from the Atari version of Pac-Man. Frederick uses the keypad on his wrist to talk. This is similar to the movie Congo, in which a gorilla used a device attached to it�s arms, and a voice was heard based on sign language movements.

Frederick takes off the space helmet, and is revealed to be a monkey.

Ron sees a monkey and begins to scream.

Frederick seems drawn to Ron. He grabs Ron�s leg and drags him over to play the video game. Ron begins yelling, �No monkey touch!�

The other children wonder why Ron is afraid of Frederick.

Kim tells the children about Ron�s summer at Camp Wannaweep and how he didn�t get along with the camp�s mascot, Bobo the chimp.

Ron snaps back into reality, and shows his disapproval for Frederick.

Frederick wants to be Ron�s friend, and jumps onto Ron to give him a hug. Ron obviously doesn�t like this.

The children all think the Ron and Frederick are just sooooo cute.

Ron begins to freak out, and calls out to Rufus for help.

Rufus gets into Frederick�s arm, and pushes it out to make him let go of Ron.

Frederick lets go of Ron, and then lands on the floor. The children rush over to see Frederick up close.

Ron decides to leave the space center because of Frederick, and demands to know if Kim is coming with him. Kim does want to leave with Ron, right after she has a talk with her father.

Kim goes over to talk to her father. Mr. Possible gives her another hug, and indicates he feels a fatherly/daughterly connection with her.

Kim suddenly can�t tell her father that she is too old for the rocket booster�s open house.

Instead, she grabs Ron and says she has to show him something.

Mr. Possible shows the children a rocket and indicates it is going to send Frederick to a space station for a whole year. Frederick will monitor science experiments from elementary students from around the country.

The space lab is suddenly invaded by monkey ninjas.

The door is blocked with a quarterstaff.

Monkey Fist then shows up intending on fulfilling the prophecy.

Kim and Ron walk to the entrance/exit of the space center.

Kim believes she should have said something to her father. Ron consoles her and then complains about the monkey.

Kim decides to go back and talk to her father. Ron suggests writing a letter because everybody likes to get letters.

Kim and Ron fail to notice that Frank is tied up.

The front doors to the space lab are made with highly polished glass that shows Kim and Ron�s reflection. Kim is surprised the doors won�t open.

Rufus examines the door and concludes they are locked. Ron suggests that the locked doors are a sign that he needs to get away from the monkey.

Kim looks through the glass door but doesn�t see anything. She decides to check the side door.

The side door is locked too.

Kim sees the cars in the parking lot and knows that everybody should be inside the building. Therefore the doors should not be locked. Kim knows something isn�t right.

Kim contacts Wade for assistance.

Three more children show up mysteriously now that Monkey Fist has shown up. This one seems interested in the monkey ninja.

Mr. Possible grabs the curious child and brings him closer to him.

Monkey Fist comes in and indicates he is only here for Frederick. Mr. Possible argues this indicating that Frederick is for an important mission. Monkey Fist indicates he is going with Frederick.

Wade tells Kim that the space center�s computer is being jammed. Wade concludes that there must be trouble on the inside.

Monkey Fist becomes annoyed by one of the kids staring at him.

The kid remarks about Monkey Fist�s hairy hands. Monkey Fist stands on them, and then shows off his hairy feet.

The kid thinks that Monkey Fist is cool.

Mr. Possible tries to argue against stealing a rocket ship. Monkey Fist argues that he is trying to fulfill a ancient prophecy.

Frederick doesn�t want to go. Monkey Fist convinces him by threatening the children.

Kim and Ron see that Monkey Fist is behind the space lab lockdown.

Kim and Ron duck down out of sight. Ron thinks Frederick is a traitor and is working with Monkey Fist.

Kim ignores Ron�s theory and contacts Wade again. Kim asks for a way in with help from the space lab blueprints.

Wade isn�t sure he can get blueprints to a top secret lab because of the encryption. Despite this, it only takes Wade four seconds to get them. Wade indicates the best way in is through an air vent on the roof.

Kim takes her grappling gun out of her backpack and shoots it to the roof.

Not having his own grappling gun, Ron grabs Kim and holds her tightly. This is considered by Kim/Ron shippers as one of the best shipping scenes from Season 1.

Monkey Fist threatens to take care of anyone who comes to the space station. He also claims that from there, he will be able to rule the world.

Monkey Fist is looking forward to having access to advanced space weapons. He is shocked when Mr. Possible indicates that there are no weapons on the space station, because it is dedicated to peaceful research.

Monkey Fist reiterates that Frederick is the one to fulfill the prophecy by leading them to the stars.

Monkey Fist takes Frederick by the hand and exit�s the room. The monkey ninjas follow.

Ron can�t lift the grate.

Kim looks through her backpack to find something that can help them get through the grate. Kim finds smoke pellets, lip gloss, and today�s history homework. Ron wants to see the history homework, but Kim won�t let him cheat. Kim and Ron may have been excused for a few hours from school so they could attend the rocket booster�s open house.

Ron pulls out Rufus to get through the grate.

Rufus bites through the steel grate. Sometimes Rufus can bite through stuff; other times he can�t. This could be attributed to whether or not he is using mystical monkey power. Since Monkey Fist is nearby, it seems most plausible that Rufus tapped into his power to bite through the grate.

Kim and Ron come down through a hole in the roof. Ron struggles not to fall, and lands okay. Kim is already on the floor and waiting for him.

Monkey Fist comes into the hallway and sees Kim and Ron.

Rufus hides in Ron�s pocket.

Monkey Fist demands to know what Kim and Ron are doing there. This indicates that Monkey Fist doesn�t know that the man he was just talking to was Kim�s father. Ron explains about the rocket booster�s open house, and the rocket shaped cookies.

Kim pushes Ron aside and tells Monkey Fist they are there to stop him.

Monkey Fist tells his monkey ninjas to attack.

Ron runs away. The monkey ninjas chase after him.

Kim and Monkey Fist begin fighting.

Frederick grabs onto Monkey Fist.

Kim jumps toward Monkey Fist. Monkey Fist throws Frederick at Kim. The two collide in mid air.

They land in a closet, with Frederick on top of Kim.

Monkey Fist grabs Frederick.

Monkey Fist closes the door. It is locked. Kim can�t open the door.
Ron runs down randam hallways to escape the monkey ninjas gaining on him.

Ron sees a red door with a large blue button. He pushes it. The door slides up to open. Ron goes through to escape. The monkey ninjas go past.

Ron concludes he is in some sort of science lab.

The room suddenly begins to shake. From the outside, we see a large tank like crane lift the science lab up. It was attached on the floor with a large hose.

The crane lifts the lab up into an open slot in the rocket.

Doors close over the lab. The rocket is sealed.

Monkey Fist demands everyone get into a seatbelt. He also demands Frederick take the pilot seat.

A scientist tries to put in a password into the computer. Access is denied.

The scientist with the beard indicates that Monkey Fist has locked out the computer system. Mr. Possible indicates they can�t halt the launch. They have no choice but listen to the ten second countdown. It is revealed that the background character behind Mr. Possible also has a job at the space center.

Monkey Fist is surprised to see Frederick is making a daring escape.

Frederick opens the door to the rocket by pushing a large green button.

The door is circular in shape, and easy for Frederick to get through.

Monkey Fist can�t get out of his seatbelt to get Frederick back.

Frederick jumps from the door of the rocket to the mechanical ramp that is retaining.

The rocket thrusters are activated.

Monkey Fist is out of his seatbelt and frantically trying to get the door open by banging on it. Monkey Fist either doesn�t know how to open the door, or is panicked and forgotten how to do it.

Ron feels the shaking and hears how loud the rocket is. He concludes he must be really close to it. He doesn�t realize he is actually inside of it.

An unsecured container of spiders is right over Ron. This indicates that the space lab was unprepared for the flight. This is encouraged since Monkey Fist disabled the computer. The crane that hoisted the space lab must have been unmanned, and controlled by the computer.

The scientists watch as the rocket zooms off into space.

Mr. Possible is worried about Frederick.

Kim brings Frederick into the space lab. Frederick most likely unlocked the closet door that Kim was trapped in.

Mr. Possible hugs Kim again. This annoys Kim. Kim explains that she was on the way back to talk to him when she and Ron ran into Monkey Fist.

A scientist indicates there is a camera to monitor the spiders in the space lab that was put into the rocket. The monitor shows Ron desperately trying to get the spiders off. This shows Ron�s fear of insects, that first occurred when Ron was at Camp Wannaweep. This was revealed in the episode Tick Tick Tick.

Kim demands her father get the rocket turned around.

The scientist indicates the spiders are harmless.

Kim reminds the scientist that Ron is on a rocket heading out into space with Monkey Fist, and is definitely in danger.

Mr. Possible explains that Monkey Fist changed the controls manual, therefore they can�t turn the rocket around.

Kim indicates they need to go and rescue Ron. The scientist disagrees indicating there is no trained crew or a rocket ship.

Mr. Possible shows off his rocket ship he designed while he had some free time. It is most likely based on the French airliner Concord.
The scientist indicates that the rocket is experimental. Showing some Possible overconfidence, Mr. Possible is absolutely certain that it will fly.

Kim indicates she is going to rescue Ron. Suddenly Mr. Possible isn�t so sure about Kim flying around in an experimental aircraft.

Kim lists some of the dangers she has been through. These include that she has up the Amazon, down a volcano, dog sledded through the Artic, swam the English Channel, scaled Mt. Everest, and aced the cheerleading regionals. It�s unknown whether or not Ron did all of these things with Kim. However, some of these events did occur in the show. Kim went up the Amazon in Tick Tick Tick. She dog sledded through the Artic in Bueno Nacho. And she aced the cheerleading regionals in Mind Games.

The scientist indicates that Kim doesn�t have the training to pilot a rocket ship. Kim indicates that Frederick does have the training.

Frederick indicates he will go and help rescue Ron.

Mr. Possible and the scientist complain that they haven�t calculated the launch vectors, or the variables to a docking mission.

Kim has already contacted Wade. Wade hears what they need.

Wade indicates that by the time they are ready, they will have all relevant vectors and flight trajectories downloaded into the space center computer.

Mr. Possible is frustrated that Kim is able to leave. The two scientists are amazed beyond belief at Wade�s abilities.

Kim hugs her father and tells him that she is growing up, and not his little girl anymore. But he will always be her dad.

Mr. Possible announces they need to prepare for launch.

Mr. Possible communicates with Kim with a monitor and a microphone. Kim is wearing a space suit and helmet. She gives the monitor a thumbs up indicating there is a camera somewhere near it.

The rocket doesn�t take off like a regular rocket. It takes off more like a plane does on a runway.

First appearance of the space station. The rocket previously used by Monkey Fist is already docked. We will see Monkey Fist does have some aviation experience in a future episode. So it was most likely Monkey Fist who was able to fly the rocket and dock it.

Kim and Frederick�s faceplate go up at the same exact time. They must have been automatic.

Mr. Possible orders Frederick to reduce the booster jets to match speed of the space station.

Frederick reduces the speed by pulling down two levers on the console. The lever in the middle is already down.

The rocket lands like it takes off. A landing strip has been prepared on the space station. Frederick has trouble landing though. Frederick lands on the runway.

Frederick immediately must make a right angle turn.

Frederick almost lost control of the rocket.

Kim indicates that the docking procedure is complete.

Kim looks up to see the rocket used by Monkey Fist. The bay doors are now open explosing the space lab that Ron is in.

Ron bangs on the door trying to get it open.

Rufus pushes number on the keypad at random. Stars suddenly light up as Rufus accidentally cracks the code. A chime for each star is heard, each one with a slightly higher pitch than the last. Using a phone numbering system, the numbers pushed are * 1 8 8.

Ron picks up Rufus as the door open. Ron fails to notice Monkey Fist or his monkey ninjas.

Monkey Fist grabs Ron. Ron says, �Get your stinkin� paws off me, you filthy monkey!� This is a take on the classic line from the movie Planet Of The Apes.

Rufus bites Monkey Fist.

Monkey Fist lets Ron go. But now he is very angry.

A back door to the lab opens up.

The shadowy figure reveals herself after removing her helmet.

Ron is happy to see Kim. Monkey Fist is very surprised.

Ron puts Rufus in his pocket and is dismayed when he sees Frederick. Ron still thinks Frederick is working with Monkey Fist. Kim explains that it was Frederick who brought her to the space station.

Frederick uses the wrist communicator to tell Ron that he considers him a friend.

Ron begins to get chocked up about this. Perhaps Ron feels regret for treating Frederick so badly.

Monkey Fist is happy to see Frederick too. He believes the prophecy is now back on track, and he will be the ultimate monkey master.

Kim throws her helmet at Monkey Fist, then gets into a fighting position.

Ron does a series of poses. Ron is able to tap into his mystical monkey power.

Even Frederick isn�t afraid to take on Monkey Fist.

Monkey Fist crushes Kim�s helmet in his hands. Then he orders his monkey ninjas to attack.

The monkey ninjas don�t attack Ron or Frederick. They all gang up on Kim.

Kim does some cartwheels and flings the monkey off of her.

The monkeys use their agility and balance not to get hurt from Kim�s attack.

Monkey Fist sees Kim is preoccupied with the monkey ninjas. He turns his attention onto Ron.

Whatever material the small wall is made out of, Monkey Fist is able to break it into pieces as he attacks Ron.

Ron is able to dodge and block all of Monkey Fist�s attacks. Ron did this previously with Kim and Shego in The Twin Factor.

Ron does a jump and tumbles to get away from Monkey Fist.

Monkey Fist does a backwards jump kick. This hits Ron and he goes flying back.

Ron is in daze. Rufus pops out of Ron�s pocket.

Monkey Fist prepared to end Ron.

Ron and Rufus cover their eyes in anticipation.

The artificial gravity button is suddenly deactivated.

Monkey Fist misses Ron and begins floating in the air.

It is revealed that Frederick turned off the artificial gravity. How he remains on the floor is unclear. It is most likely that his shoes are magnetic, or he is wearing weights of some sort.

Monkey Fist then tries to attack Ron. Ron kicks him and he goes flying backwards.

The monkeys ninjas all attack Kim at the same time. Kim floats upwards. The monkey ninjas miss Kim and run into each other.

Kim floats to the ceiling. She pushes herself off and hits three monkey ninjas. She then takes out the fourth.

Monkey Fist is against the wall. He launches himself at Ron.

Ron is against a wall too. Ron grabs Rufus and kicks himself away.

Monkey Fist misses Ron and hits the wall instead.

Ron flies over to Kim, and grabs her.

Ron and Kim land on the floor. Ron demands Frederick to turn the artificial gravity back on. Message board participates couldn�t help but notice that Ron�s thumb is almost touching Kim�s breast.

Frederick does so by using his tail to push the button.

Monkey Fist and his monkey ninjas fall and are stunned.

Ron rubs Frederick�s head. Ron is finally beginning to get over his fear of monkeys.

Ron is ready to go back home. Frederick indicates he has to stay. Kim explains that Frederick has a job to do at the space station. Ron says, �But that means he�ll stay up here for a year.� Mr. Possible announced to the children that Frederick was going to be up at the space station for a year. At that point, Kim and Ron were about to leave the space propulsion center. How Ron knows how long Frederick is going to be here at the space station is a mystery (or a minor mistake).

Frederick indicates that he is going to miss Ron.

Ron tells Frederick he will send him an e-mail everyday. The two hug.

The rocket lands back on earth. Kim has trouble landing too. The tires spark and nearly catch on fire.

The rocket comes to a complete stop and powers down.

A ramp opens toward the back as an exit for Kim and Ron. Kim found a spare helmet somewhere. Ron asks Kim how she knows how to fly a spacecraft. Kim indicates she watched Frederick on the way up.

It was analyzed on the message boards that at this point in the series, Kim realizes to what point she is willing to go to save Ron, and is crushing on him. Ron remains clueless about how Kim feels about him, after failing to notice any signals from her.

The number of children at the beginning was five. Now it is eight.

Ron jumps out of the way while the children crowd Kim. Mr. Possible and the scientists come forward to welcome Kim back and praise her. Frank and another security guard go inside the rocket for Monkey Fist. The other security guard is the same one from the Blandsfield Zoo earlier in the episode.

One of the young girls indicates she wants to be just like Kim when she grows up.

Mr. Possible admits that his little girl is no longer little.

Kim takes her father by the arm, indicating she still needs a dad at times.

Mr. Possible suddenly sets new rules for Kim�s life: No boys and and no driving. The no boys rule doesn�t apply to Ron. How this applies to other boys (like Josh Mankey) later in Season 2 remains a mystery. Many feel that Mr. Possible is too overprotective when it comes to boys and his daughter. Kim will take driver�s ed in Season 2, but not start driving until Season 4. Mr. Possible continues to make new rules, but we don�t get to hear them.

Monkey Fist is led down the ramp. They stop in front of Ron. Monkey Fist whines that he was supposed to be the ultimate monkey master and unstoppable.

Monkey Fist suddenly demands his monkey ninjas to attack. Nothing happens.

Ron indicates they captured Monkey Fist�s monkey ninjas. Frank indicates there weren�t any monkey ninjas.

Monkey Fist whines that his monkey ninjas abandoned him. He is then led away by security.

Ron wonders how the monkey ninjas just vanished. It is legendary for ninjas to use stealth and somehow disappear from where they are.

The monkey ninjas use the golden banana to resummon the ghostly image as before.

The ghostly image indicates he is here to correct his last message. The ghostly figure misquoted something because his monkey can�t write very well.

The ghostly figure indicates that the leader of the monkey ninjas will not be unstoppable, it will be Ron Stoppable. The ghostly figure apologizes for whatever confusion this has brought. It is unlikely that Monkey Fist has heard this, as he is still trying to be the ultimate monkey master. Ron has not heard this either, and has no idea that his destiny as a great warrior is before him.

The ghostly figure also uses the modern slang phrase, �My bad.� As he begins to disappear, the incense begins burning again.

Later, Kim and Ron are dining at Bueno Nacho. The monkey ninjas is really freaking Kim out. Ron indicates he can�t get rid of them.

Act 1 || Act 2

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